dreamer52 · 8 years
Scream Queens: Any More Bright Ideas
              So after killing characters we had just met, the show took the past two weeks to go after those we known and, well, tolerate. Chad Radwell was murdered right before he was set to marry Chanel, while Denise, the FBI agent, managed to survive an earlier attack, only to be killed later. Oh, but before she died, Denise agreed to release Hester, after having her transferred to the hospital. Yea, anyone else think that was probably a terrible idea. If only they knew Hester took that opportunity to first attack Chanel, then Chanel #5, before leaving her to the Green Meanie, as they have come to call him. Really, that is the name they chose. To add to all the bright ideas, Munsch planned a Halloween party for the hospital, as a way to lure out the killer, since Halloween has become such a murderous night, especially for that place. What could possibly go wrong? No police were called, Special Agent Denise was on the job, along with the crack hospital staff. Soon the hospital was overrun with patients, as the Green Meanie, still, seriously, poisoned a different Halloween party. When Zayday learned the drug was nonlethal, she wondered why the killer would do such a thing, maybe to distract you. And it clearly worked, as Denise was killed. But hey, the episode ended before the night was over, so if the previews were any indication, the killer was just getting started.
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dreamer52 · 8 years
Man with a Plan review
              So this show isn't anything special. It is decently funny, but not about to stand out in a crowd. So if you are looking for a reliable comedy, this is perfect for you. Matt LeBlanc stars as a father whose wife goes back to work, meaning he must take care of the kids before and after school, something he has never done before. It doesn't take long before he realizes they aren't the perfect angels he thought. He now is taking part in school activities and using Wi-Fi as a reward once clean up is done. This is a simple family comedy, a perfect match to Kevin Can Wait, and no surprise for a CBS show. It isn't about to change the game, but maybe that doesn't matter. It fits the CBS script. It could just use to move away from antiquated thoughts on parenting, especially where the dad is concerned, which would build on laughs for a modern world.
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dreamer52 · 8 years
American Housewife
              This could be called odd. But also funny and relatable. Katie is raising her family in Westport, CT, and well her two oldest children fit in too well, her youngest needs some help. Problem is, she doesn't fit in herself. She has her moments, feeling bad about how she looks compared to the other moms, those who wear workout clothes while drinking green smoothies. But despite the differences, she declares at episodes end she isn't going to change a thing, though her new neighbor might have something to say about that. Being relatable is what makes this show so good, but it still has things to work on. If it focuses on those feelings of being an outsiders and trying to be yourself, it could be a very good show. Plus the struggle of a mom wrangling three very unique and independent kids is not just hysterical, but also something I think most if not all moms would understand. So, if it can find solid ground, it will be something to check out in the future.
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dreamer52 · 8 years
No Tomorrow review
              Evie Covington is a simple, organized girl, living a well, not so exciting life. Risks are not something she does. That is until she meets her supposed dream guy Xavier, who lives every day to the fullest, because, well, he thinks it is the end of the world, in eight months and twelve days to be exact. What happens at that point, we have no idea. She thinks he's nuts, but hears him out. It still sounds nuts, but she likes the idea of living life on her terms, and not doing what is safe all the time. It also helps that after a brief meeting he added finding her to his list of things to do before said apocalypse. She joins in a bit, and though he does get her to sing in public (with great motivation by the way), he pushes it too far, nearly costing her her job. There is a minor accident that leads to her getting a life saving procedure she didn't know she needed, and with that she finally realizes she could use a little push. So, she gets her life back in order, but better, and agrees to continue on this journey with Xavier, each day doing something off of their lists, but only on her terms. Yea, it is weird, and slightly rocky romance, but it is so much fun to watch. There is no other show like this, and these unique little gems are becoming a highlight of the CW network. This is a quirky little comedy that I think you might come to love, just wait till you meet the supporting characters. Every moment may not be high-octane and extravagant, but simple and sweet, as a perfect balance was seen in the pilot. A favorite scene being when Evie asked Xavier why he asked her to be a part of this adventure. Also, aren't you curious what is going to happen in that eight months and twelve days; I mean, the writers have to have a plan for the show beyond the time limit they set for themselves. No matter what happens, I suspect Evie and Xavier will have one ridiculous and amazing adventure after another.
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dreamer52 · 8 years
Timeless review
              A show about time travel, yea, there have been quite a few lately. But I actually like this take. So an organization was secretly working on a time travel machine when it is stolen, forcing them to reveal their work to the government. Solution, call in a soldier, Wyatt, and a historian, Lucy, along with their own man, Rufus, to chase after them in an earlier design. What could go wrong. Well, after their appearance at the Hindenburg disaster, and slight changes, like the time of the disaster and those that died, Lucy comes home to find her sick mother ok and her sister nonexistent. Yea, Lucy might want review the message of the bad guys. After running into the leader in the past, Lucy is asked why she was chosen for this mission, hinting that things may not be as clear cut as they seem (though I do say that is hard to argue when you just attempted to blow up the Hindenburg with many more people on board, including some very influential in the future). It does make Lucy wonder, especially since the bad guy has a journal in her handwriting, detailing everything. Yea, there is so much more to that story, but beyond that mystery, there is another, as Rufus is secretly seen with his boss discussing him retrieving something and the others being unawares, making us wonder if they have more nefarious motives. Yes, it is a show about time travel, but actions have consequences, and I am so curious to find out how the changes of the Hindenburg led to Lucy's sister disappearing. When they first went into this, the team knew that taking people off the board before they were meant to would mean things they did would never happen, but this is a different problem. People lived in this instance, people who were meant to die, and now we see how that changes the future. In some ways, the team only has each other, because even though some in the present know what is happening, once things change that becomes all they have even known to be. Yea, it is a bit complicated. Ok, maybe a lot complicated. I swear it is easier to understand while watching. So check it out already, and get ready for mysteries, twists, and a lot of fun.
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dreamer52 · 8 years
Conviction review
              So, on to my second favorite show to premiere. Yes, the name isn't exactly original. Yes, it is another procedural. But, it is the characters that draw us in and this show will make you want to watch. I do confess, I love Hayley Atwell, so I was already completely biased going in. However, this show does deliver. She is Hayes Morrison, former first daughter, mother a senator, grew up seeing a lot of lies, prefers partying, despite a significant legal degree and resume, with the scandal stories to prove it. One cocaine bust later and she is blackmailed into running the CIU, or conviction integrity unit. Designed as a boost for the DA for his upcoming campaign plans, the CIU is meant to review past cases and decide if the individual convicted was actually guilty or innocent. Hayes brings a lot of attention, perfect for DA Conner Wallace, who clearly has a past with Hayes. Among her team is Sam Spencer, the attorney who was originally promised the job, and needs to decide where his loyalty lies. Though their initial meet is rocky (hell, the whole team's initial meet with Hayes is rocky), her honestly seems to grow on him. Then there are Maxine Bohen, a detective with her own secrets, Tess Larson, a paralegal with a connection to a case of guilty proved innocent, and Frankie Cruz, the forensics expert, who is also an ex-con with a secret relationship with an inmate. Each character is layered and complex, with their own motivations for being a part of the team. Over the course of the episode, Hayes learns her job may not be a prison after all, seeing the good she could do, while also promising to go after everyone, the current DA included. She is a force of nature for sure. Yea, it is a procedural, but these flawed and human individuals are looking for the truth, no matter where it leads or whose secrets are exposed in the process. It is definitely worth the watch.
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dreamer52 · 8 years
MacGyver review
              Old school with a modern twist. That is MacGyver. It is a reboot, but I think it quickly stood out on its own. It starts off with Mac losing his girlfriend on a mission. Fast-forward and the man that killed her is back again, and Mac is needed to stop him. With his friend Jack Dalton as backup, he recruits Riley Davis, a currently imprisoned hacker, to join the team. They break her out, much to the dismay of their boss, Patricia Thornton. On the course of the mission, they find the bad guy, but also learn Mac's ex is alive and working with the terrorists. Though they stop an impending attack, his ex escapes, to clearly appear in future episodes as they delve deeper into the organization she works for. Rounding out Mac's team, well sort of, is his roommate Wilt Bozer, who is completely clueless when it comes to Mac's real job. The cast here is great, and I can't wait to further explore the characters. The action, well, yea, there is a ton of action. But it also doesn't rely on technology, Mac being big on improvising, not major gadgets. I am actually really glad many of the well known tricks were covered in the pilot. It means they can't rely on them, and have to be original. This show fits perfectly with Hawaii Five-0 on Fridays, and I have no doubt it will find its audience. It is an action spy drama. Mac and Dalton have great rapport, a credit to the actors. And Riley and Dalton's history just makes for some really hilarious scenes, and I won't get started on Bozer and Riley's first interaction. I can't wait to see what happens next.
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dreamer52 · 8 years
Notorious review
             If ABC was looking for another show to add to their Thursday lineup, one that is sexy and drama filled, and goes great with a glass of wine (or more), I think they found it. Julia is the producer of a news program, Jake is an attorney, and together they shape they news. When Jake's client is charged with a hit-and-run, they work together to control the narrative, but they also have their own goals, Jake to get his client off, Julia to get to the stories first. So when the show or client comes first, they can be put at odds. But in other ways, they are the person the other trusts the most. Of course, this show needed some twists before episode's end, meaning the driver of the car was revealed, dark secrets were implied, someone died, and a whole new mystery began. And I'm not even going to mention the relationship twists that occurred throughout the hour. So if you're looking for something to fill the time between Grey's and HTGAWM, I think this will suffice. Just make sure you have your glass of wine ready.
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dreamer52 · 8 years
The Good Place review
              Quirky is totally a word that could be used to describe this show. But funny is definitely another. I'll tell you this, it is like nothing else before. Eleanor dies, then ends up in the good place, where only the best of the best people get to be (something Eleanor doesn't think is fair, and maybe a sign of something else). Problem is, Eleanor wasn't even close to a very good person. Calling her selfish would be an understatement, so her accidental placement has resulted in some glitches in the system (so far it was raining trash, and there was a massive storm where everyone wore yellow and black stripes). But Eleanor wants to do good, mostly because she wants to stay. So, can she continue to slip through the cracks. Who knows, but it is hysterical watching her try, especially trying to swear. This show is a cute, unique and genuinely hilarious comedy that is worth tuning into. Also, I have begun to wonder if maybe Eleanor isn't just a glitch. Her very fabulous neighbor was quick to point out Eleanor's small stature home, in comparison to her large mansion, and seems less than pleased with her soul mate's vow of silence. Maybe perfect isn't exactly perfect. No matter what, I am excited to see what shenanigans Eleanor gets herself into (and of course their chaotic results).
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dreamer52 · 8 years
Pitch review
              I had very high expectations for this show. It was my favorite pilot of all the new shows, and I was thrilled that with so much buzz, FOX moved the premiere up to the fall, rather than a winter premiere as was planned. It is unique, relevant, and something to root for. It will give you something to fill your nights during baseball's season break, if you are as baseball obsessed as I am. If not, it is still a brilliant show worth tuning into. It tells the story of a woman, Ginny Baker, the first woman to be called up to a professional baseball team. It is partnered with the MLB so we have real team names, adding to its authenticity. Ginny is strong, as is needed in a man's sport, sexist comments very prevalent. But she also gets to laugh, and cry, and be sarcastic, being more like a real person than some stereotype. I give great credit to Kylie Bunbury who is doing an amazing job as Ginny. You can see the biggest obstacle for Ginny is not necessarily teammates who don't want her there, or the normal stress of being a pitcher with their first shot at the majors, but the weight of the world on her shoulders. She doesn't get the luxury of being just a ballplayer. When the pressure bares down on her, she breaks, demanding off the mound, before returning to her hotel room. With a push from her father (SPOILER ALERT: he passed away years earlier, and is simply a voice and a memory in her head), she gets back up and tries again, and lucky has her catcher to back her up this time, leading to a stellar second outing. But one great game doesn't mean everyone accepts her, or the pressure to not disappoint will disappear. Trust me, this is a show worth watching!
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dreamer52 · 8 years
Scream Queens: The Legend of the Swamp Monster
              Utter ridiculousness has entered our world once again, and it is still called Scream Queens. This time Dean Munsch translated her fame and fortune into a medical hospital, where she hired two docs who seem to be there more for looks than actual productivity, Zayday Williams, who is now in medical school, and after some concern about the female presence, the Chanels, because, who the hell knows. Oh yea, the Chanels were freed when Hester's confession was caught on tape, though it didn't help their image problem, everyone still hates them. The episode actually started a lot like last season. There was a Halloween party at the hospital, many years ago, and to make sure they don't miss, a doc and a nurse drop a patient in the chemical lake behind the hospital. Problem, he had a wife, a pregnant wife. Murder and a baby, anyone else thinking someone might have grown up to want revenge. Well, just as Munsch seems to have a first win in treating the incurable, the patient has her head chopped off by someone wearing the same costume as doc from years earlier. Then the killer takes another swing, in the direction of the head and Chanel #5, my guess is she does survive. So, is the dead man's wife out for revenge. Maybe. How about the child who would now be all grown up. Also possible. What I do think, is we might not have met the killer yet. Of course, I do know of some of the characters yet to come (thank you casting notices). But until we at least get some background on the two new docs, and the head nurse, we can't really be sure.
              Ok, since I'm a bit late, let's update this with episode two. Surprise, surprise, Chanel #5 lived, but of course she became the prime suspect. Seems the cops aren't any smarter than the ones from season one. Zayday decides to do some digging and learns of the murders, well, massacre of the hospital staff thirty years ago. Apparently a year after the doc and nurse dropped their patient in a lake, someone wearing the doc's old costume came back for revenge and killed everyone. Clearly seeing the connection, Munsch takes a trip to see Hester, with the Chanels in tow, and though Hester admits she knows exactly who the killer is and all about what has happened, she won't help without some demands, mainly her transfer to Munsch's new hospital. For the moment, she is staying put, but by episode's end another patient is dead (Chanel #5's new boyfriend), so I think she will arrive quite soon. To great shock, the show continued answering questions, explaining Munsch's weird behavior on illness, something Zayday learns is incurable, giving her a year to live, and Dr. Holt's creepy hand on a serial killer. Literally, his hand transplant came from a serial killer. Also Chad returned, vying for Chanel's affection, leading to some interesting scenes between him and Holt. And it revealed that he was in the red devil costume in the finale, just trying to scare Chanel. So is the killer now the same one from years ago. Or maybe it was the wife back then, and now her child is continuing her work. Also to wonder, how is it that Hester knows exactly what is going on?
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dreamer52 · 8 years
Speechless review
              Heartwarming and charming. Yes, those are two words you could use to describe this show. But also sarcastic, sassy, and totally funny. It is about a family like many that exist in this world, one that includes a child with special needs. But I think it is a bit more honest than most shows that have similar characters. JJ is a teenager like any other, and definitely not a fan of his fairy godmother talking aide. His mother is a force to be reckoned with, but sometimes loses sight of her other two children. When that fact is pointed out first by her other son, then her husband, things begin to change. They may just have found the best situation, not just for JJ, but for the entire family. Yes, it represents a family that isn't seen on TV very often, if at all, but beyond that, it is a smart comedy. Whether or not you relate to these characters, you should watch this show, because you will be laughing the whole way through.
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dreamer52 · 8 years
Lethal Weapon review
              This is an action movie in a TV show. But behind the action sequences, is a story of two men with very different life stories thrown together at what seems to be a very important time in their lives. Martin Riggs was living an amazing life in Texas with a beautiful wife and a baby on the way, when a car accident takes them both from him. Roger Murtaugh is coming off of heart surgery following a heart attack and the birth of his third child. Riggs has a death wish, distraught over his loss, making him willing to put himself in crazy situations, whereas Murtaugh is attempting to take it easy, the heart monitor he wears suggests that is going to be difficult. Without such strong characters and their stories, this show could have easily gotten lost in the action. Even Riggs's ability to escape discipline is decently explained, his wife's father is the city attorney. Clayne Crawford and Damon Wayans are a great team as Riggs and Murtaugh respectively. And a bond already seems to be building. Yes, sure, it is a great action show, but there is much more to it, so everyone should give it a shot. You might find the men forming a friendship, helping each other heal from loss and fear, and sometimes simply driving each other crazy, just as entertaining as car chases and explosions (by the way, both were covered in the pilot).
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dreamer52 · 8 years
Designated Survivor review
              So, this is actually a real thing. Yes, there is a designated survivor in case of such a tragedy. Tom Kirkman is just your average guy, and not exactly high in the line of succession. He and his family are thrust into a life they didn't choose or plan on. The pilot recaps the day of the attack, the moment Kirkman is essentially fired. Then we go full speed to the moments after the attack, FBI agents swarming the scene, Kirkman and his family rushed to the White House before he is sworn in and then brought to the Presidential Emergency Operation Command (PEOC), to see the government in chaos. No one really believes he deserves the job, or could even manage to do it. Kirkman even seems to doubt himself, but realizes this is who the nation has, and there is no time to wait. With no one claiming responsibility, the question raised is could another attack be coming. But there is another problem, some want action now, and pressure Kirkman is show force. After taking a beat to breathe and think, he makes a plan, they will handle it, but his way. This show is a high-octane mystery thriller, with no signs of slowing down. But the fast pace doesn't seem off, it fits perfectly with the story. Kiefer Sutherland is great as Kirkman, a man searching for his footing, maybe a bit overwhelmed, but working to find a way to take charge and be the man people need. He is not who they want, as seen at the end of the episode where two men discuss the possibility of replacing him, the military man believing himself more equipped to handle the country at war. While I think that is what makes Kirkman the better man for the job. The General would shoot first and ask questions later, whereas Kirkman wants to find the truth, know who really attacked them, before starting a war with the wrong nation. The only clue so far is a bomb that was a dud, a similar device to ones used in the Middle East. But I wonder if maybe that was a plant. Leaving behind a piece of evidence that would point them in the wrong direction. I was pulled into this show from the very beginning, and I am very curious to see where it goes. Honestly, it was one of the trailers that stuck with me, but I worried the same pace wouldn't be kept for the show. I was so wrong. This is a show that will have you on the edge of your seat from the very beginning, a show worth watching.
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dreamer52 · 8 years
This is Us review
              Now, shows that pull on the heartstrings aren't typically my speed. But this one stars Milo Ventimigio, and as a diehard Gilmore Girls fan (team Jess of course), I had to check it out. The twist is what everyone will be talking about, but honestly I felt it coming. I don't really know how, but since I knew there was a twist, my brain immediately wondered if Jack and Rebecca were Kevin and Kate's parents. Of course, as I watched the episode, and spotted the box of family photos from '75 - '79, and of course the look of the clothes and surroundings, my theory was confirmed. So this is a story of a family, two parents and their three children, told in two separate times, as father and children are all 36 years old. It isn't some time travel twist, but simply a family story. Part of me didn't immediately fall in love with this show, but don't blame the show for that. It is wonderful, and real, and honest, and messy, heartbreaking, and complex. It is life. I just tend to avoid shows with strong feelings and emotions that are also real. These are shows you can't distance yourself from. You will care about the characters, and relate to them. You will see their troubles and connect them to the similar circumstances of you or your loved ones. You will be drawn to this show, and yes, it will make you cry (unless you are heartless, then you will remain stone cold). And as someone who prefers to pull back, and not weep while watching TV, I am telling you, this is a show to watch. Maybe it isn't your normal type of show. That like me you might prefer sarcasm to nights reaching for a box of tissues. But maybe that just means you could use to watch a show like this. Call it cathartic, or thought provoking, or simply a kick in the ass. Maybe it is time for a show simply about people, no action sequences, no sci-fi element, no procedural tone. Just give it a shot, maybe you will learn some things about life along to way.
PS: This show already received an 18 episode pick-up. So it will be sticking around.
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dreamer52 · 8 years
Bull review
              Dr. Bull. A man who observes others for a living. Ok, so yes this is a procedural. Slightly unique, but still fitting a mold. Dr. Bull and his specialized team work as jury consultants, so to speak, using a lot of tech and a mock jury to know how a case is going to go before it even begins, and how to mess with it to get the outcome of their choosing. Though we were introduced to his team, we barely got names and occupations in the pilot. However, Dr. Bull's back story was hinted at a few times, a troubled past, a rocky childhood, that led him to prefer people at a distance. If the show hopes to go forward, they are going to need to delve deeper into the characters, not just those involved in the case of the week. Now, I love Michael Weatherly who plays Dr. Bull, loving his character on NCIS. And, I do have a soft spot for procedurals, putting the pieces together and figuring things out. So I am sticking with this show, and though it has some work to do, I think it will get there. I also think it is not going anywhere, it fitting perfectly into CBS's lineup, and already boasting big ratings. So it might not break the mold, but it could be something to tune into.
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dreamer52 · 8 years
Kevin Can Wait review
              So, unfortunately this is a show coming in with some not so good press. CBS's penchant for white male leads (see the entire lineup of new shows), and the choice of a younger actress to play wife to Kevin James (the characters are supposed to have been married for twenty years). Yea, it doesn't look that good. Beyond that, the show is decently funny. I wouldn't be surprised if it found an audience, but it is not something I will be sticking with (despite my love of the actor who plays boyfriend to Kevin's daughter). It has laughs here and there, and will clearly be a relatable show, especially for fathers. It shows a man whose world is not what he thought it was. He is now retired, meaning he gets to see his family in a whole new light, things he missed while working. He had a plan, actually a quite organized plan, of games and activities, but much will be put on hold to help his kids and get another job. Yea, it wasn't the plan, but that chaos, the curveballs life throws (yea, yea, a very common metaphor), is what makes it real, something for people to connect to. Could it be better, yea. Did the press hurt it, probably a bit. But I would guess this one might be sticking around for awhile.
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