chaosbcrne · 6 years
⚠ - What has your character almost done that made someone talk them out of or convince them not to do it? ♿ - Is your character in some way handicapped? (This includes physical, emotional, and mental.)
Get to know Shadow through an ask !
⚠ - What has your character almost done that made someone talk them out of or convince them not to do it?
well you see there was that one time where he almost ended the world and Amy/Chris reasoned with him. there was actually a bit more at stake than just talking him out of it, it was more a matter of getting him to remember the truth so he’d realize he’d been wrong to go down that path, but initially the idea was to reason with him
I haven’t read the comics but I believe there were times where Sonic and either Cheese or Blaze also talked him out of achieving his goal at the time ? It’s a tough question tbh because Shadow is really damn stubborn, he does a lot of stupid stuff and it’s very tricky to dent his determination, let alone completely sway his objective
As far as this Shadow’s concerned, the only applicable instance (beyond what’s canon already) would be Omega convincing him not to ignore the possibility that he might get reprogrammed to hunt Shadow down eventually
♿ - Is your character in some way handicapped? (This includes physical, emotional, and mental.)
I think Shadow does have quite a few flaws/weaknesses that can put him at disadvantage if used against him correctly, but I don’t think any of it would qualify as something that ‘handicaps’ him, per se. Like, he’ll be easy to manipulate if you know about his fears, and those could also be used as a means to defeat him, that kind of thing ?
If anything, he has gotten used to relying way too much on his shoes by now, to the point where he definitely would not function at full capacity without them - but again, considering his ‘not full capacity’ is way beyond the average person’s capacity still… I don’t know if that really qualifies as a handicap
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blunderbots · 6 years
😑: Is your muse able to keep their temper under control? 😒: What does your muse find disgusting? 🤔: What perplexes your muse?
😑: Is your muse able to keep their temper under control?
Orbot and Cubot are very capable with keeping their tempers under wraps, though Orbot does get much more angry more often than Cubot, and sometimes needs to be held back or given a pillow to scream into. 
😒: What does your muse find disgusting?
Orbot finds any gross behavior disgusting, especially the idea of cleaning something sticky, slimy, or meaty. He and Cubot have had to bathe Dr Eggman a few times and it’s never been pleasant for them.... Cubot has less apprehensions about gross things, but scrubbing Eggman still makes him feel gross.
🤔: What perplexes your muse?
When it comes to Cubot, almost everything. For Orbot, he gets confused by people being uncharacteristically nice to him and his cohort, and especially when they expect nothing in return. They aren’t equipped to handle that kind of treatment!
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chaxs-cxntrxl · 7 years
“Hmf. So tell me again, WHY do I need to be present for this, master?” Shadow huffed out indignantly as Black Doom made himself present within the Black Comet’s main hall. The ebony hedgehog/alien hybrid had finally given in to his TRUE origins, to the latent powers within him that were only released thanks to the Black Arms and, more specifically, Black Doom’s tempering of his mind. Reminding him of who he was, where he came from... and what the HUMANS had done to him and his former friends. The disgust Shadow held over the humans was enough to make him choose sides quickly.
“Your presence is required, Shadow, for this is to be the unveiling of our newest creation. One that is of utmost importance to you.” the tone of the Black Arms leader was full of... something resembling pride. Shadow did not like that he spoke so proudly over something that wasn’t him, but he would roll with the punches for now as he just scoffs softly. The hive-mind merely crosses his arms behind his back. “There’s no need to be indignant, Shadow. This will merely be a quick introduction.”
“Introduction? To what?” Shadow demanded, but in that moment, his ear perked as he heard it. Footsteps. And they were stepping into the main hall of the Comet, which made Shadow a bit on edge, but he’d keep his cool for now, waiting to see what this “newest creation” would be.
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umbradevore · 7 years
The Deal
Technology was the key to creation and modification, and the more one knew of the craft as well as the way...the unique the sort seeking to bargain. Despite the terrifying presence caused by those that met the Fear Eater race as a combative whole, it was a rarity for them to allow their ancient technology be used. This one such moment of a rarity had come, and it was to be done in a form of helping one that was part of a violent race.
Lights begin to flicker on with a neon green, offering little reveal in what seems to be a building of constant darkness. A dark hallway began to flicker with light now and again, a beak masked figure walked through this hallway. Each time the lights returned it seemed like the entity moved faster in the darkness, stopping only after reaching the fifth door down the hall.
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“It is in here.” That was the only words the strange said, point a finger to the door to expect someone else to open it. The entity said nothing except for the constant filtered breathing from the mask
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doubleboosting · 7 years
(Oh yes, and to prove I read your rules. Um, I'll give the bird a bow tie to wear! It was give a piece of cloathing right?)
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“Bowties are cool.”
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Was it time to check up on those dark Chao? Yup, seems like it. Holly was going back to the abandoned power plant, with a bag strapped onto her back filled with fruits and whatever else that Chao eat. Spat tried getting into the food but to no avail. She stopped her tracks and turned to her Chao
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“Spat! This is, like, the tenth time I’ve told you that this isn’t for you! Or at least you can’t have this right now. Look- Just wait until we get there and then you can have this.” She pointed her her bag, then went back to her little trip
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The Chao folded his arms and scowled, he wasn’t hungry or anything, just wanted his jaws to get busy chewing on something.
Though, as she was reaching the entrance to the plant, it seems like someone else had a similar idea. Almost immediately after spotting the other shadowy figure, she gasped and grabbed Spat as she went to find a hiding spot within a cluttered mess of rubble. Were they here for the Chao or was it to get data from here? She didn’t think of anybody needing to come here for anything else since, well, it was abandoned. Then again there are other people who get attracted to these kinds of places, maybe it’s just another traveler.
“Whoo the....?” Holly muttered holding Spat close to her, who was making a low growl but was immediately shushed by her. She perked her ear close to an opening of the rubble in order to hear
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shxrpshootxr · 7 years
Guardian Torture
Meme: Put a word in my ask and I will write a Headcanon about it for my Muse.
While he is a mercenary/bounty hunter, he has taken on the odd body guard job, or covering someone else from a sniping position. He performs both of these jobs well enough, but his motivation is being paid, and feels little inclination to protect anyone other than himself.
... Or so he says. He has been known to, on rare occasions, pull a risky move to get his teammates out of a tight spot or even go back for them. He waves it off as him not wanting to deal with the body in the aftermath or  because the job would be much harder - but still doable - without them. But we all know it’s cos he wuvs them :D
He also feels a strong inclination to protect Trinta ( @orphanedmouse ) and keeps her close if she’s brought along. Do not touch that kid if you know what’s good for you.
With his line of work, and policy of switching sides based solely on who pays better, Nack has made quite a few enemies, particularly in the criminal underworld. Torture is nothing especially new to him, unfortunately.
The weasel’s been through a lot- waterboarded, broken bones, beatings, electrocution. You name it, he’s probably lived it. It’s all a part of the package for this sort of life. But he always finds a way out (honestly the bastard is just insanely lucky).
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(・∀・ ) = The character’s emotional state most of the time ☆~(ゝ。∂)= How the character greets people ⊙﹏☉ = What flusters the character(≧∇≦) = What makes the character happy
more headcanons
(・∀・ ) = The character’s emotional state most of the time 
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Shadow’s very calm and collected, both inside and out. He doesn’t fall under emotional/mental distress so easily, as he learned to press away unwanted emotions. However he would tend to fall into a state of grief over Maria, but he doesn’t let himself be thrown off by it.
actually he’s just emotionally dead inside and needs a hug
but he’ll punch anyone who tries to hug him
☆~(ゝ。∂)= How the character greets people
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He’s actually never the first person to approach anyone unless he feels like he has to, and depending on the circumstances, it wouldn’t be close to friendly.
Though if it was a friend, he would shoot a simple hello.
⊙﹏☉ = What flusters the character 
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Just being complimented.
He does not hold himself at high regard when it comes to appearance, so being called ‘cute’ would really throw him off and leaving asking why.
(≧∇≦) = What makes the character happy
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That’s actually pretty hard.
The only thing that comes to mind is absolute peace. In solitude, with no feeling of immediate danger.
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umbradevore · 8 years
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“First the eyes saw one and now see two, black arms no doubt is what you are. More than one is always a sight, with it will come some mortal fright. So tell me black arms creature, what brings you to this world to come and fester?”
The speech pattern was vague like it was meant to be, the robotic tone used to muffled the tone was the best thing to use when talking to such creatures. Between sentences were a raspy breathing, the source of course coming from the breathing tubes attached between the sides of the beak mask.
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twotailedfoxx-blog · 7 years
eclipseddarkling started following you
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That’s odd.. I should have gotten a notification when you followed but oh well! My name is Tails, it’s nice to meet you!
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chaosbcrne · 6 years
☛ what is your muse’s biggest regret? ❥ is your muse cool? ✯ which three traits define your muse?
headcanon free-for-all
☛ what is your muse’s biggest regret?
main answer here, with a small addition here and here
another one worth noting would be his taking for granted Gerald and Maria during his years aboard the ARK. He fully appreciated them, but I don’t think he quite realized just how lucky he was to be surrounded by people who thought the world of him, people who cared about him so unconditionally and who provided him with a true sense of home and family. On most days, he was too preoccupied with the future, worrying about whether he’d live up to their expectations when the time came, to properly enjoy the present. Ironically enough, he’d always regret that, meaning some part of him would always remain stuck in the past
❥ is your muse cool?
answered here, tl;dr yes, absolutely
✯ which three traits define your muse?
lonesome, conflicted, dangerous
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003. Does your character like coffee better, or tea? 004. Do they prefer being alone or with others? 005. Are they in good health?
003. ((He doesn’t really care much for either, though probably tea. I can imagine he probably had a lot of it when he was living on the space colony.))
004. ((Hmm, usually alone, being the introvert he is. But he does enjoy the company of good friends.))
005 ((physically? in extremely good health. mentally? well…he’s managing…))
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blunderbots · 6 years
😘: How does your muse show affection? 😜: Is your muse a comedian? 😎: Is your muse full of themselves?
😘: How does your muse show affection?
Cubot is much more physically affectionate. He will grab and hug onto anybody who’s nice to him--if they let him. He’s picked up and hugged Orbot tightly plenty of times...and Orbot is lucky he doesn’t have lungs. 
Orbot, on the other hand, is much more reserved and doesn’t feel comfortable showing affection, as he’s been ridiculed by his creator for that kind of thing. However, he believes that serving a well cooked meal, offering condolences and cleaning up after his Boss to be ways of showing affection. When it comes to showing affection to Cubot, he’ll sometimes pet his hand, or reach up and ruffle his fur--which usually gets him a huge hug.
😜: Is your muse a comedian?
Not intentionally--but Cubot is very dumb and says the strangest things that often get a laugh out of others. Orbot just tries not to die from secondhand embarrassment.
😎: Is your muse full of themselves?
I’d say that Orbot and Cubot are actually pretty real with themselves..........well. Cubot thinks he’s the best thing since sliced bread, but Orbot at least tries to be realistic about his capabilities... It just often comes across as self depreciation.
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