New #bboing fanfic Preview
Mise En Place Chapter 1: Everything In Its Place
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Please stop me from making another prompt 😆
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Chapter 18 - Sillage
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The Blu-ray Version is a lot stickier than this 😆
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I think you'd like this story: "Resonance" by DOOMSeo on Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/story/281388208?utm_source=android&utm_medium=com.tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_page=reading_part_end&wp_uname=DOOMSeo&wp_originator=CyhjQ2EXtwSAtmZW4Y0Wla5hMPK6Xw%2BZF7qCX%2F5VhLpaOLqJ0rrgFDK5EJsJ8unes0W6hBdQHDwqXgeZVPP8mXd7n%2FEX24y%2F0rCj4oyWsq795X9FCRqjus%2FUnjw58Ueh
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They say that every person you meet in this life impacts your fate one way or another. Oftentimes that impact could be as little as a nudge to keep you going. Other times, it could be a shove. Whether you fall forwards or backwards depends on the direction you choose to break your fall. Sometimes that impact could also be a collision. The kind that breaks and crushes your bones beyond repair. 
Bo Young didn't know what it meant until her whole life turned upside down with a single impact that not only broke her bones but crushed a part of who she was beyond recognition. 
Her life had always been filled with beautiful memories of her adoring parents who raised her in a loving household. Her mom, who was a bibliophile, gave her a tour of different worlds through her books. While her dad, who was a perfume enthusiast, introduced her to the wonderful world of scents and fragrance oils.
But she ended up loving the perfume world more. Naturally, she grew up mixing perfumes for her loved ones, creating unique blends that matched their personalities best. The people around her always came to her for advice when choosing their signature scent, which only cultivated her love for perfumes.
She had always dreamed of putting up her very own perfumery but creating her own line was too costly, even for an only child of a middle class family. So she put that dream on hold for a while, and took up a degree in journalism in a university in Seoul, instead. 
That was where she met her best friend, Do Hyun, the most dramatic, hopeless romantic in her life. They discovered later on that they were distant cousins from her mother's side of the family. 
After they graduated, they moved to a small apartment in Seoul, so they could easily look for a job together. Until sad news came about Bo Young's father who died on the job as a military officer. They had to go back to Gyeonggi to mourn and to support her mom, who sadly, also passed away a few months later due to heart failure. 
Bo Young pursued her dream of putting up a perfume shop out of the money her family received from the government as her father's beneficiary. Do Hyun joined her in her pursuit and put up a studio beside her shop and chased her own dream of becoming a photographer. 
Using their degree in journalism as leverage, Do Hyun and Bo Young gained several clients in the span of three months. This paved the way for Do Hyun to land a contract with a publishing company where she met Joo Hyuk - a brilliant art director who would make her placid life chaotic.
Bo Young on the other hand, still struggled to create her own line of perfumes. She would mix a few bottles from time to time but only the luxury brands would always sell out. Until one day, a young perfume enthusiast named Dawon, graced her store and tried out her personal blends. 
Dawon quickly became a regular customer at Bo Young's shop. He eventually revealed to her that he was a piano prodigy who strongly associated scent to his songwriting. Oddly enough, he also used different scents to get in the mood to play the piano. And so he started using Bo Young's unique concoctions..
During one of Dawon's performances as a front act for a jazz singer, he forgot to bring his stash of perfume oils. So he contacted Bo Young to bring him a few bottles of her new blends to Itaewon.
But on her way back to Gyeonggi, Bo Young got into an accident when the taxi she was riding collided with a public utility bus. 
When she was brought to the hospital, the doctors had to put her in an induced coma after her surgery to reduce her physical and cognitive activities to speed up her recovery. Everything seemed fine when she finally woke up a week later, except for her physical injuries that still needed more time to heal then. 
The following day during the doctor's visit, everyone was confused when Bo Young started talking to her physician as if it was the first time they met since she woke up from her induced coma. And after several tests, they had confirmed that she was suffering from a rare type of selective amnesia. Her head trauma had left a portion of her brain unable to retain specific memories for more than 24hours. 
Do Hyun witnessed how her best friend suffered from the aftermath of her accident. Bo Young cried every morning from the moment she opened her eyes upon realizing that a chunk of her memories from the day before was either distorted or completely missing. They both tried to figure out what kind of memories she lost and what could be the cause. 
After a few weeks of observing her interactions at the perfume shop, Do Hyun realized that Bo Young only lost her memories when meeting someone for the first time. She was unable to retain any of her memories with that new person, after 24 from when she first interacted with them. It broke her heart, knowing that her best friend would never be able to make meaningful connections with someone new ever again. 
Do Hyun tried her best to help her keep a record of important interactions with her customers by taking their photos, while Bo Young wrote down the important details of her conversations with them. That secret record was her go-to whenever an unfamiliar customer graced her shop and acted familiar towards her. And that was how she maintained a normal looking life as a perfume shop owner.
However, as fate would have it, her life took a sharp turn after getting involved with an ostentatious man who refused to believe that she simply could not recognize him.
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They say that life is a song in progress. Every person you meet influences its overall composition, from the way it is written to the way it is sung. SIG had always believed in this since he had learned how to play the piano and write music. He would look at people and read them like musical sheets. Every person he had met, he had placed under one of three categories:
One: Melody. He believed that some people could be likened to musical notes. You must pick out which ones are in harmony and remove the ones that are out of tune.
Two: Rhythm. Some could be disruptive to the cadence. You must maintain which ones could keep up with the beat.
Three: Lyrics. Some people are like words. Some may not make sense but may sound good. While some words may be beautiful, but may be out of rhyme. SIG, being a lyricist, knew very well that sometimes, it's a worthy compromise to choose the latter. Nevertheless, the choice is always yours. 
This was how he dealt with people in his life. He needed a way to sort them out to keep the opportunistic ones at bay. 
Having two successful business owners for parents who always sent him around to learn new sports and engage in extracurricular activities to keep him occupied, was a sure way for SIG to meet all sorts of people from all walks of life. 
The exposure was more beneficial to him than he cared to admit. Because he chose to dwell on the fact that his social status gave him an advantage in a world that favored the affluent. He had learned at an early age what money could do to people. How it could influence and change people's character, if it meant a deeper pocket. How the less fortunate got shoved to the sides, when he got his way with almost zero effort, just because his parents were loaded. 
Maybe that was why he aimed to excel in everything. He didn't want his achievements to be reduced to a byproduct of his parents' influence. So he played by the rules, and diligently played his part. It made his clueless parents happy and proud, while their precious son grew up to be a crowd pleaser, who secretly despised all the attention.
Well, ALL might be an overstatement. Because at the back of it all, like any child he still craved his parents' attention more than anything else. It gave him a sense of pride whenever they took their invaluable time off of their busy schedules to celebrate his victories. It was all the reason he needed to keep a straight line rather than resort to juvenile delinquency to get the attention he wanted. 
It would've been a great undertaking if he didn't meet some good people, too. It was all thanks to that day when he wandered outside his highschool without a bodyguard, for the first time, and came across a rice cake stall where he met his best friend in the world, Kang Tae Oh, and his doting mom who was every bit the mother his mom wasn't.
SIG's random visit to the rice cake stall easily became a daily routine when he and Tae Oh discovered their common love for music. 
They started bonding over guitar chords, jamming at the back of the food truck, and singing their hearts out to entertain the rice cake patrons. Tae Oh's mom was so delighted, to say the least. 
Sometimes, SIG would sneak out to sleepover at Tae Oh's small house. It was cramped and there was only one room for all of them to sleep in. But he always felt at home and welcome. He also quite enjoyed Mrs. Kang's breakfast meals which she always prepared with love. But when SIG's mom discovered his shenanigans, they arranged for Tae Oh to sleepover at their mansion every weekend, instead.
SIG eventually fell in love with the piano, while Tae Oh developed a liking for cooking. But even though their interests had grown apart, they remained inseparable like true brothers.
When SIG went to college in Seoul to take up Conservatory of Music, Tae Oh stayed behind in their small town to study culinary arts. But the unexpected happened when Tae Oh's mom suddenly died of cancer. It was a secret his mom kept for years and never got treated until it was too late. So Tae and SIG became real brothers on paper when SIG's family took Tae Oh in. 
Both of them pursued their own individual careers as adults. Now SIG had succeeded in capturing the hearts of the public through his jazzy ballads, while Tae Oh had successfully put up a fine dining restaurant in Seoul, where SIG still played the piano from time to time to entertain the patrons, like they used to do at the rice cake stall. 
Everything seemed to be going smoothly as far as their chosen paths were concerned. Except SIG had grown up to be a notorious commitment phobe. He did not buy the notion of true love as he was convinced that every person had an ulterior motive for getting into a relationship. Just like his parents. He had every reason to believe that they only stayed together to keep their assets intact. 
Thankfully, Tae Oh was a total romantic. Their opposing views on love and relationships somehow gave SIG's career a springboard as he consulted Tae Oh when writing songs. He greatly depended on his acumen and in return, the adoring public was convinced that SIG was indeed a hopeless romantic musician. All thanks to Tae Oh's views on love, which SIG continued to repudiate.
He had resolved to be the world's most inconspicuously pragmatic pseudo romanticist, crooning to the unsuspecting fans with his songs of eternal love and devotion, while evading every possibility of a romantic relationship.
Until he met the only person who had vanquished his methods in dodging commitments. 
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Meet Your Characters
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I think you'd like this story: "Resonance" by DOOMSeo on Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/story/281388208?utm_source=android&utm_medium=com.tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_page=reading_part_end&wp_uname=DOOMSeo&wp_originator=CyhjQ2EXtwSAtmZW4Y0Wla5hMPK6Xw%2BZF7qCX%2F5VhLpaOLqJ0rrgFDK5EJsJ8unes0W6hBdQHDwqXgeZVPP8mXd7n%2FEX24y%2F0rCj4oyWsq795X9FCRqjus%2FUnjw58Ueh
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Chapters: 20/? Fandom: 어느 날 우리 집 현관으로 멸망이 들어왔다 | Doom at Your Service (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Park Bo Young/Seo Inguk, Shin Do Hyun/Original Character(s), Kang Tae oh Lee Soo hyuk Characters: Seo Inguk, Park Bo Young, Kang Tae Oh (Actor), Shin Do Hyun, Lee Hyuk Soo | Lee Soo Hyuk Additional Tags: Amnesia, Romance, Memory Loss, Perfume, Piano, Eventual Smut, Fluff, Revenge, Romantic Fluff, Fate & Destiny, Domestic Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Music Summary:
A story featuring our beloved #bboing couple as SIG and Youngie.
When the sorrowful melodies of an unseasonable love and the scents of forgotten memories meld, what kind of fate comes out of it?
 •res·o·nance /ˈrezənəns•
a . the quality in a sound of being deep, full, and reverberating. "the resonance of his voice"
 b. the ability to evoke or suggest images, memories, and emotions. "the concepts lose their emotional resonance"
 c. a vibration of large amplitude in a mechanical or electrical system caused by a relatively small periodic stimulus of the same or nearly the same period as the natural vibration period of the system.
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