jellijellybean · 21 days
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this is bad, i'm currently thinking about genichiro from sekiro. i just feel like he can never take no as an answer y'know? like the type of guy to let out a loud exhale when you tell him you don't want to do something, when you reject his advances, and when you tell him to leave you alone. he's not used to it, not at all and it frustrates him to no end. how could you say no to him?
all he's ever done is have his family’s, his mentor’s, your best interest at heart and you have the nerve to tell him he can't have what he's worked so hard for? it has his blood boiling underneath that quiet exterior, his hands gripping the fabric of his pants while you explain to him that, although you appreciate his efforts to win you over, you're already in an arranged marriage — it would never work out, especially with how dangerous his position is in the ashina army.
you might not see it, might not be able to notice how little he's holding his composure together, but you can definitely feel the way the air changes. slowly starting to suffocate you, there's a hint of electricity beginning to flood inside your room. you can almost hear the soft buzz of it, the noise quiet enough to be ignored, but you couldn't. not when the threat of what it meant was still present. one wrong move and you might be fried from the static, but… genichiro wouldn't hurt you.
no, he wouldn't, he couldn't. is what he tells himself. he shouldn't be the one to hurt you, but he has to. just like how he has to be the one to restore ashina’s honor even if it costs him his people, his allies, and himself.
genichiro promises, swears on his life, that he'd be the only one you need. he'd devote himself entirely if you opened your heart enough. that he'd raise statues, monuments for your honor — you just have to give him what he wants. you might feel conflicted, maybe even confused because even if you do agree how would he convince your family? his head lowers, forehead to the floor, when he bows in front of you. the highest form of respect, given to you when you hear him whisper. he vows that when he returns, he'll return with jewelry, exotic fruits, presents for each member, money to help convince your family.
and what if they don't?
genichiro doesn't answer. his silence is unnerving and you want him to say something, anything, but he doesn't and it makes your stomach drop. you order him to go and pray he never returns, that finally, the ashina clan falls with him being in the center of it. you don't hear him leave, but the slight brush you feel against your hand lets you know he's done as you asked.
it's a sickening feeling, genichiro thinks whilst awaiting orders, that he has to resort to such measures to win your favor, but he needs to. he's the one meant to show you, to hold your hand, to leave with a kiss from your lips while he guides his army to victory. you're meant to praise him, shower him with your attention when he returns with not a single scratch on his body. worry and fuss when he does return with a few knicks, maybe some bruises if he thinks it'll have you clinging to him. genichiro knows he needs you beside him, even if you cry and beg for him to leave you alone. you'll see that, eventually, everything he's done, everything he's sacrificed has been for you, for ashina, for all he's ever cared about.
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jellijellybean · 3 months
Ello new writer I think ur writing is fantastic don't be so hard on yourself!! Are you interested in getting a beta readerr perchance becuz BOY I need an extension to gojos like u cant just leave me out like this ????
thank you, i appreciate your kind words. but you can't just say perchance and expect me to be normal about it.
anyway more thoughts on gojo below because he makes me insane.
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gojo is someone who only has little time for himself or the things he loves. i mean, can you even imagine having the responsibility of being the strongest resting on your shoulders? so when he finds the time, even if it's for an hour, a few minutes, or a couple of seconds i guarantee he'd spend it with you. because to him you mean everything.
when he's with you he's given just enough of a distraction to forget himself. forget that persona he wears and instead be his real true self. the side where he doesn't hide away his insecurities, his darkest thoughts, his pain and his anger.
you give him an escape. a way to feel like the average joe for as long as he's with you and to say the least, my man really needs it. gojo is someone with a hard shell to crack but i know for a fact that if someone ever gives the time and effort to break through it, he won't let you go afterwards. have you seen him with geto? ten years later, he still calls him his best friend while he’s running a damn cult and killing humans left and right. now imagine if you meant more to him than that, i mean it, he really won't let you go.
he just seems so clingy to me. like downright whiny if you don’t place your one-hundred percent attention on him. you know when you have a pet and they won’t leave you alone, following you around in all areas of your home and sometimes waking up and seeing them right beside you? yeah. that’s him. your doors and windows could have been locked, and he wouldn’t have had his key, but you would still wake up with his arms around your torso — pulling you tight to his chest while he sleeps. he doesn't like leaving you alone. when you both have the time to sit and watch a movie or he drags you along one of his missions out of town and you find yourself chilling on the couch or bed watching a movie. and he’ll casually place his hand on your thigh or your calf, your shoulder if he’s close enough. maybe your hand if he’s feeling like it. in general, expect his touch.
that leads me to what everyone wants.
during sex, gojo expects close proximity. he rarely lets anyone within his vicinity so expect this to be a tender and loving moment for him.
he'll be pulling you into his arms right after the high starts to fade, face pressed into your neck, and he's aware of how big and lanky he is so he won't be putting his full weight on you. he'll cup your face, thumb tracing the skin of your cheek when he presses kiss after kiss onto your lips.
gojo isn't one for talking during intimacy, not too much of a dirty talker but he doesn't have an issue with letting out the soft noises he makes. you could make a symphony with his quiet gasps and drawn-out moans, maybe he'd throw in a curse word here and again, but ultimately he saves his words for after. when you witness his smile and soft gaze that traces your face before he bites his lip teasingly as he drags his eyes lower and lower.
“..you’re beautiful.” he'll whisper into your mouth with a kiss, like a secret no one else must know. “everything i could ever ask for.” he's sweet like that and wants you to know it.
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jellijellybean · 4 months
nsfw takes on some [JJK] characters mdni
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don't laugh at me alright. im soft and mushy most days so there's no hardcore kinks in this one gang. ngl sometimes i get really nervous about posting my writing but then i remember i used to write on quotev when i was fourteen and feel arguably worse. as always put your ages in bios please and thank you. [word count: 2.1k]
warnings: nsfw. slight choking (gojo), overstimulation (receiving w/geto), alcohol mention (shoko), uhh none for (nanami) i believe, nails/scratching (utahime), oral (tojo)
a/n: this was written to be gender neutral. i might do the curses next because i am but a humble sukuna enjoyer (its such a shame he's always on my mind and never on me.)
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I feel like he's the type to set the pace real gentle and slow. He doesn't get the opportunity to shower you with his affection as much as he'd like, but when he does it leaves you breathless.
He drags his palm up towards your neck so he can cup your face in one of those big hands of his. His lips don't stop ghosting over your neck as he trails kiss after kiss until he's brushing against your lips while the hand cupping your face suddenly trails down to carefully wrap his long fingers around your throat.
The squeeze is almost too faint to feel, but your head spins regardless and the chuckle that rumbles through his chest at your reaction makes your stomach explode with butterflies.
His favorite thing though?
Loves it so much when you wrap your legs around his waist, he loves the feeling of your arms wounding tight around his shoulders, how he's practically engulfed by you.
Seriously. He just loves the way you feel when you're here clinging to him down to the right amount of pressure, always leaving him dizzy from the rush he gets. When you whisper his name over and over again he feels invincible.
All the responsibilities, the pain, and sorrow can wait, everything, all his worries, all his hurt can fade into the background when your fingers brush through his hair, repeating soft, "I love you's,” into his mouth until your voice fades and his breath hitches.
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A tease through and through.
The type to whisper that he wants to hear what you want, all the filthy things that enter your mind, he wants to hear it all. Purposely, leaves you begging for more just so he can repeat the words of, "..say it for me one more time," before he thinks of continuing.  He's a bit more calculated with how well he sets the pace too.
Geto’s the type to observe your reactions, see how well you react to the way he slides in, how much pressure he'll need to use to have your legs shaking, and how sensitive you are to his touch. He takes his time to explore and learn just how to make your body sing.
You'd almost be startled by how often he focuses entirely on the way you feel when you're with him. The way you squeeze your eyes shut or when you try to pull him closer has his heart about to burst with the adoration he feels for you at that moment.
Be warned though, because of the pause he takes to admire you, to spend a few moments worshipping your very being — he'll absolutely overstimulate you afterwards, badly.
He might whisper that he's sorry, but he's almost there.. you can take a bit more, can't you? He got so distracted by you, he can't help it! The twitchy feeling below your stomach soon boils into burning pleasure when he continues the pace of his thrusts. He's kissing you, smothering your lips with kiss after kiss until your hands shake and your back arches once again.
Geto chuckles at the way your body tightens just right around him and he can't stop himself from cupping your face and holding it steady enough to keep your lips locked tight together.
Sigh. Isn't he so romantic?
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You'd have to be the one to suggest anything, she's a busy woman with a packed schedule that leaves her exhausted.
Maybe, you decide to surprise her with a home-cooked dinner when she walks through the door and you finally get to see her tired smile as she tells you, you didn't have to.
You say it's the least you can do with the same bright grin you always wear and as you pull out the wine bottle kept safe for nights like this she caves and takes her seat right across from your own. Shoko's very thankful for your presence when you begin to talk about your day while she sits there and listens. A few drinks later and a quick movie leaves you guys on the couch, Shoko hovering above you as your hands rest against her hips.
The movie is long forgotten when you leave little nips and soft kisses against the sorceress' neck. Her shirt, slowly being pushed up and over her head just so you can continue to worship her delicate skin and watch the bites, scratches, and hickeys on her body slowly gain color.
Shoko’s more relaxed if anything, not really in a rush to get to where she needs to go. She is the type to really savor the moment as she tends to get lost in the way it feels the closer she gets to being pushed over that edge.
Something tells me she's also big on using her hands — mainly to touch your skin. Cup your face and trace the scars that you received from the time before you knew her. She even enjoys/savors the heat from your body as it slowly warms up her icy hands, and to Shoko, it's a constant reminder that you're here.
With her.
It keeps her grounded, especially after a long day of seeing sorcerers in different states of agony. You're her rock and she couldn't feel happier with anyone else, after all, you're all she needs in this world.
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Nanami is a bit harder for me to calculate, but he gives very solid and strong vibes, give me a second to explain. Feels like his pace would be as steady as can be.. in the sense that he doesn't necessarily change it much. You might feel him get a bit rougher the closer he gets, really wanting to press deep, but he mostly keeps himself stable and has pretty good stamina overall.
Not the type to really get lost in the moment, but he tends to bask in the way his muscles tense and then how his body relaxes after he climaxes. He's a bit more on the quiet side too, not into talking too much but more into soft sighs and heavy breathing.
Don't expect his pace to be erratic unless you purposely tease him throughout the day — you'll know what's about to happen when he suddenly clasps a hand on your shoulder, pinky close enough to your neck he'd be able to caress the skin if he wanted to. He's ruthless, but still.. restrained in a sense until you goad him a bit more — keep babbling about whatever, tease him until you see the cracks in his self-control.
Man's will be talking then, whispering how exactly you affect him. How you invade his mind on days he needs to focus, how you're always there regardless of what he's doing.
When he's at work he wonders if you're awake. In the car he questions whether you've eaten or not and even when he's dealing with curses he thinks back to you.. at home waiting for him and he finds himself being a bit more careful.
Calculated and calm.
He needs to get home to you after all. Nanami tends to be a little more looser, letting out moans and groans more freely, his deep voice leaves you shivering. He normally falls asleep after nights like these though, arm wrapped taut around your body, making sure to keep you close to his chest. Just hold him tight and whisper that everything will be okay — he'll fully believe you.
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Alright, something about this lady just gives me.. brat vibes (if you can say that.)
She won’t be downright mean to you but will do anything to get a reaction out of you so to speak. I’m talking when you guys are training and she manages to knock you down to the ground with a bright grin on her face all while exclaiming that she beat you!
Utahime can laugh and giggle all she wants about her victory and she might even say that you let your guard down, that you didn’t give it your all, and that you lost — to her.
It might make your blood boil a bit when she says those words to you, a slight tremble in your fingers as you reach for her arm to tug her down.
Now it’s your turn to laugh at the shock on her face, the way she whispers that your tactics are dirty, and the fact her face flushed at the realization of just how close you two were. You’re practically on top of her! She says it with a slight glare but your hands slip under her shirt before she even has a second to open her mouth again. It's funny watching, almost entranced, as her eyes widen before she tries to squirm away.
She stares, jaw slack, as the grin grows on your face when you throw a teasing remark back to her that gets her blood boiling all while teasing her chest. Utahime begins to take this as a challenge — to see who’s the real loser and before you realize it, girl has you flipped over with her hands underneath your shirt. Her strength surprises you as she slowly clambers on top of your body, feeling the way her nails ghost across your skin before digging into your shoulders.
Oof yeah, the nails are something she uses — often. Talking deep scratches along your back and shoulders that burn with an almost addicting pain, might even leave imprints when she cums with how hard she digs them into your skin. Sometimes it has you worried she’s drawing blood lol.
I also get talkative vibes from her, like she whispers soft curses and small threats like, “If you stop.. I’m going to kill you.” (LMAO) but the majority of the time, when you guys aren’t at each other’s throats, she’s a real softy with her words.
Very open about how good you make her feel and will gladly tell you so, but be warned because she expects the same energy back.
Honestly, just tell her how much you love her, how badly she affects you, and just how often she’s on your mind and I promise she’ll be eating out of your palm in no time because.. really.
All she wants is someone to love and appreciate the way she is without the need to hide any part of herself and look who's perfect for that.
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You guys probably met at some bar that served cheap booze and different types of filling foods. The screens on the tv’s playing random sports or the news or even some random cartoon — it’s overstimulating and you don’t even realize it until the sound of someone shuffling beside you is enough to drag your attention away.
The man doesn’t seem to acknowledge you but yawns very openly, you swear you’d be able to hear it if the people chatting weren’t so loud. Toji on the other hand, noticed you from across the room. His first thoughts were that you were cute looking, not really meant to be on this side of town without a reason, so he decided to sit next to you and see if you'd be interested in conversation.
(I can’t describe it but Toji to me doesn’t really give romantic vibes, but he’d still be at least somewhat considerate of your comfort and pleasure.)
Don't expect kisses to the lips and soft pillow talk, expect a bite to your ear and him forcing you to wrap your legs around his waist. Just ti keep himself hunched over your body until he's practically engulfing you and everything you are. Has a mix of having such a ruthless pace that leaves you gasping for air each time he bullies his way inside and then having the slow and lazy one with how gentle he rocks his hips into you when he feels like switching it up.
He won't admit it but he loves the fact you can never seem to hide the noises he drags out of you — it's a song only he's able to hear and that leaves him on cloud nine.
Might catch him lying on his back afterwards, staring at the ceiling with a somewhat blank look on his face. You might think that's it. That he's got what he wanted and is about to leave and never speak to you again, but the truth is, he's not sure how to ask if you'd be interested in meeting up like this again and again and again.
It's been a while since he's actually slept with someone he feels like he has good compatibility with and that's hard to find in this day and age. Won't say anything about it but you'll find it kind of weird when you slowly begin to see him around a bit more. Maybe he's walking down the street or standing in line at the grocery store and you see him again.
Call it fate or whatever but he draws you closer, like a moth to a flame. You'll learn about his thing with oral as time goes on. Loves the way you sound with his fingers in your mouth or when it's been such a rough day all he needs is you, on your back, trying to shove his head away while you beg and plead for some mercy.
It's honestly his favorite pastime. Let's just hope you two don't get into anything too frisky because my man is shameless and all I can say is godspeed soldier.
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jellijellybean · 2 years
fandoms id be willing to write for: genshin impact, tears of themis, jujutsu kaisen, cowboy bebop, trigun, attack on titan, death note, bnha, resident evil, demon slayer, sekiro, dark souls, arcane, stardew valley, dol (degrees of lewdity), some slasher films, persona 5, hades, maybe cod (call of duty) if i feel like it
if you’re curious about any other fandoms, don’t be afraid to ask because i might not have mentioed it.
i will NOT be writing for any of the following; scat, piss, p*dophilia, incest (psuedo is fine to me,) vore, vomit, anything to do with minors (characters will always be aged up,) self harm, nor ships. you will not catch me writing any of these.
as a reminder i will be checking ages in bios so please only interact with me if you’re over eighteen, thank you.
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jellijellybean · 2 years
welcome! my name’s jelly, bean, or jellybean, all are fine by me lol. im a twenty year old dude (he/they) who has way too much free time. feel free to stop by and take a look at everything while you’re here. 
this blog will be dedicated to writing for male and gender-neutral readers. this includes any dark content that catches my eye. 
im not sure if i’ll take requests but my inbox is [open] for whatever. go crazy.
do not read/interact if you are below eighteen (18)
now then, if you’d like to see the fandoms i most likely will write for just click this right here my friend.
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