disjointedaria · 13 days
with how much this site loves its writer ask games, im astounded ive never seen one for artists, soooo
1. what medium do you use most (if applicable, what software)?
2. most popular piece?
3. your favorite piece(s)?
4. piece you wish got more love?
5. how would you describe your art style?
6. favorite thing to draw?
7. easiest thing for you to draw?
8. thing you struggle to draw?
9. whats something you always come back to when drawing?
10. how do you deal with artblock?
11. do you listen to anything while drawing?
12. describe your process while drawing
13. talk about a wip you like!
14. whats your favorite thing about drawing?
15. least favorite thing about drawing?
16. how do you motivate yourself to draw?
17. what is something youre confident about in your art?
18. something you feel like you need to work on?
19. where do you find inspiration?
20. is your workspace, digital or not, organized (not neat, organized)?
21. what do you think your artstyle would taste like?
22. do you have a favorite color palette to work with?
23. how many artstyles can you work in confidently?
24. whats a compliment about your art that has always stuck with you?
25. what size canvas/paper do you use?
26. what do you physically draw with (pencil and paper, tablet, etc)?
27. do you ever have multiple wips going at once?
28. whats a piece you would like to redraw at some point?
29. do you use a lot of references while drawing?
30. whats something youre proud of about your artstyle?
31. which fandom have you drawn the most for?
32. have you done a lot of collabs?
33. have you taken a lot of classes for art?
34. whats something you still like from your old art?
35. if you had one piece of advice to give your younger artist self, what would it be?
(remember to give the person you reblog from an ask!!)
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disjointedaria · 15 days
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EMERGENCY COMMISSIONS Here are some examples of my art of the commissions I have on offer. I'm trying to make about $210 to make this month's goal on my ko-fi Top left: Headshot - $10 top right: Torso - $15 bottom left: 4 expression sheet - $20 bottom right: full body - $40 You can purchase through my Ko-fi, using the appropriate listing.
If you have trouble with the site, then you can send me details through dm and payment through the following apps: Cash App: $neonsaline Venmo: neonsaline Paypal: wingedbeastie (at) gmail (dot) com Thank you for your time! Reblogs are appreciated <3
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disjointedaria · 2 months
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Jeff Bezos's Amazon and Elon Musk's SpaceX are both fighting in court to have the National Labor Relations Board declared unconstitutional. Starbuck's and Trader Joe's joined them in separate lawsuits. All of these companies have a disgraceful history of worker abuse and union busting. All of them have been charged by the NLRB with hundreds of violations of workers’ organizing rights The NLRB is standing up to their union busting. That’s why they’re trying to destroy the NLRB. I'm going to do my best to keep you all informed about this case as it snakes its way through the courts. The future of unions may depend on the final verdict. http://dlvr.it/T49LM1
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disjointedaria · 5 months
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Between twitter and tumblr that's currently at 7 likes so I'm getting started on replies to them! I'm gonna try to draw as many of them as possible so here's 1. Basic Information
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Love and credit to @nekrosmos for these Tav 1 like=1 answer questions over on Twitter figured I'd post it here too, likely will combine likes from both but will only post some of them here on tumblr because I can properly tag spoilers here! So let's answer some questions about my main Tav, Nalai! (it's like offering an AMA except I don't have followers like that lol)
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disjointedaria · 6 months
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Love and credit to @nekrosmos for these Tav 1 like=1 answer questions over on Twitter figured I'd post it here too, likely will combine likes from both but will only post some of them here on tumblr because I can properly tag spoilers here! So let's answer some questions about my main Tav, Nalai! (it's like offering an AMA except I don't have followers like that lol)
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disjointedaria · 6 months
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some WIP doodles of Gale and Nalai's first baby, Raina Dekarios (special guest star by her baby brother Sylas) I have truly SO much notes written about her and am hoping i can sketch up most of it visually for people
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disjointedaria · 6 months
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so I cannot for the life of me find the prompt i saw about it cause I always take forever to get around to stuff but there was a TAVQOTD on twitter somewhere about your Tav's parents/family so i took a stab at designing Nalai's
still working out names and stuff but have some initial designs :3
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disjointedaria · 6 months
or i could actually keep working on it...(dress colours not final i'm being mad indecisive on palette)
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what if I posted a WIP, instead of finishing anything, inspired by a lovely pose by mellon_soup where I bs a wedding dress, instead of actually designing it >_>
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disjointedaria · 6 months
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Gale: I'll admit to a fair bit of frustration as it seem our little passengers are seems keen on keeping me from utilizing the full breadth of my arcane knowledge and abilities... Wyll: Ah, I can relate! Before the Nautoloid I could even summon fearsome hounds! Shadowheart: What about you, Nalai? Your magics are inborn, are they not? Have you noticed a diminishing of your abilities? Nalai: Ah...I'm afraid I'm not the best measure. I wasn't exactly like all of you...I was no sorcerer of renown or power...just a simple shopkeep... Nalai: I'm a glassblower by trade, had my own little workshop, mostly sold to other shops. I tried to avoid using magic when possibe. Never knew when I might polymorph myself or a customer into a sheep...Or worse.
Sorry about my handwriting and how unfinished this is but it's my lil attempt at showing some of Nalai's Deal and Backstory. She's a wild magic sorcerer but before the abduction and ensuing adventure she'd never really seen her magic as anything other than a liability, so the shunting into Level 1 wasn't really much of a setback for her, she'd have been there even without a tadpole
I'll only be posting this one here to Tumblr since I'm not comfortable posting spoilers on twitter without an effective way to let people avoid them. If you haven't already feel free to blacklist any of the spoiler tags I have on this post I'll be diligent to include them on anything I feel like could be a spoiler for things you learn or see in game <3
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disjointedaria · 6 months
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what if I posted a WIP, instead of finishing anything, inspired by a lovely pose by mellon_soup where I bs a wedding dress, instead of actually designing it >_>
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disjointedaria · 6 months
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Inspired by a question @necromosss posited over on twitter and inspired by their Mira, Gale, and Astarion pokemon headcanons so I did one up of Nalai! It's SO hard to narrow a team down to 6!! But one thing wqas for sure they absolutely raised the Meowstic from an Espurr and it's their best friend. They understand each other! (and I just had to include a version in Original Tiefling Flavour I love her design so much)
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disjointedaria · 7 months
As a lot of y'all know I got very sick last december and it took me out of real working condition for the better part of 2 months really throwing my ability to keep up with comms to hell I've been so ashamed of it taking so long to catch up and complete the work that was requested of me. I made sure to keep my clients updated in the loop but the longer that sort of thing goes on the more it weighs on you. I will say I am SO grateful for the patience and compassion of my clientele both friend and stranger alike!
I privately gave myself an absolute non negotiable deadline of New Years, I would not have outstanding comms at the start of 2024 so help me and with that last bust I am OFFICIALLY CAUGHT UP
I do intend to reopen commissions after a rest period, maybe looking at January to be realistic since this time of year is a tricky time to really start anything. It will be a little more controlled than the last time, a handful of slots across the board so I can take them in smaller batches in case I get sick again or something else comes up, I definitely learned a lesson from all of this.
Once again thank you so much to everyone for their kindness and patience! ♥♥
Hopefully this means you'll be seeing a lot more personal art and stuff for my channel with the mascots and the Glayd and things like that! I can't wait
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disjointedaria · 7 months
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One beautiful Night Elf for the final commission in my current queue!
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disjointedaria · 7 months
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A delightful challenge commission for one TeewiBird and her adorable steampunk pixie based off a super cute minecraft skin!
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disjointedaria · 7 months
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Ylenia knows some people don't trust Warlocks but she's got this handy Paladin right there! (Aerdeth is gonna get tired of her shit so fast)
Now that we've both finished out first playthroughs, the fiance and I decided to start a multiplayer run with some OCs and taking breaks every few long rests to do some RP and we haven't gotten very far but I love these two already!
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disjointedaria · 8 months
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don't ask me what's up with the gradients lately I feel bad with all the blank blueish backgrounds lmao but ONE MORE DOWN THREE TO GO featuring a couple of Ctarl Ctarl baddies for our friend, A Bear
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disjointedaria · 8 months
11 or 14 for that expression challenge! Whichever character you think works~~ :3
Ah thank you! I did the 14 as Melody SO fast, made an attempt to use Zina, my new Tiefling Rogue from a pathfinder game my friends and I just started but I'm not as used to drawing her yet so I'm not AS pleased with the result
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