dr-nwo-blog · 6 years
We’re incredily excited to show it, and we hope to see your continued support for our sequel!
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DANGAN RONPA: OLD WORLD ORDER is a submission based RP taking place on both Tumblr and Discord with submission based trials. Set in a world ravaged by the Tragedy, four year after the beginning of the end.
Join us as 20 unaffiliated civilians from the makeshift village of Hinansho are forced by SHSL Despair to take part in a game of life and death. A mutual killing, the hallmark of despair - and a morbid tribute to the one that came before. Will the survivors of the apocalypse finally be able to turn the tide of this war? 
Only you can make a difference in this coming battle…
App submissions are currently not open. Please feel free to browse and begin writing applications. Starting May 9th 2018, we will be delighted to recieve you.
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dr-nwo-blog · 6 years
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“The human condition is a fragile one. Despite being at the top of the food chain, we are so, so very weak. Our biggest enemy is ourselves; our minds, our souls, our desires, hopes and dreams. In order to rise up, we must always crush others beneath our feet. This is the thesis that I have come to know in my experiment.”
Without the Future Foundation, the world plunged into Tragedy once more. Riots reignited, murders grew frequent and the Monokuma army marched on headed by the Warriors of Despair.
The world is approaching utter collapse once more...
... And no-one is here to save you.
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dr-nwo-blog · 6 years
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*bass drop sound effect* welcome to wasteland city bich
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dr-nwo-blog · 6 years
AW THANK YOU SO MUCH!We appreciate all those who kept up with the RP during it’s runtime too! I’m glad that you enjoyed our wee wild story!Much love- Mod Deino
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dr-nwo-blog · 6 years
Thank You!
We appreciate all the love and support you’ve given this group, players! We’re sad to see New World Order end, but all good things must finish sometime!
The story isn’t over yet though! Take that as you will...
Remember! Sorakuma is always watching! Be good millennials and eat your avocado paste! 
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dr-nwo-blog · 6 years
Dossier: Beyond The Future | Epilogue
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One by one, the survivors of the SpecOps mutual killing game made their decision on what to do next. It wasn’t an easy task, in fact, it may have been one of the hardest that they had to undertake since their imprisonment. After all, what was the true meaning of Hope? Was it clinging onto whatever source of good is left in the wastes, joining that fight to uphold the morality and justice of the old world? Or was it striking your own path, facing danger head on and doing your best to be the immediate help to those who need it.
There is no right way to define Hope, just as there is no right way to define Despair. Despite the research of Sadako Kirimizu, human emotions were far more complex than just black and white.
As these 6 brave souls, survivors of a horrifying and traumatic ordeal, stand with their heads held high and passion in their hearts, it moved the surviving remnants of the Future Foundation as they all gathered around the three new admins, awaiting their instructions.
Ageha Kachou was the first to speak, adjusting her glasses and closing her eyes with a deep and relaxing breath.
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“It is a shame that not all of you will be rejoining our cause. But know that we do believe that your choice will do best by you regardless.”
Next was Jiro Naragachi. He clutched the bone hair-tie tight in his hands as he forced a smile. It was hard, but it was clear to tell it was genuine.
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“You all proved what it meant to be SpecOps Agents in the end. Surviving an ordeal like this and coming out with a desire to help others is admirable. Whether or not many of you were close with her, I know Kotone will be cheering you on.”
Finally, as the other two finished speaking, Namaka Tougaku stepped forward and placed her hand across her chest.
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“We may no longer be the Future Foundation, but our ideals live on through the people who continue to fight the good fight, regardless of whether they are under a banner or not. A collective term for us may be remnants, don’t you think? Now... We should depart. I can’t imagine this place will stay safe for long.”
On her order, the soldiers started to move out, taking what dead they could salvage, including those who perished in the killing game, towards the nearby docks. After all, they deserved a proper burial. It was a bittersweet moment for the SpecOps Agents however, as they gathered together one last time. Haruji, Akira, Kazuya and Yuuto all said their farewells to Shichiro and Hanari, who had both decided to head out into the world together. It was emotional, yes, but in their hearts was an overwhelming feeling of hope for a brighter future, that nothing could dampen this for them. 
After all, they were survivors.
Yuuto, Kazuya, Akira and Haruji all boarded the battleship that had docked nearby, and stood against the railings looking out at the island that housed the resort turned base that had been their prison for the past few weeks. Slowly, the boat started to move away from the dock, only for them to hear a familiar shout and catch the figures of two people running for the docking ramp. It was Shichiro and Hanari.
“H-Hey wait up!”
“Yeah we dunno how t’get off this island!”
With a chuckle, the group of four happily welcomed their friends back aboard, even if it was for them to resupply before heading out into the world; it meant that they could be together again, at least for a little while.
The six of them walked towards the bow of the ship, standing with their hands clasping firmly onto the railings as they stared out into the open expanse of the sea before them. The sound of the waves crashing against the metal body of the boat, the smell of the salty sea air and the screeching of seagulls above their head gave them that small taste of the world that they left behind. A world where they had gone to school, made friends and built lives. That world was no longer with them now, but there was always hope. Hope that one day, things will go back just the way it was. The human species is resilient. One day, they will bounce back from the awful despair that the Tragedy had wreaked.
They took this time to remember.
The gruff security of Tsuyoshi Tsukigami; The peppy loyalty of Kotone Naragachi; The relaxed nature of Motomu Aikura; The passionate fun of Daichi Aoyama; The sweet kindness of Youko Tachibana; The energetic shenanigans of Rikka Genjou; The persistent determination of Momohime Myojin; The hard working sweetness of Tapani Tammi; The fierce efficiency of Chizu Shimada; The brave sacrifices of Usou Tsukino; The strong will of Shiori Asamizu; The cool dedication of Takao Asamizu.
As for Akari Okamura? She was lost in her way, tricked much like the rest of them. Maybe, just maybe, it was best to remember her as how she used to be.
And there they stood, staring out towards their future. Nobody knew where this tide would take them. Future Foundation was gone, SpecOps was gone, the world needed help once again. When the odds are stacked against you, it is easy to panic and break. The world didn’t need a wounded group, and time must be taken to rebuild. Despite the challenges that they faced as residents of the old world; they successfully survived the New World Order. There was only one thing left to do...
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Close your eyes.
Take a deep breath.
And start again.
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dr-nwo-blog · 6 years
The Light Of Hope Rises In The South | Epilogue | Yuuto
The weight of Akari’s enforced death weighed on Yuuto’s mind just as heavily as the explosive armband, until a few minutes ago, had weighed on his wrist. You couldn’t save everyone. He was probably still alone in regards to his opinion of her, but he hoped it at least pained the rest of them somewhat to see her burned and sealed inside a tomb of gold.
The current situation of the Future Foundation made him shake his head, and he stared at the ground to hide his face. If most of the squads were dead, then… the soldiers he’d come into the foundation alongside probably were, too. He finally, actually, had no one left.
A fact which he didn’t want to accept yet.
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“I’m staying. For now. I need whatever army I can get, and there’s not many options floating around.”
First of all, he had to confirm whether or not his comrades were truly dead. The four of them had survived out of a helicopter crash site for months - if they’d gone down, they wouldn’t have gone down easily. Maybe they were one of the squads that had survived. He hoped so.
Second, he had to visit that destroyed village for himself. If there was one person from the Main Course he could get along with, no strings attached, it would be the person close to him who’d been in that zone. If there was still a chance, he needed to confirm it with his own eyes. 
After that… whatever he found out for the first two, he had to kill Kirimizu with his own hands and take apart whatever organization she had behind this. Only then could the world start to recover.
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“It’s not going to be as easy as the first time by a long shot. We’re going to end up having to break a lot of things before we can start fixing stuff up. I’m prepared for that. You all had better be, too.”
You can’t save everyone. There would have to be losses. Yuuto had long since come to terms with the idea that he might die, even before the Tragedy started. It was one of the tenets he’d joined the military on. But, if he had to die, he wanted to go out with a bang. Doing as much damage as possible to the woman and her lackeys who had made the world hell.
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“Japan needs the Spec Ops project more than ever. A real Spec Ops, to destroy Sadako Kirimizu and that other guy. I can tell you right now, I’m going to enlist. Once that’s done… we’ll see.”
The Future Foundation was getting applications from Hope’s Peak graduates, huh? They could take them. Yuuto would have to remind them that you didn’t have to be in the Main Course to save the world - and you didn’t even have to go to a special school to do it, either.
There had to be normal people out there - people willing to start tilling the land and flooding the paddies if they had a guarantee they could do it safely. Other normal people who would be willing to fight to keep the producers safe. A Super High-School Level Farmer might be able to do the work of twenty men, but that just meant that twenty-one men could do the work of that exceptional farmer, and then some.
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“We just need to kick Despair out of the way, and let the rest of history start to take its course. It’s like another Sengoku Jidai. It’ll work itself out as long, as there’s some hope left.”
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dr-nwo-blog · 6 years
Day Before the Future || Epilogue || Haruji
The end of the trial came and went in a blur. The image of Akari’s skin burning stayed fresh in his mind as they were pulled from the outpost, debris raining down on them… in the end, he didn’t know if he could hate her as much as he wanted to. Haruji held his breath as they were pushed outside with insistence from Naragachi.
…Am I really ready?
With his feet on the soft ground, Haruji turned his head to get a better look at the waves crashing below them. Who would’ve thought he’d live to see them again. He put on a weak smile and pressed his hands to his face, as if to suppress the tears that threatened to prick at his eyes. 
Without any cameras on him… finally yanked out of their captive’s hands, he somehow felt weaker. The confidence he possessed in the trial moments before felt miles away as he was given their choice. 
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Haruji trained his eyes on the horizon line and stared out into the distance as Akira moved away from him, then turned back to face him when he was addressed. Another smile… and he wrung his hands together, willing the warmth to return to his fingers. He exhaled a shaky breath, then scraped together what composure he could. 
“…wherever you go? Of course… I want to be your partner, Akira. I’m not very useful on my own, anyway…”
The smile fixed on his face became more genuine as he looked to their remaining superiors, even if they might have been giving him any weird looks in return. He had to find his conviction. Moving forward was more important now than ever.
“Besides, I sort of already made up my mind… I want to stay with what’s left of the foundation. I’ll help in whatever ways I can to end the Tragedy.”
“If Kirimizu somehow managed to build a foundation that strong, why can’t we? The only thing that wretch got right – is that hope always wins over despair. I don’t want to give up yet. This time…”
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“I… know there’s a better future waiting for us.”
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dr-nwo-blog · 6 years
Freedom | Epilogue | Shichiro
So this was finally it, huh? God it felt like it had been a while since they were trapped there… To think all of this had happened seemed like a far-off nightmare now, sure, the world was in a more shitty place now… But they could at least chill for a second, right? At least, that was what Kamiya wanted to do… The talk of the situation, however, caused him to frown in response. Scratching the back of his head as the other members there spoke…
The first thing that Kamiya had noticed was Kazu’s reappearance there, which, caused the D.J. to smile brightly in response, trying his hardest to avoid… Well, starting to cry out of happiness there. It as hard to really think that he was that close to potentially dying, huh? But it was due to him that they survived! It was due to all of them, right? They managed to do this somehow, and it was fucking great seeing everyone there and well! Shifting a bit, however, the D.J. gave a large-grin in response to Kazu’s words, letting out a loud laugh in response too.
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“–Gyhahaha! Yer damn fuckin’ right you owe me an apology! Ya know how fuckin’ freaked out I was seein’ ya all bloody there? But hey! Ya used yer head! Sure it was in a pretty fuckin’ stupid way, but, ya saved us man! Yer a fuckin’ hero! Ya know that? The model Future Foundation agent right there! The best'a the best! Gyhaha!" 
There was a sense of relief on Kamiya’s words, more-so than normal simply hearing Kazu speak… God it felt good seeing him again, sure, it had been less than a day… But it was something he was scared he wouldn’t get to do again! But this meant it was just the start of a new day, right? They all could just go back to working and take a nice break! That was what was good to look forward to, right? They needed this….
However, the offer of going a different path caught Kamiya’s attention. What was he talking about? They could just… Choose not to go back to the Future Foundation? Sure, they all could deal with things on their own… But it wasn’t like it would be done as well without a big group backing them up… Right? But then again, with the situation that happened it more-or-less was less massive than prior, right? Which… Made Kamiya’s expression shift into a more serious one for once, listening as the others spoke about it.
Truth be told, Hanari was the one who caught Kamiya’s attention most. After all? She had directed something to him, right? Was she trying to make him emotional? Honestly that in itself caused him to scratch the back of his head, smiling a little more calmly now in response…. Don’t stop smiling? That was pretty easy to do at this point, and, Akari’s words rang clear in his mind as well… He knew exactly what he needed to do at this point.
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”…Okamura was right, ya know? I really didn’t do nothin’, an’ truth be told? When I signed up for the Future Foundation I wanted t’ just sit back an’ let everyone else help ‘round when I could just sit back an’ relax, maybe funnel some supplies out t’ Gramps… Seein’ as he’s gone though? I didn’t know what the hell I was gonna do 'till she called me out on bein’ a useless piece'a shit, ya know? Naragachi –Er… The deceased, that is…“
A pause followed as rustled around in his pocket, taking out the dinosaur pin that he had given to her in the first-place, which had been returned before her execution.
"Gave me a note sayin’ that I ain’t useless before she died… An’ honestly? It didn’t click 'till recently… I got a lot I can do, I just need t’… Actually work t’ it, ya know? I can’t just let people do everythin’ for me an’ expect that the worlds gonna get better, eh? Which is why I do wanna join back up with ya all… In time, at least." 
Another pause followed as he turned his gaze toward Hanari, giving a bit of a grin in response to everything. She wanted to explore Japan in search of people, right? He had things he wanted to do around there before rejoining too, which is why he gave a thumbs up to the group now.
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”…I’m gonna take over the family business fer Gramps, I decided! I just gotta get that sorted first then I can make a return back t’ the Future Foundation duties with the companies strengths with us, eh? Which means I’m gonna need t’ have someone tough t’ back me up travellin’ 'round… Where am I possibly gonna find someone who wants t’ help me out… Perhaps there’s someone I wanna make sure doesn’t wind up dead out there too… It’d do some good t’ make sure I keep smilin’ too, eh? But where am I gonna find someone like that? I wonder…“
Scratching the back of his head, he gave a little bit of a smile toward Hanari, before turning his gaze to everyone…. Deciding to finish his thought toward Hanari and express his joy about… Well, being free from that place.
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”…Seriously though, I couldn’t let ya go off on yer own like that, you’ve had my back this whole time, eh? I ain’t gonna let that slide without watchin’ yers too… –'Course you get the final say on this, I’m still gonna be goin’ off on my own for a lil’ bit if ya say no there, ya know? But if you’ll have me we can both try'n sort out our goals, eh? Still though… We fuckin’ did it, right? We actually fuckin’ made it outta there…“
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dr-nwo-blog · 6 years
Denouement || Epilogue || Akira
They did it. They won. They’ve finally reached the end.
All… six of them. 
From the time Akari suffered an agonizing execution, through the moment they were lead to freedom, Akira found himself lacking any sense of urgency or relief. If he woke up the next moment in a bed to discover he was dreaming, it would be unsurprising. The theatrics felt surreal. He felt detached, or maybe he was too overwhelmed with shock to feel anything but a shadow of a taste of indignation and resolve. Even looking at Kazuya’s smiling face, a relieving sight he’d expect to relax him somewhat, failed to make him smile. 
It was difficult to understand what the women were telling them. Yet, he managed to catch the glare, and instinctively he averted his eyes with a smug-looking smile— A defensive response. There were a million reasons to glare at him, he knew, and it left him with a bitter taste in his mouth. 
Akira chewed his lip. He wasn’t expecting to hear any positive news from the debriefing, yet part of him was still perturbed. Agitated? Restless? Already, his mind was swimming with ideas and questions to use. He felt the resolve to let absolutely nothing hold him back. Did it really take surviving a mutual killing game to return this drive to him?
A choice? 
He was pulled from his own mind with the statement. Ah. That wasn’t a decision that needed thinking. Akira settled his sights on Jiro, the last one to have spoken. Looking at him gave him an unsettling taste of failure for letting his sister die way back in the first trial, and more so for having encouraged her confession.
Akira shrugged off Haruji, only then registering that he was even being assisted by the other, and approached Kotone’s brother. He fished for an item in his pocket, which he extended to Jiro in a fist: Kotone’s hair clip. 
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“Here. I think this belongs with you.” 
As for this choice they wanted…
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“Dunno how much you guys want someone who plotted a murder to stick around with you, but since things are a little desperate, you don’t mind, right? Ah, you can even glare at me every minute if you want. How’s that for a tempting offer? I’ll beg if you want.”
Akira looked over his shoulder to Haruji and, smiling, addressed him next. 
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“Hey, I want to stand with them. Can you do that, too? Aha, y’see, I want you to go where I go. I’m a little selfish! And you can help me out. I’ve got some neat ideas, and I’d need all the help ever to work it out. How’s it sound?”
Akira released a heavy sigh. Finally, the weight of relief began to sink in. It’s over. They were liberated from that life of killing each other. The worst of it is over. They won’t have to wake up each morning wondering if they’ll find the corpse of a friend. They’ll never have to send another friend to death. The twelve that died here, Akira will never forget them, but he’s grateful for the lives of the other five that survived alongside him.
It’s all over. 
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“We’re finally out…”
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dr-nwo-blog · 6 years
Burning Bright || Epilogue || Hanari
To think that this hell ride was finally over… Hanari couldn’t deny that it felt like a heavy weight was finally being removed from her chest. No more worrying about crazy motives, no more worrying about if she was going to be killed by fellow agent, no more of any of that. 
Hanari glanced at the superiors before her, not saying much as she took in her surroundings. The feeling of fresh air on her skin and the sound of crashing water made her immediately feel more calm, if only for a moment. Truthfully, she thought she really might not be able to experience these small things again. To think that these small things would hold this much weight…
She took a few steps back, glancing at the backs of the surviving agents. For some reason, she was feeling a little overwhelmed. To stay here with everyone or to wander out back into the landmine of a world– the choice here should seem obvious, right? After all, after everything everyone’s been through, why would they want to immediately subject themselves to the terrors and blood lust waiting out there. 3,720 to 1 weren’t exactly the most comforting odds and only a fool would try to go against something like that.
Still, Hanari was a fool.
And she was a fool who never listened to the odds, no matter how bleak.
As the people before her continued speaking, Hanari remembered her family, her life before the Tragedy. The sounds of the other’s words became raindrop background sound as she divulged further into her memories– the happy things, the bad things, the scary things, the exciting things– it echoed throughout her mind. The sight of her sister showing her something she was proud of, her maid giving her the best present she’s ever received, her uncle patting her on the head and telling her good job– even if the world took away the people precious to her, their memories lived on in her, and therefore, in a way, they continued to live on this cruel world as well. 
“Kazu-kun’s right. No matter if the Future Foundation comes back as fuckin’ entity or whatnot, as long as there are good people in this world, Despair will never fuckin’ win. Just like the old hag said.
But uhh…”
She was a bit hesitant to speak.
“I get that stayin’ here right now is prolly best and I get that tryin’ to go out there in that fuckin’ shithole is practically a death sentence.. Hell, I’ve seen so much of it, travelin’ round with my uncle an’ all..”
She takes a step forward, walking away from the others and stopping, unable to face them.
“But stayin’ here, ‘least for me, ain’t what I wanna do.
Thinkin’ about all the people still out there, trapped an’ dun really have a way of askin’ fer help.. well, er, it breaks my heart. I know ya guys prolly have yer ways of findin’ others but.. I’ve been travelin’ on foot for so long and havin’ seen so many people die without others ever really knowin’… I can’t join ya guys as is. I wanna continue guidin’ those people to safety, let 'em know there’s still light in that darkness.”
She grasps her necklace, smiling a little now.
“I know it’s prolly dumb'a me for wantin’ to do somethin’ as small as that, 'specially when I can get myself fuckin’ killed like that, when ya guys can prolly organize plans an’ shit to do this kinda shit, but– this is what I’ve been doin’ since 'fore I got into the organization. An’ I wanna finish up the job.
I’m jus’ one person but it was one person who touched my life so greatly. I won’t abandon anyone, includin’ all the people hidin’ away in fear. Hell, this is practically like a death mission…! But, I wanna continue findin’ others, findin’ others to guide and findin’ others who may wanna help ya guys. 
I wanna show 'em that they should continue believin’ in that tiny bit'a light, tiny bit'a fire that’s still goin’. 
But, I promise once I finish explorin’ Japan and findin’ others, I’ll come back. It’s a promise. As long as you guys’ll have me of course. Stayin’ here and helpin’ you guys rebuild.. it sounds nice, but I can’t feel like I’d be havin’ other people’s lives slowly tickin’ away. I know I can prolly stay and work through you guys for this kinda shit but.. I jus’ can’t shake the feelin’.”
“I’ll stay fer a little, to ya know.. get myself ready an’ all. This is jus’ my own selfish decision– I dun expect anyone to follow me 'cause it’s so fuckin’ dumb!”
Hanari turns around to face the surviving agents.
“Take care of each other, okay? I was never good at expressin’ concern but.. I better see all of yer guy’s fuckin’ faces when I come back! And I’ll be so much fuckin’ stronger!”
“Everyone.. thank you. An’ Shichi-kun, keep takin’ care of yourself, okay? I never got to express it properly but thank you for bein’ such a good friend to me.
Don’t ever stop smiling, all right?”
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“I’ll miss you." 
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dr-nwo-blog · 6 years
Still Hanging On || Epilogue || Kazuya
This was it… this was finally the end. It’d been a long time coming. It felt great to smell fresh air again. He’d really missed the outdoors. Not only had they all been cooped up for weeks, but he’s also just woken up from a small coma. His head was swirling, but he could still appreciate the breeze on his face. Kazuya had been filled in on what happened. Some details were still fuzzy and hard to grasp. The betrayal, the double betrayal, and everything in between. Who couldn’t thought he’d been sleeping in the same room as the one behind it all… No, it wasn’t just Tsuneko… Akari… it was the old woman too. This whole plot was so deep, too deep for him to want to think about. So he didn’t. Maybe he will later… but wrapping his head around it all right away would just burn him out. 
There was more important stuff to think about now. Like how he was actually alive. He wouldn’t be safe from Keiji’s wrath for long, and he definitely deserved it… welcoming it even. He knew Keiji was real upset, but even getting screamed at or whatever would be in store sounded like heaven compared to never seeing him again. It looks like he’ll be keeping that promise to him after all.
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“We did it!! Well, more like uh.. you guys did it. Heheh!.. Jeez, this is pretty wild. Uhh… you all worked together to patch me up, yeah? I dunno if it’s just me or the uh.. blood loss, but it’s pretty great I ain’t feeling much! I’m feeling pretty good, actually! That just ‘cause this is all over? Heh, probably. Thanks a bunch guys… Uh… I’m a little woozy so I’ll try and sort my words out.”
What a sight for sore eyes he was. Wrapped up as best as one could do, still very bloody, and laughing like he didn’t just scrape by a painful death. He’d missed out on the grand finale, but he didn’t suspect he’d be much help anyway. The fact he survived was a miracle, but just about everything he did was kind of a miracle wasn’t it? What a fool.
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“…I guess before I do anything else and forget, I should say sorry to you guys… Especially uh.. Kei and Kamiya. I ain’t the best at thinking things through, but you guys can probably guess that.” he pauses to cough. He should be taking it easy but when has he ever? “I kinda got ahead of myself.. at the time I was kinda feeling like if I didn’t pull my weight, you’d all be done for. Maybe I was…. feeling a little hopeless myself. But hearing how you guys took uhh… Tsuneko down, looks like I didn’t need to worry after all.” He chuckled to himself.
“I got it stuck in my head that I uh… needed to prove there was still hope left, but it was uh.. never really gone, was it?”
He glanced over at Keiji… he’s a little too stupid without him. Thinking back to earlier, it was like recalling an embarrassing memory. That was… the epitome of stupidity. It was almost brave, but….
“But uh.. we got a choice to make, yeah? I’m kinda human swiss cheese, but I’ll uhh… give my two cents.”
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“I started this whole thing fighting for hope, you know? And I kinda slept through all the scary bits, so I don’t really got a reason not to fight with you all still, yeah? Haven’t I uh… been saying this whole time? There’s still hope if there’s people still alive? What’d you say about new people joining up now? If there’s people who wanna fight, uhh… they need some place to go, yeah? Some cool hope senpais to guide them? After doing this for so long, I really don’t think I can do anything else. This’ll help the most people, right? It’s all fine as long as we keep trying, right?”
“I’m just gonna make sure I listen to you all a little more.. the last thing I wanna do is uh.. hurt anybody or scare anybody again. I’ll need help with that… I’ve never really been scared of dying, but back there… I don’t think I ever felt that much uh.. regret. So that’s my last uh.. stupid death mission. I’m gonna try and stop thinking that as long as the people I care about can be safe, it’ll be fine, even if I ain’t there for it. But I wanna be there to make the world a place I can see the people I care about smiling in. I gotta be there for that. So… there’s no other option.” “I’m gonna keep fighting with you guys. People still need us. We don’t need a fancy name or a fancy organization for that, do we? We just gotta, you know… wanna do it. So as soon as I’m better, I’ll be back and ready for action! Uh.. I don’t think I’ll be allowed to do as much field work anymore though.” He looks back over at Keiji again, sweating. This was for the best…
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dr-nwo-blog · 6 years
Dossier: Goodbye Outpost 11  | Epilogue
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It was easy to forget how nice the cold wind could feel upon the skin. The smell of the outside world was a welcoming scent and the sounds of the ocean crashing against the beaches below. It was almost overwhelming.
The group finally emerged Outpost 11, with the breeze in their faces and a whole new world before them.
Almost immediately, they could see the cheerful face of Kazuya Sato as he was being wheeled towards them by a tall man with brown hair and glasses. As the group were finally reunited, it was almost saddening to realise that out of 18, only 6 had survived.
In the distance, the sound of the rotary blades of a helicopter could be heard as a small number of Future Foundation Agents kept moving the bags of bodies from Outpost 11 and towards the extraction point. 
The survivors stood together, in front of the doors as they saw two older figures approach them. Almost immediately, the eyepatch man headed over and bowed in greeting to them, before all three approached the group once more. Those faces... they were recognisable, even if the times in HQ seemed eons ago. They were two admins of the Future Foundation Research Department, a couple that you had seen frequently around Admin Tsukigami back in the day. They were, much like him, former teachers of Hope’s Peak Academy as well.
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“Oh thank goodness, I’m so relieved that Kirimizu didn’t kill you all as a last stand. I’m sure you haven’t forgotten, but for formality’s sake - I am Ageha Kachou, assistant Admin to the Research division of the Future Foundation.”
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“And I am Namaka Tougaku. Admin of Research.” She pointedly glares at a certain member of the group before sighing. “I am sorry that we could not get you out sooner.”
Namaka gestured to the man with the eyepatch that stood beside them and also to the tall boy with glasses who was next to Kazuya.
“If it weren’t for the efforts of Naragachi-shi and Tsutsumi-san, we likely would have not been able to hack into the killing game when we did.”
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“-Shi? You’ve never called me that before.”
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“Well, you have proven yourself more than a captain today- I digress, enough on that, what matters is that we have managed to get you all out of there. The losses are... tragic. We are filled with so much regret that we couldn’t get to you sooner. Sadly, that traitor Kirimizu had us tied at the noose as well. It’s effects have been... well.”
There was a solemn silence that befell the three Future Foundation heads. It seemed that whatever was coming next was not good news.
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“I'll give you the debrief on our current situation. The future foundation as you once knew it... Is no more. Our remaining forces have been relocated to a classified location in the Sea of Japan." 
She pauses as she looks at each of the remaining agents before she continues.
"Our ranks have been thinned. No other admins of equal or higher rank than my own, remain alive or..." 
She grits her teeth for a moment, clenching her hand into a fist at her side.
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“What Tougaku-san is trying to say is that the Future Foundation is in shambles. We have, effectively, been wiped off the map as any sort of opposition to the Warriors of Despair. During your time in the killing game, their numbers have quadrupled. Shortly after Kirimizu revealed herself as the person who was behind the whole tragedy, we lost contact with almost all of our squads. As far as we know it... they were slaughtered by the Super High School Level Despair.”
Ageha closed her eyes and ran a finger through her fringe.
“That class of students from Hope’s Peak Academy, they have resurfaced and are now wreaking havoc across the wastes of Japan. As for Kirimizu Sadako, we have no idea where she has gone.”
The two ladies looked at each other for a moment before glancing at Jiro Naragachi, who appeared to be biting his lip with a look of anger on his face. Ageha reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder as Namaka took over from speaking.
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"You will need to make a choice. You can stand with us. Rebuild the world to one where such atrocities will never be committed again. Or... You may choose your own paths to walk, out in the wastes. Though the possibility of survival is approximately 3,720 to 1... I do realize that the probability of saving this crumbling world might look just as bleak to you, but at this point, there are people out there who still need the Foundation’s help. After all, Kirimizu’s lies and Okamura’s betrayal have only twisted more to despair, which have caused a restart of the riots on a scale that was last seen at the very start of the Tragedy.”
Finally, Jiro spoke out, a solemn look of sadness and regret on his face.
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“Not all Hope is lost. We may be small in numbers now, but we are strong together. Whilst Kirimizu and Okamura have managed to restart the Tragedy, their lies have had one significant effect that I don’t think she had accounted for in her experiment. Former students from Hope’s Peak Academy, both Main and Reserve course, have been coming forward to sign up for the Foundation in solidarity against the lies that they were fed. It’s not much, but it’s a start on the path to rebuilding.”
He paused for a moment.
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“The choice is ultimately yours. It’s tragic at the immense loss of life that this killing game brought, but what matters is that we keep living for those who cannot live anymore. I know that all too well...”
As the three quietened, they stood in front of the 6 remnants of the Future Foundation’s SpecOps project; the hope for a better future, the Agents that were to bring an end to Super High School Level Despair.
After 6 grueling classroom trials, the group were finally ready to make their last life changing decision. Do they stay with the Future Foundation and rebuild from the ground up? Or will they disappear into the wastes for good?
[ You may now submit your decisions in the form of a final post for the RP. Please make it clear whether they will stay or leave. This will be your last post in NWO so make it a good one! ]
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dr-nwo-blog · 6 years
Dossier: Rescue Operations | Epilogue
[ ♪ ♪ ♪ ]
As the dust settled from the explosion, the 5 survivors were able to finally see who had come to rescue them. They quietly moved from their podiums, standing on guard as the figure who had blown up the door took his few steps into the room. As he came into view, you could see a strapping man of 29, standing at about 5′9′’ with an eyepatch scored across his left eye. He held an assault rifle in his hands and wore a black combat armour with the Future Foundation logo slapped on the front. As he approached, a stern look fell on his face as he gazed at the 5 who remained.
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“Agents Tasuke, Hokusai, Kamiya, Satou and Imawano. I’m your extraction team. I hate to rush things along, but we’re kind of in a tight bind up top.”
He paused for a moment, glancing behind him as he clocked his rifle.
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“- Before you say anything, don’t worry about Agent Sato. We have him stabilized and secure. All that’s left is to like, get you outta here.”
Without saying much else, the man quickly ushered the five of them out the blast in the wall and allowed them to head down to the Area 5 station to prepare for extraction. He prepared to follow them, but as he reached the hole in the wall, he turned back and glanced at all the portraits of the fallen agents in the room, his gaze stopping on one in particular. 
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He bit his lip, sighed and followed the Agents down the steps.
As the group gathered at the Area 5 station, the Future Foundation Agent caught up to them and lead them through the administration block. It felt surreal wandering through a place that had trapped them not so long ago. As the adrenaline pumped through the veins of the survivors, the Agent came to a halt in front of the elevator, which now seemed to be working! As the group huddled inside the tight space, they were faced with a really short journey to the surface.
When they emerged, the surviving group was faced with a shocking sight. The elevator had taken them...
To Area 1?
No, this wasn’t the same Area 1 that they had been living in for the past few weeks. Instead, the floors were gritty and dusty and... splattered with dried up blood. As the man lead the group past the reception desk and the Future Foundation statue, they could see small numbers of Future Foundation Agents bagging up bodies that lay haphazardly across the dirty floors. It was only then, that the group realised exactly where they had been the entire time.
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“- In our attempts to find you, we arrived here and found that there was no sight nor sound of you or the other agents. Rather, we were faced with a room filled with bodies. Because of the encryption codes that Okamura and Kirimizu had set on this place, we couldn’t trace the signal of the killing game. 
It wasn’t until you guys found that evidence that we realised that you were underneath Outpost 11 this entire time.”
As the man spoke, the Agents found themselves staring at the front door of the facility. This was it. This was the freedom that they had been craving for so long. As the man easily walked outside, the five survivors - Yuuto, Hanari, Akira, Haruji and Shichiro took a moment to stand and stare at the exit.
It was bittersweet, wasn’t it? That they would get to leave and live whilst the others had died so tragically. 
The group looked at each other before taking a breath, and stepping through the doors, officially leaving Outpost 11 for good...
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dr-nwo-blog · 6 years
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dr-nwo-blog · 6 years
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dr-nwo-blog · 6 years
Dossier: Kirimizu Theatre
[ ♪ ♪ ♪ ]
The room, it was so quiet now. Once a bustling Trial ground filled with 18 Future Foundation agents; all of whom had something to prove. Guilt? Innocence? Hope? Despair?
That didn’t matter now. 5 survivors stood in the hallowed classroom, crumbling plaster as the floor above them continued to rumble. Akari Okamura, the mastermind of the killing game and her puppet Sorakuma were finally dead. 
Was it over? Did they win?
How could it even be considered a victory?
Of course, Sadako Kirimizu was still with them, flickering on and off on the screen.
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“The human condition is a fragile one. Despite being at the top of the food chain, we are so, so very weak. Our biggest enemy is ourselves; our minds, our souls, our desires, hopes and dreams. In order to rise up, we must always crush others beneath our feet. This is the thesis that I have come to know in my experiment.”
Sadako placed her knitting down on her lap and prepared to stand up. Two figures dressed in Reserve Course Uniforms with animal masks covering their faces made their way on screen and helped her up.
“The Tragedy will continue for as long as possible it would seem. Now that there is no body of Hope to fight against the overwhelming chaos of despair, it is likely that I will see enough time to finish my experiment before I eventually pass away. Yes... One day, when the world rebuilds itself, it will see my research as something to be marveled at; something that will help us better understand ourselves as a social species.”
Sadako smiled once more as the figures left the screen. She picked up the controller that she held in her hand previously and pressed one of the buttons. Almost immediately, all of the Agents’ E-Watches unclipped and fell to the ground with a mighty thump. 
“The killing game is officially over. Congratulations, you won and survived. It won’t do you any good though, the Future Foundation is essentially non-existent now. But alas, you are free to go. After all, I have much larger plans to set in motion. Farewell my dears...
It was a pleasure knowing you.”
And before any of the Agent’s could respond, the screen flickered off for the last time, never to turn back on. The killing game was finally over.
Yuuto, Hanari, Akira, Haruji and Shichiro stood in silence for a few moments, contemplating everything that they had bore witness to. They saw their co-workers - friends - slaughter each other for lies and deceit. They witnessed the leader of the organisation that was supposed to bring hope to world betray them before their very eyes. They saw Akari Okamura, a girl who was just like them, put them up against each other in a battle royale, only to find that she too had been played.
They were all lab rats in Sadako Kirimizu’s experiment.
Minutes passed without a word. Before anyone could speak and even contemplate leaving, there was another deep rumbling. It grew louder and more frequent until-
The Agents cowered in their podium as the door to the Trial room was blasted open, rubble and debris flying everywhere. As the dust settled, a figure stood in the doorway. The silhouette appeared to speak into a radio and as he did, you recognized his voice from earlier - One of the people who spoke over the E-Watch - The one that didn’t curse.
“...Agents secured.”
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