hexellent · 9 months
@the-forsakenlegionnaire: [Amy has appeared! What to do? ]
'hold hands' I am compelled.
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Amy stares at the stranger, a little confused. Who was she..? "Um, hello? Are you lost? I can try to help you if you want?" That's really the only explanation she can really come up with for a random woman to hold her hand.
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villains4hire · 1 year
@the-forsakenlegionnaire for Zeena.
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This one, was unique looking and they looked fairly muscular and strong. For at least the standards here anyway, "Hm, since you look pretty chic and deadly, I'll let you hang out with me I guess. For now. Is there something you want or need from me?" The Zeti was pretty infamous, albeit like a ghost among the normal world, a wanderer and a loner at heart. At least, for the most part anyway.
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neometalmadness · 2 years
"What's it gonna be, neo? my charcoal romance, or system of a growl?" The mun would like to excuse himself for willing slaughtering these famous music bands names.
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"Ha. Ha. So funny, I forgot to laugh."
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galaxofmuses · 4 months
An horrified look. "WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN ?!"
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"Ah! N-Nevermind what I said!" This poor dude books it.
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caveofwanderers · 5 months
💌 I just think you’re amazing
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{I ain't that amazing, but many thanks...}
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fastfists · 10 months
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Huh. Lien-da truly is everyone's type.
✧ Are You Knuckles's Type ✧
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"Huh, interestin'..."
Another one that he isn't sure how to feel about, especially cause he's very weary of the other echidna still. Not letting his guard down around her at present.
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errorblankdata · 3 years
@the-forsakenlegionnaire || (X)
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galaxies-unknown-a · 2 years
★- Meet a canon character I currently play
[Meet a New Character of Mine!]
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"Well, I suppose you could call me a Canon." Tenebrosity chuckled nervously, a singular claw scratching at the side of her face. Her other five hands were all twitching, flitting between scratching and trying to find something to hold. "--You probably know me as 'Dark Gaia', but since the Sonic Unleashed game doesn't have a lot about Dark Gaia due to it being.... Well, grumpy I suppose... I'm pretty much all headcanons."
[I RP as Dark Gaia, or as she prefers to be called in my AU, Tenebrosity. I don't use her much, but she's fun to think about... The destroyer of all who really just wants some ice cream and a nice day at the beach. Note: She’s usually in a lizard-mobian form, but I feel bad using that art, so I decided to hunt down a faceclaim for her (character is Aisha Udgard from How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom).]
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RP Meme. // Accepting.
@the-forsakenlegionnaire​ -  [ FIGHT ]: sender physically fights off receiver's attacker.
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Truthfully, there was a good chance of such happening, when one is heading home while night hours are about. And while Meena was all but ready to deal with whomever decided to stalk, it turns out, it became unneccessary. 
Teals fixate the mobian whomst suddenly appeared, going as far as fighting off the culprit who had begun to follow Meena.
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diffxrentwxrlds · 2 years
@the-forsakenlegionnaire asked:
"On the contrary, i was actually worried that she'd end up being just too much for you to handle~."
{{ L }} "Than you are underestimating me, also foolish."
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hexellent · 1 year
"The only people I ever stole from are nocturnus echidnas, and it was deserved!" The jury is still out on her interaction with the other denizens of the twilight cage."You are a guardian, you're supposed to be better than that. better than... me."
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Knuckles stares at her, entirely unimpressed and unmoved by her words. Lilac eyes giving her a once over.
"I am. You're mixing words and making assumptions on my character without any prior knowledge of me. You question my devotion and worthiness of my duty as if you were the one standing guard for the last 36 years. You point fingers like you are somehow entitled to have an opinion on anything about me."
His eyes flash, and his arms uncross from his chest, instead his hands rested folded politely in front of him. His stance changes, somehow both gentler and more proper. His voice even came out softer, as if it wasn't his.
"You know nothing of this guardian's past, how hard he as worked, and what he has sacrificed for us. Do not make such snap judgements based in a bare snipit of someoe's life."
Again, a flash, a change. It's only for a few moments, but the echidna's gaze turns hard, untrusting, stance widened and tense. The aura around him is dangerous and heavy. A huff.
Then it's gone again, and Knuckles returns to his original stance.
"Get off your high horse. Your fake moral high ground means nothing to us. I never stole from anyone."
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villains4hire · 2 months
"Miss zeena, right? Would you mind speaking to me about the lost hex?"
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"...There's not much to say, really. Lost Hex was called that for a reason, it's best to just let it be, no matter your intent."
Those that remained of the Zeti race on the Lost Hex were living a doomed existence if they wanted a future after them... that and even a continued one. Most of her species, had either left or wandered off of the planet after making first contact with another- herself included.
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neometalmadness · 2 years
"Julian's greatest invention, a teenager."
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"I was designed to be a copy of Sonic; his decisions are questionable at best in the first place."
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nicholas-wolfwood · 4 years
"This place feels like a fever dream."
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“Well you certainly have depressing fever dreams.”
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mobian-merc · 5 years
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“Damn, doll. Only reason I’d kick someone as gorgeous as you outta bed would be t’fuck ya on the floor.”
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fastfists · 10 months
There are many reasons to be wary of this echidna lady. She's constantly studying the old scriptures near the great shrine. What could she be looking for?
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"I weary o' most other 'echidnas', call it learnin' from ah past mistake."
It had taught him to be cautious about meeting another of his kind. Having at to learn that the hard way, which upset him even to this day BUT least he learned not to let his excitement blind him. Yes, it wasn't easy being the only one at times but at the same time...
"...as for doin' any studyin' on m'island, 'ighly doubtful. I wouldn't let someone I'm weary o' wonder 'ere wit'out m'knowlegde 'r bein' under m'watch."
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