doctormariarobotnik · 10 years
"Oh, I see," Maria said with a nod. "Quite handy, that. I use something similar for those who I've roboticized and allowed to serve me of their own free will. Spade and Heart, for instance."
rp with melissathesnowrabbitrp
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doctormariarobotnik · 10 years
"Oh, I just need to have a meeting with my Overlords, let them know that I'm not at all happy with how they've been acting since my imprisonment."
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"And one of them in particular needs to be made an example of."
Maria held the kiss for a few seconds, enjoying the feeling of her echidna in her arms. When she let go of the kiss, a rather dark smile flashed on her lips. “Would you care to assist me in dealing with some…internal problems?”
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doctormariarobotnik · 10 years
"That would depend on what you want from me," Maria said as she continued to type onto the holographic monitor, keeping an eye on Eclipse. "If it's within reason I will gladly help you with it."
"I don’t want your emerald,” Maria said firmly. “In fact, it is of my best interest if that emerald is as far away from this place as possible.” Maria held out her left wrist. A strange console device adorned it. She pressed a few buttons and a holographic monitor and keyboard appeared before it that the doctor typed into. “It will take some time to return you to your world. In the meantime, I’m sure you have a number of questions to ask me.”
"Hmph, I suppose I do. But I doubt you’ll really answer them since I refuse to say anything to you. Honestly need someway to hide that I’m Black Arms, it causes me so much trouble I could very much do without. Perhaps we could make a small trade before I return to my zone? Then I might be more inclined to answer your queries…"
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The offer was simple and effective Maria really didn’t have much reason to refuse Eclipse’s offer.
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doctormariarobotnik · 10 years
Apologies for disappearing.
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((This whole week has just been really, really bad for me. Maria's home now, though.))
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doctormariarobotnik · 10 years
"Medical purposes. I had thought that by using cloning and altering the DNA of those cloned I could have a limitless supply of organs should one need them. Thus far it...hasn't worked as intended."
Considering the last batch lived for about five seconds and said only "Die!" at the top of their lungs before melting, that was an understatement.
"...You... killed them. Please tell me you have more." (Only way this could work with these two.)
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"I’ll have to make more. It seems they’re a bit more fragile than I had anticipated. Oh well, mistakes are the byproducts of success."
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doctormariarobotnik · 10 years
" you killed them? how deliciously devious of you..."
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"I don't beat around the bush. I simply evaluated the pros and cons. And I determined that ridding myself of them far outweighed any potential use they might provide for me."
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doctormariarobotnik · 10 years
"Your warnings were indeed heard," Maria said as she pressed a few buttons on a console. "I simply didn't have an idea of how fragile. Oh well, at least they came out looking like Mobians this time..."
"...You... killed them. Please tell me you have more." (Only way this could work with these two.)
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"I’ll have to make more. It seems they’re a bit more fragile than I had anticipated. Oh well, mistakes are the byproducts of success."
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doctormariarobotnik · 10 years
"You killed them!"
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"Don't act so surprised, my dear. I am nothing if not pragmatic. I would be more worried about you."
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doctormariarobotnik · 10 years
"...You... killed them. Please tell me you have more." (Only way this could work with these two.)
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"I'll have to make more. It seems they're a bit more fragile than I had anticipated. Oh well, mistakes are the byproducts of success."
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doctormariarobotnik · 10 years
Send "You killed them!" for my character's reaction.
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doctormariarobotnik · 10 years
Maria gave the matter a bit of thought, but eventually shook her head. "No, I'd really rather not. It is natural for all that live to die eventually, and I have no real desire to break that cycle."
After fifty years alone on a space station, you kinda want to avoid actions that will only make you lonely.
A certain Biolizard found herself on the ARK or rather, Maria's ARK and not her own. As she wandered about, seeing the robots milling about, she wondered just who was running it now. It probably wasn't one of her alternates but anything was possible. "Hello?", she called out.
She would be met with a four foot tall kangaroo robot with orange plating and a feminine appearance. The robot stared up at the huge biolizard with a look of wonder on her face. She knew that Maria had quite a few strange things here on the ARK, but she had never seen anything like this before.
"Uh, hi," Diamond said somewhat nervously. "Who are you? And how come I ain’t seen ya around before?"
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doctormariarobotnik · 10 years
"The notes will suffice," Maria said. "I should have little trouble modifying your designs to match my own." She smiled a bit. "I must thank you for this. It will come in very handy in the future."
rp with melissathesnowrabbitrp
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doctormariarobotnik · 10 years
Maria held the kiss for a few seconds, enjoying the feeling of her echidna in her arms. When she let go of the kiss, a rather dark smile flashed on her lips. "Would you care to assist me in dealing with some...internal problems?"
Maria thought for a bit. “I hadn’t thought of that, though I’m not certain how much Mobotropolis means to Sonic anymore, what with most of the people he knew there…well…dead.”
…there was also the idea that Sonic might actually be working with Naugus as well. She didn’t know if he’d be that desperate to be rid of Maria, but she wanted to look into that. “Either way, perhaps we could use this to our advantage. If they aren’t fighting already, perhaps I can set it up so that they are.”
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doctormariarobotnik · 10 years
Maria sighed for a bit. "Yes and no," Maria said. "My appearance hasn't changed in the slightest, though I cannot accurately say if I have aged or not. At times I certainly feel my age. Joint pains and the like. I don't know how much longer I have to live, to be honest with you."
A certain Biolizard found herself on the ARK or rather, Maria's ARK and not her own. As she wandered about, seeing the robots milling about, she wondered just who was running it now. It probably wasn't one of her alternates but anything was possible. "Hello?", she called out.
She would be met with a four foot tall kangaroo robot with orange plating and a feminine appearance. The robot stared up at the huge biolizard with a look of wonder on her face. She knew that Maria had quite a few strange things here on the ARK, but she had never seen anything like this before.
"Uh, hi," Diamond said somewhat nervously. "Who are you? And how come I ain’t seen ya around before?"
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doctormariarobotnik · 10 years
Maria sighed a bit and closed her eyes at Lien-Da's kiss as she wrapped her arms around the echidna. She was content, but in deep thought. She knew she could get Naugus and Sonic at each others' throats, but how?
"What's the one thing that would anger Sonic to the point that he would not stop until Naugus was out of the picture?" she asked, partly to herself.
Maria thought for a bit. “I hadn’t thought of that, though I’m not certain how much Mobotropolis means to Sonic anymore, what with most of the people he knew there…well…dead.”
…there was also the idea that Sonic might actually be working with Naugus as well. She didn’t know if he’d be that desperate to be rid of Maria, but she wanted to look into that. “Either way, perhaps we could use this to our advantage. If they aren’t fighting already, perhaps I can set it up so that they are.”
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doctormariarobotnik · 10 years
Maria nodded to Melissa. "It's a simple matter of reverse engineering the Warp Ring and modifying it to be a more versatile method of dimensional travel. I use Chaos Drives to power my wrist console, but with a Chaos Energy battery it would have far greater scope." She thought as Melissa explained it. "Interesting. I shall give that a try."
rp with melissathesnowrabbitrp
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doctormariarobotnik · 10 years
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