dizzythetremaine · 6 years
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Evie: Any time
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dizzythetremaine · 6 years
text ✉# hozzy
Hoku: That one's like, Shake It Off and Blank Space and New Romantics and Wildest Dreams and Bad Blood and Out of the Woods and Style and WHEW, I think those were all the singles? Have you ever wanted someone to break up with their girlfriend because you're bored at least?
Dizzy: Oh, those are so cute! I love all of those songs you just named tbh, except maybe Out of the Woods, it's so repetitive lol. And what? Is that one of Ariana's new songs? I've never wanted that exactly but if I did it wouldn't be because I was BORED, what kind of meanie wants that???
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dizzythetremaine · 6 years
text ✉# hozzy
Hoku: My fave T-Swizzle album is 1989! I thought it was like, poppy and fun but it wasn't as like 'omg i'm a snake hiss hiss motherfucker!' as reputation is! So does that mean you think Ariana Grande is like, sucky now? Because now you have to date a Malcolm and a Sean and a Pete and a Ricky if you want 'thank u, next' to be relatable!
Dizzy: Oooh, which ones were on that one again? I don't really remember things by album name lol. I want to like Ariana Grande but she makes it so hard! I don't have three exes who taught me love, patience, and pain! I don't have seven rings for all my b*tches!
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dizzythetremaine · 6 years
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Evie: Never? Even as practice? Not that I have either, but why would I color over what I have now? But you're a hair pro, so I wouldn't be too worried. We'll make sure you get every strand
Dizzy: Not ALL by myself, no! I've had an aunt or a cousin maybe stand watch and make sure I don't mess up royally but this is different! Thank you, Evie
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dizzythetremaine · 6 years
text ✉# hozzy
Hoku: Idk, maybe they thought it made them like, different? Or like, more chances to rhyme with words that other people don't rhyme with? Idk, either way they're super good songs, not all of them have to be relatabl, some just tell a story! OMG thank you!!! I love being better than mediocre.
Dizzy: I guess! I like relatable songs though, I love the idea that a super mega celebrity could feel just like me! That's why I liked Taylor Swift's old stuff before it became about, you know, being mega famous and having famous exes and being too famous to date.
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dizzythetremaine · 6 years
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Evie: Don't do it around my schedule!! But I will be there of course! If you absolutely want me to 💙 Besides, someone has to make sure you get everything in the back!
Dizzy: I WOULD LOOK SO SILLY IF I DIDN'T GET THE BACK OMG! I NEED you there, E! It's important! I've never done my own hair and it feels like a milestone.
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dizzythetremaine · 6 years
text ✉# hozzy
Hoku: I mean, I don't get why they have whole songs about them? I think they're just like, girls who banged the Beach Boys? And since I live on the beach I hear beachy songs a lot. That song's mega cute! Idk, mediocre people are important too, Drizzle!
Dizzy: That's so funny and weird! Who would write a song about banging somebody specific? It doesn't sound like it'd be relatable, but beachy songs are so cute! And yes, yes we are! Not we as in you-and-me, because you're so far from mediocre, but we as in me and the other mediocre people!
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dizzythetremaine · 6 years
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Evie: Electric blue, it seems more you, I think. When is this happening? I'm so excited to see it I can hardly wait!
Dizzy: Electric blue! I'll do it, then :-P iofjaidjfada tomorrow?! Maybe? Idk! When are YOU free? I want you there!
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dizzythetremaine · 6 years
text ✉# hozzy
Hoku: Idk, the same reason some old lady named Rhonda has a song begging her for help, or why Barbara Ann is like, ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-bra-anning? People like what they like!
Dizzy: I don't know either of those songs, do they also celebrate mediocrity? Oh, like that song Let's Hear it for the Boy! It's about being in love with a boy who isn't really special except that he makes the girl feel special, how cute is that?!
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dizzythetremaine · 6 years
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Evie: OOOH! Any color would look très magnifique but could I perhaps sway your vote towards blue?
Dizzy: I was thinking blue! Because Ravenclaw and because YOU, of course 💙 but I'm stuck on the shade. Do I want a deep royal blue? A light electric blue?
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dizzythetremaine · 6 years
text ✉# hozzy
Hoku: Not at all! They're just like, a normal kind of fish, I don't know how to even describe them because they're so normal! Like grey and fish shaped and scaly and stuff!
Dizzy: Wow, that sounds like impressively normal! Why do they have a whole song then though? I love songs celebrating mediocrity but there aren't many of those.
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dizzythetremaine · 6 years
text ✉️ツ dizsi
Kirsi: I totally have! I love movies, but you have to have a little bad to make the good even better! I like our uniforms okay, but I'm more of a believer in self expression and uniformity muffles that. Keeping up with and deciding when or where to wear our matching outfits is just more effort than "pick up your instruments and meet me wherever". Oh, I'd definitely HAVE to pay you for that Diz! But that's not my issue and I don't really hate your idea either! I just hate the idea of bossing my band into doing anything and making them wear anything specific, no matter how cute it may be, just feels dictator-y!
Dizzy: I like that perspective, that's how I feel about the Isle! A little bit of bad there makes all the good here seem extra good! And really? I think finding self expression within uniformity is a challenge BUT one that ultimately draws out more self expression that you could do without! Who said anything about bossing people into things though????? I definitely wouldn't ever endorse that, I got bossed into plenty myself! I just figured it's something that you could all decide that you wanted, maybe? But if not and if that just seems dictatory for no reason to you, then it does and that's that!
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dizzythetremaine · 6 years
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Kirsi: Uummm Lots of them? I think i've seen way more movies than I can even begin to name lol, but I have not liked them all. We already wear uniforms, why would we want another one? I'm assuming you mean you? But like, we're not THAT high maintenance a band? Our band budget is like...puppy dog eyes and maybe a knut or some fizzing whizzbees.
Dizzy: Aww, that's a shame! I hope you've seen more movies that you like than ones you don't like! And I don't know, you don't like our Hogwarts uniforms either? I think they're cute! And offer lots of room for improvement lol but being forced to think creatively about accessories is so fun! I don't really understand why it's high maintenance to make sure you all wear something you love just because it matches, but okay? I wouldn't ask for money or anything but it sounds like you really hate the idea of cute coordinated outfits so forget I brought it up!
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dizzythetremaine · 6 years
text ✉# hozzy
Hoku: It's actually humuhumunukunukuāpuaʻa! And they're singing about a trigger fish with a snout like a pig, it's so silly!
Dizzy: Humuhumunukunukuāpuaʻa! That's even funner, if harder to spell! What's a trigger fish, though? Like a fish that you can shoot like a gun? O:
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dizzythetremaine · 6 years
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Kirsi: I never got around to it! I've seen lots of other movies though! I wouldn't feel uncomfortable but like!!! Wearing whatever we want is way more comfortable!
Dizzy: Oooooh like which ones?! I love all the movies I've ever seen! What if you all decided on a uniform you all liked and all felt comfortable in? ooooor hired a really fun girl to make something perfect for you all?!
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dizzythetremaine · 6 years
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Dizzy: You need to see it O: OH MY GOSH how have you not?! I'm from the ISLE and I'VE seen it!! Also, why wouldn't you feel comfortable matching your friends? It's so cute!
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dizzythetremaine · 6 years
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Dizzy: But matching outfits ARE fun! Like Donna and the Dinamos! WHY DO YOU HATE MAMMA MIA?
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