doghausmtl · 4 years
Living With Pets During COVID-19
There’s no other way to put it: COVID-19 is changing our lives and bringing our sense of what’s normal to a standstill. But for those of us with pets, we can’t stop our caregiving and treat-dispensing. Thankfully many infectious disease experts, including domestic and international animal and health organizations, agree that there’s no evidence to suggest that our pets can become ill with COVID-19 and/or transmit the virus to other animals or humans. [1-5]
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But does that mean that the virus can’t be spread through our pets at all? Not quite.
COVID-19 is spread through droplets of saliva or mucus expelled from the coughs, sneezes, or even speech of someone who is infected with the virus [1,2]. But it can also be picked up from touching your face (primarily the mouth, nose, eyes) after having touched a contaminated surface [1]. 
Smooth surfaces such as bowls or toys allow for easier transmission of COVID-19 compared to rough and fibrous surfaces such as pet fur, because fibrous materials act as a minor barrier that absorbs and traps the virus [1]. This pseudo-barrier makes it more difficult to transmit the virus through touch, but keep in mind that dander and hair particles can still scatter when a pet shakes or self-grooms. 
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Ultimately, all animals can carry germs that have the possibility of making people sick, so it’s always a good idea to practice healthy habits around our pets [3]! If you’re not ill or showing any symptoms of COVID-19, proper hygienic etiquette can still involve: 
washing your hands before and after play
making sure your pet is well-groomed
regularly sanitizing food and water bowls
keeping your pet’s beds and toys clean
being mindful of social distancing during walks or potty breaks
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However, if you’re showing symptoms of COVID-19, it’s important to keep precautionary measures in place to limit any risk of transmission through our pets, on top of following advice from medical professionals: 
Ask a household member to care for your animals if you’re unwell. If this isn’t possible, always wash your hands before and after touching your animals, their food, and their supplies. 
Don’t cough or sneeze on your animals. In general, cough or sneeze into your bent elbow.
Remain indoors if you’re feeling symptomatic. There are plenty of great indoor distractions for your dogs and cats during this time inside: check out our blogs on environmental enrichment and indoor boredom busters for inspiration!
Practice proper food handling. Although there’s no evidence to suggest that food is a source or route of transmission, prevention is key! So focus on hand washing and avoid cross-contamination while preparing and handling food. This also means not sharing food with your pet.
Practice good overall hygiene. Avoid touching your mouth, nose, and eyes when interacting with your animals, and wash your hands for 20 seconds with soap and warm water before and after playing.
Limit close contact with your pets as much as you can. This can be difficult, but try not to snuggle or kiss your pets for the time being, and don’t let them lick you or sleep on your bed. 
Ask an expert! If you feel any uncertainty, contact a veterinarian or local pet specialist for up-to-date advice. 
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And remember, pets contribute to our overall happiness and wellbeing, especially in times of stress [4]! If you’re feeling unaffected by viral symptoms and aren’t self-isolating, taking walks with your dog or otherwise spending quality time with your pets can contribute to keeping you both happy and healthy [4].
Stay safe and think of happy times!
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1. American Veterinary Medical Association. COVID-19 What veterinarians need to know. 22 March 2020, https://www.avma.org/resources-tools/animal-health-and-welfare/covid-19
2. World Health Organization: Health Emergencies Preparedness and Response. Q&A on coronaviruses (COVID-19). 9 March 2020, https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/q-a-coronaviruses
3. CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. Coronavirus disease 2019: Animals and coronavirus disease (COVID-19). 16 March 2020, https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prepare/animals.html 
4. Government of Canada. Latest CFIA information for consumers on food and animal health - COVID-19. 22 March 2020, https://www.inspection.gc.ca/covid-19/questions-and-answers/eng/1584648921808/1584648922156
5. Government of Canada. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Prevention and risks. 23 March 2020. Accessed 24 March 2020, https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection/prevention-risks.html?topic=tilelink
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doghausmtl · 5 years
Döghaus’ Guide to Winter Boots
With the arrival of winter comes snow, ice, salt, and temperatures too low to mention. But who better to know the harshness of our winters - and the importance of the right pair of boots - than our four-legged dogs who live so close to the ground?
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Whether you and your dog prefer to live the winter months tucked cozily away indoors or headed outdoors at the first sign of snow, a good pair of winter boots has become necessary for the modern, city-living canine. 
And so we’ve compiled a list of our recommended dog boots to help walk you through the many options available, from all-natural creams to no-nonsense boots!
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Jasper sporting a very fashionable - and very invisible - paw balm!
Paw Balms
There’s nothing more flustering than wrangling your pup into a set of boots before a walk - for the third time that day. Luckily, boots aren’t the only option on our list, and paw balms might be the relief you and your dog have been looking for. Simply rub onto your dog’s pads and between their toes, and they’re good to go!
Easy to apply
Moisturizes your dog’s paws (necessary during dry winters)
100% natural and safe
Can’t ever lose a pair!
Don’t protect again the cold 
Don’t protect against salt or rough surfaces
Will need to be reapplied on long outings
Can remain on dog’s paws if not wiped off and can leave residue on floors
Who they’re best for: Dogs who like to frolic in the snow (and who have lost one too many boots in deep snow…) and dogs who aren’t prone to getting cold feet. Paw balms also work best in conditions without salt where dogs still benefit from the traction that their feet naturally afford, like in skiing or hiking on packed-down snow trails. 
Paw balms we recommend:
100% Natural Invisible Boot
Define Planet Soothe n’ Shield Paw Balm
kin+kind Dog and Cat Moisturizer 
Natural Dog Company Paw Soother Stick 
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Pawz Rubber Dog Boots
Rubber Socks
Unlike the stiff rain boots that come to mind when we think of rubber boots, our most popular rubber dog boots are highly malleable and give our pups the perfect balance of comfort and protection against salt and other abrasive substances. These are a staple for many a Döghaus dog!
Comfortable and lightweight 
Allow unimpeded natural movement 
Have a flexible shape that fits a wide range of sizes and shapes
Although disposable, some are made from natural rubber and are 100% biodegradable
Not durable
Can be difficult to put on (it gets easier with practice!)
Some varieties break very easily
Don’t protect against the cold
Can pinch and stick to fur
Some varieties are not very breathable 
Have reduced traction on icy and vertical surfaces
Who they’re best for: Dogs out on the town, especially in heavily salted areas. However, these can easily be worn throughout the year to help keep paws clean, prevent nails from scratching floors, and are often recommended in medical situations. 
Rubber boots we recommend:
foufou dog Rubber-Dipped Socks
Pawz Rubber Dog Boots
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Muttluk’s Original Fleece-Lined Dog Boots
Soft-Shell Boots
For all around performance for the typical dog, soft-shell dog boots are a classic of Canadian winters. They’re versatile enough to suit a trip to the countryside and a visit to Döghaus in one day, and don’t break your budget. There’s no surprise as to why they’re one of the most popular types of boots out there!
All-purpose boots
Comfortable (once gotten used to!)
Allow the foot to breathe
Allow ease of movement
Can be difficult to keep on feet, especially in snowy conditions
Don’t always provide the best traction 
Typically not waterproof or water resistant 
Can be a hassle to put on
Who they’re best for: Dogs who like to engage in a wide range of activities, but like to keep the same pair of boots on. Great for walks, trips to the store, or a quick visit to the dog park. These fit best on dogs with wider paws, like Labs and Goldens.
Soft-shell boots we recommend:
Muttluks Original Fleece-Lined Dog Boots
RC Pet Strider Boots
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Ruffwear’s Polar Trex Dog Boots
Rubber-Soled Boots
For dogs who are looking to protect their feet against the harsh elements of winter, heavy duty boots are the answer. With more dogs living in climates where ice, salt, and deep snow are ever-present during the winter months, rubber-soled boots are becoming more popular than ever before - and for good reason.
Very durable 
Easy to put on and take off
Waterproof sole
Stay on feet
Protect against cold
Protect against salt, abrasive substances, and rough surfaces
Bigger investment
Heavier on the feet than most dogs are used to (might require some getting used to)
Some varieties are stiff in movement
May fit some shapes of paw better than others
Can be time-consuming to put on
Who they’re best for: Dogs on adventures where traction, warmth, and protection against harsh or cold surfaces are a must. However, these are equally recommended for dogs who are sensitive to winter climates and need all the protection they can get, and for those who like to play long and hard and need boots that keep up with them.
Rubber-soled boots we recommend:
Canine Equipment Ultimate Trail Boot
Muttluks Snow Mushers
Ruffwear Polar Trex Dog Boots
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Whether you’re using disposable boots or rubber-soled boots or anything in between, there are always a few ways to help prolong the life of your boot and ensure that your dog is comfortable wearing them. 
Trim your dog’s nails. There are few things as irritating as having a long nail causing unnecessary pressure on your foot, but trimming your dog's nails can also limit extra wear and tear on the boot’s interior. This is especially true for rubber boots where, in cold temperatures, long nails can puncture the thin material. 
Avoid walking in heavily salted areas. Although not always possible, try limiting the boot’s exposure to salt and other abrasive substances used on sidewalks and roads. This can include walking on quieter streets or in parks, rather than on busy streets. 
Clean your boots. After a walk or at the end of the day, simply wipe off excess grime with a damp or dry towel. Just like with our own boots, cleaning built up salt and dirt can help limit exterior wear and tear. 
If you’d like more information on any of the boots mentioned here or would like some help finding the right style and fit for your dog, come visit us at the store! We’re happy to reward your dog’s clunky first steps in winter boots and show you all the tricks we’ve learned over the years on how to make putting on boots as stress-free as possible. 
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doghausmtl · 5 years
The 5 Best Supplements for Raw Fed Cats
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Many cat parents have made or are making the switch to a raw food diet for the multitude of benefits it provides. Raw fed cats have lower rates of chronic illnesses, better dental, digestive, and urinary health, healthier skin and coat (and fewer hairballs!), and have better overall emotional and mental health. Much of this is made possible because raw food doesn’t preserve or process any of the whole foods that go into it - steps that may ensure longer shelf life but that strip away nutrition at its source.
But does that mean that raw fed cats don’t require any supplements to their diets? 
We don’t think so, and for two main reasons:
Some ingredients don’t freeze or dehydrate well, so adding them as fresh ingredients is essential for unlocking their nutritional potential and providing your cat with a complete diet.
Supplementing, whether by adding fresh ingredients or appropriate supplements, is a way of individualizing your cat’s food to fit their precise dietary, lifestyle, and wellness needs.
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Like with any diet, make sure that you’re feeding a nutritionally balanced food that’s made from reliably sourced ingredients. In this blog, we’re using Formule Raw’s frozen chicken & mackerel formula. This recipe is made from 100% antibiotic- and hormone-free chicken and mackerel, and is nutritionally balanced for all breeds, sizes, and ages of cats. Even our pickiest eaters love this!
So let’s take a look at our favourite supplements that will boost the nutritional availability of any raw food diet:
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Happy Days Raw Fermented Goat Milk is easy to feed and looks so delicious that we could almost drink it!
1. Probiotics: Goat Milk
Unlike the store-bought cow milk that so many of us are accustomed to, goat milk is more easily digestible and less likely to cause an allergic reaction, thanks to low quantities of a number of proteins found in cow milk that have been linked to allergies. Raw goat milk, which preserves many of its naturally-occurring nutrients, also contains lactase enzymes. This means that even those with lactose intolerance - including cats - can digest goat milk without any issues.
Goat milk is often considered one of the most complete sources of nutrition available. It contains a balanced source of protein, electrolytes, trace elements, digestive enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids, making it a powerhouse of highly digestible nutrition. Raw goat milk that has been fermented - a process that preserves the natural microorganisms within - contains over 200 probiotics that boost digestive function and immune support. And as we’re coming to find out, your cat’s digestive system plays a huge role not only in their overall health, but in their emotional and mental health, as well.
Best of all, this supplement is suitable for daily use, especially for maintenance of chronic issues such as poor digestion and even liver and kidney disease. Or simply add it as a probiotic boost! It’s also great for enticing picky cats to drink more liquids.
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Bonnie & Clyde’s Wild Omega-3 Fish Oil uses sustainably caught wild sardines, anchovies, and mackerel, and doesn’t have any funky fish smell!
2. Essential Fatty Acids: Fish Oil
Fish oil is generally made from fat that’s extracted from fish tissue, but can also be made from the livers of some fish - think cod liver oil. It’s most known for being rich in omega-3 fatty acids, including EPA and DHA, that are more potent than those found in plant-based sources. A healthy ratio of omega-3s has been linked to healthy growth and maintenance of your cat’s heart, brain, eyes, skin, and even has anti-inflammatory properties. It’s an all-around powerful supplement for mobility and overall health, particularly for aging cats.
However, fish oil degrades quickly and doesn’t freeze well, so serving it fresh - preferably right before a meal - is the best way to provide its benefits to your cat. Alternatively, both hemp seed oil and flax seed oil contain a comparable amount of essential fatty acids and are just as beneficial when added to a raw food diet.
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Cranimals is packed full of so many good things that we should all be supplementing our diets with it!
3. Phytonutrients: Fresh Cranberries
Cats are obligate carnivores, meaning that they require meat to survive, let alone thrive; anything else is optional. However, supplementing a diet with select vegetables and fruits can boost your cat’s wellbeing in ways that would otherwise be difficult in a purely meat-based diet.
Phytonutrients found in fresh greens help provide and can even accentuate many of the vitamins, minerals, fibre, and antioxidants that may be otherwise unavailable to a cat in their diet. Barley grass, sweet grass, wheat grass, and oat grass can even help provide the necessary fibre for cats to manage hairballs, and grass left out for them can add a source of enrichment that’ll keep them away from houseplants.
But as cats are notoriously prone to both Urinary Tract Infections and Urinary Crystals, the addition of select fruits and vegetables can make a big difference. Cranberries, for example, are not beneficial for their urinary tract health but for dental health as well. Cranberries are also packed full of fibre and vitamin C, and have one of the highest concentrations of antioxidants found in any fruit or vegetable - which make them great for fighting chronic illnesses and inflammation. 
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Fresh, organic eggs are a meal upon themselves for a cat.
4. Eggs
Whole, fresh eggs are one of the most balanced and bioavailable sources of additional nutrition you can provide your cat, no matter what else they’re eating. Eggs are inexpensive and delicious, but don’t shy away from those that are pasture-raised and organic - you are what you eat, after all, and pasture-raised chickens lay eggs that have a higher nutritional value than conventional eggs, with higher levels of protein, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and even fatty acids.
Eggs can be fed raw or soft-boiled, and are great as added protein after a long day. As an added enrichment, raw, pasture-laid eggs can be fed whole, as the shell and membrane contain healthy amounts of calcium and phosphorous, as well as other minerals and proteins that play a role in maintaining good bone and joint health. 
And for our tiny cats out there, chicken eggs can easily be substituted with quail eggs!
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RawPaw’s Green Lipped Mussel powder is made fresh from whole New Zealand mussels.
5. Green Lipped Mussel
Green Lipped Mussels (GLMs), or New Zealand mussels are a type of shellfish found only along the coasts of New Zealand. What set these small, green-streaked mussels apart from many other sustainable food sources are the extraordinary health benefits they possess: even in a powdered extract form, GLMs contain very high concentrations of Omega-3s, which, as said before, play a role in heart and brain health.
Most importantly, GLMs contain high quantities of glucosamine and chondroitin. Both of these not only reduce inflammation and discomfort from regular wear and tear or from degenerative inflammatory conditions like arthritis, but also help build and maintain healthy cartilage and bone, making GLM a safe and highly accessible form of pain and inflammation management for aging cats. Best of all, this powerful supplement has no known side-effects!
Green Lipped Mussel powder can be fed as a topping to food, mixed into liquids, or even fed as ice cubes.
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Supplementing a cat’s raw food diet doesn’t have to be hard, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t incredibly beneficial. Every cat can at the very least benefit from the addition of probiotics, essential fatty acids, and phytonutrients to help to promote a healthy body and mind.
Because every cat is unique, differences in breed, size, age, personal history, and even dietary preferences will influence what kinds of supplements will be the most beneficial for them. So if you’ve been inspired by any of the supplements here and you’re curious about what you could be adding to your cat’s diet, come visit us at the store! We always get really excited when someone asks us about supplements!
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doghausmtl · 5 years
The 7 Best Supplements for Your Dog’s Raw Diet
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Many dog parents have made or are making the switch to raw food diet for the multitude of benefits it provides: fresh breath and clean teeth, healthier skin and coat, better emotional and mental health, and better digestion. Much of this is made possible because raw food doesn’t preserve or process any of the whole foods that go into it - processes that may ensure longer shelf life but that strip away nutrition at its source.
But does feeding fresh, raw food mean that adding supplements or other fresh foods is no longer necessary?
We don’t think so, and for two main reasons:
Some ingredients don’t freeze or dehydrate well, so adding them as fresh ingredients is essential for unlocking their nutritional potential and providing your dog a complete diet.
Supplementing, whether by adding fresh ingredients or appropriate supplements, is a way of individualizing your dog’s food to fit their precise dietary, lifestyle, and wellness needs.
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Like with any diet, make sure that you’re feeding a nutritionally balanced food that's made from reliably sourced ingredients. In this blog, we’re using Formule Raw’s frozen beef formula. This raw recipe is made from 90% antibiotic- and hormone-free beef, 10% fruits and vegetables, and is nutritionally balanced for all breeds and ages of dogs. Not to mention: dogs love it!
So let’s take a look at our favourite supplements that will boost the nutritional availability of any raw food diet:
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Happy Days Raw Fermented Goat Milk is easy to feed and looks so delicious that we could almost drink it!
1. Goat milk
Unlike the store-bought cow milk that so many of us are accustomed to, goat milk is more easily digestible and less likely to cause an allergic reaction, thanks to low quantities of a number of proteins found in cow milk that have been linked to allergies. Raw goat milk, which preserves many of its naturally-occurring nutrients, also contains lactase enzymes. This means that even those with lactose intolerance - including dogs - can digest goat milk without any issues. 
Goat milk is often considered one of the most complete sources of nutrition available. It contains a balanced source of protein, electrolytes, trace elements, digestive enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids, making it a powerhouse of highly digestible nutrition. Raw goat milk that has been fermented - a process that preserves the natural microorganisms within - contains over 200 probiotics that boost digestive function and immune support. And as we’re coming to find out, your dog’s digestive system plays a huge role not only in their overall health, but in their emotional and mental health, as well.
Best of all, this supplement is suitable for daily use, especially for maintenance of chronic issues such as poor digestion and even liver and kidney disease; or simply add it as a probiotic boost! 
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The Honest Kitchen’s Beef Bone Broth comes in a powdered form, but can easily be rehydrated and even made into delicious frozen treats!
2. Bone Broth
Bone broth is made by taking bones, especially collagen-dense bones and tissues around the joints, and simmering them in water and an acid (like vinegar) for 24 hours or more. This long process helps to draw out all the beneficial nutrition found in the bones themselves and make them easily digestible. 
You’ve probably already heard of bone broth, as it has become somewhat of a celebrity in the health food world - but for good reason. Full of minerals, bone broth contains a number of compounds that help protect and heal joints, particularly glucosamine, chondroitin, and hyaluronic acid. 
And with the addition of turmeric in The Honest Kicthen’s Beef Bone Broth, which acts as a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, bone broth also makes for a restorative supplement for digestive upsets. It’s ideal for a dog who’s feeling under the weather, or as an intermittent supplement for a dog who needs an extra spring in his step.
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Fresh blueberries and a spoonful of veggie and fruit mix - puréed cranberries, broccoli, raspberries, and ground flax seeds. 
3. Fresh Greens
Dogs are facultative carnivores, meaning that they can survive on vegetarian diets, but thrive as meat-eaters. The amount of fresh fruits and vegetables you give to your dog is entirely up to you and your dog’s individual needs. But no matter the quantity, fresh greens help provide and can even accentuate many of the vitamins, minerals, fibre, and antioxidants otherwise unavailable to dogs in a purely meat-based diet. 
So selecting greens that compliment your dog’s dietary requirements is key. Some of these include: blueberries, raspberries, cranberries, strawberries, pumpkin, broccoli, kale, spinach, kelp, and various microgreens. Blueberries, for example, contain manganese, a trace mineral that helps metabolism protein and carbohydratess, whereas strawberries can even help whiten your dog’s teeth!
But because fruits are a natural source of sugar, avoid feeding excessive amounts. And because not all dogs will take to eating whole fruits or vegetables, nor is it always feasible for them to easily digest them, blending (and freezing) greens is a painless way of providing a green boost to your dog’s health.
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Fresh, organic eggs cracked open and ready to be slurped up!
4. Eggs
No matter what diet you feed your dog, whole, fresh eggs are one of the most balanced and bioavailable sources of additional nutrition you can provide. They’re inexpensive and delicious, but don’t shy away from pasture-raised and organic eggs - you are what you eat, after all, and pasture-raised chickens lay eggs that have a higher nutritional value than conventional eggs, with higher levels of protein, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and even fatty acids. 
Eggs can be fed raw or soft-boiled, and are great as added protein after a long or active day. As an added enrichment, raw, pasture-laid eggs can be fed whole, as the shell and membrane contain healthy amounts of calcium and phosphorous, as well as other minerals and proteins that play a role in maintaining good bone and joint health. 
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Bonnie & Clyde’s Wild Omega-3 Fish Oil uses sustainably caught wild sardines, anchovies, and mackerel, and doesn’t have any funky fish smell!
5. Fish Oil
Fish oil is generally made from fat that’s extracted from fish tissue, but can also be made from the livers of some fish - think cod liver oil. It's most known for being rich in omega-3 fatty acids, including EPA and DHA, that are more potent than those found in plant-based sources. A healthy ratio of omega-3s has been linked to healthy growth and maintenance of your dog’s heart, brain, eyes, skin, and even has anti-inflammatory properties. It’s an all-around powerful supplement for mobility and overall health, particularly for aging dogs.
However, fish oil degrades quickly and doesn’t freeze well, so serving it fresh, preferably right before a meal, is the best way to provide its benefits to your dog. Alternatively, both hemp seed oil and flax seed oil contain a comparable amount of essential fatty acids and are just as beneficial when added to a raw food diet.
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Raw honey from your local beekeeper works best!
6. Raw honey
A true product of its local environment, honey is made from the nectar of flowering plants, which is then further broken down in the beehive. Raw, unpasteurized, and unfiltered honey is exactly as you would find it in the hive itself. Pasteurization and filtration may make the honey smoother and give it a longer shelf life, but they ultimately strip away the most nutritious aspects of honey: its many important antioxidants and local pollen.
Antioxidants help protect your dog’s cells against free radicals, which play a role in heart disease, cancer, and some chronic illnesses. But pollen? For dogs that suffer from seasonal allergies, exposing them to incremental amounts of local pollen may alleviate their symptoms.
On top of that, honey has a wonderfully sweet flavour that even dogs adore, so it can be added as a topper to any food to entice picky eaters. Certain kinds of raw honey, notably Manuka Honey from Australia and New Zealand, possess antibacterial qualities and can even be used to treat wounds.
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RawPaw’s Green Lipped Mussel powder is made fresh from whole New Zealand mussels.
7. Green Lipped Mussel
Green Lipped Mussels (GLMs), or New Zealand mussels are a type of shellfish found only along the coasts of New Zealand. What set these small, green-streaked mussels apart from many other sustainable food sources are the extraordinary health benefits they possess: even in a powdered extract form, GLMs contain very high concentrations of Omega-3s, which, as said before, play a role in heart and brain health.
Most importantly, GLMs contain high quantities of glucosamine and chondroitin. Both of these not only reduce inflammation and discomfort from regular wear and tear or from degenerative inflammatory conditions like arthritis, but also help build and maintain healthy cartilage and bone - making GLM a safe treatment for joint problems and as a preventative treatment for active dogs. Given that 50% of dogs over the age of eight develop inflammatory joint conditions, GLMs are a highly accessible form of pain and inflammation management. Best of all, this powerful supplement has no known side-effects!
Green Lipped Mussel powder can be fed as a topping to food, mixed into liquids, or even fed as ice cubes.
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Supplementing your dog’s diet doesn’t have to be hard, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t incredibly beneficial. Every dog can at the very least benefit from the addition of probiotics, omega-3 fatty acids, and fresh greens to help to promote a healthy body and mind. 
Because each dog is unique, differences in breed, size, age, personal history, and even dietary preferences will influence what kinds of supplements will be the most beneficial for them. So if you’ve been inspired by any of the supplements here and you’re curious about what you could be adding to your dog’s diet, come visit us at the store! We always get really excited when someone asks us about supplements - even for cats!
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doghausmtl · 5 years
Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know About Grooming At Döghaus
Spring is in the air and along with that comes mud, fur, dirt, and all sorts of messy things! And with summer just around the corner, it’s officially time to book your grooming appointment here at Döghaus!
But have you ever wondered what’s involved in your dog’s Spaw Day? Or how best to prepare for their next appointment, from puppyhood onwards?
Here to help answer some your most frequently asked questions are the wonderful ladies that make up our Döghaus grooming team: Halley, Roxy, Jenny, and Alex. 
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Q: To start off with a big question, what’s involved in grooming dogs?
Halley: For one, Grooming is more than just brushing and bathing. Grooming is an important part of keeping your dog healthy - and it’s not just good for your dog’s physical health: it’s good for their emotional wellbeing, too!
Roxy: That’s true. Pet grooming is a considerable part of the healthcare of your animal. It effectively involves the maintenance of their coat, and the cleaning of their ears, eyes, teeth and nails.
Jenny: And depending on the breed, grooming includes many things. We work with your dogs much like your hair dresser works with you: clipping, scissoring, washing, blow drying, etc. Unlike hairdressers however, our clients do not always understand that grooming is good for them! And they’re very rarely brushed and washed as frequently as us humans - which means a lot more brushing, scrubbing, and trimming. Plus, dogs cannot always understand our directions. Grooming definitely takes a certain understanding between your groomer, dog and yourself.
Q: A lot of people are surprised at the time it takes to groom a dog. Why does it take as long as it does?
Roxy: The length of time grooming a dog depends primarily on the condition of the coat/fur when brought in. When the coat is short, all that is needed is a quick, efficient shampoo, simple blow-dry, ear cleaning and nail clipping, then your pet is good to go!
Jenny: Plus, at Döghaus, dogs are not groomed one at a time from start to finish. The dogs are rotated from prep (brushing and bathing), to drying, and then to finishing (clipping, scissoring, remaining undercoat removal). This allows for breaks for the dog and groomer to avoid long periods of standing or being restrained. 
Halley: This rotation makes for a less stressful grooming experience, for both groomers and dogs, because of the rest periods.
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Q: People with breeds like Doodles or Shih Tzus know that regular grooming is an essential part of their dog’s wellbeing. But is grooming important for breeds like Huskies, Dobermans, or other breeds and breed mixes that don't need their coats cut?
Alex: Grooming is important for maintaining a healthy coat and skin in all breeds. Although grooming may not be required as regularly for a Doberman as it is a Shih Tzu, the fact remains that regular grooming for all breeds is beneficial. Keep in mind that grooming isn’t just about clipping hair and bathing - regular nail trims and ear cleaning are essential in maintaining good health and comfort in your pets.
Roxy: Grooming is essential for all breeds!
Jenny: Double coated breeds greatly benefit from ear cleaning, nail trims and undercoat removal. Bathing for these breeds is not required as frequently (2-4 months) but is still important for skin and hair health, and overall condition. For certain longer-haired and/or double-coated breeds like Golden Retrievers, Spaniels, Setters etc., it’s essential to brush, comb, and trim, otherwise long hairs will become matted and make your pet uncomfortable and dirty. 
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Q: A lot of people mention that their dogs are difficult to groom at home, from trimming nails to giving baths to brushing them regularly. How do you manage it all during a grooming session?
Jenny: We are teachers in your dogs eyes: your dog responds to us differently knowing they are at the grooming salon for a specific reason.
Roxy: And for owners having trouble brushing, bathing or clipping nails at home, we still applaud you for making the effort! But remember: we’ve had years of training and experience and have lots patience and affection, so we manage to have the animals cooperate (even if for a little bit) to help us through.
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Q: Is there a good time or method to start getting a dog involved in the grooming process? 
Jenny: As soon as possible when you get the dog, even at home. 
Roxy: Good point. Animals adapt quickly, especially when introduced to something at a young age. Grooming noises at home can help, as well as propping a puppy on a table or flat surface, gently blowing a hairdryer around them (making sure to not blow directly on the animal), handling the feet and legs (such as lightly massaging the front and back legs, down to their little padded feet and toes). The feet and legs are generally very sensitive areas for animals, so the more they are manipulated with positive reinforcement, the less the dogs will react. We begin our Puppy Intro for puppies under five months of age (involving a shampoo, brush-out, nail clip, eye cleaning, and feet and bum hair trim) to ease their experience into the world of grooming, and introduce them to the big tub, grooming table, blow dryer, and even being brushed - depending on how often that’s done at home.
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Q: For some dogs, being dropped off at an unfamiliar place can be stressful. What can someone do in advance to help their dog feel more comfortable?
Jenny: Bring your dog in for positive, short visits before a full groom, stick to one groomer for consistency, and exercise them before dropping them off.
Roxy: Right, it’s all about giving your dog a chance to get familiarized with where they’re going and what they’re doing.
Q: There are so many grooming styles to choose from, how does someone know what’s the best option for their dog?
Roxy: It’s not always easy to know what style of haircut you would like for your dog! A lot of people look up options online, and check different breeds or dogs with similar coat/fur textures and lengths. Asking the groomer is also beneficial, as sometimes the groomer may even ask questions or suggest options you may not have thought of.
Jenny: Don’t be shy to communicate with your groomer!
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Q: For people on a budget, what are your recommendations for keeping dogs clean and tidy between visits?
Jenny: Shaving or clipping short to extend the time between grooms is what I’d recommend. Learning how to brush, cut nails and clean ears for all breeds at home can also save cost, and we can always help you out there. 
Q: Is there anything people should do in preparation before dropping their dog off for a grooming appointment at Döghaus?
Roxy: We understand that many people who have early grooming appointments are rushing to get to work, but what would help us is if your dog is walked and has had a chance to do their business before arriving.
Jenny: And people can always ask for specific grooming tips or information when making their appointment. The staff is always very helpful.
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Q: What do you wish every dog parent knew about grooming?
Alex: Grooming isn’t only meant to be done by groomers. Pet parents should be doing their part at home on a regular basis, as well. We are always here to help you and can guide you on which tools to use and how to use them. We love your pets and want them to be happy, healthy, and comfortable!
Jenny: That’s true. And I wish every pet parent knew the importance of having their dog groomed frequently for more than just aesthetics. Regular grooming is essential for a healthy and comfortable animal. Every pet parent should and can provide grooming for their pets, even at home. And I wish pet parents knew that it’s not only their groomer’s job to groom their pets, and that any maintenance at home can greatly help us as the groomer and even more importantly help their pets understand and cooperate with us when they’re in for a grooming appointment!
Halley: And regular grooming can make living with your dog so much more pleasant! It helps to reduce dander and shedding, and is an essential process in maintaining good health.
Roxy: We groomers do what we have to do to keep a dog healthy and clean, and so we suggest only what we feel is best for you and your pet. A comfy, clean happy dog tends to get more smooches and cuddles, which helps bond all family members! 
If we haven’t quenched your thirst for knowledge, be sure to read our Grooming FAQ on our website, or check out our grooming page on Instagram @doghausgrooming!
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doghausmtl · 5 years
7 Easy Indoor Boredom Busters
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When the weather dips to uncomfortable lows and the snow never seems to stop falling, we’re not the only ones who start feeling a little restless from spending so much time indoors.
Our cats and dogs still need their mental, emotional, social, and physical needs met, even if they can’t (or won’t) go outside. So we’ve compiled a list of things to do indoors that will fulfill their needs - and keep them happy and cozy, as well!
1. Play!
Dogs and cats are social animals and need emotionally and socially stimulating interactions to feel fulfilled. When their outdoor excursions are cut short because of extreme weather, it’s up to us to fill in the role of other animals and offer them an outlet for their playful and social behaviours. 
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Some playful games that have left us laughing along with our pets include:
hide and seek: while your pet remains in a ‘stay,’ hide somewhere and call them once you’re ready (behind a door, in a closet - somewhere out of direct eyesight)
tug of war: let your pet hold a toy in their mouth while you grab on to the other end, and keep pulling until someone wins!
fetch or soccer: toss something for your cat or dog to bring back, or simply see if your pet can catch what you're rolling on the floor
tag: some pets don’t know or care what this one is about, but some of them love to be chased - or to chase you themselves! 
fishing pole: with your cat or dog’s toy on a string attached to the end of a stick, jerk the toy back and forth to elicit some hunting behaviours
2. Brain games
Engaging your dog’s or cat’s brain doesn’t have to be as complicated as it may sound: it all comes down to fulfilling their mental needs by providing new experiences, objects, places, and sensations - as we mentioned in our environmental enrichment blog.
Try challenging your pets by encouraging them to use their head and even their senses:
interactive puzzle toys: toys or puzzle boards (like those from Nina Ottoson) give your pets something to think about 
let them sniff new objects: after bringing home groceries, packages, etc. let your pet’s curiosity guide them! Or, just leave a box on the floor; that usually does the trick.
find hidden objects or treats: while your cat or dog waits, hide toys or treats in another room or out of sight, then release them and let them find their hidden treasures
play the cup game: place a toy or treat under a cup, next to a few other of the same type, switch the cups around, and see if your pet can guess where their reward went!
snuffle mats: in a shaggy carpet or specialized snuffle mat, hide treats and let your dog or cat “snuff” them out
3. Make meals fun
Mealtime comes around every day at least once, so why not take advantage of that and turn it into an activity? Offering engagement during meals will not only slow down those cats and dogs who inhale their food in one fell swoop, but may also reinvigorate a picky dog’s or cat’s interest. Best of all, these enriching meals will tire your pets out far faster than feeding them directly out of a bowl.
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Doc & Phoebe’s Indoor Hunting Feeder stimulates your cat’s natural hunting needs!
Here are some easy ways to extend mealtime:
use slow feeders or food-dispensing toys: a Kong Wobbler or even a bowl with a few tennis balls placed on top of the food should do the trick
have your pets train for their meals: practice a few cues to slow them down and get their brains ticking
kibble scatter: on a mat or even on the floor, scatter your pet’s kibble and have them search for every piece
feed food in Kongs or other puzzle toys: stuff your washable toys with wet or raw food before feeding for an extra challenge
4. Practice your cues
Training is not only a great way to bond and practice your communication with your cat or dog, but provides a great cognitive workout that satisfies your pet’s mental needs. Spending 10 - 15 minutes a day working on cues is a quick way to use up extra energy: 15 minutes of mental work is equivalent to 1 hour of walking!
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There is no limit to what you can do to mentally stimulate your pets, but here are a few ideas to get your started:
sharpen your dog’s obedience: it’s never a bad time to practice cues like sit, down, stay, recall, and your dog’s or cat’s name
sharpen your obedience to your cat: you can never be too obedient to your cat’s needs and wants
teach your cat or dog something new: take out your clicker and teach your pet something fun!
For more inspiration, check out the four most fundamental cues we think your dogs should know.
5. Give them something to work on
There is no substitute for spending time doing something you love, and our pets feel this as well. Giving your cats and dogs ‘projects’ to work on will keep them quiet and happy for a while, but will also fulfill their biological need to chew, rip, graze, and overall, just be a cat or dog in their element.
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Some of our favourite ways to let our pets unwind - with supervision - include:
raw recreational bones: beef or bison marrow bones are a go-to favourite!
bully sticks or dehydrated chews: if these don’t last very long with your pets (yes, some cats like to eat them, too!), choose thicker and/or longer chews
stuffed Kongs and other stuffed toys: after filling your toys with food, freeze them to extend the time it takes to finish them
cat grass: leave a bowl out at all times if your cat likes to come and go on their own schedule
6. Spend some one-on-one time with them
As simple as this one sounds, time spent with your dog or cat is an activity that shouldn’t be underestimated, as it elicits feelings of love, trust, and safety in our pets. Bonding opportunities provide outlets for your pet’s social, emotional, and biological needs - and, of course, make you feel better, too!
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One-on-one time can be as short or long as you want it to be, but you can never go wrong with:
grooming your pets (as long as your cat or dog likes it!)
spending some time snuggling
giving them a massage
7. Go somewhere pet-friendly
Sometimes, your animals won’t be satisfied with staying indoors, no matter how many activities you provide for them: they want to go out and explore! 
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Monty and Jasper enjoying cookies and milk at Döghaus
Luckily, there are plenty of places that will allow just that, so long as your cat or dog is well-behaved:
some hardware stores and warehouses allow pets (ask before going)
pay a friend a visit at their home
organise a doggy play date
take a break at a doggy café
come visit us at Döghaus!
join us on Saturday, February 17th for a Pet First Aid Class, hosted by us and brought to you by Walks'N'Wags. For more information and to sign up, click here. Pets are welcome!
Last of all, leave some of your cat’s and dog’s toys accessible throughout the day so that if your pets get bored, they can choose to entertain themselves whenever they want.
And if you have a high energy dog, think about enrolling in doggy daycare or classes during the winter months to help let out some of that energy!
Keeping your dogs and cats happy indoors isn’t as hard as it sounds; all you need is a little bit of time and creativity!
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doghausmtl · 6 years
Your 2018 Döghaus Guide to Holiday Gifting
‘Tis the season of gifting, which means that we’ve been busy at work gathering all of our favourite toys, treats, accessories, and stocking stuffers in preparation for this holiday season. Whether you’re looking for the perfect gift for your furry companions, or in search of something special for the animal lover in your life, we think you’ll find just what you need in our hand-picked holiday selections.
For the Fashionista
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There are those who lift a paw at the sight of snow, and those who embrace the fashion of the season in all its splendour. From pet-inspired accessories for those who prefer cozy hibernation to the latest and greatest winter apparel, don’t let winter slow you down with these great gifts for humans, cats, and dogs alike. 
Döghaus 100% Cotton Tote Bag 
Hotdogs All Dressed Laurentian Mat
The Rover Boutique Bow Tie
Canada Pooch Dog Snood
For the Thinker
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Canine and feline enrichment can be beneficial for letting out extra energy, and what better time to offer your pets something to do than during the busy holiday season. These puzzle toys come in various sizes and make enriching gifts for those cats and dogs that are too smart for their own good! 
Kong Wobbler
ZippyPaws Holiday Burrow
PetSafe Magic Mushroom
For the Playful One
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We all have that friend who never takes their eye off the ball - literally. Why not add an extra bounce to their step with a special toy just for them! From the dogs that shred everything in sight to the ones that have more bark to their bite, or from the cats that stalk anything that moves to those who prefer you to do the work, our staff can help you find the perfect gift for the exact play style and energy level you’re looking for.
Fuzzu Sweet Baby Mice
fouFIT Woodland Spiker
For Those with an Appetite
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You can never go wrong with a box of holiday goodies, especially in the eyes of a cat or dog! Impress your host, an animal lover, or simply your own pet with our selection of Canadian-made, local, and small batch delicacies.
Wilder Harrier Shitake Turmeric & Blueberry Honey
Bosco & Roxy’s Tall Snowman
MTL Jerky Thunder Bites
Flying Hound Canine Candy Canes
Benny Bully’s Beef Liver & Cranberry
For The One Who Has It All
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If you were thinking of buying a bag of food for someone but can’t remember what their furry companions eat, or treating someone to a warm jacket or brand new bed but don’t know what style or size they need, then a Döghaus Gift Card is the perfect gift for them. 
It’s always the right fit and never the wrong choice!
The Gift of Giving
From the person who has it all, to the person who is happiest giving back to others, a donation to a charity is something that everyone will love. Donating in someone’s name is a gift not only to the recipient, but to animals at your chosen charity who don’t have a furever home to celebrate the holidays in. Or, drop off your gently used toys and accessories at the store; we’re always accepting donations throughout the year!
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Here are some rescues that we love and support:
Gerdy’s Rescue Refuge Magoo SPCA Montreal
If you loved any of the items listed here, be sure to drop by! We can help you find the perfect gift for anyone on your list.
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The Döghaus Team
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doghausmtl · 6 years
DIY Halloween Trick-or-Treat Delights!
Fall is the season frights and delights, and why not share the festivities with our furry companions? 
Whether you’re attending a pet-friendly party this Halloween or hunkering down for the night, we’ve put together three easy recipes to help you and your pets celebrate the trick-or-treat spirit - and scare off any boredom.
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1. Candy Corn Bones
A fun take on a classic Halloween candy, these frozen treats are just as delicious as they are nutritious.
Fermented or raw dairy provides a great source of probiotics, while pumpkin adds a powerful dose of fibre and antioxidants - both of which are a welcome treat for any upset stomachs after one too many Halloween indulgences!
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Here’s what you’ll need:
Messy Mutts Silicone Dog Treat Maker
Fruitables Switch
natural peanut butter
raw milk or yoghurt (like Raw Fermented Goat Milk from Happy Days)
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Step 1: add Switch to the centre of the mould, leaving space on either side
Step 2: fill the narrow end of the mould with your choice of dairy
Step 3: add peanut butter to the remaining end
Step 4: freeze until solid
2. Spooky Pumpkin Muffins
Who doesn’t get excited about holiday-inspired muffins, especially when they’re topped with appropriately-themed ingredients like chicken feet and hearts? Our cats and dogs are surely not the exception!
These muffins are made from healthy ingredients and can be decorated with anything you like. They also make a great personalized gift for the pet-friendly host or hostess - well, for their pets!
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Here’s what you’ll need:
muffin tray (alternatively, you can use the Messy Mutts Silicone Dog Treat Maker for smaller treats)
2 cups quick oats
1 egg
1tbsp honey, 1 tbsp coconut oil
1/2 cup Fruitables Switch
1/4 cup water
Petit Muso Chicken Heart
Hero Dog Treats Chicken Feet
Tripett Original Formula Green Beef Tripe
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Step 1: preheat over to 350 F
Step 2: pulse oats in blender until smooth
Step 3: add all ingredients into a bowl and mix until batter forms
Step 4: oil muffin tray with coconut oil (or other pet-safe oil)
Step 5: fill moulds to 2/3 mark, pushing batter to sides to hollow centre
Step 6: bake for 15-20 minutes
Step 7: once cooled, top with Switch or Green Beef Tripe (or raw milk, dyed red)
Step 8: sprinkle with Chicken Hearts, or with Chicken Feet propped in centre
3. ‘Back From the Grave’ Stuffed Trachea
Perhaps the spookiest of all of our treats, these are a perfect solution to help deal with any anxiety or excess energy that your pets may have on a high-traffic night like Halloween. Not only are these made with whole, nutritious ingredients, they’ll give your dog or cat something to do while monsters lurk outside. 
We’ve filled our trachea with Green Beef Tripe, but you can easily substitute that with treats, canned food, or even your pet’s dinner. Get creative!
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Here’s what you’ll need:
N/A Nothing Added Beef Trachea
Tripett Original Formula Green Beef Tripe
Hero Dog Treats Chicken Feet
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Step 1: cut Beef Trachea in half (or shorter for smaller dogs or cats)
Step 2: stuff Beef Trachea with Green Beef Tripe 
Step 3: slide Chicken Feet into one or both ends
Step 4: freeze until ready for use
Happy Halloween!
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And if you’re looking for a DIY costume for your pet, look no further than our cat and dog costumes from last year!
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doghausmtl · 6 years
The Four Most Fundamental Cues to Help Your Dog Become an A+ Pup
Now that September is almost over and the back to school craze is behind us, it’s time to test what we’ve learned! Regardless of whether you have a puppy or an older dog, or even a dog who just likes lounging on the couch, studying hard and practicing your cues is a sure way to set them up for success!
In collaboration with Zoe from Zen Zoomies, we asked ourselves what were the most important cues to teach our dogs, from kindergarten to university and beyond. We looked at cues that are versatile and essential in building trust, communication, and, most of all, fun!
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Here are our top picks to help your pup go from simply knowing “sit” to being the teacher’s pet.
1. Touch
This one may be surprising to some, but it’s one of the most often used tools in our school bag. In “touch,” a dog targets something (an object, your hand, etc.) with their body (their nose, front paw, back paw, etc.). It sounds simple enough, but it’s fundamental in creating and progressing countless other cues and even behaviours. Most importantly, it’s a go-to cue for asking a dog’s trust in tricky situations.
Zoe says, 
“This is one of my favourite cues, as there are 101 uses for it! You can use the touch to get your dog to move around without physically pushing them (off or on the couch, into the car, etc). ‘Touch’, or ‘target,’ can also be used as an alternative to lures to teach your dogs other tricks like sit, leg weaves, climbing onto objects, and more. Hand touches are useful on walks, as they are an easy trick that can help your dog stay focused on you while distractions pass by. A sustained target can be used to help your vet during check-ups, too!”
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A sustained "touch” can be used for teaching behaviours and other cues, including muzzle training!
Homework: Try building your dog’s focus by using “touch” in various situations. Remember, teach a new cue slowly, adding the four D’s of training one at a time: Duration, Distance, Distraction, and Diversity. 
2. Recall
Potentially the most fundamental cue of them all, a good recall, or “come,” is not only crucial in emergency situations, but an excellent way to build trust with your dog. A reliable recall means more freedom, and more freedom leads to a happier, healthier dog!
Zoe says:
“Although dogs cannot be off leash in Montreal, there are tons of instances where your dog might be loose and need to be called back: if your leash breaks or you accidentally let go of it, if you spot a dangerous situation at an off-leash park, or if you travel and go hiking in an off-leash area but need to call them back. Having a solid recall can potentially save your dog's life, or can simply make you feel confident that your dog will return if you ever choose to let them run like a wild dog.” 
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All dogs should have a grasp of the recall cue by the time they hit puppy classes, but an advanced “come” requires lots of work. Practice makes perfect!
Homework: Have your dog’s decision to come when called be the best decision he makes that day! Always reward a recall, and never punish your dog’s choice to come to you - even if it isn’t perfect! 
3. Leave It
This may seem obvious to some, but we couldn’t leave it off the list! At its core, this cue is essential for building communication between you and your dog. It offers invaluable information about what you want from your dog. And the more information you can provide to your dog, the more likely they are to continue that behaviour in the future. 
Zoe says:
“A good ‘leave it’ is an essential tool for developing a polite pooch with good impulse control. It can be used in many situations, including: not touching food, leaving another pet alone, to stop chewing inappropriate objects, preventing your dog from marking something he shouldn’t, and so much more. It is a great alternative to the word ‘no,’ as you are telling what to do instead of what not to do.”
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“Leave it” is a practice in patience, but can develop into safe behaviours!
Homework: After you cue “leave it,” offer your dog a more appropriate object or activity to return to. Set them up for success!
4. Stay
“Stay” is often an underrated skill for any dog to possess. From teaching calmness to environment and body awareness, “stay” can help a dog focus on you and practice their listening skills amidst distractions. Plus, it’s necessary for the modern social media-savvy dog to know how to pose long enough for a picture!
Zoe says:
“More than being a convenient way to have your dog stay still while you do something (like prepare their food), ‘stay,’ is a great way to practice impulse control with your dog. Not moving or waiting their turn while watching the hussle and bussle of their owners can be very difficult for some dogs, but practicing it can be a great first step to getting a polite, patient pooch. It’s also necessary if you ever want to practice off-leash activities, including dog sports.”
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Although “stay” is a great cue for any dog, at higher levels it can be used to direct precise movements - even at a distance! 
Homework: “Stay” can be a tough cue to teach, especially for young or excitable dogs. Build the cue gradually, even if only for a few seconds at a time, and always reward your successes!
BONUS: Party Trick!
The party trick can take on many shapes, but it fills an important role in a dog’s repertoire: it’s something fun! Break it out and impress your class, or show off your dog’s moves at your next visit to Döghaus! Some cues that work well, depending on your dog’s personality, are “play dead,” “spin,” “between the legs,” or (for those over-achievers) “nod.” While these tricks may seem unnecessary, the time spent teaching them creates invaluable bonding and communication experiences with your pup. They’re fundamental!
Zoe says:
“My favorite party trick is teaching my dog the words for different objects. It’s a very simple game, and once your dog knows 2-3 words (like “ball” or “bear”) you can raise the difficulty by asking them to bring back the object you asked for from a pile. Another way to increase the difficulty (and impress your guests) is by teaching them letters to the alphabet, differentiating between shapes, colours, and sizes, and even how to count!
Exercising your dogs physically is very important, but it’s also crucial to have them ‘flex’ their brains. Training uses a lot of mental energy, and games like this will not only tire them out mentally, but will generally leave them more satisfied and content than simply playing fetch for an hour. Activities that accomplish that are often called enrichment, because they try to enhance the quality of your pet’s psychological and physiological well-being through fun activities.”
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Homework: What’s your favourite party trick? Come up with a fun way to spend time and bond with your dog - even if it’s as ridiculous as doing handstands! And always keep an eye on your dog to make sure that they’re having fun with their trick.
Thanks again to Zoe from Zen Zoomies for her expertise in all things training and behaviour! 
If your dog needs some help getting on the honour roll this year, use this coupon when contacting Zen Zoomies at https://www.zenzoomies.com
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doghausmtl · 6 years
9 Tips for Keeping Your Dogs & Cats Cool this Summer
The best cure is always prevention - and that rings true for keeping cats and dogs cool during the sweltering summer months. Both cats and dogs can sweat through their foot pads and pant to cool off, but providing proper care in hot and humid weather is the best way to keep them safe from overheating.
So we’ve compiled a number of ways to help your dogs and cats beat the heat this summer - and keep their cool! 😎
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1. Prepare Your Pets for the Heat
One of the most important ways to help your dogs and cats stay cool is to regularly groom them so that their coats are free of mats, knots, and debris. A clean, breathable coat means your pets can better regulate their body temperature on their own. 
And if you have a single-coated breed like a Poodle, consider giving them a summer cut. 
 At Döghaus, we don’t recommend shaving double-coated breeds, but our groomers can always help you figure out what’s best for you and your dog. 
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2. Avoid Excessive Exercise
As much fun as it is to indulge in a game of fetch with our dog or a play a game of chase with your cat, strenuous activities drastically increase the likelihood of your pet overheating during hot weather. Moderate play in water can be cooling for some pets. However, they may already be tired from coping with the heat, and be unable or unwilling to exercise. 
Instead of engaging in physically demanding pastimes with your pets, consider providing Environment Enrichment activities for them! 
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3. Adjust Your Schedule
When experiencing an extended period of hot weather, keeping to your regular walking, exercise, and play routines may be hard for your cats and dogs (and you). The easiest solution, particularly for dogs who still need daily exercise and cats who need to let out their playfulness, is to schedule these activities during the cooler times of the days: early morning or late evening. Avoid letting your cat outdoors or going for a walk between the hours of 11AM and 4PM.
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4. Give Them Cooling Meals
On very hot days, giving your cats and dogs chilled meals will help keep their bodies at a lower temperature. Considering keeping their hydrated freeze-dried meals in the fridge before serving, adding some chilled water to their bowl of kibble, or even serving their raw meals slightly frozen. 
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And if you’re looking for a fun treat to give your cats or dogs, check out our DIY Summer Pupsicle blog from last year! Iced treats, including Messy Mutts’ freezer safe treat moulds, can ease boredom along with cooling off a hot mess. 
5. Always Have Water Available
Since dogs and cats, like humans, cool off by evaporating water from their bodies, they can easily become dehydrated if they can’t replenish the water they’re sweating off. Always keep a bowl of water nearby and let your dogs and cats drink freely on hot days. If they’re comfortable with it, you can add some ice cubes to their water for an extra refreshing treat. 
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And if you’re planning on being out of the house with your pets, bring the water with you with Le Chien Blanc’s collapsable bowl, or Messy Mutt’s and Outdoor Dog’s portable water bottle and travel bowl system. 
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6. Provide Them With the Proper Attire
If you’re planning on being out with your cat or dog, try fitting them with a cooling vest, like the one offered by Canada Pooch, or a cooling bandana from fouFIT. These ingenious products will cool the surface temperature of your pets while providing enough air circulation for absolute comfort. 
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Cooling vests and collars work just as well if you’re out and about or sitting on the porch and enjoying the day!
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7. Give Them Somewhere Cool to Relax
Cats and dogs will naturally move themselves to cooler areas of the home when hot: under the balcony, in front of the fireplace, in the bathroom, or even in the sink. Let them decide where to relax, because they probably know where to find the best spot to keep cool.
But if your pets are struggling to find a place to cool off in comfort, consider giving them a cooling bed, like K&H’s Coolin’ Pet Pad. 
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8. Keep Them Out of the Sun
This seems simple enough, but is nevertheless important: direct exposure to the sun will easily overheat your dogs and cats, as will walking on hot surfaces like sidewalks. A good way to measure whether or not the ground is safe enough for your dog or cat to walk on is to place your hand on it: if it’s too hot for your hand, it’s too hot for their paws. 
So keep your pets in shaded or indoor areas whenever possible. This, unfortunately, includes leaving them at home when you would normally bring them with you on outings. 
And never leave your cats or dogs in a hot car!
9. Keep an Eye on Them
Every dog and cat will react to heat differently. Brachycephalic cats and dogs, along with seniors, puppies, and those will chronic illnesses, are more susceptible to the heat. So as the person who knows and loves them best, trust your gut when it comes to recognizing how they’re coping.
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Stay up-to-date on safety precautions and be able to recognize signs that your cat or dog may be overheating or experiencing heatstroke. These signs include:
bright or dark red tongue and gums
heavy or excessive panting
excessive drinking rapid heart beat
weakness or tremors lack of coordination
increased body temperature
And if you notice any signs of heatstroke, don’t hesitate to contact your veterinary professional. In the meantime, you can:
immediately remove them from hot or sunny areas, preferably to cool, but not cold, areas 
place cool, wet towels on their head, neck, stomach, and beneath their front and back legs
if possible, give them a cool, but not cold, sprinkling of water
apply rubbing alcohol to their paw pads to release heat
Stay safe, healthy, and happy, and think cool thoughts!
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doghausmtl · 6 years
How to Find the Perfect Harness for Your Dog
With the longer days and warmer weather comes the opportunity to get out more with your dog. Whether it’s a trip to a dog café or a nap in the park, is your dog equipped with the right apparel for the occasion?
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As per Montreal’s animal control by-law, all dogs above 20kg (44lb) within city limits must wear a head halter or body harness when out and about. 
Using a harness instead of a collar comes with some major benefits, and shouldn’t be overlooked just because you have a smaller dog! From securing an escape-artist to preventing trauma to the neck or spine from pulling with a collar, a well-fitted harness can be one of the most useful additions to your dog’s life.  
Whatever the occasion, our team at Döghaus is always hard at work to bring you the best harnesses out there. Below, we’ve put together some key features of three types of harnesses to help you find the best harness for your needs. 
Everyday Walking Harnesses
leash attachment points on the back for no-tangle walking
ideal for everyday use
easy to put on, easy to take off
highly adjustable 
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For all-day use, whether it’s a quick jog, playing at the park, or relaxing and smelling the roses, harnesses like the Ruffwear Front Range Harness (pictured above) or the Rogz Utility Step-In Harness (pictured below) are great choices for the dog on the go. These harnesses fit a wide range of sizes, come in a variety of colours, and look great without sacrificing comfort or movement. 
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However, the same design that makes these harnesses safe for any activity with your dog does little to discourage them from pulling.
No-Pull Harnesses
front or side leash attachment
easy to put on, easy to take off
force-free training tool for obedience training while walking
discourages pulling
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Front-clip or no-pull harnesses are the go-to solution for excitable, forceful, or inattentive dogs who think that you’re the one being taken for a walk, especially those who like to bolt after anything that moves. Harnesses like the Easy Walk Deluxe Harness (pictured above), Easy Walk Harness, or the JWalker Dog Harness gently redirect your dog’s focus and power with little effort on your part, all without compromising your dog’s movement. Best of all, gently redirecting your dog’s attention actually reinforces good behaviour while walking on a leash, making this an indispensable tool for training leash manners!
Secure & Fashionable Harnesses
look fabulous
ideal for small dogs
back leash attachment point for no-tangle walking
secure, comfortable, and safe
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For the wriggly escape-artists that like to squirm out of collars and other harnesses alike, vest-like harnesses that comfortably contour the neck and chest are the solution to keeping your pup safe and secure - and gorgeous. These include the Buddy Belt Harness (pictured above), RC Pet Cirque Harness, and Pretty Paw Harness. Whatever the brand, these unique harnesses give a stylish appeal to the everyday harness, since they come in a wide variety of prints, styles, and embellishments. But don’t be fooled, these harnesses are still durable, comfortable, and easy to clean - top priorities for the small dog out on the town. 
To get your dog fitted with any of these harnesses or to find out more about which one is best suited for your needs, drop by Döghaus for a visit. Our knowledgeable staff will help you find the perfect new harness - for whatever the occasion! 
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doghausmtl · 6 years
☘️ Happy St. Pawtrick’s Day 2018! ☘️
The 195th St. Patrick’s Day Parade wound its way through the streets of Montreal last Sunday, and despite the chilly start to the day, the Döghaus Team marched out to spread some Irish cheer! Maybe the luck of the Irish was with us, because we had a fantastic day packed with cookies, friends, and a lot of smiles to go around!
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The Döghaus Team! Spreading laughs, slobbery kisses, and lots of cookies.
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London volunteered to help sample some of the cookies. 
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Winnie was so happy to see friends everywhere she looked!
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Maggie and Henry joined us for a while and couldn’t help but make new friends along the way.
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Maggie was very busy!
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Truffles was still able to snag a few naps in between all of the excitement. 
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It’s exhausting being so dapper and handsome. 
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Thanks to everyone who said hello, shared a jig, walked with us, and made our day! We had such a fantastic time; we hope to see everyone again next year!
And a special thank you to the following companies for helping us share the Irish cheer!
Chuckle Hounds, who kept everyone looking their festive best in these beautiful bow ties and flowers!
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Hot Dogs All Dressed, for snazzing us up with the most appropriate Irish bling out there!
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Northern Biscuit, for crafting the perfect bite-sized snack to help our furry friends celebrate Irish pride in an authentic way!
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Petcurean, for fuelling those of us who braved the cold, both in and out of the parade!
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Jack from @jackthecanadiandachshund, with his bag of Percurean food and Earth Rated bandana & dispenser at the end of his rainbow!
and Earth Rated, for sharing in the Irish spirit- and keeping everything else clean and proper!
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doghausmtl · 6 years
5 Things We Love About... You!
This past Saturday, we celebrated our Share the Love event at Döghaus. We wanted to show you how grateful we are for having you in our family. And we had a blast! We only wish we could have thanked every single one of you, from those who came to share the love, those who dropped us a message, and everyone who makes our community so special every single day...
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So we thought we’d do just that! 
Our team got together and talked about what we appreciate most about our large family. And although we couldn’t fit it all into one post, we thought we’d share some of the top reasons why you mean so much to us.
1. We love seeing our furry pals
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Peggy: posing next to her Photo Booth picture!
Never a day goes by that we don’t consider ourselves the luckiest people in the world because we get to meet, greet, play, cuddle, and give treats to our furry friends. 
Whether they’re visiting while out on the town or making an unexpected detour halfway through a walk, it always brightens our day to be able to say hello and exchange a paw shake or a meow for a treat. 
2. We love being a part of your dog’s and cat’s life
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Atlas: From the day he entered our lives to his first birthday party!
As part of a big family, we have the absolute joy of seeing your dogs and cats grow up: your pup’s first birthday celebration, refitting your dog’s harness because they’ve grown too big for their last one, talking dietary changes in your cat’s ever-changing culinary palate...
We love that we can share in the joys, the pains, and all the zoomies as we watch our family grow.
3. We love the community we’ve built together
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The League of Extraordinary Greyhounds at an adoption day. 
We’re forever being reminded that our family extends beyond the claw-marked countertops, the nose-smudged windows, and the busy notice board of the store.
We’re a community of like-minded neighbours who won’t stop at spoiling our cats and dogs rotten. Together, we’ve built a space to share ideas, offer feedback, give encouragement, and lend a helping hand where needed. Whether it’s to shine a light on a local rescue, or receive assistance in times of need (#GreatDoghausFlood2018, anyone?), we've always got each other’s back.
4. We love how much you care (Fergus & Wilbur love it, too)
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Because this wouldn’t have been complete without Fergus or Wilbur having something to say: the cookies, cuddles, and love that all of you give them is more than we could have ever asked for. 
We know we have the best of friends when you treat our loved ones with the same love and respect as you treat your own. And when Fergus and Wilbur can’t get enough of you and wiggle their bums as soon as they see you walking through the door, it warms our hearts to no end. 
5. And most of all... we love you!
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We wouldn’t be where we are today without you. From your smiling faces, cat lady jokes, and stories of what your dogs have gotten up to, to your knowledge, compassion, engagement, and never-ending support, we’re so grateful for how much you’ve enriched our lives. 
From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for being part of our family. 
Happy Valentine’s Day!
The Döghaus Team
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doghausmtl · 6 years
Doghaus’ Holiday Gift Guide
Whether you’re buying for your own loved ones, for a friend, or even for yourself, we’ve put together some things that we know you and your fluffy, scruffy, and fuzzy companions will love. Because we can’t help but feel the never-ending wagging tails, the ever-present gentle purrs, and the unconditional love our pets give us all year long deserve something a little special this holiday season! 
For the Stylish Pooch...
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From the Flannel Dog Collection by Finnegan’s Standard Goods, this Flannel Leash and Flannel Collar set are sure to make any pup both stylish and cozy. Get your fashionable friends ready for a stroll around town or a weekend getaway at the cottage — or both! — with this classic ensemble. Each is handcrafted in the USA with flannel basics, cotton webbing and durable brass fittings.
For the Gourmand...
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No holiday season is complete without indulging in some delicacies, and the same is true for our cats and dogs. Letting your connoisseurs chomp down on some Pork Heart and Chicken Heart treats from Petit Muso will leave them both happy and satisfied — and you as well. These human grade treats are made with fresh, single ingredients from here in Québec. They’re a perfect reward for training, or a healthy gift for those who simply love to eat!
This Classic Treat Canister from Harry Barker is also a perfect host or hostess gift. Stylish yet simple, it’s as decorative as it is practical.
For the Playful One...
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The Eddie the Gingerbread Man plush by Lulubelles is soft on the outside but tough on the inside, making it an all-around perfect gift for those like to play rough. It has reinforced seams and a durable mesh lining that help it withstand power chewers, all wrapped in a festive and machine-washable plushie.
For those who have more bark to their bite, there’s always Gingham Bone Canvas Toy by Harry Barker that comes in small and large sizes. These gorgeous plush bones come with durable two-way squeakers and are made with earth-friendly and recycled materials, making them ideal gifts for eco-conscious friends and their pups!
For the Spoiled Ones...
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The holidays don’t feel right without a glass or two of Pumpkin Spice Latte to start off, followed by some Eggnog and perhaps something more spirited… so why not share the festive cheer with your four-legged loved ones? The Honest Kitchen’s Instant Pumpkin Spice Latte & Instant Eggnog offer a safe way to spoil your cats and dogs this season. Made with human grade ingredients, these aromatic blends are just as nutritious as they are delicious!
For the Picky One...
Want to buy a bag of food for someone but can’t remember what their furry companions eat? Thinking of treating someone to a fun new toy, a warm jacket, or brand new bed, but don’t know what style or size they would prefer? Then a Döghaus Gift Card is the perfect gift for them. Always the right fit and never the wrong choice!
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The Gift of Giving...
From the person who has it all, to the person who is happiest giving back to others, a donation to a charity is something that everyone will love. Donating in someone’s name is a gift not only to the recipient, but to animals at your chosen charity who don’t have a furever home to celebrate the holidays in. Or, drop off your gently used toys and accessories during our annual holiday toy drive throughout all of December!
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Here are some rescues that we love and support:
Gerdy’s Rescue Refuge Magoo SPCA Montreal
If you liked any of the items listed here, be sure to drop by! We can help you find the perfect gift for anyone on your list.
And keep an eye on our our Facebook page to find out how you can win some of these gifts for yourself!
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The Doghaus Team
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doghausmtl · 7 years
DIY Halloween Costume: Bat Wings
For our Monster Dog Costume, check out our other post here.
What better way to celebrate Halloween than by transforming your creature of the night into none other than... a creature of the night! 
These bat wings are spooky and fitting for any high-flying, night-prowling cat, but allow for a lot of mobility and are as comfortable as wearing a harness. You can make them as realistic as you want, but we of course had to go for the cute kind!
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Here’s what you'll need:
thread & needle or glue
black fabric (old pants or shirts work well)
pipe cleaners (any colour) or thin wire
a patient cat
lots of your cat’s favourite treats!
Step 1: 
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Sketch out the shape of your bat wings directly onto the black fabric. Leave a square big enough to cover your cat’s shoulders between the two wings.
Step 2:
Cut the wing shapes. Remember, you only have to draw one wing and fold it over to trace and cut out an exact copy of it. Cut out four wings in all. 
Step 3:
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Take a long wire and contour the upper portion of two of the wings, leaving a small gap near the edge. You can sew these wires loosely in place, glue them, or even duct tape them on (they won’t be visible in the final product).
Add shorter wires down the middle to give the wings extra support.
Step 4:
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Take the two remaining wing cutouts and place them over the wings with the wire frame. Sew them together along the outer edge. 
Step 5:
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Measure around your cat’s chest right behind their front legs, and again around around their neck. Then, cut a shape from another piece of black fabric in the shape of a sideways H, like a makeshift harness. The bottom strip should match the measurement around your cat’s chest, the top should match the measurement around your cat’s neck
Add a button, velcro, or any clasp of your choice at both ends where the strips overlap. You can also add extra length to be able to tie the pieces together. 
Step 6:
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Overlap both wings and place them onto the makeshift harness. Sew or glue them into place. If you need extra support, you can add a cardboard panel in between the layers of fabric.
                    Voilà! You have a winged cat!
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Let your imagination run wild and let us know what creative costumes you come up with. And don’t forget that on October 28th from 11:00AM to 3:00PM we will be hosting our annual Autumn Photo Session with Chantal Levesque Photo! All pets who choose to wear a Halloween costume will be entered to win a 8 x 10″ print of their portrait! See our Facebook page for more details.
And for those that don’t have the time or patience to make your own costumes from scratch, don’t worry! We’ll be carrying a selection of comical, spooky, and adorable pet costumes this year, so drop in and have a look!
As always, keep your animals safe throughout these upcoming holidays.
                           And Happy Halloween!
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doghausmtl · 7 years
DIY Howloween Costume: Monster Dog!
For our Bat Wings Cat Costume, check out our other post here.
One of the hardest parts of Halloween is choosing the perfect costume, but for those of us with pets that problem is even worse. Not only do we have to deliberate on what to wear for ourselves, but also what costumes our pets will be sporting!
Whether you’re on a budget, want an original costume, or just want to get your hands a little dirty with some DIY, we’ve come up with a spooky and adorable costume for the monsters in your life.
These can all be made with things found around your house, so be creative!
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Here’s what you’ll need:
thread & needle or glue
green fabric (for the body)
white fabric (for the teeth - you can just as easily use one of our white Döghaus paper bags!)
beige fabric (for the spikes)
two (or more) ping pong balls (googly eyes work, as well as eyes from your dog’s collection of tattered stuffed toys)
lots of your dog’s favourite cookies!
The easiest fabrics to use are ones that are a little stiff and keep their own shape, like felt. Any of these colours can also be substituted for your own choice.
Step 1:
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Loosely measure around your dog’s head, and again from the stop of their nose to the nape of their neck. Then sketch out a triangle with those dimensions and add an extra 2” to the shorter side. Cut it out.
Then sew or glue 4″ straps (shorter or longer depending on the size of your dog) to the corners of the fabric so that you can tie the fabric securely around your dog’s head. Or, if you have enough fabric to make it all from one piece, leave in extra fabric on either end as you cut your triangle. 
Step 2:
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Cut out a row of jagged teeth. They should be long enough to cover at least the distance between your dog’s ears, and have a lip thick enough to attach to the green fabric. 
Then slide the teeth so that only the jagged part of the teeth stick out, and centre them on the forehead. Sew or glue into place. 
OPTIONAL: Add ear slits to the green fabric. This is a better option for dogs with upright ears.
Step 3:
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Cut small triangles of varying sizes into the beige fabric. Mark the centre of the green fabric with a pen or pencil to ensure a straight line (although, staggered spikes could be just as cute!). Then glue or sew the flaps onto the green fabric.
OPTIONAL: For floppy fabrics, sew or glue a border into place to help keep the spikes upright. 
Step 4:
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Mark down where you want to set the eyes, then sew or glue them into place. If you’re using blank ping pong balls, don’t forget to draw in the eyes. A simple cross or black dot will do.
                      You’ve created a monster!
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Let your imagination run wild and let us know what creative costumes you come up with. And don’t forget that on October 28th from 11:00AM to 3:00PM we will be hosting our annual Autumn Photo Session with Chantal Levesque Photo! All pets who choose to wear a Halloween costume will be entered to win a 8 x 10″ print of their portrait! See our Facebook page for more details.
And for those that don’t have the time or patience to make your own costumes from scratch, don’t worry! We’ll be carrying a selection of comical, spooky, and adorable pet costumes this year, so drop in and have a look!
As always, keep your animals safe throughout these upcoming holidays.
                        And Happy Halloween!
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doghausmtl · 7 years
Why You Should be Doing Environmental Enrichment With Your Cats and Dogs
Until fairly recently, the mental welfare of dogs and cats, and even animals in places like zoos, was not something that many people kept in mind. In a natural environment, animals are constantly responding to changing social, physical, and environmental needs. But the habitat of most modern pets is often a human one—an apartment, a house, a backyard—which offers few opportunities for environmental stimulation, and often only in predictable ways.
We often hear that dogs and cats thrive on routine, but does that mean that everything in their life from where they are walked, what toys they are given, what they are learning, and even how they are fed needs to stay the same?
Maybe not!
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    Some smiling faces after some playtime at the Montreal SPCA!
The more we learn about our dogs and cats, the more we learn about how they really benefit from a range of different interactions, stimulations, and opportunities to make their own choices and exhibit instinctive, species- and breed-specific behaviours. After all, we can all agree that “a tired dog is a happy dog,” and the more we can provide them with, the happier and healthier they will be.
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     Jasper napping after an intense puzzle game. It’s hard work!
What is Environmental Enrichment?
According to Dr. Karen Becker, environmental enrichment means: 
“Enhancing an animal’s surroundings and lifestyle so that he is presented with novelty in his environment, opportunities to learn, and encouragement to engage in instinctive, species-specific behaviours.”
In other words, routinely providing new experiences, objects, places, and sensations in order to prevent them from getting bored. When a dog or cat gets bored and is under-stimulated, they will find ways to entertain themselves. And that’s when they get into trouble!
But environmental enrichment doesn’t have to be complicated. It can easily be done by balancing a number of different activities:
exercise (walking, hiking, running, sports, etc.) mental stimulation (positive training, puzzle games, etc.) social enrichment (dog-to-dog, cat-to-cat, or any pet-centred activity) sensory stimulation (engaging sound, sight, smell, touch, and taste) species-specific behaviours (lure coursing for sighthounds, stalking for cats: letting them be in their element!) food-based enrichment (using food-dispensing toys)
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                       Enjoying a new experience: kayaking!
Why should I do it?
Many vets, trainers, and anyone who has incorporated enrichment into their dog’s or cat’s life will tell you of the many benefits it provides, even for pets who are already happy and healthy. Aside from counteracting behavioural problems that have developed or may be developing, environmental enrichment helps provide a higher quality of mental, physical, and even emotional wellbeing for cats and dogs. It can also offset sickness behaviours present in cats and dogs, such as decreased interest in food, excessive licking, and other behaviours that have developed as a result of boredom or pent-up energy.
It’s so effective in helping animals that the Montreal SPCA has even been incorporating environmental enrichment into the routines of the cats and dogs under their care since February 2014. As part of their Enrichment Program, they provide mental, physical, and sensory stimulation through walks, training, nosework, massages, and even aromatherapy.
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      Sensory stimulation, food enrichment, and play - all in one!
All of this is made possible by a team of dedicated volunteers and donations made to the Montreal SPCA by people like us. For their Enrichment Program, they are always looking for items that offer stimulating experiences, including:
durable 6ft leashes high value treats durable toys, including interactive ones durable food dispensing toys canned food small towels (used for nosework)
Environmental enrichment is about providing environmental variability, no matter the species, breed, personality, or even age. Any animal can benefit from it, so long as you’re moving at a pace that is comfortable for them. What matters most is that you’re making your animal happier and healthier, and in so doing making yourself happier, too!
Keep up to date with our Facebook page this week for ideas on how to incorporate environmental enrichment into your dog’s or cat’s life!
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Don’t be shy about finding new and creative ways to challenge your pet, even on the go!
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