#oc planeswalker
usurper1872 · 1 year
Day Seven: Time to go ‘Home’
Nadia had gone down to the cell to check on Sōsuke. She more than the others had grown… attached to the dark skinned elven sorcerer. From his random patches of glittering bronze dragon scales that always seemed to draw her attention to his need to hoard knowledge, it could be useless the man wouldn’t care, and stories about the adorable pseudodragon he took care of. His ‘little sister’. 
Everything about the fellow Ravnican simply fascinated her. 
This would ultimately lead to her downfall and quite possibly the plane’s. 
Another Planeswalker going by Ral had warned her and the party to be careful when dealing with Sōsuke. He was chaotic at the best of times, could be easily distracted given the right trigger, and very charismatic. Advice: go get smitten with someone else because he’ll lead to heartbreak. 
But even Ral was unsure of what had made his friend attack those he was paid to guide. The League would more than certainly send someone to investigate the matter. All the storm mage knew is that the last time he had talked to Sōsuke, and a handful of other Planeswalkers, was that he had been complaining of headaches and didn't remember anything about the last plane he had visited. So he had advised Sōsuke to lay down for a bit and get some rest thinking the headaches were from either dehydration or being tired. He knew the dark elf pushed himself too far sometimes and would go days without sleeping. 
Nevertheless, Nadia walked down the stairs that lead to the cell. He had been given paper and pencil to write with but he had written in a language that no one in the party could read or translate. Eventually they had stopped giving it to him. 
But then smelled something like copper. She looked around and saw the paper. Blood on the paper and pencil. She looked closer. 
No… not it wasn’t blood. It was…
…some sort of oil? She’d look more closely at it and dip a finger into it. Maybe it was some sort of machinery he had…?
A cold shiver would wash over her. “Sōsuke…?” The small rogue called out to him.  
“Nadia.” The voice that called her name shocked her slightly. It sounded normal but at the same time… it had what sounded to be a metallic undertone. “Come, come… please.”
She tried to find him in the darkness. Then there he was. He was in a tailor sitting position (cross legged) in a corner. When he opened his red eyes they seemed to glow and stand out in the dark. Dark elves could see better in the dark… so maybe that was an effect of it?
“I can’t. I'm not even really supposed to be down here.”
“Then why are you here?” “I--”
He’d cut her off. “I need your help Nadia.” He stood and would start to walk over to the bars of the cell. He had on his normal attire but didn’t have his jacket on. In its place was a sleeveless shirt. 
“I can’t.” She’d reply with a sad tone. Sōsuke would reach a clawed hand out to her through the bars, pushing up the dimensional shackles as far as they could go so he could better reach out to her. 
“It’s so static here. Boring. Maybe you can come in and help with that.” He’d smirk. “Just take these shackles off so I can move around better. This has all been one big mistake.”
“Sōsuke… I…” Nadia knew she shouldn’t get closer but something compelled her to. This was Sōsuke. He was her friend. He wouldn’t hurt her. 
Nadia then stepped closer and removed the shackles from his wrists. The dark elf smiled. “Thank you Nadia. I’ll come and get you to repay you. I promise.” He’d lean to kiss her but backed away at the last minute with a smirk on his face. 
And with the shackles removed the elf was gone in  a cloud of black smoke and spiders that soon disappeared. 
He’d appear on New Phyrexia moments later before Elesh Norn with a warm smile, as if looking at a cherished parent, as he’d fall to one knee. “I’m here to spread the word of our greatness to the other planes.”
“Of course you are, My Conductor.”
[Feel free to add any notes/suggestions below]
Notes from Usurper (Owner):
His alignment is Chaotic Neutral. (It hasn’t been revealed to me if compleation shifted his alignment)
He falls on Red and Green on the colour wheel.
He is on friendly terms with the three Ravnican planeswalkers. He is most friendly with Ral, being more along the lines of a bromance, hoping for more though.
Notes from Riv (DM):
After complaining of headaches Ral told him to get some rest, not knowing what was actually going on… yet.
He was mentally compleated a week after infection with Phyresis (Based on constitution saving throws). As far as we know he is the only one, planeswalker and not, to have lasted this long. Once imprisoned and isolated it became harder for him to fight (DC on saving throws became much harder as he was very socially oriented and doesn’t like being alone). 
He was completely physically completed two days later.
Clawed hands: Fingertips to second knuckle are a metallic bronze metal. Glistening oil can be seen dripping from them when he wants it to. Mostly from the left.
His voice has a metallic undertone. (Sounds like this, but this isn’t him it’s Jace)
After being physically completed:
The entirety of his left arm, fingers up to his shoulder, is completely cyber. The right looks like this: Click. The fingertips stil have that clawed appearance. 
All of his scales are now made of a bronze metal.
There are several metal tendrils, about 0.4 cm in diameter, weaved throughout his hair. 
His facial tattoos now look like a very dimly lit LED strip. These tattoos do extend down to his hip in a type of lightning strike pattern and have the same LED effect now.
He was given a sort of third eyelid to negate his light sensitivity. “Sunglasses but on your eyes.”
His wings, when manifested, are now made of a sheet like light weight metal. 
When not manifested his wings are shown as tattoos on his back. They also have a metallic design.
Most of the metal now implanted into him is a bronze alloy to have him better conduct lightning (electricity).
Character Design:
Pre Compleation Character Design (Art by: Lunnarcia)
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gay-little-izzet · 3 months
Drawing my simic microbiologist oc again ☺️
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I love her a lot? They’re my scrimblo now I think. Scrimblo from my Simic combine.
(Also I bloomburrowified her because. Why not.)
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niuttuc · 6 months
Arega: Story Summary up to 2024
Alright, you voted for it, so let's delve in, this will be quite a block of text, but I'll space it with cards to make it a bit less daunting.
Their story starts with a Lorwyn Changeling sparking, and ending up on Ravnica. While Changelings are self-aware and capable of speech, they're fairly simple creatures.
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Ravnica was very overwhelming to them, thankfully a kind soul rescued them from the streets, and contacted a local Simic researcher to return what they assumed to be an escaped experiment of some kind, of the name of Jova.
Now, Jova was a relatively private researcher recently recruited as a potential creator for a budding Guardian Project. She's also one that had been experimenting with illegal cytoplasm, the technology passed down to her by her grandmother, who believed the blanket ban on cytoplasm was short-sighted. It is capable of great harm, but also is incredible medicine and bio-technology in the right hands.
(For anyone unaware of original Ravnica block, Cytoplasm was a blue-green goo that could be grafted to anyone and replicate the function of pretty much any body part or organ, better in some cases. It was used as replacement for missing limbs and organs, or augmentations.
Then the leader of the Simic at the time, Momir Vig, called it all back as part of a megalomaniacal plan, fusing it all back into Kraj having "learned" connected to so many people's nervous systems, in an attempt to make the perfect being, killing or injuring thousands if not millions that relied on those cytoplasms. When Zegana rebuilt the guild, cytoplasms were banned and forbidden across the board.)
After growing fond of the little changeling, and trying to understand it and where it came from better (and maybe for other reasons she was more ashamed of later), Jova eventually decided to try to "improve" the changeling's cognition with a cytoplastic augment.
This... Went wrong. While the changeling eventually somewhat stabilized, it was incapable of supporting the cytoplast by itself. Jova saved it by putting it in a Simic nourishing pod that would keep it alive (and sedated, until she figured something else out.)
Her eventual solution was to take advantage of the network of aligned cytoplasms with the one in the changeling's body. In theory, if she lined up artificial bodies with ones connected to it, and with some extra modifications, the changeling would be able to inhabit those different bodies and use them as their own, even when their original one was stuck in that pod.
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And it worked! The first body she connected it to was one of her first wholly artificial Guardian designs, one intended (eventually) for reconnaissance and infiltration. It wasn't fully matured yet (and certainly not "aware" in any way. When they first opened their Guardian eyes, they had no memory of their life as a changeling or anything before then.
Jova adopted the young Guardian as a pupil and child, named them Arega, and raised them for a few years. While she kept secret their origins and original body from them, she did teach them about how they worked, cytoplasms, and how that had to stay a secret. To help with that, Jova and Arega intentionally reported inefficient or bad numbers to the Guardian Project, so that Arega's design would be considered a failure and not explored in too much detail.
Arega learned incredibly fast and well, likely partly because of their previous life. Less than four years after Jova took them in, they had most of an education and were capable of assisting Jova with bio projects. But they might not have been fully emotionally mature yet.
Jova died. A lab accident with a Krasis that escaped, nothing to do with Arega. It did bury Jova's lab under it, and with it the pod in which Arega's original body was stored. Arega panicked. Beyond the grief they felt, they'd now be put in the care of another Simic scientist, they were technically property of the guild. Ravnica's laws can be fucked up.
Their "solution" was to pretend Jova didn't die. They quickly cloned a body of Jova laced with cytoplasts for them to control, and "Jova" claimed she was just injured and disoriented in the accident. It was to only be temporary while Arega signed their own emancipation papers, but "just one more day" turned into a number of years, almost having their dead mom back.
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This is where Arega was at when they were first created as a character! The starting point. I did warn it'd be a bit of a hike.
During those years, Arega matured a bit and learned even more. Appearing as a human by day did give them a different perspective on things. But the next big development would happen during the one day War of the Spark.
"Jova" died. Unbeknownst to them, Arega was a planeswalker, since the changeling sparked so long ago, and an Eternal tracked the echo of that spark into Jova's body and tried to rip it out. It didn't work, it was just a proxy, but it did destroy the body, and sent Arega in a renewed bout of grief and anger.
They take revenge on a few Eternals in a more combat-focused body, before being approached by another planeswalker. With her help, Arega follows the exposed connection to their spark to the ruins of Jova's old lab (still not cleared out, the Gruul have been keeping construction crews busy and simic labs tend to have long quarantines when they fall.)
There, they discover their original body, and with some help over the next few days, they piece together most of what happened to them. Sadly they aren't the only one to notice everything, and the rest of the Simic finally catches on to their shenanigans. And they didn't like them.
While the specifics remained a secret from most of the Combine (and Ravnica at large), the Speakers, the guild's leadership, debated on what to do with this deceitful creature. Worries about them becoming (or already being) a new Kraj were raised. Zegana championed the side of being careful in those debates, having seen the results of the last Kraj, to put Arega in stasis and remove the cytoplasm from them. Safely if possible, but the chances of that being an option seemed low.
On the other side of the debate, Vannifar was more opportunistic. Not really in defense of Arega, but they turned out to be a planeswalker. War of the Spark made their existence public on Ravnica and heightened the interests of the Guilds in other planes, both as threats and opportunities. Any planeswalker affiliated to the guild was a very precious asset, worth taking some risks for. With Vannifar as Prime Speaker, this side won out at the time. Arega would be monitored and precautions would be taken, but they'd be allowed to remain alive and active, working for the guild.
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For the next few years, they'd work at studying other planes and their unique ecosystems and forms of life for the Simic, a few weeks to a few months at a time. There were a number of planes visited: Ikoria, Eldraine, Zendikar, Geonne, Ixalan and more...
Which brings to the forefront the specifics of Arega's planeswalking. While they most of the time defaulted to their Guardian body (and it's in fact the one they recognized as themselves), they didn't think they could planeswalk with it without severing the connection to their original body, essentially killing the Guardian. Their original body was the only one they could planeswalk with, along with some life-supporting technology to set up on the other world on arrival. They'd then set up a covert lab on site while they performed their work, coming back to Ravnica regularly for reports.
Which is also one of the major precautions the Combine had against Arega. While on Ravnica, their original body stayed within armed Simic guard. While in their original body, their Guardian one was kept secured and hostage in the same way.
During that time, a team was put in charge of studying how Arega's connection worked, and determined a few things. First, extracting the cytoplasm from the changeling was impossible without destroying who Arega was pretty much completely. And second, potential ways to affect them with access to an active part of the cytoplastic network, a body they'd currently be using.
Despite the situation, with them being kept partly hostage, Arega still loved the Simic, their ideals and understood the fear that motivated them against the cytoplastic creature. They were happy to help, even if the situation was worrying at times. Of course, they could have planeswalked away during their work at any time, but it would mean abandoning their "real" body. Not that they wanted to anyway. But their mission on Eldraine marked a turning point.
On Eldraine, they set up and worked in the Wilds. They first welcomed Arega, a shapeshifter, a changeling, recognizing it as kindred. But they were also a scientist. Trying to measure, quantify, define. That was antithetical to the chaotic nature of the Wilds, and Arega's experiments never produced any results, certainly not replicable ones.
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To put it simply, months of work on Eldraine produced pretty much nothing of worth to report. The reprimands that came next (and a few conversations on Eldraine) did make Arega realize fully the situation they were in, though. Kept hostage, made to work, a disappointment or change of regime away from being deemed too much of a risk and killed. They may have understood why the Combine felt like it had to act like that, but that doesn't mean they thought they should, it went against most of the guild's ideals Arega believed in.
It's after this long work on Eldraine that they started seriously thinking about possibilities to get out of the situation they were in. Most of them ranged from stupid to suicidal, or would have required them leaving their body behind. They did consider leaving it behind, maybe make a new one for themself, but this was a no-go. This body of theirs represented too much for them, mainly as how Jova knew them. Made them.
In those years, that Guardian body also finally pupated into full physical maturity, and while that came with a few changes, most of them didn't help their escape plans much. The planning in general ended up less important than an opportunity that presented itself to them, and they felt like they had to seize: The Phyrexian Invasion!
In the chaos of the Invasion, Arega finalized a risky idea, but a possible one. With the guard over their original body lightened by the war effort (and Arega's general compliance over the years), they took advantage of it to sneak and sedate their way into the complex, steal themselves, and try to planeswalk at once with both their bodies through the openings of other worlds created by Realmbreaker.
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It worked! Not without hitch, but they were free. And back on Eldraine, dealing with its own Invasion. They hid in the Wilds, settling and removing the various contingencies the guild had left in their bodies in case of their escape, not wanting to test their luck on whether they'd work across planes.
Hidden back in their field lab, and soon after they settled, it wasn't a Simic affliction that got them. The Wicked Slumber spread, and while it would take months to affect most of Eldraine, Arega was a stranger to the plane, one of the targets for it. Only a couple days after they arrived, they fell to the Slumber until Kellan finally lifted it, months later.
Upon understanding what happened, they were very worried. Any headstart they might have had on people the Simic would have sent after them was long gone. And they couldn't really planeswalk away anymore, so they were stuck on Eldraine for the time being. Of course, exploring and discussing, they learned about Omenpaths, both a relief and a source of concern. This meant that the Combine didn't have to hire planeswalkers to chase them, any agents would do, but it also meant Arega had ways off-plane if they wanted. They set off in search for a way for them to planeswalk more reliably, as a way to be able to evade any pursuers.
(Of course, nobody was actually on Arega's trail. While a few Simic contacts or planeswalkers may have been told to keep an eye out, after the Invasion, the Simic's resources were strained way too thin on rebuilding and gaining back trust. Arega was on another world, and another world's concern, a secondary one for the guild for the time being. And leadership had learned to know the changeling a bit better by then, and thought they were at relatively low risk in the short term. Probably. If whatever plane they ended up on could handle a phyrexian invasion, it could probably handle a rogue Arega)
Arega finally found something that could potentially help them on the plane of Geonne. A local ritual to magically fuse together two organisms, for better survival. It took them a while to study the phenomenon and build confidence, both that it could work in their case and probably wouldn't kill them. But when they finally tried it, it worked, mostly without hitch!
They combined together their Guardian body and their original body (well, with its cytoplasts), into something mostly resembling the former externally (as the changeling body wasn't able to survive on its own exposed to the world already). Their internal biology is probably somewhat closer to changeling? They do not understand it, or what they are now. They can still inhabit other bodies, but they're more interested in experimenting with this one for now. A new form of life is something to be explored and researched!
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Their new body appears to slowly shapeshift to adapt to tasks and environments it is put in, which is fascinating to them. Able to planeswalk, confident they can escape capture and eager to rediscover themselves, that's roughly where they are at nowadays!
After this, they wrote a letter to both Zegana and Vannifar they got delivered onto Ravnica, apologizing and pleading them not to come after them, and that maybe someday they'd be able to rejoin the guild? But on more favorable terms? Addressing them differently. Sadly, by the time the letters were delivered, one of their recipients was unable to receive it.
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sovenasark · 2 months
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Had a lot of fun drawing this bust :>
Character belongs to @kingthreshie-official
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reubenyeoart · 8 months
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Kanerva of the Twisted Coil
A personal piece to commemorate the Lunar New Year, featuring my fanwalker Kanerva who I've not drawn for the past few Magic: the Gathering expansions. I mean, it's not technically dragons, but horse-skull-headed bone serpents count, right?
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gabrielsellesty · 8 months
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Some Planeswalker stuff 💙✨
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niseag-arts · 11 months
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Welcome to the Izzet league. Garrag is happy to lead you around! Don't worry about him, he's as sane as any of us. 
Posted using PostyBirb
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joekabox · 2 months
So before Bloomburrow comes out I at least one to get out one MH 3 ask, so could you tell me about your walkers Origin card?
Sorry for the late reply on this (and honestly being super neglectful of my inbox in general). Life has been a little busy as of late, though at least things are generally well!
ANYWAY, to answer your ask, I actually made an Origin card for my fanwalker, Joseph Kabox!
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On the front, we have Josef, Lambholt Youth, depicting my fanwalker before his spark ignited, as a child on Innistrad. Hailing from a rather Germanic inspired plane, his name was originally Josef (said as Yosef).
As far as the front half's abilities, the two tokens he creates reference his mother and father, who both died during a vampire attack - the same attack that resulted in Joseph's spark igniting. This is referenced in his other ability requiring at least two creatures to die in order to transform him, and the destruction of target creature is in reference to how, as his spark ignited, he was able to kill the vampire in a burst of magical energy.
On the back, we have Joseph Kabox, Student of Bant, depicting Joseph as a young adult on Alara. Having landed on the shard of Bant after igniting his spark, Josef eventually came to be known as Joseph, more closely fitting the naming conventions of the plane, and somewhat symbolically showing his acceptance of Bant as his home.
His +1 ability is meant to represent the various soldiers he came to befriend and know during his time on Bant, more specifically Atax and Piramessa, a Rhox and an Aven that were his closest friends.
His +3 is meant to symbolize both his education on Bant, growing and learning about life and the world around him, but also his time shortly after leaving Alara, discovering new planes and new things.
His final -7 is ultimately meant to represent an event that happened when he witnessed Atax fall in battle - an event that would kickstart his rediscovery of his powers as a planeswalker, and ultimately him leaving Alara for greener pastures. In the battle that saw the death of Atax, Joseph lost control of his emotions, creating an elemental from the wellspring of mana both bottled up within himself for so many years, and on the battlefield around him. This elemental then aided in the rest of the conflict, before fading away, back into the world.
I hope you enjoyed this analysis of my origin-style sparker card for Joseph. I created this card some time ago, and I've been quite happy with it. I think it captures his early life well, and flows well enough into his future fan cards and his future identity as a character. Thank you so much for asking!
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virtual-minotaur · 4 months
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Remember when I said I'd finish this months ago? Lol.
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passsacaglia · 2 years
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[Image description: From the waist up, a humanoid figure. She is wearing a sleeveless turtleneck made of a rigid bonelike material, with a large slit down the front accompanied by a circle centered on her breasts. Her skin under the turtleneck is red and meaty. Her arms are very pale white and uncannily long. She is holding them up and to her left as in worship. She has fingerless gloves made of the same bonelike material. The visible back of her glove has a circle with a line running through the center, similar in shape and color to the design on the turtleneck. Her right thumb has a conducting baton attached to it. On her back is a copper device like a turtle shell, with cables coming out to attach into her torso, two on each side. The top of the device has three trumpet bells protruding up like organ pipes. Her face is angled in the same direction as her hands. She is bald and has the circle design tattooed on the top of her head. Her eyes are glowing and red, and a black substance falls in a straight line from each eye as well as her mouth, which is open in joy. From the waist down, she is a spiderlike creature with four legs arranged on her diagonals. The legs each consist of a red, meaty limblike structure protruding out parallel to the ground, which ends in a large bonelike plate shaped like a kite which sits perpendicular to the ground. To the right of the drawing is text in Phyrexian, an alien language. To the left, in English, is written “Lidija, Norn’s Choirmaster”. The background is a blurry blue and grey pattern. End image description.]
so uh. me being the world’s biggest elesh norn simp may have ended with compleation. this is fine.
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mtg-epsilon-butterfly · 7 months
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Androphit, The Omniscient Trial-Keeper
Race: Sphinx
Birthplace/Homeplane: Amonkhet
Status: Alive (Standing Azorius Guildleader in the 38th district)
**Backstory Summery:** Originally an Amonkhet sphinx Androphit went by their dead name of “Travophit”. Travophit worked in the Trial of Knowledge and under Kefnet as trainer of new viziers. Travophit sparked after finding a small group of their new vizier’s had lost their minds after experimenting with scrolls that Kefnet had hidden away. Travophit saw this opportunity to ditch their old identity. Adopting the name Androphit, Now She attempted to hide within the Kaldadeshi Wilderness of Peema in the small river village of “Combondi”. This is where she was given the identity of “The Keeper of Combondi” by the villagers who saw her as a guardian. She in turn would set up her own trials of knowledge nearby in honor of her old god. Here she would teach the members of the village skills she taught to prepare for the trials. She eventually would have a run in with the planeswalking aetherborn bounty hunter, Srinavas after a bounty was placed on her head by the planeswalker and head of the consulate Dovin Baan. To escape she would cast an invisibility spell upon herself and planeswalk away. Androphit followed the strong Aether to Arcavios, and more specifically the college of Strixhaven, Here she would study at Strixhaven academy. During her studies there she majored in Extraplanar Observations. During her studies she witnessed the Hour of Devastation. Androphit quickly returned to Amonkhet to help how she could yet it was far too late. This is where she found that Ravnica was Nicol Bolas’ ultimate goal. She rushed over to Ravnica, she wanted to help prepare the city for the incoming war. Androphit was quickly welcomed into the Azorius Senate and promoted to standing guild leader after showcasing her plan to build a series of trials specifically made for Ravnica. During the war of the spark thanks to her preparations and the help of her magically bolstered group known as “Crop Akh-Id”. The invasion within the 38th was expertly handled. Allowing Androphit and Domahelix to assist the 10th district in their standoff. During which she had a fortunate encounter with Srinivas, Who was weakened by some magical force. Here she would ambush Srinivas, stealing nearly all of his essence. Androphit left Srinnavas a withered blip of an Aetherborn with just a few hours left to live. After the war ended Androphit returned to the now liberated Kaladesh. Returning to Combondi to revisit and explain her departure and her wishes for the Combondi trial of knowledge. Androphit, along with the village a combination of Mathmagic, ancient Amonkhetan sorcery, and good old fashioned Kaladeshi ingenuity they created Treskhet’kophit, The Knowledge-Born. After the completion of the Magitech Sphinx Androphit returned to Ravnica to resume her position as the Omniscient Trial keeper.
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Alta Turris, an upsetting spin on Rapunzel for an MTG planeswalker campaign, she's from Eldraine
This did get a redraw in 2023 at the end of the campaign, including a post-campaign redemption version of her
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just-eyris-things · 9 months
Ever since I've gathered 600 ASS, I've been feeling so... free. Unburdened....
And then I realised I needed 600 ambergris.
When will this cycle of suffering end..............
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gothyanki · 11 months
What if we took Karlach to the Astral Plane to slow/stall the deterioration of her heart, though???
I knoooow it wouldn't work according to lore, but imagine if it did. Time doesn't pass/passes very strangely in the Astral, and it's probably pretty cold to boot... IMAGINE. I feel like Vin'ath has definitely earned the right to put in an Astral Visa Application on behalf of their girlfriend, and Lae'zel also has a massive crush on Karlach/respects her fighting prowess (same difference!) They could make it happen! (The rest of the party would be welcome to come along too, although I don't know who would take them up on it - Wyll if he got invested in taking the fight to Vlaakith For The People or ended up in a throuple with them? Gale out of sheer curiosity?)
...I also think Karlach would hate the Astral Plane (she might enjoy it at first due to the novelty, but then...), which adds in a hefty dose of angst and conflict. You love to see it. Aaaahhh I wish this were an actual possibility.
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sovenasark · 2 months
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Self-indulgent drawing of some D&D characters :3c
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mostspecialgirl · 11 months
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misc 6 monsters doodles from tonight that get progressively worse in quality
i’ve been thinking about them a lot lately
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rare writing excerpt from The Star
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