drdevguy · 14 days
drdevguy.com redesign in progress (its actually good now!)
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hi peopleof tumble errrr!!! i have come back again to announce a redesign of my website! idk when im gonna finish it but HOPEFULLY it'll be soon. I removed a lot of my old games cuz they suck and also im 100% sure nobody played them, and if you did i am very sorry to the 1 fish run fan out there and the infinite amount of infant babies who still like jolly reignited (my worst mistake ever was releasing that game)
okay but that is all that i have for now, stay silent should be the next thing i work on again and uhh yea! cya whenever im back or something yea!!!!!!!!!!!
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drdevguy · 2 months
EEEE v1.1 is OUT NOW!!
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- massive overhaul towards the editor - major bugfixes - menu overhaul (no longer one button sorry) - CUSTOMIZATION MENU!!! (cool) - AND LEVEL SHARING - (and probably a lot of other stuff i forgot i did lol)
check it out and share some stuff you made with the editor!!!!!!! that would be cool! report bugs and share levels here (my discord server woah) play it here btw link: https://drdevguy.itch.io/eeee i will upload to newgrounds when i can but level saving doesnt work there so its delayed for now :(
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drdevguy · 5 months
EEEE v1.1 progress
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hey hi hello its been a tad bit I think?? (happy new years btw although a bit late lol) well im here to talk more about some progress with this update and what I plan on doing with this game so on forth I guess. I'll try formatting this better as I have added lots of stuff since the original version of the game!
Customization menu (Different icons and you can set your username!)
Blocks menu in the editor
Better Level sharing
Block Rotation (no longer needing to select different types of spikes)
Level Settings (Set Name and Difficulty)
Level Saving (still being worked on...)
anyways that's all I have added (and maybe some other stuff I forgot), though I did fix many things as well such as better collision and overall optimization. anyways (again) something I have considered for a while recently is making this game a commercial game and releasing it on the google play store for mobile users, still unsure about what to do with pc players at the moment but I might consider leaving the original game jam version up as a demo or something, idk that's for me to find out about later I guess. but yep that's all the news I have for now and hopefully I can get this game out this month or something. anyways that's all I have for now so cya!!!
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drdevguy · 6 months
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new update coming soon...
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drdevguy · 6 months
EEEE Level Editor Tutorial
nothing much again, just a small little tutorial i made which is hopefully understandable because my mic was kinda low but it should still work idk... anyways enjoy!!! :]]]
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drdevguy · 6 months
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Reblogging this to also say that EEEE is now out on my website!! check it out if you can :]
EEEE out now!!!
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woah new game out now!!! in such a short time as well!!! (it was a game jam game thats why)
CHECK IT OUT HERE!!! Itch.io Newgrounds
Report bugs here as well (my really deceased discord server)
also one last note sorry for not posting devlogs recently i kinda just forgot (whoops) but hopefully this makes up for it because this game is pretty cool in my opinion (it has a level editor therefore its the game ever) [OH AND ABOUT THE LEVEL EDITOR, it is really confusing to understand so i might work on a tutorial video on how to use it cuz i was intending it on only being used for me cuz dev reasons so if you want to see that let me know!!]
but in all seriousness check it out! :]
thats all for now tho, BUH BYEEE!!!
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drdevguy · 6 months
EEEE out now!!!
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woah new game out now!!! in such a short time as well!!! (it was a game jam game thats why)
CHECK IT OUT HERE!!! Itch.io Newgrounds
Report bugs here as well (my really deceased discord server)
also one last note sorry for not posting devlogs recently i kinda just forgot (whoops) but hopefully this makes up for it because this game is pretty cool in my opinion (it has a level editor therefore its the game ever) [OH AND ABOUT THE LEVEL EDITOR, it is really confusing to understand so i might work on a tutorial video on how to use it cuz i was intending it on only being used for me cuz dev reasons so if you want to see that let me know!!]
but in all seriousness check it out! :]
thats all for now tho, BUH BYEEE!!!
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drdevguy · 7 months
Stay Silent is out now on my website!!
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yeah i have a website isnt that so cool!!!!
CHECK OUT MY WEBSITE HERE: https://drdevguy.com/
anyways i dont have much left to do with stay silent and it is probably time I stop working on this game as there is nothing else I can think of adding to the game right now. might consider adding mobile support but the game hasn't done so good recently so I dont feel like going through the efforts of making mobile support if not many people would check it out (mainly because making a scratch game mobile support is INSANELY PAINFUL!!! lol)
anyways some other stuff related to stay silent, thank you to those who checked out the game!! it really means a lot! still a bit bummed out about the fact that it didnt recieve the views and downloads that i wanted but it's fine :)))
(thats a lie i was genuinely really sad about it idk why...)
whatever tho!!! im working on something new (technically old) and its a game called "GANGSTA VIBE: the game". it's a birthday game for a friend of mine that just started as a small joke but slowly evolved to a really huge game that didnt need to be as huge as it is, i still dont know why i continued making it larger lol... but whatever! i've had a good time working on it and it is intended for a friend to enjoy so that's all that matters! anyways here is a screenshot of level 2 in that game
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insanely gangsta i know!! but yea that's all, sorry about the really bad grammar post as always. i always thought it was more funny to type like this but it actually probably isn't lol... ANYWAYS!! thats all for now so cya all later!
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drdevguy · 7 months
Stay Silent Trailer
It's finally done! Hooray!
also here is where you can check out the game! Gamejolt Itch.io
sorry if the trailer is corny btw i thought it was funny i think idk..,,.
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drdevguy · 7 months
Stay Silent Trailer
It's finally done! Hooray!
also here is where you can check out the game! Gamejolt Itch.io
sorry if the trailer is corny btw i thought it was funny i think idk..,,.
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drdevguy · 8 months
Stay Silent Devlog 10
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(mostly other stuff tho)
As much as I hate GameJolt, the api for it is really fucking AWESOME!! also some achievements dont have finished icons YET but i plan on doing them soon. anyways I have some other really important news to share because if it wasn't obvious I think I have been gone for a bit longer than usual
Hi it has been a little while (nearly a month i think) since i last posted and if it isn't obvious, im losing motivation :((( I won't stop working on this game obviously but MAN IS MAKING AN ENDING REALLY HARD!!! i dont have much to say other than check out this new stuff i made so far that i dont think i showcased before here(??? i forgor) So yea sorry about no updates n stuff but I'm just kinda thinking in my brain of what to do with the story lol. hopefully I can come up with something for the few people out there who really want to analyze the story (although it'll prob be very confusing but its actually just really simple and i suck at showcasing a story through gameplay or something lol.,.,,.
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I gave the images descriptions in case they dont make sense btw so read those if you want to know more about it (its not much but its something!) but yea thats all! still trying to get this game out by the end of this month but holy shit there is a lot coming out this month so I think i actually just picked out the worst month to release anything but who knows maybe it's fine idk!
anyways buhh byeee!!!!!
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drdevguy · 9 months
Stay Silent Devlog 9
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Hello hi hi hi Progress has been slow but i'm nearly done with this game, all that i need to finish is redoing some of the "You Died" text and uhh finish lore.,.,., (still not too sure how to go about that lol)
As with every devlog, it's just going to be me talking about progress. and erm it's been alright, i'm mostly just thinking about how to end the main game and working on gamemodes in the meantime. in terms of release dates n stuff, i'd say maybe in october??? there is nothing else that can really delay the game any longer so i would say that Stay Silent will prob be releasing in october maybe!!??!! also small thing i'd like to share but the debug menu has received a small update, now the game really is just a monochrome pallette woah!! (except for maybe that one secret thing lol)
(oh and also except for the player speed thing uhhh whoops but whatever its mostly all monochrome)
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but yea uhh nothing else for today! hopefully next devlog has more to offer :p
anyways cya!!!!!
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drdevguy · 9 months
Stay Silent Devlog 8
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woah some funny cosmetics
suggest some and i might add it!!
i dont really have much other news than check out demo 2 RIGHT NOW!!! because i still need some more feedback and i also want to thank like everyone for the support this game has gotten (specifically on other sites im on and stuff lol :p ). it seriously is really awesome seeing a fanart for this game already and like ajfheifbrirjebfjcir ITS REALLY AWESOMEE!! also back to talking about the game uhhh, im not sure if i will do demo 3 and i might actually just focus on releasing the game with a final build instead of another demo, maybe demo 3 might be for private testers or whatever idk! the final release will definitely have a lot to offer so be on the look out for when i post anything new!! :))
Have a great weekend!! Said the troll face
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drdevguy · 9 months
Stay Silent Demo 2 Out Now! (Devlog 7)
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Demo 2 for Stay Silent is finally out now! Check it out by clicking on the itch.io link! Password: MouthShutSimulator yeah really funny password ha ha im so funny..... Report bugs here: https://discord.gg/7AKdx2T6Bb
anyways some other stuff, i am aware of the "bug" where going backwards in rooms just teleports you in a weird way, i'll fix it sometime later but i didn't want to delay this game any longer and it doesn't really cause any harm so i didn't bother with it. Glad to say that this game is getting closer to release tho! Enjoy and report bugs in my discord server if possible!
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drdevguy · 9 months
Stay Silent Devlog 6
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hey everyone its been a while (aka like 20 days lol) but uhh progress has been alright to say the very least and this time i got more news!! the finally enemy being added into the game is nearly done and im currently working on polishing some other stuff.
some more info and me just talking, sorry about releasing a trailer REALLY early because i kinda just assumed i would finish this in time and i was very wrong about that lmao, but i can say for sure that it is NOW going to come soon! i think im now going to decide that the demo 2 will be released on itch with a private link and password kind of thing. that's really all i have for now but i swear its more than it might sound right now!!! i think the last thing needed to be done is a "ending" screen to send you back to the menu and also a room counter when you die to show you how far you got in your attempt. after that it's just working on some fun stuff for demo 3 (like stuff that makes the game more replayable after you complete it n stuff and also maybe puzzle rooms?). demo 3 will mainly just be the final version but a little less polish but not in a bad way more so just to fix any bugs before the final release, or who knows maybe demo 3 wont exist and i'll just release it lmao!! anyways thats enough rambling, expect demo 2 maybe this weekend or the next??!!
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drdevguy · 10 months
Stay Silent Devlog 5 (DEMO 2 TRAILER!!!)
woah new trailer??? (also yeah there was a demo 1 i swear). Anyways here is the trailer for demo 2! (Demo 1 was given to some friends for testing the game early in development and it turned out alright i guess)
So what does this trailer mean??? it means the game is coming out like sometime this week if i actually work on it!! so far it's just one enemy right now that i need to finish and then i will be able to release it! Some things to expect when this demo is out tho is that it will have a ending point but no real ending, you can reach 100 rooms and then the game ends without no ending because im not working on the ending rn. and i also dont know what the ending would even be right now i think. anyways thats all for now, enjoy the trailer and expect a demo 2 release soon!!
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drdevguy · 10 months
Stay Silent Devlog 4
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it's been a while me thinks, anyways woah progress!!! working on a new mechanic called sanity right now, so far I am liking how it is turning out however when i release a demo sometime soon i would definitely like some feedback!! maybe there are some things i can still tweak with it and i would like to know before it's too late!!
anyways some other info, school has started for me which means i will be working on this game more. confused? this is because i dont fucking care about school. ok not actually but either way a boost of motivation is a boost of motivation. expect more devlogs to be coming soon! OH ALSO i forgot to show this but here are some of the music in the game so far (also from what i've heard it is apparently awful so to any professional musicians cover ur ears!!!)
anyways thats all for now, cya!!!!!!!
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