do206seattle · 10 years
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Sriracha Lime cider exists and is delicious! Found at @schillingcider in Fremont.
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do206seattle · 10 years
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#RedFang currently going medieval on fountain lawn stage at #bumbershoot! Loving this block of hard rock today!
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do206seattle · 10 years
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@sandriderseattle tearing it up on the fountain stage of #bumbershoot. \m/
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do206seattle · 10 years
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Giant xenomorph egg promoting upcoming ALIEN game at #paxprime #PleaseDontHatch #callRipley #seattle #geek
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do206seattle · 10 years
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Packed house for Iska Dhaaf at @hilliardsbeer in Ballard for #kexph2h @kexp
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do206seattle · 10 years
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Demetri Martin in the El Chupacabra tent at @sasquatchfestival #sasquatch
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do206seattle · 10 years
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@thelonelyforest playing one of their last sets before hiatus later this summer. @sasquatchfestival #sadsquatch
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do206seattle · 10 years
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Ha! @solzilla just took a raft crowd surfing at @sasquatchfestival! Literal version of "jump in"
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do206seattle · 10 years
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Seattle's @solzilla taking the show to the next level at @sasquatchfestival
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do206seattle · 10 years
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View from the backstage of the Dodos set at @sasquatchfestival #sasquatch #thedodos
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do206seattle · 10 years
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Just got some new Do206 swag! Let us know if you shred and maybe we'll share.
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do206seattle · 10 years
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Got a sneak peek at the new @empmuseum exhibit "Spectacle: The Music Video". Safe to say they kept the photo interactive locally themed. #macklemore #sharkfacegang #thriftshop #206
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do206seattle · 10 years
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ICYMI: @grynch206 blew the roof off @thecrocodileseattle tonight when he was joined by all the #seattle rappers for "My Volvo" w/ @macklemore @solzilla @prometheusbrown and more.
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do206seattle · 10 years
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Found some SEA in PDX at Powells.
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do206seattle · 10 years
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Crazy turnout for The Good Mixer at #lofiseattle #britpop #seattle #notrubbish
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do206seattle · 10 years
Do206 Interview w/ V. Contreras on her debut album
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  1. When you think "Seattle Music" what band/song do you think of?
Victoria Contreras:  Heart - Barracuda
2. If you did a karaoke version of "Hunger Strike" would you pick the Vedder or Cornell part?
VC:  That’s a tough one but I’m going with Vedder.
3.  Favorite Seattle hideout/hangout spot?
VC:  The Saint when I need tequila.  Also Radiator Whisky or if I’m staying my neighborhood, Feierabend.
4.  Favorite record store?
VC:  All of them.  MP3’s robbed the world of album artwork and I can get lost in a record store for hours taking in the full vision of the artist.
I’m playing record store day (April 19th) at Silver Platters in Georgetown, who will also be carrying my album, so love them.
5. Seattle band that we don't know about that you know about that you want to tell us about?  
VC:  I think every band/artist that I’ve been loving lately has garnered some recent attention (Ayron Jones, Fly Moon Royalty, Thee Satisfaction.)  But I do have a favorite UK band that seems like no one in Seattle knows (just saw them with 100 others at the Tractor.) Fanfarlo – check out Harold T. Wilkins on their album Reservoir
6. Which one of the many records that Martin Feveyear worked on sparked your interest in him? Jesse Sykes? Damien Jurado? "Dignity & Shame" by Crooked Fingers is a personal favorite.  
VC:  Those are all great albums, but I think the self-titled Common Market album and all of the Mark Lanegan albums intrigued me the most because I could clearly hear Martin’s versatility.  He has so much heart and everything he does has a consistent soulful pulse, regardless of the genre. Also, I love the work he has done with Tilson.  Martin and Tilson did a sweet remix on my album.
7. Andrew Josyln is a busy guy these days (traveling around the world with M&RL). How did you get connected with him? 
VC:  Martin had recorded him shortly before we started my album but hadn’t heard any of his arranging at that, The Heist wasn’t out. Andrew popped by when we were tracking and the three of us listened to the songs and spoke the same language for several hours. It was just the perfect fit and I was and still am blown away with his talent.
8. How long did you ride the wave of your Duff review? Not a bad set of ears to have perk up during a performance!
That review was really cool. I had a much stranger high prior to that being published though, when Duff called me to do a phone interview. That got me. I was grocery shopping and was just a little flustered.
9. Is the Triple Door (where you are having your record release) your favorite place to play? I feel like the venue matches your music very well. 
VC:  Thank you, I do agree and think The Triple Door matches my music well. I love playing there, the sound is incredible and I’ve heard it used to be a burlesque club, which just makes me smile when standing on that stage. We are lucky in Seattle to have several incredible venues to play.  I am a sucker for historic venues and amazing acoustics so The Moore Theatre has always had my heart in a strange way.
I also am excited to do some pop-up performances where I don’t have that barrier between me and the audience.  I want to perform some of the album remixes and be in the middle of a dance floor.  I’d like to know what that feels like.
Thanks, Victoria! Catch her for her debut album release this Friday at The Triple Door, you can also pre-order the album on her website. 
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do206seattle · 10 years
Around the Horn: Mariners Talk w/ Scott of Pillar Point
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1. How difficult is it to be a Mariners fan? Both the Seahawks and Sounders have all had winning seasons recently but it's been awhile for the Mariners. How do you get excited every spring?
I don't think it's that difficult.  It may be easier to say derisive things about them in August than other teams, you could make that point.  But if you need your team to always win then Baseball probably isn't your sport.  I think Spring is always exciting.  Getting to go to games again.  You look at the schedule and it's an enormous blank canvas.  This offseason for the M's has been pretty interesting so I've been having a blast watching the first couple series thus far.
2. Do you ever fear that the Mariners will suffer the same fate as the Sonics and be relocated?
No, I suppose I don't really worry about that.  I think the M's are on the right track and they're gonna be here forever -- but maybe that's the Spring Fever talkin!
3. The Mariners have a legit ace (FELIX) and a legit bat (CANO)! It feels like it has been some time since there was so much excitement around the team. Do you think the Seahawks Super Bowl win will rub off some how?
Don't forget Iwakuma!  And god I love watching Cano swing that bat.  Yea the SuperBowl helps the M's, I believe that is true.  But really it helps everything in this town.  The spillover effects are still partially mysterious but I think they are going to be felt by Seattle for a while.  Pervasive swagger uptick.
4. If you had/have a fantasy baseball team what would/is be the name?
Ferris Buhner's Jay Off.
5. What would your walk up song be?
SpottieOttieDopaliscious by Outkast.  Get Safeco feelin good before I lance another two bagger.
6. Favorite Mariner and why?
Griffey, of course.  I was obsessed with him.  And growing up in the Bay Area wearing my M's hat was sometimes not well-receieved.  But he was transcendent, what else can you say.  The Kid was a genius.
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