#rhonna of lykos
dualquille · 9 months
Red God prediction - Red Rising
I’m calling it right now - Lysander will use the Red cube on Mars. He favors Gold too much to use it on them (ex. When he chose Seraphina over all those lowColors in Iron Gold). Deanna, Kieran, and all the rest of Darrow’s Red family on Mars will die. (Pax will survive this.) Rhonna will survive because she is ALIVE and on Mercury (there’s no way she just quietly disappeared forever imo). Thank you for coming to my ted talk
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darrowsrising · 7 months
I really take Alexandar's death more personally than anything else, because there is no closure whatsoever. That also implies that Rhonna gets killing rights over everyone else, Darrow 'I want to spare everyone's feelings' O'Lykos can wait his bloodydamn turn.
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wellwhatnowlove · 1 year
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Raise your hand if you want more Rhonna and Calloway content in book 6 BOOK 7
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Searching for Rhonna in lightbringer like:
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howlingalltheway · 2 years
Alexander: *casually taking four steps at a time*
Rhonna: *falling behind, trying to at least take two steps at a time* Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fu-
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rangersbecket · 1 year
manifesting 🙌
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kavinskhhy · 3 years
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Iron Gold characters || name + meaning (vol.2)
I would have lived in pace, but my enemies brought che war.
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evapunk333 · 3 years
Incorrect Red Rising Quotes
Darrow: So who wears the pants in your relationship?
Rhonna: We’re not in a relat-
Alexandar: Actually, we prefer it when neither of us do.
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hyena-frog · 4 years
Rhonna has every right to pull a Reaper and make Mercury her bitch in the last book.
[Rhonna] is much like her name, which means “rough island” in ancient Gaelic. I doubt she knows how apt a name it is. The young Red wants to be inviting, but just can’t help being jagged around the edges.
Alexandar does not notice the jaggedness one bit...
...Alexandar sips his sherry and gazes at the rough island as if she were the monument itself. (Page 666 hahaha)
This quote stood out to me because it is very rare that a character’s name gets an in-text origin. Two instances I can think of are: Lysander was “named for a contradiction: a Spartan general who had the mind of an Athenian” and Rhonna is a rough island. In fiction, especially in this series, names are meaningful, and to have that meaning made explicit can only signify extreme importance.
Rhonna has always been a force unto herself, with her Lykos temper and drive to fight alongside her uncle despite his, and her father’s, objections. But now Mercury has taken away countless friends, taken away Alex, and beaten the remnants of Darrow’s army into a retreat. She’s likely with allies like Colloway, but Mercury’s cruelty has forced her to become something more than she was. After all those losses, she is truly an island. And her edges have only become rougher.
If she chooses to pull a Reaper, or something like an inverted Fitchner, as a Red woman avenging a Gold man she loved, and unleashes that jaggedness and fury upon Mercury, well... good for her.
And, for robbing Rhonna of a love just starting to blossom, for assuming she is stupid because she is a Red, for derisively thinking of her as a child soldier despite being the same age as her, for sneering at her Red manners because they don’t live up to hoity-toity Palatine standards, Rhonna deserves to make Lysander her bitch, too.
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dominarayne · 3 years
Dark Age spoiler
Friendly Reminder
That Rhonna will wake up in the final book only to discover she has lost Alexandrina AGAIN but this time for good!
I hate myself for this😭💔
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m-austinbooks · 5 years
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While practising his reading, Ragnar came across the ancient concept of Father Christmas. Naturally, he chose to adopt the idea, bringing joy and excitement to all the children of Tinos. And Sevro. 
@darrowsrising Not Alex, but is it painful? 😂
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nerd-in-distress · 4 years
Alexander and Rhonna deserves the whole world so once again, fuck Lysander.
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darrowsrising · 3 years
thoughts on rhonna x alex??
I forgot about this ask, I am sorry!
I think that their love was something that was cut off way too early. They found it in a traumatic environment, so it was either going to last forever or just drift apart as time got quieter. At least, that's how I see it. But we will never know.
All I can see right now is how much guilt and rage and helplessness and despair Rhonna has. What's worse is that it doesn't even hold a candle to the self-loathing. I am sure she knows that Alex sacrificed himself willingly. It will be a bit of a reversed Darrow and Eo, but I actually think they were good for each other, unlike the former.
I mourn Alex even now, because he is everything I wished to see in a young Gold raised in the Republic. It's a bit ironic that the Gold who was raised outside of it killed him, Alex was everything Lysander was 'denied' to be - Arcos heir, child of the Republic, Reaper's favourite.
By the way, Darrow lost a son, crossing my fingers that he is taking this as a Blood Feud.
Rhonna and Alex had a rivalry to love story, one of the most beautiful dynamics and certainly a ray of sweet hope and warmth in a cold, cold graveyard of a life. The fact that it was killed before it bloomed was...soul-tearing. It was the last straw over all, although it followed up with plenty of horrible events. Past that point, it was simply hell. For absolutely everyone.
Rhonna - always eager to make a name for herself, to distinguish herself on her own, not becayse of her family, going head first on her own way. Stubborn, naive at times, a tough cookie with a soft interior that she tries to hide. She is old enough to remember the mines, to remember thag one night, she heard her grandma talking to her dead uncle Darrow in the kitchen, the poverty, the ever presebt dust, the first time the saw the sky. Alex - privileged beyond measure, beloved son and grandson, skilled and smart and handsome, proud, green at the ears, itching for glory, always taking pride in his family, his name and his heritage, old enough to remember how his grandfather was, an Iron Gold, yet managing to be better than he ever was in his own way.
How beautiful it is that they've grown into their own, matured and found each other? They are their own individuals, so their relationship wasn't their personality.
I think they were the last symbol of hope, of the dream that life is for more, on Mercury. When Alex died, there was no more hope, only despair, for everyone.
That is why I think that there is more meaning and importance than just 'but Lysander did what everyone, especially Darrow, would do in his place'. He broke the camel's back, there is no way of returning. Rhonna did not just lost her love, she was used as a means to kill him, not to mention infantillized. Darrow did not lost just anyone, he lost his son, a child he helped raise, train, who became a man he was so proud of.
It is a personal loss that they are entitled to feel that it was too much, after everything that already happened and if they take it personally it will be justified.
I honestly think it will create a point of conflict between Darrow and Cassius - maybe, hopefully the Julian shit will be put to rest by Darrow once and for all and I will never ever have to endure the guilt-tripping - the Passage parallels are obvious, but they are not one and the same thing.
As for Rhonna, I think that she will have a conflict with her own self, grow out of it, but also carry lots of trauma. I think she might be the key to getting the Storm Knight to change sides, but it's more of a 'hope this happens' than anything. She will certainly be the key to slagging Mercury a good one and save the Reaper on time from one thing or another.
Hope you enjoyed this somewhat beyond subject answer!
Howl on!
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wellwhatnowlove · 2 years
Alex: I've been dropping subtle hints that I like Rhonna.
Alex: *shoots Rhonna in the leg with a stun gun*
Alex: Perfect.
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wellwhatnowlove · 2 years
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darrowsrising · 3 years
Rhonna deserves to kill Lysander. That's it, everyone else go the fuck home.
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