Okay, so can I say that your works are AMAZING? I read the bartender fanfic and it was one of my favorites so far, and now someone recommended me your "What's Mine Is Yours... Always" fanfic, and I didn't know it was yours too, and GOSH! It's SO good. You're so talented and I can't stop reading your stories. Thank you for lighting my quarantine!
This was so nice to hear when writing is really hard right now. Thank you. ❤️
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sometimes when just the fucken feeling of living is a struggle, you gotta give yourself some credit for the little things
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Tagged by @jacoroni
Post the last line you wrote and then tag as many people as there are words: (I think all the writers I know have been tagged so this is just for fun.)
“Fine. I… fine. Have a good life, Carm,” Laura said, a tear escaping before she could turn and walk away.
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I talk to my dogs more than I talk to people. 
via: @Juliagalef
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There’s a tiny detail in season 5 that caught my eye
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In Adora’s perfect future, Catra is wearing shoes.
It’s a small blink and you miss it detail but it stood out to me. Catra has never worn shoes (except for that one episode where she had to wear snow boots to not freeze) , and yet here she is wearing these kitten heels (lol).
Catra never wears shoes because they slow her down; she can’t run, or fight, or jump even half as well, as demonstrated by the snow boots episode.
So the fact that she is wearing them here so comfortably can only mean one thing:
Catra is done running, she is done fighting, she is perfectly at ease with her vulnerabilities.
Alright, bye gotta cry ✌🏼
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catra and adora are really both lesbians and in love with each other and got to confess their love to each other and kiss in an animated cartoon aimed at children
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wait a second... you mean to tell me when you set up the audience to expect certain things to happen then follow through them and you don’t horribly mistreat characters that fans have grown emotionally attached to over the years essentially attempting to emotionally manipulate your audience into thinking your work is more profound than it is, you’ll get an overall positive reaction to the ending of your work??? wow this is truly shocking. i really just don’t think anyone could have predicted this.
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via @animalsnaps
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PLEASE finish wicked game in begging you, it’s one of the best Carmilla fan fictions i’ve ever read and it’s been incomplete for the past 5 months AND I JUST WANNA SEE THEM LOVE EACHOTHER. So please, if you can sometimes soon... finish it that would be amazing my life would be complete.
I’m glad that you’re enjoying it so much, but I don’t have the time to write that I used to. Dropping everything to finish writing really isn’t an option. 🤷🏼‍♀️
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“your au isn’t completely canon compliant” 
canon is but the sandbox in which i strike lightning to form glass. trouble me no more with your quibblings and quorums, lest i grind you to dust beneath my heel and build stories from the remnants of your bones. avast, foul fiend
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Friendly reminder to not punish yourself for creating. 
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as much as i love the trope of a character falling fast and hard for someone, i also love the subtle descent where they don’t really think about it; where that person is just kind of there until one day they realize that person is so ingrained in their lives and they cannot do without them. where there is no conscious effort on either ends to become romantically involved but somehow the thought of them being with someone else is disconcerting. where “i enjoy being with you” unwittingly turns into “i want to be with you”
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wlw fashion sense is exclusively inspired by the members of the breakfast club and I am not wrong
I mean...
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