dolan-watches-you · 8 years
I hate being a dramatic, I really do
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dolan-watches-you · 8 years
Mrs. Weasley's Son
As the wands of wizards rose to clean up the destruction leftover from the Battle of Hogwarts, Professor McGonnagal turned to Mrs. Weasley while they levitated bricks and the toppled ogres and statues from the courtyard. "I have lived a long time, Molly," she said. "I have seen students run through these corridors and dungeons, causing both me and Mr. Filch headache, but I cannot recall one as uniquely brilliant as no other, than Fred. I am hurt for your son, he fought bravely. I can say Fred's spirit will forever run here, as well as in my heart." Molly looked up at her, the mother's eyes, hard as granite, turned to a red flush of tears. "My son, my wonderful son..He knew how to make everyone laugh didn't he? I loved my boy, as all my children. We're a strong bunch, we will be strong for him. Although, Minerva; I do have one request, if I may? "Of course Molly, if I can be of help, go on?" Said Professor McGonnagal. "Harry tells of a magic in Dumbledore's office, where you can see memories," exasperated Mrs. Weasley. McGonnagal studied Mrs. Weasley, the poor broken women wore tattered clothes, and her skin beat with dirt and blood, she looked absolutely desperate all of a sudden. "Yes. I know this item of Dumbledore's possession, it is called a Pensive. One can see what he or she has trapped inside their head. Or what others care to share with them." Molly's eyes showed hope, as if some one let her breathe, just a minuscule easier. "I know it may be out of place, but I wish to see my boy, at a time, I could not. I'm sure you're aware he spent many of his days in this castle, many I couldn't see him." And at that moment, she began to cry. Somberly the remaining students watched the plump women shake down to her knees and relieve herself. McGonnagal embraced her, and sat with her until the midday sun dried the mother's tears. "I know what you ask of me Molly," McGonnagal said, "I am honored to have taught such a bright boy, and I would be honored to be able to share any recollection of him I have." "Thank you so much Minerva! You're stronger than all of us, yes you are!" exclaimed Mrs. Weasley. Every student in the yard watched Minerva McGonnagal give Mrs. Weasley a vile of liquid. And if one looked close enough, a tear could be seen in the corners of Minerva's eyes as she leaped onto the roof as a cat. Mrs. Weasley climbed the torn away stairs to Dumbledore's office. The whole castle had been damaged, the fact that this room had survived was magic itself. Climbing into this mystical room, she searched for the pensive, she hadn't noticed the past headmaster's eyes following her, or the batch of feathers, where Fawks once perched. She quickly found the pensive, and shockingly picked up the device that must've weighed tons and placed it in the middle of the room. "Albus Dumbledore you mysterious man.." Molly had never seen such an item. She clenched Minerva's vile and poured the tears into the sink-like hole. The milky water shimmered and pondered about in ripples, a voice inside her head told her to dunk her head into the water, so she did. Dumbledore's office vanished, and in its place, The Great Hall vividly warm and peaceful took its place. The ceiling of the hall shown bright stars, and the room spelt of warm hickory and juicy fruits, goblets of orange juice lined the tables also. This must have been years ago, but Minerva McGonnagal had not changed a bit in her appearance. Her eyes much as if an eagle had transfigurated into her, glared protectively around her students, under the brim of her hat. Dumbledore looked younger, along with the twinkle in his blue, aged, eyes, the wrinkles in his face had not seen the destruction and war yet, only happiness for the school and it's new students. He came to the front of the room, and made his speech to the children of the future. Mrs. Weasley beamed up at him, the man who had protected Hogwarts for years, and shares kindness with everyone who called Hogwarts a home, oh how dearly she missed him. The ceremony for the 1st years had begun, and Minerva began to call the names of the kids. "Adams..Gunther..Mack..Reeves.." McGonnagal went on along the list, Mrs. Weasley knew what was coming. "Weasley, George?" The living twin stood up, his robes outreached beyond his arms. The family always passed down robes from the older brothers. Anyone in the hall could spot the red hair and mischievous smile anywhere. He came up and sat on the stool where the Sorting Hat was placed on his head. A moment passed. "GRYFFINDOR!" The hat announced and the applause lifted the room. The little George ran like a schoolboy to the table where the Scarlet and Gold reign true. Mrs. Weasley smiled nostalgically at her boy, unaware of the moment approaching. "Weasley, Fred?" The room tremored through Minerva's voice. Another red haired boy ran up to the stool, smiley sheepishly, under the brim of the Sorting Hat. The hat chuckled, "another Weasley? Oh I know what to do with you...GRYFFINDOR!" Nobody could hear or see the jumping of Mrs. Weasley at that very moment, or the tears of mixed sadness and happiness. Her little boy who would someday give his life for the defeat of the Dark Lord, bounded back to his table, while his mother watched intensively and drunkenly. The scene shimmered, and boggled into a wide green field. Molly was in Professor McGonnagal's office, overlooking the Quidditch Field. The house of Hogwarts was practicing, balls brushing by players and walls of the stadium, players speeding into the setting sun. The sky shown a beautiful sunset, which tinted the surroundings orange. McGonnagal should've been grading perhaps, but instead she was anxiously watching the practice of her house. Her eyes fell upon the twins, unmistakable by the hair and the laughs heard all around. One zoomed up and down, while the other all around. Both with club like instruments, hitting a ball through rings and..oh Molly never understood Quidditch. She,however; stayed, feet glued to the floor, watching her sons, her son, flying through the air. Fred was spectacular, a very skilled player on the team. And he knew it too. McGonnagal goggled at the twins then said to herself, "George Weasley and Fred Weasley, they will win the cup for us, they will win it for Hogwarts!" Mrs. Weasley's faces was full of pride for her son, it did not matter that they had not won that year, she could do nothing but smile at the amazing child she gave to the world. Molly pulled her face from the Pensive, she felt dizzy and exhausted from her trip. She heaved the pensive back in the cabinet, eager to see her boy again on another day. Stepping down the stairs of the castle, she bid farewell to McGonnagal, with a hug lasting an entirety. Arthur stood at the base of the castle, waving at her, with a boot in his hand, a portkey. "Molly, are you ready?" She looked around, Ron was with Harry walking toward a bridge, he'd be home soon enough. "Yes." She said, and the two whisked away to the Burrow.
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dolan-watches-you · 8 years
With so much negativity in the world; one must strive for positivity.
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dolan-watches-you · 8 years
Eye can knot sleep..
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dolan-watches-you · 8 years
People talking without speaking.
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dolan-watches-you · 8 years
If I give you a smile and you give me a angry look; go eat a stick.
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dolan-watches-you · 9 years
My throat is on fire.
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dolan-watches-you · 9 years
Our lives remain in these small hours.
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dolan-watches-you · 9 years
Feels like the one song I want to memorize the words to is the hardest to do so.
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dolan-watches-you · 9 years
I hate when my mom's right.
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dolan-watches-you · 9 years
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M&M Cookie Dough Ice Cream Cake with Hot Fudge
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dolan-watches-you · 9 years
Every day, you're bound to find something happy; therefore you can never have an overall bad day.
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dolan-watches-you · 9 years
I blame the music in my head.
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dolan-watches-you · 9 years
Seems like a smashing pumpkins night.
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dolan-watches-you · 9 years
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dolan-watches-you · 9 years
I freaking hate disrespectful kids; you're not an adult, you shouldn't act like one, just sit there and shut up and do what is asked, so disrespectful kids can try to disrespect you when you're successful.
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dolan-watches-you · 9 years
I hate nights like these; I wish I could sleep.
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