damnitnotthemagain · 6 months
Ethan, to Lex: I just think Max Jagerman is a bad influence on Hannah.
Max w/ Hannah: You saw another fuckin thing? I'll fight it, where the fuck is it
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damnitnotthemagain · 6 months
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Welp, sorry to those who were waiting for the rewrite (it’s turning into an au in the wip now lol)
In the meantime, here’s a Jamie
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damnitnotthemagain · 6 months
Pokey: Welcome to the first meeting of the "Fuck Paul Matthews" club! Members, please introduce yourselves. 😊
Emma, Mr. Davison, Greenpeace Girl, Melissa, Bill, and Ted, sweating: Um, I think we misunderstood what this club was about.
Pokey: No…. you were right. 😔
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damnitnotthemagain · 6 months
What about...
Vox x velvette x alastor poly???
Radiostatic qpr type relationship with romance positive alastor as vox's boyfriend and Vox as Alastor's 'special' friend
Voxvel as boyfriend/girlfriend
Alastor/velvette as besties who make fun of poor vox and gossip with Rosie
Am I the only one who sees the vision??
🚨New ship alert🚨
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damnitnotthemagain · 6 months
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skinny guys are outdated
get yourself a fat fuck
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and angel dust and carmilla redesign because i can
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damnitnotthemagain · 7 months
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Valentino as a centipede makes me want to barf holy shit. I fucking hate centipedes. Also all those legs moving uhuuughhhehh.. 🤮
Also centipedes bite humans (and it's extremely painful) and they eat spiders so that's an additional layer of horrifying and disgusting.
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damnitnotthemagain · 7 months
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dust to dust
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damnitnotthemagain · 7 months
Regardless of how annoying Vivziepop’s fanbase is, I feel bad that they’ve waited since 2019 for Hazbin Hotel to release, hoping for a fun, complex show with entertaining characters that handled serious themes surrounding trauma and morality. Yet they only got an edgy show filled with sex jokes and excessive swearing that treats trauma as an excuse for awful behavior and mortality as black-and-white without any nuance.
They’ve devoted time, energy, and money to supporting Hazbin Hotel for years yet got a poorly written show made by an immature, abusive transphobe who sucked all the passion out of her own show and left nothing but scraps of what it once was. Fans have created fanfics and comics that are far more interesting and elaborate than both of Vivziepop’s shows combined.
Honestly, fans have far more of an interest in her characters and Hell than she does, putting more work into developing them than she has and will. Fans deserved a far better show than what they received.
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damnitnotthemagain · 7 months
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Alastor is such a menace for killing this gorgeous goddess and I will fight him for revenge.
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damnitnotthemagain · 7 months
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Friend wanted me to edit the Charlie promo pic with the silly outfit i gave her to see how she would look, once again i mean this w no hate this was just for fun and my friends were curious about it.
Its a bit sloppy but also i'm tired af this week so i didn't feel like putting so much effort in It, first one is more in my style in terms of saturation and ambience, second one is closer to the show saturation but still less bright, third one is the og lol
Also Adobe color is useful to make palettes out of your art, so have the palettes from the pics in order (just for comparison).
idk why it didnt pick the yellow from the og, that might be my bad when i was fixing the settings
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damnitnotthemagain · 7 months
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Lillith Magne | character redesing/reinterpretation
the mysterious mother of hell has arrived 💋
Lucifer redesing
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damnitnotthemagain · 7 months
There’s no way Hazbin fans (more so Stans) and Viv herself genuinely believe Hazbin hotel is anything like Bojack? Where does Hazbin even take inspiration from Bojack?? Bojack horseman is such a good show, with complex thoughts and ideas expressed in its writing and characters.
Vivziepop is not a curious writer. She doesn’t care about representing people, she has a limited creative mind because she cannot understand politics nor philosophy beyond a highschool level. Her progressive ideology is built of hate for women and the fetishization of gay men. She has nothing interesting to say, nothing new to add and no substance to her works.
There are so many reasons bojack horseman works where Hazbin doesn’t, and I’m tired of pretending a ‘adult show’ that brings up ‘adult themes seriously’ is on the same level as bojack horseman.
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damnitnotthemagain · 7 months
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Do you. Do you see it. The vision. Do yOU SEE IT-
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damnitnotthemagain · 7 months
K fuck it doing this again to want to add another in the poll:
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damnitnotthemagain · 7 months
Why did Carmilla sing out for love? It made no sense for her character to do that, and it doesn’t fit thematically. Why are we watching Vaggie, who has none of her own goals or desires and spends all her screentime doing what Charlie tells her to, get told she needs to fight for her loved ones and not for herself? More specifically, just Charlie because she has no social connections that are not her. Why does Carmilla feel the need to tell Vaggie to put aside vengeance when she’s expressed no desire for it?
It’s like the writers want to punish Vaggie for not defining herself by Charlie as much as she could be, but the writers hate the idea of her having her own life so much that they can’t even give her one long enough to insult her for having it, so they have to pretend like she has one.
Demons have parents, do Angels have parents? Does Vaggie have a parent? Did she know anyone in heaven? Does anyone miss her? Does anyone feel bad that she’s in hell now?
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damnitnotthemagain · 7 months
Okay fuck it:
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damnitnotthemagain · 8 months
A lot of y’all already know I love Mark. Bro isn’t even my favourite SMG character but he’s also currently the one I feel the strongest about simply because I don’t see anyone else literally anywhere willing to defend him. Emily and Emma don’t need me rn y’all they have fandoms but THIS is a job for ur girl only it seems (woop woop) so I wrote this essay about why he deserves more recognition and less hate from the fans. I can’t promise it’s very well written bc I wrote it from like 2-4am and I haven’t exactly proofread but whateverrr.
A common thing I ALWAYS see from Mark haters is that he’s “boring” or “dull” compared to the others. While it’s true that his personality isn’t quite as distinct or individual as the other four, is that not… literally one of the aspects of his character? That he follows what the people around him do rather than voicing his own thoughts and opinions? It’s literally a part of his character so I don’t see the issue with him usually just falling behind Charlie or Kate for example, because it makes sense to me that he’d do that.
 People often argue that he’s “too nice” and doesn’t have enough flaws. Why is that an issue when it comes to Mark when the same could be said about characters like Salim or Sam who are infinitely more loved? I also really like Sam and Salim but for the sake of this argument I’ll point out a few flaws in the fact that people seem to think they’re significantly more interesting than Mark. You can argue that it’s because of Salim’s arc with Jason, but that’s the arc more than the character himself. Really Salim doesn’t have any real flaws at all and isn’t all that deep of a character, as likeable as he is. And people have said it’s because of his action scenes, but I’ll get to that point about Mark later. With Sam, similar things can be said. Point mainly is, the idea that Mark is boring because he’s “too nice and lacks flaws” doesn’t really make sense if you’re not consistent with it when it comes to other characters too.
Something that @108garys pointed out that I agree sm with is that a lot of people tend to ignore the relatability of his character. I feel like I can especially talk about this one as Mark is one of the SMG characters I relate to most, possibly even more than Brad. With characters like Kate or Erin, it’s easy to relate to them because of their anxieties, and you see a lot more people admitting to relating to that where you don’t with Mark. He relies on other peoples opinions rather than his own, doesn’t like making decisions and can end up passing up opportunities that are better for him because of it. You can see in his interactions with usually Kate or Charlie that if they disagree with him about something, it doesn’t take much for him to step back and agree with them because that’s just how he is. I don’t know about other people but I find all that to be extremely relatable so I wanted to point that out as probably one of the reasons I ended up so attached to him in the first place. 
Another think I see him hated for is because of his plot armour. Now this would be fair coming from someone who just hates all forms of plot armour but I see a loooot of inconsistency with this one. Out of all SMG characters with plot armour, Mark’s is a rare case that actually makes sense in the plot. Du’met had specifically selected Mark to be the next ferryman, of course he wasn’t going to kill him. I’m going to use Mike from UD as a comparison but a lot of this can apply to the other plot armour characters too. If you want actual plot armour, Mike is a perfect example. Where through TDIM, Mark isn’t actually in danger of death in most of his scenes (The only exception is when he and Charlie are crossing over that beam, in that case I definitely think he should have been able to die there but this is aside from that) Mike is put in dangerous situations where he can’t die SOLELY because of plot armour. Du’met isn’t trying to kill Mark, he’s trying to contain him which he does in fact do if he captures him. The Ws in UD are actively trying to kill Mike and yet never actually do, for no plot related reasons at all, just because the game doesn’t want Mike to die yet. Another thing that’s different about these two cases is what happens when both characters lose their plot armour during the respective climaxes. In the climax of UD, Mike has ONE singular death and that’s it. Once he can die, he can only do so in one way. With Mark, he has the most death opportunities in the climax out of anyone. Du’met targets him during the entire fight. By default, Charlie and Erin have single QTEs to survive the end, Jamie has one choice, and Kate (Or Jamie/Erin if they’re the second to last instead of her) can only die if Mark is killed. Once Du’met is pinning Mark over the axe, it literally takes one fuck up to get him killed from that point on. I know I used Mike for this argument but similar things can be said about others like Jason, Salim and Nick. Mark is one of the only characters whos plot armour makes sense and yet I see his get shit on far more than any of the other examples when so many of those are worse.
(This part is a bit more of a ramble about his role in the story and relation to Du’met than anything. Bear with.) Anyway another point I need to point out is that people really have no business acting like Mark is somehow unimportant when he literally has the most personal conflict with the antagonist?? So for starters, Mark was specifically targeted by Du’met, and I’d argue has the most personal conflict with the guy. He was the only one that ever could have worked for ultimatum (It would have to be a man making the call, and Charlie doesn’t really care enough about any of the others for it to work with him.) So he’s at the centre of Du’met’s entire game, and I’ve always felt that the fight on the boat feels kinda personal for this reason, because Du’met would honestly have such a hatred for him by that point now that I think about it. Du’met had this entire plan that he thought would go smoothly and time and time again Mark actively fucks it up for him. He breaks through Kate’s window in breathless, and right after that in workshop he ends up avoiding the cage he was supposed to fall into. After that he’s the first to escape the hotel, and next time he runs into Du’met they fight. By this point, sure Du’met is still not trying to kill Mark, but he chooses to attack Mark when he could easily just chloroform him as usual. Something about the way he fights Mark here makes me think he probably had a personal hatred of him at this point. Assuming qtes are failed, he’s out here stomping on the guy, hitting him with an axe handle, literally picking him up and throwing him and kicking him in the ribs while he’s down. And we know he’s not trying to actually kill him here so that whole thing screams anger or frustration more than anything. Then on the boat later, he targets Mark the entire time. (plus the way he deliberately shows Mark, and Mark only, his face definitely makes it feel more personal imo) He’ll spend half the fight trying to shove Mark into an axe, the whole time just swiping off Kate/Jamie/Erin when they try to save him. And out of everyone, Mark is the only one who can directly kill Du’met. (at least until he’s revived) Also this is just the boat ending. Ultimatum is a whole new thing. He literally is forced to work for Du’met to continue the cycle. So when a character has this obvious (to me at least) of a personal conflict with the main antagonist, you’d think the fandom would do more with that, since they seem to do it with other characters, but then I remembered it’s Mark and nobody thinks about Mark </3
(This entire thing I realise can be used as Du’mark propaganda. It’s not exactly what I was going for with it but fuck it, it is because it was things like this that made me point out the ignored potential of that dynamic in the first place. You can’t tell me people wouldn’t go wild if things like this happened with like… anyone else.) 
So I find it weird that people seem to not really do anything with any of this? For example, ultimatum is such a horribly amazing concept, and it specifically involves Mark at the centre of it, and yet on the rare occasion I’ve found an ultimatum fic, it never involves Mark. I’m being so fr rn, until 108garys posted their recent ultimatum fic I’d never seen an ultimatum fic with Mark. Lemme repeat that there were ultimatum fics, but no ultimatum fics with Mark. How tf r u gonna have an ULTIMATUM fic and exclude the ultimatum guy???? There’s also people who think he didn’t adopt Connieeee guys wtfff literally whooo else can he have one thing omg omggggg😭😭
Sorry got a bit unhinged there at the end but look whos living up to the name <3 anyway yeah as Mark’s no.1 fan😍 this post was always gonna happen. I jus think he deserves a lil bit more credit yk??? 🥱
Anyway gonna tag @queerkearney in this bc the whole idea came from our chats I love our chats <3
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