dontrequireyourhelp · 9 months
I needed to rewatch the season 1 finale of Agent Carter for the "I know my value." reminder as I prepare to go back to work tomorrow and while I finished with that reminder and feel ready to go into battle, I also finished with the thought of Peggy and Howard.
Peggy literally tells him that he is the only one that believes in her and that she can't lose him too. Then to think about the man and father that Howard becomes. That must have frustrated Peggy to no end and she must have grieved the loss of the friend she knew.
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dontrequireyourhelp · 11 months
i often have these ideas that have no real origin, but i can actually tell you precisely why my brain wanted this: i was listening to "hey, soul sister" by train on a loop and i got thinking abt the fact that we really do just say "hey" for so many reasons. and i wanted to make that your thought of the evening! so happy november, bon appetit, wrap up warm, DO NOT ADD TO THIS LIST, and enjoy your writings!
[ GREETING ]: sender says "hey" as a greeting to the receiver.
[ ATTENTION ]: sender, having just noticed something strange or remarkable, calls for the receiver to get their attention.
[ REASSURE ]: in a bid to steady the unsettled receiver, the sender lightly says "hey" to help them calm down.
[ ANGER ]: the sender sharply snaps "hey" at the receiver, clearly angry about something the receiver has just done or had done in the past.
[ IDEA ]: having been presented with a predicament, the sender suddenly unravels a solution, introducing it to the receiver by saying "hey…".
[ GUILT ]: having just done something that they know the receiver won't be pleased with, the sender sheepishly greets them once they arrive to see the damage.
[ GOSSIP ]: the sender turns to face the receiver conspiratorially, clearly eager to share some new gossip with them.
[ URGENT ]: the sender rushes to the preoccupied receiver, desperately shouting "hey!" to get them to focus on a far more pressing matter.
[ SOOTHE ]: after finding the clearly distressed receiver, the sender pulls them into a careful embrace, gently murmuring "hey…" to try and soothe them.
[ SMILE ]: the sender (who hasn't been smiling up until they actually see the receiver in front of them) lights up with a smile as they greet the receiver.
[ TEARS ]: the sender greets the receiver while very clearly in tears.
[ FAKE ]: alternatively, the sender (who has just been crying in private) hastily wipes away their tears and tries to greet the receiver casually (to varying degrees of success).
[ WARNING ]: when the receiver begins to say things about subjects that are off-limits to the sender, the latter gives them a warning by saying "hey…".
[ LAUGH ]: having found the receiver to be decidedly unhappy, the sender lightly catches their attention before doing something to make them laugh, or at the very least, grin.
[ PROTEST ]: after the receiver does or says something that the sender deems to be unfair, the sender tries to exact justice by saying "hey!".
[ BREATHLESS ]: having clearly just sprinted down to the receiver, the sender tries to catch their breath while greeting them.
[ SAVE ]: after just saving the receiver's life in a very heroic fashion, the sender smoothly greets them while helping them escape.
[ FLIRT ]: the sender meets the receiver in a social setting, and attempts to flirt with them with the very traditional pick-up line: "hey.".
[ APOLOGY ]: the sender, having recently done something that hurt or upset the receiver, reunites with them and addresses the elephant in the room by greeting them with a sincerely apologetic tone.
[ AWKWARD ]: after a particularly rough first encounter, the sender meets the receiver again, and awkwardly greets them with more than a touch of embarrassment.
[ GENTLE ]: having found the receiver in an emotionally compromised position, the sender closes the door and approaches them carefully, gently saying "hey…" to try and get them to communicate what has upset them.
[ HARD ]: preparing to deliver what they both know will be bad news, the sender tries to prepare the receiver by quietly greeting them in a solemn tone.
[ WAKEN ]: walking into the receiver's bedroom, the sender gently shakes their shoulder to waken them, and whispers "hey." to encourage the process along.
[ WHISPER ]: the sender gently whispers "hey" to the receiver to discreetly get their attention without drawing the attention of others.
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dontrequireyourhelp · 11 months
2 things after rewatching Agent Carter Episode 4 of Season 2:
I forgot that the Arena Club aka Hydra threatened Peggy to label her as a communist and take away everything when she was getting real close to unveiling everything.
The scene at her engagement party gets me every time. I know I keep saying I'm gonna write an essay on that scene one day but how am I suppose to write something coherent when every time I see it I get all up in my feels. You got her and Michael’s sibling relationship to look at and then her and Fred's relationship and then how Peggy was pushing down her desire to do more/have a life of adventure.
Then a few episodes later when she and Jarvis get into a fight you see how the war changed her and how she views the consequences of having that life of adventure and not only that but the grief that she still holds onto and how that makes her believe that those she cares about, those she let's close are destined to either get hurt or wind up dead.
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dontrequireyourhelp · 11 months
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dontrequireyourhelp · 11 months
When Peggy has something on her mind, she does not sleep. She'll try but usually winds up staring at the ceiling working through the problem which then leads her to get out of bed, make a cup of tea, and continue to work. Which will also lead to her being found in odd positions either because her body finally caused her to go to sleep or she's standing on top of furniture with files all around her.
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dontrequireyourhelp · 11 months
For my TVA verse (for if she breaks out instead of becoming an analyst):
Peggy didn't realize/believe that the serum finally activated until she punched the hunter bringing her into the room to get her memories wiped. The hunter's nose was definitely broken and was thrown back. That's when she also assumed that was why they had taken her.
Side note: she went with them of her own will because she didn't want Jarvis, who was with her, to get wrapped up in things ie do something stupid and try to rescue her.
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the sender and receiver have a brief moment alone together right before the sender is about to go on a particularly dangerous journey. send in " if i don't come back... " for the sender to attempt a discussion about the possibility of them never seeing one another again.
alternatively, send in " you're coming back. " for the receiver to be the one who's about to go on a particularly dangerous journey, and the sender to try and reassure them or avoid the conversation entirely.
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❛  are you always so competitive?  ❜ ❛  are you okay? are you hurt?  ❜ ❛  are you sure you can do this on your own?  ❜ ❛  are you thinking what i'm thinking?  ❜ ❛  can you go take care of this, please?  ❜ ❛  can you show me how to fight?  ❜ ❛  can you tell me more about your adventures?  ❜ ❛  do you believe in ghosts?  ❜ ❛  do you ever think about anyone other than yourself?  ❜ ❛  does it really have to be like this?  ❜ ❛  don't you think you've already done enough damage for one day?  ❜ ❛  has no one ever given you a compliment before?  ❜ ❛  have i ever told you how beautiful you look in the glow of the moonlight?  ❜ ❛  have you noticed anything different about me lately?  ❜ ❛  haven't you ever wondered why i never talk about my childhood?  ❜ ❛  how can you just go to sleep like nothing happened?  ❜ ❛  how many more people have to suffer before you realize your madness?  ❜ ❛  is there anything else i can do for you?  ❜ ❛  is this really how you want this to end?  ❜ ❛  isn't it ironic?  ❜ ❛  what are your plans for today?  ❜ ❛  what else do you want me to say?  ❜ ❛  what else have you hidden from me?  ❜ ❛  what happened here? where is all that smoke coming from?  ❜ ❛  what has happened in your life that made you like this?  ❜ ❛  when were you going to tell me?  ❜ ❛  where are we supposed to go from here?  ❜ ❛  who will be able to stop them now?  ❜ ❛  why can't you just act like a normal person?  ❜ ❛  why can't you just leave me alone?  ❜ ❛  why can't you just stay focused?  ❜ ❛  why does everything always have to be so complicated?  ❜ ❛  why should i believe you now when you've told nothing but lies?  ❜ ❛  why won't you just tell me what i did wrong?  ❜ ❛  will it ever stop hurting so much?  ❜ ❛  will you go out on a date with me?  ❜ ❛  will you just shut up and kiss me already?  ❜ ❛  will you please text me when you get home safely?  ❜ ❛  you're completely out of your element here, aren't you?  ❜
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bokketo replied:
     Agent Rogers. It was weird to hear it, even though he knew that had been the aim of this all. It was a hell of a lot better than being a worthless punk stuck in Brooklyn though, and he nodded. “I’m not joining some dumb protection program, no offense. If I’d wanted that, I wouldn’t’ve been here in the first place, volunteering. I’d rather be trained up and tossed out into the war. Hell, it’s the least I can do, given how much you’ve given back to me.”      The last comment was directed at them both, a nod of acknowledgement at Erskine for his hard work. “I dunno why they won’t let you keep experimentin’ on me though. It’s not like it’s done any harm, and I could be even more useful…”      That had always been a fear of his, one of the few insults that had struck too close to home to shake off. Useless. Everyone ( except his mother, except Bucky and Rebecca ) had assumed he wouldn’t amount to much. Hell, even he’d been working under the assumption that he’d be dead in the next ten years, given his health. People didn’t want to give jobs to someone who gets winded as fast as he does or can’t carry their weight ( literally ), so he hasn’t built up a repertoire of skills that would let him make society better somehow. Right now all he knows is how to talk and how to punch, and he’s not even great at the former, especially when it comes to women.      He looks at Peggy, hopeful. “D’you really think they can train me to be an agent like you? I’m startin’ from absolutely nothing. I only just managed to get my legs under me again this morning.”
     Peggy couldn’t help the smirk at Steve’s initial comment that tugged at the corner of her lips. She had always enjoyed his spunk. It was one of the things that initially drew her to him. But her smirk soon went away as she schooled her features back to her neutral expression. They had already accused her of having a crush for being the reason she went to bat for Steve to become an agent. She shut that down quite quickly with the help of Dr. Erskine. Her crush on him was completely irrelevant to her fighting for him to remain with the SSR. 
     “You will still be useful as an agent, Steve. They’re being tight with resources and wanting us to get back to the front. It’s more of a show of what they think about me, than what they think about you.” Dr. Erskine reassured, placing a hand on Steve’s shoulder. 
     “Well, I certainly hope so since I’m the one they’ve assigned to train you.” She joked. “So pack your bags, Rogers, we’re headed to London in the morning.”
bokketo replied:
     Agent Rogers. It was weird to hear it, even though he knew that had been the aim of this all. It was a hell of a lot better than being a worthless punk stuck in Brooklyn though, and he nodded. “I’m not joining some dumb protection program, no offense. If I’d wanted that, I wouldn’t’ve been here in the first place, volunteering. I’d rather be trained up and tossed out into the war. Hell, it’s the least I can do, given how much you’ve given back to me.”      The last comment was directed at them both, a nod of acknowledgement at Erskine for his hard work. “I dunno why they won’t let you keep experimentin’ on me though. It’s not like it’s done any harm, and I could be even more useful…”      That had always been a fear of his, one of the few insults that had struck too close to home to shake off. Useless. Everyone ( except his mother, except Bucky and Rebecca ) had assumed he wouldn’t amount to much. Hell, even he’d been working under the assumption that he’d be dead in the next ten years, given his health. People didn’t want to give jobs to someone who gets winded as fast as he does or can’t carry their weight ( literally ), so he hasn’t built up a repertoire of skills that would let him make society better somehow. Right now all he knows is how to talk and how to punch, and he’s not even great at the former, especially when it comes to women.      He looks at Peggy, hopeful. “D’you really think they can train me to be an agent like you? I’m startin’ from absolutely nothing. I only just managed to get my legs under me again this morning.”
     Peggy couldn’t help the smirk at Steve’s initial comment that tugged at the corner of her lips. She had always enjoyed his spunk. It was one of the things that initially drew her to him. But her smirk soon went away as she schooled her features back to her neutral expression. They had already accused her of having a crush for being the reason she went to bat for Steve to become an agent. She shut that down quite quickly with the help of Dr. Erskine. Her crush on him was completely irrelevant to her fighting for him to remain with the SSR. 
     “You will still be useful as an agent, Steve. They’re being tight with resources and wanting us to get back to the front. It’s more of a show of what they think about me, than what they think about you.” Dr. Erskine reassured, placing a hand on Steve’s shoulder. 
     “Well, I certainly hope so since I’m the one they’ve assigned to train you.” She joked. “So pack your bags, Rogers, we’re headed to London in the morning.”
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bokketo replied:
     Natasha bit her lip. If possible, she didn’t want to get Logan involved, for multiple reasons. The man wasn’t exactly subtle, for starters. There was an extremely select group of people who could produce claws from their bodies, and therefore he automatically left a signature at any fight he’d been involved in. Nat’s ability to use a variety of weapons was a much better cloak. Additionally, he was a mite bit protective of her, and would frown at her reverting to a mask of a person he had once saved and… rehabilitated, for lack of a better word. Atoning for her past was a hard enough process without her pulling the Red Room assassin that she used to be back up to the surface, and he’d know it.      “They’re a last resort, but we can trust them,” she said with a nod. “Consider them Plan C. We might be able to high-tail it out of there if shit goes down too, but if I can get to them and convince them not to cause a scene, that’ll be a better hideout.” Her face grew serious. “How do you want me to mask up for this? Clean and sleek or partially armored? I’ve fought both ways, and I’m sure that our enemies will have a bit of both, if they’re anything like I predict.”
     The look on Natasha’s face told Peggy everything that she needed to know. There would absolutely be no contacting this person if they needed something. Which was fine. She and Natasha were two of the top spies that SHIELD had so Peggy had the utmost confidence that whatever came their way, they would be able to handle it just fine. 
     “No worries. It’s good to know we have a back up to the back up though. But we’ll be fine. We both have maneuvered our way out of tight spots before so us together should be able to get done what we need to do.” Peggy thought it over. With them trying to get in, they didn’t need to look like complete amateurs. They needed to show that they had some wits about them and show some preparedness. “Let’s go partially armored. I know you can be successful either way but we should probably show that we know a bit about what we’re doing.”
bokketo replied:
     Natasha bit her lip. If possible, she didn’t want to get Logan involved, for multiple reasons. The man wasn’t exactly subtle, for starters. There was an extremely select group of people who could produce claws from their bodies, and therefore he automatically left a signature at any fight he’d been involved in. Nat’s ability to use a variety of weapons was a much better cloak. Additionally, he was a mite bit protective of her, and would frown at her reverting to a mask of a person he had once saved and… rehabilitated, for lack of a better word. Atoning for her past was a hard enough process without her pulling the Red Room assassin that she used to be back up to the surface, and he’d know it.      “They’re a last resort, but we can trust them,” she said with a nod. “Consider them Plan C. We might be able to high-tail it out of there if shit goes down too, but if I can get to them and convince them not to cause a scene, that’ll be a better hideout.” Her face grew serious. “How do you want me to mask up for this? Clean and sleek or partially armored? I’ve fought both ways, and I’m sure that our enemies will have a bit of both, if they’re anything like I predict.”
     The look on Natasha’s face told Peggy everything that she needed to know. There would absolutely be no contacting this person if they needed something. Which was fine. She and Natasha were two of the top spies that SHIELD had so Peggy had the utmost confidence that whatever came their way, they would be able to handle it just fine. 
     “No worries. It’s good to know we have a back up to the back up though. But we’ll be fine. We both have maneuvered our way out of tight spots before so us together should be able to get done what we need to do.” Peggy thought it over. With them trying to get in, they didn’t need to look like complete amateurs. They needed to show that they had some wits about them and show some preparedness. “Let’s go partially armored. I know you can be successful either way but we should probably show that we know a bit about what we’re doing.”
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bokketo replied:
     He was surprised that she didn’t take the obvious bait of making a joke about Hawkeye and the birds. He was pretty sure that she wasn’t quite as straight laced as people thought, and there was a moment where Clint pondered what it might have been like for her when she was growing up, climbing trees and getting yelled at for it. It’s a stunningly normal thought. But then his own childhood had been anything but normal. His mother couldn’t have cared less if he was stuck somewhere unless it was time for dinner and it was his brother who got him both up and down trees back then anyway.      “I guess so. The world always looks bigger when you’re small.” The tightrope at the circus had always been exhilaratingly and almost terrifyingly high when he was younger and now he jumps off buildings. It’s not for fun, despite Nat’s accusations, but frequently enough that people suspect that he uses it to get his adrenaline rush. They’re not entirely wrong. “Then again, it feels like the world is getting smaller all the time, doesn’t it?”
     And there was the opening that Peggy had been waiting for. She had been reinstated as an agent of SHIELD when Tony had been kidnapped, slowly transitioning back to the agency full time. It wasn’t until after the attack on New York and the first time the Avengers came together, that she had been placed fully in charge of the Avengers Initiative, or well second in command of the initiative, she still had to answer to Fury after all. She’d been checking in and working on a mission with each member one on one so she could get an even better feel for the team. 
     “It sure does. But that’s why we’re here. To face the bizarre so that people can live as normal a life as they can each time the world gets smaller.” She then turned to look over at Clint, leaning back as best she could up on the catwalk they were currently sitting on so she could get the best view to gauge his reactions. She did her best to make it look like a relaxed stance. “I’ve got two questions for you. One, I’m currently being sent out on a mission and I need a partner, would you care to join me? Then my second question is, how are you doing after this latest time of the world shrinking? You took quite the hit, not just physically but mentally as well.”
bokketo replied:
     He was surprised that she didn’t take the obvious bait of making a joke about Hawkeye and the birds. He was pretty sure that she wasn’t quite as straight laced as people thought, and there was a moment where Clint pondered what it might have been like for her when she was growing up, climbing trees and getting yelled at for it. It’s a stunningly normal thought. But then his own childhood had been anything but normal. His mother couldn’t have cared less if he was stuck somewhere unless it was time for dinner and it was his brother who got him both up and down trees back then anyway.      “I guess so. The world always looks bigger when you’re small.” The tightrope at the circus had always been exhilaratingly and almost terrifyingly high when he was younger and now he jumps off buildings. It’s not for fun, despite Nat’s accusations, but frequently enough that people suspect that he uses it to get his adrenaline rush. They’re not entirely wrong. “Then again, it feels like the world is getting smaller all the time, doesn’t it?”
     And there was the opening that Peggy had been waiting for. She had been reinstated as an agent of SHIELD when Tony had been kidnapped, slowly transitioning back to the agency full time. It wasn’t until after the attack on New York and the first time the Avengers came together, that she had been placed fully in charge of the Avengers Initiative, or well second in command of the initiative, she still had to answer to Fury after all. She’d been checking in and working on a mission with each member one on one so she could get an even better feel for the team. 
     “It sure does. But that’s why we’re here. To face the bizarre so that people can live as normal a life as they can each time the world gets smaller.” She then turned to look over at Clint, leaning back as best she could up on the catwalk they were currently sitting on so she could get the best view to gauge his reactions. She did her best to make it look like a relaxed stance. “I’ve got two questions for you. One, I’m currently being sent out on a mission and I need a partner, would you care to join me? Then my second question is, how are you doing after this latest time of the world shrinking? You took quite the hit, not just physically but mentally as well.”
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@onlythatwhichtheydefend replied:
“Not to look a gift horse in the mouth, Peg, but how are you here?” He and Margaret Carter sure had a lot of things to discuss down the road, but the biggest thing had to be explained right now. He didn’t want to wake up one morning to find her gone and that he’d been dreaming.
It had been time for her to come back out from the shadows. The world needed to know that Peggy Carter was back and she was going to clean up the mess she had tried her damnedest not to have happen. It'd been out of her hands, so she did what she did best and tried to stop it from happening. She'd been so close but it was time to step into a new era.
"It's a long story." She started, knowing damn well that Steve deserved more. When news came that he had been found, it had been hard for her to decide to remain in the shadows. "The gist, however, is that after finding out that Howard was trying to recreate the serum with Zola's help, I stormed the lab, injected myself with the prototype and instead of revealing Zola as a mole like I hoped, I had in fact given myself a version of the serum. When we realized that I was no longer aging and to keep the information from Zola, Howard and I faked my death. I worked in the shadows, trying to stop what ultimately happened anyway, Hydra infiltrating SHIELD, the whole world, really. But now it's time for me to return to the light and help clean up this mess."
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bokketo replied:
     Florence nodded, gritting her teeth sympathetically for a moment before breathing out and reaching in with the tweezers. Her hands were steady — the steadiest in the camp and it was no secret — as she grasped the ends of the metal carefully. Already, the combination of blood and injected fluid was making the area slick, and she struggled to get a good grip on it for a moment, but even as the tweezer head slipped, she made sure that they didn’t touch any other flesh there. Two more tries and she got it, pulling smoothly until the bullet was out of Peggy’s body.
     A rush of blood welled up in its wake and the medic quickly dropped everything else to grab the gauze. She dabbed some of the blood away, then flushed the wound with water so she could see what was going on inside. “No arteries nicked,” she said with relief, now comfortable in applying general pressure to the area. “Hold that in place for a moment, I’ll wrap you up.”
As Florence did her job, Peggy kept her head forward and focused on her breathing. While being shot hurt like hell, this wasn’t exactly the most comfortable feeling ever either. Florence was the best at what she did though and while it took her a few tries to finally remove the bullet, it seemed like hardly any time passed at all. 
Peggy reached around and held the gauze in place as instructed. Now she could focus on other things. She was going to be fine. “Thank you, Florence.” She said, removing her hand when instructed once the nurse had returned. “How long do you think I’m going to be out for?” 
bokketo replied:
     Florence nodded, gritting her teeth sympathetically for a moment before breathing out and reaching in with the tweezers. Her hands were steady — the steadiest in the camp and it was no secret — as she grasped the ends of the metal carefully. Already, the combination of blood and injected fluid was making the area slick, and she struggled to get a good grip on it for a moment, but even as the tweezer head slipped, she made sure that they didn’t touch any other flesh there. Two more tries and she got it, pulling smoothly until the bullet was out of Peggy’s body.
     A rush of blood welled up in its wake and the medic quickly dropped everything else to grab the gauze. She dabbed some of the blood away, then flushed the wound with water so she could see what was going on inside. “No arteries nicked,” she said with relief, now comfortable in applying general pressure to the area. “Hold that in place for a moment, I’ll wrap you up.”
As Florence did her job, Peggy kept her head forward and focused on her breathing. While being shot hurt like hell, this wasn’t exactly the most comfortable feeling ever either. Florence was the best at what she did though and while it took her a few tries to finally remove the bullet, it seemed like hardly any time passed at all. 
Peggy reached around and held the gauze in place as instructed. Now she could focus on other things. She was going to be fine. “Thank you, Florence.” She said, removing her hand when instructed once the nurse had returned. “How long do you think I’m going to be out for?” 
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bokketo replied:
     Matt didn’t have the energy to fight her. She was at least doing the best she could to protect his privacy, so that was something, but… hadn’t she called him by last name earlier? There weren’t a lot of Murdocks that he knew personally, but hopefully there were enough for people not to have picked up on it. Not only would it get him disbarred as a lawyer if people found out who he was, but it would also put the people he cared about at risk.
     It was a risk being seen with Daredevil, but people like the Natasha or Luke or Jessica or Danny could handle stuff like that. If the kind of attacks they experienced were inflicted on Foggy or Karen? They’d never make it. The idea terrified him.
     “Thanks,” he muttered to Peggy, then closed his eyes for a moment.
     The rumble of an incoming vehicle alerted Matt to the presence of the medical van, followed closely by the sterile scent of alcohol swabs and iodine and whatever else was in there. The buzzing finally began to fade from his ears, though the dizziness remained, and he let himself be carried in. “Don’t… anesthetize me… please.” Yes, it would hurt like hell to have the wound opened for the bullet extraction without it, but he hated the feeling of being numbed out like that, of having his senses muddled.
     Well, thank god, he finally stopped fighting her on it. She knew he still needed to learn to trust her and how she operated but she wasn’t going to let anything happen to him. She looked out for her people. He wasn’t SHIELD but Natasha was her people no matter what so therefore by extension Matt was her people. 
     “You’re welcome.” She whispered back, smiling softly as the medical team finally showed and ushered him back into the medical van. Peggy came to stand on the uninjured side of him and couldn’t help but laugh at the fact that the medical team looked towards her when he declined anesthesia. “Well, you heard the man, don’t do it.” She reiterated, giving her team a stern look to go along with the order. 
     She then grabbed several wash cloths, folding them together. Bullet extraction without any sort of numbing was going to hurt like a bitch. Peggy then took his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. “Alright, I’ve got something for you to bite down on and then squeeze my hand as hard as you need to. You’re not going to hurt me.”
bokketo replied:
     Matt didn’t have the energy to fight her. She was at least doing the best she could to protect his privacy, so that was something, but… hadn’t she called him by last name earlier? There weren’t a lot of Murdocks that he knew personally, but hopefully there were enough for people not to have picked up on it. Not only would it get him disbarred as a lawyer if people found out who he was, but it would also put the people he cared about at risk.
     It was a risk being seen with Daredevil, but people like the Natasha or Luke or Jessica or Danny could handle stuff like that. If the kind of attacks they experienced were inflicted on Foggy or Karen? They’d never make it. The idea terrified him.
     “Thanks,” he muttered to Peggy, then closed his eyes for a moment.
     The rumble of an incoming vehicle alerted Matt to the presence of the medical van, followed closely by the sterile scent of alcohol swabs and iodine and whatever else was in there. The buzzing finally began to fade from his ears, though the dizziness remained, and he let himself be carried in. “Don’t… anesthetize me… please.” Yes, it would hurt like hell to have the wound opened for the bullet extraction without it, but he hated the feeling of being numbed out like that, of having his senses muddled.
     Well, thank god, he finally stopped fighting her on it. She knew he still needed to learn to trust her and how she operated but she wasn’t going to let anything happen to him. She looked out for her people. He wasn’t SHIELD but Natasha was her people no matter what so therefore by extension Matt was her people. 
     “You’re welcome.” She whispered back, smiling softly as the medical team finally showed and ushered him back into the medical van. Peggy came to stand on the uninjured side of him and couldn’t help but laugh at the fact that the medical team looked towards her when he declined anesthesia. “Well, you heard the man, don’t do it.” She reiterated, giving her team a stern look to go along with the order. 
     She then grabbed several wash cloths, folding them together. Bullet extraction without any sort of numbing was going to hurt like a bitch. Peggy then took his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. “Alright, I’ve got something for you to bite down on and then squeeze my hand as hard as you need to. You’re not going to hurt me.”
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[ BEHIND ]: upon entering the same room as the receiver, the sender steps behind them, and winds their arms around the receiver’s waist, drawing them close against them. // steeeeeeve
@bokketo sent me this meme | accepting
Peggy was in her office, looking at the screen, watching an extraction mission take place. There had been a close call so she had stood from her desk and remained standing as she watched. She was completely unaware of the time and when she noticed Steve make his way inside her office from her peripherals, her eyes widened in realization. Steve's arms soon wrapped around her waist, pulling her against him before resting his head against her shoulder. Leaning back, she pressed a kiss to his temple. "I'm sorry, darling, they're nearly done. Will we still be able to make our reservations or do we need to leave now?"
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okay so i got like, three books delivered this week, and in anticipation i reread another book that i had, and lads, let me tell ye, it was like quicksand. so now i have a list, some from my head, many from my wonderful friends’ heads, of prompts that basically made us all very soft or very “pleasantly scandalized rich lady from the sixties who just found out a juicy bit of goss about the new neighbor”. i hope ye like them! (DO NOT ADD TO THE LIST. I WILL MAKE A PART TWO. AND THREE. AND FOUR. MANY MANY PARTS. EVENTUALLY. )
[ HAIR ]:          sender slowly reaches out to catch a loose strand of the receiver’s hair and tuck it gently and securely back behind their ear, letting their touch linger afterwards. (if the receiver has short hair, then the sender reaches out and gently runs their fingers through their hair to smooth it back.)
[ CLOSE ]:          while standing remarkably close to one another, the sender is unable to stop themselves from running their gaze across the receiver’s body, lingering for a moment on their lips, before returning to initiate prolonged, intense eye contact.
[ CHIN ]:          as they stand close to one another, the sender hooks a finger and tenderly lifts the receiver’s chin, tilting it up so that they can look at one another, and running a thumb across their skin lightly.
[ THUMB ]:          while cupping the receiver’s cheek in their hand, the sender slowly glides their thumb across their cheekbone in a tender, sweeping caress.
[ WOUND ]:          upon noticing a recent injury on the receiver’s person, the sender carefully moves closer, running a thumb (or hand) across the wound in a gentle, troubled manner.
[ INHALE ]:          while standing in very close quarters to the receiver, the sender shakily inhales with desire/anticipation as they realize how intimately close they are to one another.
[ DANCE ]:          when alone together (e.g. the bedroom, the kitchen, literally anywhere once they’re alone) the sender takes the receiver’s hand, and pulls them into a graceful yet intimate dance as a spontaneous act.
[ BARE ]:          as they get undressed, the sender gently places a soft, tender kiss against the receiver’s bare shoulder.
[ SCAR ]:          noticing a scar on the receiver’s skin, the sender tentatively stops them from covering it up, and rests a gentle, soft kiss over it.
[ FOREHEAD ]:          placing a hand on the back of the receiver’s neck, the sender guides them close and rests their foreheads together.
[ PALM ]:          taking the receiver’s hand, the sender brings it to their mouth, and places a tender kiss against the receiver’s palm.
[ LINGER ]:          taking the receiver’s hand, the sender lifts it to their lips, and gently kisses their knuckles, lingering for a moment before withdrawing.
[ BEHIND ]:         upon entering the same room as the receiver, the sender steps behind them, and winds their arms around the receiver’s waist, drawing them close against them.
[ WAIT ]:          realizing the receiver is about to leave the room, the sender hastily reaches out and catches their wrist, preventing them from continuing their departure.
[ ARM ]:          after holding their hand, the sender releases the receiver, but slowly glides their hand up the full length of their arm, lingering on the upper arm, then the shoulder, then resting their touch against the side of their neck.
[ HOLD ]:          while close to the receiver, the sender wordlessly takes a hold of their hand, for no other purpose than to be holding it.
[ PLAY ]:          while sitting together, the sender absently lifts the receiver’s hand, idly running their fingertips across the lines of their palms, mapping out every inch of their hand with slow, lazy touches.
[ GUIDE ]:          in the process of guiding the receiver through a crowded place, the sender’s hand protectively grazes against the small of their back
[ TOUCH ]:          while touching the receiver’s waist, the sender’s hand briefly dips beneath the hem of their shirt, skimming briefly across the bare skin of their waist.
[ CUP ]:           bringing both hands up to cup the receiver’s face, the sender draws them in closer to them in order to get a better look at their face.
[ TUG ]:          the sender tugs the receiver close against them by resting a hand against the small of their back, pulling them flush against their body.
[ HUSH ]:          while standing close to one another and hiding from pursuers, the sender reaches up and places a finger against the receiver’s lips to prevent them from speaking and revealing their location.
[ WRAP ]: when sitting astride a horse/motorcycle/etc. together, the sender reaches back, takes the receiver’s wrists, and gently pulls their arms around the sender’s waist in an embrace designed to keep the receiver safe, despite feeling remarkably intimate.
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bokketo replied:
     Natasha was used to running missions on the side for every organization she’d ever worked for. Avengers mission? A side of S.H.I.E.L.D. intel gathering. S.H.I.E.L.D. mission? Personal business to settle. So of course there was no question about it when Peggy asked for her to look into the people in STRIKE off the records. This was practically the norm for her. Besides, she liked knowing everyone’s strengths and weaknesses, and a hidden alliance was a key piece of information that she wouldn’t want to be kept in the dark about. Her text back to Peggy was a string of emojis, indicating that her annoyance with Rumlow and intention on working on this posthaste. Then, there was a quick list of names: Rollins and Ward were on there, but Gonzales wasn’t on her radar yet.
     Brock nodded at Peggy, oblivious to her growing suspicion. “Sounds like they’re going for flashy and obtrusive, holding them in a pyramid. The hell are they thinking?” That was both a comment for her and a general bit of confusion. This didn’t sound like Hydra ; they’d been working hard to stay under the radar. Who are these people? They’ll find out, he supposes. “Which university are they from? What would they want with a bunch of archeologists? Is the 0-8-4 some kind of hieroglyphic or something?”
     With all the things he’d seen, he wouldn’t be surprised. God, they lived in weird times. Ancient devices, potentially alien in origin, wouldn’t be all that novel anymore.
     He motioned Rollins over — the man is his second in command, though obviously Brock himself would be playing second string to Peggy this time — and relayed the need for subtlety on this one. “No guns blazing, completely low profile. You man the periphery, keep an eye out for anyone approaching, either backup or media, and take care of it.” He didn’t mean for the man to kill a journalist, but knocking them out couldn’t hurt. Too many fatalities on his watch would look bad back at S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ. He turned back to Peggy. “Anything else that I should keep in mind, ma’am?”
     “Oxford was the university that financially backed the dig site so my guess is that these are actually just some low level thugs who think they’re going to get a major pay day without realizing what exactly the archaeologists were working on. Or it could be a rebel group wanting to keep Britain out because England has taken enough, then in which case I don’t exactly blame them but I do wish they would have gone about things in a different way. We could be looking at a scare tactic though if that is indeed the case.” Peggy didn’t shy away that she was from England even if it showed up in small ways like making sure people knew how to make a proper cup of tea but she was also well aware of her country’s history and the harm it had done to the world. 
     “As for the 084, we’re looking for a scarab. It’s gold and attached to a head piece.” Which meant it could truly be just about anything. It could give power to whoever wore the head piece, or perhaps it killed the wearer and that’s why the person was buried with it. She really hoped it didn’t mean they had to deal with the undead. “Nothing else right now. Just prepare for the unexpected as always and enjoy the flight.” She said before turning back to the files ahead of her and checking her phone.
     Seeing Natasha’s response made her smile. Thank god for Natasha Romanoff. She was truly grateful for her fellow spy and glad that she had someone like Nat watching her back. Turning her phone back over, she went back to studying the file so she could start preparing herself for anything unexpected. Even then she wouldn’t be able to prepare for every what if scenario. She was good at her job, though, one of the best, so whatever greeted them once they landed she’d be ready for.
bokketo replied:
     Natasha was used to running missions on the side for every organization she’d ever worked for. Avengers mission? A side of S.H.I.E.L.D. intel gathering. S.H.I.E.L.D. mission? Personal business to settle. So of course there was no question about it when Peggy asked for her to look into the people in STRIKE off the records. This was practically the norm for her. Besides, she liked knowing everyone’s strengths and weaknesses, and a hidden alliance was a key piece of information that she wouldn’t want to be kept in the dark about. Her text back to Peggy was a string of emojis, indicating that her annoyance with Rumlow and intention on working on this posthaste. Then, there was a quick list of names: Rollins and Ward were on there, but Gonzales wasn’t on her radar yet.
     Brock nodded at Peggy, oblivious to her growing suspicion. “Sounds like they’re going for flashy and obtrusive, holding them in a pyramid. The hell are they thinking?” That was both a comment for her and a general bit of confusion. This didn’t sound like Hydra ; they’d been working hard to stay under the radar. Who are these people? They’ll find out, he supposes. “Which university are they from? What would they want with a bunch of archeologists? Is the 0-8-4 some kind of hieroglyphic or something?”
     With all the things he’d seen, he wouldn’t be surprised. God, they lived in weird times. Ancient devices, potentially alien in origin, wouldn’t be all that novel anymore.
     He motioned Rollins over — the man is his second in command, though obviously Brock himself would be playing second string to Peggy this time — and relayed the need for subtlety on this one. “No guns blazing, completely low profile. You man the periphery, keep an eye out for anyone approaching, either backup or media, and take care of it.” He didn’t mean for the man to kill a journalist, but knocking them out couldn’t hurt. Too many fatalities on his watch would look bad back at S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ. He turned back to Peggy. “Anything else that I should keep in mind, ma’am?”
     “Oxford was the university that financially backed the dig site so my guess is that these are actually just some low level thugs who think they’re going to get a major pay day without realizing what exactly the archaeologists were working on. Or it could be a rebel group wanting to keep Britain out because England has taken enough, then in which case I don’t exactly blame them but I do wish they would have gone about things in a different way. We could be looking at a scare tactic though if that is indeed the case.” Peggy didn’t shy away that she was from England even if it showed up in small ways like making sure people knew how to make a proper cup of tea but she was also well aware of her country’s history and the harm it had done to the world. 
     “As for the 084, we’re looking for a scarab. It’s gold and attached to a head piece.” Which meant it could truly be just about anything. It could give power to whoever wore the head piece, or perhaps it killed the wearer and that’s why the person was buried with it. She really hoped it didn’t mean they had to deal with the undead. “Nothing else right now. Just prepare for the unexpected as always and enjoy the flight.” She said before turning back to the files ahead of her and checking her phone.
     Seeing Natasha’s response made her smile. Thank god for Natasha Romanoff. She was truly grateful for her fellow spy and glad that she had someone like Nat watching her back. Turning her phone back over, she went back to studying the file so she could start preparing herself for anything unexpected. Even then she wouldn’t be able to prepare for every what if scenario. She was good at her job, though, one of the best, so whatever greeted them once they landed she’d be ready for.
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