doctorwhohugh · 23 days
The Acolyte Deserves a Season 2 (Spoiler Free Highlight Reel)
Have you seen The Acolyte yet? If not here is a video of my personal highlights (just the tip of the iceberg IMO.
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doctorwhohugh · 4 months
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Doctor Who 73 Yards
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doctorwhohugh · 4 months
Continuity errors in Doctor Who
I'm curious, what continuity errors do you notice in Doctor Who? Someone asked me the other day "What movie mistake is so glaringly obvious that you're surprised it made it into the final cut?", and my response was "Not sure about films, but I can name about 20 different continuity errors from Doctor Who alone".
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doctorwhohugh · 4 months
Excuse the random posts over the next few days
Basically I'm deleting my reddit but they don't have a archive tool like Twitter so I'm going to be re-posting everything here, some stuff will be theories about shows that have already come out (e.g. The Flash Season 9).
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doctorwhohugh · 4 months
Doctor Who is so unrealistic, this would never happen in real life, right...? right...? right...?
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So, the crew went home and left the babies behind. Space babies. It's the recession. The government closed the baby station to save money, but the law says it's illegal to stop the birth machine.
DOCTOR WHO Space Babies
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doctorwhohugh · 1 year
Petition to rename the cloister bell the
Alert 😂
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doctorwhohugh · 1 year
What I particularly love about the progression of Thasmin.
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I love a lot about their relationship, but namely how it shows that characters don't have to be physically affectionate for their relationship to have meaning. Its about the connection, which is heavily built upon throughout the era with a natural progression.
In series 11 they become friends, 13 shows Yaz the ropes, in the finale she has a really defining moment where she stays with the Doctor instead of returning to the safety of the TARDIS.
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Then later on she puts her mind at risk to save the human race.
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Continuing to Series 12, they have become closer, now more best friends. One notable moment being of course, here
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But more that those feelings for the Doctor begin to develop for Yaz, shown in little moments like :
Yaz's response in Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror.
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The conversation in Haunting of Villa Diodati
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And of course in Revolution of the Daleks where Yaz spends almost a whole year relentlessly searching for the Doctor. With the whole episode showing how much she missed the Doctor, and how much it hurt to lose her. That episode itself is such a vital moment for their relationship, especially with Yaz staying on.
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Then in Praxeus, on the side of the Doctor, we see Yaz's independence in the field becoming a notable point of conflict, showing an increased level of care surrounding her safety.
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Then in Series 13, feelings develop on both sides, with the Doctor's past acting as a weight on her shoulders, making her cold and distant. Once she moves past that, the feelings become more and more clear for both of them, but especially the 13th Doctor.
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Then in the 2022 specials, the reciprocated feelings come to ahead. The Doctor says she can't pursue it due to the nature of her life. They are shown to still greatly care for each other, even when the doctor regenerates with the mutual acknowledgment of their time coming to it's end.
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So yeah, I think overall the progression of their relationship is really natural and realistic. And the way it moves forwards worked really well for me. I think their ending worked really well.
Disclaimer: If anything I said came off as ignorant please let me know so that I can do better and apologise, as my #1 priority for this account is creating a safe-place for fans to share our love of this show.
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doctorwhohugh · 1 year
How long Flux was for the Doctor
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Of course this is an estimate based on the script, the plot details, and basic guess-work.
Episode 1: 1 Day
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According to the script, the first we see of Yaz and the Doctor after the opening, its 12:50. Then the final scene takes place the next day at 12:07. So lets say roughly 1 day (multiple times they have issues with the TARDIS).
Episode 2: 1 Days 6 Hours
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Day 1 - They arrive, Yaz and Dan disapeer, Mary and the Doctor follow Svild back to the base.
Day 2 - The Doctor meets with Skaak, the battle occurs, and at the end of that day they blow up the ships, the Doctor gets Dan and they go to Atropos
Episode 3: 3 hours 3 minutes
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According to the script, on Atropos they spend 1 hour 22 minutes on Time. Then an 8 minute trip to Vinder's home. Then 1 hour 33 minutes in the TARDIS before the Angel jumps out of Yaz's phone. In this hour the Doctor records the hologram for Yaz.
Episode 4: 43 Minutes
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Its essentially a siege story in Jericho's basement, and the script suggests around 43 minutes. Probably one of the few episodes to be more-or-less in real time for her.
Episode 5: 5 hours.
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That is at Division though, and she might've spent more time in the weeping angel form.
Episode 6: 3 hours
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Roughly 1/5 of this episode the Doctors are one. For the rest of the episode, the Doctor experianced 3 different memories at once, so that is 48x3=144 minutes, so about 2 hours 24 minutes. But there is a small time skip, so lets round up to 3 hours
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So at a minimum (it is likely more given multiple time skips, and the inevitable adventure taking place in between moments like when they go from Atropos to Medderton, or while the Doctor is an Angel)...
Flux for the Doctor takes place over 66 hours (rounded up). 66 hours no sleep or rest where she experiences a doomsday event, becoming a weeping angel, meeting a past companion, discovering more mysteries surrounding herself, meets her abusive adoptive mother, and eventually growing as a person by moving on from all that grief.
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doctorwhohugh · 1 year
If this is my last post on tumblr, you’re gonna goddamn like it.
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doctorwhohugh · 2 years
Doctor Who Series 9-13
Series 9 is a bit different than other series'. It has 4 two parters, 1 standalone episode, and a 3 part finale. It is much more of a character based arc for the Doctor, and is honestly one of my favourite series of the whole show cause of how new it felt. Episodes 3/4, 7/8, 10/11/12 in particular were fantastic. The two following specials were fantastic.
Series 10 is also brilliant, it's got a less traditional story arc but is kind of brilliant in a way. The only episode I didn't love was 'Empress of Mars ', which was still really great. The final 2 episodes of Series 10 are some of the best episodes Doctor Who has ever aired and makes me cry every time. The FINAL Capaldi episode is pretty good. Not AMAZING, but the final 20 minutes make me so damn emotional cause of how well it's executed.
Series 11 is very experimental, it's got 10 seperate episodes, all single stories that look at many different moments and people in history, while have a very classic esque feel to it. For example, an episode has giant spiders made from pollution which is direct from the Pertwee era. It's kind of a you love it or hate it kind of feel, but consistantly Jodie is fantastic. There are 3 companions, 2 of which are focused on more than the 3rd, although you do get some great moments with her.
Then there is the first New Years Special, 'Resolution' which is an absolute banger.
Series 12 is a return to form so to speak. an opening 2 parter, 2 standalone stories, a middle episode connecting to the overall story, 2 standalone stories, and a 3 parter. It kind of flips everything on it's head by the end, changing the way you see the show and kind of being a meta-commentary on a certain trope (essentially unpacking how a certain status is subjective as to who you ask.
The second New Years Special 'Revolution of the Daleks ' was also fantastic. It felt like a movie that had been squashed to be 75 minutes, but it was still an awesome episode that sets up the next series well, while playing off what was established and focused on in Series 12
Series 13 was a major change, being a 6 part serial called 'Flux' with a ton of characters and returning villains. It continues the story of series 12, and is IMO the best series of Doctor Who. Many disagree and that's fair of course. After that it has 3 specials, the first is 'Eve of the Daleks ' , the 2022 New Years Special, which is brilliant. The Second is 'Legend of the Sea Devils ' the 2022 "Easter Special" (it wasn't really, just came out on Easter) which is kind of a mess due to the editing, but an enjoyable mess IMO. And the third is the BBC Centenary Special 'The Power of the Doctor' which is my favourite episode of all time. It was 90 minutes and the kind of episode I wish was shown in a theatre.
You can tell which era I love, but I just thought I'd give a rundown on my thoughts for the latest few series (which are ironically the episodes I watched live as a fan, also Series 8, Time and Day of the Doctor too lol.
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doctorwhohugh · 2 years
Regarding that 'Doom's Day' teaser - a theory about the times shown
So, just thought I'd post this here... not a theory, but an interesting thing to note..
the times shown were: 9:20 9:25 9:30 9:35 10:40 or 9:40 (too close to tell) 10:45 10:50 10:55 11:00
Add the two numbers together and rearrange them to be in ascending from smallest to lowest (make 10:40 or 9:40 the average between the numbers, example below for what I mean about the others: 11+0=11 9+20=29 9+25=34 9+30=39 and so on
That results in this number sequence "18, 5, 5, 5, 5.5, 5.5, 5, 5", which is a simple 18 away from completing the sequence and being a palindrome. This would mean that you would have to have 83 as the final number (so 83-68 + 18), which seems like a strange number, until you see that the release date for the audiobook on amazon is August 3rd, aka the 8th month and 3rd day, 83.
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Could this just be the utterings of a madman? Almost certainly, but thought I'd share my theory on this
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doctorwhohugh · 2 years
Which Reincarnation of the doctor was the kindest?
It depends on whether we are talking about specific parts of the Doctor's era, or their entire run as a whole.
I instantly went to say the 13th Doctor (kind of biased as she is my all-time favourite incarnation). As in series 11 especially she was full of joy and hope. We saw her giving her enemies as many chances as she could before it became more about saving her friends. Then Series 12 happens, her entire grasp of reality is destroyed, and all that fades away. It returns at the end of Flux once she deals with her inner demons before somewhat returning in Eve of the Daleks out of fear for Yaz and Dan's lives, but the point of that is to show that she is making an effort to change (stopping Yaz as she walks away after she snaps at her to tell her that she's sorry and is just trying to keep everyone safe), which I really liked. In both Legend of the Sea Devils she was back to her series 11 self-again, still at times assertive, but not in a way that made others feel bad (e.g. telling Yaz to take the gun), which is the key difference here, how their actions, whether good intentioned or not, hurt others in any way (emotionally or physically).
Accidental unfortunate connotations don't count FYI. My point is that for the first series her first priority was how others felt, the wellbeing of others, offering second chances and giving people the chance to change. But if we're talking about strictly the whole era, all the New Who Doctor's are eliminated, instantly, I don't know much about the 3rd Doctor, 1st and 6th Doctors were almost always at least 20% cranky and 30% argumentative. The 7th Doctor was funny, and charismatic but is infamously manipulative. That leaves the 2nd Doctor who was almost always gleeful, never really grouchy, and none of his companions died either which is always a plus.
So, specific series'? 13th Doctor, Series 11 (and Legend of the Sea Devils and The Power of the Doctor)Overall Era as the Doctor? 2nd Doctor, seasons 4-6.
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doctorwhohugh · 2 years
That Lady Luck sequence in the newest episode
I gotta say, while the latest episode wasn't as great as episodes 1-5 in my opinion, the Lady Luck sequence was hilariously executed. I'm kind of a sucker for villains/heroes casually walking as everything around them goes chaotic, like Lex Luther walking through his courtyard as explosions go off with 'Eine Kleine Nachtmusik' playing in the background, or back in season 4 as DeVoe (ironically using Becky's powers amongst the others) just waltzed into that prison to Handel's 'Messiah'.
So I was really glad to see another scene like that in the final season
edit: "while the latest episode wasn't as great as episodes 1-5" +" in my opinion"
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doctorwhohugh · 2 years
Spin-off title idea: Heatwave and Captain cOld
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doctorwhohugh · 2 years
The Flash S9E4 thoughts
IDK what it was but Javicia's delivery worked really well to me. It was the moment I knew, shit was about to go down.
Also loved that key moment when she goes "DAMN RIGHT I WANT TO KILL HIM".
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doctorwhohugh · 2 years
Theory about what season 9 is setting up - Flash vanishes in Crisis, just not the one we thought... *heavy spoilers*
So I was watching the new episode, when I noticed something very interesting.
With Red Death's city-wide blackout still in play, the skies are notably red, very similar to Crisis
Wayne Enterprises is a central focus with Red Death in play, but also Luke Fox (who I hope will make an appearance)
It has been confirmed that Oliver Queen is coming back as the Green Arrow, which also brings back the possibility of a Queen Consolidated revival
Matt Letscher's Eobard Thawne is returning, the original Reverse-Flash.
Episodes 10 and 11 are titled "A New World Part 1" and of course Part 2, Part 2 airs on 26th April 2023, almost exactly 1 year before 25th April 2024, the day that the Flash is meant to vanish in Crisis.
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So... my theory, is that episodes 10 and 11 will end the Red Death plot-line with Oliver and Wally returning too, before jumping forward a year to 2024, where we see the Flash vanish in a crisis in the penultimate episode, with the final episode showing Barry returning as Barry Allen, but without his speed... ending with a slight spark to suggest that he may still have a connection to the speed-force.
Flash vanishes in a crisis (just not the one we thought), the red skies part, Oliver merges Wayne Tech with Queen Consolidated (which in the year between 2023 and 2024 has made a comeback) with Wayne Enterprises (due to maybe Ryan dying, or hanging up the cowl), and Barry and Iris move into Nora and Henry's old home.
IDK, a lot of this is just speculation, but my main point about those 5 key details I think gives it a bit of merrit. Also, seeing Danielle Nicolet post a photo of the empty Star Labs? Made me tear up a bit. Can't believe this show is coming to an end.
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doctorwhohugh · 2 years
Interesting thing I noticed in Can You Hear Me?
The Doctor's biggest fear, is that in some way, she and Tecteun are alike. A fear that is focused on in Flux's latter half (with Tecteun comparing the two of them and their 'experiments' (Tecteun's being the universe, the Doctor's being her companions)
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It's way too similar of a shot to be simply another tease for the finale. I'm referring to the subtext, what the scene tells the viewer through framing and positioning of the character.
I'd say her past began to appear more and more present in her subconscious as the first two series progressed. In 'The Ghost Monument' she is made aware of it for the first time, in Spyfall Part 2 we get the first glimpse of her past, then in Fugitive of the Judoon it becomes more present in her conscious mind, the questions she has surrounding it, by Can You Hear Me? that subconscious fear that was unlocked by 'The Ghost Monument' - 'Fugitive of the Judoon' is shown through this scene here.
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