dragxn-heartxd · 22 days
( cold ) : one muse finds the other frozen half to death outside 
Idhdean trudges through the snow, ripping his cloak free from the clasps as he made his way to the frozen figure a few feet away, the blizzard making it near impossible to see. He skids in the snow as he closes in, wrapping the cloak around her and pulling her towards him.
"What in Oblivion are you doing out here in this storm?!" He questions, yelling to make himself heard above the storm as he cradled Aelith closely.
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dragxn-heartxd · 1 month
Planets: Life
Mercury: What’s your full name? 
Venus: What’s your first language? 
Earth: Where’s your home? 
Mars: What’s your sexuality? 
Jupiter: Do you have any siblings? 
Saturn: Any pets? 
Uranus: What’s your hobby? 
Neptune: When’s your birthday? 
Pluto: What time is it right now where you are? 
Moon: What are you currently studying/hope to study? 
Stars: Experiences
Sun: Have you ever had alcohol? 
Sirius: Have you ever failed a class? 
Rigel: Have you ever gone on a rollercoaster? 
Deneb: Have you ever been out of your home country? 
Arcturus: Have you cried out of something other than sadness? 
Betelgeuse: What’s something you can never forget about? 
Aldebaran: What’s something you care desperately about? 
Canopus: Have you ever broken a bone? 
Bellatrix: Have you ever been forced to lie/keep a secret? 
Alphard: Have you ever lost a friend?
Vega: What’s something you’ve done that you wish you hadn’t? 
Constellations: Favourites
Centaurus: Favourite holiday?
Orion: Favourite month?
Cassiopeia: Favourite book?
Delphinus: Favourite study?
Hercules: Favourite instrument?
Gemini: Favourite song?
Pegasus: Favourite place to be?
Libra: Favourite colour? 
Phoenix: Favourite thing to wear?
Aries: Favourite movie? 
Cygnus: Favourite weather? 
Hydra: Favourite sound? 
Galaxies: Love/Friends  
Milky Way: Who’s your oldest friend?  
Andromeda: Do you consider yourself social? 
Black Eye Galaxy: Do you believe in love at first sight? 
Cartwheel Galaxy: When was your first kiss? 
Cigar Galaxy: How’s your flirting skills? 
Comet Galaxy: Have you ever had to leave a relationship because someone changed too much? 
Pinwheel Galaxy: Would you date the last person you talked to? 
Sombrero Galaxy: Do you have a crush right now? 
Bode’s Galaxy: Have you ever had a secret admirer? 
Sunflower Galaxy: Would you date/make friends with someone out of pity? 
Tadpole Galaxy: Would you deny a relationship/friendship? 
Whirlpool Galaxy: Have you ever cried over a breakup? 
Other stuff: Wishes 
Comet: What’s your big dream? 
Asteroid: What does your dream life look like? 
Meteor: What’s something you wish you could tell, but can’t? 
Nebula: If you could undo one thing in your life, what would it be? 
Shooting Star: If you could bring back one thing, what would it be? 
Pulsar: What do you hope to do in the next 10 years? 
Supernova: What’s one thing you want to do before you die? 
Quasar: If you could spend the rest of your life with only one person, who would it be? 
Wormhole: What’s something you wish would happen, but know won’t? 
Black Hole: What’s the last thing you want to see? 
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dragxn-heartxd · 1 month
Reblog if you've formed a meaningful relationship with someone you met online.
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dragxn-heartxd · 1 month
short, angsty scenario prompts list for your angsty needs tws for drowning, injuries, illness
( yell ) : our muses get into a loud, heated argument 
( splash ) : one muse rescues the other from drowning 
( console ) : one muse finds the other sobbing uncontrollably 
( cold ) : one muse finds the other frozen half to death outside 
( hungry ) : one muse finds the other malnourished and hungry 
( lost ) : one muse has broken / lost something important to the other
( injured ) : one muse finds the other wounded and tries to help them
( trauma ) : one muse finds the other just after a traumatizing experience 
( illness ) : one muse is severely ill and the other finds them in a rough state 
( guard ) : one muse protects the other from someone who wants to hurt them
( tired ) : one muse finds the other so exhausted they’re having trouble standing 
( ground ) : one muse finds the other having a panic attack and helps ground them
( loss ) : one muse has just suffered a tragedy and comes to the other muse for comfort
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dragxn-heartxd · 1 month
Markus covered Xiro's advance, loosing arrow after arrow before switching to his sword and shield as he closed in. The sword swished powerfully, causing radiant flames to burst from those it struck. He paused at the same corpse of an older man pinned to a tree with what seemed to be around thirty arrows and shook his head at the overkill before bushing towards the door with smoke billowing out of it.
As he began to catch up to Xiro, he noted the flames and the further sounds of fighting. And was that....howling. Yes, it had to be Markus knew those sounds well as he pushed forth to see a massive Lycan being cut down by a swarm of soldiers.
Anger boiled within him by this and the rest of the death he had seen within. "Cover your ears for a moment Xiro. This is about to be loud." He warned before taking a deep breath and stoking the fire within himself before releasing it in a quick moment. "FUS-RO-DAH!"
The roar echoed deafeningly and pushed through the cavern, scattering stones, furniture, and soldiers alike. Markus then stepped back, allowing Xiro to once again take the lead as the dust began to settle and they pushed to take back the cavern.
Markus have a firm nod of his head and quickly rifled through his pack for moment, eventually producing three large bottles filled with a dull green liquid and tossing them to Xiro.
“Take these periodically throughout the journey,” He told him. “They’re a mixture of my own that ought to help restore both your stamina and restore those wounds of yours. Should help us make good time.”
He hoisted his pack to his back and pushed through the wooded area of Solitude Hold to begin what would be a long and arduous journey.
After about half an hour of the journey, he stopped and pointed to the marshes.
“I’m thinking that the soldiers are probably taking the roads to Falkreath. So if we cut through the marshes, we might be able to beat them there. Or at the very least, arrive at nearly the same time to help minimize damage. Thoughts?”
Xiro considered it for a moment. There was sense in what Markus presented, but danger as well. It was entirely possible that they could run into trouble in the marshes; monsters such as vampires tended to lurk in those mists and the terrain was difficult. But time was of the essence. What was a little danger? The Dragonborn was by his side. They were nigh untouchable. “ That seems like our best bet, ” he agreed, tucking the bottles away in his satchel. “ Though I’m sure I need not warn you to watch your step… ” He did not wait for Markus, already picking his way through the gray trees. He did his best to avoid the water wherever possible, not liking how murky it appeared in some spots, and kept his eyes peeled for danger. It would be a shame to be caught unawares and done in by some beastly thing what prowled the muck. 
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dragxn-heartxd · 1 year
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Mini made on hero forge from my recent dnd campai by me
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dragxn-heartxd · 1 year
Making their way through the marshes and then avoiding the main roads allowed them to cut time town significantly. Turning what would have been a near day and a half journey into only a full day one. Allowing them to arrive on the outskirts of Falkreath hold fairly quickly. This lead Markus to believe the made it just in time, however, the unmistakable sound of voices made his heart fall.
“The door is open, charge in now!” A voice called from below the hill, causing Markus to unsling the long bow across his shoulders and turn to Xiro. 
“What’s the plan?” He questioned, looking to his companion with sympathy in his eyes. “You know this place well, I’ll follow your lead on this one. Just tell me what you need.”
Markus have a firm nod of his head and quickly rifled through his pack for moment, eventually producing three large bottles filled with a dull green liquid and tossing them to Xiro.
“Take these periodically throughout the journey,” He told him. “They’re a mixture of my own that ought to help restore both your stamina and restore those wounds of yours. Should help us make good time.”
He hoisted his pack to his back and pushed through the wooded area of Solitude Hold to begin what would be a long and arduous journey.
After about half an hour of the journey, he stopped and pointed to the marshes.
“I’m thinking that the soldiers are probably taking the roads to Falkreath. So if we cut through the marshes, we might be able to beat them there. Or at the very least, arrive at nearly the same time to help minimize damage. Thoughts?”
Xiro considered it for a moment. There was sense in what Markus presented, but danger as well. It was entirely possible that they could run into trouble in the marshes; monsters such as vampires tended to lurk in those mists and the terrain was difficult. But time was of the essence. What was a little danger? The Dragonborn was by his side. They were nigh untouchable. “ That seems like our best bet, ” he agreed, tucking the bottles away in his satchel. “ Though I’m sure I need not warn you to watch your step… ” He did not wait for Markus, already picking his way through the gray trees. He did his best to avoid the water wherever possible, not liking how murky it appeared in some spots, and kept his eyes peeled for danger. It would be a shame to be caught unawares and done in by some beastly thing what prowled the muck. 
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dragxn-heartxd · 1 year
Lykke Li  — I Never Learn Album  {Sentence Starters}
“No, I let you down.”
“Don’t run, don’t hide.”
“How can I forget you?”
“I’ll save you every time.”
“Don’t let them get away.”
“I am no one, I’m nobody.”
“I can’t keep running away.”
“I never learn, I never learn.”
“Promise not to run this time.”
“I was hoping you’d save me.”
“I am longing for your poison.”
“Can we start all over, again?”
“Every night, it’s only you and I.”
“You let them win without a fight.”
“Darling, I beg, come back to me.”
“There’ll be no rest for the wicked.”
“Will I get used to sleeping alone?”
“Love me like I’m not made of stone.”
“So, won’t you hold on a little longer?”
“We’ll meet, again… we’ll meet, again.”
“I’m letting you go. I’m setting you free.”
“Don’t leave me stranded, don’t leave me alone.”
“So, before you replace me, lie with me one last time.”
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dragxn-heartxd · 1 year
The debate of all time
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If you don't like brownies then this poll is not for you. Please move along
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dragxn-heartxd · 1 year
Alrighty! After that long hiatus that I didn’t intend to take, I think I’ve gotten all my replies done here on tumble. Though I may have missed something. So if we have a thread together and I didn’t reply, please message me with a link so that I can reply to it. And if we don’t have a thread together and you’d like to start one, shoot me a message or an ask!
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dragxn-heartxd · 1 year
He carried her up the steps slowly, wanting to savior the moment of having her so close to him. Eventually reaching the bed, he placed her down and tucked the covers over her before crawling into the bed himself and pulling her close to him.
“Rest we’ll my love,” He whispered in her ear. “I will be here when you awaken. For that is my word and I intend to keep it.”
Though he did not sleep, he lay there with her, keeping her within his arms and listening to the sounds of her breathing and the thump of her own heartbeat. Realizing eventually that his own, revitalized heartbeat had begun to beat in rhythm with hers. And with that realization, his eyes closed and he drifted off to sleep with her.
"Is that you?"
Idhdean removed the cowl and looked at Aelith. His eyes a normal green, no longer orange. His skin now flush with color. “It’s me.” He told her. “I’m sorry I left without word.”
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dragxn-heartxd · 1 year
Markus quickly fell in beside Tullius as they walked towards the Imperial encampment and at the mention of the items he procured for the museum, his face lit up and he quickly reached into a side bag he carried and pulled out a jade statuette of an ancient nord warrior in full armor.
“We carry a great many things within,” He started, a large grin on his face. “Ranging anywhere from things as small as this statue here. To larger and more dangerous items. We’re beginning an expedition guild with the idea to try to poke around sites throughout Skyrim and possibly further out into other continents of Tamriel.”
“It looks like you’ve run afoul of something with wicked claws.”
Markus looked over at the general and gave a helpless grin, his hand pressed to his side where three, large claw marks sat.
“Yes, it would seem that the bears here in Skyrim are more aggressive than the people here let on.”
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dragxn-heartxd · 1 year
Markus have a firm nod of his head and quickly rifled through his pack for moment, eventually producing three large bottles filled with a dull green liquid and tossing them to Xiro.
“Take these periodically throughout the journey,” He told him. “They’re a mixture of my own that ought to help restore both your stamina and restore those wounds of yours. Should help us make good time.”
He hoisted his pack to his back and pushed through the wooded area of Solitude Hold to begin what would be a long and arduous journey.
After about half an hour of the journey, he stopped and pointed to the marshes.
“I’m thinking that the soldiers are probably taking the roads to Falkreath. So if we cut through the marshes, we might be able to beat them there. Or at the very least, arrive at nearly the same time to help minimize damage. Thoughts?”
Markus gave a reassuring smile when Xiro finally agreed to his help. He finished packing up his gear and looked over at the man. A look of resolve and strength to him, almost seeming to give off the same presence that his status as Dragonborn held. 
“So then my friend,” He began as he made his way towards the mouth of the cave before them. “I have two questions for you. Number one, what is your name. I can hardly keep calling you stranger or friend, especially if we intend to fight together. Secondly and most importantly, where are we heading?”
“Ah… Forgive my manners. I am called Xiro,” the assassin responded. He half thought about giving a false name, but the time for lies and cover ups had long since passed. If he wanted Markus’ help and trust, he’d have to trust him, in turn. “And we’ll be headed to Falkreath. I can only hope that we are not too late. No doubt Maro had mobilized his forces the moment he knew I was in Solitude.” That would put the soldiers a few hours ahead. They very well could close that distance, if they hurried. If they arrived even an hour late… Well, a lot could happen in an hour. He didn’t want to think about that possibility. He followed after the hero, keeping a sharp eye out for Imperial soldiers. He saw none, for now. 
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dragxn-heartxd · 1 year
Hey all! So so sorry for disappearing! Been a crazy month with the me getting a new job and my kiddo. Plus my wife and I found out we’ve got another on the way. It’s been really hectic with a lot going on! Gonna try to get to doing replies soon! But just wanted to let y’all know I’m still around!
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dragxn-heartxd · 2 years
Gonna be doing all my reply backlogs tonight! Sorry I've not been on lately y'all. Had a job change and the wife and I are trying to buy a house. But I've got tonight free so I'm gonna be working on replies.
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dragxn-heartxd · 2 years
“I’d be happy to. Some company would be nice if I’m honest. Been travelling alone for a good few weeks now and it’s gotten quite lonely. And maybe I could show you the museum when we return to Solitude, I have items I must drop of there and a meeting to attend with Jarl Elisif on that side of town anyhow.”
Markus rose from the stump he sat on and moved closer to Tullis, adjusting Dawnbreaker on his hip and the large stahlrim bow on his back, eager to get moving and have company on the remainder of his journey to Solitude. 
“It looks like you’ve run afoul of something with wicked claws.”
Markus looked over at the general and gave a helpless grin, his hand pressed to his side where three, large claw marks sat.
“Yes, it would seem that the bears here in Skyrim are more aggressive than the people here let on.”
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dragxn-heartxd · 2 years
Markus gave a reassuring smile when Xiro finally agreed to his help. He finished packing up his gear and looked over at the man. A look of resolve and strength to him, almost seeming to give off the same presence that his status as Dragonborn held. 
“So then my friend,” He began as he made his way towards the mouth of the cave before them. “I have two questions for you. Number one, what is your name. I can hardly keep calling you stranger or friend, especially if we intend to fight together. Secondly and most importantly, where are we heading?”
Markus understood the man’s skepticism, it was definitely odd for Markus to want to help. But he also didn’t wish to see any further harm to come to this man. He couldn’t quite place the odd feeling of kinship he had. Maybe it was the betrayal Xiro had mention, but he couldn’t be sure. 
“No catch. No tricks. I just want to help and ensure the work I just put into healing you doesn’t go completely to waste.” He explained, beginning to gather up his gear and smiling at the man. Once all his stuff was gathered, he turned to face Xiro once more. 
“Look, I have no love for The Empire. They’re puppets who are putting too much time into the current nonsense war that Ulfric started instead of focusing on the true enemy in front of them. So a blow to their ego might do them some good. On top of that, I know what it’s like to be betrayed by one of your own and how much it stings. So I want to help you find the culprit. And besides, are you truly going to say no to getting assistance from a man who can throw someone across the room by yelling loudly at them?”
While he was not entirely convinced, Xiro could not help but chuckle at that. “Alright, that’s fair,” he said, the tension in his shoulders easing ever so slightly. Even if he did not trust this man fully, he would be a fool not to take advantage of his offer. If he was indeed on the level, then he would be a powerful ally, and success was all but guaranteed. His only other quibble was the fact that the sanctuary was not meant to be breeched by anyone not of the Brotherhood, but desperate times called for desperate measures. With any luck, they’d arrive in time to stop Maro’s men before they ever managed to find a way inside, and it wouldn’t be a problem. If not, well. Then it really wouldn’t matter, anyway. “Okay. Offer accepted. Thank you.” He stuck out a hand to shake. “I mean it. This is more than anyone else might have done for me.”
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