dogstaroverthemoon · 2 years
Hey I absolutely adore your Indian James headcanons can you do some for Harry too please <33
Okay this got too long so it's only Harry's first year at Hogwarts. At some point I might do the rest of his years but yeah. Here you go, i hope you like it :)
The first time Harry noticed his skin was darker than the people on Privet Drive was when he was four. The first time he noticed people sneered at him for it was when he was five and a half. He didn't understand it; why did they think the colour of his skin meant that he was inferior to them? He heard the words chee-chee and brownie thrown around like Dudley threw his food, and quietly pulled his shirt tighter around himself.
When Harry is eight, Dudley and his gang throw him in a ditch and throw dirt and soil on him till he's coughing and tears are running down his face. "You blend right into the mud," Piers laughs at him. The next day, the boy turns up to school with black skin. Harry sits in the corner and turns his face away, a secret grin playing on his lips.
He comes to Hogwarts, and there are so many colours. He is approached by Parvati on the second night, and she asks him if he's excited for Ganpati Chaturthi. He stares at her, and then says, "I'm sorry, but I don't know what that is." She gets offended, but they haltingly talk it out, awkward and stilted like most eleven year olds. When she realises that he's been kept from his heritage and his magic, she flies off the rails with anger. "That's it," she says, "we're friends now. No arguments."
Harry loves talking to Parvati. She's the one that tells him his father was from India. She's the one that tells him the names of his grandparents, that tells him of the importance of heritage in the magical world. They talk about religion and food and all sorts of things, and within two weeks Harry is asking her to teach him Marathi. It's hard at first; the grammar structure is more like French than English, the alphabet sequence is weird and complicated and has too many letters, but he keeps practising his svar and vyanjana and kana and matra. He will do this, he tells himself. (He doesn't tell Ron. He wants this for himself, he thinks. His family, his heritage. He wants to learn before he shares, and so he doesn't tell Ron. For now. He will, when he knows enough.)
Slowly, he starts talking to other Indian kids at Hogwarts. Padma, a seventh year Slytherin named Aarzoo who's Muslim and always has the prettiest hijabs, Gryffindor Kalyani from fourth year and Hufflepuff Rushabh from the third. Kalyani is from Maharashtra just like the Patil twins and Harry, Rushabh is from Gujarat and Aarzoo from Punjab. Harry finds it fascinating that India has so many different cultures and religions, and demands knowledge from them. Aarzoo laughs, and tells him he should have been with the 'Claws.
Harry disagrees. He was supposed to be in Slytherin, he knows, but he is in Gryffindor, where his family had been. His family had been Indian. He wants to know everything about it. If he couldn't have his parents, he would have that which had been a major part of his father's life. And so he reads and observes and studies and asks questions— hesitating at first in case they yell at him (Aunt Petunia hated questions and he feared these people would be the same), but slowly he asks more and more. He talks for hours with Kalyani and Rushabh, and they tell him about Garba and Dhol Tasha, Ganpati Chaturthi and Diwali, Eid and Gudi Padwa. They talk about the languages of India, and Harry immediately asks Aarzoo to teach him Urdu and Hindi. She laughs, and says he should focus on Marathi first. He pouts, but nods.
The Mirror of Erised shows him his father, and he can't take his eyes off. James Potter is a tall man, bulky frame covered in muscles and warm brown skin that seems to glow with happiness. His eyes are light brown, and the bold black lines drawn under them make the green specks stand out. He's dressed in what Harry knows is called a kurta, white and gold threads woven to form images of peacocks and elephants and other intricate designs. The next day, Harry asks Padma what she lines her eyes with, and she promptly hands him a little round metal box and a tiny wooden stick. "It's called kajal." She tells him the differences in pronunciation between Hindi and Marathi, and shows him how to apply it. Harry wears it everyday. It makes his eyes look bright, brighter than they already are, and he falls in love with it. Kalyani presses a kajal covered finger behind his ear every morning. "For good luck," she tells him, a grin playing on her pretty lips. Harry flushes, and smiles back shyly.
For Christmas, Aarzoo gives him perfume. It's chandan and mogra with hints of rose, she says, "and your grandfather made it. His name was Fleamont Henry Potter, and he was an exceptionally talented potioneer." Harry wears it religiously. Padma and Parvati band together and get him books on the Potter family and their historical importance, and he almost cries. Rushabh promises to teach him how to play Garba, and Kalyani gives him a cookbook for everyday Indian foods— breakfast and lunch and a few fancy stuff. Harry hugs it to his chest and thanks her with shining eyes. (he may have a bit of a crush on her. He can't help it— she's really smart, and she's pretty.)
Throughout the year, all of them work to introduce him to Indian food. At first, he thinks it will be easy. It is not. There is no such cuisine named Indian, Parvati tells him sternly. There is Punjabi, South Indian, Mughlai, Maharashtrian, North Indian, Bihari, Bengali and so many more. "The food in India changes with every twenty kilometres of travel," Aarzoo says when he mock complains about it. "It's never the same, and that's what makes it so special." He agrees.
The end of the year arrives, and Harry is still weak from his tryst down the trapdoor. When Ron and Hermione aren't present, his friends from home (because that's what India is, isn't it? His home. The home he never got to see, but is no less a part of him.) crowd around his hospital bed and have long talks with him, filled with banter and laughter. His Marathi is so much better now than it was in September, and he blushes when Kalyani compliments him on it. Rushabh winks at him, and Harry throws a pillow at him, feeling the blood rush to his cheeks at being caught out.
On the last day of school, he hugs Aarzoo around the waist and cries into her stomach. It's the first time he calls her "Aarzoo Tai", and she smiles widely, her own eyes dripping tears. "You will write," she says sternly, "okay? This might be the end of my Hogwarts years, but you are my little brother." He cries harder and nods, refuses to let go until the very last minute.
Harry goes back to Privet Drive with a heavy heart and a proud smile. He isn't inferior to the people there, he knows. He's special. He's Indian. He's James Potter's son, and he's going to live up to it.
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dogstaroverthemoon · 2 years
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everyone at hogwarts knows about harrys gay dads but some people hear about these two older gay men and for the first time in their lives feel seen. some people, like a certain fruity slytherin kid.
basically draco would have been much less of a twat if he had a positive gay influence in his life, or at the very least someone to tell him he doesnt have to listen to his dad
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dogstaroverthemoon · 2 years
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sharing bc i can’t see myself finishing the rest of these
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dogstaroverthemoon · 2 years
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redrew that iconic drarry moment
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dogstaroverthemoon · 2 years
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blush meme ☺️☺️
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dogstaroverthemoon · 2 years
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like mother like son
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dogstaroverthemoon · 2 years
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Drarry getting grabby 💕
Draco in this sweater is a weakness of mine. I feel no guilt at all in doing another one, we can just think of it as part 2 😉. Hope you like it as much as I do. This may have just became one of my favorites so far 💕
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dogstaroverthemoon · 2 years
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Wolfstar raises Harry fanart from last december
(I don't support JK Rowling's transphobic views or other problematic opinions and choices in any way. I don't like the Harry Potter series, but still cannot let go of my ultimate comfort character Remus and wolfstar and marauders fanfictions. We have adopted these characters for our better care💕)
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dogstaroverthemoon · 2 years
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Harry and Draco with cats
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dogstaroverthemoon · 2 years
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Love Galore - 35 Romantic Shorts
This is a (very much) belated reclist for 2022’s Valentines Day - I put it together in February as one of my projects to celebrate my most recent follower milestone but I wasn’t feeling it back then, so I decided to save it and post on June 12th to celebrate the Brazilian Valentines Day instead - as you can see I’m not very good at keeping up with the intended calendar 😂
This is, as usual, a quite personal reclist, and the idea was to highlight fics that represent peak romance for me, including a generous amount of fluff, smut, angst, and everything in the between. And because love manifests in many forms I wanted to focus on the romantic aspect but also cover important topics such as non-sexual intimacy, found family, asexual and trans representation. This list is sadly limited to short fics (up to 15k) otherwise it would be impossible to post everything at once, but I’m playing with the idea of doing parts 2 & 3 with longer fics, maybe a rare pairs version as well?
I also take this opportunity to link the amazing collaborative reclist Now that’s romance which was compiled by @sweet-s0rr0w with lots of romantic reads. I hope you guys enjoy these treats, and don’t forget to shower our creators with love! Last but now least, HUGE thank you to the lovely @bluebutter-art who kindly gave me permission to use her breathtaking artwork on the banner! You can reblog the original here. 
halcyon days by @the-starryknight (2020, T, 1.3k) - non-sexual intimacy 🛏
Sleepy mornings caught while the sun rises are reserved for silly word games and soft touches and feelings.
Willing Blood by @lqtraintracks and @the-starryknight (2022, E, 2k) - creature fic 🩸
Seven days together, years ago; seventy-four hours and thirty-eight minutes trapped in this house alone; and now one chance to stop himself from draining Potter dry. Will Draco take it? Will Harry let him?
Thrice Bound by @skeptiquewrites (2022, M, 2.3k) - red string of fate 🧶
Once by nature, once by fate, and once by choice.
Still Life by orphan_account (2019, M, 3k) - fuck buddies 💵
No summary provided. Read my rec here.
The Long Fall by @tackytigerfic (2021, M, 3.6k) - Mpreg 🍼
It’s supposed to be a simple house renovation, and maybe it’s just the paint fumes, but Harry is feeling dizzy around Draco Malfoy. And what’s the real meaning of family, anyway? Read my rec here.
Cupboard Love by @shealwaysreads (2021, G, 4k) - found family + food as love 🥘
Cupboard Love: the psychoanalytic theory of an infant’s primary drive being food which, when satisfied, leads naturally to a secondary drive for attachment. Harry’s life, and love, in food.
Home is Where the Nifflers Are by @primavera-cerezos (2020, G, 4k) - animal care as love 🐱
Draco has a soft spot for animals with nowhere to go; soon his and Harry’s small flat is bustling with adorable, semi-dangerous creatures. Read my rec here.
Student Digs by Lokifan (2016, E, 4k) - kinky love 🔥
Harry’s living in *student accommodation*. Just the phrase makes Draco shudder. Read my rec here.
Waiting for that Feeling by @sorrybutblog (2021, T, 4k) - road trip 🚙
Draco Malfoy has a car and Harry Potter is on the case! Featuring Muggle car repair, a road trip to Cornwall, and falling in love in a Ford Fiesta. Read my rec here.
Hourglass Heart by @bixgirl1 (2019, E, 5k) - flatmates 🏠
It only happened once — depending on how Harry counted.
the trembling of the moment by @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm and @porcelainsalt (2020, G, 5k) - ace Draco 🍰
“You’re the last person I’d have expected to stumble across on the other side of the world.” In which Draco’s quiet single-parent life is not so much interrupted as unexpectedly harmonised.
Game On by @pennygalleon (2021, T, 5k) - fake relationship 📸
Draco blows Harry a kiss and the press goes nuts. Harry suggests they use this to their advantage.
Slip Into My Lover’s Hands by @lqtraintracks (2015, E, 6k) - first time 🍑
Draco licks his lips. He shuts his eyes, because he doesn’t think he can look at Potter when he says it. When he asks for it. “One finger?”
It Never Occurred to Me That I Would Fall in Love With a Frenchman by lamerezouille (2013, T, 6k) - meeting the family Dursleys 🍽
Harry kisses Draco in a public place. All hell breaks loose.
Let Me Have You and I’ll Let You Save Me by Frayach (2012, M, 6k) - soulmates 🌓
Draco keeps coming back, and Harry keeps letting him. Draco can’t stay away, and Harry can’t live without him. Read my rec here.
The Thousand Deaths by @corvuscrowned (2021, E, 6k) - murder husbands dark fic 🔪
When the Kedavras don’t work, they try wooden stakes. When the stakes don’t work, they try blades. When the blades don’t work, the truth spills between them like the vast, churning ocean — eternity, inescapable.
the keys to your kingdom by thistle_verse (2016, E, 7k) - Auror partners 🔑
Two hundred pain receptors per square inch in the human body and it was nothing but background noise in the explosion, the revelation, that was Harry Potter’s body against his. Read my rec here.
Our Little Life by @tackytigerfic (2020, M, 7k) - multiverse aka love across space and time ⚔️
Sometimes Harry dreams. Only they’re not really dreams at all, and Malfoy is always in them. It’s time travel, but not as we know it, and Harry just needs a good night’s sleep. Read my rec here.
(Un)Calculated Risk by @l0vegl0wsinthedark (2017, E, 7k) - 8th year + secret relationship 🤐
He thought about the way Harry looked at him, smiled at him; about the way Draco’s head was nearly always full of him, all day every day, and about the way Draco sometimes deliberately went to bed still smelling of him, refusing to acknowledge what it meant – because he already fucking knew what it meant. What all of it meant. And then Draco decided, fuck it, he was going to risk it. They were going to risk it together, Harry and Draco.
Gravity Centered by carpemermaid (2019, E, 7k) - rivals & lovers 🧹
Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy are two of the best flyers in the International Professional Broom Racing League. To fans, they’re a pair of competitive rivals that trade skillful wins back and forth, but after they finish each grueling race around the world is that all there is between them? Or: Harry tastes the wind on Malfoy’s tongue. Read my rec here.
A Grey Shrike Alighted upon my Wishbone by @opalesqueopioid (2021, E, 7k) - memory loss, tw: ambiguous ending 🛁
Cursed to forget everything about Harry Potter, Draco has to kill if he wants a cure.
One of Those Nights by @l0vegl0wsinthedark (2016, E, 7.5k) - established relationship + role play 🍸
“I never would have thought you had it in you,” Potter’s heated murmur against his jaw is dark and full of depraved promises. “I’ll give you this much, Malfoy, you sure know how to get a man’s attention.”
in a rambling way by @fw00shy (2021, T, 7.5k) - getting back together + only one bed ⛺️
Ron knocked Hermione up, and now Harry’s got to figure out how to clone himself so that his friends don’t split up fighting over him. Falling for Draco again was never part of the plan.
Til Our Compass Stands Still by china_nightingale (2018, M, 9k) - moving in together 🧭
It was an unconventional relationship, if one could call it that. It was the way it had always been - bodies colliding while lips stayed closed, dueling and caressing and ripping one another open while hearts stayed locked safely behind cages covered in bruises from curses and kisses. Read my rec here.
The Things They Never Say by @bixgirl1 (2017, E, 9k) - enemies to lovers 📰
Harry and Draco don’t know how to talk. So they do other things instead. Read my rec here.
Love, Actually, is All Around by @punk-rock-yuppie (2020, T, 10k) - Movie AU 🎄
It’s Christmastime, and Harry has just started as the new Minister of Magic. It just so happens that Draco works in his office as well, a holdover from Kingsley’s tenure. Naturally, love is in the air. Read my rec here.
Quick as a Flash of Lightning, Unhurried as Eternity by @onbeinganangel and art by @babooshkart (2021, E, 10k) - domestic love 🐈‍⬛
Can you fall in love with someone by simply watching them fiercely love another version of yourself? Read my rec here.
The Taste of Magic by @romaine2424 (2012, M, 10k) - Apocalypse AU 🪄
As the world’s atmosphere changes, magic starts to disappear. Only a “lucky” few will stay in the magical world until the earth begins to heal.
fine i’ll hold my breath / til i forget it’s complicated by teatrolley (2015, M, 11k) - friends with benefits 🍵
Harry and Draco become friends with benefits, and Harry thinks it’s more complicated than it actually is. Read my rec here.
A Song, Incomplete by RurouniHime (2013, E, 11k) - older Drarry ♟
Draco’s photograph took up the entire top half of the Prophet’s front page. Below the photo: DRACO MALFOY DEFENDS SON OF FORMER LOVER. As if that were breaking news. Read my rec here.
the way you make me glow by @softlystarstruck (2022, M, 11k) - trans Draco 🏳️‍⚧️
In a cottage next to the sea, love blossoms. Or perhaps it’s been there all along.
Little Talks by Femme and noeon (2012, E, 11k) - kid fic 🧸
Draco’s been shagging the Head Auror for months now, and he’s sure it’s just a fling. Until Harry asks him to a Quidditch match, that is, and things go horribly wrong.
Poppiholla by @moonflower-rose (20121, M, 12k) - mutual pining 🎈
Harry had accepted that he would pine silently for Malfoy forever, but one, humid summer might change that. Read my rec here.
The Eighth Tale by lettered (2012, E, 12k) - time travel, cw: major character death ⌛️
Draco Malfoy tries to fix the past, but instead mucks it up some more. For Harry, it all becomes quite clear. Read my rec here.
Countdown by dysonrules (2013, M, 14k) - friends to lovers 🥞
When the Wizarding world is plagued by random outbreaks of Dark Magic, the Ministry assigns Curse-Breakers to assist Auror teams on their missions. Harry shouldn’t be surprised when Draco Malfoy is assigned to his team, but is Malfoy a Curse-Breaker, or a curse-bringer? Read my rec here.
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dogstaroverthemoon · 3 years
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version 1. "PRONGS" I keep drawing the marauders /// james potter 👀✨
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dogstaroverthemoon · 3 years
The Three Of Us
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/36840619
by WatchDominionMovie
Sirius Black has an itch and he asks his two best friends, who also happen to be his roommates, to help him scratch it.
Words: 4244, Chapters: ½, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin
Relationships: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin/James Potter, Sirius Black & Remus Lupin & James Potter, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Sirius Black & Remus Lupin, Remus Lupin & James Potter, Remus Lupin/James Potter, Sirius Black/James Potter, Sirius Black & James Potter
Additional Tags: Threesome - M/M/M, Threesome, Group Sex, Voyeurism, Roommates, Best Friends, Friendship, Friends With Benefits, Smut, Shameless Smut, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Sex, Gay Sex, Gay Sirius Black, Bottom Sirius Black, Top Sirius Black, Queer James Potter, Queer Sirius Black, Queer Remus Lupin, Top James Potter, Bottom James Potter, Top Remus Lupin, Bottom Remus Lupin, Breeding, Switching, Switch Sirius Black, Switch Remus Lupin, Gay
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/36840619
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dogstaroverthemoon · 3 years
🐝n so fugging long since I've been here. Is this place dead?
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Sorta missing my black hair because it is already at Sirius length but at the same time I don't want to dye it so punk hair Sirius maybe?? 😎✨
0 notes
dogstaroverthemoon · 3 years
Malfoy’s Melodramatic Morning
“POTTER’S GAY?!” Draco shrieks, upending an entire pot of tea in his haste to tear the Prophet from a trembling first year’s hands.
Pansy yawns, Blaise barely glances at him before turning back to his coffee, and Greg grunts, scattering crumbs across the table. 
“Excuse me, did anyone hear what I said?” 
Pansy rolls her eyes. “Draco, darling, everyone at Hogwarts—” 
“All of Europe, more like,” Blaise interrupts.
“—heard you,” she finishes, stealing toast from his abandoned plate. “We just don’t care.”
Which is utter dragon shit—every single person (wixen and muggle alike) should care that the Saviour of the Wizarding World likes men. Honestly, it’s the best news he’s heard since the death of Voldemort. Draco’s only been in love with the four-eyed git for his whole sodding life and now he’s finally got a chance.
His horrid friends may be indifferent to Harry Potter’s newfound sexuality, but they’re the only ones. Already, there’s a queue at the Gryffindor table. 
And at the very front of the line is Zacharias fucking Smith.
If Potter’s first real boyfriend is that Hufflepuff wanker, Draco will throw himself to the Giant Squid. 
Draco strides across the Great Hall, marching past the queue that’s thirty-blokes deep and straight up to Potter. Bloody hell, he looks deliciously rumpled—sleepy eyes, tangled hair, stubble accentuating his strong jaw.
Bravery is not Draco’s strong suit, he mostly uses words as a shield, and he stares at Potter’s handsomely confused face trying to find the right words.
Smith’s nasal whine convinces Draco this is a time for action.
He whips Potter’s glasses off, and they shatter against the far wall as he threads his hands into that delightfully messy hair and kisses Harry ‘Out for an Hour’ Potter with everything he’s got.
After several minutes, in which Draco experiences at least a hundred lifetimes of bliss, they break apart—breathless and smiling—and Draco realises a hush has fallen over the watching crowd.
“Sorry boys, Potter’s mine.”
“Call me Harry,” he says, laughing loud and bright, filling Draco with an effervescent happiness before kissing him again.
For the @drarrymicrofic prompt: shattered. Huge thanks to @skeptiquewrites for the amazing beta work! Back on my eighth year breakfast bullshit cause it’s just so much fun.
Previous microfics.
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dogstaroverthemoon · 3 years
Microfic: Teamwork
for @drarrymicrofic prompt 'teamwork'
After almost two decades on the pitch and winning two World Cups, Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy-Potter are retiring from Quidditch.
We know them best from the legendary 00s rivalry between the Kestrels and Arrows, bringing the Cup home twice and the creation of a new League team, Godric's Hollow Griffins.
"We'll still be involved," Draco assures me.
"I pity the person who tries to keep him away," Harry chimes in.
"That's supposed to be you, no?" Draco says, absent of his trademark gruffness.
A tender moment from a notoriously private couple.
One thing's for certain: they will be missed.
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dogstaroverthemoon · 3 years
drarry professor au where they bicker so much that no one knows that they’re dating. but one year kids get their schedules and see that professor potter is teaching potions and DADA. and they’re like ??? so they get to hogwarts and see draco and harry sitting in their normal spots at the professors table. and they’re like wtf?? professor malfoy was never on the schedule. they go to potions the next day and see professor malfoy and they are like what the bloody hell. and some kid speaks up about it and says “professor malfoy?” and draco doesn’t respond. so a bunch of kids are all yelling trying to get his attention. till harry walks in and says “potter” and draco turns around. and they all sit there like :0
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dogstaroverthemoon · 3 years
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They forgot they are "secretly" dating
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