E-Commerce on the Gram
The other day my friend Mira, Claire, and I were hanging out, watching TV, and engrossed in our respective phones (How millenial of us). 
Mira starts talking about how she follows the Instagram account of this local Vintage shop, "Fox and Fawn". 
Looks normal to me... 
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But wait, "cschilling84" comments "ring me" and she just bought that purse because Fox and Fawn has her instagram name on file with a credit card.   All of a sudden ROI on instagram is very, very clear.  Seriously, I ask you to go on Fox and Fawn's Instagram and see how few (if any) items haven't sold.  This sort of system makes me wonder how long until Instagram incorporates a built in eCommerce function into the App.  
Forget advertising revenue, just let Live Nation post about a $40 concert, and skim .50$ off the top. 
Allow brands to continue beautiful content creation on Instagram, but Also enable immediate/impulsive purchasing.
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Quality--- Not Quantity
I moved to NYC for a variety of reasons...  Two of which are my love for music and my desire to get into experiential marketing.   This combination naturally has me looking for agencies that take their clients and seamlessly integrate their brands into great music events/festivals etc.   I really like what VICE did for JanSport with the "Bonfire Sessions".  I really love what Red Bull does with the RBMA Festival in NYC. Because instead of throwing big money, at big names to get a big crowd, they are throwing less money, at "soon to be big" names, to get an influential crowd.
I feel something this agency world is missing, is someone who facilitates relationships between smaller artists 5k-50k FB likes and brands.   Other than VICE, RedBull's peeps, and The Cornerstone Agency (The Fader) I'm not sure who is really taking advantage of this opportunity....
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"Instagram Ads Are Getting Instant Recall" (Duh)
One day I get a call from my father (In a strong Italian accent):
"JULIAN- Did you see Facebook bought Instagram for $1,000,000,000?  Why didn't you make Instagram!?! I could have moved to Mexico".  Sorry about Mexico dad, but you do have a point.
Instagram is so simple.  That's the beauty of it.  That is also why I think it's an incredible platform for advertisement.  At least in comparison to it's parent, Facebook.  I mean can we look at a screen shot from my feed real quick.  
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I have Seamless, ESPN Deportes, Amazon, 10 random FB groups I'm apparently apart of, Game of Thrones, and a new message all asking for my attention.    On top of all of that, HauteLook is hoping that because my "friend Sunni Bunni" (a Floridian Frozen yogurt shop I randomly liked in high school for a discount) like them, I will too, and buy shoes.  
Now let's take a look at Instagram's approach. 
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One gives me anxiety, the other a beautiful picture for me to subconsciously associate with a brand.
Back in November Micheal Kors saw great success with their first ads 
This week Ad Week posted about Hollister/Taco Bell's success with Instagram ads  
Remember, a picture tells a 1,000 words (or about 992 more than Hollister/Taco Bell's demographic would read).  Needless to say, I don't know how much these ads cost and what sort of targeting capabilities Instagram offers advertisers.  That said, I think we can look forward to continued success with Instagram advertising. 
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Yesterday Google was granted a patent for Google Glass-based ad system! 
Essentially, Google will now be able to tell, based on the movement of your eyes, whether or not you "glanced" at an ad. 
Cool? Scary? I don't really know.  That said I strongly believe that people are forgetting how quickly consumers are learning to ignore things. 
I mean take a time machine back 25 years and tell marketers you'd be able to target consumers with advertisements directly related to what they search for/read about on a mystical thing called "The internet".  They'd probably feel like those of us that just read the Mashable article.  But guess what?  We (consumers) keep learning how to ignore, ignore, ignore.  I'll rip through 20 minutes on Facebook and be incapable of recalling one single brand.  I really don't care if my friend Josh Davis "Likes" Coors Light.   As a marketer, I have to wonder what it matters if someone glances at my ad.  Yes the stats are important (That's a whole other conversation) but your brand is still going to have to tell the best story.  That's why VICE and Buzzfeed have seen so much success with great branded content.  Ignoring those brands aren't an option because the content is sought after; not randomly glanced at. 
On the other hand, the first movers with this technology could enjoy the benefits ( of being the purple cow) while others catch up and consumers begin to ignore.  
For example, if I were to walk by a restaurant and Google Glass would pop up Instagram pictures of friends who tagged themselves at the location (A function I'm sure Google is very capable of) I'd be very inclined to check it out.  That "glance" could actually be very valuable.  
That said, I'm sure I'll learn to ignore that too...
Anyway, I think this technology will change the game in that it will give marketers a new platform allowing for new strategies but, the underlying rules of the game will stay the same. 
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"Old people" on Facebook
I'll start with these 
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hahaha man, good times... Anyway, where were we?
This post was inspired by a recent study: 
Social Media Use By Older Americans Has Nearly Tripled Since 2009 (More stats) 
 A related, slightly less recent study: 
Facebook use declining among Canadian and US teens
So a lot of people are freaking out about other social media outlets carving into younger generations' Facebook use...  Here's my thoughts:  Sure, for long term growth, Facebook losing their younger generation of users isn't good.  Obviously, this could also spell trouble for Facebook if the trend spreads to other generations. 
That said, consider the vast difference in purchasing power between these two groups.  I mean --->> These consumers spend close to 50 percent of all CPG dollars yet less than 5 percent of advertising is geared towards them. (Nielson study) 
So yes Facebook needs to keep other social media sites from eroding their teenage user base BUT, if you're in marketing DO NOT sleep on reaching out to older generations online.  There not as good at ignoring digital marketing/advertising strategies and they have a lot more to spend. 
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Twitter & TV
The Nielson study suggests that Twitter traffic causes "significant increases" in TV ratings 29% of the time. 
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I mean we sort of already knew this right? 
So who's doing a good job/what can be done? 
Back in April, Twitter's head of broadcast partnerships (UK), Dan Biddle said "think about programming Twitter as you programme your channel" 
The best example that comes to my mind is the Walking Dead
They have an amazing 1.6m Twitter followers. I attribute lots of their traffic to their clever "Episode specific" hashtags:  Ex. #walkingDIXONs 
(Feel free to send more examples I just wanted to use one) 
As for "What can be done?" I'll introduce one idea by introducing a company called Mass Relevance 
The Mass Relevance SaaS platform is leveraged to create real-time consumer engagement by aggregating, filtering, and re-displaying social content from any social network to any digital property — TV, web, mobile, or jumbotron.
Think about having real time, filtered, twitter conversation scrolling on the bottom of your screen during a show.  Imagine having the most popular tweet come up before ever commercial break.  There are hundreds of possibilities. 
All of which will boost ratings... All in all, the point is, make sure you're considering how you're activating your existing viewers for maximum social media traffic and vice-a-versa. 
Would love your thoughts, possible implications outside of the world of TV...
Another cool article vvvv
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A study came out last month about why people "like" brands on FB and since I didn't have the platform to comment at the time I'd like to now. 
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Look at the top 4:  49% to support a brand I like & 41% to receive regular updates from brands I like.           
42% to get a coupon or discount & 35% to participate in contests. 
Seems to me there are 2 major themes of "Likers":
Those who wanna show some love and stay in the loop or those who want to win/get something. 
Synapse the great people who did the study above also found the average FB "Fan" to be worth $174. 
If you ask me, I think we know which "theme of Likers" contributes more to that valuation.   Leading me to my point: When developing your social media strategy, pushing deals is great for traffic. That said, it's about quality not quantity.  Would you rather have a handful of brand advocates or a truckload of bargain hunters?  Around the webs: 
Olapic: Allows fashion companies to crowd source images from around the web for their sites.
The Onion's take on the Omnicom/Publicis merger < lol
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The Cereal market in America is pretty ehhh (declining 1% each year for the past decade). 
Sooo the guys over at General Mills started the "Hello, Cereal Lovers" social media initiative FB INSTA Tumblr & Twitter  You'll find that all the outlets are "Brand Agnostic".  Fierce rival Kellogg's even got some love as a few posts mention Special K.
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My point is that apparently "A rising tide lifts all boats" (I came up with that phrase...nvm No I didn't)  BUT my question is: Can collaborating with a competitor be beneficial? Any good examples? 
I immediately think of Kanye and 50 Cent back in 07'  releasing their albums the same day... The publicity, the competition etc lead to great sales for both parties involved. 
Can Dominos and Papa Johns come together to push a Pizza Night? 
I mean 49% of people like a brand on FB just to show support... Consider the traffic created by pinning two fan bases against each other. 
Could Nike and Adidas throw a joint street soccer tournament and make people forget about Puma? 
Obviously things can get VERY tricky logistically (with two rivals even being in the same room) but I believe there are situations that could make sense. At the end of the day most corporations fund lobbying together anyway ;) haha  Would love some thoughts...  Thanks, Julian 
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Following Facebook and Twitter what are the generally newer/bigger names in the realm of social media?  
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-Pinterest (Users average $140-160 an order & 14 other facts) 
Anything in common?  They are all very visual.
Anything else? They can be much harder to analyze vs. FB/Twitter.
How can you push e-commerce, "listen" to consumers and fully understand the effects of your social media efforts without proper analytics? 
Have you ever tried analyzing a brand's Tumblr/Pinterest/Instagram?  I HAVE AND IT'S PAINFUL. Enter Piqora (Formerly Pinfluencer) 
The company claims to be "The complete marketing suite for Tumblr, Pinterest and Instagram".  I haven't received the demo yet but Piqora's site outlines it's ability...
Measure trending images, content and hashtags
See how many new followers/reposts/likes/comments etc certain content created 
See "Revenue through Pin" and see what's leading to actual sales
Understand who your top influencers/advocates are and what sort of traffic they're creating.
Much more...
As these sites all grow, make sure you have the information you need to get the most out of them. Check out Piqora! 
From around the web: 
Understand Native Advertising and its growth 
Facial recognition stuff is weird but probably effective 
Game of Thrones with some great Guerilla Marketing
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Experiential Marketing
Experiential Marketing is the real deal... The right event/activation can develop an unparalleled connection with your consumer.  
Some stats for you: 
90% of consumers become regular customers after attending a live brand event
 percent of consumers reported that their participation in a recent event made them more inclined to puchase the products promote
52 percent stated that they bought the product or service promoted at a recent event they attended.
54 percent said they purchased the product or service at a later date.
88 percent of event guests who buy once said afterwards they became loyal customers.   (Source: BizBash )
The problem is they normally cost a lot (Brand ambassadors, sponsorships, equipment, set up, break down, permits blah blah etc. etc.) 
So in hopes of getting better ROI marketers are using these events to create social media traffic through attendees (Hence the #s you see all over events now).  This is not new to many of you. 
The point of today's post is that at many events I've been to, I feel like not enough is being done to get people to post on their social media organically. 
You've probably all seen something like "Instaprint" (Prints your instagram Photos) already or have been asked to tag yourself for entry but I want to introduce (if you haven't already met at SXSW) you to something truly unique: 
In a variety of ways  #FEED marries Art and Technology allowing attendees to interact with the social media content like never before. 
Check them out! 
Thanks From around the web:  McDonalds Honesty in Canada
Why Brands don't sweat social ROI 
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Movable Ink
I have 4 emails   
[email protected] < Important
[email protected] < Music Blog I work with
[email protected] < My internship 
[email protected]  < JUNK  
The point is I'm not the only one doing this and the truth is your promotional emails are probably barely reaching me.
And WHEN/IF they do, they better be good if you want to separate me from my $$$.  
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Enter Movable Ink ...  No long is the email you sent going to be the same regardless or when and where it's opened. 
3 quick Examples: 
A. Weather changes the email.  Ex. Seamless emails are sent out with 3 day forecast.  If it was raining, "Don't get drenched order in" is displayed. 
B. Finish Line (Changing Ads based on location) 
Dependent upon WHERE the email is opened the team in the ad will change.
C. Email changes dependent upon time and location. It can also include a map showing where you can buy the product nearby. 
      I don't think I have to explain the implications of having your emails be FARRR more relevant/personal.  I'm unsure of pricing but, I think this could be incredible value for your business. 
Check Movable Ink out. (They don't know me. I don't get commission. Don't worry) 
From around the Interwebs: 
Vine vs. Instagram Statistics update (I'll write about it more tomorrow)  
Digital Diaper for Tracking Children's health 
Seth Godin's TED Talk on getting your ideas to spread  (Old but a GEM) 
Thanks as always... 
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Paid advertising… As in advertisers “pay" you. 
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Introducing Aquto, the app that pays users in Internet Data for watching ads, liking FB pages, following twitter pages, signing up for free trials…etc. etc.
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Considering 66% of mobile users are “worried about going over their data limit", data seems to be a viable bartering chip. 
So I’d imagine
1. Aquto buys bulk cellphone data from Cellular providers
2. Aquto sells the data to its clients at a profit
3. Aquto clients then pay for social media followers, free trial registrants and ad views with data. 
Aquto and Cellular providers obviously win. Here’s my fear for companies that would use Aquto:
The cell phone users who would use Aquto are the type of people willing to give their time away and clog up their social media outlets/inboxes for Cell Phone data… I’d imagine they’re not BIG TIME spenders.  It’s sort of like when people only show up to your restaurant with a Groupon. 
I’m not saying Aquto couldn’t be a great service for your company.  I’m just saying consider the type of people who would inconvenience themselves for cell phone data when calculating ROI. 
Would you go through the trouble? Personally, I’m not sure I would…  Thanks
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Coupons are great.  Sometimes they save you money and if not, save them for firewood starter (Shout out to Bed Bath and Beyond).
My quip about burning coupons speaks to how irrelevant they can be to the recipient.  So I'm asking: Is your brand getting the right promotion into the right hands at the right time? 
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^^^^^^ Wrong 
Enter: Shopkick , Here's an incredible simple explanation... 
I download the free app. 
I walk into one of the stores they partner with.
The app recognizes your location and sends you exclusive coupons/rewards.
I looked for a case study but found $200 Mil 2012 revenue instead (Up from $110 mil in 2011).  It seems like they are doing well... 
While many businesses have offered discounts/rewards in return for Social media exposure through Yelp & Foursquare check ins, Shopkick will connect users who don't always want to check in or remember to. 
Great study on the Digital Coupon world 
More on Shopkick (Video)  Fun Mobility  <<< If you want to make some digital coupons Foursquare Marketing examples 
I'd love to hear your thoughts, your successes... Always feel free to shoot me an email [email protected]   Thanks
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Endorsements aren't an old concept.  You take a famous/influential person and you compensate them so that you're product can latch onto their brand equity. (Boom..done)
  Now it's about "organically" integrating your brand/product into your influencer's social media outlets (Duhhh we know).  
Here's a company you can pay to have Kim Kardashian tweet about how much she loves your "Fat Free, Sugar Free Yogurt"   Izea 
Now it's also about creating incredible branded content (Normally starring some influencers).  
The problem is, some times it doesn't quite work : /       vvvvvvv
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Which brings me to my point:
Leveraging influencers' social media following and creating branded content is only going to become a more popular marketing strategy.  
I'm just asking, PLEASE, that you ask yourself:
ls anyone falling for it? Do I forget/not realize it's an Ad? 
If it's cheesy/phony it'll probably be a waste of money... 
From around the inteernets: 
Yelp adding delivery service (That's gotta be annoying for Seamless, GrubHub)
Going overboard with online targeted advertising 
13 interesting facts about Buzzfeed  and its readers
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Mobile Commerce
From Q1 of 2012 to Q1 of 2013 websites have seen an 85% increase in the amount of traffic they get from tablets and mobile devices. 
This probbabblyy has something to do with mobile commerce increasing 81% from 2011 ($13.6B) to 2012 (24.8B). 
This study suggests that by 2017 this number will reach...
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While this doesn't shock many, the point of this is to get you thinking...
Does your business have a place where I can buy things impulsively off my phone/tablet while waiting at the doctors? 
Is your mobile design different than your tablet? (Say yes) 
Are you following up with people who filled their cart but didn't purchase?
How are you using your user's data to make a more personal shopping experience? (Sale on Patriots T-Shirts when user is in New England?) 
Are you focusing on making things SIMPLE and SAFE? (Don't clutter my small screens or make the payment process sketchy) 
How can you make the shipping process easier/cheaper/faster/less annoying? (In store pick up/return available?) 
Are you considering who and how your products are currently being purchased? (Lunch vs. a Rolex?) 
What did I miss? 
Thanks, Julian 
Great site:  http://ecommerceouttakes.com/
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I once read that Advertising is like walking into a bar and telling everyone you're cool and that Branding was just being genuinely cool. 
In so many ways we do live in a Post Advertising World... We're a group of consumers who skip Youtube Ads and can't remember a single billboard from the walk home.  That said, I'll never forget that time RedBull invited me to a rooftop pool party in Miami.  To reach us, you're going to have to just be that genuinely cool guy at the bar. 
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