drdrawer049 · 2 days
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drdrawer049 · 2 days
Y e a h
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drdrawer049 · 6 days
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drdrawer049 · 8 days
@j0nnyb0y @jacket-24
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Happy Pride! This year I was able to do one of the banners for the page for SCP's Pridefest! My choice was Gamers Against Weed!
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drdrawer049 · 10 days
I genuinely hate how Season 2 derailed Loona as a character
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I actually liked Loona in Season 1. She wasn't an amazing character, sure, but she was decently compelling and nuanced in Season 1. Despite Loona's cold hearted & gruf attitude, she did show genuine care for Blitz as her father.
Spring Broken is the first episode where the two have a major conflict with each other, with her developing feeelings for Vortex and Blitz just being a bit overprotective of her.
Despite the drama...not getting resolved within the episode, it works fine enough and you can kind of understand Loona's perspective here; she was almost going to be eighteen, until Blitz adopted her and now she was under his wing, plus Blitz being heavily over-bearing to her as shown in this episode. And it is shown that she does immediantly regret what she said to him, that she didn't need him then and she still doesn't need him now.
Despite the uh, very big world-building issues Queen Bee causes, I actually do really like the episode for the development it gives for Loona's reletionship with Blitz. The episode does show that, although Loona is very cold-hearted and frequently gets annoyed at Blitz constantly babying her all the time, she does have genuine care for him as her father. She comforts and takes care of Blitz in the episode and even proudly proclaims that she is her dad, showing that she's proud to be his daughter, in spite of how over-bearing he might be.
It's good development for her and her reletionship with Blitz that adds more nuance and depth to her as a character. You can understand her frusterations to Blitz to an extent from her perspective and the show makes it clear she isn't completely an asshole. It makes for an interesting and complex father daughter reletionship, where the two don't always get along with each other (and frequently may have conflicts with each other) but they do still genuinely care for each other. It felt like she had real layers to her in Season 1...
...and then Season 2 came along and ruined everything. Seeing Stars completely character assasinated Loona as a character on so many levels. She suddenely starts acting extremely aggressive towards over asking her to just be slightly nicer to clients. I already talked about before why Seeing Stars' thematic messaging fails but the rest of the episode THEN makes Loona such a massive hypocrite; she's out here telling Octavia that she learn to apperciate how hard her father tries to do his best to be the best father for her when SHE in the SAME EPISODE treats her OWN FATHER like complete shit.
Even worse, Loona never apologizes to Blitz for how she previously treated him before, and even after he apologizes for threatening to replace her, as he's running straight to her to give her a hug, Loona kicks him in the balls. This is extremely OOC for Loona and directly spits in the face of her past development in Season 1. It's character regression and assasination, plain and simple.
Western Energy continues new characterization in Season 2, now making her even more aggressive than she was in Seeing Stars with her flat out acting like a wild animal. Like, she litteraly goes to attack the docter once he brings out the needle and just fucking looses it.
I really hate how Loona has become so much more needlessly aggressive to others in Season 2 when that wasn't who she was in Season 1. She had more of the attitude of a moody teenager rather than this.
Loona went from a character with a decent amount of nuance to being completely derailed into an overly aggressive bitch who attacks others, and it's another example of Season 2 ruining one of the show's most interesting characters.
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drdrawer049 · 13 days
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more wren with bonus penelope for @tsercele cuz I like her
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drdrawer049 · 15 days
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Vivziepop only wants Hazbin Hotel to continue forever because she wants more Broadway actors to voice her characters, suck more money from her fans, and most importantly, remain relevant. 
She loves being in the spotlight and the center of attention, receiving praise and adoration from her fans, which feeds her ego. Vivziepop wants to drag out Hazbin Hotel and make spinoffs about the 3 Vs and Fizzarolli from Helluva Boss. 
She wants Hazbin Hotel to go on for years like Family Guy, a show that has declined drastically in quality overtime. Hazbin Hotel is an awful show that will only worsen based on what we've seen in Helluva Boss, which is in its second season and has turned into a fanfic-like soap opera about Stolitz.
The hype around Hazbin Hotel died off among the general audience almost immediately after its first season was over. Helluva Boss' views are declining, while fewer people buy merchandise to support Vivziepop and Spindlehorse. More people are criticizing Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss' writing. Vivziepop and her fans are the laughing stocks of Twitter because of their horrible behavior.
Vivziepop doesn’t want to continue Hazbin Hotel out of passion but out of fear of falling into obscurity and losing the attention and money she desperately craves.
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drdrawer049 · 17 days
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drdrawer049 · 22 days
Pale King me beloved
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drdrawer049 · 26 days
If there’s one thing I can say about HB/HH, it’s that I’m learning a lot about demonology from people talking very passionately about it in regards to how neither show utilizes it whatsoever
It’s a bit of a shame that this is the reason I’m learning it, but man is it absolutely fascinating regardless. I love learning about subjects like someone is grabbing my shoulders and yelling at me for 30 minutes like this
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drdrawer049 · 27 days
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drdrawer049 · 28 days
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Tomorrow 🤖
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drdrawer049 · 30 days
Someday I will properly use this blog.
When am not utterly scared of the internet and don’t feel so much shame about my own writing.
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drdrawer049 · 30 days
So I have this OC named Athan-
He is the vortigaunt
Master philosopher.
Might do a GAW Half Life AU lmfao
me: do you think that angels exist.
the vortigaunt I’m sharing a bong with: angels of steel and rebar, their hollow bones carry you throughout a city’s vast vascular systems.
me: and the demons?
vortigaunt: the capitalism infecting her.
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drdrawer049 · 1 month
@jacket-24 @j0nnyb0y
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meet cute: i find you in my motel bathtub covered in blood with neither of us able to recall the events of the previous day
+ bonus wren and penny designs under the cut
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drdrawer049 · 1 month
jerma has reached a very unique type of functional online privacy despite his fame based exclusively on the fact that his fanbase's sense of humor is built (and deliberately cultivated) around lying. about everything and anything but especially about him. and they're dedicated. which makes it virtually impossible to casually google any meaningful private information about him- more so even than other people of a similar status because while they may maintain privacy through a lack of information jerma maintains it through a wealth of false information, which is objectively a harder thing to sift through even when it's comically obviously false
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drdrawer049 · 1 month
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