drasthenes · 7 years
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Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca by Tyler Jacobson Kiora, the Crashing Wave by Scott M. Fischer
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drasthenes · 7 years
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This was our MTGinktober for “Found,” starring Liliana and Stuffy Doll! And this concludes our coverage of MTGinktober 2017! Thanks so much for tuning in and hanging out! We’ve got a special treat coming up next before we return to our regularly scheduled programming, but in the meantime, I guess I should explain the story behind this illustration! Submitted for the approval of the Midrange Society, I call this story, “Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope” – 
Liliana was only five so she was understandably upset that everyone was paying attention to this freshly four-year-old interloper instead of her, just because it was his birthday–she would alternate between screaming, holding her breath, and knocking over the decorations that had been so carefully prepared by the grownups. But this was the first year Josu was really able to understand why everyone was showering him with attention on this particular day.  He loved his sister very much and saw how angry she was about something today and that made him sad. He decided to make her a doll that she could always be angry at–that would make her happy!
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drasthenes · 7 years
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Another MTG fanart :)  I started the sketch when I read the MTG story chapter where Jace  created an illusion of Ravnica, and today I finally had the time to finish it!  (Also - thanks for that super mean cliffhanger this week.)
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drasthenes · 7 years
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Thoptermessanger by NeilParkinson
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drasthenes · 7 years
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drasthenes · 7 years
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Gonna go cook dinner now.
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drasthenes · 7 years
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A lone Jace
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drasthenes · 7 years
Journal 422: Faded Memories
“Time passes. Memories Fade. Feelings Change. People leave. But Hearts never forget.”- Cherlynn Shakespeare Dear Journal, Bittersweet is a term given to explain the melding of joy and sadness. It is the emotional conflicting of two opposite emotions and is a part of life. As I walked into the gates of Setessa, I was stopped by one of the warriors who guards the gates. I told her who I was and how I was going to meet my mother, Freyjania. My mother was always a hard worker. She began her life training as a warrior and through hard work and determination, she slowly ascended the ranks of the Setessans and soon became an advisor for Anathousa. When I had last visited, only two months ago, she was busy advising so I wasn’t able to see her. The warrior smiled hesitantly when I spoke my mother’s name and said, “I will take you to her.” Her hesitant smile and reservation in her voice sent a pang of worry into my heart. As we walked through the concentric circles, we did not head to my original home growing up, but to the infirmary. As I walked into the infirmary, my sister Metiria was standing inside the door. When she saw me, she hugged me close and hard. The warrior showed herself out, and then my sister stepped back to look me over. As she looked me over, I noticed tears in my sister’s eyes. Metiria was not the one for crying, she often was able to stay stalwart in trying times. She broke the silence by chiding me, saying, “it looks like you haven’t grown any since your last visit, nor have you worked out, Little Wolf.” I smirked and said, “well it’s hard to work out when you’re busy all the time.” My face then softened and said, “how have you been?” “I have been okay. Life has its ups and down’s,” she said as she wiped a tear away. “Where is mother?” I asked with a worried look on my face. She led me down a few rooms to where our mother was staying. She was laying on a bed, mumbling quietly to herself. Her dark hair was mixed with a streak of white. “Keranos struck her with lightning. He did it in repercussions to Karametra arguing with him. She’s lost most of her memories, only coming to once or twice a day,” my sister said through a couple sniffles. I walked towards my mother. The woman who stood by my side as a grew up. The woman who taught me how to sing. The woman who encouraged me to follow my dreams. The woman who gave me my lute as a parting gift before my peregrination. I sat beside her and grabbed her hand and began to sob. Once I regained some composure, I decided I would play her a song. I began to play the song she taught me to sing when I was young. It was a song about the stalwart trees of Setessa. As I sang, something magical happened. My mother began to look at me and mouth the words of the song! I sang it louder and with more fervor as my mother’s eyes blossomed with tears. As I reached the last verse my mother began to lull to sleep. As she began to sleep, I kissed her forehead and walked to Metiria, who was still in the room. “You’ll keep her safe, Metiria. I know you will as you are the best warrior I know,” I said with tears beginning to flow. “As I always will my brother,” she responded with a reverence meant for the gods. “May Karametra keep you and mom safe until we meet again,” I responded to her. “And to you as well, Little Wolf. Come back soon,” she said as she embraced me one last time before I left. As I sang a song of woe from the streets of Ravnica, Setessa disappeared and the Blind Eternities took me back to my home, Ravnica.
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drasthenes · 7 years
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Meet my two latest fanchars; Ari and Dexo! Ixalan merfolks~ ( they’re not planeswalkers tho) ALSO LOOK I DREW MEN~ Twins at that B) gun have fun revealing to yall who they are in my upcoming ixalan-strips
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drasthenes · 7 years
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MtG’s Horde to the Gatewatch Alliance
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drasthenes · 7 years
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Reblog if you, too, are gay, not cis, or love dinosaurs
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drasthenes · 7 years
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Dinosaur lady <3
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drasthenes · 7 years
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More Huatli becouse I just love her
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drasthenes · 7 years
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Huatli, Warrior Poet
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drasthenes · 7 years
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“…I’ve brought Ice and Fire together.”
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drasthenes · 7 years
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Amazing Jacobsen piece from the ixalan panel
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drasthenes · 7 years
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The new mtg planeswalker Huatli is a dino knight and majorly cool!
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