Here is a free pdf of the players handbook
Here is a free pdf of xanathars guide to everything
Here is a free pdf to monsters manual
Here is a free pdf to tashas cauldron of everything
Here is a free pdf to dungeon master’s guide
Here is a free pdf to volo’s guide to monsters
Here is a free pdf of mordenkainen’s tomb of foes
For all your dnd purposes
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Limit Break - An Experimental 5e OPTIONAL feature
I posted a while about an experimental feature for 5e that lets players do things not accounted for by the rules, or lets them do Cool Shit™ they wouldn't ordinarily be able to do! This is the VERY rough draft, while I work on tables of consequences for DM's that struggle with improvising or creating such elements off-hand.
Feedback is welcome, but if you're a dick about it, I'll block or ignore you as usual. I know it has been a while since I posted new original content, and this is a new feature/system to tack on to your games, so PLEASE feel free to reblog it for additional exposure so I can get more feedback. More feedback and more exposure means more original content, in the long run!
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*is DMing an already sad and tragic module that is lacking some specifics*
mmhmm, yes, but what if I made it more specific with little notes and made myself cry as I read them to my players?
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for all you writers out there:
donjon has tons of generators. for calendars. for demographics of a country and city. for names (both fantastical and historical) of people, nations, magics, etc.
this site lets you generate/design a city, allowing you to choose size, if you want a river or coast, walls around it, a temple, a main keep, etc.
this twitter, uncharted atlas, tweets generated maps of fantasy regions every hour.
and vulgar allows you to create a language, based on linguistic and grammatical structures!!! go international phonetic alphabet!!!
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that feeling when your character technically died, but you leaned into your role/religion so hard that the DM lets your deity bring you back
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My super advanced mapmaking technique - a handful of dice makes the map nice
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A few items of misuse! Which one is your favourite?
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how to play dungeons and dragons
ignore all the “suggested” alignments to races
ignore the histories about certain races being evil
your material plane now
have fun
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They ended up lighting a building on fire and causing fear on a couple people as a diversion. One of them is a changeling, and only kind of knows that, so they changed into a stable hand and wandered off with two horses with no saddles in the confusion.
Currently listening to my players plan a horse heist:
“How long does your hold person last?”
“… five minutes”
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Currently listening to my players plan a horse heist:
"How long does your hold person last?"
"... five minutes"
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so we did a session where my players played their amnesia characters, and it went really well
my players really liked trying to figure things out, like what they can do and what they are
so far, each of them has figured out their class, but only one of them knows their race, and two of them know which “deity they worship” (lol, their reactions to this make me laugh, and part of me just wants to shout, psych you were that deity!)
one of them thinks they were sent on a holy mission from their deity because of the weapon they’re carrying, and now they’re trying to figure out what that mission might be, but lo and behold their deity is missing, how could that have happened, oh noes (my self-control is going to be legendary after this campaign because I’m struggling not to laugh or blurt something out, honestly)
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I just spent the day turning some deities into playable low level characters, and honestly it would help if they came with better descriptions.
Like, wtf is Lurue supposed to look like? And also what is a “rugged sense of humor”? But whatever, I managed some things so that’s all I can hope for.
Now on to plot! *cries*
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on a related note, did you know that a god’s divine power could be hypothetically stolen from them?
so like, what would happen if you had a group of gods who had their divinity stolen but also have amnesia so they don’t remember any of it?
so plotting is happening, but mostly it’s a lot of
[This] happened, which caused [another thing], and now your characters need to [probably a verb] to save the [thingy]
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so plotting is happening, but mostly it’s a lot of
[This] happened, which caused [another thing], and now your characters need to [probably a verb] to save the [thingy]
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me, trying to make up a plot for a campaign all on my own for the first time:
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listen, I edited the shit out of this map; and by that I mean I flipped half of it so it fit what I wanted better, and then did my best to make it look like I didn’t flip half of it. It kind of worked
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right now I’m just practicing with the editing software I have, but I think it’s turning out alright
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