#lethal weapon fox
nicascurls · 10 months
This scene makes me giggle every time.
The fact that if you replaced Riggs and Cahill with Andy and Nica, this could literally be straight out of the Final Family or Breaking the Dollhouse AU. XD
@losersclubisms @streets-in-paradise
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kcyars19992 · 7 months
Sep 19
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TRISH & ROGER MURTAUGH Lethal Weapon ‣ 1x02: "Surf N Turf"
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mymoviemania-coffee · 2 years
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Lethal Weapon (2016-2019) TV series
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sandoku · 2 years
— Barry? the bellboy? exactly my reaction when I saw Chris Coy in the new & really awesome series from Amazon Prime Video "The Peripheral". 😁 His track record is actually quite impressive, how many cool stuff this actor has already done. Here're a few of his previous roles: "Halt and Catch Fire" - Bobby Aron "Homeland" - Rudy "The Walking Dead" - Martin "Flashforward" - Ross Weber
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cyarskaren1999-blog · 9 months
Sep 19
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TRISH & ROGER MURTAUGH Lethal Weapon ‣ 1x02: "Surf N Turf"
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cyarsk5230 · 9 months
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TRISH & ROGER MURTAUGH Lethal Weapon ‣ 1x02: "Surf N Turf"
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000marie198 · 1 year
Tails Squad brain rot-!
The kits are taking over my mind HELP!!
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hotdadlicense · 6 months
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CAHILL: are you homeless? RIGGS: hey! no, i got a trailer up the ways. not a lot of people, which is great, but no washing machine.
LETHAL WEAPON 1.04 — there goes the neighborhood
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zhongrin · 1 year
“honey, can you… get us a pet?”
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◇ characters ◇ zhongli, al haitham, childe, tighnari, kaveh, pantalone, cyno
◇ tags ◇ fluff, crack, dragon!li
◇ a/n ◇ all i want in life is a zhongli and a al haitham with their chosen pets is that really too much to ask
𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 ⬙ 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 ⬙ 𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡
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zhongli, predictably, brings back a dog. before you ask, it’s a very normal dog that isn’t the size of a mountain and is unable to control the elements. it’s a common house pet, a sign of luck and auspiciousness, plus he’s a very good boy!
………. just. don’t coddle rex jr. too much, okay? rex sr. is still a half-dragon after all.
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al haitham brings back a pot of some rare plant he got at the grand bazaar... what? plants are pets too. an even better version, he argues, especially since this particular one should bear small edible fruits when they grow enough. plus, they’re quiet and will let him read in peace.
hey, it’s your fault for never specifying what kind of pet you wanted him to get.
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childe brings back an otter. where did he get it? no one knows. don’t ask. where will he put it? uhhh. no worries, he’ll put the otter in your bathtub for now, but he’ll commission someone to dig up a pool for them to float around! it’ll be fineeee!
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tighnari sits you down and lectures you about the responsibilities of a pet owner for two straight hours to make sure you truly understand what you’re asking of him first. adopting a pet is a huge step in your life and he wants to make sure you fully understand what you’re getting into.
plus, you might want to take into consideration that your fox hybrid lover inherits that territorial behavior from his ancestors…?
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kaveh jumps at the opportunity. to him, that’s like you’re giving him the green light on bringing animals home. a mistake on your part, honestly.
it’s day three and you’re now housing: an unexpectedly tame dendro slime with a withered flower on its head, two very weakened and starving desert foxes, one forest fox with one eye, and a little bird with a broken wing.
good luck.
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pantalone merely chuckles yet the very next day you find the most elegant, purebred siberian forest cat delivered straight to your lavish shared abode’s doorstep. she’s groomed to perfection, well-trained, and a joy to be around.
the most beautiful cat for the most breathtaking person in his life - he thinks it’s very fitting.
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cyno unexpectedly brings back a rabbit; a snow-white furred darling with ruby-red eyes that fits on top of your palm. such an innocent-looking, wee little being has become a lethal weapon in cyno’s hand. whenever you deny him of something, you will now see two pairs of eerily similar-colored eyes looking up at you with wet bunny eyes.
darn it.
like father like son, you suppose.
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© zhongrin | 2023 ◆ no repost. reblogs much appreciated. feel free to reach out to submit suggestions, feedback, comments, or if you just want to talk!
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◇ taglist ◇ @thestarsofenkanomiya | @genshinparty | @abyssmal-skies | @hamdehlesmis | @depressivecomforts | @sophiethewitch1 | @why-am-i-here-someone-save-me | @sunnshineflxwer | @heartonthemoon | @yuutasbabe | @percyval-archives | @carbs-need-more-love | @rebeccka | @queen-belial | @stygianoir | @silentmoths | @niktwazny303 | @dustofthedailylife | @herdrops | @diebischesther | @marina-and-the-memes | @angryhope | @mixed-kester | @shuangxo | @fiannee | @lordbugs | @anonymousficreader | @shizunxie | @ladylofspades | @sup-zfam | @ansy-tea | @irethepotato | @nachotrash | @algrimmammon | @sassy-cat-in-town
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hmshermitcraft · 3 months
Nobody on the server knows how to react when Etho gets ill. Mostly because they're still under the impression that he's rather independent, that because he usually bases a little farther away than most and his quiet nature means that he prefers to handle things by himself.
His neighbors would beg to differ.
Xisuma got a taste of it in season seven, early on when Etho's monstrosity didn't have any roofs (rooves??) it rained and Etho caught a cold. Xisuma woke the next day with Etho standing at the door of his bed, wrapped in a blankie, "mom i frew up" look on his face. Poor guy was miserable!! X made him some chicken soup and let him crash in his base for a while.
Then in season eight iskall got a helping of ethosick before the moon went to shit. Iskall still doesn't know what he caught, but not night Etho woke him up shivering and asking if he could take them up on the cuddling. He was cold, which was odd since they live in the savannah, but iskall would never turn down some nice casual intimacy so they curled up together for the whole night and far into the day. When it got warm enough they took Etho outside and sat him on some warm grass and some fresh baked bread.
Season nine Etho got very ill during decked out and so everyone got a little taste of taking care of the slab, letting him nap on the spawn bed in-between his runs, asking simple yes/no questions so he wouldn't have to speak, keeping the volume down so his head wouldn't hurt so bad, the works.
Now in season ten Etho's chosen victim is Gem. He keeps visiting, day after day, not for very long, just to talk for a little and hang out, but she still finds it odd. Eventually she asks him what's up, and he admits that he's feeling homesick.
Etho's an arctic fox, Gem is a red fox. Etho's been deprived of having an actual packmate, another fox who understands him, ever since he joined the server.
"awh, you poor thing,"
"don't make funna me!"
"nah cmon, ok. C'mere then."
They dig out a den to stay in for the night, Gem learns that Etho's elbows could be classed as lethal weapons. Maybe after they wake up she'll teach him how to use them in combat.
Etho is a cutie, really, is Gem's verdict. A big ol' softie who hates to be called one. She's always been pretty independent herself, but it's still nice to have somebody to den with and sleep the night away (and sometimes a fair amount of daytime too!)
Just don't expect her to read any bedtime stories! That's where she draws the line!
(She'd probably still do it if Etho asked.)
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nicascurls · 10 months
It's begun!
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@losersclubisms @streets-in-paradise
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sweepingboy · 5 months
Mu Qing's hands shake as he hurriedly changes the blood-soaked bandages - the young prince in front of him is breathing heavily, having fallen into a troubled sleep. The wound is non-lethal Xie Lian will live, but he needs to be brought to the palace as soon as possible - with the improvised materials in the rickety cart, Mu Qing can't patch the gaping hole in his abdomen properly. Feng Xin nearby tries to assist him, his eyebrows drawn down to the bridge of his nose, stress and guilt read on his face.
Their carriage slows down abruptly and Mu Qing struggles to keep his balance. Shouts and clanking of weapons are heard from outside.
Is that? ....
Mu Qing pulls back the curtain slightly and freezes in horror for a second - they are outnumbered.
He looks anxiously at Xie Lian. Rumors have been circulating around the capital for a long time now, of an assassination attempt on the royal family....
Feng Xin, realizing that something is wrong, grabs the hilt of his sword, ready to defend the prince to the last, but Mu Qing stops him, "Don't! He's getting worse by the minute, you'll waste precious time."
"Do you have any better ideas?!"
Mu Qing's brain is frantically thinking.
"Take off his clothes."
" He's their target" hisses Mu Qing "I'll buy you some time. You need to get him out of here as soon as possible, he needs urgent care".
He throws on the prince's robe, hastily tying the belts. Feng Xin's eyes follow his every move. " I'll get out through the window and distract them."
"Mu Qing-" a strong hand catches his wrist. The bodyguard looks at his face as if trying to say something but failing to find the words.
Mu Qing swallows "Don't waste a second" he says and in the next instant, he jumps out of the cart. His heart is pounding as he hears the sounds of a chase behind him.
Laughing and shouting, the stomping of horses - this must be how the prey feels. Mu Qing loops around like a fox trying to throw the hounds off the trail. The expensive fabrics of the prince's already scarlet-colored outfit cling to tree branches and finally lose their splendor when he stumbles and flies to the ground, into fresh mud and stale leaves.
"This is the end" thinks Mu Qing when one of the riders catches up with him. A sturdy man is smiling contentedly. He turns around when he hears the neighing of the horse and the rumble of the cart moving away, but when his gaze turns back to Mu Qing, the smirk on his face is even wider. "It seems your servants have abandoned you Your Highness."
For a second, the boy is relieved. The man dismounts as his companions catch up with him. Mu Qing feels fear clutching his heart as they slowly surround him. He closes his eyes, mentally preparing for the worst "Xie Lian..... Please take care of my momther"
A firm hand grabs his chin.
"Good" hums the stranger.
"The young prince is known for his beauty! You can tell he's not some street rat!" Echoes his friend.
If Mu Qing wasn't in this position he would have laughed. But he grits his teeth as one of the men takes out ropes to tie him up "What do you want? Name yourself!"
"Hush, Your Highness" the rope digs painfully into his wrists "you are in no danger" as if he were a feathwe the leader lifts him up and sits him onto his horse. "As for introductions... You'll figure it out soon"
Mu Qing let's out a shaky breath as the man scrambles behind him and grabs the reins. What he's gotten himself into?
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labete-du-gevaudan · 4 days
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The Skoffín is a creature of Icelandic folklore. It is described as the dreaded offspring of a male arctic fox and female domestic cat. They are not completely hairless, but their fur is sparsely spread along their body. These critters have dangerous claws and teeth, but that is not their only weapon. It is said that the glare of a Skoffín is lethal. Meeting one's eyes can cause instant death to the creature's prey. If a Skoffín is not immediately killed upon being born, it will disappear into the earth for 3 years, not emerging until it is an adult. Once an adult, the creatures are incredibly hard to kill. Silver bullets are needed to be rid of an adult Skoffín. Though, some legends say that hardened sheep dung can also make for an effective bullet against a Skoffín.
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docgold13 · 2 months
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Heroes & Villains The DC Animated Universe - Paper Cut-Out Portraits and Profiles
Derek Powers 
A corporate shark of the highest order, Derek Powers would stop at nothing to become the most successful businessman out there.  He ran Powers Technology and attempted on numerous occasions to take over Wayne Enterprises.  Bruce Wayne had long since stepped away from the company and once Luscious Fox retired, Powers finally had the votes needed to orchestrate a merger, creating the conglomerate, Wayne-Powers with Powers himself as the chief executive officer.  
Wayne-Powers would go on to branch into multiple fields, absorbing numerous smaller companies and making Powers incredibly wealthy and powerful.  
In his unhinged efforts to augment his wishes and influences, Powers began to focus on weapons manufacturing, specifically biological agents to be sold to overseas entities.  Herein, Powers had his scientists cultivate a deadly, mutagenic nerve toxin.  In order to test this toxin, Powers arranged for an employee to be infected, making it look like an accidental leak.
Dying from the infection, the employee managed to smuggle out information on what Powers was up to, passing it along to Warren McGinnis.  Powers was aware that McGinnis had this information and he had his agent murder McGinnis and stage the scene so that it appeared a random crime perpetrated by the street gang known as The Jokerz.  
Warren’s teenage son, Terry, looked into his father’s murder, an investigation that ultimately led him to Bruce Wayne and resulted in the youth taking on the mantle of the new Batman.  As Batman, Terry was able to break up Powers’ scheme and prevent the sale of the biological weapon.  In the ensuing fracas, Powers was exposed to a lethal dosage of the nerve toxin.
Powers was rushed into treatment and bombarded with mutagenic radiation in hopes of counteracting the toxin.  The process succeeded in saving Powers life yet left him gravely transformed.  He was changed into a living dynamo of radioactivity with translucent skin.   Somehow he was able to evade prosecution and remained the CEO of Wayne-Powers.  Yet his condition continued to worsen and his efforts to reverse it all failed.  He slowly descended into madness and the super villain known as Blight.
Actor Sherman Howard provided the voice for Derek Powers, with the nemesis first appearing in the debut episode of Batman Beyond.   
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nogitsune-is-a-simp · 9 months
sharing behaviours
I'm pissed off at multiple things rn so lets goooo
Stiles goes really still when he's angry. like completely still. unnaturally so, especially since he's constantly moving about, whether it be slightly shifting, or full-on bouncing around.
but when he gets pissed, really truly angry, he is like a statue. every single one of his movements becomes completely measured and controlled, each breath he takes completely even. and to his pack members who have enhanced senses, even his heart rate completely evens out.
naturally, this worries (and, to be honest, scares) the rest of the pack and the people who interact with him daily, seeing as he's Stiles, and known for moving constantly. after they witness his eyes sharpen in a way they have never seen them do before, almost taking on a silver sheen, they grow worried. they worry that there are remnants of the nogitsune in Stiles. they even worry that he carried the nogitsune's mannerisms as a last "mark" and taunt from the fox demon. a last spiteful "fuck you".
they don't know that the scent of cold, static and silver clinging to Stiles is not a remnant. they don't know that Stiles' mannerisms are all his own. well, kind of. the point is, the pack doesn't know that the nogitsune is alive and well, chilling in Stiles' room, cuddling him every night.
the eerie stillness that Stiles now carries when angry is simply a result of Void's own tendency to do the same. (though Void has always been controlled in his movements) after all, couples did tend to share mannerisms.
Stiles' jitters vanish when he's angry because Void has taught him the merits of channelling the rage into control, into cunning and strategy.
and so Stiles' already devastatingly brilliant mind is sharpened and honed into a diamond-tipped dagger under the careful guidance of Void. he has learnt how to wield rage like a lethal weapon, and woe be the day he is forced to make use of it.
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WIP Sketch: Original Character Reference Sheet V.1
Murakami Momoko
When she* was born, her mother, a grand and powerful kitsune well-known for her kind and beneficent demeanor, seemingly went mad and viciously ravaged a town. A Daimyō of the region and his soldiers engaged her in battle, slaying her. The man, finding the newborn kitsune, almost slew the kit as well, but was stopped by his own daughter, who had covertly accompanied him and took pity on the helpless kitsune
Murakami Sadayoshi Daimyō, knowing he'd never hear the end of it if he killed the kit, took the kitsune into his family. His daughter, Yuzuki, was ecstatic to have a little sibling and named her after the peaches the little fox enjoyed: Momotarō*
When she was a child, she struggled mightily with her destructive impulses and understanding how her behavior impacts others. Sadayoshi worked heavily with her, pushing to instill in her a moral code that would compensate for her shortcomings. As part of this, he set her to work on a farm, to teach her responsibility and to care for the less fortunate
Momoko became interested in her father and his soldier's work, resolving to become a samurai in his employ
She found many weapons to not agree with her in those early days, breaking too easily or being too large for a child. She ultimately found the spear to her liking, appreciating its versatility
Magic: - Natural proficiency with fire, illusions, and transformation -- Can temporarily store objects, like her spear, inside of her soul --- Ultimately, comes into possession of a demon-slaying spear --- 悪薙桃花槍 (Akunagitōka-no-yari)** --- [Evil-Cutting Peach Blossom Spear] ---- Her magical, soulbound spear is notably lethal to evil entities and spells
Traits: - Cheerful - Impulsive - Loud - Outspoken - Antisocial Personality Disorder -- No empathy -- Vindictive -- Destructive -- Compensates with a strict moral code that her father taught her, emphasizing justice, equity, and minimizing pain
* In her late teens, Momoko determined that she was female and transitioned, using her kitsune magic to change her body
** Is this right? Is this how Kanji works??
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