dontmakeitbad-rp-blog · 11 years
Hey guys. We come to you with some pretty sad news. Unfortunately, both Admins have decided that it's probably best for everyone involved if we just shut the roleplay down. We hated to do it, but it just wasn't working. The group was lacking in activity for a long while and it just got worse as time went on. 
We think you're all wonderful roleplayers and we wish that our schedules could have accommodated better. I, Blaine, would like to apologize because my activity was really bad for a long time. 
We'll keep the OOC blog up for a while so people can say their goodbyes and exchange personal tumblrs if they so wish. We're going to miss roleplaying with you guys and we wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors!
Much love,
Admins Blaine and Dani.
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dontmakeitbad-rp-blog · 11 years
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dontmakeitbad-rp-blog · 11 years
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Hello, everyone! As you've noticed lately, activity has been pretty stagnant lately and that's something that I really need to stop in order for this roleplay to work out. This admin note is going to serve as another group wide activity check. By liking this post you are not only telling me that you are still here, but that you're going to promise to pick up your activity. That means that you won't be making a few posts, disappearing for a few days, then repeating the cycle. I love this roleplay and refuse to let it fizzle out without a fight. That being said, from now on, I won't be as light on the activity rule as I have been in the past. If you're activity starts being really shotty again in the future, I may feel the need to remove you from the group. I hate to have to make stern admin notes like this, but after some discussion, I feel we've gotten to the point where I had too. 
If you can agree to this and continue on with the group more active and ready to move plots along and make connections like we started in this group (which I really hope you can, I truly love each and every one of you), please like this post with in the next 24 hours. Thank you! 
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dontmakeitbad-rp-blog · 11 years
Our Marley is in need of her Ryder!
The role of Ryder is open and waiting for a great new addition to our little family. If you are a Ryder who ships Ryley, we'd love to have you here at Don't make it bad! If you have any questions, feel free to ask and we'll answer them as soon as possible. If you'd like, you could also ask our Marley any questions that you might have regarding her plot so far. We'd love to see some applications the next time we're able to log on and go back to having a full cast as soon as possible! <3 
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dontmakeitbad-rp-blog · 11 years
Why is the entire r.p. M.i.a. today?
I think everyone was just busy. I was without internet the past couple days, my co-admin has been sick and we're about to open up Ryder again. As for the others, it looks like they have at least been around. 
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dontmakeitbad-rp-blog · 11 years
activity check:
the following account has 24 hours to post before the role is reopened:
ryder lynn (inactive one week)
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dontmakeitbad-rp-blog · 11 years
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School for William McKinley High School will be starting on Monday, January 13th, which is September 13th in RP time. This is also a reminder to everyone to figure out when your characters are beginning college!
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dontmakeitbad-rp-blog · 11 years
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dontmakeitbad-rp-blog · 11 years
Welcome to the group, Shandi! I'm so excited to play out Blam with you and I'm sure you'll bring a lot to Sam's character! Please send in an account within 24 hours. Thanks! -Admin!Blaine
Alias:Shandi Age: 24 Time Zone: EST Activity Level: 6-7
Character desired: Sam Evans Ships: Blam, Sam/Chemistry Anti-ships:Sam/no chemistry Birthday: April 21, 1995 Occupation: Pizza delivery boy Plans for the next year: Starting school in New York. He already planned on going there with Blaine, but since he didn't get into the school he originally planned to, he's looking into other schools. In the mean time, he'll be working and taking a few classes in Lima, Ohio.  Sexuality: Bi-Sexual In-character questions: Please answer these in character to the best of your abilities. We’ll be judging mostly on these. We’re looking for creativity and range of character, so don’t be afraid to reach.
01. Do you believe in love? Why or why not?
I don't know anymore. This might surprise some people because I've been in love so many times before, but none of those times really worked out in my favor, did it? Maybe I believe in love, but I just don't believe love is a thing that's gonna work out for me. I really hope I'm wrong though.
02. What is your fondest memory of Finn Hudson?
The thing about Finn Hudson was that he cared about everyone with his whole heart. I have so many fond memories with Finn and I'm going to cherish each and every one of them. The one that comes to mind the most is probably the Christmas he and Rachel came out in the cold to help try to raise money for the Salvation Army with me and Rory. Or when he talked me and my parents into letting me come back to Lima. I got the chance to live with him for a while and he was like my brother. I won't ever forget any of the times I got to share with him. 
03. Who is your best friend and why?
Definitely Blaine. He is my bro through and through and I probably have more to thank him for than I even realize. He's the Cyclops to my Wolverine. The Bl- to my am in Blam. The -laine to my S in Slaine. I think you get the point. 
04. Who was your first crush?
Ms. Matthews. My fifth grade teacher. She was the nicest and prettiest lady I had ever met and I told everyone I was gonna marry her someday. That was until I told my mom and she told me that she was way too old for me and I needed to try and get girls my own age. But then she told me I had to wait to start looking at girls like that for several years. I was devastated. 
05. What does the fox say?
Ringdingdingding ringdingdingdingdingding Ringdingdingeringeringiding! Best song. 
Unless you aren't referencing the funnest song out there, then I don't know, man. What does the fox say? 
Para Sample:
The time for Sam to go back to his cabin was obviously coming but he couldn’t find it in him to actually start making the move to do that. Not when he was standing there looking down at that one of a kind smile of Blaine’s. The contrast between Blaine now and the Blaine he found out on that deck was remarkable. If he hadn’t had his eyes (and hands) on him the majority of the time between then and now, he might have been fooled into believing it wasn’t the same person standing in front of him. Looking into those eyes though, there was no doubt that this was the same boy that captivated him so soon in his stay on the Titanic. 
Sam’s stomach did a little flip at the idea of having the chance to see Blaine again. He was a little disappointed that there wasn’t a full guarantee, but he had to agree with Blaine that the odds definitely seemed to be in their favor. The smile that had never left his face grew in size after Blaine’s comment, crinkling his eyes a little bit. “I think you’ve got a point,” Sam agreed, nodding his head and straightening as if he was getting ready to leave. 
Then without hesitation, or thinking about the possible consequences of what his actions would cause -once again- Sam leaned forward and placed a quick kiss to Blaine’s cheek. It was a fleeting sign of physical affection, over before he could even finish the thought process I’m kissing his cheek. "I’ll see you around," he winked and turned on his heel, stuffing his hands into his pockets as he started down the hall. If anyone had seen him do that, if Blaine didn’t want him to do that, there was a huge chance he wouldn’t make it off that boat alive and he wasn’t even sure he was exaggerating. But he also wasn’t sure that he was definitely going to see the boy again. It was a pretty big ship after all. He had to take the chance before he could talk himself out of it. 
His heart was pounding against his ribcage and his hands were shaking in his oversized coat pocket but the smile was still wide on his face. Nothing about his first night on that ship had been predictable, but maybe that was what should have been expected in the first place - to expect the unexpected. 
Either way, he couldn’t be more grateful that he took a chance in talking to that scared boy on the ledge that night. 
Anything else? Removed.
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dontmakeitbad-rp-blog · 11 years
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dontmakeitbad-rp-blog · 11 years
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dontmakeitbad-rp-blog · 11 years
Sorry for the wait, I didn't mean to go over the acceptance time, especially not by such a wide margin. We enjoyed both auditions for Marley, but in the end, we felt Jaz's audition was the better fit. Welcome, Jaz! Please send in an account within 24 hours. Thanks! -Admin!Blaine
Alias: Jaz. Age: 16. Time Zone: GMT +1. Activity Level: 7 of out 10.
Character desired: Marley Rose. Ships: Ryley, Martana, Sarley, Karley, Marley/Chemistry Anti-ships: Marley/Forced, /Loneliness  Birthday: October 4th, 1997. Occupation: High school student. Plans for the next year: Marley's goals is just to do as good as she can, both in and out of school. Hopefully write more songs and use the glee club's help to bring them to life. Sexuality: Straight.
01. Do you believe in love? Why or why not?  Of course I believe in love. I might've not grown up in a typical household of two parents, but my mom really showed me what love really is. And movies are based off of something, right? 
02. What is your fondest memory of Finn Hudson?
Wow. I really don't know where to start. I remember him entering the choir room and everyone just seemed to light up. I had no idea who it was, but I could tell on the look of the seniors and juniors that he was someone special - and of course the way Mr. Schue talked about him. I was really, really glad I got the chance to get to know him and witness his journey from being a very unorganized and clumsy director to the very heart and soul of the New Directions that I assume and realize now he's always been. I'll always remember how hard he fought for our glee club when we were falling apart, and I cannot thank him enough for that. Finn was an amazing guy, and I'm so positive that he would make a great teacher.
03. Who is your best friend and why?
Unique is definitely my best girl. She's supported me through everything and I honestly don't know what I would do without her. I love her so, so much. Ryder is pretty close to me too. Despite everything, he's so funny and he never fails at making me smile.
04. Who was your first crush?
To be honest, I don't think I really knew what having a proper crush really felt like until, well, Jake. I've seen guys that I thought was really cute, but I guess my insecurities got in the way, so those feelings never developed. I guess it changed once I started McKinley and met him. But that's over now.
05. What does the fox say?
Oh my goodness, you have no idea how many times I've shamefully listened to that song. It's so catchy! And the music video is amazing. 
Para Sample: 
After a week of practice and a run-through with Sebastian, Marley assumed she was ready for the glee club audition. For the entire week, she had been ignoring all the negative vibes and thoughts that could affect her in order for her to be brave enough to do it. Singing was something she wanted to do, and it was the only thing she really enjoyed doing. Her mom had been encouraging her to chase after her dreams while they were within her reach, and she was right. Glee club was the closest thing she had to helping her reach for the stars, and there it was - right in front of her.
Marley could not stop thinking about her audition. Her focus wasn’t there, she wasn’t able to pay attention to anything. She didn’t speak to anyone nor kept eye contact with a single person as she wandered the hallways of McKinley. Hoping to find Jake in the cafeteria to have their regular lunch meeting, she quickly gave up once she noticed him missing from the cafeteria. Without a single hesitation, she skipped lunch. The song she had planned for her audition was on a constant loop in her brain, the words sticking to her so she would remember them. She had scheduled her audition at 5 PM with Mr. Schuester, so she had some time to prepare at home before the audition.
Should I give up, or should I just keep chasing pavements, even if it leads nowhere? Or would it be a waste even if I knew my place? Should I leave it there?
The audition could go two ways. She could fail miserably and make a fool out of herself, or she could make a good impression on Mr. Schuester and join the glee club along with other talented singers - Rachel Berry included. From there it could also go two different ways. She could be seen as a big loser and face slushies being thrown at her everyday or the club could change her life. What did she even have to lose? No one really recognized her, her only friend so far was Jake (and possibly Sebastian, but he didn’t even go to this school), and she was already a nobody. The fact that Rachel tipped her about wearing raincoats in order to protect herself from the slushies terrified her - was it really that bad? Shaking her thoughts off, she gathered all the books as the school bell rang, shoving them down her bag before heading to her locker. Spotting Jake from afar, she smiled to herself for a second. She took another glance, realizing just now who he was talking to. Frowning, she averted her gaze, taking things out of her locker before shutting it close. The sight of Jake doing as much as smiling and talking to the evil blonde by the name Kitty had her fists clenching unconsciously. It was probably nothing. Why should Marley care who Jake’s talking to, even though it was probably one of the meanest girls she had ever run into? Sighing, she stood there casually as she waited for them to walk away, considering she didn’t want to pass them to head out the exit. 
I build myself up, and fly around in circles waiting as my heart drops, and my back begins to tingle. Finally, could this be it or should I give up?
Throwing her bag gently down beside her bed, Marley logged onto her computer, catching up with the dashboard on Tumblr. Noticing a conversation between Jake and Kitty, her heart sank to the heap of her stomach, her jaw slightly clenching. Seeing they were blatantly flirting out in the open, Marley knew it was too good to be true. Here she was, thinking Jake could be something special. That he was different from all the other guys. Feeling herself tear up, she shut her laptop and plopped herself down on the bed, crying into her pillow. Reaching out to her night stand, she grabbed her little box with her anxiety pills, swallowing down a few before curling herself and draping the sheets over herself. There was no way she could go to that audition now. She was stupid for thinking she even had a chance of making it in anyway. Now everyone - including Jake, would look at her as the biggest loser on Earth. The cheerleaders would only get meaner, and the slushies would only keep on coming. Marley was scared; she was scared of going to school. The fact that she had to avoid eye contact with a majority of the school to avoid any sorts of trouble was absolutely disheartening, exhausting even. She couldn’t stand going through this again. She had gone through too much bullying for her to be strong enough to continue. Marley hated those pills. She wanted it to be over, she wanted to feel genuine happiness without some chemicals running through her veins. The world was simply too big for Marley. Too big, too scary, and too intimidating. 
Anything else? Removed.
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dontmakeitbad-rp-blog · 11 years
The role of Marley Rose will be closing at 9pm EST
That is about 7 hours away so there's still plenty of time to audition if you're interested! 
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dontmakeitbad-rp-blog · 11 years
What's the plot? Is it canon to everything that's happened in season 5 or?
It's canon up until the quarterback. The only thing that's different is the timeline. The new direction have already gone to nationals (and won) and the seniors have all graduated. The roleplay month is currently July! Hope this helps!
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dontmakeitbad-rp-blog · 11 years
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The role of Marley Rose is now open!
We have an amazing Ryder Lynn in need of his Marley Rose for a Ryley endgame! If you’re interested, we would love to see some auditions in our inbox when we’re able to be online next! 
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dontmakeitbad-rp-blog · 11 years
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dontmakeitbad-rp-blog · 11 years
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