dreamerblueeyes · 4 years
One day you will know exactly what people are made of. The curtains will fall. The love you felt will be gone. You will learn the truth of dark liquids that flow in their veins. You will learn devil resides within all of us. People are not specifically bad. They all are sinners thrown in a pit filled with dust. So they use it to hide the sins they commit every day. The use it to cover the monster that goes on run the minute it's free. The world is a dark alley and all the goodness is lost the second the sun goes home. Be careful where you leave your heart. Maybe you will not find it intact the next time. Protect it. They are the devil because nobody told them to protect .you aren't yet. After all, you were not meant to know about it. You do now so grow the hard skin. Darkness will come, let it not penetrate the goodness you hide. May it never find you again and even if it does may you never belong to it.
Ayana Arora
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dreamerblueeyes · 4 years
We always hope that someday we will be able to forget someone, that someday we'll just wake up and forget that this person existed in our lives. That we prefer to call him or her 'someone' as if saying their names can pull a string. Yes, it's hard to forget someone who's been there through our ups and downs, until everything bleeds. That the day they left is like a broken tape showing us the same scene over and over again—drives us even crazier.
We can say that deleting feelings is shallow. Where we can't just poke out our feelings and delete it as if it didn't happen—we can't just unlove.  The love we shared was real, but it just didn't work out. It's like finding the last piece of a puzzle and disassemble it again. It's a complete cycle of forgetting and remembering, that we forgot the real meaning of moving on. We are distracted by a world that makes us believe that we can relive again the past—we are lost wondering.
We should move on, not to forget but to embrace the feeling of being lost to a world that doesn't exist anymore. Commit it to find the path to set us free. Embrace it, make it a lesson of the past, and keep moving on. Lost passion can be found, as well as finding a door to fall in love again—where we could be happier.
Trying to get back to the path of finding again yourself is the real struggle. It is not about the struggle of forgetting, as memories and feelings only fade, and not forgotten.
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dreamerblueeyes · 4 years
“I just wanna feel like I’m on drugs without taking drugs.”
— Edan (via meineluft)
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dreamerblueeyes · 4 years
“My thoughts gravitate to whatever’s missing, whatever’s lost or broken or painful. My heart worries and fears. There is plenty to be thankful for, but those are not the scenes I stay stuck in.”
— Jamie Tworkowski, If You Feel Too Much (via thoughtkick)
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dreamerblueeyes · 4 years
“And if somebody else has it much worse, that doesn’t really change the fact that you have what you have. Good and bad.”
— Stephen Chbosky // Perks of Being a Wallflower
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dreamerblueeyes · 4 years
“It was the kind of kiss that made me know that I was never so happy in my whole life.”
— Stephen Chbosky / The Perks of Being a Wallflower (via bnmxfld)
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dreamerblueeyes · 4 years
“There comes a time when you have to stop crossing oceans for people who wouldn’t even jump puddles for you.”
— Unknown
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dreamerblueeyes · 4 years
“No one notices your tears, no one notices your sadness, no one notices your pain but they all notice your mistakes.”
— Unknown (via thoughtkick)
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dreamerblueeyes · 4 years
“Stop hating yourself for everything you aren’t. Start loving yourself for everything you are.”
— Unknown
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dreamerblueeyes · 4 years
“Today I am in control because I want to be. I have my fingers on the switch, but have lived a lifetime ignoring the control I have over my own world. Today is different.”
— A.S. King
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dreamerblueeyes · 4 years
“Someday, someone is going to look at you with a light in their eyes you’ve never seen, they’ll look at you like you’re everything they’ve been looking for their entire lives. Wait for it.”
— Unknown
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dreamerblueeyes · 4 years
“Time ticks by; we grow older. Before we know it, too much time has passed and we’ve missed the chance to have had other people hurt us. To a younger me this sounded like luck; to an older me this sounds like a quiet tragedy.”
— Douglas Coupland, Life After God
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dreamerblueeyes · 4 years
“Sometimes people think they know you. They know a few facts about you, and they piece you together in a way that makes sense to them. And if you don’t know yourself very well, you might even believe that they are right. But the truth is, that isn’t you. That isn’t you at all.”
— Leila Sales
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dreamerblueeyes · 5 years
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dreamerblueeyes · 5 years
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dreamerblueeyes · 5 years
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dreamerblueeyes · 5 years
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