dominarayne · 3 years
Erwin, going through Eren's resume: Okay so right here, it states that you are creative.
Eren: Yes.
Erwin: Okay... may I know what you create?
Eren: Problems.
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dominarayne · 3 years
Levi : Wanna play 20 questions?
Erwin : Sure!
Levi : Ok. You go first.
Erwin : Uh, What's your favorite color?
Levi : Triangle. My turn. Do you like boys?
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dominarayne · 3 years
On today's episode of "If you know, you know." Iron Gold trilogy spoiler
"Where are you, Pax? Is it bright where you walk? Are you afraid? Has your mother found you? Your uncle? Do you wonder if your father will come? Do you hate him for having left? Will you ever understand?"
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dominarayne · 3 years
Do you really hate shipping characters in books? Or that just happen when people ship two people you don't like together? That is the question!
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dominarayne · 3 years
Poetry recs? Like your absolute absolute favourites
Okay these are the ones that made me die a little
“all people are driven to the point of eating their gods” 
“if I love you / is that a fact or a weapon?”
“the kingdom of god is within you because you ate it”
“the blood in your mouth – I wish it was mine”
“his mouth is heaven, his kisses falling over me like stars”
“I am singing now while rome burns”
“that corpse you planted last year in your garden,  has it begun to sprout? will it bloom this year?”
“so the gods sank to human shape with longing”
“those imperial, disimpassion’d eyes”
“this beautiful speed will be the end of us.  those are stars in our teeth.”
“if love wants you, if you’ve been melted into stars”
“out of the ash I rise with my red hair / and I eat men like air”
“your body hurts me as the world hurts god”
“lessons on loving a prophet”
“and I, infinitesimal being, drunk with the great starry void”
“tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine”
“to love a prophet is to become their desert”
“the void rushing up to greet us in the absence of god”
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dominarayne · 3 years
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dominarayne · 3 years
"Until then, endure, my love. Endure."
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dominarayne · 3 years
*kisses my own hand gently*
Me to me : you're expensive bitch!! Everything's gonna be okay.
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dominarayne · 3 years
when people are like “not to be dramatic” girl why not. life is to short to be regular matic 
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dominarayne · 3 years
Dark Age spoiler
Friendly Reminder
That Rhonna will wake up in the final book only to discover she has lost Alexandrina AGAIN but this time for good!
I hate myself for this😭💔
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dominarayne · 3 years
Make more male bi characters you cowards
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dominarayne · 3 years
Red Rising spoiler
Cassius after his fallout with Darrow in the institute:
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Bonus Scene :
Mustang : Darrow-
Darrow dissolving into pool of his own tears : Cassius called me that too!
Mustang : Because it's your fucking name?
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dominarayne · 3 years
Incorrect Red Rising Quotes
Darrow: Fuck capitalism. It's a rigged system that keeps us poor and it isn't fair. You shouldn't need to work three jobs to afford basic necessities.
Cassius, playing Monopoly: Sorry, if you wanted to win you should have tried not being poor.
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dominarayne · 3 years
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Lysander “I’m never going to stop being racist” au Lune
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dominarayne · 3 years
Incorrect Red Rising Quotes
Darrow and Cassius: *hugging and crying after resolving a fight between them*
Sevro : Are they in love?
Mustang who had been dating Darrow for five months : Yes, they are.
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dominarayne · 3 years
Shout out to Darrow of Lykos and Cassius au Bellona for serving enemies to lovers trope without their stupid asses even knowing it lol
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dominarayne · 3 years
This is the stupidest RR headcannon ever but I have this idea that Sevro officiated Clown and Pebble’s wedding and got so emotional during it that he couldn’t finish the ceremony
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