djunkiejunk · 11 days
Behind the Scenes: The Secret Omega CHAPTER 9 - The Meeting
AO3 Link SUMMARY: Eight months after Kimi has been with her alphas, she's called into a meeting that she's been dreading.
CHAPTER 9 - The Meeting
8 months later
“Thank you, Ms. Ison, for coming in to see us today. Though I do wish it were under much better circumstances.”
“Of course, thank you so much for the invitation,” Kimi responds back, not drawing attention to the last half of the sentence. Her nerves are running rampant as she takes a seat across from a notoriously harsh Society advisor. 
The advisor in question looks between the papers on his desk and the woman in front of him. “Yes, well. Let’s just get to the root of the reason we have you here today. Ms. Ison, when you joined your pack earlier this year, you signed a contract, correct?” the advisor questions. It seems that he is in no mood for simple small talk at the moment.
A pit of dread opens up in Kimi’s stomach. “Yes, sir,” Kimi responds politely, knowing where the conversation is going.
The advisor continues his questioning, tone riddled with judgment. “So, you are aware that you need to be producing an heir for either Mr. Aizawa or Mr. Yamada, within a year, yes?”
“Yes, sir,” Kimi’s voice is a bit smaller now that her suspicions of where the conversation was going have been confirmed. 
The advisor gives her a disapproving look. “Ms. Ison, to be frank. We are quite disappointed in your lack of success with this matter. It’s been reported that you have not shared either of your past heats with your alphas, is this correct?”
“Yes, sir,” she responds timidly, embarrassed by the fact.
“Do you mind explaining why that is?” their voice is heavy with accusation, causing a pit to form in Kimi’s stomach.
“Of course. The uh, the first one-,” Kimi starts to explain, nerves coating her voice. She quietly clears her throat and attempts to speak a bit more eloquently. “The first one my alphas were called to be on a mission last minute. Actually, it was right when my heat started. So, by the time they came back, my heat had completed.”
The Society advisor writes down some notes on the document in front of him. Kimi swallows, trying to lessen the dryness in her throat, but it does little to resolve her issue.
“The second time, Mr. Yamada was there, but he left,” Kimi ends her sentence quietly.
“Your alpha left you?” the society member asked, shocked. Normally, when an alpha left an omega during their heat, it meant that they were rejecting them. Considering this was not actually the case, Kimi rushes to defend herself.
“Yes,” she admits, shamefully. “He wanted his partner to be there with him for our first heat together. Mr. Aizawa had been called in to help with a school field trip to fill in for another teacher. The school wasn’t able to find another teacher and he didn’t have a choice. So, shortly after I started my heat, Mr. Yamada left.”
The last word practically comes out as a squeak. She hates how this makes her look, but has very little ammunition to protect herself with. Her head is lowered in shame, but she can still see the pen moving frantically over the page it’s on. Each scribble causes the pit in her stomach to grow exponentially. 
“I see,” the advisor says, ending his notes with a harsh period. “Well, be that as it may. You are still under obligation to produce an heir. The Society will be allowing you one more time to try things organically before we step in to ensure the process is being handled correctly.” 
Kimi’s lip quivers at his comment, she bites it to make it stop.
The advisor lets out a disappointed sigh. “We had such high hopes for you, you had the highest potential of all of the candidates in your time. Arguably higher than some of our newer candidates. Don’t disappoint us with something so,” the advisor twirls their hand, thinking of the right word. “Trivail. We’ll be in touch after your next heat and expect only positive results. Is that understood?”
“Yes, sir,” Kimi replies, her voice the smallest it’s ever been.
Seemingly unbothered by her disappointment, his tone lightens. “Great! Well, we will see you in about two months then, after the new year. Do your best to keep us impressed, yes?”
“Yes, sir,” Kimi agrees. Her ego is completely deflated and she feels like she’s just been kicked in the gut.
“Fantastic. You’re dismissed,” the advisor says with a wave of their hand. They merely go back to whatever they were working on before Kimi arrived, completely disregarding her.
Kimi stands up from her chair and respectively bows before exiting the room. She fights the tears welling up in her eyes from following as her heels click through the hallways. As she exits the building, she picks up her phone and calls her best friend. She stands to the side as she listens to the phone ring before her friend picks up.
“Hello!~” she answers in a sing-song tone. Kimi smiles and answers back in a shaky tone,
“Hey, Naomi. How are you?”
“Good, how about you?” Naomi asks, concerned by Kimi’s tone. “Are you doing ok?”
“Um, I’m ok. I just-,” Kimi takes a moment to swallow so she doesn’t start bawling. “I could just really use someone to talk to right now. Are you able to meet up? Is that ok?”
“Of course!” Naomi immediately responds. “Where are you?”
“I’m at the Society headquarters, but maybe we can go to the park or something? Just somewhere without a lot of people.”
“Oh, I know just the place! Remember that beach we used to go to in college? Why don’t we go there,”
“Yeah, ok,” Kimi answers hesitantly.  “Thank you, Naomi. I’ll see you soon!”
“See you soon,” Naomi replies warmly. “Love you!”
“Love you too,” Kimi says with a smile before ending the call. She sniffles and quickly wipes her eyes before she makes her way to the SUV waiting for her. She gives the driver the address to the beach and stuffs her purse with tissues on the ride over.
“Kimi!~,” Naomi says, practically running with her arms outstretched when she arrives. 
“Naomi,” Kimi responds with a lopsided smile, accepting the hug.
“I’m so sorry to ask you to come out when you’re so pregnant,” Kimi starts to apologize before Naomi cuts her off.
“Oh, don’t worry about it. I could really use the fresh air. My alpha just wants to keep me cooped up in the house all day and it makes me stir crazy,” she giggles.
“Ok,” Kimi says reluctantly. “As long as you’re not pushing yourself too hard. I don’t need him coming for my throat.”
 They make their way down the beach, small-talking about Naomi’s pregnancy until they find a place to sit down.
“So what’s going on?” Naomi asks, concerned. 
“The Society chewed me out today over not being pregnant,” Kimi admits. The pit in her stomach still weighs heavy from the harsh words.
Naomi makes an apologetic noise and gently grabs her arm. Kimi’s eyes start to water, but she continues.
“They say that if I’m not pregnant after my next heat, they’re going to step in and ensure things happen themselves.”
“What?” Naomi asks, completely baffled by the news.
“Yeah, I signed a contract saying that I’d be pregnant in a year and now half that year is gone. So if I don’t get pregnant next time-,” Kimi trails off. Naomi reassuringly places her head on Kimi’s shoulder.
“I’m so sorry, that’s awful.” The omega lets out some soothing waves, hoping they’ll help console her friend.
“Yeah. I don’t know how I’m going to bring it up to the guys. I mean, they already feel guilty about the last two times. And it’s not that they haven’t wanted to spend my heats with me, it’s just that they keep getting called in for things that they can’t avoid.”
“Mmm,” Naomi responds, listening intently.
“I think it just really shocked me how rude they were about it. Like, they just made me feel so small and worthless. The advisor was like ‘Oh, we had such high hopes for you and now you’re disappointing us’,” Kimi mocks. “It just made me realize that I really am worthless unless I do this.”
“Hey! You’re not useless,” Naomi reacts, sitting up. “You do so much for the both of them and you know it! You work at their agency, right?” Naomi pauses, forcing Kimi to answer.
“Yes,” she meekly answers. 
“And you’re always cooking them great meals and making sure they’re taken care of. Didn’t you say that you even bandaged up one of them when they came home from patrol all beat up?”
Kimi smiles as she remembers. Shouta had come home late one night and was trying to bandage up his own injuries quietly. The agency was too far and the wait in the hospital would have been too long since he had to teach later in the morning. Kimi had heard him come in and was quick to help him out without causing too much of a fuss.
She remembered how grateful his face was and how warm he felt when she got the rare occurrence of Shouta-only cuddles.
“I did,” she says with a light smile.
“See! You are far beyond worthless and that advisor had no right to make you feel that way,” Naomi assures her.
Tears start pouring more freely down Kimi’s face. Wordlessly, Naomi wraps her arms around her friend. Memories of the last couple of months play in Kimi’s mind. The products she helped create at the agency. The party she threw together for Hizashi’s birthday. All the sweet, tender moments she got to share with the boys.
The relationship she’s built with her packmates is something she had only dreamed of previously. She’s genuinely happy and making a difference in her alpha’s lives. She allows her emotions to flow and falls to Naomi for support.
“Thank you,” Kimi squeaks out meekly. They sit in semi-silence while Kimi cries. Waves crash on the shore, people occasionally walk by. Life continues as Kimi continues to let her emotions flow. Naomi’s hands rub up and down Kimi’s back reassuringly as she lets out a soothing wave for her friend. 
Slowly, the tears stop their descent and Naomi removes her hands, sitting back up. Kimi reaches into her purse for some tissues to wipe off her face and blow her nose.
“It’s pretty out here,” she comments to Naomi, trying to change the subject to something happier.
“It is!” Naomi agrees, taking a second to admire the view. “Oh, I heard that that one beach with all the trash is slowly getting cleared out,” Naomi says.
“Oh yeah?” Kimi asks, intrigued. Her parents had taken her to that beach a couple of times when she was younger so seeing it filled with trash always made her so sad.
“Yeah, some random volunteer is helping to get things broken down and cleared out. You should see it already, there’s been a good chunk cleared away.” 
“I will, it’s been a while since that beach has been nice,” Kimi comments. 
They smile at one another and Naomi reaches her hand out to place on Kimi’s shoulder.
“Hey. Don’t worry too much about what that nasty advisor said, ok? Just let your alphas know what they’re saying and make plans for next time, ya?”
“Yeah. You’re right,” Kimi says with a halfhearted smile. “Thank you for coming out here, Naomi. I needed this,” Kimi admits.
“Of course, no problem,” Naomi grins. “You know I’m always here for you.”
They spend another hour at the beach, catching up on other aspects of life before watching the sunset. Once the sun dips below the horizon, they wish each other goodbye and head back to their respective homes.
When Kimi gets home that night, she texts Nemuri to see if she’s interested in going to tea with her the following morning. She had some questions she wanted to ask her before talking to her alphas about the meeting she had the day. Nemuri texted back shortly after that she was more than happy to and they finalized a time and place. Kimi put her phone aside while she finished making dinner for herself. It was Friday night so Hizashi was already at the agency to prep for the radio show and Shouta was out patrolling. 
Kimi planned on spending the night listening to Hizashi’s radio program until she fell asleep while journaling how her day went. Overall, it was a pretty quiet night. As the hours went by, she made some tea before crawling into bed and enjoying the lingering smell of her alphas to get to sleep.
Early the next morning, Kimi snakes out of the arms of her two alphas, letting them enjoy their sleep. She quietly gets ready before leaving a note for the boys and leaving for the cafe. Nemuri is there ahead of her and greets her with a wide grin.
“Kimi! Darling, it is so good to see you!” she beams.
“It’s good to see you too, Nemuri. I swear, I saw you more before I was with the boys,” she teases.
“It’s true,” she sighs dramatically. “You just don’t need me anymore.”
Kimi giggles. “That’s not true at all,” she assures. The two girls go inside, order their drinks, and sit at a table outside, away from the other patrons. 
“So, I know you didn’t just call me here to see my gorgeous face,” Nemuri starts. “What’s going on?”
“You got me,” Kimi says with a self-deprecating laugh. “I was looking to get some advice for some- um - bedroom things,” Kimi says, eyes darting around to make sure no one can overhear her.
“Oooh, yeah? What’s going on? What do you need help with?” Nemuri asks, now very interested in the conversation.
“Well, um. I haven’t been able to take both of them at the same time yet. Like I can handle each of them in one hole, but, I’m struggling taking two.” Kimi’s voice is low and her face is red at her admittal.
Nemuri gives her a practically predatory grin. “I see,” she starts. “And how is it when you try? Are they saying you’re too tight?”
“Yeah,” Kimi admits. Nemuri hums before asking her next question.
“Does it feel as tight as when you’re taking their knots?”
Kimi grmaces a little. “I, uh. I haven’t been able to do that yet,” she admits
“What?” Nemuri blurts out. “What do you mean? Like it’s not fitting?”
The realization that Nemuri doesn’t know about her last heat hits her like a bus. Dread fills her veins as she worries about what the alpha will do. “I uh. I haven’t spent a heat with them yet.”
“Oh,” Nemuri says, her tone still a bit puzzled. “Have you not wanted to -,”
“No, that’s not it at all,” Kimi rushes to say. “They just keep getting pulled away for work. Please don’t be mad or say anything to them. Hizashi’s already pretty beaten up about it.”
Upset waves start to pour out of the omega, making some of the other patrons look her way. Embarrassed, she quickly tries to reign in her emotions. 
“Sorry,” she apologizes meekly as Nemuri reaches out to hold one of her hands. 
The alpha gives her a soothing look. “You’re ok.”
Kimi gives a half-hearted smile. “The uh, the Society is really worried that I won’t fulfill my duties so they’re really pushing for me to get pregnant next heat. I’m going to talk to the guys about it, but I was hoping that you’d be able to help me with my problem so there aren’t any further complications.”
Nemuri smiled gently, realizing why the omega was looking specifically for her help. “Ok, darling. I’m more than happy to help,” she says in a comforting tone. She takes a moment to think over what Kimi’s been saying. “Well, let's see. They’re saying it’s too tight, ya?”
Kimi blushes, nodding slightly before responding quietly, “Yes.”
“Are they trying to add any fingers or anything to help stretch you out while they’re in you?” Nemuri ponders.
Kimi takes a breath, slowly getting a bit more comfortable with the conversation. “Um, they’ve tried a couple of times, but they’re saying it’s hard to get anything in. Like I’m clamping down too hard.”
“Mmm,” Nemuri hums. “Gotchu. And how are you feeling when this is happening?”
Kimi’s brow scrunches as she tries to recall her feelings in those moments. “Um, I’m a bit nervous,” Kimi admits. “And then I end up getting really disappointed that I can’t do what they’re asking.”
Nemuri slowly nods her head. “Are you worried it’s going to hurt?”
“Um, a little. Like there’s a little bit of pain when they’re trying to stretch me out and then I just get frustrated.”
Nemuri places her elbow on the table, resting her head in her hand. Her blue eyes settle gently over Kimi’s face. “Was this something they originally asked for?”
Kimi nervously sucks in her lips and nods without making eye contact. “Yes, but I want it too,” she admits slowly. “They had originally brought it up after my first heat there. They said that they wanted to try to make it work so they didn’t get competitive during my heats. They’re worried that they might start getting possessive.”
All of the puzzle pieces come together for Nemuri and she let’s out an understanding “Ooooh.” Sitting up in her chair, a knowing smile graces her face. “Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Especially if you haven’t shared a heat with them yet. Those feelings will probably settle down after your first heat or two with them.”
She smiles reassuringly at Kimi who absorbs the information she’s being given. She leans back a little in her hair, before letting out a small laugh. “They were like that when they first got together, I don’t know if they told you or not.”
“They told me a little bit,” Kimi confirms with a small smile. “But how did you think they were?”
Nemuri’s knowing smile only grows and Kimi can’t help but think about how good it looks on her. “Oh, they would get on each other’s nerves about the littlest things. Always protective about the dumbest stuff.” 
She leans forward excitedly before telling Kimi, “One time, Hizashi had gotten Shouta a drink from the vending machine to have after his workout and Shouta just blew up. Said he didn’t need to be coddled and challenged Hizashi right then and there. Luckily, I had stopped by as things were getting heated and was able to knock some sense into them.” Nemuri laughs at the memory and Kimi joins in.
Nemuri’s smile grows warm. “They’ll get over it,” she reassures. “This is all just really new for them.”
Kimi’s smile matches in warmth, looking at the alpha that shared so many happy memories with her own. “Yeah. Thank you, Nemuri,” Kimi says bashfully.
“Of course,” Nemuri says with her signature coo. “Anything for my favorite omega. Now,” she claps her hands. “Let’s see what we can do to make things easier for you, hm? Are you still taking that heat toy of yours pretty well?”
Nemuri’s voice is much louder than Kimi would like, so she quickly shushes her. She laughs bashfully before responding, “Yes. I’ve been taking the big one with no problem. That’s why I think I’m a little extra mad at myself for not being able to do this.” Her grin falters a little bit as the disappointment in her gut stirs a little.
Nemuri’s brow crinkles before asking, “Are you dropped when you’re trying this out?”
“No,” Kimi shakes her head. “But I don’t think that would be the issue, right? Like shouldn’t it be better that I’m not dropping outside of my heat?”
Nemuri nods in agreement. “You’re right, but I think I may know what’s going on.”
“Oh?” Kimi prompts, excited to get the solution to her problem.
Nemuri nonchalantly tells Kimi, “It sounds like you’re overthinking.”
“Huh?” comes Kimi’s immediate response. She was not expecting that to be the answer at all.
Nemuri laughs. “Exactly, You’re too in your head,” Nemuri continues to explain. “The reason that the audios and the large knot toys are so helpful during your heats are because they help you to stop thinking. You’re so worried about what other people are thinking that it’s getting in your way.”
Kimi’s shoulders sag, not expecting that to be the answer. “Oh,” she says quietly as she processes this.
Nemuri continues on. “That’s why when you’re trying to do something to impress the boys outside of your heat, you’re having extra difficulty. I’m sure this wouldn’t be as big of a deal when you’re dropped, but because you’re too in the moment, it’s causing issues.”
Kimi lightly nods her head, Nemuri’s words making sense to her. 
Nemuri shoots her a sympathetic look “Why don’t you try this,” she starts, before leaning back in her chair more comfortably. “Why don’t you send them one of the audios you really like? Tell them the next time you try it to have them speak to you just like the audios. Or, even suggest putting on one of the audios for you all to listen to in the moment. That way, they know how to distract you, hm?”
“Oh god, no,” Kimi blurts out. “Those audios are fine when I’ve got a little heat fog but they’re so cringy outside of my heats,” she giggles. “I think I would die of embarrasment if the boys listened to them.”
Nemuri shrugs, “Alright love, I just think it would help. Regardless, you should let them know what’s going on. And maybe, just think of some of the things you like in your audios and see if the boys are game to it, ya?”
“Yeah, I will,” Kimi agrees. She starts about how she’s going to word all of this to them and bites her lip in contemplation.
Seeing Kimi’s mind start to go makes Nemuri chuckle. “Oh, I am so glad you invited me out for tea, darling,” Nemuri comments. “We really need to do this more often!”
“Me too, we really should,” Kimi agrees back with a smile.
Nemuri leans forward and lowers her voice. “Plus, I want all the dirty details on the boys. Have you worn the cat ears and tail yet?” The devious look in her eyes makes Kimi genuinely laugh.
“No, not yet. ‘Zashi was telling me to save it for Sho’s birthday coming up,” Kimi smiles.
Nemuri’s eyes light up and a wicked smile grows on her face. “Oh, he’s going to love that! Is it just going to be you two or all three of you?” She’s happy that Kimi is giving her a little insight on her friend’s intimate life. Trying to get them to admit anything they like was always such a pain in the ass for her.
Kimi excitedly shares her upcoming plans. “‘Zashi’s actually going to give us the night to ourselves. Kind of like Sho’ did with ‘Zashi’s birthday.”
Nemuri happily claps her hands, bringing them to her chest. “Perfect. He’s just going to eat you up, I know it!” 
The girls talk a little more about things that would normally be shared in a more private setting. Before they separate, Kimi gives Nemuri a genuine hug and thanks her again for helping her out. She leaves with her head full of new ideas and a surge of confidence in her chest.
Kimi arrives back at home mid-day, right as the boys start waking up. She only had a couple of hours with them both before they had to depart for their respective jobs. After putting down her purse and taking off her shoes, she heads to the kitchen to start making their breakfast. She figures the best thing she can do is to fill their bellies with extra good food before she has the awkward talk.
She starts the kettle and coffee pot, before focusing on getting the food prepped. Hizashi is surprisingly the first one in the kitchen. 
“Good morning,” she beams as he walks towards her, stretching. As he lets his arms down, one wraps around her waist lovingly. She lightly tilts her head up to accept a quick kiss before turning her attention back to the food. “Did you sleep ok? I didn’t wake you up when I left this morning, did I?”
He seems to catch onto Nemuri’s scent on her because he quickly scents her before responding. “No, love,” he says, moving to sit across from her at the island. “You’re good. I slept like a baby honestly. This past week just wore me out so I just crashed when I got home.”
Kimi gives him a sympathetic smile. “Sorry, it was such a long week.”
He gives a half-hearted shrug. “Eh, not your fault. I think things are just a little crazy because we’re starting to get towards the holiday season.”
Kimi gives a knowing nod. “Yeah, the holidays really bring out the best in people,” she agrees sarcastically. 
“You can say that again,” Hizashi says, stretching again. His attention turns towards the hallway as he notices Shouta making his way in.
“Shower feel good?” Hizashi questions his partner.
Shouta looks up at his partner, his eyes still hanging onto some of the exhaustion his body carries. “Yeah, helped with some of the soreness,” Shouta comments. “‘Morning, Kimi.”
Kimi smiles and looks up happily at him.“‘Morning, Shouta,” Kimi mimics. “Breakfast is almost done.”
“I see that,” he says, watching her work for a few seconds. He walks around to her right side to place a kiss on his mark, also successfully scenting her. 
“Sho’,” she breathlessly giggles before turning her head to accept an actual kiss.
He puts his hands up defensively. “What? I’m just making everyone their drinks.” He shoots a knowing look at Hizashi before turning around and grabbing everyone’s mugs.
“Uh, huh. Sure,” Kimi teases back. She finishes plating up the last meal before the trio takes a seat at the table. “So how was everyone’s day yesterday,” Kimi prompts as she goes to take her first bite.
The two alphas look at each other before they both shrug. “Wasn’t too bad,” Shouta comments. “There wasn’t a lot of activity last night which was nice.”
“Yeah, nothing too special last night for me either,” Hizashi agrees.
“You were playing some good songs,” Kimi comments before adding, “as always.”
“Of course,” he says with a proud shrug. “Gotta make sure I play what my number one little listener likes.”
Kimi smiles as she continues eating, politely placing her hand over her mouth. She swallows before picking up the conversation a bit more between the two boys. Almost everyone’s finished their plates when Shouta asks, “How about you? How was your day?”
Seeing that her mates are almost done eating, she answers honestly. “Uh. It wasn’t the best if I’m being honest.”
Concern douses Hizashi’s face. “Oh, how come?”
A bit hesitantly, Kimi answers.“I, uh. I got called into the Society.”
The response is immediate. Both of her mates startle, practically jumping out of their chairs and Shouta’s head whips to her face. “What?” They both say in unison, waves of surprise and concern rolling off of them.
Kimi slowly answers with gritted teeth. “Yeah. I got a call two days ago and they requested I come in for a meeting.” Her hands soothingly rub themselves under the table.
“What did they want?” Shouta asks as Hizashi continues to stare at Kimi in surprise.
One of Kimi’s hands moves up to her opposite, rubbing it in a self-soothing manner. “They, um. They kinda scolded me for not being pregnant already.” While she knew the conversation would make the alphas upset, she knew it was still needed and fought through the awkward tension crawling through her body.
The boys look at each other, exchanging upset looks. Shouta leans back in his chair, arms crossed while Hizashi looks anywhere but in Kimi’s direction. He sighs, deflating a little. “I’m sorry, Kimi,” he says, voice broken and sad. 
Kimi launches herself in his direction, reaching out her hand towards his. “No, please don’t be upset about this. It’s okay,” Kimi rushes to say, hoping it soothes her alpha.
“No, it’s really not.” She can’t help but listen to how defeated he sounds. “I shouldn’t have left you when you needed me. They probably wouldn’t have gotten on your case.”
Shouta gives his partner a sympathetic look. “We don’t know that,” Shouta says gently, reminding his partner of a previous conversation they’ve all had. Kimi’s thankful he seems to be keeping a pretty level head. “You did what you thought was best for the pack, remember?”
“Yeah,” Hizashi agrees, a bit quietly. “I just hate that now she’s having to pay for it.”
Kimi defensively puts her hands out. “I’m all good, really. I talked it out with Naomi and Nemuri and I feel a lot better.”
“That’s why you smell like her,” Hizashi blurts out, a bit dejected. Kimi knows that there’s a hint of playfulness behind his words though.
Genuinely curious, Shouta asks, “What’d they say?”
“Well, Naomi thinks the Society was too harsh-,”
Hizashi huffs and pushes himself further back into his chair. “Fair,” he mutters.
“And Nem gave me some tips to help for next time,” Kimi continues.
Shouta gives Kimi a puzzled look. “Next time?” Shouta prompts.
A light blush graces her face. “The next time we try to, you know-,” Kimi trails off, her voice quieter than her previous statement. She raises two fingers, hoping he’ll understand.
Shouta seems to take some pity on her and doesn’t make her finish her sentence, knowing what she’s talking about.
“I see,” he hums as his pity runs out. “And what were those tips?”
Not expecting him to be so forward, Kimi stutters a little. “She, um. She was basically telling me to relax.”
Hizashi lets out a small laugh but Kimi can tell his energy is still off. “Is that all?” he says a bit smug.
She gives a shy smile. “Yeah. She just thinks I’m too in my head and that it shouldn't be as painful next time if I can relax or at least be distracted.”
“Fair enough,” Shouta shrugs. “So when do you want to try it?” He leans over in her direction, locking eyes with her and flashing the smirk he knows makes her knees buckle.
She thinks about her answer for a moment, biting her lip as she does so. “Maybe tomorrow?” she blushes. “I know you both are busy today and I don’t want to interrupt.”
Shouta leans back in his chair, mirroring his previous position. “Alright, tomorrow it is then. That sound good to you, ‘Zash?”
“Yeah,” Hizashi says with a bit of a warmer smile before it lightly drops. “They weren’t too mean to you, were they?”
Kimi hates that he still feels guilty about what happened. “I’m not going to lie, they were pretty rude, but I’m ok now. Naomi and I went to the beach afterward and she helped cheer me up.”
“Ok,” his voice still sounding a bit discouraged. “I’m glad she was able to help you. I’m sorry we weren’t around.”
“It’s all ok, ‘Zashi,” Kimi reassures him with a smile. “I’m good now and we have a game plan to make sure things are better for next time.”
Shouta locks eyes with his partner. “We should probably try to lock in the time off now if we can,” he says in his normal serious tone. “See if we can’t have the Society make sure the Association doesn’t try to step in again.”
Hizashi nods his head in agreement. “Yeah, you’re right. Maybe they’ll be less grumpy if they have even more control over what’s happening.”
“That would probably help,” Kimi agrees. Her head drops a bit in shame before she tells them the remainder of their warning. “They were saying they might try to step in themselves if I’m not pregnant after my next heat.”
The two boys let a moment of silence pass, absorbing that bit of info. “Well, we’ll do our best to make sure that doesn’t happen, ok?” Shouta says reassuringly. Kimi nods her head in understanding. Silence still lingers in the room and Kimi feels a bit guilty for bringing down the mood right as her two mates were getting started for the day.
“You guys have a little bit before you have to start getting ready, right?” she asks rhetorically, knowing they do. “Why don’t we cuddle a little bit on the couch before you do? I feel bad making you leave for work all bummed out.”
“That sounds wonderful, love,” Hizashi says, his voice warmer than before. His arms outstretch as she gets up and Kimi flings herself into his arms without hesitation. Shouta smiles and comes around her backside, sandwiching her in for a hug.
The room fills with waves of comfort and happiness as the trip breaks away from the hug. They cuddle on the couch, conversing about a show they’re all watching before the boys eventually head out for the evening. Kimi journals her day with the cute supplies they had gotten her for her birthday a few months prior. 
They had seen how much she would write down and journal at the agency or when she was at home so the supplies were a no-brainer. They even had the creative department make some custom supplies for her with all three of their names on it. It always made her smile when she was using them. 
She turns on the radio in the living room when Present Mic starts his show and does some late-night yoga in front of the large windows that display the city below. She tried to see if she could spot Eraserhead but knew that his route was way too far to see. The rest of the evening is spent listening to Present Mic’s show and reading before her eyes start drooping. 
Reluctantly, she turns everything off in the living room before crawling into their shared giant bed. Tonight, the darkness and stillness in the room is just a bit too much for her, so she turns on the ambient lighting around the room for comfort allowing its warmth to replace her alpha’s as she drifts asleep. PREVIOUS | NEXT
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djunkiejunk · 12 days
A Comprehensive List Of Things That Would Be Different In The Omegaverse That I Don't Hear Talked About:
Laundry. The Entire Process Accounting For Soaps used that would delete Scents
C A N D L E S & F I R E
Childcare in the way of schools and teachers rubbing off on students!
Pools and public bodies of water such as hot tubs
Hygiene products like shampoo and conditioner.
FOOD PREPERATION FIELDS such as restaurants.
Public transpiration
Visual media such as TV and movies depicting scents. (Personal headcanon is that random pictures of what the scent is just fly across the screen with wild abandon.)
So are we going to talk about Airplanes...? Compressed metal tube in the sky for like 12 hours straight...?
How. Many. Health. Concerns. Scents. Could. Have.
Cold climates and scents.
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djunkiejunk · 15 days
Tumblr media Tumblr media
this is why aizawa's hair is only up when he's at home grading
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djunkiejunk · 17 days
Behind the Scenes: The Secret Omega CHAPTER 8 - The Agency
AO3 Link
SUMMARY: Kimi gets a tour of her alpha's agency. You can watch Season 1 episodes 1-2 to know what's going on in the main storyline.
CHAPTER 8 - The Agency
Waking up in a tangle of alpha is both enjoyable and annoying to Kimi. Sure, she loves to be surrounded by her alphas, basking in their scent and warmth. However, when her bladder starts screaming at her, the reality of the situation slaps her in the face. Both of her alphas have her locked in their arms and the moment she moves one, the other alpha squeezes her tighter. 
She lets out a whine, causing both alphas to slightly open their eyes, checking on their omega.
“I- I have to pee,” she explains, slightly embarrassed. She’s met with a pair of chuckles and grumbles. After a moment of reluctance, they release her from their grasp and help her get out of the large bed.
After relieving herself, she comes back and stares at her two alphas, peacefully cuddling one another in the middle of the bed. Glancing at the time, she decides to start making breakfast so that when Shouta gets up, there’s food is ready for him. She closes the door to the bedroom behind her and moves into the kitchen. She shoots a text to Naomi, checking in on her, and is surprised to see that she responds back quickly. She shoots her a text asking if it’s ok to call her and Naomi responds back that it is.
“Hello~!” Naomi greets with enthusiasm after two short rings.
“Hey, Naomi! How are you?” Kimi greets back with a cheery tone.
“So good! How about you, ” she says adding some emphasis to the last word.
“I’m great! It’s so good to hear your voice.”
“Oh my gosh, right! It’s good to hear yours! I miss you so much. I know it’s only been a couple of days but I feel like there’s probably so much that’s happened, right?”
“Oh, totally,” Kimi agrees, grabbing the last thing she needs to start breakfast.
“Why don’t you start first, what’s been going on with you,” Kimi asks.
“Not a whole lot, just the normal routine. My heats in a couple of weeks so I’m getting excited for that.”
Kimi lets out a pleased squeal.
“Oh my gosh, I am so happy for you! I’m hoping it all goes well.”
“Oh, it totally will. My alpha took time off so we’re for sure going to make sure that things take this time.”
Kimi’s face brightens with a grin.
“Oh my gosh, I am just so happy for you! Anything else happen? Did I miss anything while I was gone?”
Naomi takes a second to think, humming over the phone. 
“Oh, this awful villain had this poor boy in a chokehold. The villain had this like gross sludgy quirk and was like taking over the kid's body. It was so scary! The heroes that showed up couldn’t do anything to help. Their quirks weren’t effective against his quirk or something and he kept threatening to hurt the kid. Plus, the villain kept causing these explosions that they were all trying to put out. 
The kid was trying to fight back but it wasn’t working either. He ended up just standing there, getting choked out in front of this huge crowd.”
“Oh god, that sounds awful, is he ok?”
“Oh yeah, he’s fine now. What’s really crazy is this other kid who ended up running in and just started pawing at the villain. Come to find out, he was quirkless, ”
“What?!” Kimi exclaims, pausing her cooking for a second. 
“Yeah! Guess the other boy was his friend and he couldn’t help himself and just ran in and tried to help.”
“Oh my gosh, that’s so scary. What ended up happening?” Kimi asked, completely entranced by the story.
“Well, All Might ended up coming in at the last second and saved both the boys.”
“Oh, thank goodness. And everyone’s ok?” Relieved, Kimi goes back to her cooking, making sure nothing is burning.
“Yeah. He used this cool like, spiny wind move that sucked up the villain and stopped the fires and then caused it to rain. It was so COOL.”
“You say that as if you were there,” Kimi giggles.
“I mean… I may have stopped to watch it. It was just so crazy!”
“Oh my gosh Naomi, you gotta be careful about that. You don’t want to be sucked up into anything.”
“I know, I know. I normally don’t, but I’m kind of glad I did. I mean, how often do you get to watch All Might in action?”
Kimi rolls her eyes at her friend's comment.
“Yeah, I guess. I just don't think it was very smart of you to be there watching.”
“Yeah, yeah, lecture me later,” she giggles. “The really weird thing about all of it was that All Might had gone after the villain earlier in the day. So somehow it got away from All Might for quite some time. It’s not like him to let a villain like that go, I wonder what happened.”
“You said it was like a sludge monster right? Maybe it had slinked away into the ground or something.”
The girls share a grossed-out squeal and giggle. 
“Still, you don't think it's weird?”
“Nah, it worked out. I'm sure the villain just weaseled its way from All Might somehow. It happens, no one's perfect, ya know?”
“Yeah but come on, this is All Might we're talking about.”
“Eh, who knows,” Kimi says noncommittally. “I'm just glad that quirkless boy didn't get hurt.”
“Me too!” Naomi agrees. “You'd think he'd know better, being quirkless and all.”
“Hey!” Kimi playfully scolds.
“I'm just saying,” Naomi defends. “The world is hard enough already without any defenses.”
Kimi quirks her brow at Naomi. Naomi seems to sense it through the silence over the phone.
“You're a different case, you know that,” she placates.
“Yeah, I know. Just like to give you sass where I can,” Kimi teases. She hears the bedroom door open and decides to end her convo.
“Oh, Naomi, I gotta go. We should meet up for lunch or something next week so we can catch up, ok?”
“Yeah, totally! I’ll text you ok?”
“Ok, love you!”
“Love you bye!” Naomi squeaks.
Kimi ends the call and brings her attention to the dark-haired male who’s now entered the kitchen. His hair is a scruffy mess and his posture matches. Kimi smiles wide and starts to plate up some food.
“Good morning,” she greets sweetly.
Shouta walks behind her and wraps his arms around her waist.
“Good morning,” he grumbles in her ear. She swallows heavily, not wanting to admit how much that affected her. 
“Did I wake you up? Sorry if I did,” she asks.
“No, you’re good. Had an alarm set.”
“Ok,” she acknowledges. He removes his arms and moves to the counter behind them, starting to make the coffee. She mentally chides herself for not thinking to start that and finishes up making his plate of food.
“Who were you talking to?” Shouta asks.
“Oh, that was my friend Naomi. Just catching up while I was getting things ready.”
Shouta makes an acknowledging noise but doesn’t continue the conversation. They sit in silence for a moment, making Kimi feel a bit odd.
“Did you want to sit down and I could bring you your coffee?”
“That’s ok,” Aizawa says, watching the pot start to brew.
Kimi nods and bites her lip, unsure of what to do.
“Oh, I should feed Sushi,” Kimi comments, moving to go to the pantry. Shouta reaches out as she walks by and pulls her to his chest. She’s startled and a bit surprised but accepts the action. 
“I’m sorry, I just need you close this morning,” he offers as an explanation. Kimi looks up at his face to find his eyes staring off somewhere far away. She snuggles more into his hold and releases some soothing waves. They stay like that until the coffee finishes brewing. Shouta seems reluctant release Kimi before reaching to make a cup. Kimi takes that as a sign to continue with feeding Sushi. When she’s done, she finds Shouta at the table, eating what she had made for him. 
Pride blooms in her chest as she watches him and packs up the leftovers for her and Hizashi later. He finishes up his meal right about the time that he finishes his breakfast. He comes to her side, kissing her temple as she’s rinsing something off. 
“I can take your plate,” she offers. He gives it to her with a smile and watches as she quickly washes it. Wanting to fill the dead air between them, Kimi tries to make conversation.
“Do you like doing them? The busts?”
“I like your busts,” he says, voice deadpanned. The comment takes her by surprise, causing her to whip her head towards his face. He looks down at her with a cocky smile and they both laugh.
“Thank you for breakfast,” Shouta says. “And no, I don’t. But my quirk is needed, so I have to go.”
Kimi hums at his response, a small smile still on her face.
“I like to be out in the open, it's easier to get away,” he explains.
“That makes sense. Kind of like when we met, you were swinging from building to building, right?”
“Exactly,” he agrees with a small smile.
“Will I get to see you at the agency?”
“Probably not,” he shrugs. “If you do, you gotta make sure you don’t give us away, ok? None of that doofy grin, ya?”
“Hey!” Kimi says, lightly flicking some water at him as she finishes cleaning off his plate. “My smile is not ‘doofy’.”
“I dunno,” he teases. “You and ‘Zash kinda got the same grin.”
Kimi pretends not to be embarrassed but a light dusting of pink greets her face. 
Before he leaves, Shouta showers and kisses Kimi goodbye. Kimi in turn crawls back into bed with Hizashi while she waits for his alarm to go off. After detangling herself from his limbs once more that morning, she reheats their breakfast and makes some tea.
“Do I need to wear anything specific today?” Kimi asks while eating breakfast.
“Mm, just business attire. I think you have plenty of pieces that would fit that. Oh! And those shoes I bought you,” Hizashi says with a grin.
Kimi blushes and takes another bite of food to try and hide it. 
“No disguise?” she asks as she swallows her bite.
“Nah,” Hizashi waves off. “You should be fine to be yourself at the agency, just don’t make it known that you’re in a pack with us. Sound fair?”
“Yeah, I can do that,” Kimi comments. “Just keep things professional, right?”
“You got it!” Hizashi says, sporting finger guns and a full mouth. 
“Welcome,” the receptionist greets as Kimi and Hizashi enter the agency later in the day. “Hope you’re having a good day, sir.” 
“Indeed,” he greets back. “This is my new personal assistant, Kimi. I’m going to be showing her around today.”
"Oh, how lovely. It’ll be good to have a new face around here.” They bow respectfully to Kimi who mirrors their action.
“Thank you, I’m excited to start working here,” Kimi responds.
“Well, I hope you have a fantastic first day,” they quip and Kimi responds in favor.
Kimi does a seamless job of fitting into her new role. Hizashi provided her with a clipboard and journal to take notes that fit perfectly in her new purse. Hizashi’s attire also helps her facade.
He’s done up in his normal Present Mic attire, something she once dreamed about seeing in person. If only she could tell her past self that the DJ she had swooned over while doing homework would one day be her alpha. She smiles to herself as Present Mic shows her where some offices and restrooms are while guiding her to the elevator. Once in the elevator, Hizashi presses the button for the top floor.
“Figured we’d work our way from top to bottom,” he explains.
“Of course, sir,” she says with a smile, keeping up the act.
She manages to keep up the facade as they go through a few floors of the building. She meets the people who deal with the publicity and paperwork for Hizashi, Shouta, and Nemuri. The legal team seemed a tad more worn out but were cordial enough with her when they met. Surprisingly, the small group that helps with dispatch and coordinates with other hero agencies was extra friendly which Kimi made sure to reflect. They lightly filled in Hizashi about Shouta’s current mission but were reluctant to talk further with Kimi there. 
The last floor they visited, had three very creative souls inhabiting it. Kimi leaves the elevator and one of the employees squeals and runs up to hug Kimi. Startled, she accepts the hug but gives Hizashi a puzzled look.
“Sorry, they kind of figured out what was happening. I put in a week of leave right after I had told them I was going to another interview. So, they kind of put two and two together. They’re hard ones to keep secrets from,” Present Mic offered. The two other employees swarm Kimi, rapid-firing questions and taking various measurements.
“Alright, don’t scare her,” he tuts. They all back off with various groans. One employee explains that this is the wardrobe and merch department. They tend to pair with the publicity team to make pieces for the three heroes, but will also make pieces on their own. They also help Midnight and Present Mic with any cosmetic work that needs to be done. 
“Getting Eraserhead in here is like pulling teeth,” another employee whines. “He hates having his face or name on anything."
“These guys can also help with your hair and stuff if you’d like. I’d prefer it if you did because these three know how to keep their mouth shut,” says Present Mic.
“Oh don’t we,” says one employee. “I remember when you were still trying to hide your first relationship from us. Pah, didn’t last long, did it,” they laugh.
Present Mic rolls his eyes.
“They found us making out in a closet after a mission,” he explains to Kimi. Her mouth hangs open before she hides it with her clipboard. The trio laughs and starts to share more stories before Present Mic cuts them off. 
“Alright, you’ll have plenty of time later for that. Let’s show her the merch, I think she’d be a really good, fresh mind for that. Especially considering she’s one of my little listeners.”
The trio gives a chorus of ooo’s before ushering her further into the department. They show off various wardrobes and support items, as well as various magazine spreads, some clippings of news articles, and screenshots of social media posts. 
There were keychain ideas, half-made pieces of clothing, and some catalogs open to random pages. Kimi’s eyes soaked in all of the different designs, cooing over some and providing some feedback for others. She gushes to one of the employees about all of the Present Mic merch she already had from the fan club she was a part of. She didn’t dare look at Present Mic for his reaction to that information though.
“Such a shame that Eraserhead doesn’t want his name on anything,” Kimi remarks at one point.
“Yeah,” one of the employees pouts. “Says it kills his whole underground hero thing.”
Kimi slowly nods, absorbing the info.
“That makes sense. Shame, though, would have been cool to have some.”
“Oh! For you, I’ll make anything you want,” another employee chirps. “I have some designs and things I came up with so if you see anything, just let me know.” 
They pull out a sketchbook and Kimi goes back to cooing over the designs and requesting a few pieces for herself. The employee agrees and starts making an order list for Kimi. A few minutes later, Kimi is grinning ear to ear as she wishes the employees all goodbye with Present Mic.
As they get into the elevator, Present Mic says,
“One more stop.”
“Hm?” Kimi questions, looking up at the hero. He responds back with a wink and pushes the top floor button. When they arrive, they exit to find a narrow, quiet hallway. They walk down and Kimi reads various door plaques. 
Server room. Meeting room. Break room. It all seems like a regular office area until they round a corner and she sees a light mounted above one of the doors. A gasp blurts from her mouth before she can even realize it.
“Is this?” 
“Mmhmm,” Present Mic says with a cocky smile on his face. 
“No way!”
She watches as he opens a door and sees a bunch of equipment facing a window. On the other side of the window is the room she’s seen a countless number of times on her phone screen. 
The Throw Your Hands Up Radio sign on the wall feels so familiar yet so surreal at the same time.
“This is so cool,” Kimi whispers. Present Mic chuckles.
“Glad you like it, little listener. Want to go take a seat?”
“Yes!” Kimi yells. Embarrassed by her outburst, she readjusts herself into a more professional position and adds. “Yes, please. If you wouldn’t mind.”
“Of course,” he says smugly. “Anything for one of my little fan club girlies.” 
Kimi blushes hard and partially hides her face with her clipboard. He leads them out of the room before unlocking the door to the recording room. Once inside, Kimi’s breath leaves her. She looks around in awe at all of the different equipment around her.
“This is amazing,” she says. 
Present Mic walks in front of her, pulling out the chair that is usually reserved for guests. He gestures for her to sit and she does so, chest bursting with happiness. He moves to the chair sitting next to her, getting into his normal comfortable position. He moves the microphone in front of him to his face and starts his regular quip.
“Welcome back to Throw Your Hands Up Radio, I’m your DJ Present Mic, bringing you the party one beat at a time. With me today is the fantastic Kimi, known all across the world as the hottest omega known to mankind. Kimi, how does it feel to be in the studio with us today.”
Kimi giggles and decides to play along, bringing her mic closer to her face.
“Well Mr. Present Mic, I must say, it is quite the honor. Especially to be in the presence of such a powerful and talented alpha as yourself.”
“My, my. Aren’t you the flatterer? You must be careful though my dear, my little listeners are known to be quite the passionate bunch.”
Kimi laughs, pushing the microphone away. They spend a few more minutes in the room, Present Mic showing off various equipment and little things placed throughout the room. It’s later in the afternoon when the pair leaves the building.
“Ugh, I don’t know about you, but all of that walking made me hungry,” Present Mic groans.
“I could certainly eat,” Kimi quips. 
“Let’s grab some food from the place next door and then we can head home, ya?”
“That sounds wonderful,” Kimi smiles.
They make sure to grab enough food for both themselves and Shouta, before making their way back home. Once inside, Present Mic’s facade falls and he lets out a deep breath.
“Everything ok?” Kimi asks, concerned.
“Yeah, that was just way harder than I was expecting,” he says, pulling her to him. She shyly smiles and returns the hug, making sure to let out some calming waves.
“Sorry, I hope I didn’t upset you,” she says, trying to placate her alpha.
“Not at all, princess. You were perfect,” Hizashi says, speaking into the top of her head. A light dusting of pink falls on Kimi’s face so she snuggles up more into his chest to hide it.
“I do have to say though, it’s quite odd to see you as Present Mic. It’s like you’re a different person.” 
He quietly nods his head before saying,
“Makes it easier when they don’t know the real you.”
Kimi lets out an understanding hum before they separate from one another.
“Sho!” Hizashi calls out. “You home?”
“Yeah,” comes a tired voice from the living room. Kimi makes her way over, wanting to check in on the other alpha. 
“We’ve got food,” she says, as she approaches with bags in her hand.
“Perfect,” Shouta says, tiredly looking up from his computer screen on the couch. “I just have to finish something up really quick and then I’ll be at the table, ok?”
“No problem,” Kimi chirps. 
Deciding to make things a little nicer, she grabs some tableware and quickly sets the table. After plating the meals, the trio eat together while Sushi twirls around their legs under the table, hoping to catch any scraps. 
Hizashi starts filling in Shouta about the day he and Kimi had. Shouta lightly discusses his mission but doesn’t go into heavy details. Kimi once again finds herself basking in the domestic feel of things. She knows these moments will probably be far and few in between once they start working, so she focuses on savoring this one. Shouta catches her staring at the two of them.
“Something wrong?” he asks with a small tinge of concern.
“Oh, no. Nothing. Sorry. I was just thinking about how nice this all is. Savoring the moment and all that,” Kimi says.
Her two alphas give her smiles in return. They spend the evening cuddled up on the couch, basking in one another’s scents.
8 months later
“Thank you, Ms. Ison, for coming in to see us today. Though I do wish it were under much better circumstances.” A/N:
Sorry for the cliffhanger but I promise the next chapter will make up for it! Putting on some finishing touches and rewriting a few spots for more cohesiveness. It should be all ready for you next week, but I'll see if I can also try to get it out a little earlier if I can! Again, thank you so much for all of the support and love y'all leave! :)
Also, I'm sure plenty of you have caught on, but if you haven't, I use the characters to address their presence in the room. That's why for parts of this chapter Hizashi is titled by his real name and other times he's Present Mic. It kind of helps discern how Kimi views them as well. It was just something that I had been doing but never really brought up. Since this chapter had a good example of it, I thought this would be the best time to mention it.
Anywhoodles, rambling aside, I wish you all the best! Thanks again for the support. Stay safe and stay hydrated! <3
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djunkiejunk · 30 days
Behind the Scenes: The Secret Omega MASTERLIST
Chapter 0 - First Encounters
Chapter 1 - Origin
Chapter 2 - Home is Where the Cat is
Chapter 3 - Moving In
*Chapter 4 - New Experiences
Chapter 5 - The Morning After
*Chapter 6 - Onsen Adventures
Chapter 7 - End of the Vaca Chapter 8 - The Agency Chapter 9 - The Meeting
0 notes
djunkiejunk · 30 days
Behind the Scenes: The Secret Omega CHAPTER 7 - End of the Vaca
AO3 Link SUMMARY: The end of the hot springs vacation and the beginning of the rest of the week.
CHAPTER 7 - End of the Vaca
Kimi’s eyes open the following morning to Hizashi’s smushed face. Smiling, she takes note of where she is, on the edge of the bed facing towards Hizashi. Lifting her head up, she can see Shouta cuddled up to his back. Happiness fills her chest as she looks at her two mates cuddling with one another. Slowly, she manages to detangle herself from Hizashi so she can get up to use the restroom.
Coming out of the bathroom, she admires the telltale signs of the sun starting to rise from the windows. Not wanting to wake her mates, she quietly goes into the closet and grabs some clothes. She changes into a long-sleeved shirt and baggy sweatpants, grabbing her phone as she leaves the room. 
Strolling around the onsen, she enjoys the stillness of the morning and the colors that emerge from the sky. Stopping in an open hallway that shows off a rock garden, she takes a moment to close her eyes and enjoy the serenity of the morning. 
“Good morning, dear.”
Kimi squeaks as she opens her eyes to find the onsen owner at the end of the hallway.
“Good morning, so sorry,” Kimi says with a respectful bow.
“Oh no, dear. I’m sorry for spooking you.”
The onsen owner makes her way next to Kimi, looking out to the garden. 
“I was just enjoying the view. It’s so lovely this morning.”
“Isn’t it? You know, you should really take the opportunity to see the waterfall once the sun rises, the colors are just magnificent.”
Kimi looks at her with intrigue, making the owner smile.
“You should make it if you leave now. You remember where the trail was, right?”
“Yes, thank you. That sounds very lovely.”
“I’d go with you but I have some things to take care of before breakfast.”
“I understand, thank you so much. I’ll take a photo for you.” “Thank you, dear,” the onsen owner waves her off, and Kimi heads to the trail. 
The trail itself is not a difficult hike. The ground is pretty flat and there’s enough light that Kimi doesn’t need a flashlight. Not wanting to miss the display the owner was talking about, she hurries along the trail while quickly admiring the various plants she passes by.
The roar of the waterfall soon greets her as she rounds a curve of the trail. A long wall of waterfalls greets her with two heavier-flowing waterfalls in the middle. They fall into a large pool of water below that flows into the river that goes to the onsen. A plethora of rocks and plants surround the waterfalls, making the scene seem surreal. 
Kimi holds her breath as she gets closer to the rocks at the edge of the pool. The sun flirts right behind the waterfalls, still not high enough to be above them. Realizing she’s early, she makes her way to a larger rock further in the pond so she can get a good photo. The slippers she has on don’t give her a solid grip so she takes them on, slightly shivering at how cold the boulder is. She takes a few photos of the scene around her, getting lucky with snapping a couple of photos of the wildlife that flits by. 
After a few minutes of admiring the scene, a glare off the water flashes in her eyes. The sun peaks its way from the top of the waterfall and Kimi fills with excitement. She watches as the water glimmers and shines from the colors of the rising run. She stands in awe at the display before remembering she wanted to take photos. She nabs a couple of photos before putting her phone in her pocket.
Taking a deep breath, she once again takes a moment to absorb the morning peace. The past week went by in a blur and it feels to ground herself and focus on being in the moment. Taking a closer look at the boulder she sees that it’s flat enough and large enough for her to do some of her routine stretches comfortably. 
Focusing on her breathing, she gets through her basic warmups before moving on to some of the yoga poses she likes. She enjoys feeling the rumble from the power of the waterfall coming through the rock as she moves through it. 
Shouta and Hizashi come running up the trail and find her moving into one of her favorite positions. Her hips move above her head while moves her knees above her before extending out, essentially putting her in a headstand on her arms. So focused on what she’s doing, she doesn’t notice her mates watching her. 
Shouta shouts out her name a couple of times until it startled her out of her concentration. Her balance wavers for a moment until she catches herself and lowers herself. As she stands up, she catches the worried looks on her alpha’s faces and immediately a wave of guilt crashes over her. Silently, she grabs her shoes and makes her way over to the pair, head hung low. A pang of disappointment shoots through her chest and she knows immediately that she messed up. 
“Good morning, sorry, I-”
“What made you think this was a good idea?” Aizawa asks. His voice is harsher than Kimi has heard before and she’s physically taken aback. Immediately, she hangs her head, trying to appease the alpha.
“I’m sorry,-” Shouta interrupts her before she can continue. 
“You came out here by yourself, while it’s still partially dark out with no protection. What if there was something out here that wanted to hurt you? What would you have done?” 
Kimi silently takes the berating, keeping her head down. Hizashi slaps a hand on Shouta’s shoulder reassuringly, making him let out a frustrated breath.
“We were just really worried about you, hon,” Hizashi says, his voice far less harsh than Shouta’s.
“We woke up and you were gone, it startled us. Thankfully the owner told us where you went.” 
Kimi can tell that Hizashi’s still displeased and she can’t blame him. Waves of grief and guilt roll off of Kimi.
“You’re right, I’m so sorry. I wasn’t thinking ahead. The owner was just telling me about how pretty the sunrise looks and I just got carried away. I’ll try to be more aware of my actions. I’m sorry to have worried you” 
Her voice is timid as she responds and she bows in submission, utterly disappointed in herself. When she stands up, she can’t bring herself to look her alphas in the face. Hizashi takes pity on her and tries to break the tension.
“You’re ok, hon. We’re just a bit on edge from the new marks.”
Realization hits Kimi like a bus as she connects the dots. Since they’re freshly mated, their instincts are yelling at them to keep her safe the way hers are yelling at her to keep them pleased. Of course, they would be so frantic. A pit forms in her stomach and tears prick her eyes. 
Impulsively, she wraps her hands around Shouta and tightly hugs him. It’s a bit awkward because his arms are crossed, but that doesn’t deter her from staying latched on.
“I am SO sorry. That was so cruel of me, I’m so sorry.”
She focuses on releasing calming waves to help soothe them and it seems to help because after a few moments, he relaxes and wiggles his arms out of her embrace to return the hug.
“It’s ok. I’m sorry for being so stern,” he responds slowly, his tone back to its usual level. Kimi releases him and tightly wraps her arms around Hizashi who gladly squeezes back.
“What do you say we head back and see if breakfast is ready?” 
Kimi smiles up at him and wordlessly nods. Hizashi smiles back in response before grabbing her hand and leading the group back to the onsen.
“So was it a really pretty sunrise?” 
“Yes,” Kimi responds shyly before pulling out her phone to show pictures.
“Oh wow! That is gorgeous,” he says before handing the phone to Shouta.
“Yeah, sorry. I thought I was going to be back before you woke up, just didn’t want to disturb you. Especially after you said you guys don’t sleep much.”
Hizashi playfully bumps Kimi and she tries not to run into Shouta.
“Don’t worry about it, hon. There are no hard feelings here, ok? Let’s try to bring back some positive vibes into this morning, yeah?” He shoots her finger guns and she can’t help but giggle.
“Yeah,” Kimi agrees, feeling a bit better. 
Shouta hands Kimi back her phone.
“It did look nice. Sorry to have disturbed you.”
“It’s ok. You’re right, I should have been more focused. I just got carried away, my bad.” 
“You enjoy doing yoga?” Shouta asks.
“Yeah, I haven’t gotten much of a chance since the interviews so I just kinda jumped at the opportunity.”
Shouta nods his head, taking in her words.
“You’ll have to show me some time then.”
“Yeah?” Kimi asks, voice laced with excitement.
“Yeah. I’ve heard yoga can be really good for you.”
“It is! It’s so good for you! I mean, it seems like you probably have a really good workout plan but it’s really good for joints and balance and things like that. I mean I could go on forever about how much it’s helped me. Oh hey, it might even help with your sleep.”
Kimi can tell she’s starting to ramble and cuts herself off.
“Oh, count me in,” Hizashi jokes. Kimi giggles.
They arrive back at the onsen shortly and are greeted by a staff member who informs them that breakfast will be prepared in their room shortly. They make their way into the room and wait in the living room for the meal.
It ends up being just as extravagant as the other meal. Though a different staff member is hosting this meal, it seems that the previous one informed the kitchen of Kimi’s food preferences. She’s thankful when she realizes that there are more options for her to eat and happily accepts more food than the previous meal. 
After their bellies are full, Hizashi lets Kimi know that the plan is to go into a nearby town to walk around.
“Oh good. I’m going to have to work off this meal. I ate too much,” she giggles.
“Saaaaame,” Hizashi whines. “But it was just so good!”  
“I agree,” Shouta adds, also dealing with a super full stomach.
Kimi’s instincts creep into her mind, making her hope that they’ll have the same reaction to her cooking.
“Well, I guess I should get ready,” she says, getting up to make her way to the bedroom.
“Sounds good. Just don’t worry about getting too dolled up, I’ve got a bit of a surprise in store.”
Kimi flashes Hizashi an intrigued look before making her way to the bedroom to get ready. 
Kimi’s back in the SUV about half an hour later. The boys piled into the vehicle as well after placing the boxes with the kimonos in the back. 
“The surprise doesn’t have anything to do with our kimonos, does it?” Kimi playfully asks Hizashi.
“Maaaaybe,” he teases, purposefully not answering her question.
They make the quick drive over to a small traditional town. Kimi fawns over the traditional-styled buildings and the people walking around dressed in traditional attire.
As she exits the vehicle, she starts to feel underdressed, but Hizashi assures her that she won’t be there for long before leading her into a nearby business. A group of three women immediately rush Kimiko away to a room in the back with a vanity. Flustered, Kimi asks for clarification while they sit her down and start working on various tasks.
The woman currently brushing out Kimi’s hair explains that Hizashi set up a photo shoot for the three of them in the kimonos he purchased. The woman pulling out various makeup brushes comments that the men will be joining her shortly, so they have to work quickly. Lastly, the woman pulling Kimi’s kimono out of the box Hizashi provided says that after the photo shoot they’ll be able to visit the town’s local temple and recommends some places for lunch.
For the next half an hour, they work on getting Kimi prepared for the shoot. Her kimono is wrinkle-free, her makeup is done and all the women work together to get Kimi’s hair done up in a half-up half-down style with various hair pieces and flowers that match her kimono.
When handed a mirror, Kimi stared for a couple of seconds too long, trying to recognize the woman in the mirror. While she can still see herself, parts of her she didn’t know existed have been highlighted and accentuated in a way that makes her feel like a princess. 
“Is everything ok?” one of the women asks, concerned by Kimi’s lack of response.
“Yes,” Kimi breathes out, breaking her trance. “I just. I look so beautiful. Thank you! I’ve never seen myself like this before.”
The women giggle and coo over Kimi’s reaction making her laugh as well. They help guide her to stand up and bring her to a floor-length mirror so they can get her in the kimono. Kimi watches with fascination, moving her body as they request. She can’t help but feel like the traditional dolls her grandmother would buy her when she was little. While she’s not in the most regal of attire, it’s hard for her not to feel like royalty.
“Ok, my dear. You’re all finished. Let’s get you into the next room to get some photos, ya?” 
The women guide Kimi into the studio the next room over and she pauses in the doorway. Her alphas turn to watch her enter the room and their eyes trail all over her face and kimono. She can’t help but blush under all the makeup under the heat of their glares. In return, she lets her eyes roam over their matching kimonos and slightly touched-up appearances. 
“Princess, you look amazing,” Hizashi blurts out.
Kimi smiles wide, making her way over to the pair. They all take a moment to look one another over before the photographer steps in and starts to get them in specific poses. They spend a good time in the studio taking various photos of each other and single portraits as well. Once satisfied with all of the shots, the photographer leads them outside to take photos amongst the town. They get a lot of candid shops of the throuple admiring various shops and also have them pose in front of some other places. 
About two hours after they start taking pictures, the photographer takes their leave and the throuple continues to explore the town. They get some lunch, tour the local temple, and leave their offerings before making their way back into the town. They pick up a couple of trinkets at a small gift shop before deciding to head back to the SUV.
Shouta texts the driver as they pass another business and Kimi stops, staring into the shop window.
“Something catch your eye?” Hizashi asks, moving to stand next to Kimi.
“Oh, kind of. Sorry, we can keep going. I thought I saw something but it’s not actually what I thought it was?”
Hizashi takes a closer look at the products, noticing it’s a variety of jewelry.
“What were you looking at?”
Kimi points to a series of hairpins.
“The green hairpin there kind of looked like my mom’s at a quick glance, but it’s the wrong flower.”
Kimi starts to walk away from the window, but Hizashi gently grabs her arm and starts to walk into the business.
“Well, it may not be what you thought it was, but let’s see if we can find anything you like, hm?”
Kimi pales.
“Oh, no. You’ve already spent so much. Really, I’m all good. Thank you.”
Hizashi ignores her protest and greets the owner before exploring the various glass cases. Kimi hugs the wall, eyes following Hizashi as he goes from case to case, asking questions to the owner. She can’t help but feel out of place in the shop. Shouta quietly stands next to her, also watching his partner.
“Was there a hairpin that you liked?” Hizashi asks Kimi from the other side of the shop. 
She shakes her head before realizing the action may come off as rude so she quickly tries to correct herself.
“Oh, they’re all nice. I just thought it was the one my mom had, but it wasn’t. But, again they’re all really nice!”
She looks up to Shouta, hoping he’ll say something to help her out. He merely looks down at her with a bored expression, making her more nervous.
“I was genuine when I said you have to get used to ‘Zash spending lots of money on you. I know it may be weird to get used to, but it’s kind of his thing. You can’t really fight it, trust me. You try to fight it and he just spends more money.”
He gives a knowing look to his partner, who gives a self-deprecating laugh back. 
“Okay,” Kimi timidly agrees before walking over to the case Hizashi is at and looking at the different pieces of jewelry. She ends up settling on a hairpin that matches the flowers on her kimono and the store owner even helps put it in her hair. They leave with the hairpiece and a few other pieces of jewelry that Hizashi liked. They walk back to the SUV with their goods from the day and head back to the onsen.
“Would you guys mind if we take a dip in the spring before dinner? My feet are really sore from the shoes.”
“I have no problems with that,” Shouta says from the passenger seat.
“Me neither,” Hizashi chimes in.
“Thank you,” Kimi says back with a smile. “Sorry, I’m used to heels, not sandals.”
“Ha, you sound like Nem,” Hizashi comments. “She wears heels for everything.”
“Sounds about right,” Kimi laughs. “I don’t know, I just got used to them so now flat shoes just hurt. I either need heels or something with a high arch.”
“Noted,” Hizashi teases. 
Later that evening, they all hug their bellies, full from another amazing dinner. They hopped in the spring when they got back and allowed themselves to relax for the evening. Currently, they all lay in bed, this time with Shouta in the middle and the other two on either arm.
“This has been so nice,” Hizashi comments, snuggled up into Shouta’s chest. 
“Mmhmm,” his partner vocalizes. “Thank you for getting this set up.”
“Of course. This was a one-in-a-million chance that we’d even be able to do this with how busy our schedules are. No way was I going to give up this opportunity.” 
“Mm, speaking of which. There are some things I need to take care of when we get back tomorrow.”
“Aw,” Hizashi says, dejected. “I thought you got this whole week off.” 
“I did, but I still need to go into the school to take care of some things for next week. I’m surprised you were able to get all caught up.”
“Well,” Hizashi trails off. “I figured I would just get caught up when I got back in.”
Shouta tsks. “‘Zash!” 
“I was just really excited to spend time with our lovely omega, ok?”
Shouta rubs his temple, annoyed.
“I swear, Nezu just hired me to keep you and Nem in check.”
“Aw, don’t be mad Sho’. I’ll get it done, promise.”
“You better,” Shouta warns. 
Kimi smiles into his side, enjoying watching the two playfully bicker. She enjoys getting to peek into what they were like before she entered the picture and she’s glad they can still be themselves. 
“What are you smilin’ about over there?” Shouta asks playfully.
“It’s just cute to see you two interact,” Kimi admits. “You’re like an old married couple.”
“Old?” Hizashi exclaims. 
“No, wait. I didn’t mean-”
“I heard that, ‘Zash. She called us old!”
“No, I’m sorry, I didn’t-”
“Well, I never!” Hizashi playfully scoffs. 
“Oh my gosh, I am so sorry! You’re not old!” Kimi rushes to apologize and lets out a soothing wave to try and appease the alphas.
Shouta starts to laugh, making his partner laugh. Kimi’s face is red with embarrassment and she looks between the two, ensuring they’re not upset.
“I’m sorry,” Shouta says between laughs. “You’re just so cute when you’re flustered.”
Kimi breathes a sigh of relief and settles into the alpha more.
“It’s more of an ongoing joke with Hizashi because one of his students called him old. Now he does everything he can to prevent sounding like an old man to the kids.” “Kids these days can be so rude,” Hizashi groans.
“I’m just glad you’re not actually upset,” Kimi comments.
“Princess, I think it would take a lot for us to get mad at you.”
Kimi smiles at Hiashi’s words. 
“That’s good to know.” 
The three of them share a moment, enjoying basking in each other’s scents. 
“Have you been enjoying yourself, princess?”
Kimi giggles.
“Do you even need to ask? Yes! This has been all so great. Thank you for everything. I’m so grateful to be here and be in this pack. You guys are more than I could ever ask for.”
“I think it’s my turn to blush,” Hizashi teases. Shouta breathily laughs.
“I’m glad you’re having a good time. It’s going to be a lot different when we get into the swing of things, but I’m glad we can share this time together.” 
Kimi smiles up at him.
“Just let me know what I can do to make it easier on you guys.”
Shouta gives a non-committing nod and pulls his two partners closer. Kimi reaches her neck out and kisses him on the cheek before settling back into his arm. 
“Oh yeah? Two can play at that!” Hizashi says before mirroring Kimi’s actions.
“Hey, chill. There’s enough of me to go around.” 
“I’ll say,” Hizashi says, wiggling his brows. Kimi laughs and Shouta rolls his eyes. 
Returning back to the apartment the next day was both exciting and sad for Kimi. She was looking forward to getting into a routine, but she was sad that her vacation with the guys had ended. Even though she was still going to see them for a good majority of the week, she knew that her focus was going to be on getting things in order so she didn’t need them when they got back to work. 
Sushi greeted everyone at the door with loud meows and leg rubs before bounding back into the apartment. The trio dropped off their luggage in the bedroom before making their way to the living room to lounge. They discuss dinner plans and Hizashi mentions wanting to take out Kimi for some shopping tomorrow while Shouta takes care of some things at his work. 
Kimi finds herself staring at the two while her two alphas chat about the upcoming week. A long-lost feeling starts to creep from her stomach into her chest. She recognizes it as the comfort she felt when she was living with her parents. The warm, protective glow that would hug her like a comfy sweater embraced her like a long-lost friend. Tears come to her eyes and tumble over before she even recognizes she’s crying. Hizashi startles when he catches the change in her scent and locks eyes with her tear-stained face.
“Everything ok?” he asks, voice doused with concern. Shouta whips his head in her direction, also catching on to her sudden change in emotion. 
“Yes, yes,” she rushes to assure them. “I’m all good, I promise. It just really hit me all at once that this was my home.”
“Do you not like it?”
Kimi laughs.
“No, it’s not that at all. I love this. It’s just been a while since I’ve felt-. Well, like I’m a part of a family? I guess. I’m not really sure what this feeling is. It just feels good.”
Hizashi gets up from his spot on the couch and wraps his arms around Kimi tightly. 
“Ok, good. You scared me!”  
Kimi giggles.
“I’m sorry, I’m ok, I promise,” Kimi says, allowing herself to relax into Hizashi’s body. Shouta reaches over and lovingly strokes her hair, making her eyes close. She savors the moment, enjoying being encompassed by her alphas. She’s so happy to be able to be so open and she takes a second to be proud of herself for voicing what she feels. She knows most of the credit goes to her alphas for creating such a comfortable environment for her to speak up, but she’s still proud nonetheless. 
They spend the night cuddling up on the couch, watching some movies together, and enjoying being in one another’s presence. Shouta doesn’t get as snuggly at his two other packmates, but he does hold Kimi’s hand the whole night. She remembers him saying that he’s not the type to cuddle so she doesn’t take it personally overly. Occasionally she’d look over and he’d catch her eye, smiling at her and that was good enough for her. She’s sure that now that they’re back at home, his mind is probably focused on other things and he’s got more of his guard up. While she wishes he was as cuddly as he was back in the hot springs, she accepts that this is now the reality.
At one point in the night, Hizashi blurts out,
“Oh! Kimi.”
“Yes,” she says, slightly startled by his outburst.
“Do you still have that disguise you wore?”
Not expecting that question, she responds back with,
“The one you wore when you met Sho’,” he explains.
Taking a second to think, she stares at him with a confused look before remembering the first actual time she met Shouta, not the interview.
“Oh. Um, I think so, I believe I packed it. But I can get rid of it if you need.”
“Actually, I’d love it if you held onto it. When we go out tomorrow, I’ll be in disguise just in case and I think you should do the same.”
“Oh, ok,” Kimi responds sheepishly. “I’m ok with that. Did you want me to use the alpha spray too?”
“Nah, that’s ok. I’m enough alpha to go around,” he boasts, causing Shouta to laugh.
“Ok, ‘Zash, sure,” Shouta teases.
“I am!” Hizashi pouts back, placing a hand on his hip. This causes Shouta to laugh more.
“Of course, of course.”
“ Anyways, ” Hizashi continues, “you should be good with just the disguise. That way if a reporter or paparazzi recognizes me, your identity will still be safe.”
“Makes sense,” Kimi agrees.
“Oh, we can also go get some more fun disguises! I know just the place. You can get different wigs and-” 
Hizashi continues spouting out different ideas, making Kimi smile.
Who knew the very thing I was worried would hurt my chances of being in this pack would actually be helpful, she thinks.
The next morning, Shouta leaves for his hero work and Hizashi and Kimi make their way to the local shopping district in disguise. They go through various shops looking at mostly clothes. Lots of things catch Kimi’s eyes but she fights herself by asking Hizashi to purchase them. Hizashi catches on when they reach a department store that has a whole section that Kimi likes.
“If you see something you like, just let me know. I was really surprised by how little clothes you have and I just want to make sure that my omega has the things she needs,” he chides.
“Yeah, I tried not to have a lot of things so I didn’t have to worry about packing a lot or needing a lot of room,” Kimi admits. “Plus, I’ve heard that some packs choose what their omega wears so I just didn’t want to be a burden.”
“Well don’t worry,” Hizashi says while pulling her closer. “You’re not a burden to us. Unless you make us guess what things you like. That would certainly be a huge issue to try and guess what you like.”
“Ok, ok. I’ll let you know what I like,” Kimi giggles. As they continue through the store, Kimi hands Hizashi a lot more clothes, making him smile. She gets a lot of simple but well-made dresses as well as a couple of pairs of shoes for both indoor and outdoor use. As they go to a couple more stores, Hizashi also adds a couple of bags of things to their collections full of clothes for both him and Shouta.
“I swear Shouta would be in rags if I didn’t buy anything for him,” Hizashi comments as they continue their walk through the shops.
“I’m glad I’m not the only one getting spoiled,” Kimi giggles. Her eyes catch a window display as she finishes her second. Hizashi follows her gaze and guides them into the store before Kimi can even think of denying him. 
She walks into a store she only ever dreamed of going into. The designer heel brand was always something she wanted to own but could never afford. Her current shoe selection mimicked their looks but didn’t have the same quality behind them. Her eyes wander over all of the different shoes on display, denial weighing heavy on her tongue. A worker comes over before she can voice her thoughts and starts talking with Hizashi.
“Yes, I’d love to get my darling new omega some heels here and maybe a matching bag to go with it. She wears heels all the time so we need to get some we don’t have to worry that will break on her.” 
“Of course, sir. Let’s get her foot measured so we can make sure that we’re getting her the best size as well. My dear, if you could please come take a seat over here.” 
The salesperson gestures to a dramatically large chair on the other side of the room. Kimi politely nods and makes her way over to the chair. Her mind holds onto Hizashi’s wording of “some” heels, meaning more than one, but tries not to freak out.
She settles into the chair and the salesperson sits in a smaller chair next to her feet. They take her measurements and come back with some various shoes in her size. They talk about the benefits of each shoe and she’s just glad that Hizashi seems to be listening because her head starts to swim when she sees how many numbers are on the price tag. She tries to focus back on what the salesperson is saying but gets distracted by a pair that’s next to her chair.
“Could I please try these on?” she asks, a bit shy.
“Of course!” the salesperson says enthusiastically. They help her into the shoes and she stands, admiring how comfy they feel without her having to break them in. 
“Oh wow, these are quite lovely,” she comments.
“Right? Don’t they just feel divine? Especially if you’re wearing heels all day, these are a must-have.”
“Oh perfect,” Hizashi notes. “We’ll get those then.”
“Any other’s stand out? I don’t think those have a matching bag, right?”
“No, but these ones over here do.”
The salesperson helps Kimi try on a couple more pairs and hands her a couple of purses. She can’t help but feel a bit out of place, not knowing what to look for or what she’s even looking at with some of the things she’s handed.
Hizashi seems to fill in for her lack of knowledge and soon there are a couple of pieces put to the side with the heels she liked. Guilt creeps into her stomach but she tries to fight it off, remembering what Shouta told her previously.
When Hizashi gives his card to the salesperson, Kimi gnaws at her bottom lip.
“Are you really sure?” she asks shyly.
“Yes,” he says, slight irritation in her voice. The salesperson comes back with Hizashi’s card and they all exchange a pleasant goodbye before the pair leaves the store. Kimi feels a bit bad about irritating her alpha and tries her best to explain.
“I’m really sorry. I’m genuinely not trying to offend you. I’m just not really used to having someone openly spend this much money on me. It’s been really tight since my parents passed and I’ve had people take advantage of me for that.”
Hizashi pauses before giving her a puzzled look.
“How so?”
“Well for starters, my friends would pay me to pretend to be an alpha when I really didn’t want to,” Kimi starts, knowing Hizashi was aware of that.
“That’s right,” he says, trailing off.
“But mainly it was my ex. He would just hold all of the purchases he made against me. If he bought something he knew I couldn’t repay, he acted like I was indebted to him forever, even if it was a gift. That’s what led to-,” Kimi stops, not sure if she’s ready to share that story with Hizashi yet. He looks at her expectantly and she continues, deciding to cut the story short.
“It just got really bad one night and he pushed it too far and that’s when I broke up with him.”
Hizashi puts a soothing hand on her shoulder before slowly pulling her into him. Embarrassed by her confession, she accepts the hug and relaxes into his chest. When she pulls away, her eyes are a bit teary.
“Thank you for listening,” she smiles up at him.
“Don’t thank me for that,” he jokes, though his voice is still gentle. “I could listen to you all day. I appreciate you sharing that with me though. I can say that Sho and I would never hold purchases above your head and if we think you’re spending too much, whichIhardlydoubtwillhappen, we’ll have a discussion about it, ok?”
“Ok,” Kimi beams. 
“You know, Sho’ had a similar issue when we first started dating,” Hizashi says, leading them through the shopping center again.
“He felt that he couldn’t reciprocate my gifts and would challenge me a lot if he thought I was buying him too much. So, we ended up agreeing to leave the really big gifts for birthdays and our anniversary.”
“That makes sense,” Kimi comments.
“I really hope you’ll let me spoil you a little more often than that though,” Hizashi says with a playful shove, making Kimi giggle.
“We’ll see,” she says with a playful smile.
“Well, that being said, there is one more purchase I would like to make today. Feel free to turn it down if it’s too much, but it would mean the world to me if you accepted it.”
Sheepishly, Kimi agrees and lets Hizashi take her to a very high-end jewelry store. They walk out with an adjustable necklace that allows Kimi to have it tight against her neck or below her clothes. Kimi accepts it without a fight, considering it to be an unofficial collar. Even though collars died out and became old-fashioned generations prior, she always thought the idea was charming and dreamed of having one someday. The segmented, graduated diamond necklace was more modern than the collars she had seen in classical paintings, but it still fulfilled the desire she had.
“Thank you again for all the amazing gifts, Hizashi,” Kimi says as they start to head back to the SUV. 
“Of course, honey,” Hizashi quips. “Anything for my sweet little omega.”
Later that evening, they share dinner with Shouta and fill him in on their day’s adventure. Shouta shares some small details about his day, saying that it was mostly uneventful. Kimi’s thankful that he’s safe but doesn’t voice her opinions. Rather, she directs her feelings into bringing out dessert for everyone. They chat a bit before Shouta once again reveals he will be absent the next day. He was called in for a quick bust in the afternoon but has to go in early for debriefing. Hizashi relays his displeasure but ultimately decides that it would be a good time to take Kimi to their agency for a tour.
He explains that not a lot of people know that he and Shouta are in a pack together so they definitely will be keeping Kimi a secret from his agency as well. Still, there are some things for Kimi at the agency, so he wanted to give a tour since she’ll be there pretty often. Kimi responds with exuberant interest and mentions how excited she is. She goes to sleep that night, excited for the following day where she can catch a glimpse into the other aspects of her alpha's lives.
0 notes
djunkiejunk · 30 days
Behind the Scenes: The Secret Omega *CHAPTER 6 - Onsen Adventures
AO3 Link SUMMARY: The trio spend some intimate time together at the onsen before taking a dip in the hot spring. *spicy times incoming!!* CHAPTER 6 - Onsen Adventures
“Was there anything you wanted to do before dinner?” Shouta asks.
“I’d love to try out the hot springs if that’s ok.”
“Ok, but you heard the lady, it’s for sore muscles,” Hizashi says playfully.
“Yeah,” Kimi says slowly, a bit confused.
“So, we’ll have to make sure your muscles ache,” Hizashi continues, giving Kimi another squeeze.
“Oh. Oooh. Is that why you were both giggling?” she asks, his comment finally clicking. Her question earns her laughs from both of the men.
“Well, if that’s the case, I guess I’ll need some assistance with tiring out my muscles,” she teases. 
Hizashi pulls her a bit closer.
“Oh, I would love to help you with that,” he flirts back, moving so he can pull her into a kiss. 
Kimi kisses him back and lets her hands explore his chest and arms like they did yesterday. One of his hands wraps around her waist while the other tangles itself in her hair. They kiss some more before pulling apart.
“Shouta got some time with you yesterday, so I’d like to get more of a chance to spend time with you today. If you’re ok with that,” he says, voice a bit hoarse.
“I’d love that,” she says, a bit breathless. Her hands continue to explore his chest as she looks over to Shouta.
“Is that ok with you?”
“Of course,” Shouta says with a small chuckle. “As long as I get to watch.” 
Kimi blushes.
“I’m ok with that.”
“Good,” he comments, pleased with her words. Leaning back in his chair, he makes it a point to readjust his hips. Kimi smiles and redirects her attention to the man she has her hands on.
“Let me know if I go too fast for you, hon,” Hizashi says before he pulls Kimi into a kiss and lies above her on the couch. 
He wastes no time in deepening the kiss. His tongue eventually finds its way into her mouth as her hands make their way around her neck. When they part for air, he rests his head in the crook of her neck where his mark is and laps at it. Kimi breathes heavily into his neck as his arms start to make their way up and down her sides.
Hizashi pulls down her shirt, exposing Kimi’s bra and she gasps when he starts to fondle her breasts. He quickly finds where her nipples are, poking up from her excitement. He rubs them over the bra in firm but slow motions. 
Kimi lets out a few small moans at the motion, enjoying the sparks of pleasure it brings. Hizashi keeps it up, occasionally licking her mating mark which sends more shivers down her spine. When she’s practically panting, Hizashi decides to help her out of her shirt and reaches behind her to unclasp her bra. 
He fidgets with it for a moment, struggling with the tight claps that are keeping her breasts up in her topless shirt. He lets out a frustrated breath, making Kimi give a small giggle before successfully unclasping the bra.
“Sorry, hon. I’m a little out of practice,” he breathes, tossing the bra with the shirt. Before she can reassure him, he gives a solid lick from the middle of her chest, through the crevice of her breasts, and up to his marking. Kimi lets out a small moan and involuntarily clenches at the act. He gives a slow kiss to her neck before making his way down to her breasts to continue his earlier actions without the bra. Kimi looks at him through heavy-lidded eyes as he smiles up at her.
“Fuck, you are stunning, hon,” he compliments. She blushes as he kisses her breasts, avoiding her nipples. He locks eyes with her as his mouth descends onto one of her ignored nipples, giving it a lick. Her chest heaves at the action and her arms move from around his neck to his arms, squeezing them.  
“Ha... ah,” she pants out. 
“All good?” Hizashi asks, pulling back just a little from her breast.
“Yes.. just new,” she breathily explains. He smiles and continues his actions for a bit more before moving to her other breast. Kimi finds herself needing friction and moves her legs to clench down and provide some relief. Hizashi notices, but doesn’t say anything, instead enjoying the attention he’s giving her breasts. 
Kimi’s hands go from Hizashi’s arm to his back, moving up and down before finding the bottom of his shirt. Needing more contact, she lets her hands explore under the shirt, enjoying the feeling of his firm, solid back. Hizashi pulls off her breast, letting Kimi catch a breath as her hands continue to wander his back and eventually his chest. 
The pair partake in another kiss while Hizashi feels around below Kimi’s breasts to her hips. His fingers lightly squeeze and rub her sides before resting above her pants. He takes a moment to continue his movements before pulling back from the kiss.
“Mm… fuck you are divine, hon,” he says breathily. Kimi smiles as she catches her breath. Hizashi takes a moment, looking at her panting form from above her. Her hands make their way down his chest to right above his pants, mimicking his actions. He looks down at them, enjoying watching them explore before he gets an idea.
“Kimi,” he says sweetly. “Have you given a blowjob before?” She bites her lip in embarrassment and shakes her head.
“Um, uh… no. I just-.” Her embarrassment makes her nervous but she takes a breath and pushes through the feeling, knowing that he won’t be upset with her. 
“I haven’t. I’ve sucked on my toys during my heats, but I haven’t done it on a person before.” 
“Oh, perfect. I love that,” he comments, confusing Kimi. “I can show you how to give a really good one on Sho’. I’ll show you my tricks,” he says with a wink.
“Wow, what happened to having her all to yourself, ‘Zashi?” Shouta asks, also confused by Hizashi’s comment.
“Well I was going to ask her for one, but I think that my length might be too much for her first time.”
“Well, I’m far from small,” Shouta retorts.
“Yes, babe. But you’re not quite as long so it’ll make it easier for her,” Hizashi explains. 
“Would that be ok with you, hon?”
“Yeah, if you’re both ok with it,” Kimi answers.
“I highly doubt he’s going to say no to getting his dick sucked, hon.” Kimi giggles as Shouta shrugs his shoulders,
“You got me there.”
“Alright, why don’t we take this party to the bedroom then?” Hizashi says, wiggling his eyebrows at Kimi. She giggles and he moves aside before helping her get up and trailing her to the bedroom. 
Once there, Hizashi pulls Kimi backward against his chest and kisses her neck before helping her out of her pants. 
“You gonna strip for us, Sho’?” Hizashi teases. 
With a short laugh, Shouta grabs the bottom of his shirt before lifting it above his head and tossing it next to the bed. He tugs his pants down, leaving his boxers on and tossing his pants with his shirt. 
“How do you want me?” Shouta asks Hizashi.
“On the bed against the wall. Kimi, do you mind helping him with his boxers?”
She nods before making her way over to Shouta and reaching her hands out toward his boxers. She nervously looks up at him, making sure she’s doing the right thing. He nods at her and helps guide her hands into pulling his boxers down and exposing his dick.
She gets a little nervous taking in the size of it again. Knowing that she’ll have someone there to help guide her through everything made her more confident. 
Shouta makes his way onto the bed, leaning back against the wall. Kimi turns to Hizashi who is now undressed and walking up beside her.
“Go ahead and get on all fours in front of him and I’ll be right there next to you, ok?” Kimi does as he suggests and soon they're in a position that’s very similar to their first night together. 
“Ok, hon,” Hizashi starts to explain. “Why don’t you start by stroking him?”
Kimi does as he says, slowly pumping Shouta who lets out a small hum in appreciation. After a few strokes, Hizashi says,
“Ok, now when you’re ready, go ahead and keep one hand on the base and start licking up and down his length.” 
Kimi nods and after a few more strokes, she leans in, giving a hesitant lick. Shouta shirks away from it for a moment before giving a small chuckle. 
“You gotta apply more pressure or it tickles,” he says with a smile. Smiling, she more firmly places her tongue on his shaft before licking up.
“That’s it,” he says with a breath.
She continues licking, going up and down his shaft, trying to get all of it wet. As she does so Hizashi encourages her,
“Yes, that’s perfect. The wetter he is, the easier it’ll be able to glide in your mouth. You almost want to drool all over it.”
With a giggle, Kimi continues her licks, feeling more confident with her actions. 
“Ok. Now that it’s nice and wet, go ahead and put his tip in your mouth. Feel free to lick it, suck it. Whatever feels right to you.”
Kimi gives an understanding nod before licking the tip of Shouta’s cock and placing it in her mouth. She closes her lips around it and she starts moving her tongue around the head. Shouta’s head rocks back in response. 
“Ooh, you're doing good, he likes that,” Hizashi comments. Kimi smiles and continues licking around the head, confidence building as Shouta’s breathing starts to change. Emboldened, she slowly starts to add more into her mouth. Hizashi watches her with interest until she pulls it out quickly, gagging slightly.
“You ok, hon?” he checks in. Kimi catches her breath and responds,
“Yeah, I'm sorry, I think I just went too quick.”
“That's ok, no need to be sorry. Honestly, Shouta and I like a bit of gagging so you're fine. It's more of a compliment honestly,” he says with a wink. 
“Ok,” says a bit hesitant, a blush on her cheeks.
“Now, if you're feeling like you want to go further, I recommend trying to keep your tongue on the bottom side of his dick. That way it can guide it down your throat better. Another thing that helps is placing your gums over your teeth like this,” Hizashi explains, showing Kimi what to do with her mouth. 
“That way you don't scrape him with your teeth going down. And then, when you come back up, you can release your lips and press his dick with your tongue.” 
Kimi looks at him for a moment while she processes what he said.
“Here, let me show you really quick, it might be easier.” The two shift a little bit so Hizashi takes over and shows Kimi the motion. After demonstrating a couple of times, she gets excited. 
“Oh, ok. That makes sense. Can I try now?” 
“Of course,” Hizashi says, pulling off of Shouta’s cock.
“Fuck, it's so hot having both of you on my cock,” Shouta moans. Hizashi chuckles and moves over so Kimi can attempt the action herself. It takes a couple of tries but eventually, she gets into the motion and can comfortably move about half of Shouta’s length in and out of her mouth. 
“You're doing so good,” Hizashi compliments. “Now, let's try getting a little bit more in. You'll have to change your angle a little so you don't choke yourself as easily.”
He helps guide her head so she's at a better angle and soon she can take about 75% of his length in her mouth.
“Doin’ a great job there, hon. You've got Shouta grippin' the sheets like crazy.”
Kimi looks up and sure enough Shouta’s fists are clenched in the sheets.
“Trying… not… to buck,” Shouta pants. Hizashi hums in response. 
“Would you be ok with him taking a little bit of control, hon?” 
Kimi nods and holds still, Shouta’s cock heavy on her tongue. He reaches his hand out and lightly places it on her head.
“Do you mind if I keep my hand here?”
Kimi does her best to give a “nuh-uh” in response, but it comes out a little weird because her mouth is occupied. Shouta smiles and slowly starts to thrust into her mouth. 
“Fuck… you feel amazing,” he moans out. 
“Mmm, I bet,” Hizashi comments. He watches as Shouta continues for a few moments before moving to be behind Kimi. 
“Well, hon. While Shouta gets you used to this, I'm going to get you ready for me back here, ok?”
“Uh-huh,” Kimi manages to get out while nodding her head. Hizashi smiles and lets his hands roam around Kimi’s back before settling on her ass. His hands knead and rub patterns across it, making Kimi pant on Shouta’s dick. Hizashi enjoys this for a few moments before asking Kimi, 
“Can you present for me, sweet omega?”
Her instincts immediately have her pushing her chest further into the mattress and spreading her legs a bit more so her pussy was on display. 
“Oh, hon,” Hizashi moans. “You look so good for me. Such a good omega.”
Kimi sighs happily on the cock in her mouth when Hizashi starts rubbing up and down her slit and clit. As Hizashi slowly adds one of his fingers, Kimi moans in earnest. The vibrations on his cock has Shouta mimicking her outburst. Drool starts to escape the corners of her mouth as she moans, but she finds herself unconcerned.
Hizashi is soon able to add another finger in and he starts to look for the spot that drives her wild. 
“Fuck, Kimi,” Shouta breathes as she starts panting on his cock. He continues slowly moving her head up and down his cock, trying his best not to hurt her. His other hand grips the sheets as he tries to focus on his self-control. 
Hizashi finds Kimi's G-spot with ease and she lightly moans as he spends some time working her up some more and slightly stretching her core. 
“Oh, Kimi, you're clenching so beautifully on my fingers.”
“Mmm, she's doing so well,” Shouta agrees.
Kimi’s head starts to swirl at the compliments, enjoying the praise. 
“Gosh, hon. I just… fuck I need to feel you so bad.” 
Shouta stops his thrusting, pulling Kimi off his dick while he coldly looks at Hizashi.
“Don't push her,” he warns. “Make sure she's ready.” 
Hizashi locks eyes with Shouta, seemingly about to challenge him. Kimi feels the tension in the air starts to rise, but it quickly fades as Hizashi looks away.
“You’re right, I’m sorry,” he apologizes. “I think I’m just really worked up. You ok, princess?”
Surprised, Kimi looks between the two men before she responds,
“Yeah, I’m ok. Are you guys ok?”
“Yeah, hon. We’re good. My instincts were just getting the better of me, sorry,” Hizashi apologizes. He goes back to fingering her which makes her concerns die on her tongue.
“Let’s get you to cum before I go further, ok?”
Finding her sweet spot again, he focuses on chasing her pleasure. She starts whimpering as he lightly swirls around her clit. 
“Such cute noises you’re making,” Shouta tuts. 
He lifts her chin up so she has to make eye contact with him as she loses her composure. His thumb catches the side of her mouth and forces it down softly, keeping her mouth open. Every moan and whimper flows from her mouth easily as more and more tension builds in her core. Hizashi slightly curls his fingers more on her sweet spot, applying more pressure. A jolt of pleasure rushes down her spine as she tumbles over the edge, head swirling with pleasure.
“Oh fuck, hon,” Hizashi says, slowly removing his fingers from her. She maneuvers slightly so she can see Hizashi behind her. His fingers are covered in her essence and he gives her a cocky smile.
“It felt that good, huh? Had to squirt all over me?”
“Huh?” Kimi startles.
Hizashi chuckles, before soothingly rubbing her hip with his other hand. 
“You squirted all over my hand, hon. Must have felt really good, huh?”
She bites her lip, partially embarrassed. 
“Oh, yes. Thank you. That felt really good.”
Hizashi hums at her remark.
“I’m glad, hon.”
He takes the hand covered in her cum and pumps it over his cock. Kimi blushes at the action while Hizashi gives her a cocky smirk.
“Think you’re ready for me, hon?” 
She gives a small smile in return before squeaking out,
“Yes, I’m ready.”
She turns herself back so she’s facing Shouta, who looks down at her with admiration. One hand cups her cheek, the other softly strokes his cock. 
Behind her, Hizashi rubs his cock up and down Kimi’s slit, making sure it’s slick enough to go in without too much friction. As he slightly pushes at her entrance, they both find that he goes in a lot easier than his partner did the night previous. There’s still a slight stretch that becomes a bit too much halfway in. Hizashi pauses when he feels Kimi clamp down hard to give her time to readjust. 
“You’re doing so well,” Shouta coos. Kimi looks up at him through hooded eyes and resumes her previous position with him, grasping his cock.
“Oh, you don’t have to-,” but Shouta’s sentence finishes with a moan as Kimi lowers her mouth down around his cock, picking up where they were previously. His hands go back to the sheets, clenching them as he savors the feeling of her mouth around him.
“Wow, hon. You’re stunning. Already taking both of us at the same time,” Hizashi moans from behind her. Her head starts to get a little foggy and her muscles relax into the pleasure, allowing her to push back onto Hizashi a little more.
“Fuck,” he gasps out before helping guide himself further into her. Heat spreads throughout Kimi’s body, lighting her nerves on fire. She gets lost in the pleasure, starting to chase the fog that fills her head. 
“Oh, is our pretty girl, dropping?” Shouta remarks, noticing the haze growing in Kimi’s eyes. Realizing that she is dropping, she quickly comes to her senses before apologizing.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to drop. It just-,” Shouta shushes Kimi as she starts to panic, body slightly trembling.
“Hey, wow. You’re ok. You can drop, princess. We’ll be here to take care of you.”
“Are you sure? I just don’t want to go down and be a burden. I want to be good, I just-,”
Shouta grabs her chin and brings her into a kiss.
“You’re never a burden for dropping. I don’t know who made you feel that way but they’re wrong.”
A beat passes as Kimi absorbs his words.
“Ok,” Kimi finally says, a bit shy. “Thank you.” 
She takes a deep breath and her shaking stops. Her lips find their way once more around his cock, picking up where she left off.
“I’m going to keep going. Ok, princess?” Hizashi asks. She nods her head in response and he chuckles as he continues his push into her.
“You’re so good for us, taking us both.”
“So good,” Shouta utters after Kimi licks him from the base to the tip. Hizashi’s hips meet Kimi’s causing her back to bow and whimpers to escape from her mouth. Shota moans from the vibrations and Kimi relinquishes control again as he starts to thrust in her mouth.
Hizashi starts to pull himself from her, his cock dragging against her walls languidly. The floatiness of omega space starts to creep its way back into Kimi’s mind. She moans as Hizashi starts to push back in with less restriction. His longer cock hits a deep spot that has her moaning uncontrollably on Shouta’s dick. Drool starts to build up and leak out of the corners of her mouth, making his thrusts a lot easier. 
“Fuck,” Shouta moans out. His grip on the sheets impossibly tightens more as he fights plowing into Kimi’s face.
“I’m not going to last very much longer. So hot, fuck,” he grunts. His eyes meet Hizashi’s as they both thrust into Kimi. Watching his partner’s shared ecstasy has him throwing his head back and losing his composure. The hand that was gripping the bed sheet shoots to Kimi’s head as he erratically starts thrusting in her mouth.
He pulls out, making her gasp for air, before pumping his cock and spilling all over his chest. Hizashi slows down as he watches, allowing Kimi to also catch her breath. 
“Fuck, Sho’,” he grunts out between thrusts. His partner takes a moment to collect himself before checking in.
“Are you ok, Kimi?” Shouta pants. 
“Yes,” she breathes out. “That was really hot.”
“Still, I shouldn’t have been so aggressive, I’m sorry.” He strokes her cheek lovingly. 
“You did so good,” Hizashi says, thrusting in a little harder. Stars prick the sides of her vision as she moans out in response. Shouta smirks before getting up off the bed.
“I’ll get out of the way so you’re not getting any cum on your face.” 
Kimi breathes out a small laugh.
“Thank you,” she breathes out as Hizashi starts picking up his pace more earnestly. 
Hizashi leans over her to start rubbing her clit and once again, fire spreads through her nerves. Her face falls onto the mattress as she lets herself succumb to the feeling. She exposes her neck as moans pour from her mouth. 
“Oh, such a good omega,” Hizashi coos. “So pretty for me, taking me so well.” 
She throbs at the compliment, omega space starts to take over and after a moment of hesitation, she allows herself to fall into it.
The comfortable floating feeling compliments the constant pleasure she’s feeling as her mate pounds into her. Her glossy eyes roll back into her skull as Hizashi continues to praise her from above. 
She doesn’t know how much time passes as her ecstasy continues to build. Her headspace is comfortably controlled by fog and her nerves shoot fire and pleasure throughout her body. One particular thrust hits just the right spot to make her pleasure pour over and orgasm all over her alpha’s cock. She can feel herself moan and cum, but it’s not enough for her to fall out of omega space. 
As Kimi orgasms, Hizashi helps her through it before moving her hair to the side and pulling back. He releases over her back, making sure to steer clear of her hair. He soothingly rubs her legs as he sits back on his knees, catching his breath. 
Shouta comes from behind the two of them with warm washcloths. He hands one out to Hizashi who takes it with a smile before leaning over and kissing his husband. Shouta opens the other washcloth and slowly starts assisting Kimi with her cleanup. 
She startles when she feels the washcloth initially, but merely hums as her head starts to defog. After Shouta finishes cleaning her up, she slowly moves, coming out of the fog completely. 
“There’s our girl,” he comments.
She giggles, before trying to get up. She groans a little, her legs a little sore from being held in the same position. The men help her maneuver so she can sit on the edge of the bed.
“Thank you,” she says softly. “That was amazing.”
“Here that, Sho’? I’m amazing,” Hizashi teases. Kimi and Hizashi laugh as Shouta merely rolls his eyes in response.
“I think our sweet omega here is the real amazing one. You did so well. How are you feeling, was anything too much?”
Kimi smiles wide.
“I feel great, thank you. I think I understand the whole sore muscle thing now,” she jokes. The men chuckle before they all decide to clean up and get into the hot springs. Kimi is the first one to get in and lightly dips her foot into the water. 
The warm water bites her skin in an inviting way that has her practically melting into the spring. She shuffles to the middle of the back end and allows herself to relax into the soothing feeling. She sighs out and rests her head on the rock behind her. She tied her hair up into a bun that acted as a little cushion against the rock. Shouta and Hizashi make their way a moment later, taking their respective places on her side.
“This feels so good,” she exclaims. The men mutter in their agreement as they settle in. A few minutes pass as they all sit silently, enjoying the feeling and sounds of the warm water moving around them. Hizashi reaches over, squeezing Kimi’s arm and getting her attention. 
“This helping?” he prompts.
“Oh yes, this is helping a lot, thank you,” she responds. 
“Good. Didn’t want to completely wear you out,” he jokes.
“I’m good, thank you. This is all so fantastic.” 
She shuffles a bit to face him before reaching up to kiss him. 
“I really appreciate everything.” 
She turns towards Shouta and also kisses him.
“I’m glad you’re having a good time,” Hizashi remarks. 
The sky around them starts to change colors as the sun descends further into the sky. They sit in silence for a little while longer before the heat starts to become too much for Kimi. As they get out and start to get dressed, there’s a knock at the door. Shouta answers it and a staff member informs them that dinner will start in 10 minutes. He thanks her all they all take that time to get ready.
Dinner is an extravagant meal of various dishes and foods. A staff member sits with them, plating their meals and cooking some additional things in front of them. While Kimi has to pass on some of the things they offer, there’s enough to make her belly full and her eyelids heavy. The meal finishes with a pudding Kimi falls in love with.
“This pudding is seriously the best thing I’ve ever had.” Shouta tilts his bowl towards her, offering the rest of his wordlessly.
“Oh, no. I really shouldn’t,” Kimi politely declines.
“I don’t see why not. Shouta’s not too much of a sweet person so it’ll probably go to waste,” Hizashi inputs.
Kimi worries her bottom lip as she thinks about it.
“I’m really not supposed to…,” she trails off.
Shouta places his bowl next to hers, making the decision for her.
“Don’t worry, we’ll cover for you,” he winks. She smiles and happily picks up the bowl, finishing off the pudding.
After all the food has been consumed, they thank the staff member for hosting and make their way to their bed to sprawl out with full bellies. Hizashi turns to face Kimi, snuggling up in her neck where his mark is. She sighs into the comforting feeling it brings her, enjoying the attention. 
Shouta leans up on one arm, looking over the both of them.
“Dang ‘Zash, when was the last time we could relax like this?” “Or sleep, like this,” Hizashi asks with a laugh. Shouta gives a huff of agreement,
“Seriously. I think I got more sleep last night than I did in the past two weeks.”
Kimi startles and looks at him, concerned.
Hizashi breathes out a laugh into her neck.
“Yeah, sorry hon, we don’t sleep a lot. Busy schedules and such.” 
“Gosh, I mean I figured but I didn’t think it was that bad,” she berates. The men don’t say anything in response, but she turns to curl into Hizashi.
“Well, I agree. I’m glad you guys can get some sleep now.”
Hizashi hums and starts to mindlessly stroke her hair. Feeling content and safe, Kimi falls asleep before she can realize it. Hizashi takes a moment to smile at her sleeping face before looking back to Shouta who seems lost in thought.
“Everything ok?” Hizashi whispers. Shouta snaps his eyes to his husband and smirks.
“Yeah,” Shouta responds quietly. “Just thinking about when you and I first got together.”
Hizashi smiles, thinking back.
“Yeah, it was a lot different, huh?”
Shouta breathes out a laugh.
“Yeah, I’m glad she’s not trying to tear out my throat for worrying about her,” he mocks. “But I am a little worried about what she’s been through.”
Hizashi quietly nods, thinking back to her concerns about dropping. They sit in quiet for a few beats before Hizashi looks at Shouta.
“Love you, Sho’.”  
Shouta gives a genuine smile in response before saying,
“Love you too, ‘Zash.” PREVIOUS | NEXT
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djunkiejunk · 30 days
Behind the Scenes: The Secret Omega CHAPTER 5 - The Morning After
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SUMMARY: The morning after and the start of their trip!
CHAPTER 5 - The Morning After
Kimi stirs awake the next morning when she feels the bed move. As her eyes adjust to the room around her, she sees Shouta stretching and making his way out of the room. Turning her head, she sees Hizashi lying down next to her, facing the other way. Admiring how peaceful he looks, she takes a moment to watch the rise and fall of his chest. 
Eventually, her bladder bugs her enough to fully get up and use the bathroom. While in there, she takes a moment to look at her new markings. Hizashi’s on her left and Shouta’ on her right. Thankfully, there’s no redness around the marks, indicating some type of infection. They’re deep red, meaning they healed well. Pride fills her chest as she admires the varying shapes between the two marks. Her fingers lightly trace over them, enjoying the slight tingle it brings.
Curious about where Shouta went off to, she follows his path out of the room. Going down the hallway, she finds him in the kitchen talking on the phone. Noticing her, he starts to end his conversation,
“Yeah, I gotta go. No, I’ll fill you in later. Yeah. You too. Ok, bye.”
“Good morning,” she says once he’s ended his call.
“Good morning, hope I didn’t wake you,” Shouta says, voice a bit groggy. 
“No, you’re fine. I just had to go to the bathroom and realized you were gone.” 
Shouta hums in response and lifts his phone up.
“Nemuri had texted us last night and gave us a call this morning, checking up on us,” he comments, placing his phone on the island next to him. The name doesn’t ring a bell to Kimi, so she gives him a confused look.
“Midnight,” he clarifies with a smile.
“Oh! Wow, really?”
“Yeah,” he says, stretching and going towards one of the cabinets. “I wasn’t kidding when I said she was a close friend. Although, sometimes she can get too close.” 
“Oh, how so?” Kimi prompts, curious for more details.
“She wanted to know all of the details from last night. Like everything.” 
He rolls his eyes and then grabs a canister of coffee, putting it down on the counter. 
“Oh, goodness,” Kimi remarks, a light dusting of pink tints her cheeks.
“Yeah, I figured you wouldn’t want us telling anyone so I tried to stave her off in the meantime.” 
Shouta starts to prepare his coffee as he speaks, but Kimi takes the opportunity to jump in.
“Oh, do you mind if I make the coffee? I’d like to know how you do it so I can make it for you in the future.”  
Grinning at her, he nods and pulls down some coffee filters. He walks her through how to make his coffee and her chest fills with pride as the machine starts to brew. 
“Did you want some?” he asks.
“Oh, no. I’m good, thank you. I’m not supposed to be having caffeine,” Kimi declines.
“I thought that was only once you got pregnant?”
“No, the society has some other dietary ‘recommendations’ for me to make sure my body is in its peak state before I get pregnant. It’s supposed to ensure fewer complications during the pregnancy,” she explains.
Shouta gives an understanding hum. Not wanting to bore him with the details, Kimi glances at the selections of hot beverages in the cabinet in front of her. She spots a decaffeinated tea, so she reaches up to try and grab it but it’s just out of her reach. Shouta gives her an amused look before easily reaching up and grabbing the box.
“Is this what you wanted?”
“Yes, please,” she says, reaching for it again. Playfully, he lifts it out of her reach.
“It’s gonna cost a kiss.” 
Blushing, she stretches up on her toes, wraps her arms around his neck, and kisses him. He smiles into the kiss and lowers his arm, letting her grab the box when they part. 
Giggling, she takes out a tea bag and turns on the kettle that is sitting next to the coffee machine. Shouta presents her with a mug and she thanks him, putting her tea bag in.
“Do they have a lot of restrictions for you?” Shouta questions, wanting to know more about what she can and can’t have. Kimi gets nervous, unsure of how he’ll react to all of the guidelines they have in place for her.
“Um, sort of? There’s a lot less now that I’m in a pack, but they still want me to physically be at my best for you.” 
“Hm,” he says, taking in her words. She can tell that he’s looking for more of an explanation so she carries on.
“I think they more or less wanted me to get used to the diet that I would be on when I’m pregnant so they want me to focus on consuming more vegetables and lean meats. But they don’t want me to eat anything unpasteurized, or anything close to being raw. So anything with eggs or dairy needs to be extra cooked. Also, they have some weird ones like no hard cheeses or raw sprouts.” 
Shouta watches her intently as she goes through everything, but Kimi has a hard time reading whether or not what she’s saying is upsetting him.
“Then it’s the obvious no caffeine, no alcohol and they also really stressed preparing all my food myself. Not buying prepackaged food. I think that’s been the hardest thing just because it was hard to squeeze in time to cook with how busy my schedule was with school. Not to mention, I love sushi so it’s been tough not being able to have any for about the past year.”
Shouta takes a moment to absorb her words before asking,
“You’ve been doing this for that long?”
“Yeah,” her voice lowers. “I know that probably seems like a lot, but I wanted to make sure that I secured a good future. And now, I have you guys, so that just proves it was worth it.” 
His expression softens and he looks at Kimi warmly. 
“I’m glad you think so.” 
She smiles back at him and they stand comfortably silent next to each other, waiting for their respective drinks to finish heating up. 
“I’m sorry I was so harsh when I first met you. To be honest, with anyone else, I would still probably be very closed off. There’s something about you though that-” he trails off, thinking of the right words.
“It’s like I know I’m safe letting my guard down with you,” he finishes.
“I know what you mean. With both you and Hizashi, it feels like I’ve known you my whole life. It just feels-” 
Kimi takes a few moments to try and think of the best word but the only thing that comes to mind is, 
“-right. The awkwardness and shyness I normally feel in a new relationship weren’t there. I felt comfortable enough to be myself and you both accepting it warms my heart.” 
Tears prick her eyes, but she’s quick to put her hand up to stop them.
“Ah, sorry. I didn’t mean to get so sappy.” 
The hot water starts to boil and Kimi moves forward to turn it off, thankful for the interruption. After pouring the water into her tea, she sets the kettle back. Arms wrap around her waist and she freezes. Slowly, Shouta pulls her against him, resting his head on her shoulder, right above his mark, sending sparks down her spine. 
“I’m glad you feel the same way I do. Please don’t hesitate to let us know if there’s ever anything wrong. You’re ours now and we’ll make sure to treasure that.” 
Her heart feels like it flies out of her chest. She can only nod in response and Shouta slowly releases her.  She watches as he pours his coffee into his cup and is surprised when he takes a sip.
“You drink it black?”
“Yeah,” he says, taking another sip. “Never been big on sugary drinks, that’s more Hizashi’s thing.” 
Absorbing this information, she brings her mug up to her lips, blowing a couple of times before taking a sip of her own. 
A series of small meows startles both of them. 
“Mornin’ Sush’,” Shouta says, setting his mug next to his phone on the island. Kimi watches as he bends down and picks up the cat that greeted her yesterday.
“So cute. Good morning, Sushi,” she coos. She places her hand out for Sushi to sniff before he nudges it to make her scratch behind his ears. 
“Seems like he’s taking a liking to you super quick as well.” Smiling, she moves her hand to pet Sushi’s chin, soaking in the purrs he’s letting out.
“That makes me so happy. I’ve always wanted a cat so I’m happy I get to have such a cutie now.”
“Did you have any pets growing up?”
“No,” Kimi answers, her voice a bit dejected. 
“My mom was allergic to anything that licked itself and I couldn’t get anything when I lived with my grandma. Once I moved in with her, that’s when I started focusing more on school and my future so it seemed silly to get a pet I’d have to abandon.”
“That’s sensible,” he comments. 
Slowly, he places Sushi back on the ground. The cat circles his feet for a moment before letting out a long meow. Shouta rolls his eyes before going into the pantry muttering,
“Ok, ok. Give me a moment.” 
He comes back with a can of wet food and picks up a food bowl that sits next to the island.
“He’s always so demanding in the morning,” he sighs. Kimi giggles into her mug, enjoying the tea while she watches him feed Sushi. Sushi lets out a chorus of loud meows, excited that it’s food time.
“And he is also so noisy. I swear sometimes he’s louder than Hizashi,” Shouta remarks.
“Hey,” a sleepy voice says from down the hall. “I heard that.” 
The pair chuckle as a sleepy Hizashi makes his way into the kitchen. 
“Good morning,” Kimi sweetly coos at him. He comes over and wraps an arm around her waist, pulling her closer before nuzzling into his mark. She hums into his movements, enjoying the tingles that come from it.
“Good morning, honey,” he responds, voice dripping with exhaustion. 
“Do you need to go back to sleep? You sound exhausted,” Kimi asks. 
“Nah,” he grumbles, pulling back from her shoulder. “Mornings are always just tough for me. Plus, the bed gets cold when no one else is in it.”
“Aw, I’m sorry,” she says, kissing his cheek. “Would a hot drink warm you up?”
“Yes, actually,” he says looking to the coffee machine and kettle. “Did you already warm up the water?” 
“Yeah, it just stopped a little bit ago so it should be hot still.”
“Looks like you’ve got a fellow tea drinker,” Shouta adds.
“Oh?” Hizashi says, looking into her cup. “Well, good to know! We’ll have to pick you up some more.”
“Ok,” she says with a smile. “As long as it’s decaf.”
“No caffeine? Already?” Hizashi asks, puzzled.
“Yes, or alcohol or, sprouts. Was that it?” Shouta asks her. Smiling, Kimi nods her head.
“Yeah, plus no prepackaged food.”
“That’s what it was,” Shouta says. Hizashi looks between the two of them, still lost.
“The Society has me on a prenatal diet before I get pregnant to help things go smoother,” Kimi explains.
“Oh dang,” he comments before moving to fix himself a cup of tea. 
“She’s been on it for the past year,” Shouta adds, tone a bit upset. 
“A year?” Hizashi asks, surprised. “Wow, princess. You’ve got more strength than I do. No caffeine for a year would have me goin’ crazy.” 
“I’ll say,” Shouta agrees, taking a sip from his coffee. 
“I’m surprised the packet they gave you didn’t have any of that.” 
The two men look at each other before looking back at her, concerned. 
“You know about that?” Yamada asks.
“Yeah, should I not?” Kimi asks, concerned. “My advisor told me they give the alphas of every match a packet with all of my information in it.”
“Yeah, but do you know what’s in that packet?” Shouta asks, tone shifting to one that’s slightly perturbed.
“Well, no, but - I thought it was just like my allergies and health stuff.” 
The two men share a solemn look, furthering Kimi’s nerves.
“I mean, they do, it goes over your weight, your allergies, all of that, but -,” Hizashi trails off, looking to Shouta to continue.
“It also has things like your cervical health and details about your heat and other things that seemed a bit too personal for Hizashi and me to know.”
“So, we stopped reading and just decided we would find out together as time went on.” 
Kimi blushes, embarrassed. She knew that the Society kept track of these things in her doctor’s appointments to make sure that she was being as healthy and responsible as possible, but she didn’t realize they would give that information to her future alphas.
“Oh, I didn’t realize they did that.”
“We figured,” Hizashi says, softly. “Which is why we stopped reading it when we did. Seemed like things we could figure out for ourselves.” 
“Well, thank you,” she says, a bit touched. 
A beat of time goes on between them where nobody says anything. Shouta takes the opportunity to interject,
“Well, now that we’re all awake and we have our drinks, why don’t we take a seat on the couch and talk about our plans for the next couple of days?”
“Ok,” Kimi agrees with a smile, happy to change the subject. 
They make their way to the couch and start to discuss plans to go to a Society-owned onsen that Hizashi rented out for the next couple of days before coming back and going over daily life things. They mention a town that’s near the onsen they want to visit as well as plans to go into the city to do some shopping. 
As they’re finishing up their planning, there’s a knock at the door. Puzzled, Kimi looked between her alphas to see if they were expecting someone. Shouta pulls his phone from his pocket and gives an exasperated sigh.
“It’s Nem. She’s here to see Kimiko.”
“Oh, let’s let her in,” Hizashi says as he stands to make his way over to the door. Shouta groans but doesn’t seem to stop him from going to open the door. Realizing she’s in her silk pajamas, she decides to quickly put on more decent clothes.
“I’ll be right back,” she says to Shota who gives her a confused look. “I want to put on better clothes really quick.” 
He hums in response before requesting,
“If you wouldn’t mind grabbing me and ‘Zash a shirt too that would be appreciated.”
Nodding with a smile, she makes her way over to the bedroom, making sure she’s out of sight of the door before Hizashi opens it. She can hear Nemuri’s voice cascade into their home as she looks into her dresser for some quick clothes to put on. She decides on some loose-fit leggings and an off-the-shoulder long-sleeved shirt to show off her new markings. Pinning her hair up quickly, she grabs a shirt that she thinks is Shota’s and one that looks like Hizashi’s. Opening the door, she looks out to the living room.
Nemuri makes quick eye contact with Kimi and practically runs over to hug her.
“Oh, Kimiko. It is so good to see you!” Pulling back from the hug, she holds her shoulders while she locks on to the new mating marks. Emotion floods her face and her eyes start to tear up.
“Sugar, you look absolutely beautiful.” Her comment infects Kimi with the same emotions she’s feeling and her eyes start to water as well.
“Thank you,” she says quietly, trying not to let her emotions spill over. 
Looking behind Nemuri, Kimi can see her two alphas looking at her with concern by the couches and four other men she doesn’t recognize all carrying various gift baskets and boxes standing in the hallway. Nemuri catches her gaze and places an arm around Kimi’s shoulder before leading her over to the men.
“These, Kimiko, are my Midnight boys. They’re my sidekicks who also help me with things around my agency. I just want you to know their faces so that if you ever need anything while at the agency, you can ask one of them. Oh, boys, go set those down by the couch and come back so she can see all your faces.” They follow her directions and come back, bowing respectfully in unison. Kimi respectfully does the same,
“It’s very nice to meet you,” she says, taking in their faces. 
Kimi notices that they all look like idols or men you would find in dating games. They all respond positively and introduce themselves by name before Midnight turns back to her, letting out a happy squeal.
“Oh, I am just so glad you ended up with these two. You really are perfect for one another! I want to know all of the details, but alas, the real reason I came over so early is that I have to cover for some people while they’re away on their mating trip,” she sighs dramatically, looking at Shouta and Hizashi. “So I came to grab something but I figured I’d drop off some things for you all while I was here. I have to go now, but when you get back, we must catch up. I want to know everything .”
Giggling, Kimi responds, “Of course, Midnight.” 
Nemuri squeezes her again, making Hizashi slightly bristle, before laughing and leading out the boys with a “Ciao!”
The house is still for a moment as they absorb the quiet that has now flooded the space. Kimi makes her way over to the boys, breaking the stillness. 
She stretches out her arms with the shirts she’s holding. Hizashi reaches out and pulls her against him. Caught by surprise, she loses her grip on the shirts.
“You smell like her,” he says dejectedly. Shouta gives out a hearty laugh, clearly amused by his partner’s behavior.
“Dang, ‘Zashi, did she rile you up?” Hizashi squeezes Kimi a bit harder, before sighing heavily and releasing her. 
“Yeah, sorry, honey. I don’t know what happened there. I swear I’m usually not like that.” Shouta places a hand on Hizashi’s back reassuringly. 
“You’re fine, ‘Zash. You ok, princess?” They both look at her, scanning for any sign of discomfort.
“Yes, I’m fine,” she answers, a bit confused. “Sorry, did I do something wrong?” 
“No, princess,” Shouta reassures her. “You’re fine. Nemuri just knew that she’d probably get a rise out of one of us by being all over you this morning. Guess it ended up being ‘Zash.” His sentence ends with a small chuckle that has Hizashi glaring at him. 
Kimi wraps her arms around Hizashi, snuggling into his chest in an attempt to make him feel better. She feels him slowly pet her head before running his hand over his mark. She hums into the tingles it causes and pulls back to look back at him. He looks far less perturbed, making her feel proud that she could soothe him. 
He gives her a genuine smile before kissing her cheek.
“Thank you,” he says softly. They share a smile before he seems to regain his composure. Kimi takes the opportunity to look at the gifts that Nemuri brought over. There are some traditional gifts, such as fruit and envelopes with each of their names on them. However, Nemuri also took the untraditional route of making a gift basket with various products you could find at her store. Kimi chuckles as she looks through them. Shouta watches from over her shoulder.
“She would make something like that,” he comments, making Kimi laugh.
“This was very nice of her. I’ll have to make her something as a thank you in return.”
“Just don’t go too far out,” Hizashi comments. Shouta playfully punches his shoulder again, making Hizashi smile. 
“Well, I don’t know about you two, but I’m starved!” he says, rubbing his arm. 
They’re all soon back in the kitchen, deciding on eggs and toast for breakfast. Shouta has Kimi sit at the chairs on the other side of the island and watch as he does the cooking, forbidding her from doing anything. Though she pouts, Hizashi keeps her entertained by talking more about the onsen and the town they’re going to be going to. 
They all share smiles and giggles as they eat breakfast and talk some more about their plans. At one point, Shouta notes that he’s surprised they ended up all sleeping through the night. This prompts Kimi to ask about their sleeping schedule and she pales as they both inform her of their lack of one. Deciding to stay on top of things, she makes a group calendar so they can all stay on top of each other’s schedules. She secretly hopes this will allow them a better chance at getting more sleep.
After breakfast, they take some time to get ready for the day and pack their bags for the next couple of days. Hizashi plans some outfits with Kimi, grabbing some pieces for Shouta as well. He tells her not to worry about toiletries because the onsen has a bunch and starts gushing about them.
As she finishes getting everything together, it sinks in just how natural everything feels. She expected to still be so nervous on her second day, but she felt more calm and excited instead. Without realizing it, she stares at Shouta for a couple of seconds, lost in thought.
“Everything ok?” Shouta asks. She startles, looking away.
“Yes, sorry,” she responds, zipping up her duffel bag. 
“I was just thinking about how nice it was that this all felt so natural.” He responds with a small chuckle.
“I agree. This is going way better than I expected.” Her chest slightly warms at his comment. Hizashi comes out of the closet with some shoes and various accessories and places them in his suitcase. 
“Well, I think this is everything,” he comments, zipping up the suitcase.
“We could probably head out a little early then,” Aizawa says, looking at his phone. “We can beat the traffic and then get some lunch before we get there.”
“Sounds good to me,” Hizashi comments. Shouta calls for their ride as Hizashi and Kimi start to get their bags moved downstairs. A couple of minutes later, she’s taking a seat in the back of the SUV while Shota and Hizashi load up the back.
“Oh, I forgot something, I’ll be right back,” Hizashi says, a bit panicked.
“Ok, but hurry up,” Shouta tells him dryly before taking his seat up front. 
Kimi takes the opportunity to check her phone, realizing that she hadn’t gotten a chance to yet today. There are some texts from her friends and grandma that she quickly responds to. They check in on her, asking if she’s ok and settling in. She responds that she is and that she’ll be out of town the next couple of days so she may not be able to respond. Just as she’s putting her phone away, Hizashi’s back and adds more things to the back of the car.
“Ok, that’s everything,” he says, a little breathless as he shuts the trunk and runs around the car. 
“We’re good to go.” Shouta shoots him a deadpan look and Hizashi shoots him a pair of finger guns back while catching his breath. Once they’re all buckled up and directions are given, the SUV pulls out from the garage they’re in and onto the road. 
The trip ahead of them is a bit long, so they continue their earlier conversation about schedules and add more things to their new calendar. Kimi starts thinking about meal planning, so the conversation eventually switches over to food the boys like and don’t like. 
Some time passes by and they’re out of the city and moving towards the mountains. As Kimi watches the view outside, her eyes start drooping.
“Kimi,” Hizashi says to her quietly. 
She slightly startles and looks over at him with a sleepy,
He pats on the seat next to him.
“If you sit here you can lean on me while you sleep.” 
She sleepily nods and switches seats. Her head rests on his shoulder and soon, she’s napping on his shoulder. 
Hizashi’s smiling face stirs her awake a while later. They’re still on the road and she looks out the window, admiring the trees and mountain around us.
“Are we there?” she mumbles.
“Not quite,” Hizashi says with a grin. “We’re just going to stop somewhere to eat first.” She nods and stretches as Hizashi stretches his arm.
“Sorry, was I heavy?” she asks, concerned. 
“Not at all,” he chuckles. “You were just out for a while so my arm fell asleep.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry. You could have woken me up, I would have-” 
Her rambling stops when Hizashi grabs her chin and pulls her in for a quick kiss.
“You’re fine, princess. It was cute.”
“Ok,” she says, voice small.
After getting lunch, they make the last 30-minute trek to the onsen. They pull up to a beautiful wooden structure that seems to just mold into the mountain and river that’s around it. Hizashi helps Kimi out of the SUV and she can’t help but marvel at the mountain and trees around them. There’s a stifling quiet that hangs in the air that complements the steady sound of the nearby river. Steam billows from behind the onsen, hinting at the hot spring that waits for them.
Walking to the main entrance, they’re greeted by an older lady who introduces herself as the owner of the onsen. She also introduces her staff who all politely bow to them. 
“We want to thank you again for your incredible generosity, Master Yamada. We hope we’re able to make your stay exceptionally wonderful for you and your mates.” Kimi looks to Hizashi, a bit confused by what the owner meant. Catching on, Hizashi explains,
“I completely rented out the onsen for our stay so we don’t have to worry about other guests.” 
“Oh, wow. Thank you,” Kimi responds, a bit shocked. 
“Don’t let him fool you. He just wants to be able to be as loud as he wants,” Shouta says with a smirk. Kimi blushes and giggles at the insinuation while the two playfully banter.
“Well then, shall I show you around?” the onsen owner asks us, seemingly not bothered by the conversation.
“Please do,” Kimi responds with a smile. Smiling back, she leads them into the main building. Some of the staff members move past them to other parts of the building as the owner points out various rooms and features in the main hallway. Leading them towards the back, she shows off where the main male and female hot springs are. She goes on to explain that they aren’t prepped at the moment since the trio will have a private hot spring in the room they’re staying in. 
As they move towards their room, the owner shows them a trail that follows along the river next to the building. She informs them that it’s worth it to take the small hike up the trail because it leads to a beautiful waterfall. 
From there, they’re taken to their room. It’s a larger suite with a sitting area, a separate room for the bed and bathroom, and off the main room is the private hot spring.
“I hope you’ll find everything to your liking. There are soaps and other things in the bathroom for you all to use before you take a dip in the spring. Also, if you let us know when you’re going to be taking a dip, we can bring in some milk for you afterward. The hot spring itself has been loaded with some minerals that should help with sore muscles.”
The boys chuckle amongst themselves which has Kimi a bit confused but she decides against asking why.
“Well, I’ll leave you all to get settled then. I had my staff leave your suitcases in the bedroom so you should be all set. Dinner will be served in a few hours so you have time to explore if you’d like.”
“Thank you,” Kimi says with a polite bow. The boys also thank the onsen owner before she leaves.  Kimi takes the chance to explore the room on her own, enjoying the decor and feel of the suite. She had never stayed in anything so fancy and felt a bit out of place, but she was still excited to see everything. 
The hot spring itself has giant boulders and pebbles gracing its edges. The foliage that sits in between everything gives off a sense of serenity and she wants so badly to jump right in. She can feel the boy's eyes on her as she explores more of the room. The closet in the main room has robes for them to wear as well as three long, short boxes at the bottom of the closet. 
“Why don’t we open these? I think you’ll like what’s in them.” Hizashi says from behind her.
“Ok,” Kimi excitedly agrees. 
The boxes are slightly awkward to hold so Hizashi helps her carry them to the bed. Each one has a tag with their names on it so she grabs the one with her name. Opening the lid of the box, she’s greeted by a gorgeous kimono. Touching the fabric, she can feel the fabric is very high-quality and she gets nervous. She looks to Hizashi, who notices her hesitation.
“I thought they’d be perfect to wear while we’re here. I got matching ones for all of us.” 
He opens the other boxes and reveals two plain-colored kimonos that match the color of the print on hers. Shouta grabs a handful of his kimono and hums, seemingly pleased by the feel of it. 
“This is very nice, thank you Hizashi. Are you sure this isn’t too much?” she asks nervously.
“Not at all,” he says nonchalantly.
“One thing you should get used to with Hizashi is that he likes very high-quality things,” Shouta comments. Noticing the nervous waves she’s letting off, he adds,
“Don’t worry, it took a while for me to get used to it as well.” 
Kimi releases some of the tension she was holding in, thankful that Shouta understands what she was going through. 
“I just figure if I have money, I should spend it on nice things, not cheap things,” Hizashi huffs.
“That’s fair then,” she concludes. Her nervous waves subside as she allows her eyes to gaze over the fabric again.
They put the kimonos away for later and move into the main room. Hizashi and Kimi sit on the couch, snuggling into one another as Shouta sits in a chair across from them, a small smile on his face.
“It’s good to see you two get along,” he comments.
“Yeah, I gotta say, we’re a lot closer than I thought we’d be by now. But, not in a bad way, this is really nice.”
“I was just saying the same thing to Shouta this morning,” Kimi adds. “It’s nice to feel so connected so quickly.”
“Yeah. I’m not sure if it’s this string thing or what, but you seem to just fit in with us so easily.”
“I expected way more of an awkward phase,” Shota chimes in. “But it’s nice that we’ve seemed to skip by that.” 
Kimi hums in agreement.
“If I’m being totally honest, I thought our first time together was going to be tonight,” Hizashi says. 
“Oh, sorry-,” she trails off when Shouta gives her a pointed look. 
“Am I moving things too fast?”
“Not at all, princess,” Hizashi reassures her by giving her arm a familiar squeeze. “I’m more happy that you’re settling in nicely.” She looks up at him and grins.
“Was there anything you wanted to do before dinner?” Shouta asks.
“I’d love to try out the hot springs if that’s ok.”
“Ok, but you heard the lady, it’s for sore muscles,” Hizashi says playfully.
“Yeah,” Kimi says slowly, a bit confused.
“So, we’ll have to make sure your muscles ache,” Hizashi continues, giving Kimi another squeeze.
“Oh. Oooh. Is that why you were both giggling?” she asks, his comment finally clicking. Her question earns her laughs from both of the men.
“Well, if that’s the case, I guess I’ll need some assistance with tiring out my muscles,” she teases.
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djunkiejunk · 30 days
Behind the Scenes: The Secret Omega *CHAPTER 4 - New Experiences
AO3 Link
SUMMARY: Kimi gets marked and spends the evening with her two new alphas. *incoming spicy scene*
*CHAPTER 4 - New Experiences
“Well, little omega. If you’re ready, we can get started with the events for this evening.”
Kimiko takes a second to think before making eye contact with Shouta and nodding. 
“You gotta use your words, little omega,” he prompts. She smiles at the familiar phrase and responds eagerly.
“Yes. I’m ready.”
“Okay then,” he smiles. 
“Hizashi and I were talking about how best to do this and I think the best thing would be to do both marks at the same time. I’ll be behind you, marking your right side and he’ll mark from the front on his right side. Make sense?”
She takes a moment to think about the placement, envisioning how it’ll look. Shouta patiently watches as she nods in response. When he doesn’t seem to react to her movement, she realizes her mistake and quickly responds. 
“Yes, that makes sense.”
He smiles, happy she’s catching on to his request.
“Okay. We should probably line up the bites and make sure everything looks good before actually going for it. Are you going to be ok if we take our time doing this?” His voice comes out a bit huskier, warming Kimiko’s core.
“That’s completely fine, take your time,” she says, trying not to make it apparent that his words are affecting her.
“Also, before we begin, I have a confession to make,” Shouta says, voice still low.
Kimiko’s head slightly cocks to the side and she waits for him to continue. A hint of nervous waves hit her as she realizes his shoulders are tense. 
“I know that we’re probably going to get very close tonight and I just wanted to come clean about something. I know I told you that I’ve never been with an omega before, but you’re also the first woman I’ll have been with -” he trails off.
“Oh,” a relieved sigh leaves her.
“That’s ok. This is all a first for me too, remember?” She grabs one of his hands and looks into his eyes. 
“Like you said earlier, as long as we communicate what we want or need we should be good, right?”
His eyes soften as she watches the tension leave his shoulders. The smile on his face melts her heart.
“You’re right. Thank you, Kimi,” the nickname causes her heart to flutter. She’s been called it plenty of times before by her friends and family, but something about the way he says it makes it feel extra special. Hizashi shuffles behind her and she feels his hands wrap around her waist. 
“Mm, Kimi. I like that nickname, it’s really cute. Can I call you that too?” Kimi giggles as she gives his arms a quick squeeze.
“Of course. You can call me anything.”
“Careful what you wish for, hon. Wasn’t kidding when I said Sho’s got a mouth on him. It's quite rare to see him so soft like this. He’s normally quite scary,” he teases. Shouta gives his partner an unpleased look and rolls his eyes. Hizashi laughs in Kimi’s ear at the reaction, sending chills down her spine. 
“I’m probably going to pay for that later,” he whispers playfully.
“Mmhmm,” Aizawa retorts. 
His eyes seem more predatory now, seeming to size up Hizashi. Kimi gets nervous, thinking they may start to challenge one another. Just as quickly as the thought comes to her, it leaves when Shouta’s eyes start scanning Kimi’s face before landing on her neck. She can tell right away when he notices the little bit of lacey undergarment peeking up from the back of the shirt. His head slightly cocks to the side as a small smirk graces his face.
“You might not be the only one testing the waters tonight, ‘Zash.”
Kimi slightly bites her lip as she feels Hizashi look towards her neck. He looks to Shouta who merely raises an eyebrow. She knew the secret was out the minute Shouta placed the smirk on his face.
“Do you have something you’d like to share, omega?”
“Um, yes,” she says sheepishly. “I, um. I got something special to wear for tonight. For the mating bites-,” she trails off. Her hands go to the bottom of her shirt, but Hizashi places his hands on hers, making her startle.
“Sorry, but, do you mind if I do the honors?” He gives Kimi a genuine smile, but she can also see a glimpse of hunger in his eyes. His gaze burns her to the core, she bites her lip again and nods. She takes a moment to be thankful he doesn’t correct her for not speaking up but figures it’s because he’s excited.
Her fingers move up to make it easier for him and he pulls the shirt upwards, exposing the top of her lingerie set. Bumps rise on her skin as it prickles from the cold, but the stares of the two alphas are enough to get her to start warming up.
“Fuck,” Shouta deeply groans. “That’s quite the surprise. Did you pick this out just to rile us up?”
She blushes and nods. 
“Midnight picked it out, but I thought you’d like it.” 
“ I certainly do,” Hizashi says as he moves in front of her to get a better view.
“You look very pretty, Kimi,” Shouta says. Shyly, she looks away,
“Thank you.”
Hizashi moves back behind Kimi and lightly rubs up and down her arms. As his hands move from her arms to above her chest, he leans into her ear.
“May I?” he asks.
“Please,” she whispers, wanting nothing more than to give in to her desires.
Hizashi grabs handfuls of her breasts in response, causing her to moan out before he starts kissing her neck.
“You are so stunning,” he quips. He deepens the kiss on her neck and the feeling goes straight to her core. A small gasp escapes her and she pushes into the kiss.
“That feels good,” Kimi breathes out.
“Yeah, honey? I’m glad.” He continues to kiss her neck, then makes his way up to her chin and eventually her lips. After a couple of kisses, he brushes his tongue against her bottom lip. She opens her mouth more and turns her body to make the kiss easier. Their tongues meet with one another and start to dance around each other’s mouths. Eventually, Kimi breaks off for some air and turns her head to find Shouta staring at them with a smile on his face. 
A surge of confidence floods her. She wraps a hand around his neck and brings him to her lips. He cups her cheek in response and they share another breathtaking kiss. As they pull away, she realizes that she’s the only one who’s down a shirt.
“Um, do you mind if I ask you guys to take off your shirts as well? I just feel a bit exposed right now,” she asks, looking between the two men.
“Not a problem at all, love,” Hizashi says with a playful tone. 
He slowly pulls up his shirt, exposing his chest before fully taking it off. Kimi watches intently from over her shoulder, taking in all of his features.
Hizashi is lean but his chest is well-toned, which has Kimi practically purring at the sight. Her eyes wander over his chest and abs before dipping down to his waist. His pants hang low, showing off a trail of hair leading to his crotch and a lightly defined v-line. Her heart rate quickens as the urge to touch him increases. He gives her a playful chuckle,
“Like what you see, honey?”
“Yes, I do,” she responds. He grabs her hand, spinning her around to face him, and placing her hand on his chest. She looks up to him for permission to continue.
“Go ahead,” he says with a wink. Smiling, she lets her hands trace over his chest and down his abs. She enjoys how firm it feels, yet there’s just enough give to make it perfect for hugging and cuddling. 
Waves of citrusy scent pour from Hizashi as he enjoys being admired by his omega. Keeping her hands on his chest, Kimi places her head on his neck and properly scents him. He does the same causing waves of safety and happiness to wash over her. They pull back and grin at one another before exchanging another quick kiss. 
“Why don’t you turn around and watch Sho’ now?” Hizashi prompts. “He’s so fuckin’ hot, just wait.”
Excitedly, she does what she’s told and spins around eagerly in Hizashi’s lap. Shouta regards both of them with an eye roll before pulling his shirt off and tossing it next to Hizashi’s unceremoniously.
“You weren’t kidding,” Kimi says to Hizashi over her shoulder. The man in front of her looks like he was sculpted by an artist. His chest and abs are chiseled and well-defined. It almost looks unreal to Kimi, even with the scars that scatter throughout his chest. 
“Told you so,” Hizashi jests as he playfully pushes her up towards Shouta. Bashfully, she looks at him and hovers her hands over his pecs.
“May I?” She mimics Hizashi’s earlier question. Shouta smiles and gives her a small laugh.
“Yes, you may.” 
She closes the connection between her hands and his chest. Her fingers are met with firm muscles that radiate strength and power. Slowly, her hands run up and down his chest, savoring the feeling of his solid muscles. 
Her head falls to Shouta’s neck to also properly scent him. The teakwood aroma he radiates washes over her as he takes his turn scenting the omega. Pure alpha surrounds her, making her feel even more secure and protected. She places her legs on either side of his, straddling him as her hands continue mapping out his muscles. 
“Now, now, omega. Don’t forget that we have something we need to take care of before we get too ahead of ourselves.”
“Sorry,” she says quickly before pulling away. “I don’t know what came over me.”
“It’s quite alright,” his voice gains a slight rasp that has Kimi flushing. 
“Why don’t we take care of marking you and then we can finish what we started, hm?”
“I’d like that very much,” she breathes out. 
“Alright then, let’s get all lined up.” 
The two alphas get comfortable on the couch and begin to align themselves on either side of Kimi’s neck. After a few giggles and adjustments, both alphas are lined up and practically panting on her neck.
 She feels herself practically dripping over the fact that she has two alphas on her. Hizashi’s citrusy scent and Shouta’s teakwood aroma have her head starting to feel fuzzy.
“Ok, I think we’re all good to go, you ready?” 
She practically plummets out of the clouds her head was in and locks up when she realizes what’s about to happen. Concerns of whether the mark will hurt and if she’s ready for this start to fill her head.
“Kimi?” Yamada’s voice snaps her out of her thoughts. He’s still hovering over her neck, not wanting to lose his place, but waves of concern pour from him.
“Sorry,” she squeaks out. 
“I’m ready.” She feels a hand on her thigh but fights looking down to see who it is so they don’t lose their spot. 
“You’re still tense, little omega. We’re going to need you to relax to prevent accidentally hurting you,” Aizawa gently tells her.
“Ok, sorry,” she responds tightly, trying to focus on her breathing. The hand on her thigh begins to lightly stroke up and down while another hand starts rubbing her back. 
“Why don’t you count down from 10 for me?” Yamada says as a command.  
“Ok,” she says through a breath and then starts counting down. Like his previous command, she simply feels inclined to go along with what he’s asking. Nothing feels forced and she feels more at peace by following what he’s asking of her.
“... three… two… one.”
 Both alphas clamp down on Kimi’s neck, marking her. There’s a huge pull in her chest and a wave of euphoria crashes over her. 
Kimi’s vision goes white and her head becomes completely foggy. A sense of peace courses through her veins as muffled voices fight to gain her attention. Recognizing she’s deep in omega space, she tries to bring herself back. She lets out a shaky breath and feels the fogginess slowly start to dissipate. As she becomes more aware of her surroundings, the voices start to become more clear and she recognizes them as her alphas. 
“Kimi? Kimiko!” Her eyes burst open with a sharp breath as she realizes her two alphas are staring at her. 
“I’m sorry,” she says, slightly out of breath. “That was just a lot.” 
“Are you ok?” Hizashi immediately responds. Distress is written all over his face as waves of concern pour from him. She nods and tries to breathe, her neck still stinging from the bites. 
“I’m ok, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. I think I just went really far down really quick.”
Hizashi lets out a breath but Shouta still looks her over. 
“Don’t be sorry, honey,” Hizashi responds, relief starting to replace his concerned waves. 
“Ok, sorry.” 
He quirks his brow at her and she lets out a small laugh, causing her to wince at the stinging. She goes to reach for it but Shouta grabs her wrist before she can make contact. 
“Don’t touch it.” She stares at him, a bit shocked that he’s holding her wrist. 
“You don’t want it to get infected.” 
“Oh, right. Sorry.” Hizashi lets out an exasperated laugh, grabbing her attention from her wrist to his smile. 
“I am going to kick that nasty little habit of yours, honey.” 
Her heart sinks at his words. The first night with them and she’s already done something to make him upset. 
“I’m sorry-” she starts, but he’s quick to interrupt her. 
“That!” Shouta lets her wrist free from his grasp and she gently pulls it to her chest. 
“Stop apologizing, honey.” She stares at Yamada, dumbly. 
“You have nothing to apologize for.” She breaks eye contact with him as the words sink in. An apology almost escapes her again, but she’s quick to swallow it back. Taking a second to process his words more, she simply says, 
It feels weird, not responding the way she normally does, but deep down she knows that he’s right. 
“Don’t worry, I’m not upset. I just want to make sure you know you don’t have to apologize so much.” 
“Ok, sor-,” she catches herself as she’s saying the word and starts her sentence over. 
“Ok. I’ll try my best.” 
“That’s all I ask for, sweet thing.” Blushing at his words, her chest fills with warmth from the praise. 
“You’re sure you’re ok?” Aizawa asks her.
 “Yeah,” she says, a bit quieter than intended. Realizing her answer didn’t fully appease him, she decides to explain further. 
“I just felt this wave of emotion hit me and everything went white. Then I realized that I was floating really deep in omega space. I think it was just overwhelming for me at the moment, but I’m fine now. Promise.” She smiles wide and watches some of the tension leave his body. 
“Thank you for walking me through that, by the way. It really helped.” Her alphas smile back at her. 
“Of course, honey. We’re more than happy to help.” Hizashi gives her a small wink and she feels the warmth in her chest again.
 “We should probably get these closed up sooner rather than later,” Shouta notes.
“Oh, yes. Of course.” She proudly presents her neck to both of them so they can lick the wounds close.
“That’s a good omega,” he responds, and her heart flutters. Her face is completely flushed as the two men get back in position and start licking the wounds. Since they waited a little bit, the marks should be a deeper color which makes her stomach flutter at the realization.
Shouta pulls back to examine the mark and judging by the look on his face, she can tell that he’s proud of himself. 
“Does it look ok?” Kimi prompts. 
“You look stunning with our marks, omega. It’s good to see you claimed.” He runs his thumb over his mark and she can’t help but shutter.
“So sensitive,” Hizashi teases before doing the same thing on his side. Her mouth falls open and her heart rate quickens. The marks on her neck have her feeling far closer to her alphas and she can’t help but want to explore those feelings.
“Mm, Kimi. I can feel how excited you are,” the primal tone Hizashi uses has her breath hitching. His hands start to trail up and down her sides. She wants to feel embarrassed by how worked up she is, but she finds herself feeling exhilarated instead.
“Sweet omega,” Aizawa coos, grabbing her full attention. “Are you interested in going further with us tonight?” 
“Yes,” she breathes out before adding, “Please.”
“Such good manners. Ok, we’ll give you what you need,” he coos. 
“Hizashi and I decided earlier that he’ll go first to make sure you feel good since he has more experience. Then I’ll get my turn with you if you’re okay with that.” Shouta’s voice is dark and she can’t help but be entranced by his words.
“Yes, alpha,” she responds. The reaction from the two males is immediate. Shouta shifts in his seat while Hizashi lets out a small groan.
“Fuck, honey,” Hizashi whines from behind her. “It’s taking everything in me to not jump you right now.”
“I wish you would,” she replies, much to her surprise. Hizashi lets another little groan at her words and looks up to Shouta. 
“Let us know if you need us to stop for anything. I promise we won’t be upset.” 
“Yes, alpha. Thank you.”
Hizashi is the first to react, pulling her back and leaning over her to capture Kimi’s mouth with his. He takes the opportunity to nestle into her neck against his mark, sending small jolts down her spine. His hands roam up and down her arms before moving across her chest. She pushes herself back into him more, enjoying the feeling of his hands on her. She can feel herself growing more hot as he massages her breasts, giving them nice, firm squeezes and running his hands over her nipples.
His hands soon move to her sides, gliding up and down, massaging her breasts when he gets to them. Her hands reach up and make their way around his neck as he starts to move his hands to the top of her skirt. He runs his fingers along the top of the skirt, having them meet on the small of her back. His hands splay out as they run farther down her ass. Applying light pressure, he continues his massage over her ass without fully grabbing it.
“Sho,” Hizashi says to his partner over her shoulder. “We need to get her on the bed, I need to taste her immediately.” A jolt of pleasure runs through her core as his words sink in.
“Kimi, turn around and wrap your legs around him. I’ll help you both stand up.”
A few giggles and the readjusting of limbs later, they’re making their way towards the bedroom. Kimi can feel Hizashi’s hard length rubbing against her as she kisses his neck and chin.
 Looking over his shoulder, she’s met with Shouta’s earlier predatory stare. She smiles and shrinks into Hizashi’s neck more. He winks at her and she feels herself practically melt.
In no time, they’re in the bedroom and Hizashi gently places Kimi on the bed before capturing her lips. He takes the opportunity to start rubbing up and down her arms and back. She let out small little gasps and moans, enjoying the feeling.
“Feels that good, baby?” Hizashi asks.
“Yes,” she gasps and bites her lip, embarrassed by her tone. Shouta walks up beside them and lightly grabs her chin, running his thumb along her lower lip.
“Those sounds you make are so beautiful, please don’t hide them from us.”
She nods before responding meekly, 
“Fuck, so perfect,” whines Hizashi before pulling off her skirt. 
She watches as his eyes roam over her body and pauses when he realizes the teddy she has on is crotchless. Shouta notices his partner’s pause and follows his eyesight, breath hitching when he also notices. Having their eyes on her has Kimi feeling a bit self-conscious but they’re quick to change that.
“You’re practically dripping, honey,” Hizashi groans. 
“So gorgeous,” his partner moans. Hizashi starts rubbing circles up and down Kimi’s legs, making her breathless again.
“Would you like ‘Zashi to make you feel good, omega?”
“Yes, please,” she pants.
“Such manners, good girl.” The compliment makes her core throb, eliciting a dark chuckle from the male.
“Ok, I’m going to sit against the headboard and I want you to sit in my lap so ‘Zashi can get to work.”
“Ok,” she agrees before moving into position between the two. 
Shouta lets Kimi sprawl out in between his legs and Hizashi crawls up to her like a man starved. 
She expects him to immediately start eating her out, but instead, Hizashi starts rubbing up and down her legs, leaving behind a trail of kisses. Shouta in return, rubs up and down her arms before caressing her breasts, causing her to gasp. She revels in the new sensations, loving the attention.
Hizashi sees his opportunity to start leaving teasing kisses around her pussy, breath ghosting over her skin.
“Alpha… please,” comes the plea he’s been waiting for. 
“Please, what?” he asks with a smirk. His eyes are locked on with hers and the darkness that’s creeping into them has her weak. Having him between her legs feels equal parts thrilling and embarrassing. 
“Alpha,” she pants and shifts around a little. “Please, make me feel good.”
 Immediately, he dips his head and licks along her slit, causing her to gasp at the new sensation. The feeling of his tongue is a bit weird and new, but it sends sparks of pleasure through her. 
He gets to work continuing to lick up her slit, applying pressure to her clit when he reaches it. She finds herself rocking her head back and panting in Shouta’s arms. He pulls the string that is holding up the top part of her teddy and lets her breasts hang free from the top. 
“Keep making those noises, omega. You’re doing so good,” says Shouta from behind her. He continues massaging her breasts, taking his time to tease and play with her nipples. Her hands grip the sheets as they both touch her, lost in the pleasure they’re giving her.
“Fuck,” Hizashi moans. “Omega, you taste so good.” 
She blushes at his words and squirms a little. Hizashi moves up a little to start sucking on her clit and she starts squirming from the intensity of the pleasure.
“You ok?” Shouta asks. Hizashi stops what he’s doing and looks up through his lashes at Kimi.
“Y-yeah,” she breathes out. “Just, new. Feels really good though.” 
Hizashi hums which sends sparks through her and she goes back to panting and moaning. His hands are on her thighs, grabbing them and rubbing random patterns. He continues licking as he moves one hand closer to her folds before rubbing her clit with his thumb. She moans out as he continues to circle her clit before rubbing up and down her opening.
“My sweet omega, have you ever been fingered before?” Hizashi asks Kimi, taking her by surprise. She knew that’s where things were headed, but didn’t expect to be asked about it.
“Um, not by anyone else, just me. Sorry,” she admits, embarrassed about her lack of experience. The reassuring hand on her thigh startles her a little. 
Hizashi has his brow cocked as she realizes that she’s said sorry again. His gaze softens and he strokes his fingers up and down her legs reassuringly. 
“Let me know if anything hurts or if you want me to stop,” he tells me, his thumb stroking her thigh. 
“I will.” He gives her a genuine smile that has her heart racing.
“Good girl, thank you.” 
Hizashi lightly rubs his thumb over her clit, sending her head back into Shouta’s chest.  Shortly after he slowly inserts one of his fingers into her. His finger slowly starts to pump in and out of her, sending sparks of pleasure down her spine. She clenches around him when he slightly curls the finger. 
“Ah,” I gasp. “That feels really good.”
“Yeah, baby? Is there one spot that feels really good?” He moves his finger around as he asks, but he’s not quite hitting the spot that drives her crazy.
“Yeah, but it’s further in.”
“Mmm,” he hums. “I may need to open you up a little more then. Think you can handle two, hon?”
“Yes, thank you,” she pants. He grins and removes his finger before replacing it with two. There’s a familiar slight stretch that makes her head roll back on Shouta’s chest.
“So good,” he coos at her. After a few thrusts of his fingers, Hizashi finds her G-spot and she clenches down hard.
“Right there, baby?”
“Yes,” she moans out. He kisses her thigh as he continues to rock his fingers up against the spot. A huge spike of pleasure surges through her and she finds herself getting worked up fast from the attention of the two alphas. 
“I-I. Alphas… fuck. I-” Hizashi stops his ministrations as he hears her struggle.
“What’s wrong, do we need to stop?”
“No… please no. Don’t stop. I’m, just… I’m already… close.”
“Well, let’s hear it then,” Shouta says, surprising her. Hizashi takes the chance to continue what he was doing. 
“Come for us, omega,” he coos.
His words have Kimi rolling her eyes and arching her back through her first orgasm with her alphas. Hizashi thrusts his fingers a couple more times, working her through it before lapping up her orgasm from his fingers. He lifts himself from between her legs and leans over to kiss her. She hesitates a little at the new flavor but deepens the kiss once she gets used to it.
“Ok, honey. Why don’t we let Sho’ take care of you now?” Her pussy clenches on air as she nods her head eagerly. She readjusts so she’s against the pillows and headboard. Hizashi tugs on the bottom part of her teddy.
“Can we take this off, princess?”
“Or course.”
 She helps lift her hips so the teddy can be removed and readjusts herself. Hizashi sits to the side of her and Shouta is between her legs. It’s hard not to feel so exposed right now, but she finds that she’s surprisingly more comfortable than she thought she’d be.
“Ok, Sho’. Let’s see if you can get our sweet omega to cum again,” Hizashi says with a wink. 
Kim can tell Shouta’s a bit nervous but they lock eyes and he seems to relax a little. He starts by rubbing patterns into her legs and kissing them until he gets to her pussy. He gives a hesitant lick to the outside like he’s testing the movement. before licking from her slit to her clit. 
She moans in encouragement and it seems to work. He starts licking in the same spots that Hizashi just was. Only then does it dawn on her that he wanted Kimi to sit in his lap so he could watch what Hizashi was doing. The thought makes her throb.
She can hear Hizashi whispering to Shouta but can’t make out what they’re saying. Another hand gets placed on her thigh and she leans forward to see what’s going on. She watches as Hizashi trails up her leg to Shouta’s hand and then guides it to her clit. He maneuvers Shouta’s thumb over her clit and helps to apply just the right amount of pressure to have her genuinely moaning.
Words of encouragement and praise are passed along between the two men. Kimi’s head starts to get a little foggy and her mouth feels like it’s permanently open.
The rest of his fingers lightly stroke the skin above her clit in a circular motion. After a few moments, he moves his hand so he’s stroking in between her folds. His touch is just a bit too light, causing her to giggle, but she tries to help him out.
“You can be more firm, it’s ok. Too light tickles.” He stopped stroking when she was talking, but her guidance has him stroking again with more pressure. She lets out gasps and sighs as his movements make her more wet. He rubs around her hole causing her to arch up a little and she can tell that makes him nervous.
“She likes that,” Hizashi softly encourages Shouta. The man grins and continues circling which starts to drive her crazy. She wants him to go farther, but he continues stroking and circling her hole. At one point, his finger slightly dips into her center and she gasps.
“Sorry,” he says, pulling his hand back. She reaches up and grabs it, trying to reassure him.
“No, no. Please,” she begs. “I want to feel your fingers inside me.” She bites her lip and looks away, a bit embarrassed by her confession. When she looks back, he’s smiling at her.
“Of course, omega.” She releases his hand and he swirls around her folds a little bit before slowly sticking his middle finger into her. She gasps and moans at the feeling. Waves of pleasure start to roll through her as he slowly pulls his finger in and out. Kimi watches Hizashi whisper something in his husband’s ear. The finger inside of her starts to curl against her walls and she practically starts panting.
“That feels good,” she encourages through her pants. Shouta smiles at her and uses his other hand to rub over her clit. He continues his ministrations a few more times before Hizashi chimes in.
“You’re so wet, little omega. Are you ready for two fingers?” She bites her bottom lip and nods.
“Yes. Please,” she moans.
Hizashi moves from the bed to stand right beside Shouta, rubbing up and down his chest while he watches the scene from over his shoulder. He whispers something into Shouta’s ear before they both look down at Kimi. Shouta adds another finger making all three of them groan.
“What a good omega,” Hizashi coos, causing her to clench around Shouta’s fingers. He hums in response and keeps working her with his fingers. After a few more whispers in his ear, Shouta starts to scissor his fingers, stretching her walls. The familiar floatiness of her drop starts to creep in and the realization makes her startle. The two alphas above her check in on her but she brushes it off.
“Please, more. I need more,” she pants. They seem placated by her words and continue working her up. More whispers are exchanged until Shota finds her G-spot. She moans out, head stretching back and back arching more. 
“There she is,” Hizashi coos. Kimi feels him place his hand on her pelvis and push down. Suddenly Shouta’s fingers have more pressure on her G-spot and she starts whimpering in response. Pleads leave her mouth as Shouta continues working his fingers in and out at a slightly quicker pace. Her orgasm builds up quickly again before suddenly releasing. Praises and groans come from her alphas as she floats a little in omega space before coming back down. She looks between the two of them, eyes a bit glossed over. 
“That felt really good. Thank you, alpha.” Shouta gives her a small chuckle in response.
“I’m glad, omega.” He then holds up the hand he was just fingering her with and offers it to Hizashi who quickly licks it up. Her core clenches as she watches them. Hizashi gives a small moan before locking eyes with her.
“Think you’re ready for more, honey? You certainly seem wet enough,” he teases. 
She bites her lip in nervousness and sits up on the bed. She feels confident knowing that she could say no at any time and they would stop. It surprises her that she doesn’t want them to stop. This is all new to her and she’s slightly scared about what comes next, but her nerves are soothed by knowing that her alphas are taking every step they can to make her feel comfortable.
“We also don’t have to do anything more if you don’t want to,” Shouta chimes in. “I understand if being marked just worked you up and you needed a little release.” 
Her heart soars at his words. She feels more safe and secure, making her more confident with her decision to move forward. 
“No, I do want more. I’m just nervous. This is all so new, but going slow has been helping, thank you.”
“Ok,” Shouta says. “We can keep going slow then.”
“Unless you want us to speed up,” Hizashi teases, sticking his tongue out. Shouta gives him a shove, making the pair laugh. She then realizes that both men still have their pants and boxers on. Scooting closer to the edge of the bed, she reaches out to both of their abs and splays her hand out.
“You’re both still wearing pants,” she jokingly pouts.
“Yeah, honey? What are you going to do about that?” Hizashi jokes back. 
Turning towards him, she rubs up and down his sides before gaining a surge of confidence to unbutton his pants and pull them down. He steps out of them and kicks them to the side. His boxers are tented and she’s face to face with his cock. Looking up, she grabs the band of his boxers and mimics her previous action. 
His cock bobs out of the boxers, standing to full attention now that it’s been released. She can’t help but notice how long it is. It could probably beat out some of the toys she owns. She reaches her hand out and grips him, giving him a slow pump. 
This was something she had done before. Her ex requested she jerk him off a couple of times, so the movement was familiar to her. Shouta chuckles next to her and she’s pulled away from her thoughts. 
“How about me, omega?”
Smiling, she excitedly removes his pants and boxers like she did with his partner. A slightly shorter, thicker cock greets her as she lowers his boxers. 
“Oh my gosh,” she comments. Making them both laugh.
“Hey,” Hizashi teasingly pouts. “I’m big too!”
“Yes, you both are. It’s kind of intimidating,” she responds. Aizawa gives her a soft smile, caressing the side of her face.
“It’s ok, omega. We’ll take care of you, ok?” Entranced, she nods. A beat passes before she remembers to vocalize her thoughts.
“Ok, thank you.”
“Why don’t you lay back,” Hizashi recommends. “I know it’s traditional to present, but I think for your first time this will be a more enjoyable position.”
 Nodding, she scoots back on the bed. Shouta makes his way above her, kneeling over her legs. Hizashi takes his place behind him again before tapping her legs.
“We’re going to need you to open up, honey.” Bashfully, she does as she's told, opening up for them. Shouta grabs onto her legs, then directs them around his waist. A wave of nervousness leaves her again. Though she's had plenty of toys in her, this was still all so new and she starts to spiral with concern. Thoughts of if she's doing things right, if she looks sexy enough, or if this is going to feel good flood her head.
Aizawa catches on and places a reassuring hand on her hip, causing her to jump a little.
“You ok, Kimi?” Hizashi checks in.
“Yeah,” she replies weakly. “I just- am I doing ok?”
“You’re doing amazing, honey,” he reassures.
“You’re stunning,” Aizawa adds. Their words soothe her and she relaxes again. 
“Those audios you mentioned at dinner, they talk you through how to care for yourself during your heat, right?”
Blushing, she responds with a yes and a nod.
“Would it be helpful if we talked you through this? Like we did with your marks?” she quickly nods.
“Yes, please.”
“Of course, princess.” He leans over and gives her a quick kiss which she reciprocates. His fingers run up her leg and towards her core again. “I’m going to make sure you’re still wet for me and then I’m going to get myself wet with your slick, ok?” 
Her heart flutters and she lets out a small noise of agreement. He does exactly what he says, fingering her a little more so she's just as wet as he needs her to be. Her hands find their way to his arms, enjoying how firm they are and how secure they make her feel. 
“Ok, omega. I’m gonna get myself wet now before I enter you, ok?”
“Yes, alpha,” she responds, the words easily flowing from her mouth. He grins and she feels his blunt tip runs up and down her slit, collecting her wetness. Her breaths shorten in anticipation. He catches her opening a couple of times, causing her to unconsciously clench. 
Hizashi whispers some swears behind Shouta and Kimi watches as he slowly strokes himself. 
Shouta catches her attention, locking eyes with her.
“Are you ready?” he asks seriously, making sure he gets her full consent. She feels another hard pull in her chest that shoots up to his bite mark. Her answer comes easily to her,
“Yes, please. I’m ready.”
“Ok. I’m gonna start pushing in, ok?”
“Please,” is her quick response. 
He then starts to guide himself towards her entrance and she feels as he rubs himself on her a couple more times before starting to push in. While there’s no pain, she subconsciously clenches again, preventing him from going farther. 
“Are you ok, is it too much?” he immediately checks in.
“No, it’s ok, I’m just nervous.” Hizashi’s hand rubs up and down Kimi's leg reassuringly.
“You’re doing so good, honey.” 
She starts to relax again as she feels more of Shouta push into her. The feeling is both familiar and new to her. Butterflies fill her stomach as nervousness and excitement flow through her.
“Fuck,” Shouta groans out. “That’s a good omega. You’re taking me so well.” Kimi throbs at his words and he continues his descent in.
“Fuck, and you grip me so well. What a good girl.” 
After he’s about halfway, he stops because she clenches down hard.
“You ok?” 
“Yeah,” she pants, catching her breath. “Just getting used to it.” He rubs small circles on her hip in response.
“Ok, just let me know when I can go again, ok?”
“You’re doing so good, honey,” Hizashi adds, still slowly stroking himself. 
His words go straight to her heart and she's soon relaxing from the praise. After a moment, the small bit of pain she was feeling subsides. 
“Ok, you can keep going,” she says to Shouta. 
He smiles and continues pushing himself inside of her. Soon, their hips are flush with each other and Kimi clenches at the realization.
“What a good girl,” Hizashi comments, making her walls flutter.
“So good, look at you, so full of me,” Shouta comments. Kimi throbs again at their words. Shouta pulls out a little, dragging his cock against her walls. 
“Fuck,” she moans as pleasure courses through her.
“Oh, feel good?” Hizashi asks with a small chuckle, but she can only nod back. Shouta slowly pumps in and out of her, not wanting to hurt her. Soon though the pleasure builds up and has her craving more.
“Please, more, I need more. Please, alpha,” she begs. 
He reaches forward, grabbing her waist before thrusting into her faster. Kimi lets out a chorus of moans as he continues to make her feel good, hitting all the right spots.
“Yes, alpha. Fuck, yes,” she continues to moan out. 
“Look at me,” Shouta commands. 
She’s not sure when she closed her eyes, but she opens them to see his face plastered with pleasure. Hizashi is next to him, stroking himself in earnest, mouth open.
“Fuck, honey” he moans out. “You look so good, doing so well. Fuck, you look so good.” Kimi clenches at his words, making Shouta groan.
“Alphas, my alphas,” she calls out. 
Shouta picks up the pace and her eyes roll back. Omega space creeps up on her faster than she can push it away and soon she's diving into the familiar floating feeling. Her eyes glaze over and she can’t help but moan and pant at every touch and thrust. 
Any words she tries to form come out incoherent and she's held captive by the pleasure. Shouta readjusts his angle and without warning, she tumbles over the edge, orgasming all over her alpha’s cock.
As she comes down from her drop, she realizes that she felt Shouta pull out, but didn’t feel him finish. Looking up at her two alphas, she sees both of them with their release over each other’s hands. It appears that they helped one another cum once she orgasmed. The room is filled with heavy breathing and blissed-out faces.
“You with us, little omega?” Shouta asks her, soothingly rubbing her leg. She nods while answering,
“Yes, sorry. I dropped there.” 
“You were so pretty,” Hizashi comments, making her smile.
“Thank you. That felt really good, thank you,” she directs towards Shouta who gives her a heartfelt smile.
“I’m glad you enjoyed yourself.” She smiles back and focuses on steadying her breath.
“Well,” Hizashi starts. “I think that’s enough excitement for tonight, hm? Why don’t we clean up and then get ready for bed, yeah?” Shouta and Kimi look at each other before nodding in agreement. 
“Stay here, princess. ‘Zashi’s going to get you a towel before you get up.” 
“Ok, thank you, ‘Zashi.” The man in question comes back with a warm, slightly damp towel a couple of moments later and helps Kimi up. She thanks him again before he passes the towel to Shouta and helps her up.
“Why don’t you go ahead and take the first shower while Shouta and I get the bed ready for bed, yeah?” She quickly agrees and speeds away to the bathroom.
A couple of minutes later, she's showered and letting her hair out of her shower bonnet in the bathroom. Shouta comes in, still naked, and smiles as he watches her put her hair up.
“Doing ok?” he asks. 
“Yes, thank you,” she responds with a grin. “Shower’s all yours if you want it.” He gives her a little nod before starting the shower back up and stepping in. Heading back into the bedroom, Kimi finds Hizashi finishing up, adding a new cover to the duvet.
“Thank you,” she says, causing him to look up.
“Not a problem at all. Just didn’t want to sleep in our sperm, you know?” She giggles at his comment.
“Was everything ok with you? I feel like I didn’t get to spend too much time with you tonight?”
“Yes, honey,” he says, voice soft. “This evening was nice and to be honest, I wanted it to be more about you and Sho’ spending your first time together. I can steal you away whenever I want and have some time with you.” He sticks out his tongue at her and she blushes.
“Ok, I just wanted to make sure you were satisfied.”
“Oh, honey. I was plenty satisfied. It was really hot to see the two of you exploring one another and sharing that moment with one another.” Her heart warms and she moves around the bed so she can give him a quick kiss. He deepens it and grabs her hip, pulling her closer. They spend a couple of moments savoring each other before he pulls away.
“Don’t want to get too worked up,” he jests. She giggles back and they separate. Shouta comes out of the bathroom, hair damp, and a towel around his waist.
“Alright, ‘Zash. Showers free.” 
“Thanks,” he quips before passing by Kimk. She takes the moment to go over to the dresser they set out for her and put on a pair of short silk pajamas she brought with her. When she returns to the bed, Shouta has put on a pair of boxers and works on towel-drying his hair. Kimi sits on the opposite of the bed, watching him. He pulls his head up from the towel and gives her a knowing look. 
“Thank you again, that was really nice.”
“I agree. Thank you for sharing that with me. I’m very happy to have you in our pack.”
That pull in her chest comes back and she smiles, tears coming to her eyes. 
“It feels really good to be here,” she comments. He smiles at her again and gets back to drying his hair. From where she's on the bed, she can see both Shouta and Hizashi in the bathroom. Her eyes move between them and slowly she gets lulled by their movements. Soon, her eyes start to droop and a wave of tiredness falls over her. She finds herself falling in and out of sleep, but she doesn't have the energy to do anything about it. She recognizes that she's being talked to but can’t make out the words so she lets out a tired,
“Huh?” There’s a chuckle before she's guided under the covers by Hizashi who is now somehow behind her. She is a bit confused but just accepts it and crawls under the sheets before being surrounded by warm bodies. Letting sleep completely overcome her, Kimi falls asleep for the night with a smile. PREVIOUS | NEXT
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djunkiejunk · 30 days
Behind the Scenes: The Secret Omega CHAPTER 3 - Moving In
AO3 Link SUMMARY: Kimi meets up with a friend before moving in with her new pack.
CHAPTER 3 - Moving In
The next morning Kimiko called the Society to let them know that she had been accepted into the pack from the alphas she had left with yesterday. Her advisor was super excited, shouting over the phone how happy they were and what her next steps were. They sent over some documents for her to sign and told her they’d be in touch with the alphas as well so they didn’t all have to come back in. There were some questions about the living situation which she tried her best to answer but most of it was regarding security protocols that she wasn’t aware of. The advisor said they would just ask the alphas when they called and would reach out if they needed anything additional. 
Kimiko’s grandmother came out of her room shortly after she had hung up the phone and congratulated her on being accepted into the pack. She asked about how the dinner date went and Kimiko splurged details to her over tea and breakfast.
Wednesday morning, she went out to the local mall and waited for her friend, Naomi. When she called Naomi on Monday to tell her the news that she had been placed through the program successfully, Naomi insisted on a shopping spree to celebrate. She had also been placed in a pack through the program, so she knew that there weren’t many details Kimiko could give out, but she was still very excited to hear everything she could.
“Yoo hoo,” Naomi hollers from down the hallway. Kimiko turns around to find her, arms spread wide for a hug.
“Hey!” Kimi greets while walking over and hugging her. 
“It is so good to see you! I am so excited for you!” Naomi bounces as she hugs her, making Kimiko giggle.
“It’s good to see you too. I’m so glad I could meet up with you before I move in.” 
“Me too! We are going to have so much fun today!” She locks arms with Kimi and guides them further into the mall.
“You know, I really hope our alphas work together. That way we can meet up more often. Plus, I want to hear all the juicy details! It’s killing me not knowing who you’ve ended up with!”
“Oh my goodness, I know. I wish I could tell you everything. I guess now we know how we both felt when you got paired up.”
“Oh, this is torture,” she says dramatically. “But, I guess we’ll find out soon enough, and hey, if they don’t work together, we can at least find out at the next Society event.” 
“Oh, that’s true. I didn’t even think of that! Regardless, we still need to meet up for coffee or lunch or something as often as we can.”
“Yes!” Naomi agrees. “Okay, so where to first? I have some ideas in mind.”  They bounce ideas off one another before making a game plan about where to go and what to get. 
They go from store to store, looking at different clothes and items. Kimiko ends up grabbing a couple of new skirts and dresses, knowing that’s what the boys liked. Naomi takes the opportunity to do the same. As they start finishing up their shopping route, Naomi gives Kimi a playful look.
“You know where we should go?”
“Midnight’s shop!” 
“You know, that’s not a bad idea. Maybe I can find some cute lingerie for my mating night.” Naomi lets out a little squeal in response.
“That’s the spirit!” She says before practically ripping off Kimiko’s arm as they bolt towards the shop. 
“Well, well, well, look who it is,” one of the workers greets them as we walk through the door. 
“Hi Audrey,” Kimko says to the blonde girl behind the counter. “Good to see you.”
“Likewise, girlie,” she responds. “A little birdie told me that someone got accepted into a pack.” Her stomach sinks a little, concerned that her secret had gotten out. She looks to Naomi but she just shakes her head.
“Yeah, who told you?” she asks, concerned.
“Midnight, she said she’s friends with your pack mates and set some things aside for you in case you came in.”
“Oh, that’s awesome!” Naomi says, giving Kimkoi’s arm an encouraging little shake. “Let’s see what she picked out!”
“This piece here I think is going to be a winner,” Audrey says.
She hands Kimiko the package and she can immediately tell what she was implying. Inside is a lacey teddy bodysuit that had scalloped floral lace. The piece was crotchless and the back was completely open. The top could be tied around the neck but still gave plenty of space for any mating marks. 
“Pair this one of the garter sets and some cute stockings and I think you’ve got yourself a good piece for your first night with them.” 
Audrey starts laying out some of the other pieces for Naomi and her to look over. One of the things that catches her interest is a strappy set that has cuffs that attach to the thigh pieces. 
“Ooh, this is really cute.”
“I’ll say!” Naomi agrees. “I want one of those!”
“There are some more over there if you want to grab one” Naomi gives an excited squeal and saunters over to the wall to grab herself a set of thigh cuffs. Kimiko giggles as she oohs and aahs over some of the other pieces.
“How much do I owe you for everything?” Kimiko asks Audrey.
“Nothing,” she says cooly. “Like I said, Midnight put these to the side for you. Said the only thing she wanted from you was to give them a good time or something like that.” Kimiko blushes and gives an embarrassed laugh in response.
“Ok, I can do that. Please tell her thank you for me.”
“Can do, girlie.” She hands her the bag across the counter and Kimiko takes it while Naomi places her items on the counter to be purchased. She opens the bag again, taking another look at some of the items.
There’s a variety of items, butt plugs, cat ears, some stockings, all of which keep a tinge of pink on Kimiko’s cheeks. While she knows what these things are and how to use them, the thought of using them with her new mates has her both nervous and excited.
Naomi’s transaction finishes and soon she’s adding her new bags to the collection she has around her arms.
“Ok you two, have a nice day and Ison,” Audrey pauses.
“Enjoy,” she says with a wink. Kimiko’s blush deepens and she mutters a thank you as they leave. 
“I’m getting so hungry! Do you want to grab some lunch?” Naomi asks.
“Yeah, I’m getting pretty hungry too. What are you in the mood for?” 
“I’m down for anything, I just really need food and quick!” She practically flings herself onto Kimi, grabbing her arm. Laughing at her dramatics Kimi starts walking towards a restaurant nearby that she knows will have good food.
“Ok, I know just the place!” 
Soon, they’re seated at a table, bags tucked next to them and under the table. Kimi feels a little bad buying so much, but knowing that it’s for her new packmates eases her worries.
“So,” Naomi prompts. “Now that we’re somewhere a bit more private, what can you tell me about your new pack?”
Kimi takes a second to think. Since she can’t talk specifics, she has to find a way to give some sort of information to appease Naomi while also not giving too much away. She can’t tell her how many members are in the pack, how old they are, their names, anything that she could normally tell a friend. After taking a few moments to think, she has an answer.
“There’s a cat.”
“A cat?!” Naomi responds, clearly happy she was able to get some bit of an answer.  “Ohmigosh I am SO jealous! Do you have a picture or anything?”
“No, I wish, he’s a major cutie!” 
“Awww, well next time I see you, you owe me double the cute cat photos!”
“Ha ha, ok,” she laughs. “That’s only fair.” 
“Are you going to be moving in soon?” 
“Yeah, fairly soon. It ended up working with my grandma’s moving schedule.”
“That’s right,” Naomi says. “I forgot. She’s moving in with your aunt, right?”
“Yeah! My aunt was kind enough to offer her a place when my grandfather passed. She’s got a spare room because her oldest moved away for college. It’ll be nice because Grandma doesn’t get a chance to see that side of the family much.” 
“Oh, that is nice! Do you have a lot of younger nieces and nephews?”
“A couple. I think the youngest is about 8 or 9.”
“Oh, that’s nice. She’ll probably love that!”
“Oh, totally!” The waitress brings over food that they ordered earlier and Naomi gives a quick thank you before starting to ravenously devour her plate.
“Ah, this is so good!” she says through a mouthful of food. Kimi giggles as she starts to eat. 
“Mmm, this is good,” she says after taking a particularly good mouthful.
“We should meet up here more often when you’re settled in.” 
“That’s not a bad idea. This place isn’t super far from-,” She stops, realizes what she’s saying, and quickly adds more food into her mouth. Naomi gives her a knowing look from across the table and she gives her a smile.
“Sorry,” she starts. “I shouldn’t be pushing for info so hard. I just really want to make sure that you’re in good hands. After everything you’ve been through and all you’ve done to get here, you deserve a good pack.”
Touched by her words, tears start to form in Kimi’s eyes.
“Naomi,” she trails off.
“Oh, hun. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you cry.”
Kimi looks at her, trying to stop her emotions from billowing out of her.
“It’s ok. It’s just. You’ve been there for me through all of this and I’m just so grateful. A lot of people were really harsh about me going through this but you understood and stood by me through everything. Gosh, I wish I could tell you everything right now, but just know that I’m in a very good pack and I’m going to be ok.”
Naomi sniffles and starts to tear up.
“Ok,” she tells her. “I’m so glad.” She grabs her hand across the table and they share a meaningful look before Kimi gives a small laugh and wipes away her tears. Naomi mirrors her actions and goes back to eating. They chat some more while finishing up their meals. As they pay their tabs, Naomi’s phone buzzes.
“Oh, that’s my alpha. Looks like I need to head back.”
“Ok, sounds good,” Kimi responds. “I needed to meet up with my alpha as well.” They embrace in a tight hug wishing each other behind before moving on with the rest of their days. 
It’s Friday when Kimiko arrives back at her new home. Her things had been dropped off the day before, so she only carried a small duffel bag with some clothes and toiletries in it. Shouta had stopped by her grandmother’s house on Wednesday before his patrol, to drop off her new keys and papers with all the codes and info about her new home.
Kimiko’s grandmother had tried to get him to stay for tea but he politely declined, saying he had to get his patrol. When he left, Kimiko’s grandmother remarked she liked Shouta making Kimiko feel proud about her choice.
Throughout the week, she occasionally texted her new pack mates, getting updates on when movers would be by to pick up her stuff. They also chatted about how their days went and sent over some photos of Sushi. Kimiko couldn’t help but feel cheery about how well they were all getting along. The week seemed to move so slowly for her, but soon enough Friday comes and she’s trying to figure out how to input the codes into the security system correctly. 
After having to put in the codes a couple of times, she was soon entering the home she had just so recently been upset about leaving. Sushi greets her at the door with a stretch and a curious meow. After rubbing all over her legs, he starts purring when she reaches down to pet him. 
“Hi, Sushi,” she sing-songs. “How are you doing?” He doesn’t answer but does direct her toward the living room. A note is left on the coffee table in the middle of the room.
Kimiko, welcome home!
We took some time to put away all of the things that were delivered since it was just a few boxes. We’ll bring back dinner around 6. Please make yourself comfortable, there’s a surprise for you waiting on the bed.
Your Alphas. ♡
“Thanks, Sushi,” she says making her way to the bedroom. Her duffel bag gets onto the very large bed and she notices some folded-up shirts by the pillows. There were a couple of black shirts seemed to belong to Shouta and some graphic tees that were presumably Hizashi’s. Though her instincts wanted nothing more than to have her alphas near her, she picks up one of each shirts and takes in the scents that were pouring from them. It was good enough for now. 
After a couple of moments of taking in their scent, she takes the opportunity to give herself another quick tour of the apartment, wondering if anything had changed since the last time she had been there. Sure enough, the plethora of blankets and pillows she owned had been dropped off in the living room and her other belongings were put away in the kitchen and bathroom. There was also a new dresser in the bedroom for her to put her clothes away in. She takes her time to empty the bag and put her things away nicely.
Skirts were a popular choice between the two, so she stocked up on a variety of those when she had gone shopping earlier in the week. Off-the-shoulder tops were another pick she thought the two of them would like, especially since they would show off the new markings she was hoping to get tonight. Her hand grazes over the area at the thought. She sends a text into their group chat saying that she made it into their home successfully. They respond back with positive messages and she decides to start getting ready for their arrival.
Pulling out one of the nice lingerie pieces she had gotten, she places it on the bed, excitement building. It was the lacey teddy bodysuit that Midnight had picked out for her. She planned on putting it on after a bath, wanting to hide it under one of Hizashi’s tees and one of the skirts she had gotten. After laying everything out on the bed, she headed toward the bathroom. 
Hopping into the large bathtub in the master bathroom, Kimiko starts prepping herself for the evening. Every inch of her was scrubbed and she made sure to make everything smell pleasant. She dries off and gets dressed, doing her best to try and hide the lingerie underneath the clothes. Afterwards, she finishes primping herself and heads toward the kitchen. Taking stock of what was in the pantry, she finds that there are just enough ingredients to make some chocolate chip cookies and gets to work.
By the time the alphas get home, the cookies were being placed onto cooling racks, and the whole house was covered in their delicious aroma.
“Welcome home,” Kimiko greets the two as they walk into the kitchen. “Thought you two may want some dessert after dinner.”
“Wow. Those smell amazing!” Hizashi says, walking over to grab one. He’s stopped by Shouta who gives his hand a small slap. 
“Don’t ruin your appetite. Plus, those look like they just got out, they probably need to cool.” He places the bags containing their dinner on the counter. 
“Those do smell good though. Thank you for making them,” he says, before walking over and giving her forehead a small kiss. She blushes in response, happy for the show of affection. Shouta’s original stern demeanor had her concerned that it would take a while for them to get where they are right now. Happiness blooms in her chest at the realization that’s not the case. Shouta catches onto the sweet, happy scent leaving her and gives a small smile.
“Sorry, Kimiko. Hizashi just can’t control himself around sweets.”
“Oh, sorry,” she replies, nervous she did the wrong thing.
“I’m not!” Hizashi blurts out. “My cute little omega comes with cookies? I’m in heaven.” Shouta chuckles and starts taking out everyone’s dinner from the bags. 
“I just realized! Is that my shirt, princess?” Hizashi asks, wiggling his eyebrows at her.
“Yes,” she says with a smile. “It smelt good so I just decided to put it on.”
“It looks good on you, huh, Shouta?” Hizashi says, standing back to admire the view.
“Nah,” Shouta says, taking in her appearance. “My shirts are better.”
She giggles as he winks at her and goes back to unloading the bags. Hizashi shakes his head and comes to hug her from behind. Happily, she accepts the hug and enjoys being encompassed by her alpha. She gives his arms a good squeeze and she’s met with an enthusiastic squeeze back.
“You are just too cute!” Hizashi exclaims. Shouta watches the two of them hug and catches Kimiko’s eyes. Releasing Hizashi, she moves over to Shouta and wraps her hands around his waist to hug him as well. 
“I hope you guys had a good day.” The men give noncommitted shrugs and nods.
“Could’ve been worse,” remarks Shouta. Unsure of how to respond, Kimiko gives a small nod and smiles. Deciding to try and keep things positive, she responds,
“Well, I’m just glad it wasn’t bad then!” 
She grabs some plates and quickly sets the table as Shouta brings the food over. Soon they’re all having dinner at the table next to the kitchen and talking more in-depth about their days. 
“I think some of the kids are just still upset you expelled them all, Shouta.”
“You expelled all your students?”
“He did, but they were all brought back the next day.”
"So many of these kids are self-sacrificing,” Aizawa says, irritation flowing through his words. “Often, they confuse being self-sacrificing with being suicidal. So I gave them what they wanted, a 'death' so to speak. It refocuses them into working harder for their future," he explains to Kimiko.
“Yeah, but Nezu’s never going to let you pull that again,” Hizashi teases. 
Shouta nods before taking a sip of his drink. A sense of joy flows through Kimiko as she learns more personal details about their lifestyles and work. She feels proud to know that they feel comfortable enough to share such information with her. Shouta finishes off his drink and locks eyes with Kimiko.
“So, little omega,” he starts. Her heart does a little backflip at the recognition. “How would you like this evening to go?”
“Oh,” she blushes a little, thinking about the lingerie set that’s hidden underneath her clothes. “Um, if it’s not too forward, I would really like to be marked by the both of you tonight, if you’re comfortable.” 
“Eager, are we?” Shouta taunts, causing her face to start heating up. The two men sitting across from her share in one of their usual silent conversations before Shouta breaks the silence,
“I think we can arrange for that.” Kimiko slightly shuffles in her chair and smiles wide, eyes diverted towards her now-empty plate.
“Why don’t we take things easy though and start by getting comfy on the couch,” recommends Hizashi. “Plus, there are some cookies calling out my name that I just have to get my hands on.” With a giggle, Kimiko stands up and helps collect the plates before heading into the kitchen with Hizashi. He grabs the plate of cookies and offers his other arm out to her. Accepting it, she allows him to guide her into the living room onto the large couch. Shouta stays behind in the kitchen to take care of the dishes. She tries to protest but Hizashi remarks,
“You’ll have plenty of time to take care of chores later. Allow us to take care of things for tonight.” Reluctantly, she agrees as he takes a seat to her left.
“Thank you for being so welcoming, I really appreciate it.” Hizashi gives her a dramatic sigh in return which makes her concerned that she offended him.
“I think I’m just going to have to start calling you honey because you are too sweet,” he shoots his signature finger guns at her and she can’t help but to laugh and blush.
“You guys are too. I was worried that I would end up with some really old creepy guy. I’m glad that’s not the case.” She places her hand on his arm and Hizashi smiles.
“Me too, hon. Although, I’m dying to know who else you had to interview with. Who else we beat out, ” he whispers out the last part.
“Yeah?” she giggles. “Well, let’s see. First was Best Jeanist, which I only know because my grandmother is a huge fan and was practically fangirling the whole time he was in the room.”
“I can see why, he’s always so put together.”
“Right? She loves ‘dapper’ men, so she knew it was Best Jeanist right away,” she giggles, remembering how surprised her grandmother was.
“Then I believe Mr. Kamihara was next, very polite guy.”
Hizashi’s eyebrows lock together as he thinks of who that could be.
“Oh! Edgeshot!”
“Was it really? He looked nothing like he does in his hero costume. I guess I could see his whole face too so maybe that’s why I didn’t realize.” Hizashi smiles at her comment as she thinks of who was next.
“Oh,” her face scrunches up as she remembers. “They did have me interview with a very wealthy businessman. Don’t remember what his name was, but he gave me the creeps.”
“Oh yeah, how so?”
“I can’t really describe it. Not sure if it was his demeanor or the way he kept looking at me but something about him made me sick to my stomach.”
Hizashi nods and puts a comforting hand on her thigh. She tries to hide the fact that it has her instincts screaming with excitement. 
“Then came Gang Orca and Shisido. Hard not to know who they are. They were usually in my district so it was interesting to be paired with them.”
Hizashi hums in acknowledgment.
“They were funny though, both wanting to know if the other was interested in picking me.” “That makes sense,” Hizashi comments. Kimiko looks at him a bit puzzled by the response. “They’re very competitive with one another. Makes sense it wouldn’t stop here.” 
“Mmm,” she hums. “Yeah, that does make more sense now. And then the last one before you guys was Mr. Toyomitsu. He was very friendly and they brought in extra snacks for him which I super appreciated.”
“Did you not eat at all?” concern blasts from Hizashi’s question.
“No, no. I did. Just not a big meal. The little snacks they gave us were all I had throughout the day.”
“Oh, hun.”
“No, no. It’s ok. Like I said they gave extra snacks for this guy so I was able to get some food and then when you took me out for dinner it took everything in me not to stuff my face.”
Hizashi groans. “I can’t believe they didn’t feed you, that’s just wrong.”
Shouta walks into the living room, just slightly hearing the end of the conversation.
“Is everything okay? Did you not like dinner?” Kimiko slightly startles and spins around, not having heard the man approaching them.
“Oh, no. Sorry, it’s not that-” she rushes to assure him, but Hizashi cuts her off.
“She hardly ate during the interviews. Poor thing was chomping at the bits when we took her out.”
“No, really. It’s ok. I was expecting that, I promise.”
Aizawa makes a displeased noise which has her shrinking into herself. 
“Ok, well don’t feel a need to wait for us to eat or anything like that. This is your house too, we want to make sure you’re comfortable.”
“Ok, I will, I swear.”
He gives her a small smile and takes the seat to her right. She adjusts herself so she can easily turn her head between the two of them. Hizashi takes the chance to grab a cookie from the tray and takes a bite.
“Oh my god , Kimiko. These are incredible.”
“I’m really glad you like them,” she says, giggling when he shoves two more in his mouth. Shouta sighs from behind them,
“You’re going to choke.”
“MoUG ImpH Ought,” Yamada jokingly responds. He swallows a large amount of cookie in his mouth and sticks out his tongue. Kimiko jokingly reels back in disgust and then notices chocolate on the side of his mouth,
“Um, you have a little chocolate right here.” She points at the corner of her mouth and giggles. 
“Well, why don’t you come and take care of that?” he says suggestively while dramatically wiggling his eyebrows. She giggles again and leans forward. When she reaches out her hand to wipe off the chocolate, but he grabs it,
“Nuh-uh-uh. No hands,” he teases. A surge of confidence rushes through her at his challenge and she closes the rest of the distance to give a lick to the corner of his mouth. He takes the opportunity to sneak in a kiss. Giggles escape Kimiko’s mouth before she deepens the kiss. After a few moments, she pulls away for air.  
 Hizashi’s dopey grin greets her and she blushes. 
“So beautiful,” Shouta says from behind her. Pride fills her chest at his comment. Her instincts claw at her mind, happy that her alpha thinks she’s pretty.
“Could I get a kiss as well?” he asks. 
She nods and readjusts herself so she’s on her knees facing him. He grabs her chin and helps guide her toward his lips. She reaches her arms out to his chest to support herself better as the butterflies rush to her stomach. A small gasp escapes her, which he takes notice of, and smiles into the kiss more.
 Her instincts claw at her chest as she savors the kiss from her alpha. Trying to soothe the feeling, she places a hand on her chest. Noticing the movement, Shouta pulls away.
“Too far?” he questions.
“Not at all,” she answers breathlessly. 
“Good,” he responds, giving her a little peck on her forehead. 
“Gosh, you both make me blush so much!” she jokingly complains and both her alphas laugh.
“Sorry,” Shouta says. “You just look very cute when you blush. Makes me want to do it more.”
“Gosh,” is the only response she can think of. 
“Shouta, I must say, when we originally met, I thought you were just a very quiet person. Now, I know you were just waiting to speak until you could find the right words to melt me.” Both alphas laugh again at her comment.
“You got that right,” Hizashi agrees and she turns to face him. 
“Just wait until he gets you in the bedroom. He’ll say things to me that I can’t get out of my head for weeks.” A rush of heat shoots to her core at his comment. Her instincts fill her mind with all of the things he wish she’d say to him.
“Oh, gosh,” she says, jokingly scared.
“Don’t be fooled,” Shouta says, “Hizashi’s got quite the mouth on him too.”
“I should probably just write my obituary now then,” she jests in response. The guys laugh and Hizashi starts staring at her lips again. Shouta notices and decides to take charge of the moment. 
“Well, little omega. If you’re ready, we can get started with the events for this evening.” PREVIOUS | NEXT
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djunkiejunk · 30 days
Behind the Scenes: The Secret Omega CHAPTER 2 - Home is Where the Cat is
AO3 Link SUMMARY: Kimiko gets a tour of the alpha's home.
CHAPTER 2 - Home is Where the Cat is
A large skyscraper behind a large concrete fence with an elaborate gated entrance sits in front of Kimiko and she can’t help but feel out of place. Yamada leans over and tells her,
“Welcome home.” 
Goosebumps spread across her skin as that fact sinks in, this is now her home. She never expected to end up in a place like this. While her family wasn’t poor, they were not well off enough to be able to afford to live in a complex similar to this one. 
Yamada comes around and opens her door. He offers his arm out to her, which she takes with a smile. Aizawa guides all of them through the front entrance and towards an elevator. He puts in a code and an elevator starts heading towards them. 
“We’ll give you all the codes and keys before you move in,” Yamada says while they wait.
“Thank you,” Kimiko responds. The elevator soon dings and she steps in with Yamada. Another code is entered and it starts moving. She holds on a little tighter to Yamada’s arm. He smiles down at her, noticing the change in grip.
“You ok?” he asks.
“Yeah, elevators just make me a little nervous. I’m sure I’ll be used to it in no time though.” She gives a polite smile back at him and squeezes his arm. They reach their floor and the door opens to a hallway with a few doors. 
Aizawa walks to the set of double doors with a keypad, punches in another code, and opens one of the doors for them. Kimiko follows Yamada in and immediately she’s struck with awe. The condo has very large windows that span over two stories. A large couch and fireplace sit in the middle of the room and she can catch a glimpse into another seating area on the second floor.
 Her arm drops from Yamada’s as her body moves on its own accord. Robotically, she takes her shoes off by the door, before walking further into the condo. There’s a large kitchen and dining set on one side and in the other direction are the rooms and stairs to the second story. 
The two-story window in the main room is what draws her in. Slowly, she walks up to it, in awe of its size and grandiose appearance.  The cityscape in front of her seemed to span on for miles and the sky above took her breath away. Looking down, she can see the streets and the chaotic energy of the world running rampant. Straight ahead the city sparkles with lights and distant stars.
 She spends a few moments, gazing around, absorbing all the world has to offer. A hand on her arm startles her out of the trance. Aizawa gives her a soft apology in return.
“Sorry, but there’s someone who wanted to meet you.” She looks around to see who it could be, before noticing an orange tabby sitting at her feet.
“This is Sushi. He guards the house.” Kimiko giggles at the introduction and lowers her hand down for it to sniff. 
“It’s nice to meet you, Sushi.” After a short regard, he rubs himself on her leg before letting her get in a few pets and scampering off.
“Would you like to see the rest of the place?” Aizawa asks, voice low.  Kimiko nods and grabs the hand he offers her. She’s led into the kitchen and shown where the pantry is.
“We can go shopping for some snacks for you if you’d like.”
“That’s ok,” she replies. “I’d like to visit the grocery store when I move in so I know what they have.” He nods and moves on to the hallway, showing her the direction of the guest rooms and bathrooms. Then, he takes her into the master bedroom. 
The largest bed she’s ever seen graces the middle of the room on top of a comfy-looking rug. Another large window is placed on one side of the room but is mostly covered by thick curtains at the moment. On the opposite wall is the entrance to the walk-in closet as well as the en-suite bathroom. 
“It looks so comfy,” she utters. Walking up to the bed, she runs a hand over the large, fluffy duvet. “It’s so inviting, I just want to fall into it.”
“That’s not even the best part,” Yamada says, from a chair by the window. He clicks a button on a remote and the curtains behind him fully close. At the same time, uplighting in the room turns on, encasing the room with a more warm, cozy feel. Kimiko’s breath hitches at how luxurious it all feels. 
“This is all so amazing,” she says, still in awe of everything. “It’s so cozy. I feel like I could melt.” Aizawa chuckles next to her. She looks up, her chest pounding again. Her instincts tell her that she needs to be closer to him. Her eyes land on his lips and then looks away when she realizes what she’s doing. 
“Um, do you know where my clothes could go?” She asks Yamada. It’s obvious he can feel the tension in the air. Giving her a Cheshire grin, he stands up from the chair and walks toward the closet.
“Well, we could make some space in here. I have some clothes that I can move together to give you a couple of shelves and a space to hang things if you’d like. Or, we can get you a dresser to put out in the room.” She takes a  closer look at the closet and the way things are set up before making a decision,
“I think a dresser would work fine, as long as I can still hang some clothes in here.”
“I can make that happen.”
“What kind of clothes do you like?” 
Yamada immediately gives her a confused look.
“If I were to get some more clothes, what would you like to see me in, what do you like?”
“Oh,” he says, turning his head to look at his partner while he thinks.
“What do you like to wear?” Aizawa asks while his partner ponders.
“I usually find myself wearing skirts and dresses. I try to keep things pretty classy out in public, but I also really like comfy clothes. Honestly, I’m just looking to see if there’s a style you all like.”
“I like skirts,” Aizawa comments.
“The style you were wearing in the photos in your file. It’s very cute and classy. I like that, it seems to fit you.” She smiles at Yamada’s comment, happy that she can stick with her usual style. Her instincts claw at her mind, curious to know what their taste in lingerie is. 
“What about-” she stops herself, realizing what she was about to ask them. Aizawa raises his eyebrow at the blush spreading across her face. 
“What about what ?” Aizawa asks. Kimiko thinks that he must be able to read her mind with how perceptive he is. 
“Nothing, sorry. Um,” she tries to change the subject and divert her eyes.
“No, you’re not getting away with that. You need to be honest, remember?” Aizawa interjects voice stern with a hint of playfulness. 
He takes a step toward her as he says, “What about, what ?” She glances over at Yamada who doesn’t try to intervene at all, if anything it seems like he’s entranced by his husband.
“Lingerie,” she says, a bit embarrassed. “What kind of lingerie would you like me to get?”
“There’s a good girl,” Aizawa compliments. All previous concerns she had about him warming up to her flew out the window. Her face burns at his words, but inside her instincts have her almost purring at his praise.
“I like a lot of straps while ‘Zashi prefers more lace.”
Tension builds between all of them, but instead of wanting to flee the room, Kimiko feels more inclined to cling to the man in front of me. Yamada seems to catch on and help her out.
“Why don’t we show you upstairs?” he says, grabbing her hand and leading them out of the room. 
Aizawa follows behind as they walk up the staircase to the second floor. Her heart feels like it’s practically pounding out of her chest but she tries to focus on taking in her new home. 
There’s a reading area with bookcases and couches on one side and the other side has an in-home gym. The gym was separated by a glass wall that allowed you to see in but looked thick enough to keep any music playing out. 
Kimiko walks over to the side with the bookcases. Her eyes run over the titles of the books, some looking familiar and others looking new and exciting. Walking over to the other side of the room, she takes a peek inside the gym. There seemed to be some equipment she could use and at the very least it was a great place to get her daily stretching in.
“This is all so wonderful,” she says, attention directed back to her new alphas.
“Is there anything you can think of that you’d need?” She takes a look around again before answering.
“I don’t think so. It looks like I can fit my books over there,” she says, pointing to one of the bookcases. “And the rest of my things look like they can fit in the rest of the house fairly easily.”
“Okay, well if you change your mind and think of anything, don’t be afraid to ask,” Yamada reassures her.
“Sounds like you’re not going to need your own room then?” questions Aizawa.
“No,” she says, a little shy. “I think there’s enough space for my things throughout the house. Plus, that bed looks too comfy to give up.” The two men give knowing smiles to one another.
“It is pretty comfy!” Yamada agrees. 
“When do you think you’d like to start moving in?” Aizawa asks.
“Friday, about mid-day if that’s ok. I still have some things I need to finish taking care of.”
“Yes, Friday is perfect. Gives you a little time to get settled before we get back from work.” Yamada responds with encouragement.
“We’ll stop and get dinner on the way home so you don’t have to cook on your first night,” Aizawa states. 
“Oh, that’s ok. I can cook,” she responds in a worried tone.
“Nah,” says Aizawa, stepping towards her and closing the distance between them. He reaches for her chin and tilts it up a little to look directly into her eyes. “I’d rather you focus on getting comfy and settled in here.” Her face warms at his touch, not expecting something so intimate from him.
“O-ok,” she shyly agrees. He lets go of her chin, but her head stays in the same place. He stands tall, keeping eye contact with her. 
At that moment, all the built-up tension from earlier comes back, making her control snap. Her eyes dip to his lips again before she surges forward, needing to close the distance between them. Aizawa reacts by meeting her halfway and pulling them closer as their lips connect. 
Butterflies rush to fill her stomach. His hand slowly makes its way to the side of her face, rubbing his thumb against her cheek. Their lips move and find one another, savoring the feeling of being joined together. He pulls away and she finds herself unable to open her eyes right away. The butterflies leave her stomach as she opens her eyes. 
“Dang it,” Yamada says with a playful pout, startling them both. “I wanted to do that.” 
Aizawa gives a low chuckle. Kimiko finds herself relieved that he’s not angry.
“I’m so sorry, Yamada. I don’t know what came over me,” she quickly apologizes, backing away from Aizawa. “I hope I didn’t overstep.” The men share a glance, seeming to do a quick check-in.
“You’re completely fine,” Yamada reassures. “And I think we can drop the formalities now.”
“You’re probably right,” she says with a nervous giggle and then pauses. “Hizashi,” she says, testing out the name on her tongue. Looking at the other man next to her, she tries out his name, “Shouta.” 
“Kimiko,” Shouta responds. Her heart flutters at the way he says it, savoring his attention.
“Kimiko?” Hizashi asks, grabbing the attention of Shouta. 
“Yes?” The shakiness in her voice she detests comes back.
“Can I please kiss you now?”
“I would like that very much, Hizashi,” she says, forcing her voice to be less wobbly. He wraps an arm around her waist and pulls them together.
His lips meet her and the butterflies return. Kimiko’s head floats as their lips intertwine.  As she pulls away, she’s met with Hizashi’s dopey grin and soon she’s wearing a matching smile.
“That’s a lot hotter to watch than I was expecting,” Shouta comments, making her feel hot. “Hizashi, our omega is so cute.”
“So cute,” Hizashi mimics. Kimiko’s breath grows heavy as the tension between all of them builds once again. Her instincts start screaming in her head to have these men all over her.
She brings a hand to her chest, attempting to stop her heart from feeling like it’s going to explode from how hard it’s beating. Shouta sees this and backs off a little. Hizashi also notices and relaxes his posture to seem less intimidating.
“Sorry,” she apologizes before also taking a step back. “I should’ve been trying to control myself. I didn’t want to rush things too quickly.” The two alphas in front of her swap puzzled looks.
“Why are you apologizing?” Hizashi asks. “We’ve been the ones pushing things today. We should be apologizing.”
“Well, you two are already established mates. It’s not right of me to just come in and start kissing you both all willy-nilly. I overstepped, I’m sorry.”
“You are too sweet.” Shouta remarks. Kimiko’s heart pulls at her chest. “Don’t worry you’re not overstepping.” He emits a soothing wave that has her relaxing. He reaches out and takes a moment to rub his thumb along the side of her face. “You are our mate now. As long as we all keep communicating our needs and feelings, you’re not overstepping, remember?” She nods in response.
“But, please, tell us if you feel like we are,” Hizashi says, still concerned about her feelings.
“Ok, I will,” she says with confidence. Hizashi seems placated by her words. “I am a little nervous right now.”
“What’s got you nervous?” Hizashi asks. 
“It just feels like things are going really quick right now and I’d like to save things for our first night together if that’s okay with you guys.”
“That’s no problem at all, princess,” remarks Hizashi. Kimiko can’t help but blush at the pet name. 
“Oh? You like it when I call you princess?” Hizashi jests.
She gives shy nods in response.
“Nuh-uh-uh,” Shouta playfully scolds. “Use your words.”
Kimiko practically melts at the attention. She wants nothing more than to just give in to her desires and jump into their arms. However, she decides to give them a little taste of their own medicine.
“Yes, alphas. I like it when you call me those names.” The men both give small curses under their breath and Hizashi breaks the tension.
“Okay, okay. You said you didn’t want to take things too far. We should all probably take a breath before we all start jumping each other.” That seems to sap the tension from the air and sure enough, everyone seems to release a breath and give a small chuckle.
“I should probably head back home then.” Kimiko’s suggestion is received with a nod from a now-quiet Shouta.
“Ok, princess. I’ll call up the front desk and have them prepare a chauffeur for you.”
“Thank you,” she says in response. He smiles at her and takes out his phone.
As she makes her way downstairs, Hizashi rings the front desk to make the arrangements. After he gets off the phone, she gives him a hug which he responds to with a kiss on the top of her head. 
“We’ll see you later this week, princess. Have a safe ride home. Text me when you get there?” She pulls back and smiles up at him.
“Sure thing.”
Aizawa walks up to the two of them and offers his arm out to Kimiko. Gladly, she accepts it and lets him lead her out of the condo.
“Bye, see you on Friday,” she says, waving goodbye to Hizashi.
“Bye, princess. See you Friday,” he says with a wink. Her cheeks heat up again as she makes her way out of the condo. 
When I get into the elevator, Aizawa looks down at her. She had been unintentionally squeezing his arm but noticed that she’d caught his eye and released her hold. 
“I’ll stop by your place later this week to drop off the keys and codes. How does your week look?” Aizawa asks, hoping to ease her nerves.
“I believe I’m free Wednesday afternoon.”
“Ok, that works, I have patrol that night so I’ll be free. Just send a text when you’re home.”
“Can do,” she says, smiling at him. The elevator dings and they arrive in the lobby. 
“Wow, that went by faster than I was expecting,” she says a bit quietly.  Aizawa grins and escorts her to the front of the lobby. Outside waits a familiar blacked-out vehicle with the rear door open. 
“Thank you for letting me see everything early,” says Kimiko, turning to face Aizawa.
“Of course. Let me know if you need anything before you move in.” She smiles and moves in to hug him goodbye. He accepts and gives her a small peck on her cheek as she pulls away. Blushing, she allows him to help her into the backseat. 
He shuts the door and Kimiko waves goodbye, before quickly realizing he can’t see her. She laughs to herself as the car moves away. The chauffeur turns on a local radio station, allowing Kimiko to stare out the window, watching her new home disappear. A wave of sadness creeps up on it, but she doesn’t realize it until a tear falls down her face. Quickly, she brushes it away with a sniffle and looks for a tissue in her purse, all while trying to rein in her emotions.
“There should be tissues in the seat pocket in front of you, ma’am,” notes the chauffeur. She replies with a small thanks and retrieves one, wiping up the rest of the tear and blowing her nose. The world outside passes by as she thinks back on the afternoon. By the time she’s home, the sadness has been replaced with excitement. In just a few days, she’ll be in her new home with her new alphas, starting the life that she’s worked so hard to get.
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djunkiejunk · 30 days
Behind the Scenes: The Secret Omega CHAPTER 1 - Origin
AO3 Link SUMMARY: It's been a week since Kimiko's encounter with her ex. It's now the day of her pack placement and she's late for the first time in a long time. CHAPTER 1 - Origin
Of all the times to be late.
Making her way through the crowded sidewalk as quickly as she can, Kimiko tries her best not to bump into people. Her heels dig into her feet as she adds more pressure to them to prevent herself from failing as she weaves through people. The hair she spent so long trying to make look presentable is starting to fray from sweat and she’s letting off more of a panicked energy than she would have liked. She was on her way to the most important meeting of her life.
Everything that she had worked so hard on for the past five years led up to this moment and she was about to throw it all away by being late for the first time in forever. She had planned every second of her life from the times she woke up to the quick breaks she took to be at the top of her game. Of course, no amount of planning could prepare her for the hour delay her train had due to a villain attack further down the track.
Luckily, she had planned enough time to be about an hour early regardless. That way, she had time to prep with her grandmother, since she would also be attending this meeting. However, the delay forced her to go through everything in her head and try and get into the right headspace. 
As her feet hit the stairs leading up to the building she needed to be in, a sense of reassurance filled her. Looking at her phone, she was only 10 minutes late. Still not ideal and certainly not a good image but it was better than nothing. She quickly speed-walked through the halls of the building, knowing exactly where she needed to be. The familiar receptionist greets her and quickly ushers her toward the normal meeting room.
“Thank you, I am so sorry I-,”
“Don’t worry about it. Just get in there and do your best,” they encourage, practically pushing her inside.
Quickly, she makes her way to the chair she had become so acquainted with the past five years, apologies pouring out of her mouth as she takes a seat.
“Ison,” her advisor greets. “So nice to see you. I heard about the delay, so no need to worry. I’m just glad you were able to make it.”
She lets out a deep breath in relief. Heart hammering in her chest, she knows she’s probably letting off a variety of unpleasant waves. Her grandmother’s hand rests on her back reassuringly as she takes a deep enough breath to steady herself.
“I am so sorry. Thank you for still meeting me today. I really appreciate it.”
“Of course, Ison. Feel free to take a moment to collect yourself, the matchmaker went to get some water so you have a few moments.” 
“Thank you,” I say, letting out another very large breath. The advisor gives her a small chuckle as she focuses on relaxing.
“Quite the odd morning for you,” her grandmother quips. Kimiko nods and smiles at her. No doubt, her grandmother worked some of her charm on the matchmaker, preventing them from leaving altogether. Taking one final long breath, her heartbeat returns to normal and she focuses on centering herself, stopping any further unpleasant waves. Feeling more complete, she responds,
Her grandmother gives her signature giggle and helps get her hair more put together while she focuses on straightening out her outfit. The door opens as they finish up and the matchmaker walks in, water in hand.
“There you are, Ison. Good to see you are joining us today.” She gives a polite bow in response. 
“Thank you for still seeing me today. I’m terribly sorry for the inconvenience.” 
“You’re lucky your grandmother was here,” they comment as they take the seat across from her, next to her advisor. Their differing personalities create an unusual atmosphere in the office. It’s different from the warm presence she’s used to. “She was able to convince me that this was out of the norm for you which is the only reason I stayed.”
Politely, she nods in response, knowing that she should say nothing but wishing she could explain everything. Obedience is one of the traits that she’s known for so trying to state her case would only hurt her chance of being paired well even more. She lets her head hang, showcasing her obedience further and hoping it’s enough to win over the person who will decide her fate.
They let out a noise of approval before drinking some of their water. She dares not to take her eyes off the floor in front of her, but she knows the folders on the desk are all of her potential candidates. Excitement and nervousness fill her but she focuses on staying composed.
Since she had recently graduated from college, her advisor finished up her folder and passed it along to the Prime Society’s head matchmaker. They would go through their list of alphas and alpha-led packs to determine where she would fit best. She has a lot of things working against her, so she worked hard for the past 5 years to do everything she could to boost her appeal.
“Well,” the matchmaker starts. They put down their water and Kimiko hears them readjust in their seat. “You are a most interesting case indeed. No quirk, no parents, and nowhere to live in just under a month is that correct?”
“Yes,” her grandmother responds for her. “I’m moving in with one of my daughters, but I’m confident that Kimiko will have a new home by then.”
“I see,” they respond. “Well, that being said, you still have quite the profile here—a degree in general studies with a variety of skills and knowledge. Looks like you took cooking classes, a financial literacy course learned three languages, and volunteered as a teacher’s aide at your local grade school. All of this plus you’re following the diet and exercise routine our doctors have set for you. You’ve shown tremendous discipline and it’s turned you into a perfect candidate for anyone in the Society’s Pack Program.”
Her heart soars at the praise. She looks up at the matchmaker, a smile sits on their face. Throughout her studies, she was often told that she was pushing back omega’s rights, her beliefs were too old-fashioned, or that everything she was doing was just a waste of time. This moment canceled out every negative comment and threw out every name she had been called out the window. What she did worked and it impressed the matchmaker.
The only person who took the time to understand why she did what she did was her good friend, Naomi. She was in one of the English classes Kimiko took and they bonded over learning a language to impress an alpha. There was an American hero who moved into her complex that she was dying to impress.
“So, I haven’t met many prime omegas or alphas. But it seems like having babies is really important for you all.”
Kimiko giggles at her comment. “I mean, you’re not wrong. As you know, primes possess the ability to easily overpower any of the other secondary genders. Many prime alphas used to be in high-ranking positions, using that ability to easily stay in power.”
Naomi nods as she follows along.
“ That was until quirks emerged into the world though. Large groups of alphas would rally together and use their quirks to take down primes and their families. Eventually, the power primes had was lost and their rarity increased exponentially. That led to The Society of the Prime Alphas and Omegas.”
“And they want babies?”
“Ha ha! I mean, yeah, essentially. The Society wanted to ensure the future generation was prosperous and well taken care of. Making sure the number of primes doesn’t dwindle to the low number it was previously, is The Society’s main priority.”
“Ok,” Naomi says, mulling over her answer. “But how do heroes fall into this, because I know they’re a big part of it.”
“The Society paired up with the Hero Commission and required that any Prime that was registered with the Commission had to either start a pack of their own or they would be assigned a mate to start a pack with. As you know, while the offspring of two Primes don’t guarantee the presentation of a Prime, the odds increase significantly. Since heroes are usually strong individuals, they want to make sure that they have offspring so the next generation of Primes is also strong.”
“Ooooh,” Naomi responds. “So I was right, babies are important to you guys.” 
They both laugh. “Yes, babies are important.”
The matchmaker’s smile seems to fall a little bit as they look over the table at all of the files between us.
“While you are an extremely capable candidate I must admit it was still hard to place you.”
The pride she was just feeling falters.
“Not for the reasons you would normally think though. See, most candidates rely on their quirk or their family’s name to push them into a good pack. Normally I can play around with corresponding quirks or determine family assets to place a candidate but you’re a bit more special than that.”
She lets out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding.
“When I looked at your file I knew we had to place you with someone extraordinary, not just any alpha that was looking to add another omega to their pack. A hero seems like the most suitable fit for your talents. That’s where the problems started to arise. See, about 2 years ago we had a push for quite a few of our high-ranking heroes to accept omegas. The thought process was that if packs had babies all around a similar age, it would make it easier in the future to establish additional packs.”
She nods her head and takes in the information, but continues not to say anything.
“Well, since we had gone through quite a few heroes that I thought would have been a good fit for you, I started looking at your current options. I’ve pulled together some matches and we’ll have you both meet with them today.”
Her stomach drops. She should probably be more joyous at this moment, but now she’s concerned that they’re placing her too high. She’ll have to be on top of my game with whomever she’s paired with. 
“However, I do want you to be aware that some of them have already told me ahead of time that they do not want to take on an omega right now. They’re just meeting you out of respect for my position and sadly I cannot make them take on an omega.”
“Sad, really,” my grandmother jokes. Kimiko lets a small smile grace her face before returning her composure.
“Believe me, if I could I would. So many of these heroes are stuck on the idea of finding their mate on the field like a bunch of love-sick puppies.” The matchmaker groans and shakes their head. At one time, Kimiko had believed the same thing. She was destined to go through her life and just eventually run into her mate, but as she matured, she realized that dream wasn’t realistic. 
“Now then, I’m going to explain how this process is going to go. We’re going to be in one of the tea rooms today.”
Immediately her stress returns. Performing tea ceremonies all day was the last thing that she wanted to do. The matchmaker must see her tense because they let out a small chuckle.
“Because of the number of candidates we’re going through today, we don’t have time to do proper tea ceremonies. Though, something tells me that I would be very impressed with your skills.” 
Kimiko breathes a sigh of relief and smiles. 
“Thank you, I appreciate that.” Thankfully, the matchmaker doesn’t comment on her speaking out of place which she realizes she’s doing as she thanks them. Instead, they just give her a small smile and continue.
“We’re going to have you meet with eight different possible alphas today. Both myself and your grandmother will be there to help guide the conversation, but ultimately we’re looking to see if there’s a connection made. You’ll have 45 minutes to talk with the alpha and then 15 minutes to discuss your thoughts and eat, drink, or use the bathroom if you need it.”
She nods and waits for them to continue, but there’s a long pause so she takes it as a sign to speak.
“That sounds perfect. Thank you so much for this opportunity.” Kimiko can feel her grandmother beam at her response. Her caution to be overly cordial and traditional repeated in her mind. The matchmaker stands from their desk, which Kimiko and her grandmother mimic.  
“Shall we, then?” they prompt.  They follow them out of the room and into one of the tea rooms that face the garden. Kimiko looks out and smiles, enjoying the view of the various flowers blooming in the beautiful April air. This time of year is always her favorite, especially since all of the cherry blossoms are in bloom. 
She takes her seat at the tea table next to the window so she can glance out between alphas. Her grandmother sits to her right and the matchmaker is at the head of the table next to her. While they take a more comfortable position, Kimiko sits in the traditional seiza position to flaunt her posture and show a sense of elegance. Since her grandmother had her sitting this way constantly at home, it’s not as uncomfortable as it would normally be. 
The table is set for all of them and tea is starting to be poured by their hosts for the day. Seeing the opportunity to center herself, Kimiko takes deep breaths and tries to neutralize any negative waves flowing off of me. Before she knows it, a folder is placed in front of her grandmother with the first alpha on it. 
“Let’s begin.”
Six hours later
Mentally, she is exhausted from being at the top of her game all day. She tries her best not to show it, focusing on her breathing and the energy she’s putting out. She’s met with mostly heroes and one older alpha with quite a bit of influence. They’ve all been quite polite, but she can tell that they’re all not quite interested which has her a bit disheartened. She’s thankful that the last one was a big eater because she was able to get in a couple more snacks than they had been offering her throughout the day, but she’s still quite hungry.
The matchmaker is discussing something with one of the hosts before they start to reset the table for the next alpha. They clear their throat before addressing Kimiko.
“It would seem that our next match has decided to decline the invite last minute, so we will be moving forward with the last match of the day. They are working on retrieving them now.”
She’s a bit grateful, knowing it means she’ll be able to relax and eat soon, but the idea of being rejected still bothers her. She takes notice that the place settings are being changed from one to two as the folder is set in front of her.
As she’s done with the previous folders, she grabs it and opens it in front of her grandmother so she can also make a judgment. They’re greeted by two photos and a summary of the alphas below them.
Hizashi Yamada
Age: 29
Quirk: Voice
Occupation: Hero, English Teacher, and DJ
Interests: English and music
Aizawa Shouta
Age: 30
Quirk: Erasure
Occupation: Hero and Teacher
Interests: Cats
“Two alphas?” questions her grandma.
“I know two Prime Alphas for one pack is a bit unusual, but I think Ison would make the perfect addition to their pack,” states the matchmaker. “Their personalities complement each other very well. They’re both heroes as well as teachers at the U.A. Hero Academy and they’re both very strong and highly intelligent alphas that I think will make excellent mates for you.”
“Wow, they sound very reputable,” notes her grandmother.
Looking over the photos of the two alphas, Kimiko’s heart sinks. She knows both of these men and doubts either of them wants anything to do with me. Yamada seems very outgoing and is probably not going to like that she’s not. The other alpha was the one who helped with Kyo outside her apartment last week, Eraserhead. The tired expression he was wearing that night seems to be in every photo they have of him. Glancing over to her grandmother, she can tell she recognizes him too, but she doesn’t say anything. It sinks in that their relationship is most likely very private and Kimiko swallows hard. 
“Your impressive skill set also fits in with their busy schedules and heavy lifestyles. I think you’re more than capable of handling not just one, but the two very chaotic lifestyles as they have,” the matchmaker notes, taking her out of her thoughts.
“What an honor,” her grandmother says. Kimiko nods in response. The room is quiet which signals that they’re looking for her input so she quickly adds,
“They seem like very wonderful men. I would be very honored if they would have me.”
“There is one thing we should let you know about before you decide to move forward with this choice.” The matchmaker leans forward a bit and makes direct eye contact with Kimiko. She return their gaze without staring them down, but the hairs on the back of her neck start to stand up in concern.
“Due to their age, should you choose to join a pack with these alphas,” their gaze is still intense as they speak. “A pregnancy is expected within a year.”
Kimiko’s grandmother lets out a small, surprised gasp. She had been aware that something like this was possible, so the comment didn’t phase her. She responds with a nod.
“You’re ok with that?”
“Yes,” she responds, the words coming out of her mouth with no hesitation. “I am sure.”
“Well, ” the matchmaker says, clapping their hands together. This signals they’re ready for the alphas. “Let’s see what happens then.”
“Sounds good,” she says, trying to cover up the new wave of nervousness that washes over her. 
The doors open and the two men from the photos appear. While she’s been around plenty of Prime Alphas, something about these two seems to have Kimiko’s instincts going haywire. The pull in her chest I felt the night I met Eraserhead comes back. She takes a deep breath and tries not to make an indication that they don’t know each other unless he says something. It’s possible he doesn’t recognize her, especially since she doesn’t look the same as she did that night, so she’ll just wait to see if he brings it up.
“Hello, boys. This is Ison Kimiko and her grandmother, Ison Yuki.”  As the matchmaker introduces her, they respectfully bow, before taking a seat at the table across from me.
“I’m Yamada Hizashi,” the blonde man says, “so good to meet you. This is my husband, Aizawa Shouta.” The man to his right gives another short nod in recognition but doesn’t seem to have any interest in speaking at the moment. She hopes this isn’t a bad sign.
“Such charming gentlemen we have here,” her grandmother quips. Kimiko finds herself smiling at her comment. 
“Why don’t we have some tea before we get into the interview, hm?” This line has been used by the matchmaker with practically every interview today, yet feels oddly perfect this time around. Our hosts enter the room, pour some tea, and leave some small bites for everyone to eat. Meanwhile, her file is placed in front of the two alphas to look over. Deciding it’s best to take one last glance, she let her eyes rake over their file once more. Soon enough, tea is served and our hosts leave.
“Now then, Ison,” the matchmaker prompts her as they have been with the previous interviews. “Why don’t you tell these gentlemen a little about yourself.”
“Of course,” she says with a smile. “My name is Ison Kimiko. I’m 25 years old and I do not have a quirk. My parents passed away in middle school during a villain attack and I’ve been living with my grandmother ever since. 
After high school, I joined the Society’s Pack Program with a focus on becoming the most well-rounded omega for my future pack. I graduated with a degree in general studies earlier this year learning how to cook, clean, and take care of finances and I can speak three languages. 
This past year I volunteered at Masegaki Elementary School and feel confident being able to work with smaller children. In my free time, I enjoy reading and journaling but I also take time to do more physical activities like pilates and hiking if I can.”
Yamada seems to be interested in what she’s saying but it’s hard to gauge what Aizawa is feeling. He’s had a cold demeanor since he entered the room but she doesn’t believe it’s because of anything she’s said or done. 
“Miss Ison here is also extremely modest. She’s been the Pack Program’s role model for all new members with how much she’s excelled,” the matchmaker adds. Her heart soars at the praise, this wasn’t something that they’ve brought up any other time today. Kimiko gives an appreciative smile as they continue. “Of all of the matches we’ve seen today, I must say that this is the most interesting. Not just because of your relationship,” they say, gesturing toward the alphas. “But because you both share a common past.”
They all look to the matchmaker, puzzled. Is it possible that they know that Aizawa and Kimiko met last week? Her mind starts to race trying to put the pieces together. The matchmaker looks between their confused faces before explaining themselves further.
“They both lost a friend in the Tasomiya Ward attack your parents were in,” the room goes deathly quiet as they all process what was just said.
“Oh, how horrible,” Kimiko’s grandmother responds. Kimiko can feel a wave of sadness leaves her, so she tries to reign in her emotions.
Her grandmother pats her back in reassurance. She nods and focuses her breathing again, stopping any further waves.  The boys also seem to share in her sentiment, taking a moment to process. 
“While it may be a difficult subject to discuss now, I believe this may be something you can bond and grow from with one another.”
She gives a solemn nod and takes a chance, addressing the alphas, “I’m sorry for your loss.”
“Us too. Uh, about you,” Yamada responds a bit sheepishly. There’s more to be said, but now doesn’t seem to be the right time so she tries to move the conversation forward.
“Thank you, I really appreciate that,” She hopes the smile on her face lightens the mood a bit. “So, I have to know. What is it like teaching at U.A.?”
“It’s great, definitely keeps you on your toes!” Yamada seems to perk up, shooting her some finger guns that cause her to let out a small giggle. Something sparkles in his eye and he continues, “I used to teach the first-year students, but I was able to convince this guy to start teaching there and now he’s the first-year teacher. We’ve been there about three years now, this next class will be our fourth year teaching there.” Yamada gives Aizawa a playful shove and receives an eye roll in response.
“As of right now, I’m the English teacher,” Yamada proudly says. Kimiko perks up at this new bit of knowledge.
“Oh how funny, English was one of the languages I learned in school. I’m nowhere close to being a teacher but I did have lots of fun learning!” 
“ Far out ,” he responds in English, making her giggle again. 
“How is it teaching the first years?” She direct the question towards Aizawa. He seems to think about his answer before a familiar deep, throaty voice answers,
“It’s like trying to wrangle a bunch of circus monkeys.” Her laugh escapes her before I realize it’s left her mouth and she rushes to cover it.
“Sho!” Yamada scolds his partner.
“She asked.” Kimiko can’t help but smile.
“I can understand the sentiment. It often felt that way with some of the children I worked with as well.” Aizawa gives her a small smirk back and she takes that as a win. “You both have very interesting hobbies. Yamada, you’re a DJ, is that right?”
“Yeah, for my show Put Your Hands Up Radio !” he answers enthusiastically, seeming to put on his DJ act. The finger guns are back and he wiggles his eyebrows. “It's on Friday nights, you should tune in!” 
“Wait,” she pauses, putting the pieces together. “You’re Present Mic?” The smile he gives Kimiko in response could rival the Cheshire cat.
“The one and only! I take it you’re one of my little listeners?” It’s her grandmother who answers as she blushes.
“Oh goodness, is she ever. She stays up late to listen to you practically every Friday on the radio in her room. What’s the name of the program you’re always gushing about, dear?” Kimiko is sure her face is completely flushed.
“Loveline?” She offers, knowing that’s exactly what she’s talking about.
“Yes! That’s the one. She goes on and on all of the couples that call into that.” Kimiko wants nothing more than to melt into the floor, but Yamada seems to take pity on her.
“Well, it’s always good to meet a listener. Thank you for tuning in.” The wink he gives her does nothing to calm the redness that’s exploding across her face. She finds the courage to push past it though.
“No, thank you. I appreciate what you do, it’s helped me get through my studies.”
“Aw, gosh. I’m glad to hear that. Just promise me you’ll keep listening if this doesn’t work out.” His comment slightly stabs her in the heart but she again pushes past it.
“Of course, don’t think I could go without it,” she beams. Aizawa seems to be regarding her, so she tries again to get him to open up a little bit.
“Aizawa, you like cats, is that right?” Yamada gives him a knowing look.
“I do,” says the voice that is currently causing her stomach to do backflips. 
“Have you had any?” He reaches for his phone in his pocket and flips it around to show Kimiko his screen. An orange tabby all sprawled out on its back stares back at her.
“This is Sushi,” Aizawa comments with a small smile. “I got him from my friend when I was in high school.”
“Awwww,” she coos at the photo. “He’s so cute!” Aizawa gives a small chuckle at her reaction, causing a warmth to spread through her chest.
“Don’t tell him that. It’ll go to his head.” His genuine comment has her grinning like a doofus.
“Ok, I’ll try not to,” she giggles as he puts his phone away. It seems like she’s gotten Aizawa to open up a bit more which makes her heart soar.
“So, how did you two meet?” she asks, genuinely curious.
“Aizawa and I met our freshmen year at U.A. during the sports festival. He beat my butt during our duel and we’ve been inseparable ever since. Aizawa and I finished school, started working as pro-heroes, and officially became mates just a little after that. It’s been a little over 10 years.”
“Oh wow. 10 years, that’s amazing. Congratulations.” 
“Thank you!” Yamada says, beaming. “I know two alphas aren’t the norm, but we love each other and couldn’t see each other being in a different pack.”
“That’s very sweet,” Kimiko’s grandmother comments and Kimiko nods enthusiastically.
“I love that you both met at U.A. and now you teach there. There’s something really special about that, I love it.”
The matchmaker looks between all of them before jumping into the conversation.
“I hate to break things up here since you’re all getting along so well, but we are almost out of time and I want to make sure there weren’t any questions that needed to be answered before we all split up.”
Her stomach sinks a little, realizing that their time is almost up. This is the most connected she’s felt to any alpha today and she’s sad, thinking that this might be the end. 
“I’ll be honest, I didn’t think it was going to work out at first. I was prepared to come in today and just automatically reject this whole thing,” Aizawa confesses. Yamada gives him a look as he does, clearly upset he brought it up. The happy-go-lucky persona he just had is completely gone. “But now that I’ve met you, I think I was wrong about that.”
A grin plasters itself on Kimiko’s face and she tries not to start tearing up, happy that they seem to like her.
“The only question that I have for you is if you’ve had any previous relationships.”
“Oh my god, Shouta! I didn’t think you’d say that. I’m so sorry!” Yamada scolds. She didn’t expect the question to be so directly asked, but she was ready to answer regardless. A cynical part of her mind wonders if he’s asking because he’s recognized her, but she chooses to ignore it.
“It’s quite alright. In terms of past relationships, I did have one boyfriend, but we were never intimate. He got physically violent with me when I wouldn’t give him what he wanted, so I left.”
“Oh, hun,” Yamada says, voice dripping with pity. Aizawa doesn’t seem to make any sort of reaction and she’s not sure how to take that.
“It’s ok, it was a long time ago. Before I started getting serious about the Pack Program. I think that’s probably what pushed me to make the decision. I wanted to find people with similar goals in mind.”
“I would have thought that would have deterred you,” Aizawa says in a questioning tone.
“You know, my advisor said the same thing. I think it’s more like,” she pauses again to fully think of how she wants to say things. Everyone stares at her as she thinks, so she quickly just tries to find her words and push forward.
 “I think it’s more like he just wanted me for sex, plain and simple. The Pack Program seems more personal, and more focused on a healthy pack. It just resonates with me more than just having sex for sex, seems like less drama too.” Her grandmother grunts in acknowledgment. The matchmaker takes the opportunity to take back control of the conversation.
“Were there any other questions?” They take the silence that follows as confirmation that the conversation has concluded. Kimiko’s stomach drops again, realizing this has come to an end.
“Alright, I’ll think I’ll just jump in then.” She gives them a confused look, this was not something they had done for any of the previous interviews. 
“First, I’d like to explain how my quirk works. Have you all heard the folk tale of the red string?”
“The one that connects us to the one we love?” Kimiko asks.
“Yes, quite. My quirk allows me to see this string as well as show it to others. It’s very helpful in situations such as this,” they give a slight chuckle to themselves. Kimo’s heart speeds up, hopeful for them to say what she thinks they will.
“I was a bit concerned when you two walked in because your string was quite prominent and thick,” the matchmaker says to the two men in front of her. All hopes of hers go out the window and her stomach sinks. There wasn’t a chance to begin with, but the matchmaker carries on.
“Which makes sense given the relationship you two have. I was tempted to almost call off the interview, but then something caught my eye. If you don’t mind,” they reach out their hands. Kimiko carefully reaches over the table and places her hand in theirs. Since Aizawa is closest, he does the same. Yamada hovers his hand out next to Aizawa’s. The matchmaker takes a deep breath and closes their eyes. Between the pinkies of the two alphas, a red string forms. They look at one another and Yamada smiles as they watch it appear.
Then, there’s a flash of light before a thinner, golden string forms between Aizawa’s pinkie and Kimiko’s pinkie. Her breath catches as it continues to extend from her pinkie to Yamada’s pinkie.
“Oh my. Does this mean-,” Kimiko’s grandmother trails off, looking at the matchmaker for answers.
“Yes. True mates.” Taken aback, Kimiko returns her hand to her lap, the men across from her follow and the strings disappear. “I’ve seen it only twice before but there’s no denying it. The three of you are meant to be together.” 
She swallows as she processes this. There are stories told about this to little girls, but nothing like this ever seemed possible.
“Now, from what I’ve been told and what I have seen myself, if the three of you decide to move forward with this relationship there may be some interesting events that may happen. I’m saying this, not to push you into a relationship, but just to be aware of what may happen.”
“Thank you,” Aizawa responds. He looks to Yamada who nods, seemingly answering some quiet question that had been asked.
“If you don’t mind, we’d like to take a moment to discuss with one another before we make a decision.”
“But of course, gentlemen. Let me show you to the door.” The matchmaker gets up and the three leave the room, leaving behind Kimiko and her grandmother. A deep sigh leaves Kimiko as her grandmother readjusts how she’s sitting so she’s more comfortable. 
“Think they like me?” Kimiko asks, trying to soothe her nerves.
“It’s hard to tell,” her grandmother says, her voice low. “We are not our true selves in these meetings. We put on a front, something I can see both of these men doing. They do appear to be good people and there’s no doubt they would be able to take care of you without any issue. I am concerned their relationship may be a deterrent, but what a surprise that you all ended up being true mates-”
“Right?” Kimiko breathes out, interrupting her. “What are the odds of that? That’s something you hear about in fairy tales!” She can feel her grandmother’s side eye before she sees it. She deflates quickly and reels herself in with a small sorry.
“If they do not decide to take you into their pack, you must make sure to do whatever the matchmaker says to break that bond between the three of you. It’s not fair to you to still have that bond if you’re in a different pack.”
“Yes, Grandma. I will,” she responds robotically.
“Let’s not worry about that now though, hm? I’m sure they’ll come back with good news.” She nods in response and looks back out into the garden. The sun has dipped further into the sky, adding warmth and shadows to the garden. A few minutes of silence later, a knock on the door snaps her out of her gaze and she makes sure her posture is as perfect as it can be. The matchmaker comes back into the room and sits back at the table. 
“They’ll probably be a couple more minutes. It seems that they have a bit to talk about.” Kimiko nods and worries her bottom lip before going back to look at the garden. Doubts flood her mind the longer they take. Her head replays their conversation, analyzing everything she said for things that may have upset or displeased them. For Kimiko, it feels like a lifetime has passed when the doors open again and the two alphas make their way back to the table.
“Welcome back, gentleman,” the matchmaker prompts. The two slightly bob their head in response as Kimiko’s stomach starts to tie itself into a million knots. Neither alpha makes a move to talk, so the matchmaker takes it upon themselves to start the conversation back up. 
“Did you both come to a decision?”
“Yes,” Aizawa answers. He looks over Kimiko before turning his attention to the matchmaker.
“We’d like to take Ison out to dinner before we make our decision if that’s alright.” The matchmaker’s head snaps to Aizawa and they start to stammer. 
“Well, that’s - I must say that’s not really the normal-,”
“There are some things that we would need to discuss with her one-on-one before any decision is finalized for anyone here,” Aizawa says firmly. She shifts a little, unsure of what to say or do before glancing over to her grandmother. 
Her grandmother takes a moment to regard Kimiko while the matchmaker still works on collecting themselves.
“I don’t see any problem with that, you boys seem capable enough to take care of her.” She starts to get up, using Kimiko’s shoulder as leverage. 
“Grandma, are you sure-,”
“Just let me know when you’re on your way back home, Kimi. I think I’m going to get some dinner myself.” Kimiko is stunned as her grandmother makes her way out of the room. Once she leaves, her attention goes back to everyone else in the room.
“I’m sorry, she can be a bit mischievous,” she offers. “Dinner does sound nice though, thank you.” She gives a polite bow before looking at the matchmaker. They seem a bit flustered, but they let out a huff, taking back control of the room.
“This is highly unusual, but I will let it slide. Please, just let me know tomorrow if a decision is made so we can take care of any follow-up paperwork or schedule more interviews if needed.”
“Of course,” Aizawa states plainly.
“Hope you’re hungry, Ison,” Yamada quips with a smile. She lets out a breath of air and nods quickly,
“Starved.” The smile on his face grows.
“Perfect, I know just the place to go,” he says with a wink. They all stand up and Kimiko takes a second to readjust her outfit. Yamada comes up beside her and offers his arm. Smiling at his gesture, she gladly loops her arms through his as he guides her out of the room.
“Don’t forget, tomorrow. First thing preferably,” the matchmaker says as they all exit the room.
“Will do,” Kimiko responds. “Thank you.” They give another huff and weary smile before letting us all leave. Aizawa follows behind the pair as they make their way out of the building. She looks around to see if she spots her grandma, but she seems to already be long gone.
“You’re going to love this place,” Yamada prompts. “It’s one of our favorites.” She watches as a blacked-out SUV pulls up in front of the building and someone jumps out to open the doors. A bit curious, she looks up to Yamada to see if he looks concerned at all, but his lack of reaction lets her know that this car is probably for them. Not wanting to seem rude, she tries carrying on the conversation.
“What do you like about it?”
“Well, the food is really good, but they also have seating in the back that’s super comfy.”
“And private,” Aizawa chimes in and Yamada clicks his tongue.
“Sho, you’re gonna scare her.” When his partner doesn’t respond he gives Kimiko’s arm a little squeeze. They walk up to the SUV and he guides her in before taking a seat next to her. Aizawa sits in the passenger seat and gives the name of the restaurant.
“To be honest, we did choose this place because it's private, but they also have good food,” Yamada says, seemingly to placate any negative thoughts she may be having.
“Like what? What do you normally get?”
Yamada starts talking about different dishes he likes as Kimiko looks between the two alphas in the car. Aizawa is a bit more quiet than she’d like, making her concerned about the nature of what they’d like to talk about. She tries not to make it noticeable that she’s concerned and listens in on what Yamada is recommending. He must catch on though, because after a few recommendations, he gives her a pity smile. 
“You’re nervous, aren’t you?” His voice has dropped in tone and he sounds the most genuine he has all evening. Kimiko gives a small smile and lets out a breath.
“Yeah, sorry. It’s not you. You’re not scaring me, I promise. It's just that I’m not sure what to say or do.” 
He reaches over and squeezes her arm before looking directly at her.
“Just be yourself,” he says in that quieter, genuine voice. A feeling of warmth and safety blooms in her chest. Seeing himself be more genuine and less of the personality that she hears on the radio has her relaxing and letting her walls down more.
“Okay,” she tries making her response as authentic as his was and from the warm smile on his face, it seems that he appreciates it. 
“The chicken you mentioned does sound delicious. I haven’t had much besides those small tea snacks all day.”
“That sounds awful,” Yamada comments, taking his hand off her arm. “We’ll make sure you eat good, ok?”
“Okay,” she says, smiling. She takes his concern for her as a good thing. Aizawa looks over his shoulder to regard them but doesn’t say anything. Instead, he points out the restaurant to the driver and the car pulls over.
Yamada gets out first and reaches a hand out to help Kimiko out of the vehicle. Her legs are still a little sore from sitting all day, so they wobble and she ends up crashing into him as they get out. He takes the opportunity to chuckle and catch her.
“Falling for me already?”
“I guess so,” she laughs back 
Closing the door behind her, she grabs ahold of his arm like she did before. His warm smile sits casually on his face as Aizawa walks ahead of them, opening the door to the nicest restaurant she’s ever seen.
Inside, mood lighting and posh furniture greet the trio. A grand crystal chandelier hangs in the middle of the room, glittering and reflecting the soft lighting throughout the room. Kimiko’s eyes wander around in awe, captivated by the sights. The men check-in, explaining that they called in earlier, but had one more guest than expected. The hostess tells them it’s not an issue before guiding them down a hallway to the left labeled VIP. They walk down a row of small rooms before being guided to an open room. Inside is a U-shaped booth and table with more mood lighting and some small candles.
“Feel free to get comfortable, your server will be with you shortly.” 
“Thank you,” Yamada comments before sitting down and scooching into the booth. He pats the spot next to him and Kimiko quickly sits beside him. Aizawa takes a seat on the opposite side of them and Kimiko’s nerves return. 
“Thank you for inviting me here, this place is very nice,” she comments.
“Our pleasure, we hope you like it,” Yamada replies.
“We did bring you here to discuss some more serious topics, though.”
“Oh, Sho. Let’s at least get some food and drinks before you start killing the mood,” Yamada huffs in response.
“I’m just trying to set expectations.”
“It’s alright, really,” Kimiko says to Yamada. She mimics squeezing his arm like he did to her earlier, earning a grin from the alpha. “I think I’m more nervous that I don’t know what we’re going to talk about.”
“Ok, that’s fair,” Yamada agrees. "We wanted to go over our relationship a bit as well as ask some questions we knew would be difficult to answer in front of your grandmother."
"Oh, well thank you. I appreciate that." A wave of surprise emits from Kimiko.
"Plus, it's hard to gauge what a person is really like in a meeting like that. We'd like to see who you truly are, Ison Kimiko." The intimidating stare he directs at her makes her swallow hard.
A knock at the door eases the tension and a waiter slides the door open. They introduce themselves and get the drink orders as well as a small appetizer that Yamada wanted before leaving the three of them alone again. 
"So, did you want to get into it?" Aizawa prompts. Kimiko looks between the two of them before nodding and taking in a deep breath. The two appear to have a silent conversation before also nodding. 
"I can go first,” says Yamada. 
Kimiko shifts to face him better before giving him her full attention. 
“Is it true that the two of you have met before?” Yamada asks in a slightly playful tone.
Ice shoots through her veins as his words sink in. Aizawa had recognized her. Rather than try to deflect or cover anything up, she decides to be honest.
"It's true. I was coming home from a bar and ended up running into my ex-boyfriend who gave me some trouble. Aizawa swooped in and saved me. Thank you again for that, by the way," she directs the last part to the man in front of her, who shrugs in response. "I'm surprised you recognized me, I looked a lot different than I do now." 
Aizawa stares at her for a few seconds, making her feel incredibly small. 
"It's your eyes," he states matter-of-factly.
"Oh," is all she can think to say in response. A twinge of pain hits her chest as she recognizes those words as Kyo’s. She had not expected that response at all.
“So why were you dressed like that?” Aizawa prompts, crossing his arms. 
“I was escorting a group of my omega friends to the bar, so I was trying to pass off as an alpha. It’s something I’ve done a couple of times, but it was the last time I’ll ever do it again.” He seems to take a second to ponder over the answer, giving a small, single nod.
“When did this start?” His voice is even toned, but it’s obvious there’s more to his questions than he’s letting on. Still, she decides it’s best to answer honestly.
“For one of their birthdays. They needed a bodyguard and couldn’t find one for cheap last minute so we all threw things together and I ended up being the alpha for the night,” she explains, biting her lip. “I’m the only prime omega in the group, so it made more sense for it to be me.” The last part comes out quieter and shakier than she would have liked but she tries to ignore it. Again, Aizawa pauses before asking his next question.
“Besides your ex-boyfriend, were there any other alphas you had problems with?”
“That night we had an alpha follow us and try to cause some issues, but that was the first time it had happened. Normally, I can put on a certain demeanor and alphas will back down. He wasn’t going for it though.”
She takes another second to think before shaking her head.
“That’s it though. My ex was the one to actually get that guy out of our faces, so that’s how we ran into each other.”
Aizawa gives another nod in response, seeming to soak in her answer.
"Speaking of your ex, is he still bothering you?" Yamada asks with a bit of concern. 
"No," she answers quickly. "No, I haven't heard from him since that night. I figured he was either in jail or just wanted nothing to do with me."
Yamada puts his hand over hers and gives it a reassuring rub.
"Ok, well please let us know if that changes."
"I will, thank you,” she says with a small nod. The fact he seems to already be protective about her has her instincts going crazy. She tries not to make it obvious tough.
"That was the same guy you were talking about earlier, right?" His voice has become more soft and gentle.
"Yes." Again, she finds her voice to be smaller and shakier than she’d like. 
That’s when it hits her. Yamada’s been using his alpha control on her. He seems to notice the recognition in her eyes and releases his control. 
His control was unlike any other alpha she had felt before. Normally it’s startling and demeaning being controlled by an alpha. A person’s movements and words feel like they’re being forced out of them. However, his alpha felt more soothing and Kimiko felt more inclined to answer things honestly.
“Sorry, just had to make sure you’d be honest,” he says apologetically. 
“No, it’s quite alright. I understand, really. What I was doing was really out of place and weird, it’s fair to ask questions.” Her head hangs a little in response.
“We just wanted to make sure that you were safe and there wasn’t a chance you had made enemies doing this. Safety is a priority in our pack.”
“Of course,” she says quickly. Her instincts catch into the insinuation that he considers her part of the pack already and she can’t help but smile.
The waiter comes back with a knock before dropping off their drinks and the appetizer as well as taking the entree order. Kimiko decides to go with a dish Yamada recommended earlier in the car and he seems to light up. Once the waiter leaves, Aizawa focuses his attention back on Kimiko.
“Now then, was there anything you’d like to discuss before we move on?”
“I’m sure you have a lot of questions,” comments Yamada.
“Yes,” she answers. “But they’re mostly about how I would fit into this dynamic.”
“Understandable,” he says back before motioning for Aizawa to talk. 
“I should probably give a little back story,” he starts before leaning back in the seat a bit. “As we mentioned earlier, the two of us are married and have been for some time. We honestly had no plans to take in an omega, but the Hero Association was very adamant about us producing pups. The choice given to us was to either add an omega to our pack or allow a surrogate to carry a child for us. The catch with the surrogate is that they would be under the Association’s care and we would not be able to have contact with them.”
“And that just didn’t sit right with us,” Yamada adds.
“So, we decided that we would try going the other route of looking to add an omega to our pack. We had met up with a couple of omegas before you, but none of them seemed quite as…,” he trails off, seeming to look for the right word.
“Genuine. Let’s just say that,” Yamada chimes in.
“Yeah,” Aizawa agrees with his partner. “It was more apparent that they were just doing it for status than actually wanting to be a part of our pack. And so, that’s why we had planned to decline the invitation this time.”
“We just didn’t want to sit through another uncomfortable meeting.” “I don’t blame you,” Kimiko says warmly. She tries letting out some soothing waves, hoping to placate any negative feelings that may have been brought up by talking about this.
“Heck, this was only my first meeting and it was rough. I could only imagine what it would be like to do it multiple times.”
Aizawa gives her a small smile before looking at his husband, smile faltering a little.
“Yeah, it wasn’t fun. It’s honestly very tough for me to be vulnerable to new people, which is kind of expected at these meetings.”
She nods in agreement.
“Regardless, we came today, expecting another experience like before, and prepped ourselves for another let-down.”
“But then, the whole string thing happened,” Yamada says, voice a bit more solemn than it has been all evening. Kimiko looks to see his expression. His eyes seem far away as they stare endlessly at the table and his mouth is scrunched up a bit.
“When Hizashi and I stepped out to talk things over, we were both very shocked about what had just happened. It felt good to know that we do belong together.”
“Despite what some people might think,” Yamada mutters quietly.
“However, we were a bit scared that it seemed we found an omega. We both agreed that we liked you and the energy you would bring to the pack. I was a bit nervous, considering how I had first met you.”
“But I told him we couldn’t just let you walk away. Not without getting to know you first and finding out if joining our pack was something that you wanted.”
Kimiko looks between the two of them as they talk, absorbing what they say and ultimately feeling flattered that they were willing to give her a chance after having previous bad experiences.
“We’re going to be new to this, it’s uncharted territory for all of us. But, I think as long as we’re open and communicate with one another, it should make things easier,” Aizawa says with a firm nod. She grins at his response.
“I think so too. I’ll focus on being as open and honest as possible if that’s what it takes to make this work. I really appreciate you both giving me a chance.” Her eyes slightly water, so she tries to hide it by sipping her drink.
“I think there are going to need to be some rules made to help this succeed and keep us all safe, but I do think we can make this happen.” Yamada places his arm around her and squeezes her right shoulder. Kimiko's instincts go haywire and she practically feels her brain short circuit in response. She smiles up wide at Yamada in response. 
The waiter returns with the main dishes which all look so stunning and posh. Kimiko stares at her dish in awe, hesitating to disturb its beauty.
“Everything ok?” Yamada asks her, eyes scanning her dish to see what might be wrong.
“Oh, yes,” she says apologetically. “It just looks so pretty, I don’t want to ruin it,” she gives a small laugh as he breathes a sigh of relief. 
“I can understand that,” he says with a smile, eyes locked on her face. 
She blushes before giving in and sticking her fork into the meal somewhat dramatically. He chuckles and they all take a few minutes to enjoy their food. Questions still linger in her mind, so she gathers up the courage to break the silence.
“So, while I know that you’d both be taking me in as your omega. Would I be spending my heats with both of you as well? Or did one of you not want to?” Realizing how blunt her question came out, she blushes. The two stop eating, exchanging looks between themselves.
“Sorry, that was maybe too open, huh?” she asks with a nervous giggle. “I’m just still a little confused at how the dynamic between all of us would work.” As she starts nervous babbling, Aizawa sets down his utensils and wipes his mouth. He lets her stop talking before addressing her question.
“I’m sorry if I didn’t quite make this clear, but you would be the omega to both of us. Meaning we all share one another, heats and ruts included. We’re looking for an omega to take on both of our children and manage our pack when we’re away. That’s something you feel ok taking on, correct?”
“Yes,” she says a bit relieved. “I was hoping that’s what you were going to say, I just wanted to make sure I understood.”
“Did you have any other questions?” He asks, picking up his silverware and continuing his meal.
“Just one right now. Will I have a room of my own or will I be sharing with you?”
“Would you like to have your own room?” he asks curiously. 
“Maybe to put my things in, but I mostly just don’t want to impose.”
“What do you mean?” Yamada asks, picking up the conversation.
“Well, like I’m not sure if you want me to share your bed or have my items out around the house with yours or if you’d like me to have a room.” The two men shared a concerned look between themselves.
“Sorry, I know that might be a weird question, but you two are already established and I don’t want to -”
“Let me stop you there,” Yamada interrupts. “We may already have our things situated, but you’d be a part of our pack. Like Aizawa just said, you’d be our omega. Our house would be your house, our things would be your things. If you feel like you need a space that you can have to yourself, you’re more than welcome to have that space but don’t think that you’d ever not be welcome in our space.”
Kimiko is stunned by his words. She merely nods in response, a little choked up by his sentiment. 
“I have an idea. Why don’t you come back to our place after this and see things so you decide whether or not you need a room of your own if you were to join us,” proposes Aizawa.
“Ok,” she says, nearly bouncing with excitement. With that question being answered, they all go back to eating.
Once they’re all almost done with their meals, Aizawa starts the conversation back up again.
“Ison,” he says, grabbing her attention. “Since you brought up heats, do you mind if I ask you some questions regarding yours?”
“Shouta, oh my god!” Yamada scolds, causing her to giggle.
“Yes, that’s quite alright,” she says, placing a placating hand on Yamada’s arm and letting out some soothing waves. “I’ve been asked a couple of times today about my heats so I’m not bothered by it.” 
“You were being asked about your heats?” Yamada asks, clearly very shocked. She giggles again at his reaction.
“Yeah. Since it had on my file that I had difficult heats, I had quite a few questions about that.”
“I must have missed that,” he responds. “Still, I think those would be questions better asked in private than in front of your grandmother for heaven's sake! That’s why we asked you out here so you didn’t have to be embarrassed about answering. The nerve of some alphas,” he shakes his head at his last statement.
She smiles wide, thrilled knowing that they took her feelings into consideration about answering questions in front of her grandmother. 
“Thank you for that,” she says gratefully. “That little note did make for some awkward moments, but I’m more than happy to discuss my heats with you both.”
“I appreciate that,” comments Aizawa. She smiles back and takes another sip of her drink.
“Do you mind explaining why it said your heats were difficult?” he prompts her.
“Of course. It’s more of a medical opinion than anything.” Her response gain two confused looks, which was the typical response she gotten today.
“During my heats, I tend to drop very easily. While most omegas can regulate going in and out of their drops depending on how comfortable they are and things like that, I for whatever reason don’t have that capability.
This causes issues because I’ll drop really hard and not be able to get myself to find release properly. So, I tend to get heat colds afterwards because my body’s temperature had been so high for so long that it makes me sick.
The Society doctors were able to put me on a hormone regulator that lessened the amount of heats I had a year, but this last year they had me detox from all of that so I would be ready for a pack as soon as I found one. This led me to have to spend my last couple of heats in the Society hospital so they could keep me safely away from any unwanted alphas and make sure I didn’t get too sick.”
“Oh, that must have been rough,” Yamada says sympathetically.
“Yeah, it wasn’t really the best since the hospital always smelt so sterile and it wasn’t easy to make a comfortable nest, but I was able to get through them because of this one sex shop that I found.”
“Oh?” Yamada prompts with a smirk.
“Yeah, it’s near the mall I go to. It’s run by Midnight, the pro-hero. Do you guys know her?” The two alphas smile at one another and Yamada chuckles.
“Yes, we know her,” he says. “What do you like about her shop?”
“Oh, well first off she’s super sweet.”
“You’ve met her before?” he asks with a smile.
“Yeah, why? Is that a problem?” she asks, worried that they might not like her.
“No, not at all,” Yamada says. “Go on, what else do you like.”
“Well, she helped me figure out what kinks I had and then helped me to find toys I liked from that. It helped to shorten the length of my heats since I was taking care of it by myself. She’s been a lifesaver and she’s always so nice when I go in. 
I thought she wouldn’t remember me the second time I went in but she did and introduced me to her other workers and they’ve been so nice too. It’s just been good to find a place I can feel comfortable in and get things that are actually helpful.”
“Yeah, that’s Midnight,” Aizawa states. “She’s always there for those that need it. Even if her ways can be a bit unorthodox at times.”
“So, I take it, you know her then?” she asks, looking between the two.
“We do,” Yamada says with a bit of a chuckle. “We work with her and our agencies are in the same building.” 
“What? That’s so funny!”
“I’m starting to think I understand this string thing a little more,” Aizawa comments. Kimiko’s heart flutters. “We’ve all been somewhat connected to one another for a while now, just didn’t realize it.” 
She smiles, looking between the two.
“Yeah, really.” There’s a moment of silence as they all seem to take that fact in.
“Sorry to take away from how sentimental that got, but do you mind if I ask you more questions about your heat?” 
“Not at all,” Kimiko says with a smile. 
The waiter comes back in to check on us and she giggles.
“In a moment,” she says to Aizawa.
“Of course,” he says with a wink. Her insides melt and she misses the waiter asking her a question.
“Ison?” Yamada prompts. “Did you want dessert?”
“Oh, no. Sorry, no I’m good, that you very much,” she startles. No one else orders so the waiter announces they’ll clean up the plates and be back with the check in a little bit. After they leave, she addresses Aizawa with a giggle,
“You can ask now.”
“Thank you,” he says. “Sorry to have distracted you.” He winks again and she blushes.
“Is there anything that you need that we can provide you with for your heats?"
"Um, I don't think so," she answers while trying to think of anything. "Midnight helped me find toys and things to help me get through heats on my own but I think with two partners I should be more than okay." 
"What kind of toys helped the most?"
"Well, the toy that helped the most was one of her larger knot toys. Since I'm more coherent after being knotted, she suggested a large knot to prolong the time it would take for me to disconnect from it and she ended up being right. That paired with these audios that talk me through my heats made things go a lot smoother.”
“Audios?” Aizawa asks.
“Uh, yeah. They’re audios made for omega drops. They talk you through orgasms and tell you you’re doing a good job, stuff like that.” She nervously rubs her arm, worried that they’re going to think she’s weird for liking these things. “But, that’s pretty much it.”
“Thank you for telling us,” Yamada says, reaching his hand out to her shoulder. She smiles at him as he rubs his thumb back and forth. “I’m sure we’re going to be more than able to help you through your heats when they come.”
“Thank you,” she responds, her voice somewhat small.
“When is your next one expected?” Aizawa asks.
“About two months from now. My last one was a month ago, right before finals which was the worst. I’m pretty regular now though so every three months like usual.”
“Yikes, before finals?” asks Yamada.
“Yeah,” she says with a small laugh. “It was not very fun. I was trying to study in between waves, but it’s kind of hard to focus. Luckily it ended a couple of days before my first final so I had some time to prepare, but it was still stressful.”
“Dang, you poor thing. That must have been so rough. Don’t worry, your next one will be far less stressful,” he winks at her, and her stomach backflips. 
“Um, is there anything helpful I can do during your ruts?” she asks, trying to direct a question towards them. The two alphas take a moment to think, which leads her to another question.
“I mean, how are you taking care of them now?”
“Oh, we usually help each other through them,” Yamada explains nonchalantly. “So I can’t think of any specifics right now. Once we know our dynamics a little bit better I think that’ll probably change. For example, during Sho’s ruts, I tend to take on a more submissive role, even if it triggers my rut in response. With you added to the mix, that may switch things up a little, we’ll just have to see.”
“Oh, that makes sense. I was curious how that worked with the two of you. To be honest, I haven’t heard how things work out in alpha/alpha relationships so this is all really new to me.”
“That’s understandable,” Yamada says. “It’s not a very common relationship structure. Honestly, it was a bit rocky at first.”
“Yeah, Sho’ here may not look it, but he’s actually a big softie.” Kimiko looks at Aizawa who gives Yamada a dirty look, making her giggle. “It caused him to be overly protective of me in the beginning, which caused some scuffles, but we got through it. I didn’t want to be babied or seen as lesser than by another alpha, but once we talked things through, we realized that it all came from a place of love and we were able to work through it.”
“Oh, that makes sense. Since you’re both alphas you both have that desire to protect and not be protected, so if you both feel that way it clashes, right?”
“Pretty much,” Yamada says with a smile.
“That’s really cool that you guys were able to get through that though. Probably why you guys seem to have such a strong bond.”
“Yeah,” Yamada says in a sweet tone, looking at Aizawa. Kimiko takes a moment to enjoy seeing this sweeter, more tender side of their relationship.
Another question enters Kimiko’s mind that has her feeling a bit nervous.
“Have either of you ever been with an omega before?”
“I have,” Yamada says, slightly raising his hand. “I had a short fling with an omega girl in high school, but soon realized she wasn’t a good fit. Shouta has not though.”
The man in question doesn’t make eye contact with the omega. An embarrassed blush spreads across his face.
“It’s been a long time since then though so I’ll probably be rusty,” Yamada says with a small chuckle, playfully elbowing Kimiko. 
“Well then, that’s perfect.”
“Hm?” he prompts me, quirking his brow.
“Well, it’ll be like it’s all of our first time. Not just mine,” she explains. Her shy counterpart gives a small smile at her words.
“I like that,” Yamada says with another soft squeeze to her arm. A moment of comfortable silence passes between them as the two men seemingly have another silent conversation. Aizawa smiles and nods to Hizashi, who in return locks eyes with Kimiko.
“Well, Kimi. I guess it’s time that we should officially ask you.”
The world gets so loud yet so quiet at the same time as she waits to hear the words she’s been wanting to hear since their meeting.
“Would you like to be a part of our pack?”
Excitement fills her from head to toe and she can’t help from frantically nodding. Her words come slightly delayed but she fumbles out,
“Y-yes. Please. I’d like that very much.” The men respond with soft chuckles.
“Welcome to the pack,” Aizawa warmly.  
Happiness and pride burst from the omega. All the time she had spent working towards her goal was worth it. She’s achieved her goal - she is now part of a pack. She can’t help but wish that her parents were still alive so she could share this with them. They had wanted nothing but the best for her and she knows they would be beyond thrilled with this outcome.
 The waiter comes back in with the check and Aizawa hands him the money right away. The waiter thanks them for coming in and Yamada prompts the newly formed pack to leave. Kimiko follows them both out of the restaurant and they end up back out front, the black SUV waiting for them. 
“Thank you again for dinner,” Kimiko says to Yamada as he sits next to her.
“It was our pleasure,” he responds with a smile. “Did you still want to check out our place?”
“If you wouldn’t mind.”
“Not at all,” Aizawa says from the front seat and asks the driver to take them back to their place.
Waves of happiness pour from Kimiko and the pair seem to soak in the waves. Within about 10 minutes, they pull up to a tall, modern-looking skyscraper that’s behind a large, concrete fence. The gated entrance looks both luxurious and secure. The building looked like something that would be seen in magazines or influencer’s social media. Yamada watches Kimiko admiring the building before her before leaning over and saying,
“Welcome home.” PREVIOUS | NEXT
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djunkiejunk · 30 days
Behind the Scenes: The Secret Omega CHAPTER 0 - First Encounters
This story takes place behind the scenes of My Hero Academia in an A/B/O world. It gives a sneak peek into the lives of Aizawa Shouta and Hizashi Yamada and the things they hid from the rest of the world.
Kimiko Ison is a 25-year-old prime omega who has spent the past couple of years becoming the ideal candidate for any prime alpha. Her goal is to try and be placed into an elite back by the Society for Prime Alpha and Omegas Pack Placing Program. Of course, the one day she needs to be the most punctual, her train runs late due to a villain attack. Her only hope is that the matchmaker will take mercy on her and still place her into a good pack.
Shouta and Hizashi have been looking for an omega for a while, but have yet to find someone they feel comfortable bringing into their pack. They almost turn down another invite from the Pack Program, but decide to try again anyway. Much to Shouta's surprise, he ends up being greeted by a familiar set of eyes.
CHAPTER 0 - First Encounters
The woman in front of Kimi made her sick to her stomach. Everything from her outfit, her posture, and even how she smelled made Kimi recoil. She wore all black, something Kimi hated to have on herself. The long-sleeved shirt, cargo pants, boots, masks, and even the fittings on the woman’s clothes were pitch black as if to spite her. The only thing that wasn’t black on this woman was the dumb white wig she had on. To anyone else, they wouldn’t think it was a wig, she did an excellent job of putting it on. However, Kimi knew that hair was fake, just like her flat chest from the binder under her clothes. This woman is trying to disguise herself and fool others into thinking she’s some intimidating alpha. She even went so far as to wear patches to hide her scent and put on alpha musk to sell the role better.
Closing her eyes, Kimi takes a deep breath in and when she opens them, the woman in the mirror does the same. Her eyes are fierce, she’s exuding confidence and her friends tell her she always looks like the definition of “scary-dog privilege”.
Kimi spent the past hour trying to mask who she was so she could escort some of her other omega friends tonight. Though she’s a prime omega, able to command the will of lesser alphas and omegas, she still needs to try and blend in as an alpha to prevent any unpleasant ones from interacting with her group this evening. She’s done this many times before, pretending to be an alpha to give her fellow omegas a sense of comfort for the night, but it makes her queasy every time. It started for one of her friend’s birthdays and soon became a regular thing when they realized how good at it she could be. About once a month they would request her to get dressed up so they could go out without worries of being poached by alphas.
Kimi knew she was being taken advantage of, but she was able to get them to agree that this would be the last time she’d have to do this. She’d just graduated college and would be meeting with an advisor to go over the next steps that were needed for her to join a pack. For the past five years, she’s been working hard to be the most ideal omega, so she could be placed with a prestigious pack. But for tonight, she puts all that on hold so she can babysit her friends.
Clipping on her waist bag for the night, she sends a text to the group chat that she’s headed their way. The last bit of her facade is gloves that hide her dainty hands. Her grandmother is waiting in the kitchen as she walks out and gives Kimi a disappointed look.
“This is the last time, I promise,” she tries to reassure her. The expression on her grandmother’s face doesn’t change, which hurts Kimi, but she knows she still has to do this.
“I’ll let you know when I’m on the way home.” Kimi’s grandmother merely looks away from her, which she appreciates and uses as her chance to exit. Kimi knows that she’ll be waiting in the living room for her until she gets home which also hurts. Her grandmother has been there for her since her parents died, which she appreciates. She’s just got to carry out this facade for one more evening and then she’ll be done with it.
The money they give Kimi is the main driving factor for why she’s doing this. Rather than paying expensive bodyguards like most groups of omegas have to do when they go out, they pay Kimi a small price instead. She tends to give most of it to her grandmother and keep the other amount for her emergency funds in case things with her new pack didn’t work out.
It’s a pretty cold night which Kimi is thankful for. All of the layers that she has on can get pretty stuff and the binder always makes her extra warm. Being sweaty means that there’s a chance the patches she has on could fail and someone could catch on that she’s not an alpha, so she’ll have to pay extra attention to what she’s doing when she’s at the club tonight.
As she leaves her apartment building and begins her walk to the train station to meet up with her friends, she puts on her gloves and her alpha persona. Her walk is different, her head is held up higher and her gaze is super fierce. Since it’s the weekend, quite a few people are walking around, getting to where they need to be. People move out of her way as she walks by, eyes following her as she practically marches by. She learned early on that keeping her eyes trained on where she’s going sells the look a little more. A few minutes later, she takes the descent down the steps to the train platform, eyes scanning for her group. They’re easy to spot, all dolled up and huddled together in a group. To any actual alpha, I’m sure they must look like a piece of meat on a silver platter. Sure enough, she can spot a couple that have that hungry look in their eyes that turns her stomach sour.
Two of the four girls notice her and make a show of squealing and latching on to her. No doubt, they caught a glimpse of the hungry eyes too.
“Kai! It’s so good to see you. I’m so glad you’re here,” says Mei, the smallest but loudest one. Kimi isn’t a fan of the name they have picked for this persona, but at the same time, it matches her distaste for the whole ordeal. She moves her arm so Mei can hug her side, but she can also pat her head.
“It’s good to see you too, Mei. You as well, Yuko.” The other girl who hung on her opposite arm, moves back and smiles up at her. Yuko was the one who came up with the idea initially for her birthday a couple of months back. She’s been very polite to Kimiko about the whole thing, so Kimiko tries not to feel too upset with her. However, the other girls keep dragging on the whole thing and seem to get more carried away with it.
For example, they’re dressed far differently than what Kimiko tends to dress. This could lead to more knot-headed alphas thinking they’re entitled to act a certain way and make more work for her. She tries not to dwell on it and focuses on the other two girls.
Rin and Riko are the twins of the group. That brings its own set of challenges, but they tend to handle themselves just fine when they work together. Kimiko gives them a nod and they smile back at her politely.
“Excited?” Kimi prompts the group. She’s met with various squeals and agreements as she leads them out of the station and towards their destination for the night. Normally, they try to pick spots where IDs aren’t needed to get in since Kimiko looks so different, but Mei insists they go to a club her friend works at. They’re hoping the bouncer doesn’t cause any issues and lets Kimiko in, but they won’t know until they get there.
The twins walk in front as Mei and Yuko walk next to Kimiko. They wind through the city for a few minutes before turning onto a street that’s been blocked off for the night. Most businesses on the street are either bars or restaurants and the club they’re going to sits in the middle, all lit up with a line out the door. Nerves start to creep up Kimiko’s spine as she walks towards the building. Taking a deep breath, she focuses on her alpha persona and pushes forward. Mei takes the lead, walking up to the bouncer at the door and exchanging pleasantries. She explains who her friend is and he nods before saying something in his walkie-talkie.
Kimi looks around, taking in the people around them, especially the unhappy faces of the people they’re essentially cutting in line. A few awkward moments pass as the bouncer converses back and forth with someone. Eventually, he gets the green light and they all move into the club, nodding to the bouncer as they go in. He gives a polite nod back and Kimi can’t help but feel like he can see what she truly is.
They make their way into the loud club that has booths all along the edge of it. In the middle is where the DJ and the lights are as well as a mass of bodies moving along to the music. The bar is on the right side which is where the group heads to. Mei waves to someone behind the bar and a girl with bright orange hair waves back. Mei squeezes in between a few people and starts excitedly talking to her friend. She says something that has the bartender make eye contact with Kimiko. She gives the typical alpha nod and they exchange some more words before giggling. Soon the group orders drinks and Mei hands Kimiko a water as they make their way further into the club.
Part of the expectations for the pack program is that Kimiko is in prime health in case she’s assigned to a pack that requires a baby sooner rather than later. As such, they constantly screen her for drugs and alcohol. Thankfully, the girls seem to appreciate this and never force her to drink with them.
Kimi takes a sip, enjoying how cool the drink is. The girls take a seat in one of the booths on the edge. They talk about their life and the latest drama before a song starts playing that has them all rushing to the dance floor.
Kimiko is left with a variety of purses and drinks. She giggles to herself and she starts watching her friends have fun on the dance floor. This part doesn’t bother her much. She gets to people-watch and laugh at her friends messing around with one another. A couple more songs play and she starts to feel a lot better about going out this evening.
Until she sees him.
Her heart practically stops as she spots him across the clubs and forces herself not to stare. The last person she wants to see tonight is in the same building as her. She prays he doesn’t notice her and especially that he doesn’t recognize her. She takes a moment to catch her breath and thinks of what to do. None of the girls have their phones on them and she doesn't want to draw attention to the situation. Leaning back in her seat, she stretches her eyes out over the top of the booth, before locking her eyes with the group, trying to mentally will one of them to look over.
Sure enough, as one of the songs ends, RIn catches her eyes, and Kimiko motions for her to come over. She collects the rest of the girls and they quickly head over.
“Everything ok?” Yuko asks as they all take sips from their drinks.
“Kyo’s here.”
“Huh?” Mei says, getting closer to my mask. She mentally chastises herself for not realizing the mask would muffle her voice.
“Kyo’s here,” she says a little louder. Mei pulls back from her with a shocked expression.
“Where?” she asks, looking around. Kimiko leans towards her ear and verbally guides her to show where he is before sitting up and diverting her eyes. It’s obvious she sees him when she looks at the rest of the table with a bit of panic on her face. The rest of the girls question what’s going on and Mei fills them in.
“Should we leave?” Yuko asks. Mei deflates a little at her question which makes Kimiko feel bad, so she shakes her head.
“No, it’ll be ok, he probably doesn’t even know it’s me. I’ll just keep my eye on him and let you know if anything changes. Just be aware.” Yuko nods and they all decide to get another round of drinks before going back out to dance.
Kimiko is left by herself again which feels less secure this time around, but she tries to ignore it. She blends in, matching some of the bodyguards who are also sitting alone at some of the tables, but she can’t help but feel like she sticks out.
Focusing back on her friends, she watches as they make their way back to the dance floor. They had something strong at the bar because only one song later it’s very apparent they’re starting to feel their drinks. They fall into a rhythm of two or three songs, a drink, another two or three songs, another drink.
Kyo has made his way around the club a couple of times but doesn’t seem to notice the group or Kimiko. She starts to feel thankful until she notices another set of eyes locked on Ren and Riko. The alpha makes his way over to the two, trying to dance on the pair. She watches as the two try to politely decline, but he seems to get more and more adamant. Quickly, she stands up and makes her way over, trying to look as intimidating as possible. Ren looks over to the table and sees that Kimiko’s gone before she realizes that she’s appeared right next to her.
“Everything ok here?” she asks, making harsh eye contact with the alpha.
“Yeah, we’re just fine here, ain’t that right, baby?” The guy directs the question at Ren who starts to make her way to Kimiko. Riko follows her and the pair starts to back up in the direction of the booth.
“It doesn’t seem like she feels the same. Why don’t you just leave her alone, huh?” The guy scoffs at her and his breath, wreaking of alcohol hits her nose.
“Why you gotta ruin a guy’s fun, huh?”
“I’m not trying to run anyone's night buddy, just making sure-,”
“Well, you are!” the guy interrupts, spit flying from his mouth, making her more grateful for the mask.
“Look, buddy, why don’t we-,”
“I’m not your buddy! Stop calling me that!” This man’s barks have gained the attention of the people around us, including the rest of the group. Looking over to the other two girls, she nods towards the booth, hoping they understand her message. They seem to catch on as the guy takes a step further so they’re practically touching chests. Normally, she would try to cower and appease this man, but she stays focused and holds her ground.
“Why you stealin’ all the omegas?” he growls.
“I’m not,” is the only retort she can think of, and immediately hates that it’s her response.
“Doesn’t seem that way to me! Looks like you’ve got a bunch there just waiting for some good alpha dick.” His comment makes her want to puke.
“Bro, don’t-”
“I already told you, I’m not your buddy!” She doesn’t feel the push but recognizes that she’s falling right before she hits the ground. Thankfully, she realizes just before she makes an impact and catches herself. People around them start backing up and they’ve officially caused a scene. Looking up at the alpha that’s now stalking towards her, Kimiko glares at him.
“Keep out of my way,” he barks. “I’ll get that omega pussy if I want it, whether you like it or not.” Quickly getting to her feet, she closes the distance between them.
“Like hell, you will,” she spits back with venom. “I won’t let you lay a finger on them.” He looks her up and down while she tries puffing out her chest the best she can. He’s taller and stronger than her, but that doesn’t stop her from putting her foot down. Security catches on to what’s happening and quickly starts separating us.
As a stronger man picks her up and directs her back to the booth where her friends are, she looks over her shoulder. One of the other security guards ushers the alpha away from the crowd. His eyes shoot daggers her way and she matches his glare.
“Come on, Kim-uh, Kai. Let’s just go,” Mei says as Kimiko is delivered to the table. She looks to the rest of the table for their consensus and they seem to agree.
“Okay, sorry,” she sighs.
“It’s ok, let’s just go,” Mei repeats, grabbing onto her arm. Though she’s probably right, Kimiko can’t help but feel bad for cutting their fun short. They make their way out of the club, but the troublesome alpha is nowhere to be seen. It makes Kimiko slightly uneasy, but she tries to focus on getting the girls to a safer area.
“Everyone okay?” The girls all respond with affirmatives which makes her feel a bit better.
“Ok, good. Sorry, that guy just wouldn’t take no for an answer.”
“It’s ok,” Yuko says, leaning on her. She’s normally not affectionate so Kimiko takes that as a sign that the drinks are affecting her.
“Did we want to find another place to go or did that kill the night for everyone?” Various answers ensue. Mei wants to stay out, the twins seem to have mixed feelings, and Yuko’s mumbled answer has Kimiko feeling a little concerned.
“What if we get some food and then I’ll lead you all back to the train station? Sound good?”
They all agree and she leads them to a small bar near the end of the street where they can all get some food and the girls can get some more drinks if they want. After some small bits of food and a couple more drinks, the girls decide it’s time for them to start heading back.
They walk through the street until they round the corner and start heading back. The difference in atmosphere is eerie. The street they were just in had music pouring in from the various clubs and bars, but now the street is filled with the sounds of the girl’s heels.
Making sure to keep an eye on her surroundings, she tries herding the girls through the streets. As they round another corner, a large figure blocks the middle of the sidewalk.
“Where you goin’ with all these pretty omegas? Didn’t I tell you I was gettin’ them one way or another?” The alpha from earlier leers down at all of them. The street light illuminated his face more, making them aware of scars they couldn’t see in the club. Kimiko’s heart plummets as she realizes that this guy is probably going to fight her. She readies her commanding voice but stops when the man steps forward, running into an invisible barrier.
“Huh?” he rubs his face, confused. Trying to step forward again, he runs into the barrier again, before realizing something is preventing him from getting closer to them. Immediately, Kimiko realizes the quirk being used and uses it as an opportunity to get the girls to safety.
“Move!” She shouts, making sure not to command the girls. They all dart to the other side of the road and quickly move up the street. She follows after them, before looking behind and seeing the two alphas she was trying to avoid with one another. She’s grateful that Kyo used his quirk to help them get away from the creep, but knows it means he’s going to want to talk about it later. They’re two blocks from the train station so she slows the girls down a bit and lets them catch their breaths.
“Was that-?” Mei asks, panting a bit.
“Yeah,” Kimiko confirms, disappointment heavy in her tone. “Don’t worry about it though. Let’s get you guys on a train before they’re all done for the night.” She’s met with tired agreement and lets the girls pick the pace while she looks out for any additional problems. From what she can see, neither of the alphas are following them, which makes her feel better. Soon enough, the girls are all herded into the train station and they wait for the next train.
“Sorry that one guy was bothering you, I hope you all still had a good night,” she says to the group.
“Oh yeah,” Mei says, clinging to her arm. “We had such a good time with our strong alpha~.” Kimiko stops herself from rolling her eyes as she giggles.
“Thank you for doing this,” Ren says, her head placed on her sister’s shoulder. Kimiko smiles back in response, before realizing it can’t be seen with her mask on.
“Of course.”
The jingle signaling the next train is arriving plays and the girls all tiredly get to their feet. Thankfully none of them are extremely intoxicated or she’d have to take them all the way home. Rather, they all just seem tired and will probably pass out once they get back from their homes. She says her goodbyes and they all get on the train, leaving her to walk home by herself for the night Exiting the station, she’s not surprised to see Kyo leaning up against the light pole outside. She takes a moment to make eye contact, before heading towards her apartment.
“What? No hello, no thank you?” He says, jogging up to her side. She rolls her eyes and sighs.
“I appreciate you keeping them safe.” He scoffs at her comment.
“Kimi,” he starts, but she’s quick to cut him off.
“Don’t.” He stops and gives a heavy sigh.
“At least let me walk you home. It’s not safe this late at night.”
“I’m well aware,” she retorts but doesn’t stop him from walking with her. They walk for a few silent moments before he decides to open his mouth again.
“What is that smell? Is that you?” She glares at him.
“It’s alpha musk.”
“Ew, really?”
“Yeah, it’s supposed to ward off unwanted alphas. Seems like it’s working,” she quips. She knew if he realized who she was he’d ask about what she was wearing. What she wasn’t expecting was how much it would bother her.
“Geez, you really went all out, huh? I almost didn’t even know it was you until I saw who you were with. That and your eyes gave it way.” Those same eyes find themselves rolling once again as they keep walking. They’re about a block away from her apartment and she wants nothing more than to be done with this interaction and in her bed,
“Yeah, the goal was not to be bothered tonight.”
“Lot of good that did you,” he scoffs. “Again, still haven’t gotten a thank you.”
“Yeah and you’re not going to get one either,” she retorts.
“Oh come on, I could have let you deal with that big guy all by yourself. You just don’t want to admit that you actually needed me.” They’re almost to the apartment building and she can practically taste her freedom. She pauses, deciding to cut things off there, and lets out a big sigh.
“Kyo, just cut it out. You and I are done, we have been for a while. Stop acting like I owe you anything, especially after the stunt you pulled.”
“Oh, get over yourself! What, just because you’re pretending to be an alpha, you think you are one now? You’re an omega and it’s about time you start acting like one and submit!” He steps forward and grabs the front of her shirt, pulling his face to hers. Alcohol flows from his teeth, making her queasy.
“Stop acting all high and mighty. You need me, you dumb, quirkless omega. When are you going to understand that?” Pushing back, she struggles to get out of his grip. She hears the rip before realizing she’s free and part of her shirt is in his hand. She rushes to cover herself before realizing the binder takes care of that for her.
“You are such a piece of shit, Kyo! Just leave me alone, I don’t want you,” I bark. He snarls and sticks his hand out, using his quirk. She doesn’t bother moving, knowing he’s used his quirk on her to put her in an invisible box. She feels like a trapped mime and just glares at him.
“I didn’t even do anything to you,” he pathetically whines.
“Are you fucking kidding me? You cheat on me, beat me, and then tried to rape me.”
“But I didn’t! It could have been way worse for you.” Surely somewhere in his drunken mind, that made way more sense. Instead, the comment hits her like a ton of bricks. Reeling back in disgust, she hits the back of the box she’s in.“Let me fucking go.” “No, wait, I-,”
“Let me fucking go!” She trembles as she shouts at him. Flashes from that evening cross her mind and tears start to well up in her eyes.
“No!” She’s surprised that he’s shouting back at her. “You belong to me, you dumb omega. You’ve belonged with me for years. You need to learn your place.”
It feels as if all the blood drains from her face and is replaced with pure rage.
“I need to learn my place, Kyo? Me? You’re the one that needs to learn their place,” she snarls back at him. “You are a pathetic excuse for an alpha. You’re in and out of jobs, flunked out of hero school with your shitty quirk, and to top it off you have an even shittier attitude.” Kyo seems taken aback and starts stammering, trying to tell her how wrong she is. Having had enough of his nonsense, she decides to take back full control of the situation.
“LET ME GO,” she commands. He pauses his babbling and listens, freeing her from the box. She says nothing as she turns around to go back to the apartment. He bristles and she looks back to see him move forward to grab her. She takes advantage of the positioning to effectively trip him and pin him to the ground. She moves his hands to his back and holds them down before reaching to grab her phone.
“This is absurd. I’m calling the cops,” she tells him.
“Don’t bother,” a voice from behind her says.
Startled, she whips her head around. A tall man with long black hair and an all-black outfit that nearly matches her own stands behind her. He’s got yellow goggles sitting on top of his head and what looks like a long gray scarf around his neck. His tired expression matches precisely how she mentally feels.
“The police are already on their way.”
“For what? What did I do?” Kyo barks from below her. “I’m the one on the ground here!”
“For illegal use of your quirk on an unarmed omega,” the mystery man explains. “I was watching you both from up there,” he points to the top of one of the buildings nearby.
“You were shouting, so it was easy to hear what was going on.” He pauses and just looks at Kimiko expectantly before saying, “I can take it from here.”
Nodding, she stands up and releases Kyo. The man’s hair starts to float before the gray scarf he’s wearing wraps around Kyo, keeping him on the ground.
“Thank you,” she says, respectfully bowing to the hero before her. Something in her chest feels almost as if it's pulling her to the alpha. He has a commanding presence, yet somehow she feels safer rather than intimidated.
“Just get home safe,” he responds dryly. “How much farther do you need to go?”
“I’m just right here, sir. Thank you.”
“Oh, so he gets a thank you, but I-,” Kyo is cut off by more scarf going around his mouth before he can finish his sentence. She smiles before turning her attention to the hero.
“I didn’t get your name.”
“Didn’t give it,” he responds curtly.
“Fair,” I respond. “Can I please get your name, sir?” He pauses, seeming to take a moment to decide if he wants to give her his name.
“Eraserhead,” he tells her after a few moments. The name is a little odd, but she accepts it and moves on.
“Thank you, Eraserhead. Have a good night.” He nods and she takes that as her sign to leave. As she enters the apartment, her grandmother is practically pulling Kimiko into her arms.
“Was that Kyo? Are you okay? Who was that man?”
“I’m fine, Grandma. Sorry to make you worry. Yes, that was Kyo and the other man said his name was Eraserhead.”
“A hero?” she pulls back and stares out the window, looking back out onto the street.
“Yes, Grandma.” Outside, a police cruiser pulls up. The pair watches as the hero hands over Kyo to the police and talks with them before using his scarf to pull himself back up into the top of a building and disappear.
An hour later, Kimiko is scrubbed raw and in bed, smelling and feeling more like herself. She plugs in her phone and pulls the covers over her head, enjoying the feeling of security it gives her. The evening's events play over again in her mind until eventually, she drifts off to sleep.
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