dnddomtown702-blog · 7 years
Star Trek dnd 3.5e my 7th mission
After acquiring the Phoenix on Earth:
-          Once all are on board the Phoenix, You all see the retro-fitted star ship in all its glory. It’s nothing compared to the enterprise but the cockpit (now Bridge area) has been expanded and all equipment upgraded to the latest versions available.
-          Captain Picard and Ambassador Spock hail the Phoenix once out of orbit.
-          Captain Picard speaks, “Team I need you to meet us at star base 3572, It’s located close to the wormhole that Q spoke of before departing.”
-          Ambassador Spock adds to Captain Picard’s orders, “Team, it seems there is something special about your group but I must warn you that a legend speaks of certain death on a planet that orbits the wormhole. The legend also speaks of seven mighty warriors that helped contain this “Death” on their quest to insure the safety of our universe. We cannot allow the Borg to acquire whatever this “Death” might be. Something about your team seems to be aiding you with this perilous journey you’re on, you must not forget this as you continue on your adventure. We will give you more information when you reach the star base.”
-          Upon arriving at star base 3572, Picard goes over information that initial scans of the planet revealed. “As you can see from our initial scans of the planet that seems to be scrambling our scans. The orbit and rotation of the planet has the same area that is scrambling our scans pointing directly at the worm hole constantly. From our initial scans, we can teleport you right outside the area and we will give you a device that will teleport you back to the enterprise one time. The device can either be used manually or the moment I decide you must come back to the enterprise. Team, I feel compelled to warn you about what you are about to undertake. There is something emanating from the planet that… I can’t explain but I can feel that it’s extremely dangerous. Make sure you are ready and take some time to discuss anything ”
-          The Players can also feel a pressure seemingly emanating from the planet as well. They can discuss and decide what to carry with them. Also, they must decide a formation before teleporting down in case things get bad while on the planet.
-          Once the team has decided what they would like to do, they meet Captain Picard on the bridge of the Enterprise.
-          Picard says, “We will be in orbit and while you are on the planet, Data will continue to try to monitor your progress from here. Team, are you prepared?”
-          Upon a yes, Picard taps his badge, “Picard to teleportation room 3. O’Brian, I need you to teleport the Team to the coordinates we discussed earlier.” He turns to the team for a moment and says, “Please be cautious”. O’Brian responds “Captain, we have the coordinates locked in and are ready at your command.” Picard glances at the team as a slight moment of worry comes across his face, then turns to face the view screen and promptly says to O’Brian “Energize!”
      Ruins of Death Floor 1:
-          Outside:
o    After the team is teleported down, a massive building looms in front of them. It’s shadow casts over the team and the pressure felt before pushes on them as they look at the ancient two-story building in front of them. Something seems oddly familiar about the structure but, before the team has time to access their situation. 10ish beast come out from the surrounding woods. There are four large doorways made of stone that seems too be the only entrance to the ancient building. (Push heavy stone doors to enter)
-          B1,Memorial room:
o    The room inside is vast and every 3 or 4 feet there is a grave stone. All say some variation of “for assisting in the containment of Death they have given themselves to protect the universe.”
o    As the team searches around, a huge version of the beast leaps out at someone and 5ish other huge wolves emerge on both sides of the team.
-          B2,Burial Chamber 1:
o    4 coffins line the walls of the small stone room and a small plaque engraved on the back wall. The coffins are extremely elegant for such a dull place with jewels and diamonds encrusted around them. Each coffin bares writing and holds a glyph depicting the people inside.
§  If the crew figures out anything, one is Vulcan and wielding the Stone of Gol. Another, is human and looks to be in the cockpit of the Phoenix. The next coffin has a Romulan wielding a weapon that looks like a pole with spikes on either end. While the last coffin has a Jem’Hadarian wielding a familiar weapon as well.
§  The Plaque on the wall says, “These are warriors that risked their lives to keep Death at bay. May they rest in peace, for the fire will always consume the greedy. If players try to loot the coffins without disabling they will take 1d4 of fire damage. DC 15 for all checks. There is 2 amulets of strength +1, a +4 greatsword and about 25,000 gp in jewels.
-          B3, First Activation:
o    Upon entering the room it appears as if it’s completely empty and the darkness feels as if it is swallowing the team. After a moment, the weapons that are keys begin to faintly glow and a light bursts out from the back of the room temporarily blinding the team. After your eyes adjust there is a symbol on the back wall, it seems to look similar to the one within the Phoenix but without any place for keys to be placed. Can use decipher or knowledge to identify the symbol DC15, this is the first of two symbols that need a drop of the players blood to unlock the whips. A deafening sound reverberates the entire building as something above them lets out a frightening growl.
-          B4, Burial Chamber 2:
o    Room is laid out like the first burial chamber except the depiction on each coffin is different and there are 3 coffins lining the wall. One has the depiction of a Klingon wielding a Bat’Leth, the next has a Ferengi with what seems to be a type of gun held in both hands, the final coffin depicts a humanoid race much like the new crew members but with some type of whips in each hand with an aura surrounding them. (Search DC of 17 for +3 Full-plate and 40,000 gp.)
-          B5, Golem Pit:
o    (Door Locked DC 15) The room is pitch black upon entering this room, the keys glow responding to something and in the darkness 8 red eyes appear in the darkness. The keys glow bright enough to light the entire room and there are 2 Golems on either side of the room coming in the players’ direction.
-          B6, Phase Spider Pit:
o    (Door locked DC 15) Same as B5, but instead 32 red eyes in groups of 8. Phase spiders on either side of the room.
-          B7, Staircase to death:
o    Upon passing B5 or B6 the room will react to the teams’ keys and some of the tiles on the floor also light up and begin to form a staircase leading up to a space in the ceiling.
Ruins of Death Floor 2:
-          A1, Top of staircase:
o    There isn’t much in this room, there is a door directly in front of the team with the words do not enter written with what seems like blood. Another door is next to the team as well.
-          A2, Sacrifice chamber:
o    Another symbol responds to the keys presence on the back wall. This time though words appear underneath, “Only the blood of those that built the means to contain death can unlock unseen paths” (Players must put their blood on the symbol to unlock doors from A2 to A7, A2 to A4 and A7 to A5.)
-          A3, Colossal Guard Room:
o    The room is massive and around 100 yards in length with a ceiling that no character can seems to find. 2 colossal monsters begin to whir nearby and begin to try stopping anyone that enters the room.
-          A4, Burial Chamber 3:
o    Along each side of the room there are slabs in the wall with the bones of dead beings in each slab. A plaque reads “May all that sacrificed their lives to contain death rest in peace.”
-          A5, Burial Chamber 4:
o    Same as above
-          A6, Death’s Container:
o    As the team enters, they immediately know where the noise came from as a humongous creature rises up into the air as if to greet the team. The figure looks almost angelic as it floats but dread overwhelms the team as the figure begins to attack the team.
-          A7, Container for the Whips of Death:
o    A large chest with multiple versions of the symbol the characters have seen throughout the building. The chest seems to react to the keys as well and the top begins to slide open. Two snake looking things arise and probe the characters telepathically to see who is worthy of the Death Whips of the Unknown. (Decide and show the key to players, will grab a player and then the whips are soulbound to that character.)
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