#ryley rp
ask-z-36 · 1 month
Did no one tell you to not follow strange lights in the dark?
“I don’t recognize you. What’s your name, person?” The strange creature stares at you from the water with almost fully black eyes, besides thin white pupils that are locked onto you. Fins and various spots on their body glow in the dim room. “I’m not gonna hurt you. Unless you make me, that is. How about some… friendly conversation? Not much opportunity for it down here.”
Asks Are: Open :)
Hello, welcome to my Pressure RP/ask blog. I am Trixie, i use she/her.
I follow from @chaotic-little-stuffs
This blog will have my own headcanons and interpretations.
This is my first time doing an ask/rp blog, and I haven’t properly roleplayed in a while, so bear with me.
I will likely be adding more characters, maybe even canon ones, but for now it’s just my experiment OC, who’s basic information will be at the bottom.
I may or may not make drawings to go with my replies, do not feel obligated to include images unless you want to!
Please feel free to put something in the ask box, any asks or RPs are welcome, just don’t be weird or gross(my character is an adult, but i am a minor, please be mindful). OC, canon, OOC, any kind of interaction is welcome.
Don’t worry about a storyline, there isn’t one, this is just for fun really.
Any anons feel free to assign yourself an emoji in your asks.
OOC comments will be in brackets and signed with -💜. For example (Yes, this is an example -💜)
Very important, warning for swearing, violence, possibly death and just generally darker themes.
Character Information(Under the cut):
Beatrix Ryley, aka Z-36 or ‘Lumen’ though their preferred name is Bea (used to be Trix). They are roughly 24, and were an experiment of Urbanshade’s. They usually hang around the Flooded Rooms of the Blacksite. They go by they/she.
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OOC Disclaimer: hey this is @minecraftgender. I had enough interactions on main that i decided it would be nicer to my followers if I made a blog for rp. consider this the same as interacting with my main. and you don't need to know anything about subnautica! ryley is just Here and he's not very brave about it.
Alright. Hey everyone. I guess I owe you a real explanation. So I'm Ryley, I'm from... some other dimension. Has anyone named alternate realities? I dunno. Anyway, a friend of mine (in another dimension. confusing I know) made a stable collider and then duplicated it so other versions of us could hang out with each other. It's a pretty sweet deal.
I was trying to go home from visiting one of the known dimensions and I fucked it up. I don't know how. But now my collider/wormhole maker/whatever Viktor is calling them is broken and I'm clueless on how to fix it.
I think I got some kind of Blacklight from Ryan. We're uh... familiar. With each other. Ahem. Anyway, I'm not really sure what it's doing to me aside from turning me into a squid for day. Which leads me to the next thing.
I have a different disease already. Well, had, actually. It's called Kharaa. I'm not sure where it originated but it's highly contagious through water. So guess where I caught it!! On an ocean planet! I crash landed there, just my luck. I was able to cure myself and I keep a sample of Enzyme 42 on me at all times.
To say Kharaa affected me is an understatement. I'm physically stronger and I think I can partially breathe underwater. Not sure how Blacklight is gonna affect that lol. I think the mutations are at war in here. It's uh, it's not pleasant. I'll probably document what's going on with my body as I post. Robin will want to read it when I get home for sure.
So... that's basically it. Hi to everyone I've already befriended! I'll be here for the long term it seems like.
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roleplayfinder · 8 months
Hello! 🌧️ again, I'm 20 lit looking for someone 18+ of semi lit or higher, preferably lit but I'm not super picky about length as long as you write well!
Not replacing anyone! Just had some long term partners from years ago move on and I'd like to find some new ones
I like to build plots collaboratively from a starting idea with my rp partners, I roleplay in Discord dms but I prefer to chat a bit here on tumblr and make sure we click before I give you my discord.
Mostly interested in platonic roleplays as of now and I don't have any plots in mind, but we could come up with something together and fandom wise I've been craving some roleplay in either:
Subnautica (oc or cc, I like playing my hc version of Ryley, I have not finished below zero)
Little nightmares (platonic only. I just wanna play some little guys in a bad place trying to get by,, I have some ocs I want to develop a bit. Six apologists and character analysis nerds welcome :) )
More info about roleplay and preferences @quiltedquasar , dm if interested!
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minecraftgender · 1 year
it's not a ryley rp blog without random fish facts
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gleerp-ad · 3 years
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→ WHO'S THAT? Welcome to McKinley, RYDER LYNN. Born to be average, but unwilling to accept it, Ryder is two things; terrible at football, but addicted to pranks. Where he couldn’t make football work, or his love life more than hopeless, Ryder made up for it with his pranks, to an almost extreme degree. Its normal to be terrified when you see him walking down the hall with that vlogging camera, you never know who he will hit next.
                    what would glee have been like if it aired in 2021? . 
               The Glee RP is a reimagining of the canon events of Glee, in the year 2021. The plot of glee is similar, and elements from the show are kept, but there is a strong focus on what glee would be like in 2021!. 
                                         CHECK US OUT
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dontstopads · 4 years
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                                       being GOOD at something will.
               being apart of something special makes you SPECIAL, right?
                          ( is a glee season one redo roleplay, set after the events                                                                                            of 1x03, acafellas. )
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dirtads · 4 years
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DIRT: The Price of Fame
The sex tape that blew up all over the internet right before the premier  of everybody’s favorite reality TV show. The train-wreck that you loved  to hate becoming a source of admiration after their triumphant  comeback. The number of infidelities and bitter arguments that you never  heard about involving that jealousy inducing pair that has always  appeared to be the epitome of couple goals.
It all comes back to us.
Dirt  is a reputable – or infamous, depending on who you  ask – tabloid based out of Los Angeles, California, chock full of  reporters and paparazzi that travel the world, documenting today’s  hottest celebrities’ every move. With their resources, as well as their  following, Dirt is capable of manipulating the lives of the  aforementioned celebrities, be it for better or for worse.Here we  can give you a helping hand. We can give you the boost you need to snag  the latest role. Possibly help you make your album a best seller. Play  along and things will be just fine. Don’t and, well, you can say goodbye  to the money and fame because, surely, a scandal is in your future.  We’ll scratch your back if you scratch ours. It’s just that simple.
Keep in mind that what you do or don’t do; what you say or don’t say matters.
Dirt has eyes and ears everywhere.
Are you willing to play, because either way…we’ll be watching.  
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hickeybyjake-blog · 7 years
[text] please don’t leave me alone
[text] Believe me when I say I will always be here for you. But I can’t do this anymore.
[text] We’re only ignoring the truth and the truth is that we’re over. And as much as I wish I could pretend to be okay with being just friends, I can’t.
[text] I can’t be just friends with you. I need all or nothing and until I can figure out how to wrap my head around reality, I’m sorry.
[text] You should text Lynn. I’m sure he’s up waiting for you to call or something.
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limalosersrp-blog1 · 7 years
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thank you so much for applying, LAURA! you have been accepted as the role of MARLEY ROSE! please send your account in within 72 hours or let us know why you won’t be able to until a later date!
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It’s a dose of Glee-Ception, ladies and gents. Your favorite canon characters are (mostly) unknown adult actors, recently cast for an up and coming show on ABC, Performing the Arts. While their characters can only drool over the idea of fame, the actors themselves are already living out their dreams. The only question is, can the boundary between fiction and reality become too blurred? Tune in to find out. Now, quiet on set! And.... Action!
Performing the Arts is a chemistry based game.
main 🎬 ask 🎬 characters 🎬 application 🎬 navigation
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sinfxlguys · 5 years
Open to F.
Plot: Ryley, stuck in a boring marriage, decides to use his status as a doctor to manipulate her, his latest client. Can be alone or mother/friend in the room, etc. Can be related, friends father, or just family doctor. Take this wherever.
Based on (x) - NSFW.
Ryley took the clipboard from his secretary's desk as he sailed past. As with any day in the surgery, he was behind with most of his clients. Looking over the file, he saw that name. That one name that always gave his day a much needed perk. The girl had been coming to him for much of her life, and now as she began to grow, Ryley couldn't help but let that devil on his shoulder be louder than the angel. The thoughts of the girl turning impure, as he tried to stay on task while imagining the things he could do without his wife knowing. All behind closed doors, with doctor patient confidentiality. Of course, thoughts were one thing. And the only thing he dared do.
"Afternoon. Apologies for taking so long. I trust you got a drink and what not, off One of the ladies up the front?" He said, flashing that patented smile toward his young patient and flipping over a sheet on the board in his hand. Shutting the door, he moved across the room to his desk, looking up and clasping his hands on his lap. "So, what can I do for you, hun?"
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smittenhearts-a · 5 years
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“dramatic, yet fundamental question ; do you ever feel like an extra in somebody else’s life or...is that just me?” 
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acuppellarpads · 6 years
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A CUP-PELLA ♬                                  coffee, food, and live music.
Owned by the always friendly (and seldom sober) April Rhodes, A Cup-pella is a tiny coffee shop in which the only thing more mismatched than the random assortment of furniture and decor is the clientele. And yet, just like an obscenely pink feathered lampshade somehow manages to work right next to a sensible Chesterfield, April’s regulars have become a family. Some came for a much needed caffeine fix, and others in search of a part-time job. Some treat April’s tiny stage as their own personal trampoline to the Grammys, and others just want to enjoy the show. But whatever their reasons to open that bright yellow door for the first time, the truth is it now feels a bit like home.
                      A Glee + OC girls RP. Open since July 2017.
                                 MAIN ♪ PLOT ♪ RULES ♪ NAVIGATION ♪ MASTERLIST
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ryder--lynn-blog · 8 years
First Meeting {Ryley}
The whole day seemed to pass agonizingly slow as Ryder only wished for it to be dinner time, so he could stuff his face and then head out to meet Marley. But, as fate would have it, his day passed like a snail. Finally though, after playing ice breakers and group exercises all day to prepare for the arrival of their campers, it was dinner. Ryder stood in line, bouncing on his heels, impatient to get his food. “Dude, are you okay?” One of his friends asked. “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. I’m just hungry” Ryder said, shrugging the comment off. In a matter of minutes, Ryder was at the front of the line. He thanked the woman in the kitchen and sat down at a table with some of his friends. The guys talked as Ryder scarfed down his food. “Ry, breathe man.  What is up with you? You’ve been antsy all day.” Someone commented. “Nothing. I just, well okay, I’m meeting this girl after dinner and I’m just excited” Ryder said, smiling a little. His friends responded with hoots and shoving Ryder, giving him bits of encouragement. It took Ryder a few minutes before he had finished stuffing his face with food. “Alright, I’m leaving. I’ll see y’all later” Ryder said before getting up and pretty much running out of the door of the mess hall.
Ryder headed to his cabin where he quickly washed his face and brushed his teeth. He threw on a clean shirt before grabbing his guitar and heading out. It didn’t take him long to reach the dock that signaled the half way point between the two camps, Ryder took off his shoes and sat on the edge, letting his feet dangle in the water. He waited for what seemed like hours before he heard the crunch of a few leaves and the breaking of twigs under someone’s feet. “Don’t look, man. Play it cool.” Ryder told himself as he grabbed his guitar and started to strum it, trying to calm himself. But, he couldn’t help himself. A moment later, Ryder looked towards where the sound of footsteps were coming from and smiled. There she was. At least he hoped, there she was. 
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dontstopads · 4 years
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                                       being GOOD at something will.
               being apart of something special makes you SPECIAL, right?
                          ( is a glee season one redo roleplay, set after the events                                                                                            of 1x03, acafellas. )
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see-jess-write · 5 years
Marley shook her head, her shoulders shaking as she began to cry, burying her face into her hands.  “I’m so stupid Ry, so so stupid” she cried out, shaking her head again as she did so.  “I’ve been working so hard and it’s all going to be for nothing because I didn’t do what he wanted”
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He set aside what he was looking at on his phone and went to her. Ryder’s hands went to catch hers and he could feel how bad they trembled. “What happened? What did he want you to do? Tell me what’s going on here?” This breakdown came out of nowhere, to him at least. He had noticed she’d withdrawn from him but Ryder assumed it was because of how much she’d been working. Same with him. Shit, he’d been too wrapped up with his own crap he failed to pick up that things were good with her. Ryder tried to think of something to say, anything to do, that would help. The thing was he didn’t know other than holding her hands and hope it’ll at least make the trembling stop.
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