dreamarcos 7 years
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2017/18 winter print subscription sign ups are here!! thank you so dearly to all the people who've helped this process happen over the years. this is my third year of doing it & it's still scary/exciting/weird. couldn't do it without you. **what is a print subscription** if you sign up, you'll pay some amount (see below) and get at least 6 prints over the course of 3 or 4 months. prints are made by me and are mostly linocuts/oil-based ink. maybe some screen prints and other things. prints are about collective movements & liberation, family history, plants, bodies, queerness, connection&stories, and more! **how you will get the prints** by the slow magic of snail mail. give me your address (or any address i can send prints to you at), i'll send prints to you. one very sweet letter/small package once a month, for 3 months. 2 prints once a month for 3 months = 6 prints. along with the prints comes a newsletter of sorts connecting the prints to local projects, organizing, stories, & shares about the process. (hopefully look forward to guest columns this year!) **costs** sliding scale $30-150 for the whole thing. i'm totally open to trades or something else so get in touch with me and propose something that works for you. i do sliding scale because money is wonky and capitalism sucks. i want to live in a world where everyone's basic needs are met and we all get access to art. some of the $ from this subscription gets donated to groups/organizing efforts mentioned in the newsletters sent along w/ the prints. **other details and things** -you can pay in cash, mail me $/checks, online via paypal (paypal.me/andreamarcos) or venmo ([email protected]). for trades, let's talk. -sign up by late November, prints will start coming in December or January. I'll keep in touch about the timeline. -if you sign up late: well...don't! but if you do we can talk about it. -did you participate in previous print subscriptions? have any feedback? let me know! -this is always an experiment. everything will be made with lots of love and learning processes in motion. please keep that in mind. #printmaking #lino #subscription #art #snailmail #linocut #printsforsale #queerartist
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dreamarcos 7 years
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reminders. #politicalimagination #demandtheimpossible
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dreamarcos 7 years
in an already burning world we must find each other. we must still plant seeds. we must still tell stories. for some seeds thrive in fire and some stories, more incendiary than ember. a print and a map fold. finally getting around to posting some of these prints. #printmaking #bookarts #mapfold #fireecology #findyourpeople #plantseeds #tellstories #burnitdown #builditup #anotherworldispossible
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dreamarcos 7 years
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i wore your sweatshirt all weekend, i slept in your bed, i ate the food you grew and planted in the spring. i listened to your tapes over and over again. but i didn't see you. thanks for giving me some time&space to work on projects. #keasey #printmaking #lino #linocut
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dreamarcos 7 years
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did i ever post this? the tiiiiiniest letterpress i've ever seen. for the field entomologist documenting bugs on the go. #printmaking #letterpress #entomology (at Berlin, Germany)
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dreamarcos 7 years
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well. it's been quite a week. #seattle #beaconhill
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dreamarcos 7 years
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"and the blackberry tangles..." #crankies #crankie #shadowpuppets
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dreamarcos 7 years
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and the Hunger Strikers' Handbook, telling the story of the 2014 hunger strike at the northwest detention center in tacoma, up on the big screen (aka overheadprojector) . . #not1more #nobannowall #enddetention #enddeportations #overheadprojector #multimedia #hungerstrike #nwdcr
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dreamarcos 7 years
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the pictures and videos slowly roll in. :) a bit blurry but: here's a picture from the shadow theater piece.
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dreamarcos 7 years
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testing out all the shattenpuppen for the daytime kids show. 馃挀#shadowpuppets #magic #shadowtheatre (at Berlin, Germany)
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dreamarcos 7 years
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What Really Makes Is Safe? Was macht uns wirklich sicher? Laboratory for alternatives to policing and prisons. june 10th in berlin!come check out the Transformative Justice Kollektiv Berlin's release of their toolkit and convo with Mai'a Williams. almost done but here's a peak of a print for the event. Bleiberecht, right to stay, freedom of movement for all, ending deportations. Monats Karte, reliable transportation. Gesundheit Karte, access to health care. for intersections with disability justice movements. Boltcutters, for fences and prisons and chains and detention centers. phones and lipstick and recipe books for friends and femmes and family connections, food, ancestors and legacy in the many complex ways we can access it. Bezahlbare Miete keychain & schl眉ssel for affordable housing. condoms, sex arbeiten ist arbeiten. tea for care, for health, for slowness, for connection with others. dog leash for furry friends who hold us down during hard times, for going on walks and seeing trees and pathways and small moments become bigger. for smelling our surroundings. headphones for music and dancing, for bodies, and more. creative interventions. incite!. gegen rassismus and anti racist movements everywhere. measuring tape for memory. for creativity and creation. for accountability. thanks to those who helped scheme about this print and helped translate: kiyo bean katherine mel & more. #printmaking #lino #linocut #toolkit #transformativejustice #toolboxes #n盲hk盲stchen #communityaccountability #TJKB (at Berlin, Germany)
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dreamarcos 7 years
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getting a little bit further: because everyone needs an INCITE! women gender non conforming and trans people of color against violence sticker on their sewing supply boxes. and a Creative Interventions sticker. . #transformativejustice #INCITE #creativeinterventions #toolboxes #linocut #lino #printmaking #toolkit
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dreamarcos 7 years
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i got lino today and the store had string and handles so i made myself a little carrying case. now in never gunna carry linoleum any other way. #printmaking #lino #linocut
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dreamarcos 7 years
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crankies are long scrolls wrapped up and displayed scene by scene often with a candle behind them to make it all the more magical and if you're lucky, some shadow puppets. almost done with this collaboration, illustrating a short poem by mary oliver. next is one about the hunger strikers' handbook that's telling the story of the 2014 hunger strike and the work to shut down the northwest detention center in tacoma washington. plus updates about the 2017 hunger strike happening now! getting ready for this mystery show. #crankie #crankies #Not1More #enddetention #enddeportations #politicalart #analogmagic #maryoliver #nobannowall (at Berlin, Germany)
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dreamarcos 7 years
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for a taurus. i also take no responsability for my creative spelling.
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dreamarcos 7 years
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"Let me give you just an overview of my mother's story. No, better, let's start from my grandmother. She worked for the British people, the colonisers, and my grandfather was a freedom fighter and was arrested..." In Our Own Words : Refugee Women in Germany tell their stories // In Unseren Eigenen Worten : Gefl眉chtete Frauen in Deutschland erz盲hlen von ihren Erfahrungen you can find some of their stories & audio on their website, www.iwspace.wordpress.com #freedomofmovement #keinmenschistillegal #nooneisillegal #bewegungsfreiheit #iwspace #internationalwomensspace (at Berlin, Germany)
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dreamarcos 7 years
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here, welcome to a small moment. #printmaking #lino
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