kotaielectronicss · 2 years
Kotai Electronics is a manufacturer and supplier of ANPR Systems in India and also exports ANPR cameras and Software to different countries like India, USA, UAE, UK, Bangladesh, and Thailand.
Kotai Electronics’ automatic number plate recognition system can be connected with any IP Camera, not necessarily only ANPR Camera, and can read the license plate, mostly used for parking management, premises monitoring, and smart city ITMS Projects.
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kotaielectronicss · 2 years
Kotai Electronics provides high secure face API which is fast, and reliable with 99% uptime guarantee.
We are one of the leading AI companies from India specializing in computer vision software provider, recently launched our face API after successful deployment in different parts of the world
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kotaielectronicss · 2 years
Traffic, Speed, and Redlight camera How are They Different ?
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kotaielectronicss · 2 years
Firmware Development Services
Kotai Electronics is a premium embedded firmware development services provider from India
Custom Firmware Development Services
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We here at Kotai Electronics believe in providing quality and speed that’s why our engineers are especially trained to provide the best custom firmware development services in the market which helps synchoronise Hardware with high performance software.
He provide you support from the beginning your projects life-cycle to the delivery with the best after sales service in the market. We believe in strategising so that the development runs smoothly and we test vigorously to ensure the minimum recalls
Get a Quote
Brands That Trust Us
We Have Award Winning Expertise InBoot Loaders
We provide custom boot loader as one of our firmware development services which supports multiple  hardware architectures and operating systems without any issue
ROS Development
ROS is a open source operating system that is used in robots our firmware development services builds it as a great collection of robotic software framework that can be quickly build deploy and maintained
Embedded Firmware Development
We provide embedded firmware development including both low and high level firmware along with subsystems to power embedded system.
DSP Sollution
We combine DSP solution along with Machine Learning algorythem locally or with the help of cloud to do things like recognize objects in video, remove noise from audio files etc.
Legacy Firmware To New Platform Migration
As one of the most experienced firmware development companies we know how to perfectly migrate your firmware from one MCU vendor to another
Non-OS Embeded Firmware
When an embedded device needs to run something forever, We help you make embedded C application without an OS. The non-OS runs a set of tasks in an infinite loop.
Get Benefits
These Are The Technologies That We Use as our M2M interface
Here are the technologies we use for our M2M interface for most of our firmware development and IoT firmware development.
If your requirements need any other protocol we offer that too.
These are the development platform we offer
In the decade that we spend in the industry taught us to face all the challenges that a custom firmware development process can bring.
Most of our clients requirements could be fulfilled using Raspberry PI, Jetson Nano or Pandas but we are open to bring new technologies for you.
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More Reasons To Choose Us
10+ Years Of Experience
10+ years of hands on experience helps us tackle all that your project might bring to our table and give you result beyond your expectation.
Super Fast Delivery​
We respect your time understand how important being on time is for you, Respecting your time we deliver your product to you 100% on time
Quality is our first priority as this will keep your solution nail every situation and you remember us for long and form good business relation
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kotaielectronicss · 2 years
Automatic Traffic Counter and Classifier
Automatic Traffic Counter and Classifier(ATCC) is a device used for traffic volume counting surveys and classifying vehicles into different Vehicle categories and generating reports in an excel sheet.
What is ATCC?
ATCC Equipment is Mostly used by survey companies or toll plazas even by traffic police departments for traffic congestion analysis purposes. Here is the list of places our ATCC is currently working in.
Traffic Survey By Police Department’s
Traffic Survey By Transport departments for Audit Purpose
Survey Agency for creating “Detailed Project Report” (DPR) for roads
Audit Purpose in Toll plaza for cross-checking of Toll Collection
Smart City Projects.
Kotai Electronics as a premium automatic traffic management solutions provider from Kolkata brings a Video-based Automatic Traffic Counter and Classifier. It’s a standalone system that does not connect to other software and is completely capable alone.
Two Wheeler
Three Wheeler/ Auto Rickshaw
Car / Jeep / Van/Taxi
Mini Bus
Standard Bus
2-Axle Rigid Truck
MAV Rigid Truck
Articulated / Semi-Articulated Truck
With Trailor
Without Trailor
Bullock Cart
Horse Drawn
LCV Freight
Cycle Rickshaw
3-Axle Rigid Truck
Why Automatic Traffic Counter and Classifier
In order to properly manage traffic manual efforts are just not enough, you need an automatic traffic counter classifier. While using a manual option where a person is counting and classifying the vehicles can have errors and the person also needs to rest, the automatic traffic counter equipment can monitor the real-time traffic flow of a road section, counts them, and classify them precisely, non-stop and in real-time.
What makes kotai ATCC stand out?
It uses deep learning which makes it capable of true real-time action. Whether it’s counting, classifying, measuring volume, or calculating speed and direction it’s the most capable solution in the market. It also generates an automatic excel sheet in a custom tome window without the need for human interference.
Key Features of ATCC:
Single-lens is capable of covering 4 lanes of the highway
Count and classify traffic 24×7
Using neural networks the automatic traffic counter and classifier get better with time
Endless customization options for every business need
Omnidirectional vehicle detection
True real-time detection
Effective under any condition
High Accuracy
Excel reports according to your needs
Video Demo Of Automatic Traffic Counter and Classifier
Check our real-time video demo of the ATCC
Key reasons to choose Kotai Automatic Traffic Counter & Classifier
Software Features
Kotai Electronics’s ATCC is powered by AI and Deep learning with all the latest hardware in the Indian market.
Kotai’s Automatic traffic counting System is the most advanced automatic traffic counter equipment in India with the lowest price.
Kotai also deals with portable and customized traffic management systems for your special requirement. If you need speed estimation or vehicle image capturing with images, we can additionally customize it for you.
Wide range of vehicles
Our ATCC is NHAI compliant, and ready to use for survey or toll authenticity verification purposes. Our System Supports up to 10 Types of Vehicle classifications.
High level of accuracy
Our deep learning-powered automatic traffic counter and classifier provide the highest accuracy in the market at 96.85% accuracy.
Easy to set and vast compatibility
We here at kotai Electronics understand the complexity which arrives when software meets the real world. So each of our solutions is vastly compatible with every screen and technology.
Years of experience
We have over a decade of experience building technologies under automatic traffic management solutions. This makes us capable of understanding what technologies a good automatic traffic counter should have.
Our technology is built in India with most Indian components available keeping the real India in mind. We made it durable and strong to withstand harsh Indian weather.
Dedicated team
We have a dedicated team of engineers with 10 + years of experience in automatic traffic management solutions. Helping you with each need always.
Components of ATCC
High-spec ready to use industry-standard P.C. with the graphics card
Minimum 4 megapixels resolution sturdy camera.
AI-Powered ATCC software Developed in C/C++
Frequently asked questions ( FAQ)What makes Kotai’s Automatic Traffic Counter & Classifier more special than its competitors?How many categories of vehicle Automatic Traffic Counter and Classifier Support?Can we use Kotai’a Automatic Traffic Counter for the toll plaza?Is this Automatic Traffic Counter and Classifier better than a Tube-based Traffic Counter?
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kotaielectronicss · 2 years
The Ultimate Guide to Sensors and Actuators in IoTBy
Kotai Electronics
From performing simple tasks in the 80s to going irrelevant to coming back stronger again to automate in supply chains of large-scale industries, IoT has covered a long distance. In today’s where attention is the new currency and data is the new asset, IoT is no longer a cold hard technology that can be used only by industries and production lines.
Today IoT has so many smart sensors that they can do so much more fun things than just painting a piece of metal in a conveyor belt now they are capable of working in a huge network of machines and doing things like checking their own condition, notifying if something is off-normal and even predict any future problems. The data is used by sensors and actuators in IoT then the data is processed and analyzed and over time the changing data type is used to improvise the functionality of the IoT device.
As the days passing the sensors and actuators in IoT are becoming more faster, smarter, and more accurate but there is a misconception that sensors and actuators in IoT are the same things while they can be put into the same category as they’re closely related but they are certainly not the same thing as they work differently from each other.
So, here we talk about what are the differences between these two and how they are used in IoT, By this article, you will clear out every confusion regarding the difference between sensors and actuators in IoT.
Table of Contents
Sensor definition in IoT
What is actuator in IoT
Another difference between Sensors and Actuators in IoT Device
Examples of Sensors and Actuators in IoT
What Connects Sensors and Actuators in IoT Device
Types of Sensors in IoT
Different Actuator Types in IoT
Temperature sensor
Moisture Sensor
Light Sensor
Motion Sensor
Noise Sensor
Gyroscope Sensor
Chemical Sensor
Hydraulic Actuators
Pneumatic Actuators
Electrical Actuators
Thermal Actuators
Magnetic Actuators
Sensor definition in IoT
In simpler terms, the sensors in an IoT device are actual small physical devices that convert one energy into other. For example, a light sensor in your ambient light system checks the brightness nearby by turning the light into an electrical signal, the signal is then used by an actuator to increase or decrease the brightness of your ambient light system.
What is actuator in IoT
If you have learned what is a sensor it won’t be too hard for you to understand the actuator it works opposite to the sensor. It takes the electrical signal and converts it into certain physical actions. If we go back to the previous example of ambient light here, The actuator is what physically changes the lights into some other brightness or another color. Other places where the actuator is used are car airbags and hydraulic systems.
What Connects Sensors and Actuators in IoT Device
In a smart IoT system, The sensor collects data and sends it to the control center. The control center processes the data depending on what they are programmed to do and then it commands the actuators to perform certain tasks. Basically, if the sensor is the brain and the actuator is the limb that performs the tasks it’s the main difference between sensors and actuators in IoT. Now let’s dive deeper into that.
Another difference between Sensors and Actuators in IoT Device
Change In Energies– The first diffrence between sensor and actuators in the principle they follow. Actuators measure heat or motion energy and peforms the physical task. Sensor pass them the energy depending on the environmental conditions that they collect with the help of electrical signal.
Collection Place– The second diffrence between sensors and actuators in Iot is sensor track the output from the environment where as actuator track the output from the control center.
Examples of Sensors and Actuators in IoT
Types of Sensors in IoT
To clearly understand what is the difference between Sensors and actuators in IoT, you have to understand what sensors are, more clearly, examples of sensors and actuators in IoT devices will make it easier for you to understand that. Sensors are small devices that make machines smarter. Depending on what environmental data they will gather they can be divided into many categories and many sensors do similar tasks like
Temperature sensor
manufacturing plants, warehouses, weather reporting systems, and agriculture use temperature sensors it’s by far the most common sensor for checking the thermal condition of the environment.
Thermistor– Its a type of resistor, whose resistance varies depending on the temperature. Thermistors are widely used as sensors in electronics for preventing excessive current increase. They measure the temperature depending on the resistance.
Resistance temperature detectors– They depend also on the resistance for the reading but instead of the the resistance itself, it depends on the rate of the change in resistance.
Thermocouples– Eletric-Current travells from high voltage to low voltage. Simmilarly every eletric circuit consists 2 conductors. This sensor measures the temperature by measuring the voltage diffrence between those 2 conductors.
Moisture Sensor
Apparently, Moisture Sensors may look like they are only used in Weather stations but they are also used in agriculture, environment monitoring, food supply chain, HVAC, and health monitoring.
Hair tension moisture sensor– Is the simplest and one of the oldest kind of sensor it uses a hair or synthetic fiber ponting to a scale that changes its length depending on the humidity.
Psychrometer– It consist 2 thermometer one is attach to a wet bulb another one is dry. The more humid the environment the less temperature the wet thermometer will show.
Light Sensor
Smart T.V.s, smartphones, tablets use this sensor to modify its brightness depending on ambient light. Its also used in smart city street lights that change the brightness depending on the ambient light for the better economy from electricity.
Photoresistor– It depends on a photo sensitive elements which have a variable resistance depending on the radiation. If the sensor understands the ambient it dark it sends information to the connected actuator to turn on or brightent the light.
Photodiode– When photon touches this photodiode they absorbe from here the electrons gets transfered in the connection. its basically used in industrial automation.
Motion Sensor
Obviously, motion sensors are mostly used in security systems but they are also used in smart cameras and automation devices.
Active, ultrasonic motion sensor– It sends ultrasonic waves and recieves when it returnes like a bat uses ultrasonic sounds to see at night.
Active, radar sensor– Works similarly to the previous one but uses electromagnetic waves.
Passive, infrared motion sensor– It detects changes in infrared radiation.
Noise Sensor
This sensor is used to monitor sound levels in a given environment. It can be used in cities to gather data regarding noise pollution.
Hydrophone– They are used in locating fish in the stream. They work by captering sound in the water
Geophone– They capture ground vibrations and converts ito electrical voltage it is often called a kind of sismometer.
Gyroscope Sensor
This sensor is used in navigation, robotics, and in every machine relating to rotation, it detects rotation and measures angular velocity.
Accelerometer– This sensor does not maintain a constant direction, but indicates the angular velocity of the object on which it is located it uses a mechanical gyroscope with limited mobility.
Heading indicator– Its a directional gyroscope or heading indicator that allows to observe the rotation of the body to which it is attached. The gyroscope is most often made as a fast rotating rigid object.
Chemical Sensor
They are used to detect chemical compounds present in the air
Electrochemical breathalyzer– It can measure the alchohol presence in human body by breathing into it. It can diffrienciate between citric acid, cigrettee smoke and menthol.
E-Nose – A set of detectors, that reacts to different types of particles contained in the environment or their different characteristics
Different Actuator Types in IoT
You learned what is the difference between sensors and actuators in IoT and also about some examples of sensors now we will for the next part of the examples of sensors and actuators in IoT we will put focus on the actuators.
Hydraulic Actuators
This Actuator operates by converting hydraulic power to do the mechanical tasks. Here the mechanical power is converted into rotary, leaner, and oscillatory motion. The actuator here captures output from motors and uses liquid as the pressure generator.
Pneumatic Actuators
This actuator works similar to the hydraulic actuator but it uses vacuum or compressed air to convert it into mechanical power they are weaker compared to hydraulic actuators.
Electrical Actuators
Similarly, electrical actuators use electrical energy to turn it into mechanical torque. The mechanical actuators are used in industrial places I valves pumps and motors mostly work in the following voltages.
Thermal Actuators
This can be called an electric less motor.  It’s equipped with thermal-sensitive material that’s capable of producing linear motion in response to temperature changes. Opposite to another actuator, it does not need an external power source. It is used to release latches, operate switches, and open or close valves.
Magnetic Actuators
This kind of actuator changes electronic magnetic current to mechanical output They operate in either a rotary or linear direction and can have continuous or limited motion. Magnetic actuators are used within the aerospace, automotive industry, healthcare, computers, and many other industries
Sensors and actuators in IoT are a quite large topic to learn but thinking they are the same is not a good place to start with. If you were paying attention you must have understood the difference between sensors and actuators in IoT systems, now you have this to brag about thanks for reading our ultimate guide to sensors and actuators in IoT.
Have a great day.
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kotaielectronicss · 2 years
PCB Layout Design
Kotai Electronics is one of the leading companies in the PCB design services with over a decade of experience in various platforms like Qualcomm, NXP(Freescale), Marvell, TI, Broadcom chipsets, jetson and raspberry pi.
Most of our technologies are being under heavy industrial use in domains like Automotive, industrial, medical and other critical industrial areas we have provided PCB design Services in POS, KIOSK, Digital Signage, IIoT, BioMetric, Smart Metering, Surveillance, and we are counting,
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kotaielectronicss · 2 years
Automatic Traffic Counter and Classifier
Automatic Traffic Counter and Classifier
Automatic Traffic Counter and Classifier(ATCC) is a device used for traffic volume counting surveys and classifying vehicles into different Vehicle categories and generating reports in an excel sheet.
What is ATCC ?
ATCC Equipment is Mostly used by survey companies or toll plazas even by traffic police departments for traffic congestion analysis purposes. Here is the list of places our ATCC is currently working in.
Traffic Survey By Police Department’s
Traffic Survey By Transport departments for Audit Purpose
Survey Agency for creating “Detailed Project Report” (DPR) for roads
Audit Purpose in Toll plaza for cross-checking of Toll Collection
Smart City Projects.
Kotai Electronics as a premium automatic traffic management solutions provider from Kolkata brings a Video-based Automatic Traffic Counter and Classifier. It’s a standalone system that does not connect to other software and is completely capable alone.
Two Wheeler
Three Wheeler/ Auto Rickshaw
Car / Jeep / Van/Taxi
Mini Bus
Standard Bus
2-Axle Rigid Truck
MAV Rigid Truck
Articulated / Semi-Articulated Truck
With Trailor
Without Trailor
Bullock Cart
Horse Drawn
LCV Freight
Cycle Rickshaw
3-Axle Rigid Truck
Why Automatic Traffic Counter and Classifier
In order to properly manage traffic manual efforts are just not enough, you need an automatic traffic counter classifier. While using a manual option where a person is counting and classifying the vehicles can have errors and the person also needs to rest, the automatic traffic counter equipment can monitor the real-time traffic flow of a road section, counts them, and classify them precisely, non-stop and in real-time.
What makes kotai ATCC stand out?
It uses deep learning which makes it capable of true real-time action. Whether it’s counting, classifying, measuring volume, or calculating speed and direction it’s the most capable solution in the market. It also generates an automatic excel sheet in a custom tome window without the need for human interference.
Key Features of ATCC:
Single-lens is capable of covering 4 lanes of the highway
Count and classify traffic 24×7
Using neural networks the automatic traffic counter and classifier get better with time
Endless customization options for every business need
Omnidirectional vehicle detection
True real-time detection
Effective under any condition
High Accuracy
Excel reports according to your needs
Video Demo Of Automatic Traffic Counter and Classifier
Check our real-time video demo of the ATCC
Key reasons to choose Kotai Automatic Traffic Counter & Classifier
Software Features
Kotai Electronics’s ATCC is powered by AI and Deep learning with all the latest hardware in the Indian market.
Kotai’s Automatic traffic counting System is the most advanced automatic traffic counter equipment in India with the lowest price.
Kotai also deals with portable and customized traffic management systems for your special requirement. If you need speed estimation or vehicle image capturing with images, we can additionally customize it for you.
Wide range of vehicles
Our ATCC is NHAI compliant, and ready to use for survey or toll authenticity verification purposes. Our System Supports up to 10 Types of Vehicle classifications.
High level of accuracy
Our deep learning-powered automatic traffic counter and classifier provide the highest accuracy in the market at 96.85% accuracy.
Easy to set and vast compatibility
We here at kotai Electronics understand the complexity which arrives when software meets the real world. So each of our solutions is vastly compatible with every screen and technology.
Years of experience
We have over a decade of experience building technologies under automatic traffic management solutions. This makes us capable of understanding what technologies a good automatic traffic counter should have.
Our technology is built in India with most Indian components available keeping the real India in mind. We made it durable and strong to withstand harsh Indian weather.
Dedicated team
We have a dedicated team of engineers with 10 + years of experience in automatic traffic management solutions. Helping you with each need always.
Components of ATCC
High-spec ready to use industry-standard P.C. with the graphics card
Minimum 4 megapixels resolution sturdy camera.
AI-Powered ATCC software Developed in C/C++
Frequently asked questions ( FAQ)What makes Kotai’s Automatic Traffic Counter & Classifier more special than its competitors?How many categories of vehicle Automatic Traffic Counter and Classifier Support?Can we use Kotai’a Automatic Traffic Counter for the toll plaza?Is this Automatic Traffic Counter and Classifier better than a Tube-based Traffic Counter?Still have questions?
If you cannot find an answer to your question in our FAQ, you can always contact us and we will be with you shortly.
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kotaielectronicss · 2 years
Automatic Traffic Counter and Classifier
Automatic Traffic Counter and Classifier
Automatic Traffic Counter and Classifier(ATCC) is a device used for traffic volume counting surveys and classifying vehicles into different Vehicle categories and generating reports in an excel sheet.
What is ATCC ?
ATCC Equipment is Mostly used by survey companies or toll plazas even by traffic police departments for traffic congestion analysis purposes. Here is the list of places our ATCC is currently working in.
Traffic Survey By Police Department’s
Traffic Survey By Transport departments for Audit Purpose
Survey Agency for creating “Detailed Project Report” (DPR) for roads
Audit Purpose in Toll plaza for cross-checking of Toll Collection
Smart City Projects.
Kotai Electronics as a premium automatic traffic management solutions provider from Kolkata brings a Video-based Automatic Traffic Counter and Classifier. It’s a standalone system that does not connect to other software and is completely capable alone.
Two Wheeler
Three Wheeler/ Auto Rickshaw
Car / Jeep / Van/Taxi
Mini Bus
Standard Bus
2-Axle Rigid Truck
MAV Rigid Truck
Articulated / Semi-Articulated Truck
With Trailor
Without Trailor
Bullock Cart
Horse Drawn
LCV Freight
Cycle Rickshaw
3-Axle Rigid Truck
Why Automatic Traffic Counter and Classifier
In order to properly manage traffic manual efforts are just not enough, you need an automatic traffic counter classifier. While using a manual option where a person is counting and classifying the vehicles can have errors and the person also needs to rest, the automatic traffic counter equipment can monitor the real-time traffic flow of a road section, counts them, and classify them precisely, non-stop and in real-time.
What makes kotai ATCC stand out?
It uses deep learning which makes it capable of true real-time action. Whether it’s counting, classifying, measuring volume, or calculating speed and direction it’s the most capable solution in the market. It also generates an automatic excel sheet in a custom tome window without the need for human interference.
Key Features of ATCC:
Single-lens is capable of covering 4 lanes of the highway
Count and classify traffic 24×7
Using neural networks the automatic traffic counter and classifier get better with time
Endless customization options for every business need
Omnidirectional vehicle detection
True real-time detection
Effective under any condition
High Accuracy
Excel reports according to your needs
Video Demo Of Automatic Traffic Counter and Classifier
Check our real-time video demo of the ATCC
Key reasons to choose Kotai Automatic Traffic Counter & Classifier
Software Features
Kotai Electronics’s ATCC is powered by AI and Deep learning with all the latest hardware in the Indian market.
Kotai’s Automatic traffic counting System is the most advanced automatic traffic counter equipment in India with the lowest price.
Kotai also deals with portable and customized traffic management systems for your special requirement. If you need speed estimation or vehicle image capturing with images, we can additionally customize it for you.
Wide range of vehicles
Our ATCC is NHAI compliant, and ready to use for survey or toll authenticity verification purposes. Our System Supports up to 10 Types of Vehicle classifications.
High level of accuracy
Our deep learning-powered automatic traffic counter and classifier provide the highest accuracy in the market at 96.85% accuracy.
Easy to set and vast compatibility
We here at kotai Electronics understand the complexity which arrives when software meets the real world. So each of our solutions is vastly compatible with every screen and technology.
Years of experience
We have over a decade of experience building technologies under automatic traffic management solutions. This makes us capable of understanding what technologies a good automatic traffic counter should have.
Our technology is built in India with most Indian components available keeping the real India in mind. We made it durable and strong to withstand harsh Indian weather.
Dedicated team
We have a dedicated team of engineers with 10 + years of experience in automatic traffic management solutions. Helping you with each need always.
Components of ATCC
High-spec ready to use industry-standard P.C. with the graphics card
Minimum 4 megapixels resolution sturdy camera.
AI-Powered ATCC software Developed in C/C++
Frequently asked questions ( FAQ)What makes Kotai’s Automatic Traffic Counter & Classifier more special than its competitors?How many categories of vehicle Automatic Traffic Counter and Classifier Support?Can we use Kotai’a Automatic Traffic Counter for the toll plaza?Is this Automatic Traffic Counter and Classifier better than a Tube-based Traffic Counter?Still have questions?
If you cannot find an answer to your question in our FAQ, you can always contact us and we will be with you shortly.
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kotaielectronicss · 2 years
This ATCC Equipment is Mostly used by survey companies or toll plazas even by traffic police departments for traffic congestion analysis purposes. Here is the list of places our ATCC is currently working in.
0 notes
kotaielectronicss · 2 years
What is ATCC ( Automatic Traffic Counter and Classifier )?
This ATCC Equipment is Mostly used by survey companies or toll plazas even by traffic police departments for traffic congestion analysis purposes. Here is the list of places our ATCC is currently working in.
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kotaielectronicss · 2 years
Tumblr media
What is ATCC ( Automatic Traffic Counter and Classifier )?
This ATCC Equipment is Mostly used by survey companies or toll plazas even by traffic police departments for traffic congestion analysis purposes. Here is the list of places our ATCC is currently working in.
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kotaielectronicss · 2 years
Tumblr media
What is ATCC ( Automatic Traffic Counter and Classifier )?
This ATCC Equipment is Mostly used by survey companies or toll plazas even by traffic police departments for traffic congestion analysis purposes. Here is the list of places our ATCC is currently working in.
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kotaielectronicss · 2 years
IoT is one of the most advanced technologies today but still, but it is in its development phase and it still has so many things which are not been discovered yet. So this technology is mostly unknown and has so much potential undiscovered as do the challenges that come coupled with it. In this article, we will discuss what are the different kinds of IoT challenges that people face and how to mitigate them easily. In order to make it easier for you to understand we have classified the different kinds of challenges according to the location of the architecture where they originate.
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kotaielectronicss · 2 years
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Automatic Traffic Counter & Classifier in India
Kotai Electronics as a premium automatic traffic management solutions provider from Kolkata brings a Video-based Automatic Traffic Counter and Classifier (ATCC). It’s a standalone system that does not connect to other software and is completely capable alone.
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kotaielectronicss · 2 years
Automatic Traffic Counter & Classifier
Automatic Traffic Counter and Classifier is a device used for traffic volume counting surveys, which can count, classify vehicles into different Vehicle categories and generate reports in an excel sheet without any human interaction.
0 notes
kotaielectronicss · 2 years
Patient Health Monitoring System Using IoT, Can It Help ?By
Kotai Electronics
After every successful development of any helpful technology, Healthcare is one of the first sectors to implement and take advantage of it. Even though IoT remote monitoring came back in 1982 IoT still didn’t catch up with speed and popularity until the last decade. Now when we are on the verge of meeting 5g there can’t be any better time for hospitals and healthcare facilities to reap the benefits of the Internet Of Medical Things and save millions of lives with Patient Health Monitoring System Using IoT. We have a shortage of healthcare workers in every part of the world. The pandemic made it evident.
This causes excess workload for doctors and healthcare workers making them prone to making wrong decisions, at times which can be life-threatening and can also take down the healthcare centers’ reputation with it. Patient Health Monitoring System Using IoT can help here, Now let’s find out how.
Table of Contents
What is exactly Patient Health Monitoring System Using IoT
How IoT Based Health Monitoring System Works
Advantages and Disadvantages of IoT Powerd Health Monitoring System
We Can Help
Major Advantages of Smart Health Monitoring System using IoT
Disadvantages of Smart Health Monitoring System using IoT
What is exactly Patient Health Monitoring System Using IoT
Monitoring means observing and checking the progress or quality of something over a period of time; keeping it under systematic review. Factories and Warehouses are already taking advantage of IoT remote Monitoring. Here they track the health of the machines and consumables and the asset tracking management also stops things from being stolen or going missing in the facility.
For hospitals, and nursing homes similar kind of IoT is specially built to put into work by checking each and every aspect of patients’ health every time remotely from any place in the world. It includes a bunch of simplest technologies like the following and works for the long term without the need for maintenance.
connected patches
small heart-rate calculating sensors
hygiene monitor
Temperature monitoring chip, etc.
For example, It stays connected to the patient’s body or in bed tracking the different aspects of that person’s health and even sending notifications to the selected, nearby, or free people of that facility if things are not going normal.
For example, when it tracks down cardio-vascular health it calculates the things like pulse rate, heart rate, blood pressure, mood monitoring, etc. From here if the conditions are not going normal like, if the heart rate is high or low than normal the IoT health monitoring device will send a notification to the cardiologists who were taking care of that patient and to the nurses who were nearby or who were free to at that time. It enables the ability to rapid response. It doesn’t only save many lives but also stops any patient from entering critical condition.
An IoT-based health monitoring system is often connected to a remote cloud server from where it stores the data and all the data processing also happens here. Internet Of Medical Things sometimes consists of nothing but sensors and actuators and it cant process data locally here it has to have a cloud server. The company you are taking your IoMT from must have the cloud server as a service. Here at Kotai Electronics, we provide best-in-class, super fast cloud servers for our customers.
How IoT Based Health Monitoring System Works
Sensors and Actuators- It’s the out-most layer of IoT. Here every component is a physical component. The sensor has many small physical parts that sense the environment and actuators act according to the received data to make changes in the environment. Here examples of it can be pulse sensors & temperature sensors.
Network Layer- The data sent from devices needs a medium to reach the remote cloud servers. The network layer comes into action here. It can be something like WiFi or a Broadband network.
Data Processing Layer- The received raw data gets converted into useful information. It can be as easy as reading the numbers and predicting the temperature or telling if there is an intruder in your house. All the data processing happens here. For simpler tasks usually, there is a headless system like jetson nano or Raspberry Pie. For a huge application or to work in remote places, there stays a cloud server.
The User Interface– After all the data is processed the information needs to be shown to a particular person or a group of people. The user interface in an App or in a website shows the information to the people we have talked about this concept in detail in What Are The Major Components of IoT System article, go check it out.
Advantages and Disadvantages of IoT Powerd Health Monitoring System
Major Advantages of Smart Health Monitoring System using IoT
Remote Monitoring– As the name suggests the very first advantage of the smart health monitoring system is remote monitoring of the health of the people accurately from far away places of the world. It can also send smart alerts.
Preventing serious conditions– Smart sensors track all the conditions 24×7 and also suggest what should someone do to prevent health-depreciation of the patients. This way it reduces the chance of their diseases going to more serious stages
Reduce costs remain the quality– IoMT reduces costly visits to doctors and hospital admissions and makes the tests possible from the comfort of their homes. Making things more and more affordable.
Tracking and understanding data for patients– The whole point of it is “convenience”. When it’s doing this for the doctor’s end why it can’t do this for the patient’s end as well. It helps patients check and stay alert to their health condition and helps doctors make the right decisions.
Error-free treatment- IoT health monitoring system tracks how medicines are working beyond the surface level. It checks how medicines are working in a patient’s body or how it’s not. It can also check if there is an allergic reaction and needs to be treated for that. The cloud stores the past health condition of the patient and this leads to lesser medical errors.
Brings data for future innovation– Humans and machines need to work together in order to get the most benefit of the resources. I might help humans but using only this and forgetting the experience of human doctors will be a big mistake. If we take the data from IoT and combine this with doctors’ experience and knowledge we might come out with new health machines to improve medical sciences even further
Research– Data is all that drives the IoT. These health monitoring devices are able to collect and analyze a massive amount of data, they have a high potential for medical research purposes.
Disadvantages of Smart Health Monitoring System using IoT
Puts privacy at risk– Just like IoT, it is an amalgamation of many technologies together. Having too many endpoints brings the risk of making the attack surface broad. So it brings the risk of security and privacy. IoMT stores data that are super sensitive. All that patient’s health information cant is used to god know where it is the first disadvantage of IoT powered smart health monitoring systems.
Risk of failure– All the new technologies are prone to failure for the first few years after their development. There was a time for airplanes when they are nothing but wooden frames and look at what we have now. There are technologies that are tried and tested but just like any other technology can fail in their task. Another problem can be bugs that come out of nowhere. Also, power cuts can bring issues. Also if people forget to update the software in time it also causes problems.
Initial Cost- It’s true that in the long term IoT based patient health monitoring systems save a lot of money but the initial IoT Development and implementation can go high. Also teaching the hospital staff to use the IoMT devices properly is another cause of costs going up.
We Can Help
If you have gone through all of the amazing ways IoMT can help you and your attention has gotten into and wants to know more about it. Here at Kotai Electronics, As one of the best IoT development companies of India with over a decade of experience, we can help you with that. If you want to know more you can contact us for a Completly Free Consultation today.
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