doctor-glitterbomb · 3 months
Send Smash or Pass + a name and my muse will say if they would smash or pass on that person.
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doctor-glitterbomb · 3 months
“why would robots wear glasses if they could just replace their eyes” you fools. you ignoramuses. this is transformers NOTHING is ever explained about their anatomy except for like 3 organs. the rest is literally bullshit. ive written 55k words of bullshitting my way through theoretical robot biology disguised as a fic with a story. live your life and make up some space magic reason to put glasses on ur robot
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doctor-glitterbomb · 4 months
"Are you technorganics? This is so fascinating! Do you have fur? I've always wondered what it would be like to have fur--unlike my sisters, I like to be pet, as long as people ask first!"
Gilt blinks attentively at his counterpart. Oh holy Primus, is he preparing to take notes?
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[image text: "in my research, i've realized most Cybertronians in other universes are completely robotic - metal, wires, the whole shebang!
HOWEVER, that is NOT the case in my universe! so, naturally, i am kind of... SUPER DUPER curious if you have questions as to how we function!"]
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doctor-glitterbomb · 5 months
Glit doesn't usually make house calls but he feels a bit responsible for this one. "You travel interdimensionally," he said. "And when you were on Sanctuary chasing down your goat, apparently you caught what Ravage didn't know she had because her kids brought it home from school with them."
He sighs. "Gotta give you a jab for this one. The number of vaccines and cures I have to come up with on the fly because Sanctuary is so close to the spacebridge is frankly ridiculous. At least the human and mech diseases don't cross over."
He grits his dentae. "Yet, anyway."
It shouldn't be possible for mech and organic diseases to cross over, but Scorponok just had to go and make an adorable purple living disease vector, and now he couldn't even count on that.
"How the FRAG am I still sick?!" Codeblue complains, sinking down into the communal couch with a groan.
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doctor-glitterbomb · 5 months
Glit snuggles up to TC, bemused. "Are you just saying that by rote? Because nothing that I suggested he do is illegal. I suggested that Star wait until Metalhawk requests something he shouldn't get--which happens at least five times a day when he's on the palace grounds--and politely deny it, then complain to him about how dreadfully rude Driveby's been being. How could any of that be illegal?"
"Star," Glit said gently, "consider this: dead mechs don't suffer. Make sure Metalhawk finds out about this in the most embarrassing way possible. Make sure he understands that Driveby's invitation to events here at the palace has been permanently revoked, preferably right after you've just had to deny some request of his--so he thinks they're related events. Then watch as his career goes up in smoke."
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doctor-glitterbomb · 6 months
"Star," Glit said gently, "consider this: dead mechs don't suffer. Make sure Metalhawk finds out about this in the most embarrassing way possible. Make sure he understands that Driveby's invitation to events here at the palace has been permanently revoked, preferably right after you've just had to deny some request of his--so he thinks they're related events. Then watch as his career goes up in smoke."
"Well, you're right, TC, but it's still galling. We have to do something to make sure he never speaks to us again." Glit sighs. "So--why is he in the palace? Who does he work for, who is he representing? If he's dead, Star, he doesn't have any problems anymore. If he's banned from the palace, someone is going to be very upset with him."
He goes bipedal and inserts himself into the embrace. "Also, what would he really not like for Warp to drop into his berthchamber at fuck o'clock?"
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doctor-glitterbomb · 6 months
"Or he's representing some guild or union," Glit says, "whose leaders would no doubt be pleased that he's engaging in some brilliant diplomacy. A colonial wouldn't be a neutral exactly. You can't...be a neutral if you don't know there's a conflict to be neutral about, can you?"
Glit doesn't really wait for an answer though. "He's on wheels, right? So possibly representing some hauler or transportation guild. Unless he's some sort of underground guild--Driveby, as in drive-by shooting...?"
"Well, you're right, TC, but it's still galling. We have to do something to make sure he never speaks to us again." Glit sighs. "So--why is he in the palace? Who does he work for, who is he representing? If he's dead, Star, he doesn't have any problems anymore. If he's banned from the palace, someone is going to be very upset with him."
He goes bipedal and inserts himself into the embrace. "Also, what would he really not like for Warp to drop into his berthchamber at fuck o'clock?"
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doctor-glitterbomb · 6 months
"Well, you're right, TC, but it's still galling. We have to do something to make sure he never speaks to us again." Glit sighs. "So--why is he in the palace? Who does he work for, who is he representing? If he's dead, Star, he doesn't have any problems anymore. If he's banned from the palace, someone is going to be very upset with him."
He goes bipedal and inserts himself into the embrace. "Also, what would he really not like for Warp to drop into his berthchamber at fuck o'clock?"
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doctor-glitterbomb · 6 months
Glit's claws come halfway out, tapping on the floor. Because his neck is not involved in any of his transformation sequences, he has taken to wearing a golden lavaliere necklace set with blue stones almost everywhere. This was given to him by Starscream when he agreed to the courtship--an act of profference, although that really isn't part of Vosni courtship rites.
"I think I know who you're talking about," he grumbles, unconsciously touching the elaborate pendant, which he clearly loves. "He asked me how it felt to wear the Emperor's collar."
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doctor-glitterbomb · 6 months
"You'll have to be a little more specific," Glit says gently, cushioning their fields. "There are several people you feel that way about. Which one of them fucked up today, love?"
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doctor-glitterbomb · 6 months
"Oh no, he is upset," Glit says, brushing his cheek against Thundercracker's cheek as he gracefully leaps to the floor and runs into the office where Starscream is having a meltdown.
He sends calm into Starscream's field insofar as he can, although his field is currently brimming over with romantic bliss. But hey, they both feel that way about Starscream, too, so it can't hurt.
"Star-love," says Glit as he sits on his haunches next to the Emperor's chair (one doesn't just jump into Star's arms or lap when he's screaming), "what is it? I'm sorry everyone has been so freaked out about Prowl--but we love you---"
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doctor-glitterbomb · 6 months
"I know," Glit says, "but I also know how much you love sparkleberries." His tail curls around Thundercracker's ankle, just for a moment, as they approach the door.
Glit looks at him with shining optics. "It must be tea time," he says, and holds out his hand. It isn't lost on him that they are beautiful. They are no longer young, but they are lovelier than ever.
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doctor-glitterbomb · 6 months
"I'll order for both of us," Glit says, "and you'll eat what I feed you, just like we used to do. Sparkleberry jam, and gold-foiled crepes with uranium salts and manganese...you must at least tell me what your favourite thing is, here."
When he used to feed TC, of course, he was a servant, and it was technically his job, although that wasn't why he did it. That makes it all the more fun to do now that he's the Chief Medical Officer of Cybertron and TC is...a very dear friend and a member of Starscream's court.
Glit looks at him with shining optics. "It must be tea time," he says, and holds out his hand. It isn't lost on him that they are beautiful. They are no longer young, but they are lovelier than ever.
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doctor-glitterbomb · 6 months
Glit looks at him with shining optics. "It must be tea time," he says, and holds out his hand. It isn't lost on him that they are beautiful. They are no longer young, but they are lovelier than ever.
Glit doesn't mind how much the road turns and winds as long as he's right where he is--with Thundercracker--for the first time in far, far too long. Besides, he's never seen New Iacon from up here. When they land, though, he is ready when the cockpit opens and Thundercracker kneels, so that he can slip down from inside and transform gracefully into his bipedal form--forepaws becoming hands as his head elongates and his muzzle shortens a little. Unlike a jet or a truck, Glit doesn't have to remove all his jewellery to transform, though rings or a cloak might be problematic. The blue jewels on his forehead, held on with small magnets, shine brightly against the gold paint that swirls around them and over his cheekbones.
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doctor-glitterbomb · 6 months
Glit doesn't mind how much the road turns and winds as long as he's right where he is--with Thundercracker--for the first time in far, far too long. Besides, he's never seen New Iacon from up here. When they land, though, he is ready when the cockpit opens and Thundercracker kneels, so that he can slip down from inside and transform gracefully into his bipedal form--forepaws becoming hands as his head elongates and his muzzle shortens a little. Unlike a jet or a truck, Glit doesn't have to remove all his jewellery to transform, though rings or a cloak might be problematic. The blue jewels on his forehead, held on with small magnets, shine brightly against the gold paint that swirls around them and over his cheekbones.
Glit laughs softly. "I was assuming we would have to fly. What Vosni restaurant would require otherwise? I enjoy walking with you, as always. But you remember, the length of our strides is not equal. If you want me to transform, I can jump up on your shoulders or curl up in your cockpit without any trouble at all. You always did like to carry me there, didn't you?"
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doctor-glitterbomb · 6 months
::Missed this...::
Gilt watches raptly as Thundercracker flies over the compound and around the palace and into the city; the view is breathtaking. It's like he's flying himself, suspended in air, but at the same time, he's curled up inside Thundercracker's body, right near his spark chamber, warm and supported and embraced.
Glit laughs softly. "I was assuming we would have to fly. What Vosni restaurant would require otherwise? I enjoy walking with you, as always. But you remember, the length of our strides is not equal. If you want me to transform, I can jump up on your shoulders or curl up in your cockpit without any trouble at all. You always did like to carry me there, didn't you?"
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doctor-glitterbomb · 6 months
Glit transforms, leaps up and inside, and curls up, purring, as the cockpit closes around him. His own field is receptive, relaxed...and affectionate. He hasn't been in this spot for millions of years, and yet...it feels like it always did. He is happy.
Glit laughs softly. "I was assuming we would have to fly. What Vosni restaurant would require otherwise? I enjoy walking with you, as always. But you remember, the length of our strides is not equal. If you want me to transform, I can jump up on your shoulders or curl up in your cockpit without any trouble at all. You always did like to carry me there, didn't you?"
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