djostan · 2 years
teach me - e.m. x fem!reader blurb
Summary: best friend!Eddie teaches inexperienced!reader how to kiss… among other things
a/n: i know this prompt has been written to exhaustion but I wanted to try putting my own little spin on it and use it as a warm up piece since I haven’t written in weeks
Cw: 18+, minors dni, kissing, making out, handjob, Eddie and reader are best friends, cuddling in the trailer, if st4 never happened
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It was movie night at Eddie’s place. You always went over to the trailer on Friday’s. Eddie’s uncle, Wayne, was usually out at work, and you and Eddie never did anything more than order a pizza and check out a movie or two from Family Video.
Tonight’s movie was Pretty in Pink. Your choice, for obvious reasons, but you had to absolutely beg Eddie to watch it. You compromised by letting him choose the second movie for the night, which of course had to be a horror film.
You started the night with your movie. And once the pizza and snacks were eaten, you and Eddie had gone to lay down on the couch. You were on top of him, with your head on his chest and legs between his. You could feel the soft hum in his chest and the warmth of his body against yours.
He would absent-mindedly play with your hair or run his fingers along your back as you watched yet another Molly Ringwald movie, slowly adding itself to your collection of favorite movies.
You would make little comments here and there, like you usually do, and halfway through the movie, even Eddie had started getting into it.
“Nah babe, she should’ve ended up with Duckie,” he passionately exclaims at the scene where Andie arrives at the school dance and leaves Duckie for Blane. “And what kind of name even is Blane? It’s like, do you want your kid to be a dickhead?”
You laugh at his comment, silently agreeing.
You were sort of in a similar predicament to Andie. Well, except for the part where a popular boy takes an interest in you. But in a way, Eddie is like your Duckie. You’ve been friends for as long as you can remember and were always thick as thieves. Eddie knew you inside and out and you knew him better than anyone else.
In fact, there’s no one you can think of who could possibly take his place. There’s no one else you’d rather have movie nights or joy rides around town with than Eddie.
For some time, you’d been harboring a crush on Eddie, but you knew he couldn’t possibly feel the same way. He was your best friend, and his friendship meant way too much to you. You weren’t sure if your feelings for him would be worth the risk of losing him.
And for the time being, most of your friends already treated you like a couple, so you could at least pretend.
You continue to watch as the movie nears its end. You drag your fingertips along the fabric covering Eddie’s chest and watch as Andie goes outside and sees Blane. The shot transitions to a close up of Andie and Blane facing each other. And for a moment, they just look at each other, before moving close and just kissing each other. Their lips move swiftly and mouths connect like pieces of a puzzle. It’s hot. It’s passionate. It’s eager. You’ve never seen anything like it.
A sharp gasp escapes your lips and you tense up. Eddie feels you and turns his head toward you.
“Hey, you okay?”
You move your head from its comfortable place on his chest and look up at him, your faces inches apart.
You interlace your fingers together on the middle of his chest and prop yourself up a bit. You nod.
“You sure?” He asks, eyes cast down at you.
“Yeah,” you reply nervously. You turn your head to look back at the screen and engulf the view before you. Andie and Blane have their arms tightly wrapped around each other, like they want to be as close to each other as humanly possible. And the way they kiss is just… like they hunger for the other. Like they’re in a desert and the other person’s lips are the only source of water for miles.
“It’s just, I’ve never seen anyone kiss like that.” You furrow your brows and cock your head to the side. The vision of such a passionate kiss stirs something deep inside you that you had no idea existed until now.
Eddie lets out a breathy laugh, “You mean, a french kiss?”
You look back at him and into his eyes before timidly looking away. The credits begin to roll and you move from your place atop him to sit on the other side of the couch.
“Yeah, but like, a really… I don’t know… Aggressive one. Usually in the movies it’s like a soft kiss that only lasts for a moment or two. But that? That was like…,” you breathily explain, not even sure how to articulate what you just saw or how it made you feel.
Eddie looks at you in amused confusion. He sits up and leans forward to comfortingly run his hand along your calf.
“Do people really kiss like that?”
Eddie shrugs and nods, “Yeah, sometimes.”
Your eyes widen and your eyebrows shoot up.
Eddie chuckles, “There’s a lot of different ways to kiss, sweetheart.”
“Oh,” you gasp and look away, lost in thought.
“You’ve never been kissed like that?” Eddie asks curiously.
Now, being best friends with Eddie means he knows a lot about you, even the fact that your experience with kissing and touching is, well… minimal to say the least. And if it weren’t for Eddie’s relaxed and supportive demeanor, you probably never would have told anyone else.
“Eddie, I mean, if something like that happened to me, I’m pretty sure I’d tell you.”
Eddie’s eyebrows furrow at the thought. The vision of you kissing another boy that wasn’t him like that almost makes him sick.
“What about that kid Kenny from summer camp? Didn’t you say you guys kissed?”
You make the noise of a scoff that turns into a laugh, “Yeah, but Eddie, c’mon, that was middle school. When middle schoolers kiss, it’s just a peck on the lips, if that.”
Eddie nods and looks away for a moment. You can see the gears turning in his head, but have no idea what he might say next.
“So that’s the most you’ve ever been kissed? Just a peck?” He asks in an inquisitive tone. Like he’s not asking to make fun of her, but to get a better picture in his mind of the extent of her physical experience.
“Um, yeah I guess. When you put it like that,” you reply, shyness slowly taking over.
Sex and anything physical wasn’t exactly off limits for you and Eddie. If anything, he was probably the only person you ever felt comfortable talking about this kind of stuff with. But it was all… a bit theoretical. At least for you.
Eddie was objectively much more experienced than you. He’s even told you stories of the things he’d done. When you were younger, it was interesting to hear because you knew so little. It was like Eddie was your teacher, transmitting whatever knowledge he learned through his experience to you.
But as you got older and he continued to have these experiences while you didn’t, it began to feel intimidating to think of just how much more experienced he was than you. Especially now.
Surprisingly, you’d never really thought of doing any of those things with Eddie. For some reason, he always felt off limits in that way. There were a few times where you caught yourself thinking of what it would be like to kiss him and it always made your chest feel warm. But you could never bring yourself to think of doing anything with him past that. It just felt too invasive or intense.
And besides, it’s not like he would ever think of you that way, right?
“Well, do you want to know what it feels like?” He looks at you.
“Huh,” you ask, shaking away the thoughts you just had.
“Do you want to know what it feels like,” he repeats, briefly looking over at the tv and back to you.
You cock your head to the side. “You mean, french kissing? Like that?”
Eddie nods.
“Um, yeah, I guess so. It looks like it would feel nice, but, you know, it’s probably gonna be a while till I actually do.”
Eddie cocks a brow up.
“Because I’m not dating anyone. And there’s not exactly a whole line of suitors waiting down the block just to–”
“Alright, I’m gonna stop you there princess,” Eddie laughs as he waves his hand. He shakes his head and scoots closer to your place on the couch. “What I meant was, if you want to know what that sort of kiss feels like, you can always try it with me.”
You jerk your head back slightly and widen your eyes, “What?”
“It could be like practice.”
You gasp and look between his eyes. There’s no way Eddie just said that. Your lips are slightly ajar, ready to give some sort of sarcastic response you always give, but you come up with nothing.
“Are you… You’re serious?”
Eddie softly smiles, the kind that makes your insides turn to goo. He nods, “It’s ok, babe. I don’t mind showing you the ropes.”
You gasp and roll your eyes but then they accidentally roll to the back of your head.
“If you want to. It’s up to you, sweetheart.”
You blink rapidly, trying to wrap your mind around the offer he’s just thrown on the table, quite haphazardly you might add.
“Would you really do that Eddie,” you ask incredulously.
“Sure, why not?”
“Eddie, you're being way too cavalier about this,” You nervously chuckle.
Eddie furrows his brows in confusion.
“This-This is a big ask Eddie. I have no idea how you’re being so casual about this.”
Eddie shrugs, “You’re my best friend. I would do it for you.”
Eddie wants to kiss you as a friend? Because he cares about you as a friend? This just isn’t making sense.
“I know you’ve been waiting for a while. Probably for that special someone, right? I know I’m not exactly him, but I think I’m pretty damn close.”
Oh Eddie, you have no idea.
“Besides, as your best friend, I think it’s my responsibility to make sure you’re prepared for when he does come along.”
You roll your eyes at his audacious attitude. “That’s not exactly your responsibility Eddie.”
He shrugs, “Still, if you let me, I think I could be a pretty good teacher.”
“Eddie, I’ve let you teach me how to play guitar or dungeons and dragons, but this? I’m just…”
“It’s okay if you don’t want to, sweetheart. I just wanted to put it out there, in case you did.”
“No!” You exclaim, surprising yourself and Eddie. “I-I’m just… I-I kind of would want to but-but I don’t know. I just wasn’t expecting this. I wasn’t expecting any of this to happen tonight. And I definitely wasn’t expecting to have my first real kiss with someone like this.”
Eddie moves closer and cups your cheek with his hand.
“Hey,” he whispers. You peer into his hypnotizing eyes, shallowly breathing before him. “If you let me, I promise to take such good care of you.”
You maintain your gaze as your breathing becomes even more shallow. Slow baited breaths fall from your lips. You blink rapidly and place a hand over his.
“Really,” you ask in a squeaky voice.
Eddie nods and briefly looks down at your lips. He looks back up into your eyes and whispers in a deep voice, “Can show you a couple tricks while I’m at it.”
He winks and your eyes widen. “Does that sound good?”
You’re rendered speechless, but have enough functioning brain cells to nod.
“Before we get started, I want to try something.”
You furrow your eyebrows in confusion, “Okay?”
“French kissing is more than just pressing your lips to someone else’s, babe. So I think you should know how to move your lips and how to use the other parts of your mouth before we do anything.”
“What?” you gasp, trying to wrap your mind around what Eddie’s saying.
“I’m gonna show you a trick. This is how I used to practice on my own. Then you start practicing with another person, but it helps to have an idea of what you’re doing before the kiss has even started.”
“Oh,” you nod in confusion.
“So what you’re gonna do is take your index finger. Now move it horizontally and bring it close to your lips,” Eddie instructs and you do as he says.
“Part your lips a bit, just enough so that your finger fits between them. Yeah like that,” he says.
You cast your gaze down, slightly uncomfortable looking Eddie in the eyes.
“Now, relax. Make sure your lips are soft. Don’t want them to be tense.”
You furrow your eyebrows in confusion and widen your lips a bit, gauging for how tense or relaxed they are, before softening them and keeping them wide enough for your finger to fit.
“Now, it’s gonna sound weird, but just kiss your finger. You’re gonna want to start so that your lips fit around your finger, then you slowly want to close them till they’re shut. I’ll show you.”
Eddie takes his own index finger between his lips and looks you in the eye as he imitates the gestures. Your throat grows dry at the sight.
“Now, you try.”
You look down at your finger and blink. You close your eyes and bring it closer to your lips. You brush your lips over your finger till they touch and you seal the touch with a kiss, lightly making a small smack sound.
You gasp at the noise and the sensation, fluttering your eyelids open.
“Perfect. That was great.” Eddie excitedly says. You look up at him and shyly smile.
“Now try doing it again a few more times.”
“A few more times? Eddie! When are we gonna…” You cut yourself off. Realizing how eager you sound.
Eddie smirks and laughs. “Patience, babe. I promise, this stuff really helps.”
“Okay, I guess.” You shrug and practice kissing your finger a few times.
“Does it feel okay?”
You shrug, “Yeah, feels fine.”
“Okay, now I want you to try again, but this time, try adding your tongue.”
“My tongue?”
“Yes, babe, your tongue,” he chuckles.
You blink in confusion before bringing your finger back up to your lips. You close your eyes and brush your lips over your finger, letting your tongue lightly graze the skin before sealing the kiss.
You pull away slightly and open your eyes, brows furrowed. “Did I do it right?”
“It was hard to tell, your finger was covering your tongue. But if it felt right then yeah.”
“Eddie, how am I supposed to know what feels right? I’ve never done any of this before.”
Eddie comfortingly places a hand on your outer thigh and squeezes. “Hey, I know it seems really confusing. But the thing is, your body knows a lot more than your mind does. Just pay attention to what things make you feel good.”
“Okay,” you nod.
“Remember, this is supposed to feel good. You’re supposed to feel relaxed. If anything hurts or makes you feel tense then something’s wrong. And if it is, then I want you to tell me, okay?
You nod, taking in his words.
“We’re gonna start off slow, okay sweetheart? I’ll warm you up a bit first.”
“Huh,” you blink.
“Here, lay back,” he whispers. He moves back and gestures for you to lay down on the couch.
You shuffle to lie down with your back flat against the couch seat and look up at Eddie as he moves the blanket you two were using earlier to the ground.
He sniffles and moves the long sleeves of his henley up his forearms. He brings a knee to the side of your leg closest to the back of the couch and places a hand on either side of your face.
“Normally, you don’t really have to announce every single thing you do before you do it, but I will since it’s your first time,” he says.
“Ok,” you gasp.
“So, I’m gonna start by kissing different parts of your face first. Then I’ll move to your lips.”
“Okay,” you whisper.
Eddie’s hair hangs above you like a waterfall. He slowly starts to move downward and you close your eyes. You feel Eddie’s soft lips press against your forehead. He slowly inches down to your nose, then to your cheek. He places a hand along your neck and presses little kisses along your jaw.
Without even thinking, you reach out for him. One hand finds its way to his neck and the other to his shoulder.
His lips trail to your neck where he leaves warm open mouthed kisses that make your insides feel relaxed.
“Feeling good?” Eddie asks.
“Mhm,” you hum as you flutter your eyelids open. The soft light of the lamp on the side table glows around him. His warm eyes and soft lips beckon you toward him
“I’m gonna kiss you on the lips this time,” he whispers, lips hovering a few inches above yours. “And for now, just follow my lead, okay? If at any point you want to stop, just let me know.”
“Okay,” you nod and close your eyes.
Eddie moves down and gently brushes his lips on yours. Sort of like how he taught you to kiss your finger the first time. Even though your lips are closed while his are apart, you feel the warmth of his mouth a bit.
“Part your lips a little,” he mutters.
“Oh, right” you whisper and part your lips with the motion of your words.
He kisses you again, this time letting your top lip fit between both of his, his bottom lip between both of yours. You kiss him back and hum at the sensation. You start to feel him smiling against your lips.
He kisses you again this time letting his top lip fit between yours. You continue to kiss like that, alternating the feeling of your lips between each others. Little by little Eddie guides you to part your lips more and more as each kiss melts into the next. You start to feel more of the warmth in his mouth.
Your left hand moves to rest along his neck, with your thumb stroking the skin of his clean shaven jaw. Your right hand moves up to his hair, fingertips coming through his roots. He groans into the kiss before you rest your hand to cradle the back of his head.
Eddie uses the hand that isn’t currently propping himself up to touch along your neck, travel along your arm and end up on your waist. He squeezes lightly before hooking his arm around your mid-back. He leans down more and brings your body up, flush against his. Without even thinking about it first, your body responds by arching your back.
You guess Eddie was right. Your body does know more than your brain sometimes. Even your body knows how much it wants him.
You focus your attention back on Eddie’s lips, breathing through your nose so as not to break the kiss to catch your breath.
You’ve found a perfect rhythm together. The kiss is at just the right pace. Just the right amount of back and forth. Not too much pressure. It’s just perfect.
And god, you can’t believe how good it feels to touch Eddie like this. To feel him like this. It feels like your lips were made for each other. Like kissing was invented just for you and Eddie to know pleasure.
When you started, it was like you were just an ice cube, and slowly, Eddie’s been melting you into a puddle of water.
And just when you think you’ve fully melted, Eddie decides to turn up the heat a bit. Between kisses, Eddie slips his tongue in and glides it swiftly along your bottom lip. You gasp into the kiss. It throws your mind off guard, but your body knows just what to do.
On the kiss after that, your tongue imitates his, mirroring his movements. Eddie hums into your mouth and your back arches slightly.
Something shifts after that. The blood in your veins pumps a little faster. Your breathing is a little deeper, bringing more oxygen into your system. Your skin hums with electricity. Your senses heighten. You want every inch of your skin to be touching every inch of Eddie’s skin like two magnets being pulled together by their opposing poles.
You feel your head moving forward and back as your kisses with Eddie get faster, more aggressive. Like your mouths are trying to explore every single possible way they can fit together.
Your heads tilt from side to side and you feel his nose brush against yours. You hook your arms around his neck, letting your fingers roam through his scalp and the warm skin of his face. You whimper needily into his mouth. Sounds of pleasure escaping your lips.
To touch Eddie was one thing. To feel him was a whole other thing. But to taste him? Oh god, there is no going back.
Kissing him like this makes you feel so alive. The feeling of his lips and tongue and mouth intertwined with yours is intoxicating beyond belief.
Eddie Munson has become your new favorite flavor.
As your kisses deepen and speed up in pace, Eddie switches his hands, moving the left one to hold himself up and the right one to touch you. He hikes your left leg up and hooks it around his waist.
You whine into his mouth and pull back slightly. You hear Eddie’s haggard breathing.
“Oh Eddie,” you moan before connecting your mouth back to his.
You two resume kissing. It’s an all-consuming kiss. Like your brain has turned off and everything else in your body has turned on. Just for Eddie.
And it appears that the same has happened for Eddie. He begins to grunt and hum in your kisses. He hungrily touches and squeezes you along your waist and hips, reaching below the fabric of his shirt you borrowed to press against your skin. Your kisses become faster and sloppier.
Interspersed between kisses, he’ll bite your bottom lip, making you gasp against his mouth. You try biting his lip back. Your kisses have become so fast that you can’t find the right moment. Until one particularly quick pause between kisses he uses to catch his breath. When he brings his lips back to yours, you fit his bottom lip between your teeth and lightly apply pressure.
Eddie groans and you smile, feeling triumphant at your successful move. You continue to kiss like that, going through waves of fast and harsh kissing to slower, more melodic kissing.
You didn’t realize it would go on this long, kissing. Or, you didn’t realize you and Eddie would be kissing for this long. The kiss in Pretty in Pink only lasted for the last few minutes of the movie. You have no idea how long kissing Eddie has been. Could be a few minutes or a few hours.
You could go on for the rest of the night if he let you. There’s no place you’d rather be than in Eddie’s arms. Till his arms get tired and he breaks the kiss.
His breathing fans your face until he moves away from your face and sits back on the other side of the couch. You look at him through hooded eyelids. He moves his shoulders and flexes his fingers.
Your body is so full of light yet feels like it weighs more than a bag of bricks as you struggle to sit up, your muscles so weak from the pleasure of kissing Eddie.
Eddie breathes harshly and looks down. He runs a hand through his hair and looks up at you. He smiles painfully and you scoot closer to him.
“Everything okay?”
“Yeah, yeah… I, uh… got something I need to take care of,” Eddie grunts.
“Wait, what is it?”
Eddie looks at you, like he’s masking some sort of pain.
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah I just um…” Eddie looks into your eyes before closing his own.
“Eddie, you’re never shy around me. What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. You just… sort of gave me a boner, sweetheart,” he answers, gruffly calling you his favorite pet name as he palms his pants.
Your eyes widen, “Oh.”
“I am painfully hard babe. But don’t worry, I’ll be right back.”
Eddie stands up but you grab his hand. “Wait.”
He looks at you and you tug, motioning for him to sit back down.
“Do you… I mean, could I… maybe I can help you take care of it?”
“You want to?” He asks, eyebrows slightly raised and a lazy smile forming in his lips.
You smile bashfully, “Yeah.”
“You sure? No pressure at all, sweetheart.”
“Yeah, I want to,” you smile and shuffle closer to him, “If that’s okay with you.”
“Yeah, it’s more than okay,” he grunts, shuffling to sit closer to you so that your thighs are touching.
You look down onto his lap and notice the subtle outline under the fabric of his plaid pajama pants.
He palms the outline and you see it shift beneath the fabric.
You probably should be doing something besides staring straight at his lap, but something about the male anatomy is so foreign to you, it amazes you to see it like this. To see him like this.
“Wanna help me with this, sweetheart?” He grunts.
“Oh, yeah, sorry,” you mutter under your breath.
You hesitantly reach forward and place your hand over the outline of his dick. Your eyelids flutter and you relish the sensation of his hardened yet clothed dick in the palm of your hand. You slowly press down and push your hand forward.
Eddie hums and you look up at him. His eyes are closed, lashes fallen upon his rosy cheeks, lips slightly ajar. He’s never looked more beautiful.
You look back down, with focus, and repeat your action with a bit more confidence. You feel his chest move along the side of your shoulder.
You bring your hand down to move a third time, but Eddie beats you to the punch. He brings his fingers up to the waist band of his pants and boxers. He lifts his hips up and pushes the fabric down towards his knees, letting them fall to his ankles.
And there it is. Without warning, his unclothed cock springs out, meeting you for the first time. You gape at the site of it. Of him. You swallow nervously. You’ve never seen anything like it. But, now you understand why a banana was used at the condom demonstration in health class.
In the soft glow of the yellow lamp light, you see the stiff rigidness of his hardened cock, standing freely on its own.
Eddie reaches to grab it with his hand. He begins slowly stroking up and down.
You look at him and his eyes are closed again.
“Here,” you say as you shoo his hand away. Reaching for his cock and grabbing it in your hand, “Let me.”
You look at him again and this time his eyes are open. He looks down at his dock in your hand, then up into your eyes. His eyelashes flutter as his eyes roll into the back of his head. You can feel his cock twitch in your hands and you tense up, slightly squeezing it.
“Move your hand up and down,” he breathes.
You nod and loosen your grip to stroke up and down.
“You can keep a tighter grip, like before.”
Like before, when you were nervous?
You tighten your grip and hesitantly move your hand up and down his cock.
He takes the arm closest to you and snakes it around your waist. The gesture brings you closer to him and you take the opportunity to kiss him again.
You lean forward and press your lips against his. He’s slightly taken aback, but by the second kiss he’s already kissing you back at full force.
You hear him loudly breath through his nostrils and feel his chest rise and press close to yours as you continue to jerk up and down his dick.
Eddie pulls away momentarily and listfully gazes at you.
“Remember to get the head too,” he softly instructs as he looks down at your hand.
“What,” you ask in confusion as you meet his gaze.
He holds his hand atop yours and guides it upward, letting your thumb run over the head of the hard cock. It feels smoothers than the skin in the base, and even sort of wet.
“Use the precum, it’ll help your hand glide a little better.”
“Huh,” you flutter your eyelashes, slightly overwhelmed by all the different sensations currently flooding your system.
“Or if it helps, you can try spitting into your hand or licking it for better traction.”
Oh. You take his words of advice and bring your hand up to your mouth. You lick a stripe and bring it down to the base. You pump upward and back down. You let your palm travel up one side, over the throbbing head, and over the other side.
You move your hand back upright and pump again, letting your thumb rub circles over the head to smear more precum.
It doesn’t escape your notice that Eddie shudders every time you do this. Every time you do much as touch the head of his cock he's a breathless mess.
You’re so lost in concentration, wanting to make sure your doing it right and making Eddie feel good that you don’t even think to kiss him again.
But while you’re making Eddie feel good, he wants to do something for you too. The only problem is, the way you’re touching him is making him have an out of body experience. It’s so good, he barely had control over his own limbs.
The mist he can do is lazily pulls you closer to his and press sweet open mouthed kisses into your neck.
Normally, you would’ve been ticklish along your neck, but something about Eddie’s touch is different. It makes you feel warm and bright. You hum and whimper when he kisses over the most sensitive spots.
He lets his lips travel to your ear. He bites on the lobe and tugs.
He whispers into the shell, “You’re so good at this babe. Are you sure this isn’t your first time?”
You giggle like a schoolgirl and smile triumphantly.
The sound of your voice drives Eddie wild and in a moment of impulse, he wraps his other arm around your waist and tightens his grip.
His kisses along your neck grow sloppier and your movement on his cock speed up, becoming harsher with each stroke.
“Sweetheart,” he grunts. You can feel the muscles in his abdomen constrict.
“Yeah?” You ask.
He grunts again, “I’m gonna—think I’m gonna co—“
And before he can even say the word, he comes.
“Eddie, what’s happening? What do I do?”
You freeze.
Eddie moves one hand to stroke his clock, pumping till the last big of cum comes out. It spills out of his leaky cock and onto his hips.
You’re so in shock and still overcome by pleasure that you’re frozen in this moment, simply an observer of Eddie’s current state.
“Well my darling, you just made me cum,” Eddie smiles cockily at you.
You smile back, slightly confused but overall pleased.
Eddie leans forward and kisses you. You kiss him back, but before he deepens the kiss, he pulls away. He fixes himself and excuses himself to go to the bathroom and clean himself up.
You suppose you should probably clean yourself up a bit too. This was far dirtier than anything you’d done before, so you go to the sink to wash your hands and fix yourself a glass of water.
You set the glass on the side table and sit back down on the couch.
After a few minutes, Eddie comes back out and joins you.
“You okay?”
“More than okay, babe,” he grins smugly.
You hide your smile and take a sip of water.
“Want some?” You offer to him.
He plops down next to you and accepts the glass, nearly chugging it all.
“Hey,” you smack his arm. “I asked if you want some, not all of it.”
Eddie chuckles and wipes his mouth with the back of his.
“Don’t worry about it sweetheart, I’ll get you some more,” he says cheekily. He leans over and gives you a kiss before getting up to refill the water.
He comes back and passes you the glass. You take a sip and place it back on the side table before Eddie tackles you on the couch.
You shriek as you move down to lay on the couch while Eddie moves to lay on top of you.
“Eddie, I can’t breathe!”
“Me neither. You really know how to take a guy's breath away sweetheart.”
You smile at his cheesiness.
“No I meant, you’re right on my lungs. It’s hard to breathe.”
Eddie takes this as the opportunity to basically manhandle you, picking you up and switch positions so that he’s laying down on the couch and you’re on top of him. Sort of like how you were when you first started movie night.
“That better babe?”
You press a kiss to his lips, letting him deepen it a bit before pulling away.
“Now it is,” you say matter of factly.
“I’m not gonna lie, you’re a really good kisser baby.”
Your heart lightens at the compliment. Eddie has kissed other people before, so the fact that he thinks you’re a good kisser is saying a lot.
“Where’d you learn how to kiss like that?” He asks.
You roll your eyes at his self-indulgence.
“Well, I had this teacher…” you play along.
“Must’ve been a hell of a teacher.”
“He was a pretty good teacher, but I think I also just had a natural ability. A gift some might call it.”
“Oh I definitely would. Those pretty lips were very gifted. Those hands… even more,” he teases as he leans forward for a chaste kiss.
You move your hand forward to cup his cheek.
“Is class still in session Mr. Munson,” you ask in a flirty voice.
One of Eddie’s eyebrows cocks up suggestively.
“Because there is so much I want you to teach me.”
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djostan · 2 years
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𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 | halloween is that special night where you can be anything you want to be... maybe more than the labels everyone else gives you. maybe even more than 'just friends'. (aka, reader has a reputation, eddie's still a virgin, filth ensues)
𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁 | 5.6k
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 | smut (18+ only, of course), virginity loss, best friends to lovers, slight angst (mostly just hurt/comfort), unprotected sex, creampie, degradation kink (but like, in a loving way?), rough filthy fucknasty sex for no reason at all except that I'm a whore, L-bomb, reader is a candy corn hater (this was hard for me guys ngl), all men being trash except eddie (so, you know, real life)
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“God, I can’t stand these,” you grimaced as you shoved the baggies of candy corn towards him.
“More for meee!” Eddie sang happily as he scooped them all up, cackling to himself as he filled his arms.  He looked especially in character as a pirate in that moment, treating the candy like his treasure.  His costume had actually come together better than you expected: the tight leather pants and boots looked less rocker and more sailor when paired with the flowy white shirt and black eyepatch.
"Will you trade your Sour Patch Kids for my candy cigarettes?" you asked him, getting an incredulous scoff in return.  
"No way," he shook his head, "I don't need candy ones, got a couple packs of the real kind in my room."
You frowned.  "Guess the candy economy changed since we were kids, huh?"
He looked up at you, a tender look in his eyes as he smiled.  "Yeah…" he trailed off.
"I'm surprised anybody gave a couple of giant seniors candy for trick-or-treating," you smirked.  "I guess that's the benefit of 'chaperoning' your Hellfire friends."
"Exactly," he beamed.  "And hey, maybe we're a little old for it, but you make for a lovely princess."
You batted your eyelashes playfully, tilting your head with the tiara pinned on top.  "Who, me?  I'm just dressed as a good excuse to repurpose an old homecoming gown."
He laughed, but then seemed to get a bit more serious then (but still happy).  "I'm glad we could do this," he decided.  "Like old times."
"We always spend Halloween together," you reminded him.
"Yeah— I mean this." He motioned to the dumped-out pails of candy on the trailer floor, and you nodded.  "And not just 'cause of the sugar rush."
You smiled softly at him, tilting your head.  "Of course, Eddie."
"Kinda thought you were gonna ditch me this year," he added suddenly, looking down into his lap at the candy he was unwrapping.  "You know… 'cause of that guy."
"Oh, yeah," you sighed, "well… that's over."
Eddie looked up again, his eyes seeming bigger than ever.  "Really?"
"Don't sound so excited," you rolled your eyes, but the sarcasm wasn't enough to hide your heartbreak.
"No— hey, I'm sorry," he offered, scooting closer to you on the floor.  "I know you liked him a lot.  But I know you know I thought he was a total loser."
You shot him a look with a raised brow.  He shrugged.
"Takes one to know one."
"You're not a loser, Eddie," you sighed sympathetically.  "And you were right about him— obviously.  I knew you were, I just… I dunno, I guess I thought I could change him?"
Eddie smirked.  "When has that ever worked?"
"For me?  Never," you scoffed.  "I think guys do change, for the right girl.  And it's just never me."
"That's not fair," he frowned, "it's not your fault that these guys are garbage.  Well— I mean, it's sorta your fault that you keep hooking up with guys that are garbage—"
You slapped him on the arm lightly, and he laughed.
"Am I wrong?" he wondered.
You slumped your shoulders a bit.  "No… but still.  Don't be so mean, I'm moping over here."
"Aw, sweetheart," he pouted, sliding closer again and wrapping his arms around you.  You sighed as you rested your head on his shoulder, shutting your eyes.  Honestly, you were trying not to cry.  Over a guy.  You told yourself you weren't going to do that anymore.  Actually, you told Eddie that you wouldn't do that anymore, after you cried over Tommy Pearson.  And sure, you cried over James Neher since then, but he didn't call you out for it… that showed how messed up you really were over it, that he didn't poke fun at you for it.  Almost nothing was too far with you two, you made fun of him for being a trailer park flunk-out just as much as he poked fun at your… storied dating history.
The one thing you didn't make fun of Eddie for (that much, at least) was his lack of dating history.  As of yet, Eddie was actually still a virgin.
Uh, mostly a virgin… he got a blowjob once after a Corroded Coffin show, and called you first thing after to tell you giddily about how it went.  He was heartbroken, too, when she never called, but he didn't cry— he just started dodging your questions about it until finally fessing up that she totally disappeared.  So you put on one of his favorite movies (The Evil Dead) and wrapped him up in a blanket, and he was over it in a night.
That was a couple months ago, though, and Eddie had had no luck since with losing the remaining half of his virginity.  You hadn't had any trouble finding guys, just in finding those special (potentially imaginary) ones that don't disappear after you put out.
The conversation drifted back to candy and the next Hellfire campaign before it looped back around to relationships again.  It started because of a debate about if gum counted as candy, actually.
"Maybe, like, Juicy Fruit counts," Eddie decided.  "But definitely not just any old spearmint stick."
"I thought you liked spearmint gum!"
"Yeah, but it's not candy!  I like a lot of things that aren't candy!"
You huffed.  "So you're not gonna give me anything for the sticks of Trident?"
"Best I can do is… one Tootsie Roll," he decided, tossing the pathetic little taffy at you as you scoffed.
"Don't insult me," you grimaced as you tossed it back, "I don't want your individually-wrapped waxy chocolate byproduct."
"I'll be honest, I didn't really understand that," he frowned, "but I can tell it was an insult to my beloved Tootsie Rolls."
"They taste like eating a chocolate scented candle!" you announced.
He gasped dramatically and held one of his larger Tootsie Rolls up to his chest, like he was protecting it from your words.  "That's not true, baby," he whispered to the candy, petting it tenderly, "she didn't mean that…"
You laughed at the bizarre display.  "God, you're such a freak," you reminded him.
"And you're a slut," he returned with a wide smile and a tilt of his head.
That was your thing, you'd always say that back to each other, like a nickname.  You started it to try to take the power away from the names everyone else called you two, and it worked: it didn't hurt nearly as much getting called a slut when you could remember the way Eddie said it like a term of endearment.  And he said it was the same for him, even though he pretended like he'd never been bothered by his label.  He did have it worse though… he was the freak, you were just a slut.  
"If you don't want the Roll then I guess I'm getting that gum for free," Eddie decided, about to reach for it, but you smacked his hand away.
"No way," you frowned.
"Are you gonna chew it?" he assumed.
"Never," you decided, "but I can find someone who wants it."
"Why won't you chew it yourself?  Still turned off to all gum by that Fred guy?"
"It was Frank," you corrected, "and yeah, he never stopped chewing that stupid Extra.  Even during…"
"Guess he needed a little Extra help in bed," Eddie snorted.
"The sex wasn't that bad, actually," you recalled, "it just… smelled a little too minty fresh."
"Does it normally smell like something else?" he asked.
Your face got a little warm.  "Uh… yeah, kinda."
Eddie wrinkled his brow slightly.  You thought that was the end of it, after a long pause, and you were just about to change the subject when he broke the silence.  "What's it like?"
"The smell?!"
"No, no!  The sex.  What does it feel like?" he asked hesitantly, flipping up his eye patch to look at you properly.
"Well, I dunno— it's hard to describe."
"Everyone says that," he frowned.
"And it would feel different for you anyways," you added.
He nodded.  "Right."
"One guy said that I felt like a warm bath, but like, only on his cock," you remembered, almost laughing at the memory.  It was a weird thing to say, especially in the middle of sex.
Eddie choked.  "O-oh…"
"What?" you tilted your head, confused by his reaction.
"I just— um, I was trying to figure out how it feels in general… I never even… I never thought about how you feel…"
Your face heated up a bit.
"Does every girl feel different?" he realized, leaning in a little closer to listen to your reply.
"That's what I've heard," you shrugged.  "Every guy feels different."
"Different how?  Like, bigger or smaller?"
"Not just that— sometimes you can feel, like, the head and stuff…" you explained, continuing when Eddie looked a little confused, "like, if the head is really big you can feel the edge of it.  Or if he's uncut you can sorta feel that too, in the way he strokes.  And then there's how curved it is…"
Eddie's stare was a little glassy.  "You can feel all that?  Just with your pussy?"
You nodded.
"That's…" he trailed off, clearing his throat.  "Yeah.  Cool."
The way he was clearly flustered by all this made your hips shift against the floor for a second.  You and Eddie had obviously had pretty raunchy conversations before (see the aforementioned post-BJ phone call) and sure, sometimes they kinda turned you on… but this one felt a little different.  Usually if you felt that feeling while talking to him about something it was because you were remembering something you'd done before; this was the first time you were actually imagining something.  Something, specifically, happening with you and Eddie.
"You know…" you started before shaking your head and scoffing.  "Nevermind.  Too weird."
"What?  Nothing's too weird with me," he grinned— one of his teeth was drawn out in black for the costume, and he looked pretty silly.
"I was just… I dunno," you shrugged.  "If I tell you, you won't be, like, offended, right?"
"Well, I guess it depends on how offensive it is."
You sighed.  "Just don't judge me, okay?"
"I was thinking, if you wanted, you could… try it out.  With me."
He froze.  "Try… sex?"
He'd dropped his head lower between his shoulders as he said the last word.  You nodded briefly.  "Yeah."
You couldn't even begin to describe the look on his face.  "Well, that's… not offensive."
Already you felt ridiculous, and you shook your head as you started to backtrack.  "I'm sorry if that was a really weird idea, I'm not trying to—"
"No, no!  It's okay," he assured, reaching out towards you for a second but not actually touching you.  "I just… didn't think you would say that. Um. Yeah. So, we would just, like, do it?"
"If you want to."
"I mean, not that you're not— you're gorgeous," he promised, talking over himself, "you know I think so.  But you're my best friend.  Wait— no.  You're gorgeous and you're my best friend.  It won't make stuff weird with us, right?"
You raised an eyebrow.  "Are you gonna make it weird?"
"No more than usual," he smirked.
"Then, no. It wouldn't be weird.  It would just be, like, a friend helping a friend out," you decided, "like how I hadn't tried LSD 'til I met you.  You can try this, with me."
"Yeah, but," he lowered his voice, scooching a little closer, "this is different.  I gave you drugs but you… you're the drug.  It's your body, and you're giving it to me."
You fought the urge to bite your lip.  "Yeah," you agreed, "I don't mind.  Just use me for a bit."
Eddie's throat bobbed as he swallowed, mouth falling open for a second.  "Use you?" he repeated.  "God, why is that hot?"
"'Cause guys are always into that— they wanna feel powerful or whatever," you explained with a snort of a laugh.  "Wanna feel like they're conquering something."
"Heh," he laughed nervously as he reached up to scratch the back of his neck, "are we all so predictable?"
You smiled at him, leaning closer slightly and tilting your head down to look up at him through your lashes.  "I dunno," you teased, "but I'm predicting you're gonna take me up on this."
"Fuck yeah I am," he decided, grabbing your face to pull you closer— but then suddenly stopping.  "Fuck, wait, can I kiss you?"
You blinked quickly.  "Um, yeah," you decided.
For all that bravado before, he hesitated before he did kiss you… and it was actually pretty sweet, and gentle, and way too short.  Yes, it did feel sort of weird knowing you were kissing Eddie, your best friend since 4th grade, but not a bad kind of weird, necessarily.
He was smiling at you already when he pulled back.  "You know you don't have to do all that, right?" you reminded him.
"I-I know.  I'd feel weird about it if I didn't kiss you first, though," he explained.  "And, you know.  Kissing is nice.  Friends can kiss."
"Yeah," you laughed.
"We can, uh, go to the bedroom," he offered.  "Not that it wouldn't be fun to do it on the floor surrounded by our candy quarry— just, uh, not how I pictured my first time."
"Well, either way," you replied as you both stood up, following him across the trailer to the bedroom, "it's not who you pictured your first time with."
"Yeah, well, Joan Jett was busy tonight," he laughed, and you laughed with him, falling onto the bed together with a sigh.  You'd done that a lot before— but sitting up on your side, facing him, starting to touch his chest delicately through his shirt… that was new.
"Do you want me to ride you, or—?" you started to offer.
"No! No," he sighed, "I wanna— like you said, use you, right?  I want you to, uh, lay back, and I can go as fast or as slow as I want."
You smiled a little.  "Okay," you agreed, "but— I should probably take this dress off first."
"Let me help," Eddie offered, even though you didn't actually need any help.  You turned away from him and felt his hands delicately unzip the back of the gown; the ghost of his touch on your spine made you nearly shiver.
Once it was unzipped, you shimmied out of the garment and tossed it aside, leaving you in just your bra and panties (and the tiara, which you'd forgotten about.
You laid back on the bed for him to climb on top of you, which he did, his eyes running all over your body.  "Listen, I know you're already doing me a really big favor," he cleared his throat, "but, uh, maybe… maybe you could show me your tits?"
You grinned and reached under your back to unclasp your bra, hearing him sigh a little at the sight of your bare chest.
"Can I—?"
"Sure," you answered instantly.  Of course, you thought he was about to say touch them, so you gasped in shock when he actually latched his lips onto them, suckling at your nipples eagerly.  "F-fuck, Ed…"
"Wow," he breathed when he pulled back, "they're really sensitive."
“Yeah,” you agreed, deciding not to mention that that wasn’t always the case.  “I can’t help but notice that you’re still in your pirate get-up there, Munson.”
He smirked.  “Unfair, isn’t it?”
Nodding, you watched him sit back on his feet so he could pull his shirt off over his head.  You'd seen him shirtless plenty of times before, but the toned torso with a decent scattering of dark hair and even darker tattoos was always a welcome sight.  He'd gotten even more muscular in the last couple years, something you'd sort of tried not to notice, but you couldn't fight the urge to run your hand over his chest and pecs when they were exposed.
“Is that better?” he grinned, but you laughed loudly right away when you saw one of his teeth was still blacked out for the costume.  He wrinkled his eyebrows before he seemed to remember, looking a bit more shy for a moment.  “R-right, sorry…”
He reached into his mouth and scrubbed the black marks off with the pad of his finger, licking the tooth for good measure before showing his teeth again.
“Back to normal?” he asked.
“Yeah,” you answered, “good as new.”
Your hand was still on his chest, lightly, and he got a little more serious as he took it and guided it down: over his slight abs and down to the thick bulge in his pants.  You sighed a little at the feeling of it through the leather, he was so hard and warm even through the heavy material.
"Damn, you're big," you noticed.
"Really?" he grinned.  "Fuck, okay."
"I should've known you would have a big cock," you laughed, rubbing him a little firmer through the pants, "you've got that way about you."
"Oh?  I didn't— I didn't think it was that big," he mumbled.
You smiled and pulled your hand out of the way as he shimmied the pants down his thighs, exposing his erection that bounced back up to his belly button.  (Yes, it reached that far, and you felt a little dizzy.)
"So," he broke the silence, "that's… that's my dick."
"Y-yeah," you nodded, sounding a little hoarse.
He let you stare at it blankly for a while before clearing his throat, tearing you out of your trance to look up at him; he smirked at you proudly, the smut bastard.  "You're looking at me different now.  You look… well, you're kinda drooling."
"Yeah… sorry…" you murmured absent-mindedly.
"No, don't be," he assured.  "You know, the girl that gave me that blowjob, she could only take it to about here before she choked."
He held his finger up to halfway down his shaft, and your hips shifted.  "I could get it deeper," you announced.
"Oh, you will," he promised, "but not with your mouth— I don't have any use for your mouth, babe.  You promised me your pussy, that's what I want.  And she's gonna take all of it."
"Are you talking dirty to me now?" you noticed.
"It might be dirty, but it's true," he smiled, falling down on top of you and holding himself up with bent elbows beside your head.  "You can still back out, you know," he reminded you.  "No judgment. We'll go back to normal."
"We were never normal, Eddie," you reminded him.
"Right," he grinned, "but still.  Are you sure?"
"Yeah— if you are."
He kissed you again, right when you least expected it.  "Yeah," he whispered when he pulled back slightly.  "I'm sure.  I, uh, think it's about time that I lost it, don't you?"
Nodding in agreement, you reached down and wiggled yourself out of your panties, totally naked under him.  He sighed slowly and looked down for a moment— only to look back up with his lip between his teeth.  
"Fuck. Okay. Are you ready?" he asked.
"Are you?" you returned— he looked pretty nervous, shaking a bit, breathing heavy.
"Yeah, fuck, I've been ready for this for years," he laughed breathlessly.  "Just didn't think… yeah, fuck.  Didn't think it would happen tonight."
"Well, if you keep stalling, maybe it won't," you smirked.
"Okay, okay— no more stalling.  I'm gonna… I'm gonna fuck you now."
He sounded like he was convincing himself more than you— but a moment later, he plunged forward and filled you with his cock.
He shivered as he pressed his hips up to yours, moaning weakly.  For a moment, you couldn't help but bite your lip at the feeling of him buried all the way inside you, but thankfully he didn't notice: his eyes were shut tight and his head tossed back.
You sat up, barely, just enough to put your lips by his ear.  "You're not a virgin anymore, Eddie," you whispered to him.
He sighed, then laughed slightly.  "I guess not."
"How's it feel to be inside a pussy?" you asked, genuinely curious for his reaction.  "Compared to a blowjob."
"God, it's— it's so much better," he panted.
"Really?  Some guys really seem to prefer getting blown even though it's not nearly as fun for—"
"No, fuck, this is better," he insisted quickly.  "Your… your pussy feels so— and it's— fuck, so warm, warmer than a mouth.  And… and really tight— god, it's so… squishy?"
You laughed.  "That's not a very sexy way of describing it."
"W-well, sorry," he laughed too, breathlessly, "that's how it feels.  You're— thank you for, uh, letting me do this."
"Yeah," you agreed with a smile, relaxing into the mattress under you and noticing the way he was staring down at your face.
"I can move, right?"
You nodded; he shuddered a little as he pulled his hips back and pushed forward again.  He caught you watching his face, so you shut your eyes quickly and just focused on the feeling.  It had actually been a while since you had a hook-up, and though you didn’t expect this to last very long, you could at least just enjoy it for now.
"Fuck," he breathed, "it's so… sticky.  Fuck."
“Sticky?” you repeated.
“I-in a good way,” he added quickly.  “God, I just… you’re really wet, s’all.”
Eyes still closed, you felt a smile trying to creep up on your face.  You could tell he wanted to know why you were so wet, specifically he wanted you to say that he made you that way, but you decided his ego was already getting enough stroking for the night.
His breathing was heavy and slow, but the pace of his hips picked up.  When you blinked your eyes open, he was staring down at where he was fucking into you; that made you feel a little exposed, but oddly powerful, too.  "Wow," he groaned, "I— I love watching it.  The way it, like… splits open, around my cock… fuck.  That's really sexy."
His next thrust was a little harder, his hips colliding with the back of your thighs as you wrapped your legs around him.
"Mm," you moaned softly, adjusting yourself under him a bit.  "That's nice— you feel good."
"Really?  Fuck, I couldn't feel half as good as you do," he grunted, "'cause if I did you wouldn't be able to be so quiet."
"I'm just listening to you," you explained with a smirk.
"Can you feel the, uh, head?  Like you said before?"
You nodded.  "It's rubbing this one place inside me— it feels good."
"Oh, fuck," he purred, starting to move faster.  "Tell me that again."
"It feels good, Eddie," you groaned, "you feel good."
"Fu-uck," he whined, shutting his eyes tight and tilting his head back.  "How good?"
You knew he could be a little competitive, and you smirked slightly.  "Better than the other guys," you answered, figuring that was what he wanted to hear.
"Do you— fuck— do you let a lotta guys do this?" he asked roughly.  "Just— use you, to come?"
You shook your head.  "No— I need something from them, they have to make me come.  But you don't have to, Eddie, I don't need you to do anything to me except whatever you want."
"God," he choked, "that's— fuck. you're way too nice.  I-I’m gonna— fuck, I don’t think I can last very long.”
You just smiled and reached up to hold onto his shoulder.  “S’fine, you can come— I want you to.”
“Really?” he whined.  “Fuck, I’m not very good at this, am I?”
“Just come,” you encouraged, “it’s okay, Eddie, just come inside me—”
The second you said that, he groaned weakly, head falling onto your shoulder; you felt it a second later as he gave you a few more weak thrusts, the flexing of his cock as he finished inside.  Sighing in satisfaction, you shut your eyes and wrapped your arms around him tightly.  
After a long silence, with his heavy breathing falling on your ear, Eddie rolled off and onto his back beside you on the mattress.  “You look different,” you giggled as you turned to look at him while he stared up at the ceiling.
“I feel different,” he agreed.  “That was— yeah.  That was different.”
“Good different?”
He looked back at you, finally, with raised eyebrows.  “Are you jok— yeah!  Fuck yeah, that was— Christ.”
There was another long silence, maybe a few minutes’ worth, but it wasn’t uncomfortable at all.  You and Eddie were always pretty good at silences.  This one was heavier, and more meaningful, but just as natural as usual: until he broke it.
“Wanna do it again?” he asked softly.
Your eyes widened.  “Uh— fuck, now?”
“Yeah,” he grinned at you.  “I’m still— maybe this time you could actually— you know, uh—”
You bit your lip as he stammered over a few different sentences.
“Or if that’s all you wanna do, you know, with me, that’s fine,” he promised, “but, um… I feel bad, you know, that you didn’t…”
“Okay, yeah,” you agreed quickly, “I mean, if you can still—”
You hadn’t even finished your sentence before he was inside you again.  Moaning louder, you tilted your head back and held onto his sides as he fucked you; his mouth latched onto your neck and you let out a small whimper.  “Fuck,” he mumbled against your skin, “fuck— you feel so good…”
“I— Eddie, I didn’t think you could—” you began.
“I didn’t think I could either,” he laughed, “but it’s just— fuck, you’re so… I just need to— god…”
His thrusts were harder and faster than they’d been before, and everything was so slick with his come still leaking out of you; it was filthy in the best way.
“I didn’t think you’d let me do it twice.  I… I really don’t deserve this,” he insisted quietly.
"Yeah, you do," you breathed.  "You're so sweet, Eddie, you're my best friend— dunno what I'd do without you—"
"I lied," he blurted out suddenly.  "I thought about it before.  About how you would feel."
You barely even remembered the part of the conversation he was talking about.  
"All the time, god, I thought about it all the time," he admitted with a lowered voice, resting his head on your shoulder, fucking you even deeper until your eyes rolled back.  "Thought about it while I jerked myself off— how your pussy would feel.  And it's so much better than I thought it'd be.  You're really tight— I didn't know if you would be, 'cause, y'know, you're a slut."
You wanted to correct him on that old myth about tightness and promiscuity, but you were too busy trying not to moan so loud the next door trailers would hear.
"Fuck," he laughed, "you got even tighter when I called you that.  Slut."
"Freak," you choked out through a moan, your instinctive response.
"You haven't seen the freak yet, princess," he smirked proudly, lifting his head up to look down at you.  "I wanted to fuck you different than this, too— I thought about fucking you from behind.  Smacking your ass and watching it bounce on me.  Making you fucking scream."
"God, Eddie," you whined.
"Is this how they talk to you?  All those guys you let put their cocks in you, do they treat you like this?"
"N-not exactly…"
"Well, that's too bad," he whispered, "'cause I can tell this is how you like it.  Am I wrong?  Do you like being fucked like a whore, and called one?"
"Yes," you sobbed, "yes, Eddie, I… I like it rough.  And mean."
He chuckled.  "That explains a lot.  I can be mean, sweetheart."
The kiss he planted on your cheek, though, was gentle and delicate.
"Or I can be nice," he added in a whisper.  "I can be whatever you want."
“Just… be yourself,” you decided, sounding more like an inspirational poster than you intended to.  He smiled and kissed you on the lips after that, reaching down to hold onto your thighs.
Well, it turns out Eddie ‘being himself’ in bed means fucking you mercilessly.  And he was holding onto you mainly to keep you steady so he could rail you halfway to fucking death.
It was useless trying to keep quiet now, while he treated you this way, and so your loud moans were muffled only by his lips on yours; until, of course, he broke away and you could hear them echoing around the messy bedroom.
"So good," he grunted, "so— so fucking good.  Such a perfect pussy, can't believe you're letting me use it.  I'm so fucking lucky— my best friend is a hot slut, I'm so lucky—"
You arched your back a little deeper still, clinging to him tightly, feeling totally helpless in the best possible way.
"Gonna let me use this pussy again?" he taunted.
"Yeah," you breathed.
"Whenever I want, right?  You can be my little toy, baby.  Your pussy can be my toy."
"And I'll keep you so full of come," he promised, "so full, all the fucking time, you're gonna make my cock feel so good— fuck, baby, you're gonna let me get my cock wet all the time."
"Yeah, Eddie, fuck," you moaned.  
"You're so pretty," he blurted out, and you almost laughed because of the sudden change of tone.  "God, baby, you're so pretty— you look so pretty like this."
"On my back?" you smirked.
"N-no, you don't understand," he whined, leaning down so his chest was pressed to yours, whispering against your ear.  "You're beautiful."
You smiled a little, holding onto him tighter.
"And I thought that before you let me fuck you," he promised.  "I always thought you were beautiful.  And that it should be me and not those guys you go home with."
"Y-you were right," you admitted, "but— we're still just… just friends, right?"
"Shut up, you're not fucking listening," he groaned, "I— god, I love you, okay?"
Your eyes were definitely just watering because of the intensity of it all; you hid your face in his shoulder, biting your lip, feeling your toes curl just above where your ankles were crossed around his hips.
"I love you and we can't just be friends anymore.  You feel too good… I'm sorry, baby, we can't just be friends, I fucking need you."
“I— fuck, Eddie,” you whined.
“You love me too, right?” he breathed.  Shyly, you nodded against him.  “Then say it— baby, please, I need you to say it.”
“I love you too,” you choked out.  “I need you too—”
"Oh my god I'm gonna come again," he gasped, tilting his head back.  "Fuck fuck fuck, I'm gonna come inside you again.  You're gonna be so full, baby.  Gonna fuck you so full…"
“F-fuck, please, please,” you sobbed, your beaten walls clenching up every time he slammed himself into you all the way— it was too deep, but the right amount of too deep, somehow.  “Please, Eddie, fuck!”
“I’m coming,” he grunted in a low and gravelly voice that made your spine tingle, “I— fuck, I’m coming again, fuck—”
This time, he stopped completely and suddenly, burying himself inside you with a long, deep moan.  He slipped his arms under your arched back and hugged you tightly.  This silence was much longer than the last, and a little less comfortable; there were all these questions hanging in it, including but not limited to: did he really mean all that?  Did I really mean all that?  Why haven’t we been doing this the whole time?  Why is he so good at that?  Are we dating now?  Is this going to ruin everything?
It didn’t seem like it would ruin anything— actually, to you, everything felt right in a way it never had.  You’d never really admitted to yourself how you felt about Eddie, let alone anyone else— let alone him, right now, in the middle of some spontaneous sex that you thought was going to change everything but actually made things suspiciously the same as ever.
That was what you realized, then: that this hadn’t actually changed anything.  You’d loved him before tonight.  You’d wanted this for a while.  You’d needed him as long as you could remember.  Everything could continue on as normal— except, hopefully, and presumably, that you’d be fucking a lot more.
As your mind raced, Eddie’s was completely and totally blank in a way it never had been in his life.  He was entirely blissed out, and only came to when you shifted under him and made him hiss in a breath through his teeth.
Lifting his head, he looked down at you, reaching up to pet your cheek with his thumb and hum happily to himself.  That moment couldn’t last too long, though, especially when he realized he’d failed at his goal: “Shit,” he groaned, “you didn’t come that time either, did you?” 
You shook your head sheepishly, about to assure him that it was fine— there’d be other chances, clearly, and tonight was already more than perfect without that.  He’d still done way better than you could’ve ever expected for a guy who was a virgin half an hour ago.  
But before you could say any of that, he’d pulled you into a lazy, yet hungry, kiss; he smiled against your lips as his tongue carefully teased yours, holding your face in his hands.  You were totally dazed when he pulled away, blinking up at him with totally undeserved innocence, and he had the most devilish look in his eyes.  “Guess that means we’ll have to go for another round, huh?” he asked.  But it wasn’t a question: he’d decided, and so had you.
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djostan · 2 years
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smut: ✰ requests: ✧
| 𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔 |
just best friends ✰
family video || eddie’s campaign 
it’s okay, be shy ✧
sacrifices ✧
ring ring, hello? ✰
broken hearts ✧ || slowly ✧ || blueberry muffins ✧
the color green ✰
| 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒔 |
eddie notices your stims ✧
first kiss ✧
you have powers ✧
you kept seeing eddie after his death ✧
eddie comforts you ✧
| 𝒊𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆 |
reader has hearing loss ✧
eddie loves your body ✰
reader is non-binary ✧
period problems ✧
fruity four and pets ✧
camping ✰✧
pot brownies ✧
| 𝒃𝒍𝒖𝒓𝒃𝒔 |
shy!eddie ✧
eddie’s rings ✧
vampire!eddie ✰✧
shy!perv!eddie ✰
eddie is your muse ✧
gag ✰✧
perv!eddie & his guitar ✰✧
eddie’s rings ✰✧
rockstar!eddie ✰✧
drunk!eddie ✧
play time ✰✧
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djostan · 2 years
eddies the type to mock your moans after the two of you have had sex.
hear me out, not in a mean way of course. eddie is a lot of things but he’s not judgemental. you’ll be laying pressed against him in bed, all sleepy and hazy from having your soul fucked out of your body. you’re happy, and he can feel the plush of your cheek rise against the skin on his chest as you smile giddily to yourself.
he’d crane his neck back, shuffling slightly away to get a better look at you. when you meet his eye, grin still on your lips as you stare up with big, lovey-dovey eyes he chuckles a little, sending you an amused expression— dimples all deep and eyes slightly squint.
“did’ja have fun?” he cooes, poking your side making you lazily squirm and giggle.
“nope. was so boring. hated every second.” you teased back, voice giving out through the middle of the sentence from your unrelenting moans earlier.
“oh? well shit. guess we’ll have to practise some more hey.” he comment quietly, like the good sport he is. he laid fully on his back with a smile, eyes darting around his ceiling like he was thinking of something. there was a 4 second silence, and you close your eyes thinking that was the end of that conversation. “ohhh eddie.” he sung in a high pitched voice, somewhat resembling what you had been letting out five minutes prior. your eyes shot open at the audacity.
“ohh my god eddie! i’m gonna! you’re gonna make me—” he cut himself off with an amused giggle turned laugh, clutching his stomach.
“quit it!” you whined with a pout, dramatically turning on your side to face away from him.
“oh daddy!” he followed you, tickling your side as you squirmed trying to hide your mortified giggles into the pillow. “isnt that what i heard? didn’t you let that slip?” he questioned, knowing damn well what he heard.
“not funny.” you flattened your voice and he kissed your cheek, being all he could reach. you were trying to sound mad and scary, but to him you just sounded like a little baby bear.
“apologies, sweetheart.” he calmed himself, manhandling you back to lying on his chest, giving your ass a little pat as if to say ‘there we go, back where you belong.’ you tilt your head back, barely hiding your smile as you sent him a fake glare. he leant down and kissed your nose with a pleased smile. “you know i like your pretty noises. you’re just cute when you’re embarrassed.”
10K notes · View notes
djostan · 2 years
sorry to interrupt / steve harrington x reader 
content & contains: requested!! set during s4. you were on watch duty with steve, he convinces you to share the special treatment you receive at the wheelers. 
reader wakes up to steve grinding against her, lil bit of perv!steve (my beloved), choking (steve receiving), thigh riding, hints of hung steve!size kink, hand job, pussy job, fingering (f receiving), unprotected sex, creampie. mentions of bruising/hickies, tearing up, and scratching. 
author’s note: realized after that this is all technically happening at his ex girlfriend’s house……… sorry nancy. all my love to @yellowharrington​ & @chestharrington​ who always encourage every unholy thought i have and eagerly read whatever brain rot i give them at all hours of the day.
word count: almost 4.9k
i’ve dreamt about you nearly every night this week
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Out of all the random kids who run around his house, you’re Ted Wheeler’s favorite.
Everyone else was stuck piling into the cramped basement while Ted made a big show of letting you know that the guest bedroom was made up for you. It would be embarrassing if you weren’t so entertained by the groans of protest coming from Dustin and Steve. 
Steve who then, suspiciously, made sure he was on watch duty with you.
Keep reading
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djostan · 2 years
hold me close
or: eddie letting you wear his accessories during sex !
a/n: soft sex ! so very soft n loving. just an all around good and emotional tear-filled time. / 0.9k words
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
the process is intimate and takes a lot out of him. he’s anxious, you both are. anxious regarding what this might mean for the two of you. what this next step entails. you were so happy when eddie pulled you into his lap and asked you to try something with him, popping the question in between chaste little kisses.
he trusts you and you adore it, accepting each piece with a soft “thank you.” you know how vulnerable he feels without his accessories, you’ve learned to accept that he doesn’t even take them off to shower.
your job is to keep what he gives you safe, wearing his pieces with pride. it drives him crazy, absolutely insane when you look up at him through your lashes like that. thanking him for laying his claim on you. for giving you the most important parts of him.
he’s never done this with anyone before, never trusted anyone enough to share this part of himself. you’ve come to learn that each ring means something much deeper to him, deeper than you previously thought. you want him to be comfortable, want him to know how much you love him, how much this means to you.
the guitar pick necklace goes first, he slips it onto you once he’s got your shirt off, cooing at the way the charm settles in the valley of your breasts. the chain in cold against your skin, eliciting goosebumps that he rubs away with his warm hand. you hook your fingers into the front of his t-shirt and pull him forward, placing a soft peck on the tip of his nose.
eddie giggles at the kiss. and you feel like your heart may give out. it’s a sweet little sound, so innocent. you peck his lips next, basking in the way his mouth curls up into a giddy smile. “thank you eds” you tell him, fiddling with the chain.
he kisses down your sternum next, rubbing circles into the fat of your hip with his hand. he moves onto his rings, crucifix on your pointer, then the pig skull on your middle. he slides the thick metal onto each digit with a small peck to your nailbeds.
you giggle at the gesture, shivering from the ticklish feeling. they’re a bit big on you, the heavy steel charms give into gravity and slip to hang towards the ground. in a burst of confidence, you take both of your ringed fingers and play at the seam of his mouth, urging him to open up.
eddie surprises you, he nips and sucks at the tips of your digits with a grin, sighing at the weight of them on his tongue. you gasp at the wet feeling, gazing up at him from where you lie on your back. he sucks you in all the way to the top end of the matching bands, pulling back and reaching to part your fingers in a V-shape.
he flicks his tongue back and forth between the gap, winking at you.
you inhale sharply, growing hot at what the gesture insinuates.
“perv” you mumble, earning a snicker from the man above you.
eddie’s shirt is next to go, meeting yours in a pile at the foot of his bed. you hook your sticky fingers into the waist of his pants and wiggle them down, helping him get each leg out.
you’re both down to your underwear now, sinking into the plush of his mattress in a loving kiss. you revel in the intimacy of it, how pure his love is for you, how safe you feel in the arms of a man sent to you by the angels above.
the skull ring goes next, the one and only piece of memorabilia he has from his father. you gasp as he slides the jewelry onto your opposite thumb. it fits perfectly around the length of your thickest finger.
“eds..” you whisper, tone wavering. “are you sure bub?”
he smiles down at you, expression pure and full of love.
“why wouldn’t i be?” he assures you.
your bra and panties go next, then his boxers, discarded to the depths of his bedroom floor. you’re grinding up against each other now, grazing your leaking core over his pulsing cock. eddie gasps, little pitiful whines and groans into the fold of your neck, practically sobbing at the stimulation.
it’s what he does next that breaks your heart.
eddie pulls away from you, kneeling tall over your form. you still at the show of dominance, reveling in the way his firm body towers above everything in your line of sight. he brings his hands to his chest and removes the last piece of jewlery. his mother’s ring.
he shushes you before you can protest, slipping it onto your ring finger, eyes never leaving yours. he’s shaking, you realize.
you know what the gesture means. you know exactly what he’s saying when he presses his lips to the gemstone.
your lip wobbles.
“promise me” he pleads. you realize what he’s asking.
“wanna leave this town someday, gonna take you with me.”
you nod , pulling him down so he’s laying on top of you, forehead to forehead. he doesn’t need to say what the gesture implies, you already know.
“f’course sweet boy.” you tell him. basking in the warmth of his body held tight against yours. he goes lax at the admission, reassured by your response. you hear him sniffle.
“you don’t even need to ask eds.”
7K notes · View notes
djostan · 2 years
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37K notes · View notes
djostan · 2 years
I’ve got no idea why but this particular gif is driving me fucking nuts at the moment like he’s so into it he’s climbing on the table?? Yes baby 😍The sassy little toss of his hair? Perfection.
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19K notes · View notes
djostan · 2 years
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tell me I'm wrong
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djostan · 2 years
they look like two moms judging you:
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found it on my pinterest page...
3K notes · View notes
djostan · 2 years
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summary: tonight was supposed to be the night you finally fed, only somehow eddie munson manages to satiate your appetite without losing his life. [eddie munson x succubus!reader || jennifer's body au]
cw: smut || 18+ only [ft. oral sex (f receiver), virgin!eddie, switch!reader, switch!eddie, lots of biting/teeth,], there's some mentions about not eating for a long time but it's not ed related (you just haven't killed anyone in a month okay?), general mentions of killing (no gore), lmk if i missed any
a/n: this was born out of a conversation w @ringpop-poppy who asked me to tag her lol. thank her for getting me out of my writer's block <3
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For someone who’s been obsessed with you since middle school, Eddie doesn’t notice you’re standing next to him until he closes his locker. 
“Jesus Christ!” he exclaims in surprise, bumping his side against the row of lockers. The metal boxes clank at the impact. 
“Hi, Eddie,” you say blankly, leaning your shoulder against the wall.
He frowns at the tone of your voice– dry and monotonous and devoid of the snark he’s so used to hearing. He scans your figure, the dip between his eyebrows deepening when he notices the sheen of sweat on your forehead and the dullness of your skin.
You look sick– your cheeks are sunken in, cheekbones protruding abnormally and dark circles under your eyes looking more like bruises. Strangest of all, you’ve switched your beloved dresses for a pair of baggy jeans and a purple sweatshirt that looks 2 sizes too big. 
Actually, the strangest thing is that you’re talking to him. In public. 
“Heeey,” he greets back, dragging the ‘e’ as he looks around the hallway. There’s a couple of people giving the pair of you strange looks, some jocks narrowing their eyes menacingly at him, but everyone seems to move on pretty quickly from this peculiar interaction. 
He doesn’t even hear a gaggle of cheerleaders giggling behind manicured hands as they watch you talk to him. There’s only Chrissy Cunningham, standing alone a couple of feet away from you and giving him a small wave. He relaxes ever so slightly. “You okay?”
“I’m fantastic,” you say with a lack of excitement. 
Eddie snorts. “You don’t sound very believable.”
“Oh.” You run a long finger nail down the plastic spiral of the notebook you’re cradling against your chest, raising an eyebrow when Eddie shivers at the sound. You stop. “Just hungry. I haven’t eaten in…” you blow some air as you pretend to think, cheeks puffing out. “I can’t even remember.”
“Oh, um, I got some pretzels. If you want. Here.” He unhooks one of the straps of his bag from around his shoulder and struggles to open the zipper, pulling at it with as much strength as he can muster without risking it breaking. 
He almost jumps out of his skin when you place a cold hand on his forearm. He stares at it, confused. Why are you so cold? It’s almost spring break.
“It’s okay, Eddie.” He fights back the shiver that threatens to go down his spine at how softly you say his name. “I’m working on it, don’t worry. Besides, I wanted to ask you something.”
“Ask me something,” he echoes back. “Uh, sure. What do you need?” 
You kick your foot against the dirty school floor, biting your lower lip. Eddie notices how chapped they are– what’s usually a pair of very smooth and glossy lips is now covered in dried, cracking skin. He frowns in concern even more. 
“D’you wanna come over tonight?” You twirl a strand of hair between two fingers and smile at him. “I could rent A Nightmare on Elm Street and make some popcorn. Or The Shining, whichever you want.”
Eddie blinks owlishly at you, chuckling awkwardly and gesturing between your bodies with his index finger. His heavy cross metal ring glints under the fluorescent lights. “Us. Watch a movie. At your house. Uh…” He fleets his gaze back around the hallway and notices a significant lack of students walking around. 
He leans closer to you, trying to be as quiet as possible when he asks, “Is this some sort of joke?” 
“No,” you shake your head, tilting it to the side when you see a thin chain around his neck. Your smile is more natural as you grab it and bring it out from under his shirt, the corners of your mouth tilting up minisculely when the guitar pick dangles in the air. “Cute,” you say airily.
Eddie can’t take his eyes off you. He’s pretty sure he’s going crossed eyed as he watches you play with his necklace. “So you’re serious,” he pushes.
“As a heart attack,” you deadpan, still staring at the small plastic triangle and poking it with your middle finger. If you felt like your normal self, you’d be giggling at the sound of your nail hitting the guitar pick. “So?”
“Sure.” Eddie nods enthusiastically. This has to be a dream come true. “Sure, yeah.”
“Great.” Some of your usual brightness comes back to your face at his answer. You open your notebook and quickly write down your address, rip the paper and offer it to him with a sweet smile. The kind that Eddie never thought would be directed at him. “My parents leave on vacation at seven, so come around eight.”
“Ookay,” he slowly plucks the paper from between your fingers, almost dropping it when you press a kiss on his cheek. 
You wink at him, walking backwards. “Can’t wait.”
He presses his fingers to the spot your lips touched, skin feeling hot, and stares dumbstruck as you walk back to Chrissy and hook your arm around hers, giggling at each other as you make your way to class. 
Eddie slaps one hand on the steering wheel as he drives down the street, head banging in the air to the rhythm of Black Sabbath’s Evil Woman. 
His heart beats a thousand miles per hour, blood pumping through his veins at a speed it never has before. He can’t stop the giddy smile from spreading on his lips, shaking his head in disbelief– he’s driving to the house of the girl of his dreams to watch a movie and… other stuff.
He hopes other stuff happens. You had said it so suggestively, making sure to mention your parents leaving you home alone and– and you had kissed his cheek! That had to be a sign, right?
He covers his mouth with his hand and exhales a breath out, sniffing the air. He grimaces and leans to the side, the van swerving with him as he struggles to keep control of the wheel at the same time as he looks for the pack of gum he kept in the back pocket of his jeans. 
He manages to get it out right before he has to turn the corner on the right, hooraying loudly and the wheels screeching as he maneuvers wildly. Keeping his foot on the pedal, he quickly unwraps the gum and throws the paper on the backseat, popping it into his mouth. He chews it through his deafening singing, the fresh minty flavour exploding on his taste buds. 
His singing turns into a quiet mumble when he notices that the streets get progressively darker until there are no lamp posts turned on. The hairs on the back of his head stand in alert and he turns down the music completely, his chewing slowing along with the van as he reaches the address written on the paper. 
He picks it up from where he tucked in inside the overhead visor, his finger gracing over the smooth letter you wrote. He’s sick with love as he traces the tiny heart dotting the ‘i’.
He looks outside his window and to the row of identical houses across from where he’s parked. There’s only one house with a single light turned on and, effectively, it’s the right address. 
Putting the paper back where it belongs, Eddie takes a deep breath and fixes his hair. He gets out of the car and stands facing the houses, adjusting his leather jacket and spitting out the gum. With a reassuring nod to himself he walks forward.
Everything is eerily quiet. He fastens his steps when he gets the feeling that someone is watching him, taking the short porch steps two at a time and comes to a sudden stop when he sees a plank of wood over the front door. Uselessly, he tries the doorknob anyway, jiggling it until it becomes obvious that the door isn’t going to open. 
He takes a couple steps back and looks to both windows on either side of the door, noticing a sheet of plastic hanging over the glass like a makeshift protective curtain. His eyebrows scrunch down in confusion– something isn’t right.
There’s no way that the Queen of Hawkins High, resident Mean Girl, lived in a house like this. He had heard through the grapevine how lavish her house was, how big and deep the pool in her backyard was and how she had a room designated to store all the alcohol you could imagine. Everyone raved about how handy it came for the parties he had never been invited to and how they always ended in someone being thrown into the water. 
His curiosity is piqued, though. He heads to the left side of the house, jumping off the porch and stepping on the narrow bit of grass between your supposed house and your neighbour’s. He looks up to the sky and notices a ladder out of the corner of his eye, right below an open window. 
Making sure it’s sturdy enough, he climbs it, slapping the plastic curtain back and throwing himself inside the house. He groans in pain when he hits the floor with a lack of grace, holding his shoulder and rubbing the sore spot.
Even inside, everything is still pitch black.
“Hello?” He calls out your name, taking a hesitant step forward. “Anyone home?”
No one answers him. 
He walks out of the room, quietly moving another plastic curtain to the side and starts navigating the house curiously. He thinks he’s in the living room when he finally hears something, a low and sugary sweet beat coming from up the stairs. 
The steps creak under his Reebooks. He’s almost on the landing when a crow appears out of nowhere and flies past him like he isn’t even there, its wings flapping noisily. “Holy mother of God,” he curses, resting his back against the wall and clutching his chest. 
When his heart rate is back to normal he keeps climbing, finally reaching the first floor. There’s a crack of warm light coming from the room the farthest away from where he’s standing, the music growing louder as he follows it. 
His lips pull up when he sees the many lit up candles around the room, placed between planks of wood and construction tools. There’s a radio on a workshop table playing a song he wouldn’t be caught dead listening to but it fits his fair maiden to perfection. 
“You made it,” your voice comes from behind him unexpectedly. He jumps in the air and screams, eyes wide when he turns around and sees how sick you look now. Even worse than you look at school. 
Eddie twists one of his rings around his finger as you saunter towards him, hips swaying hypnotically. He gulps, “This– this isn’t really your house, is it?”
Eddie is hit with a wave of your perfume– dark, smelling of chocolates and wild berries– as you stand in front of him. 
“No, baby,” you pout, shaking your head softly. You take his hand and place it over your chest. “This is our home. Just for us.”
Eddie chuckles, sounding uncomfortable. His eyes are glued to the chain that dips between your breasts and the heart locket that hangs from it. “What would we need a house for?”
Your giggle is sweet, your touch soft as you caress his chest and squeeze his shoulders. Eddie holds his breath as you lean forward and whisper in his ear, “To play mommy and daddy.”
Oh shit, he thinks. When did the air become so stuffy?
Your hands go to the back of his neck, long nails scratching his nape and almost making him purr. There’s goosebumps on the skin of his throat as you run your nose against it, bump his jaw up with it and nip gently at his earlobe. “Do you wanna play with me, Eddie?”
He’d do anything you asked of him. “Yes, fuck, yes.”
You pull him towards you by the hair and press your lips together, not bothering with taking it slow, slipping your tongue inside his mouth. He tastes good– minty and smokey and something else… something sweet. Not like the other boys you’ve kissed before to feed on them. They were salty with lust, greedy as they tried to control the kiss. Control you. 
But not Eddie. No, he molds himself to you, lets you take whatever you want from his and is grateful for it. 
You don’t like it. 
Determined to forget about… whatever it was that made your heart skip a beat, you pull away and drift your kisses down his neck, biting him harshly while your hands work on the belt around his hips. You can hear his heavy pants as you stroke his cock over his jeans, adding pressure and feeling the hard and heavy bulge under your palm twitch as you run your tongue over the teeth marks imprinted on his skin.
“Fuck, fuck, wait.” He reaches for your wrists to stop you from lowering his jeans. “Jesus– that was… so fucking hot. Need a minute.”
You huff out an irritated breath, snarking, “I don’t have a minute.”
Being so close to feeding, to sinking your teeth into fresh meat and warm blood, and then having it stripped away from you has made you lose some of your charm. “Just let me suck your cock or something, Jesus,” you roll your eyes in annoyance. 
Eddie laughs, holding your cheeks and kissing your still chapped lips that are now shiny with spit. “That’d defeat the whole purpose of taking a minute.”
God, why does he have to be so sweet? It’d be easier if he were an asshole that couldn’t wait to get his dicks wet and didn’t care about making it last. You can’t stand it. Can’t stand him. 
“How about I eat you out, hm? To pass the time?”
You really don’t mean to, but it’s impossible to stop yourself from blurting out in surprise, “Eat me out?”
“Yeah.” Your stunned face shocks him. “Wait, you’ve never…”
You shake your head, mouth parted. Strictly speaking, you’re not being 100% truthful. Some of your victims have attempted to eat you out, giving you a couple of licks that did nothing for you just to get you wet enough so they could sink their greedy cocks into you without your body rejecting them. Like that would happen.
Still, it’s not like any of those boys managed to get you off with their mouths, so there’s no point in explaining all that to Eddie. 
“Oh, baby,” he sighs. His hands that were cradling your face go down the sides of your body, stroking your curves and settling on your hips. He pushes you forward so your pussy can grind on his bulge. You gasp. “Baby, baby, baby, baby. You have no idea what you’ve been missing.”
You don’t like him having the upper hand. Forcing yourself back into character, you grip the roots of his hair until he hisses. “Show me, then.”
Eddie’s grin is wolfish. “As my fair lady wishes.”
He’s the one who pulls you into a bruising kiss this time, his tongue playing with yours as he deepens it. You traipse back towards the wooden table together, stumbling over each other’s feet. 
Your hips reach the table first, the tools on it clattering to the floor and the radio shaking as it struggles to keep itself balanced. Eddie chuckles against your lips and helps you get on the edge of the table, pushing you backwards until you’re laying flat on the hard surface. 
He trails kisses down your throat and chest, kissing the swells of your breasts that your tank top exposes, sucking on the skin until colourful splotches appear. You arch your back into his face, mumble a curse when his teeth graze your hardened nipple over the thin fabric of your top. 
He peppers more wet kisses down your stomach, dampening your shirt with his spit. He laves his tongue his tongue over the exposed bit of skin of your tummy and flips your skirt up, mouth jumping from your hip bone to your inner thigh, completely neglecting your core in favour of feverishly biting marks into the softness of your thighs. 
The closer he gets to your panties, the softer his nips become, turning into soft pecks that make you warm where his lips touch you. When he reaches your mound, he presses the gentlest kiss over the little bow stuck to your cotton panties, stealing a glance up at you.
You don’t think you’ve ever been looked at with such tenderness. Not even before you were turned into this monster. It makes you shiver, hips raising to help him lower your underwear. 
Eddie’s dimples show when he sees the glistening threads sticking to the fabric, spreading thinner and thinner as he separates it from your pussy. 
An involuntary moan comes out from deep within your chest when he wraps his lips around your clit, sucking it between his teeth and licking wet stripes up your clit, his warm tongue slipping between your folds eagerly. He chances another look up at you, watches you raise yourself on your elbows and brush back his bangs before tangling your fingers in his messy waves.
Your chest is already panting as you watch him swirl your little nub with the tip of his tongue, rising and falling in rapid succession with the quick, short breaths you take. There’s a thin layer of sweat forming on your hairline, Eddie inadvertently melting away the coldness that had taken over your body at the lack of nutrients and raising your temperature until it feels like there’s wildfire coursing through your veins. 
“Eddie,” you whine when he pushes you into his mouth, forcing you to grind against his face. A whimper falls from your parted lips when he forces his tongue into your hole, tasting the deepest parts of you that have never been explored by any man. “S-so good.”
It feels more than good. It is more than good and you’re not used to it ever feeling this good. You tighten your grip on his hair and Eddie moans filthily against you, finally allowing his eyes to flutter shut as he makes out with your pussy like he’s been fantasizing about for years. You taste sweeter than he imagined– unnaturally so. He’s drunk on your taste, his mind becoming foggy, all and any thoughts he had other than you disappearing from his mind as he focuses on the feast in front of him.
You don’t understand what’s happening– your legs spam around his head and your body jerks up, muscles tensing then relaxing immediately as a tsunami of pleasure crashes over you and leaves you breathless. 
You fall onto your back as you gush all over him, filling his mouth with your slick. With trembling hands, you force him away from you, hazy eyes blinking up at him.
He looks… messy. Hair mussed up from your fingers gripping it, lips red and swollen from eating you out like a starved prisoner, chin shiny and dripping with your release, pupils dilated and eyes glazed over just the same as yours. 
He’s unfairly pretty.
“Are you okay?” He asks, crowding your body as he leans down and examines your face closely. Your skin returned to it’s usual glow, your hair no longer looking oily and thin. Somehow, your lips aren’t dry anymore– they’re plump and soft.
“I feel– I feel weird,” you slur. You had expected to return to normal after feeding on Eddie, but you haven’t even punctured an artery and the immeasurable hunger you’ve been feeling all of last month is almost completely gone. 
Something isn’t right. 
Eddie’s heart skips a beat at your confession. “Shit, did I hurt you? Was that too much?”
“Too much? That was… Where the hell did you learn that, Munson?”
He shrugs one shoulder bashfully, his cheeks growing pink at your disbelief. “College girls have a thing for struggling rockstars, apparently.”
Something ugly grows in your chest at the thought of Eddie fucking other people, of another girl keeping his cock warm. You’ve always liked the virgins– they were sweet like candy and desperate and let you take whatever you wanted from them. You milked their souls dry before they could even stutter out a “thank you”.
You had chosen Eddie on purpose and had been so very careful before approaching him earlier today. You had smelled him and sensed that honeyed aura virgin boys always had around them. And you knew he liked you, poor boy wasn’t very good at hiding it. 
So you started being nicer to him: lending him your book in English class when he forgot his copy, whispering to him the answer to a problem in Miss O’Donell’s class when her back was turned to you, smiling at him when you passed each other in the hallway. You even stopped Jason from mocking him and his nerd group a couple of times. 
It had almost cost you your reputation. But you were so hungry, and he was so pretty and smelled so delicious. To have him not be a virgin, have all of your hard work mean nothing, it makes you angry. 
Your previously shining doe eyes grow dark and narrow into thin slits. Your canines elongate and you do your best to cover them as you say, “So you’re not a virgin?”
Eddie’s startled by your sudden change of mood. “Uh…” he swallows awkwardly, Adam’s apple bobbing up and down with the motion. “Uh, not– not completely. Couple of blowjobs here and there but– but I’ve never…”
“Fucked a girl?” you guess. He nods shyly and you relax your tense shoulders, returning to your mellow self from 3 minutes ago. You’re giving Eddie whiplash.
You wrap a leg around his hips and push them forward, pressing his hard cock against your wet pussy and gasping at the scratch of the denim. “You wanna fuck me, Eddie?”
His breath catches as you grind your hips against his, eyes rolling at the feel of the heat of your cunt seeping through his jeans. He’s pretty sure there’s a damp spot on his boxers caused by his leaky slit. “Y-yes, God, yes.”
You raise a hand to cradle his cheek, stroking his skin with your thumb. “Yeah? Want my pussy to be the first one you ever feel?”
“Uh huh.” He makes a broken sound, nodding repeatedly. Your voice is hypnotizing, your touch so gentle. “Wanna– wana fuck you. Need it. Please.”
You let go of his cheek and his head falls forward, forehead resting against yours and his hot breath fanning over your face. You reach forward and unzip his pants, lowering them enough so that his cock and his balls fall out. 
“Shit,” he swears as you lick your hand, maintaining eye contact, and grip him, pumping your fist up and down his length. Eddie’s hips jerk forward.
You kiss along his jawline and whisper in his ear, “Tell me what you want to do to me.”
“Fuck, wanna spread your pussy with my cock,” he whines. You press his cock down to your mound and glide your pussy along his dick, puffy and wet folds spreading around his thick girth and bumping your swollen clit with his pretty pink tip. “Aw, shit. J-just like that. So fucking good.”
You kiss behind his earlobe. “What else?”
“Want to m-make you cum,” he stutters when you cradle his heavy sack in your palm, gently squeezing it. “Want to– to fill you up and watch it drip out.”
You giggle mischievously in his ear and Eddie’s mind short circuits. “You want to make me messy?”
“So messy– oh!” he moans when you push his cock into your weeping cunt. Only his mushroom shaped head is inside but that’s almost enough to push him over the edge. He bites his lip until he draws blood. 
You lean forward to lick it up and hum dreamily as you get your first taste of him. He’s so nice and tastes so good, it’s a pity that you have to kill him. 
“Holy shit.” Eddie stares at you with eyes as wide as saucers, then glances down to where your tight heat is welcoming his cock home, spread wide around it. If he thought he had been drunk on your taste before, he feels like he’s just chugged three bottles of the moonshine the older teens at the trailer park drank when he was younger. “Holy shit.”
“Come on, Eddie,” you encourage him, “Fuck me.”
“Y-yeah.” He draws back then forward again, slowly finding a strong rhythm. His hips slaps against yours with wet slaps of skin, his balls hitting your ass with every thrust. “Gonna fuck you. Been dreaming about it for years… thinking of– of making you cum all over me… putting my cum inside you… goddamn it.”
The table creaks as he fucks you, the radio tumbling to the floor with a loud clatter but Eddie can’t focus on any of it when he’s burying himself so deep inside you he can feel your throat contracting around him every time you moan. He wants to record your every sound, every little “uh uh” you make so he can listen to them at night while he touches himself to this memory. 
His stomach burns and twists, fingers digging into your skin with bruising strength as he forces you back and forth on his cock. You can tell he’s getting close. Can smell his scent get sweeter and sweeter the closer the coil in his stomach gets to snapping in half. 
This is your chance.
Your hands frame his scrunched up face as you force him to look at you. “It’s okay,” your tone is soft, gentle. “You can cum now Eddie, it’s okay.”
Eddie looks pained as he shakes his head, cheeks red from embarrassment. “Want you to cum, too.”
You kiss from his cheek down to his jawline, smiling into his skin. “I already did remember? Now I want you to cum. Can you do that for me?”
“Okay. Okay.”
Your back scratches against the wood with every thrust, splinters digging into the skin between your shoulder blades and making you moan at the pleasurable pain. You graze your teeth over his straining neck, allowing them to grow sharper and longer. You open your mouth wide but, right before you can sink your fangs into the vein that’s popping out, calloused fingers grip your chin and pull you into a desperate kiss. 
You’re wide eyed as Eddie licks into your mouth, groans of pleasure mixing with whimpers as he spills all of his cum inside you. He loses his rhythm, rutting into you like a dog, cock twitching and painting your insides white. 
“I’m sorry,” he pants, hiding his face in the crook of your neck. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t– you felt so good–”
You don’t know why you do it, really. You should just kick him off you and tear a piece of his side. But he did something to you, somehow managed to satiate your appetite without losing his life, so instead of twisting his arm and pushing him to the floor, you pet the back of his hair and repeat your previous words. “It’s okay.”
Eddie’s chuckle is muffled. “That’s the last thing a guy wants to hear after sex, you know. Or during.”
“W-well, it’s the truth,” you fumble. You’ve never comforted someone besides Chrissy, but she just cried and complained, not expecting any reassurances from you. “You can just make it up to me next time.”
Eddie wonders if you’ve always been this sweet deep down. There had to be a reason why Cunnigham liked you, after all. “Next time?” he asks, hoping his hearing was working correctly.
You’re going to grow hungry eventually. If you can’t eat him then you’ll have him do whatever he did to you tonight to keep you full.
“Yeah, next time.”
You’re going to keep him forever.
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djostan · 2 years
he’s gentle when he wants to be.
eddie munson x fem!reader
synopsis: you’ve never been pleasured properly before, and your boyfriend wants to change that.
warnings: 18+ please, canon divergent, eddie & reader are both 18+, smoking a joint, eddie munson eats pussy like it’s his last meal, fingering, making out, first times, grinding, soft dom eddie, slight overstimulation, this is so dirty god please repent me, hair pulling, “princess” “baby” and “sweetheart”, pussydrunk eddie, eddie gets ahead of himself, implied blowjob
anyways :D i definitely got self indulgent here oops. reblogs and feedback are always appreciated! <3 - jj
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Eddie Munson is unlike any of the other guys you’ve been with.
He’s charismatic, intimidating, protective, and above all, he loves that you’re his and he’s yours.
You would’ve never matched yourself with a tatted-up metalhead who likes to play Dungeons and Dragons for fun, but Eddie is nothing short of perfect for you. You look forward to lazy nights alone with him, laying in his bed and watching him smoke, telling him all about your day and listening to cassettes together.
Eddie is more than just a grungy, norms-defying rocker, he’s sugary sweet with a heart of gold just for you. He’s got a soft spot, a sparkle in his eyes if you will. Eddie has been smitten with you ever since you sold him a pack of Marlboros at the convenience store.
Tonight is like most nights, as you lay on your belly, flipping through one of your boyfriend’s rock ‘n roll magazines. You enjoy looking at the pictures, but you don’t really read it much as Eddie sits on the edge of the bed and lights his joint.
“Anything interesting in there?” He says through a cloud of smoke.
You turn the magazine his way and point to a picture. “Not really, but this guy kinda reminds me of you.”
“Van Halen?” He chuckles. “Lucky me.”
A smile tugs at the side of your lips as you continue flipping through the pages. You’re comfortable and content, just basking in Eddie’s presence, and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t peek up to ogle at him every couple of minutes.
It makes you bite your lip, the way he holds the joint between his teeth and how one of his ring-adorned hands is resting on his thigh. You’re probably staring for longer than you intended to, and you’re squeezing your thighs together a bit.
“Come here,” he pats his lap in a gesture. “I’m lonely, princess.”
You’re only about six inches away from him on the bed, but he definitely noticed your prolonged staring. Eddie is like that, he knows when you want him, when you’re thinking about him.
“But I’m reading…” you sigh playfully.
He gives you that look, because he knows you’re just playing games with him. You revel in getting him riled up. It’s fun seeing his nose scrunch and his eyebrows raise when you give him a little bit of attitude.
Eddie snatches the magazine out from in front of you. “Not reading anymore, are you baby?”
You get exactly what you want, and you feel stupidly excited as you scoot over to straddle his lap. He’s all eager now, one of his hands immediately beginning to roam the curvature of your body.
“You smell good,” you breathe in his musky scent as you play with the ends of his hair. “Like, better than usual.”
“Way to flatter a guy,” he chides. “I did shower fairly recently, I made sure I was thorough.”
A giggle vibrates through you. Eddie is boyish in a way that is both charming and endearing. You’ll never get sick of it, his constant need to joke around with you and touch you. He presses a kiss to your collarbone, holding his joint between two fingers.
Your hands travel up his shoulders as he leaves more kisses all the way up your jaw. His hand digs into your hip and presses you into him, you can feel him through the cotton panties under your skirt.
“Eddie,” you hum, feeling tranquilized by his hot mouth on your delicate skin. “Can you kiss me?”
You have a near iron-grip on his curls, so you use it to get him to look at you.
“Of course you can have a kiss,” he smooths his hand down your back. “Whatever you want, princess.”
You both lean into each other, your hands nestled in Eddie’s hair as your lips melt into his. His lips are already swollen from kissing your neck, and you’re doing nothing to help that by the way you bite a little at his bottom lip. The kiss is messy, his nose bumping into yours as you moan quietly into his mouth.
Eddie pulls away with a smile, and you tuck his hair behind his ear. “Is it okay if I touch you, sweetheart?” He plays with the hem of your skirt. “Or not yet?”
That question makes your stomach drop sometimes, like you’re on a rollercoaster. You always want him to touch you, it just makes you nervous. You’ve held off doing things with Eddie, partially because you’re not the most experienced, and partially because you want to pace yourself.
“Yeah,” you gulp. “Just… don’t take them off yet.”
He places a sweet kiss on your cheek. “That’s fine,” he holds his joint in front of you. “Could you hold this for me?”
It’s funny, Eddie handing you the joint. “Got it,” you try to hold it just like he does.
Eddie has two free hands now, one lifting up your pleated skirt to get a better view as the other one teases the inside of your thigh. You can tell his eyes are dead-set on the wet patch that has formed on the front of your pink cotton panties. He can barely control himself, your arousal saturating the garment and your puffy, weeping pussy begging for attention.
“Oh, baby,” he coos. “Fucking soaked because of me, aren’t you?”
“Shut up,” you tug on his t-shirt, fighting the urge to grind against him. “Please.”
His warm hand cups your heat, and your breath catches in your throat. “Behave, sweetheart.”
The slight friction of his hand against you drives you crazy, and you can’t help but move against his hand just a little.
“Feel good?” He asks, moving the heel of his palm harder against you to go with your movements.
“Uh-huh,” you don’t need to tell him it feels good, because of course it does. You know he can see it in the way your mouth is falling open and your eyes are rolling back.
Eddie takes his hand away, leaving you feeling punished and deserted. But as fast as he takes his hand away, the pad of his thumb is back on your panty-covered core.
“I can’t believe you’re already this wet,” he muses, thumb pressing into the wet spot on your panties. “Did you get worked up from just staring at me?”
You whimper helplessly at his words, and you can feel all your blood rushing to your center. His teasing and feather-light fingers are making you even more desperate for a release.
“I need more,” you grind yourself against the tent in his jeans. “This isn’t enough, Eddie.”
“Greedy,” his eyes meet yours, giving you a devilish look.
Eddie’s pillowy lips part, and you hold the joint up to them as he moves your panties over to the side, his knuckles gliding through your folds. You can feel the chill of his rings against your slick heat, his fingers playing with the wetness as he softly exhales smoke against your neck.
You push your chest against him when his thick index finger breaches your entrance. It always felt so nice, the way he probed inside you searching for that little spongy spot that made you jump. His thumb strokes languid circles around your clit, making your belly contract over and over again.
“Baby…” he mouths against your neck. “Talk to me, tell me how it feels.”
Your mouth hangs open as you ride out the waves crashing through your core, now two of Eddie’s fingers plunging into you. You’re on the brink, dizzy and needy, but you can’t quite get there. Eddie makes you cum like this all the time, fingering you under the covers, teasing your bud while he cuddles you, but now you just want more.
“Eddie — it’s not working,” you cry out.
Everything comes to a pause, and you can feel hot tears welling up in your eyes. You never want to disappoint Eddie.
“Sweetheart, hey,” one of his hands reaches up to cup your face. “It’s okay, I’ve got you.”
Your heart pangs in your chest when you notice the worried look on his face. You’re so used to him smiling, laughing, being at ease.
“Did I hurt you? What’s wrong, baby?” He grazes his thumb over your cheekbone.
You feel so pathetic, as you clutch his half-smoked joint in one hand and his hair in the other, fighting the urge to sob. You just want him, and you need to find the right way to tell him that.
“I’m fine, I’m not hurt,” you press your forehead against his. “Just frustrated.”
His eyebrows shoot upwards. “Oh?”
“Eddie,” you grumble. “It’s fine… I just don’t wanna talk about it.”
“But what if there’s a way to make it better?”
You try to ignore the throbbing in your core, or the way you can feel his clothed dick against you, but you just can’t.
“How?” You squint. “I ruined it.”
“You didn’t ruin anything,” Eddie looks down between you. “Maybe my jeans, but nothing else. I promise.”
He searches for a reaction, and when he hears you giggle, he feels relieved instantly.
“I have an idea we can try out,” he continues. “Maybe my fingers just weren’t enough.”
You cock your head to the side. “And what exactly is this brilliant idea?”
Eddie’s hands massage up and down your thighs, summoning the wetness back to your center. “I was thinking I’d use my mouth instead.”
You’re screaming on the inside. No one has ever done that to you before. The previous guys you’ve been with had all been more about getting to the point, no foreplay at all. You have no idea what it’s like to be eaten out.
“Are you sure?” Nervousness laces your voice. “You don’t have to do that if you don’t want to.”
Eddie gives you a knowing look. “Has no one ever done that to you before?”
You nod.
“That’s okay, I’ll make you feel good, princess,” his eyes turn pitch-black with lust. “All you have to do is lay back and relax for me.”
Your breath hitches in your throat. You trust Eddie, you love Eddie, and the thought of this new experience with him is making your thoughts run in circles.
“Sounds easy enough,” you respond shyly, hoping that he can’t hear how fast your heart is beating. You want this with him, you need this with him.
Eddie flips you onto your back, the quick movement making you a little dizzy. He takes the joint from your hand and waltzes over to his desk, stubbing it out in the ashtray and turning up his Def Leppard cassette.
“Wouldn’t want the neighbors to hear you screaming my name, would you, sweetheart?” He turns the volume dial nearly all the way up.
You gulp, belly full of butterflies as you shake your head. Eddie is intimidating like this, in an attractive way. He’s in his element, eyes alight with hunger for you as he drags your panties down your thighs, and you wince at the way they cling to the slick at your center.
“You’re so beautiful,” he says it like he’s thinking out loud. “I can’t believe you’re all mine.”
He stuffs your panties in his back pocket, and you have a feeling you’re not getting them back. You try to cover your face with your arms, but Eddie peels them away, making you look at him.
“Nervous?” He asks, his guitar-calloused hands rubbing the insides of your thighs.
“A little bit,” you try to stay focused on Eddie, and not the fact that you’re half-naked on his bed. “I’m more excited I think.”
Eddie lays down between your spread legs, his eyes looking up at you as he leaves tender, teasing kisses on the delicate skin that leads to your heat. You can’t stop the gasp that escapes you, feeling the slight sharpness of his teeth against your inner thigh makes your hands clench into fists.
He bunches up your skirt at your waist, keeping it out of his way as he gets a real good look at how beautiful your pussy is. He glides two of his thick fingers between your glistening folds, and he looks like someone stranded in the desert who has finally reached an oasis.
“Oh god…” you move your hips against his touch, begging for friction. “Eddie, come on.”
“Are you sure you’re ready?” His hot breath fans over your core. “I promise I’ll be gentle.”
You nod frantically, your nails digging into the comforter as you anticipate his next move.
“I need words, sweetheart,” he says sternly.
Your throat feels like it’s closing a little bit. Verbal responses are something you’re struggling with at the moment, with Eddie’s head between your thighs.
“Yes, please — I’m ready,” you stutter out. “I promise, I’m sure.”
You sound pathetic, but you only get a moment to think about it, because Eddie’s warm tongue is already licking a stripe down your center.
You’ve never felt anything like this before, electricity shooting down your spine and your thighs locking around Eddie’s head as he devours you like you’re his last meal. You can hear the wet, obscene squelching noises that your body makes as his lips suck on you and he laps up everything your cunt is willing to give him.
Your moans fill the room, Eddie’s too, drowning out the music. He stares up at you with those big doe eyes as his nose repeatedly nudges your clit. You want to keep him there, his tongue flicking at a particularly sensitive spot that’s driving you wild. He looks sweet like this too, settled between your legs, loving the way you taste.
Fuck, you should let him do this more often.
You don’t know exactly when your fingers thread through his hair, keeping him in place, but they do. You move against his mouth like it’s second nature, and you can feel your orgasm in the pit of your stomach.
Eddie can’t help but admire the scene in front of him, your tits bouncing as you thrust against his mouth. You look so fucked-out and needy. He’s been rutting his hips against the mattress since he started eating you out, unable to ignore the painful tent in his pants for any longer. He can feel himself right on the edge as you pull on his hair, and he moans against you.
You feel lightheaded, like all the blood in your body has rushed to your center. Your eyes are rolling back and your toes are curling in your socks as Eddie moans against your sopping cunt and sucks your bud. You’re whining and nearly crying and the whole trailer park can probably hear you screaming Eddie’s name by now.
“Look at me,” Eddie’s grip on your hip tightens. “I want you to look at me when I make you cum.”
He’s giving you everything he has, and you’re thinking he could probably go at it for hours. Eddie is like starved animal, groaning and grunting when he tastes you. He barely comes up for air, maybe he needed this just as much as you did.
Your release hits you suddenly, Eddie’s tongue hitting that little spot you like. The knot unravels and it feels like forever. You look at him like he asked, your eyes almost unable to stay open. Your legs are shaking and your stomach is clenching. Eddie licks up everything your orgasm gives him.
It feels like floating, you’re still coming down off the high when Eddie’s face meets yours.
“Did you like it, sweetheart?” He asks, lips and chin glistening.
You can’t answer that, you’re breathless and your brain feels like jell-o, so you wrap your arms around the back of his neck and pull him in for a kiss. You can taste yourself, you can taste him. He tastes like weed and cigarettes and that cheap beer he drinks.
Eddie’s weight on top of you makes you want him again, it makes you try to forget about the over-sensitivity between your legs. You feel like a puddle of mush and you just want to stay with him forever. You love Eddie like that.
He kisses your neck, just soft and sweet, and his hair tickles you while he does it. Your hand curiously travels down his abdomen and to his groin, where you’re expecting him to be ridiculously hard.
“Eddie?” Your voice comes out a little hoarse.
“What’s the matter, baby?” He hums against your skin.
“Nothing… it’s just,” you wonder if you should really bring it up. “Why aren’t you hard?”
A blush spreads from his face all the way under his old Iron Maiden tee. His neck is a pale red and his skin is hot when you touch his cheek.
“Already finished,” he mumbles. “I’m sorry.”
The thought of Eddie cumming in his jeans has your head spinning. You might pass out, actually. That’s why he was moaning and whining into your cunt… the recent memories are already being replayed in your head. Never in a million years did you think you’d meet a guy who would get so turned on by bringing you pleasure.
“Don’t be sorry about it,” you cradle his face in your hands. “That’s so hot, Eddie.”
His eyes go wide, and he smiles like he’s just won the goddamn lottery. “Oh, really?”
“Mhm,” your mouth is watering, you want to make him feel as good as he made you feel.
One of your hands travels back down to the fly of his jeans, but he shakes his head.
“Baby,” his hand covers yours. “Not now, I’m a mess.”
You pout at him, upset you’re not currently feeling the weight of him on your tongue.
“Nobody can say no to that pretty face, huh?” He sighs. “How about round two in the shower?”
“Sounds good to me.”
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djostan · 2 years
my pretty, pretty boy │Eddie Munson x black!reader
summary: doing you’re best friends eyeliner that leads you to get caught up in his beauty
warnings: intense (ish?) fluff, steamy, making out, best friends to lovers. no spoilers
You’re sitting on Eddie’s lap with his hands on your thighs as you’re trying to even out the liner on his eyes. You remove your hands from his face and lean back a bit to see your progress.
“Are you done now?” Eddie speaks up as he opens his eyes looking into yours.
“Not yet,” you say as you lean back in with your right hand on his chin lifting his head up and thickening the line on his right eye.
“My God Y/N, this is taking fucking forever.” He groans out.
“I’m sorry. It’s just not even but after this you should be good.” You respond.
“I mean with the position we’re in right now I don’t mind..” Eddie says jokingly. You hit his left shoulder as you say, “You think you’re a comedian don’t you? I’m done anyways.” You close your liner and reach for a hand mirror to show Eddie the finished look.
“Ready?” You ask holding the mirror side to your chest. “Yup.” Eddie responded as you turned the mirror so Eddie could see. He looked really good. Like really good. “Totally fucking metal.” He said aloud but more of to himself. You laughed and told him, “You look sickening. Super hot Eddie.” You put the mirror down on the bed as you looked into his eyes.
Without thinking you brought your hands up to his face, cupping it. You’ve liked him for the longest and had been trying to find the right time to tell him. You weren’t the type to be afraid of rejection or embarrassment. You just wanted the moment to be memorable and perfect when you told Eddie how you felt.
“Are we gonna silently stare at each other forever or?…” Eddie stared squeezing your thighs a little bit. You chuckled at his words as your thumbs circled his face. You were admiring him and he was doing to same for you. He was looking at your thick curly head full of hair,your big brown eyes that would make him melt whenever he was met with them, and your features that made you you and so beautiful.
“You’re such a pretty boy Ed’s.” You say in a whisper leaning in very subtly but noticeably. “So pretty.” You repeated as your hands moved to play with his hair and down to his neck and then to rest on his shoulders. He just stared back at you taking in and memorizing how your hair smelt, how your skin looked at the moment so beautifully glistening and contrasting from his pale skin to your earthy tone.
“I love every part of your face,” Eddie said letting out a little chuckle finally breaking the silence, “Got so carried away from it. You’re so breathtaking.” Eddie said matching your quiet voice from earlier. He moved one of his hands from your thighs to touch your cheek. Stroking it the way you had done to his. His face then inched closer to yours to where your noses were almost touching
“Please.” You said almost too desperately and fast as Eddie closed the small space between you two.His lips were on yours and it was soft and sweet. It felt like you were kissing him for hours before you pulled away giving each other the opportunity to catch your breath.
“I love you.” The words flew out of your mouth before you could think about it but at the same time you felt relieved you finally said what you’ve wanted to for so long. Eddie on the other hand had his eyes wide and mouth slightly ajar which made you giggle at the sight.
“You mean- you mean that?” He questioned blushing like crazy. “Yes I mean it. I love you.” You said as you began to pepper kisses around Eddie face. You kissed his around the corners of his forehead saying it over and over again. “I.. love.. you.” You kissed his nose, both sides of his cheeks, and finally made your way back to his lips kissing a bit firmer as you held his face in your hands.
Before the kiss could get deeper Eddie pulled away. “I love you too Y/N. So so much.” He said then quickly latching his lips onto yours deepening it. You whined into his mouth as he slipped his tongue into your mouth. Your began moving your hips absentmindedly on his lap as he moved his hands to your waist holding you in place.
You could feel yourself pool in your undies as you felt a bulge under you begin to rise. You slowed down with your movements and moved your hands into Eddie’s hair to play with it. You moved your hands from his hair to his shoulders to break the kiss off and tell Eddie, “I don’t want to do anything else right now. Just this.”
“Of course.” He said gently kissing one of your arms holding onto him. “Whatever you want baby.” “Take me out on a date first. Then maybe you get to see a little more.” You whispered leaning into his ear smiling to yourself when you pulled back to see his flustered face.
“Oh yeah?” He asked. “Oh yeah.” You replied with a hint of mockery in your voice. “Deal.” Eddie said then kissing you again.
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djostan · 2 years
what they're like in bed headcannons (18+).
summary; headcannons of what steve, jonathan, eddie, and billy are like in bed.
warnings; no like.. actual sex but it's mentioned of course. sub/dom dynamics, oral, spanking, spit kink, dacryphilia, unprotected sex/cumming inside, pet names (baby, honey, good girl), belly bulge, exhibitionism?, size kink, degrading, weed, i think that's it.. lmk if i missed any!
a/n; this is 18+ ONLY!! you greasy ass little kids better not be reading this. love you<3 also- lmk if you want more headcannons (of who and what) and i'll write them for you!
yk, i feel like steve is a real sweetheart during sex.
we all know he's had his fair share of sex but i think after nancy.. he's less rough and more sensual
don't get me wrong, he can still be rough if he wants to but- he likes to take things slow and really feel it
sex is more meaningful to him now and he wants you to know through his actions that he really does love you.
he'll whisper in your ear things like, "you're so good for me baby. always such a good girl." or, "i love you so so much". 
he's a missionary man. lovess seeing your face when he's fucking you.
he moans. 
imo steve doesn't seem like type of guy to be really loud but, he is
if he's not moaning into your neck and telling you how good you make him feel then 
he's grunting like a mad man
sometimes he'll even whimper for you
like if you're sucking him off or riding him and you just keep going after he cums,
he's whimpering and mumbling about how it's "too much" and "i can't take it- please"
ok now
remember how i said he can be rough if he wants to??
he very much can.
god when steve gets rough he gets nasty 
i believe steve is the type of guy to spit in your mouth. i will take no criticism for this!!
he'll pinch your cheeks together so your lips part and be like "open that pretty little mouth for me." and "yeah, stick your tongue out. like that" 
and then he'll spit 
it definitely shocks you at first
but, of course, you'll swallow because he told you to and he's the boss 
the longer you two are together, the more used to it you'll get
sometimes you will ask him to spit down your throat
he loves to spank you. 
giving you light smacks to your ass and then gripping and kneeding the flesh that's now red 
it's his favorite thing ever
he likes to cum in you a lot but 
only if you're 100% okay with it and the risk of you getting pregnant is non-existent
now i know most of you think jonathan is a little perv but 
i disagree (we can go further into this later maybe)
he's a desperate fucker
nothing but whines and whimpers
he can be so shy with you and you find it nothing but fucking adorable
he'll never flat out tell you he's horny when he is but 
he will rut against your ass or thighs 
and when you ask him what he's doing he'll just moan louder than he was and hope you give him what he wants 
loves when you're on top 
he's a sub but not in the way you may think
he loves when you're on top and, i guess "dominating" him, buttt
he's in control!! 
he tells you what to do and how to do it
obviously, he's not selfish
he makes sure that you feel good bc if you don't, he can't.
loves to eat you out omg
ik i said he's deperate and all that jazz but to him
nothing is better then hearing your moans and knowing that he's the reason for them
(i also wanna add that he gets no bitches so you were absolutely his first)
he'll say things like 
"please honey- i need you so bad" and "am i yours? tell me i'm yours." 
blushes so much
literally anything you say to him during sex has his cheeks growing pink 
he's def top 2 for me. love my baby jonathan
my little rockstar 
he's a soft dom no doubt
likes to be in control but isn't opposed to letting you take the lead 
but trust me that won't happen often
like steve, he'll spit in your mouth from time to time 
most likely if you've been what he likes to call a 'bad girl'
praises you for sure!!!
he makes sure you know that what you're doing is good, great, amazing
size kink tbh
eddie is much bigger than you in all ways
and your body looks so small and so good underneath his
has a thing for belly bulge omgg
his dick is so big and so deep inside you so occasionaly he'll see it pushing on your lower stomach a bit
and boy oh boy does this turn him on
he'll immediately grab your hand and place it on your stomach so you can feel what he's seeing
sucker for hickeys
wants- no, needs- people to know that the so called 'freak' the majority of hawkins high hates is fucking you,
one of the prettiest people in the school
but he doesn't want you to be the only one with purple/red patches scattered all over your body
he wants them too!!
so you give him as many as he wants, duh
i think he would say things like, "you're such a pretty girl. always taking my dick so good." and "no one else could ever fuck you like this, huh?"
sooo protective over you 
and definitely very big on aftercare
since he isn't the most soft guy during sex he makes sure you are 110% okay when you two are done
will run you a bath
or wipe you down with a soft, wet cloth if you're too worn out to bathe
he doesn't just sell weed, he smokes it of course
and you (probably) do too
so high sex is a must!!
lowkey has a thing for getting frisky in public
like not full on fucking but he'll definitely get a little too touchy sometimes
i luv him 
he's a whore. 
we've all seen how he is with the ladies
acts like a gentlemen at first ykyk
he makes woman scream (says max)
so he's probably pretty goddamn rough 
obviously, not enough to actually really physically hurt you but 
enough to make you cry
speaking of crying.. he's into that
dacryphilia kink fs
loves fucking you so good to the point of tears. really boosts his ego 
i'd say he's against pain related things like spanking, choking, etc.. 
bc of his abuse trauma ykyk
so although his stamina and force is a lottt
he would Neverrr physically harm you
degrades you a bit
not too much 
but he'll probably make fun of you a little by saying something like, 
"crying over dick? so fucking pathetic" and "i bet you get fucked like this a lot. with how much of a slut you are" 
does make sure you know he didn't mean what he said during the act
tbh.. i don't have a lot to say about billy lmao. although his character is hot, i do not like him!! (you shouldn't either,, anyways) 
but uhhh yea he's a gentlemen in the streets but a dirty whore in the sheets🤭😝
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djostan · 2 years
Eddie x black reader head cannons
because theres not enough blk reader hcs out there. lmk which one is your favorite and add your own in the comments <3
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I feel like Eddie is a major fidgeter, so he’d (very respectfully) ask you to fidget with one of your braids locs, twists, ect. It just calms him down so well and he would never grab one without your permission. He then just makes a habit of twirling your hair around his ringed fingers.
Loves the smell of your hair products. can never smell coconut or shea butter with out thinking of you and your hair.
Wants you to define his curls so they 'look like yours’, but you try to tell him your curl patterns are very different. He just says “well… work with mine then, please? I wanna smell like you.”
Never ever fails to compliment you every time you change your hair styles
Picks your afro for you 🤧
Curiously asks why you have so much lotion/are always putting on lotion. He apparently doesn’t put on lotion often, (literally at all, like rarely ever puts that shit on) so when you tell him its so you’re not ashy, he looks incredibly confused. he’s all like “ashy? what does that even mean?” you just roll your eyes.
has an extra bonnet in his bedroom for when you stay the night (AHHH THIS ONE IS MY FAVORITE 💖💘💕💞🖤💞💓 MAKES ME SWOON 🤧🤧🤧🤧)
Helps you gel down and part your plats that you cant reach
Will try to make his own plate at cook outs but gets teased about how he 'dont got enough on his plate’ and gets told to “eat more food, boy, you too skinny.”
Is fascinated by how well you take care of your hair and your long hair care routine (because he don’t take care of his hair for shit)
Wears your hair ties/scrunchies as a bracelet and sniffs them randomly because they smell like your hair
If you asked him to describe your skin color, he would say ‘earth colored’ (if you’re dark skinned) or 'like brown sugar’ (if you’re light skinned) rather than just brown or something else boring
You introduced him to reggae music and he listens to the FUCK out of it when he’s stoned and he thinks is such and experience. It just makes everything extra vibey to him
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djostan · 2 years
So you're telling me, they just left his body there? In the upside down forever? That no one cared or mourned but Dustin? That they let him be called a murderer and cult leader with no one fighting back against those allegations? That max can survive several broken bones and a whole standoff with vecna but Eddie dies in vain to fulfill some heroic redemption arc that wasn't necessary? He deserved better than that. Fuck you stranger Things and the way you introduce characters just to kill them off.
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djostan · 2 years
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# eddie is fed up with their lack of music culture
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