drakesdevils · 2 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Les Misérables - All Media Types, Les Misérables - Victor Hugo Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Enjolras/Grantaire (Les Misérables), Combeferre/Courfeyrac (Les Misérables) Characters: Enjolras (Les Misérables), Grantaire (Les Misérables), Combeferre (Les Misérables), Courfeyrac (Les Misérables), Feuilly (Les Misérables), Joly (Les Misérables), Éponine Thénardier, Cosette Fauchelevent, Marius Pontmercy, Bahorel (Les Misérables), Bossuet Laigle, Jean “Jehan” Prouvaire, Gavroche Thénardier, Montparnasse (Les Misérables), Brujon (Les Misérables), Babet (Les Misérables), Claquesous (Les Misérables) Additional Tags: Drug Addiction, Heroin, Substance Abuse, Overdose, Angst, Panic Attacks, Hurt/Comfort, Grantaire plays the bass, Patron-Minette is a band, Rockstar AU, Hospitals, Not Beta Read Summary:
Grantaire leaves Paris behind for a summer and brings a nasty old hobby with him.
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drakesdevils · 3 years
Fools Gold (Rafe, Sam)
This was written by my dear friend. I thought this excerpt should be seen by the Uncharted fandom.
people in all sorts of trades have superstitions, especially in the most dangerous and risky ones. sam's never taken himself as much of a superstitious man, but god knows he is now (sam sees things that aren't quite right out the side of his eye lots of the time. he'd always figured it was some latent manifestation of all his trauma, but looking back on it on the nights where the branches scratches out an sos, where the wind pleads to him, he could almost find the irony amusing. after avery's treasure, things had gotten progressively stranger. flashes of black just in his peripherary, gold glinting off the odd glass, the occasional whisper... but he'd just shrugged it off. sam curses his ignorance, wishes for a time when his reflection wasn't haunted by a man long dead to sam's mistakes. it changes, often. sam didn't see rafe keel over, but he could imagine it very well based on the blood that pools in the contours on rafe's face, the manic glint in his eyes, the scorching on his shirt. sam isn't one to believe in ghosts, but as his fingers seem to release their control around the kitchen knife clutched in his hands and gain a mind of their own, he figures rafe always did have a talent for proving him wrong)
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drakesdevils · 3 years
Taking requests! Send in a prompt
right in the guts. angst sentences.
“It always comes back to this with you, doesn’t it?”
“Why can’t you just learn to let the fuck go.”
“Did it over occur to you that I never wanted this to begin with?”
“Why can’t you just look at me for one god damn second!”
“Let go of my hand.”
“I don’t want to talk to you right now.”
“Why are you — saying all these things —”
“You know what? I was wrong. You never really meant anything to me. You’re broken, you’re beyond fixing, you’re not something I want to take the time to handle. Simple as that.”
“You’re a god damn mistake, that’s what you are.”
“I never wanted anything to do with you to begin with.”
“This, us, was a fucking mistake and I should have known the second things went further than planned.”
“I can’t do this anymore.”
“I don’t want anything to do with you anymore.”
“If anything, you were a fucking waste of time.”
“I just don’t feel anything anymore.”
“Looking at you I see nothing but something I need to put an end to.”
“Oh? Really? You thought we had a future? What gave you that idea.”
“Is this even going anywhere?”
“Why can’t we just talk about it —”
“Does it ever occur to you that I am done talking? That I am done with reflecting upon my words and action? Can’t you just take a fucking hint that I’m done with you? I don’t want anything to do with you anymore.”
“We’re through. I don’t want to do this anymore.”
“You were broken to begin with.”
“How am I supposed to ‘love you’ when I never had feelings to being with.”
“Haha, I don’t know who gave you THAT idea, but we’re not an item. We never were.”
“I’d like for you to leave now.”
“Just get out. Get out and leave me alone.”
“Why are you — saying all these things??? Where did they come from???”
“If you never were happy to begin with, how come you never told me?! I would have listened, I would have helped —”
“I don’t need, or want help, what I want is for you to get the fuck away from me.”
“You’re damaged goods and I can’t find the patience to take on you as a project.”
“You’re the kind of crazy I don’t want to deal with.”
“Lately you’ve become a burden, and I can’t handle it anymore.”
“If you’d just leave me alone, that’d be great.”
“Oh come on, the second we got to know each other, the due date were already set on us. We were never meant to last forever. Our relationship had a deadline, and now we’re at it; so, what you gonna do?”
“This is all on you.”
“Save your tears. I’m done here.”
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drakesdevils · 3 years
I was wondering if you would do a fluffy oneshot with Sam as a Dad of a little daughter?
I can totally understand if you don't want to do it! ❤️❤️
bruh, i-
this is too cute, wtf, i’m calling the popo
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good morning
summary: sam decides to give you the morning to sleep in and takes over your responsibilities for the day - including getting your daughter up.
warnings: none
Sam woke early, a feat that had become something usual for him in the prior five years. His eyes fluttered open and he blinked a few times against the ray of beams filtering through the closed shades. Gaze at once drawn to the other side of the bed, he allowed himself to drink in the sight of your bare back for a long few minutes before finally pushing himself up.
Moving so that the mattress wouldn’t groan in the way he knew it did, he got to his feet and inhaled deep, trying to wipe the sleep from his eyes as he pulled on sweatpants and a T-shirt discarded somewhere on the floor. Bare feet shuffling against the hardwood, he slipped out of your shared bedroom and gently closed the door behind him, leaving only the empty side of his bed as evidence that he was ever there.
Mouth opening in a wide yawn, he padded down the hallway and slipped his knuckles around the door handle of another room. On silent feet, he opened it and crept inside, deftly stepping over toys and drawings littered across the floor like leaves fallen from a tree. He approached the small, tiny figure curled into a tight ball in the center of the child’s mattress, then leaned himself down on the edge.
“Hey, babygirl, wake up.” Sam laid a gentle touch on the little girl’s shoulder, brushing aside the mess of dark brown hair that matched his in shade to the T. She stirred and grumbled in that tiny voice of hers that still made his heart thud with pride. “Come on, darlin’. S’ time to get up.”
She finally opened her eyes and rolled over to face him, eyelids drooping while she yawned. Her irises were a deep, solid brown, and it struck him for the hundred millionth time that she was truly a little carbon copy of him. Smiling tiredly, he scooped her up in his arms and took her back out into the hallway. Her tiny fingers traced the outlines of the birds on his neck and he almost shivered.
“You sleep alright, princess?” he asked as he carried her to the kitchen.
His little girl nodded her head and murmured an ‘uh-huh’, but her eyes were already starting to wake up and lighten with her usual giddy, adventurous self. “I missed you.”
“While you slept?” he teased. Feet moving swiftly and quietly on the tile floor, he switched the lights on, then started to pull out what he needed to make scrambled eggs; god knew they were the one of the only things he could really make well.
He grinned a blinding smile at her over his shoulder, then whisked around and swooped her back up into his grasp. She released a long, loud giggle that reverberated throughout the apartment like music in his ears. “Well, I missed you too, babygirl. But hey - we’re awake now. And we’ve got all day to get reacquainted.”
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drakesdevils · 3 years
That Night, Forever Burned (Rafe/Reader/Sam)
Summary: Rafe has a nightmare.
TW: Blood, drowning, implied s*icide
A/N: Thinking about making a collection of Rafe/Reader/Sam oneshots 🤔
Rafe felt the lick of the heat all around him. A blinding headache, something slick and dark running down the side of his face. His chest and arms burnt with searing pain, each movement cut a little bit deeper, a little bit further. And then there was a crash, the most weight he had ever felt in his entire life, he felt his bones snap and crush. And then there was the water, cold water. Deep and strong enough to pull him and his mind under. He could not scream, there was no sound. Only the water and a paralyzed body floating slowly to the bottom of the cave, he watched from above. Tendrils of darkness leaked from his body as he fell to the cave floor. There was no light. There was no one to save him.
When he hit the floor he was back in that godforsaken ship. Like he had suddenly been pulled back to the mortal world. He was present, but he was not in the room, instead watching as a spectator. You were there, laying next to Sam. Sam had freed himself from the beam, but that sword wound was anything but pretty. Blood pooled around the two of you, the bright red blood made you look almost like a painting. There was a gloss on your eyes reflecting the burning ships and the glittering gold.
“Fuck, baby,” Sam croaked out, trying to pull himself up to crawl over to you. His shirt darkened with crimson red. Water began filling up the ship as he tried his damndest to hold you.
“Hold on, sweetheart, I’m coming.” You were only a few feet away from him, sprawled out, looking up to floating cargo like it were the stars.
He pushed himself up with one arm, feeling searing pain rush through his entire body. He felt light headed, but his body felt heavy. Sam groaned as he crawled to you, leaving a trail of blood in his wake.
“Hey, hey, come on, baby. Come on wake up.” Sam shook your body lightly, his eyes not daring to look further to the blood. The water was rising faster and faster.
“Come on. Wake up,” He said firmer, shaking you harder. His head hurt like a bitch.
“Fuck. Hey, hey come on! Wake up! Come on baby, wake up!” He pushed you harder, finally allowing his eyes to look over your body. There was so much blood. It curled around him as the water rose, staining his arms and pants a deep red.
“No, no, you’re not leaving me. I’m not letting that son of a bitch take you from me. You’re not,” He began to choke on his words as he realized what had happened. “You’re not leaving me like this.”
You remained still, your eyes still opened. Lifeless you lay. Almost like a doll. Your hair splayed out as the water continued to rise. And Sam almost cursed himself for thinking you looked beautiful dead.
There would be no more time for tears, the numbness washed over him like the water would in a few short moments. He pulled out his gun.
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart.”
“Sam! Fuck! Wake up, Rafe’s having a nightmare!” You shouted, nearly stirring Rafe from his doom. You held one arm across his chest so he would not thrash.
“What?” Sam asked groggily. Rafe tried to twist and turn in his sleep.
“Help me!” You shouted again.
“Oh shit,” Sam mumbled and propped himself up, immediately pulling Rafe towards him and into his arms. You quickly pressed your chest against Rafe’s back, waiting for him to wake up. He was like a ragdoll sandwiched between you two.
You heard him gasp and then shudder. Rafe pushed you both away from him with force you didn’t know he was capable of. Sam fell off the bed with a thud. “Ow.”
Rafe looked wildly around the room, only seeing you. He looked dazed, like he was still existing in some horrible nightmare.
“Oh my god, what- where is Sam? Oh god please don’t tell me he’s-”
“I’m right here, sweetheart,” Sam replied, pushing himself off the floor and back onto the bed, he hugged Rafe from behind, nuzzling his face into Rafe’s neck.
“What happened, Rafe?” You asked softly, hugging him in front this time. “Where did you go?”
Rafe stayed silent as he tried to calm his breathing. He breathed in and out at the same time as you and Sam, making sure you were both here and alive. Inhale. Exhale. He had to remind himself how to breathe.
“Someplace dark,” Rafe mumbled, you smoothed out his hair that had become messy in his sleep.
“We’re here, baby,” Sam said, his words muffled by Rafe’s skin.
When his breathing slowed, Sam and you both fell back down into the bed, leaving an empty space between.
“Come lay back down, love.” You patted the space softly. Rafe crawled to the edge of the bed and shook his head. He felt his eyes begin to sting. Fuck. He thought. Why was this happening now?
“Just lay with us, you don’t have to sleep,” You whispered to him, feeling helpless at the sight of Rafe wading through the deep waters of his suffering. Rafe tried his damndest to hold back the tears.
“Come back to bed with us,” Sam told him. Rafe remained still and silent. The only noise came from the clock ticking on the wall. 4:28 AM. Far too early for him to be up.
Rafe’s body shook. “I thought you had both died. I thought I killed you,” Rafe said, his voice barely even a whisper, it was strained, like it was the worst sentence he could have ever said in his entire life.
You looked at Sam. “We’re here, sweetheart. We aren’t going anywhere. Not today, not tomorrow,” Sam said, leaning up against the bed frame, you curled into his side, biting your lip. What had Rafe seen?
“Do you want to talk about it?” You asked him, unsure if he wanted space or you to comfort him.
Rafe shook his head, he leaned forward, head faced downwards. He almost scoffed. “I don’t even want to think about it.”
“Come back to bed, Rafe,” Sam spoke to him, his words like a sweet lullaby.
“I can’t.” Rafe dragged his hand across his face and tried to quell the heaviness attempting to pull him further down.
“Then just lay with us.”
“No,” He said firmly.
“Why?” You asked.
“I thought I killed you. I already told you that.” Rafe took one more shaking breath, exhaling slowly.
“We’re past that, Rafe. It was just a nightmare.” You crawled next to him and leaned against his shoulder. His body still lightly shook. He turned his face away from you, praying you would not see him in such a weak state.
“See, I’m alive,” You said. You pulled Rafe’s hand up to your heartbeat. He felt the deep rumble travel through his hand, he slowly turned to look at your chest. Damn the tears.
“It felt real. I watched you and Sam die on that ship.” Rafe’s eyes were dull as he stared at your chest, he saw the flashes of blood and water and the ring of a gun in his ears.
“We’re here, Rafe. We’re right here with you. Come back to bed,” You repeated. You were worried Rafe would run off to the kitchen, or hide out on the balcony, too scared to face his demons again in the night.
Rafe shook his head again. “You died. I killed you.”
“It was just a dream. I’m right here, I still love you. Sam still loves you. Whatever you saw wasn’t real,” You spoke quietly, looking deeply into Rafe’s hazel eyes, like you could pull the true Rafe out of them and back to you.
“No, I think I’m going to go get some air, or make some coffee, or something,” He trailed off, standing up. You didn’t release his hand.
“Don’t leave us, the bed is still warm,” Sam told him. Rafe looked in between you two.
“You’ll be tired in the morning.”
Rafe slowly nodded, you let go of his hand. You kissed him on the cheek and gently led him back into the bed, waiting for him to get under the blankets first.
Sam draped his arm around Rafe’s chest, you curled into his side.
“I’m going to call Dr. Schultz in the morning, okay?” You mumbled into his side.
“We don’t want you to have any more nightmares, we want you to get help,” Sam said, his voice already becoming heavier with sleep.
“I know.”
“Goodnight Rafe, I love you.” You leaned up and kissed his cheek once more, hoping his fears would lessen and he could sleep for the rest of the night.
“G’night Rafe.”
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drakesdevils · 3 years
“omg how do u come up w this stuff” well ive been plagued by visions since birth
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drakesdevils · 3 years
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You don’t just pick a fight with THE Samuel Drake.
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drakesdevils · 3 years
Everyone go watch the video I made
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drakesdevils · 3 years
What I Deserve
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Summary: In the heated passion of a fight, Sam pushes you as far away from himself as he can muster; but it isn’t until you finally take the hint and leave him that he’s forced to face the real reason behind it all.
Pairing: Sam Drake x Reader 
Word Count: 2,236
Warnings: ANGST. Just… yeah, just some angst. And also freezing cold rain. 
A/N: I am so, so, so SORRY for how long I’ve been gone. I miss you guys so much! I hope you’re all doing amazing and that this little oneshot can make up for some of the time I’ve been AWOL. Please send asks or messages and let me know how you’re doing! Link me to stories if anybody’s lookin’ for feedback, I’d love to get some reading in!!
“What do you want from me?” he begged. “What do you want me to say? You want me to make sense of this to you, want me to put it together for you?” He stepped slowly forward, closing the distance between you. Your heart raced, your face flushed, anger filling every vein. “Why’s that my job, huh? Why’m I supposed to know, supposed to tell it to you?”
“Shut up, Sam,” you warned. Your hand out, stopping him at his chest. His feet still advancing. Yours retreating.
“And why can’t you figure it out for yourself? Why? Is it cuz you’re full of shit, is it cuz you’re not smart enough? Are you dumb or somethin’?”
“Shut your mouth,” you snapped, teeth clenching, body shaking.
“Are you blind, is there somethin’ wrong with you?” he pressed, his eyes never leaving yours, boring into you, breaking you, refusing to let up, refusing to back off, even as your back met the cool wooden front door of that musty motel room. “What is it, baby, what’s the matter with you? Why won’t you fucking get it?”
“I said, shut the fuck up!” With both hands pressing to his chest, you shoved at him, with all your strength, throwing him away from you, tearing the air between you apart.
He was breathless as he stumbled back, his eyes only leaving you long enough for him to catch himself at the wall with a hand to his side. Your eyes now the ones reaching into his soul and crushing it down until it struggled for air.
For once, he was speechless.
Keep reading
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drakesdevils · 4 years
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Uncharted as Onion headlines
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drakesdevils · 4 years
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drakesdevils · 4 years
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drakesdevils · 4 years
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Любовь моя 
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drakesdevils · 4 years
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It was simple, really.  Please do not repost or use without permission.
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drakesdevils · 4 years
This has major sam and baby cassie vibes lol
source: theyeetbaby on tiktok
I'd die of cuteness if they would ever show scenes of them goofing around like this
also i wanna hear cassie call him uncle sam😂
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drakesdevils · 4 years
Nate: For Halloween we’ll dress up as things that don’t exist! What will yours be?
Chloe: A vampire.
Elena: A witch.
Charlie: A werewolf!
Sam: My will to live.
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drakesdevils · 4 years
The Five Stages of Grief (Sam Drake x Reader) PART TWO
Summary: Samuel Drake is dead to the world, stuck in a prison for a crime he did not commit for the rest of eternity.
Uncharted Masterlist
RDR2 Masterlist
Of The Valley (Joel x Reader Masterlist)
Two years stuck with Rafe Adler. Two years of living in Scotland in a grand apartment he hated. Two years of having to see Rafe’s smug face every month while Sam busted his ass looking in the Saint Dismas Cathedral. Just when he thought he was free, he was practically owned by Rafe. He had no personal money and nowhere to go so he stayed.
Most nights he drowned himself in booze, hookers, nicotine, anything that would quell the ache in his heart. After years and years of solitude, Sam thought he deserved the party. Rafe didn’t care that Sam spent his money on such foolish things, he was filthy rich, Sam bought more cigarette boxes than he could count, a pack of cigarettes in prison was like a goldbar, so he stocked up on them to feel rich. Force of habit. But it did not stop the guilt, it felt wrong to sleep with other women, it felt wrong to drink without you. He missed you, he did, but he knew that chapter was over.
But eventually he got tired of it, he had found enough clues to gather his own case and look for Henry Avery’s treasure with Nathan. He had been keeping tabs on Nathan, it was true, he had been married, worked for some diving company. He had even found a few of Nathan’s old contacts, a flirtatious woman named Chloe and a brute British man named Cutter. He had them both sworn to secrecy, both of them would rather Nathan be oblivious and remain in his happy, boring, normal life.
He was too afraid to look you up.
Sam felt guilty about coming so abruptly into Nathan’s life again. It wasn’t fair, he knew that, but Rafe did not deserve the treasure and it was him and his brother’s legacy to find it. He wondered how Nathan would react to finding out his older brother was alive.
He tracked down Saint Dismas’ cross weeks ago. So here he stood, knocking on his little brother’s work, early in the morning. His heart was pounding wildly.. he was finally seeing Nathan. Guilt wrecked havoc inside of him, he knew it was wrong to lie to him, to come so suddenly back into his life. But Sam needed the adventure, it was selfish but he had earned it.
“We’re not open yet,” Nathan called out.
It was really him.
Sam knocked again, louder.
“We’re closed!” Nathan shouted back.
Sam knocked insistently.
“Come on, man, alright! I’m coming, I’m coming..” Nathan huffed. He heard the door click..
“Yeah, can I help you?”
“Yeah I’m uh, looking for my little brother. He’s about your height, a little bit leaner, definitely less grays in the temple.”
Nathan’s eyes were wide, like he couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
Hearing Nathan say his name again was like music to his ears, he never even thought he would see him again. Nathan was older now, he looked different but it was still him. He was still his baby brother.
“It’s good to see you again, Nathan.”
“And you’re sure he’s in this motel?” You confirmed, Elena nodded, anger spread across her face. She was so disappointed in him.
“I’m certain. A name was registered under ‘Harry Flynn’.”
“Really? He chose Flynn?” You rolled your eyes. Elena shot you a look, not the time for jokes..
You walked her to the motel, you managed to bribe the receptionist for a key to the room. King’s Bay was humid, your clothes stuck to you making every movement more uncomfortable.
Elena called you two nights ago, she explained that she believed Nathan was lying to her, and that Sully had all but confirmed it. Sully didn’t outright say yes or no, but she knew. You lived in New Orleans with them, a few streets over from their house. Elena was your best friend. Nathan was like your brother. So, here you were, King’s Bay. Walking into a rundown motel, ready to confront her idiot husband. You were upset with Nathan too, especially for hurting Elena. There was shitstorm brewing, and you would undoubtedly take Elena’s side.
Elena looked back at you, you looked at her with sympathy.
“Good luck,” You said to her, giving her a quick hug. She nodded and shut the door, you went around the corner to wait for her.
God, Nathan was so dumb, you leaned against the wall and waited. King’s Bay was nice this time of the year, besides the humidity. Maybe if things got messy you would take a walk around the block. What Nathan and Elena were about to step into was personal.. you didn’t want to be anywhere near that right now.
A motorcycle pulled up to the motel, you heard Nathan begin talking. Something about a chase? Shoreline? What the hell was he going on about? You didn’t want to risk it, they could easily spot you if you even popped your head around the corner.
They entered the room.
Silence for a few minutes, you tapped your foot nervously. Elena needed you right now. The humidity was especially suffocating, or maybe it was because you were anxious too.
Then you heard her exit quietly and you let our the breath you had been holding.
“Elena!” You called out to her. “What happened?”
Elena continued walking, she wanted to get as far away from that room as possible. “He lied to me, again. All he does is lie,” She said bitterly fighting back tears.
You walked quickly to catch up with her stride, you were around the corner before she spoke again.
“I- I can’t do this anymore,” She told you, her voice cracking. She shook her head in disbelief.
“Elena, just breathe. What happened?” You said calmly, glancing back at the room.
“He’s looking for some pirate treasure - Henry Avery.”
Henry Avery..? Sam’s, Henry Avery? What the hell was going on.
“And, now he has a brother?” She breathed out.
“What?” Nathan brought up Sam?
“He told me his name is Sam. Nathan looks just like him,” Elena replied, she watched the confusion fill your eyes.
“He showed you a photo of Sam?”
“No, he’s in there. In the room.” She pointed to the motel.
You were speechless, you stared at the door. It couldn’t be true. There was no way.
“What’s going on?” Elena asked, she was the one being kept in the dark.
“I-“ You were at loss of words. There was no way he was in there, it simply wasn’t possible. Sam Drake was dead, you buried him years ago, but your eyes were fixed on the door. There was no way..
“Who is Sam?” She repeated, she was becoming worried.
“Sam is Nathan’s older brother.. he died years ago in a Panamanian jail.. Nathan and I don’t like talking about him,” You confessed, snapping out from your trance to look at her.
Her brows furrowed in confusion.
“We were dating.. And then fifteen years ago he died.. he told me was going to marry me after he found Henry Avery’s treasure.” Sam Drake was dead.. he died years and years ago.
“It’s not possible.. he’s dead, Elena. Sam is dead and he’s been that way for a long time.” You blinked back tears, and yet your eyes kept trailing to that door.
“He’s in there. Sully even told me that it was him.”
“It can’t be true,” You mumbled.
“Just.. go, I’ll be waiting here for you,” She urged you to go to the door.
You nodded, that door felt like miles away, it felt like every step you took it got farther. Until you were right in front of it.
There’s no way..
You knocked.
“Elena?” Nathan opened the door quickly, expecting to see her instead.
You gathered your thoughts.
“Elena.. told me that she saw Sam.”
“Yeah, yeah she did..” Nathan trailed off, his voice quiet.
“What?” You could feel the tears coming on strong now.
“Sam?” Nathan turned around and called out his name.
Nathan moved out of the way, and suddenly there he was.
Now you were truly speechless.
“No.. I.. I buried you a long time ago.”
“I’m still here.” It was like your hearts were beating as one, you couldn’t believe it, Sam was really here.
Tears fell from your eyes like silent raindrops.
“I’m home. I came back like I said.”
Sam promised you that he would come back and marry you.. except he lied. Nathan never told you the details of what happened to save your sanity.. but you assumed it was not a peaceful death. It kept you up at night.. thinking of how Sam probably suffered.
He stepped closer to you, walking slowly and fragile, like you were going to shatter.
“I lived. Doctor patched me up and threw me back in,” He explained, he was right in front of you. You wanted to reach out and touch him, just to make sure he was real.
“If I knew you were still alive, I would-” Your voice broke.
“Shh.. I know. I know. I don’t blame you for anything.”
He pulled you into a hug. He was real.. he felt the same, his hug was still strong and secure and safe. He still smelt the same, he still loved you the same.
“God, I missed you so much,” You sobbed into his chest, he brushed your hair down. You were out of a sync without him.
Sam was dreading the day he would have had to knock on your door and disrupt everything, but instead, you knocked on his. He was scared to face you, to see how you changed without him. It was supposed to be you and him against the world.
Sam asked Nathan not to talk about you when they were in Italy.. Nathan was confused but he agreed. It was too painful for Sam to hear how you had gone to live your life without him in it.
“I missed you too,” He replied. It felt so good to hug you, two years ago he never thought he would ever even see you again, but now you were here in his arms. It felt.. almost wrong.. underneath that happiness there was the current of selfishness. You were a married woman.. he shouldn’t take so much pleasure in being hugged by you. But god, he did. He lied to Nathan and he was going to have to lie to you too.
You let your emotions get the best of you, you took his face in your hands, looking deeply into his eyes and you kissed him, feeling the tears drip down the side of your face.
Sam pushed you away after a few moments.. he looked shamefully away.
“We shouldn’t..”
You blinked in surprise. You were so stupid to have thought that things would be the same.
“Your husband.”
“What husband?” You asked.
“You’re married, aren’t you?”
You lifted up your left hand, “I was saving it for you.”
Rafe lied. He felt his blood get hot.. Rafe lied to him, took two years away from him and you being together, all to get Sam to stay.
You kissed him again, you really kissed him. He melted into your touch, all that anger and pain went away. All those years in prison meant nothing now, he was here and you were here. All those beatings, nightmares, pain, it meant absolutely nothing in your arms. And he was kissing you so lovingly, it was a welcome home kiss. It was a kiss that was a promise, that he would never leave your side again. And you knew it was true. It felt like it lasted forever, and you did not mind forever. Especially with how much time you lost being with him, forever seemed better than good.
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