disobey1501 · 14 days
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Capitalism works! By murdering innocent children peacefully protesting the murder of innocent communists in Vietnam. What a beautiful society capitalism creates. Child murderers.
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disobey1501 · 14 days
I don't much care for victim shamers and blamers, people who side with oppressors and oppressive doctrine and yet claim to be Christians. It makes my blood boil to say the least. Jimmy Swaggart is a bastard, a false prophet and he will BURN along with Pat Robertson. You wait and see.
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disobey1501 · 25 days
True human potential isn't realized in aggrandizing a selfish primate's ego. I mean, that's not even human at all to begin with.
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disobey1501 · 27 days
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disobey1501 · 1 month
Simeon and Levi were Jacob's greatest sons. They killed the man who raped their sister and everyone related to him in that area where he lived. That's always been one of my favorite stories in Genesis for sure. Jacob resented it, but the righteous are never looked at or treated fairly. I also like that Levi means affection.
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disobey1501 · 1 month
Rape culture can be more harmful to poor men than to privileged women. As a man who has been raped and been the victim of violence from rapists several times I'm living proof of that.
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disobey1501 · 1 month
In america you're no longer innocent until proven guilty, but guilty until proven innocent. I've also heard it said, accurately, that you're innocent until proven poor. But more important than that, people should realize, is that with me you're a primate until proven human. And I'm one of the only people specifically qualified to be the judge on that matter.
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disobey1501 · 1 month
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disobey1501 · 2 months
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disobey1501 · 2 months
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disobey1501 · 3 months
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disobey1501 · 3 months
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disobey1501 · 3 months
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disobey1501 · 3 months
It shouldn't be surprising that the guy most vocal about being Republican in jail was a blatant thief and a liar, and an apologist for rapists… May he burn in the fucking Hell he deserves.
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disobey1501 · 3 months
You get used to the matrix codes, I don't even see "cops" anymore. I see "terrorist", "war criminal", "traitor", "murderer".
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disobey1501 · 3 months
I had a child molesting MURDERER of a bastard security guard chase me out of the parking lot at Saint Francis hospital, screaming at me as I came in in a wheelchair for playing Christian songs with my phone. It's crazy how Satanic Cape Girardeau has become. They hire murderers and child molesters like that at a hospital named after a saint? I can't wait to see that cancerous protoplasm waste of human life SHIT stand before God and account for that. Cause anybody with half a brain cell knows he'll never be able to.
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disobey1501 · 3 months
Why does my sense of morality seem stronger than God's? I would never let my children be treated this way, the way people have treated me. And if I was guilty of what people have done to me I would WANT to be killed as horrifically as possible and be sent to Hell because that's what I know I would DESERVE.
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