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You can't say this is not cute...
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“If animals could speak, the dog would be a blundering outspoken fellow; but the cat would have the rare grace of never saying a word too much.”
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Dogs do speak, but only to those who know how to listen.
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How To Stop Your Dog From Jumping On Guests
Dogs jumping on guests can be a frustrating and embarrassing behavior for pet owners. However, it is a common problem that can be corrected with proper training and consistency. Here are some tips on how to stop your dog from jumping on guests:
Teach your dog the "Sit" command: Teaching your dog to sit on command is an essential step in preventing jumping. When a guest comes to your door, have your dog sit and stay before opening the door. This will prevent them from jumping up as soon as the guest enters.
Keep your dog on a leash: When guests come over, keep your dog on a leash until they have settled down and are calm. This will prevent them from jumping on guests as soon as they enter the house.
Reward calm behavior: Reward your dog with praise and treats when they are calm and not jumping on guests. This will reinforce the desired behavior and help them learn what is expected of them.
Use distractions: If your dog starts to jump on guests, use a toy or treat to distract them and redirect their attention. This will help them focus on something else and stop the jumping behavior.
Consistency is key: It is important to be consistent with your training and to consistently correct any jumping behavior. This will help your dog learn what is expected of them and will make it easier to stop the jumping behavior in the long term.
Keep guests informed: Let your guest know in advance that your dog may jump on them and give them the option to pet your dog or not. If your guest petting your dog is the main trigger for jumping, it is better to avoid the situation in the first place.
Excercise your dog: Make sure your dog is getting enough exercise before guests arrive. A tired dog is less likely to jump on guests.
By following these tips and being consistent with your training, you can teach your dog to stop jumping on guests and make them a well-behaved and welcome addition to your home.
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