dreamingofskiinny · 7 years
Reblog if you can grab the fat on your stomach.
With hard work and dedication I soon won’t.
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dreamingofskiinny · 7 years
Sweetspo - inspired by something I saw somewhere
Hey babe, I just wanted to say that you’re beautiful. You’re perfect and thin and bony. Your arms are slim, your stomach is flat, your thighs don’t even touch. Aww darling. You don’t believe me do you? Because I am telling you the truth. You do have that perfect body. It’s just waiting to come out, babe. Skinny You is still shy. She’s scared. What if the world doesn’t like her? So she hides under Fat You. And darling, fat shouldn’t be a word that hurts you. It’s only temporary. All you have to do is make Skinny You feel safe. She likes workouts. She doesn’t eat that much, and when she does, all she eats are fruits and vegetables. Sometimes meat. But not often. And all you have to do, sweetie, is become her. Let her feel good. You’ll feel good. Come here, darling. Come to the mirror. And no, don’t pinch the fat on your body. Instead, think about how pretty you’ll look when Skinny You comes out of her hiding place. All you have to do is work out more, eat less & healthier (no dear, you can’t just eat 500 calories’ worth of nutella and expect to lose weight). Just promise me 2 things: promise me you won’t purge. And promise me you won’t give up. Because I know,honey, I know that right now it feels like everything crumbling down and you’re gaining weight or you’re not losing any or you want to lose more, but all you have to do is wait. If you give up, Skinny You will die. She’ll be crushed under all the fat, sweetheart. You don’t want that, do you?
Never forget, you’re made of perfection. The only thing left to do is to let it show. 💕
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dreamingofskiinny · 7 years
How I reached 99Ibs
1. Drink at least 3L water everyday 2. Drink green tea in the morning 3. Eat at least 1500kcal otherwise your metabolism will slow down 4. Avoid sugar - eat healthy 5. Eat regularly 6. Never skip breakfast 7. Don’t binge 8. Still listen to your body!
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dreamingofskiinny · 7 years
I go from wanting to never eat again to wanting to eat normally to wanting to eat everything in the kitchen and then back to not wanting to eat again multiple times a day and I’m just very tired of it okay
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dreamingofskiinny · 7 years
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dreamingofskiinny · 7 years
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dreamingofskiinny · 7 years
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dreamingofskiinny · 7 years
Remember how horrible you felt when someone said another girl was the smallest in the room? Remember how jealous you get when you see a skinny girl? Remember how you felt when you realised you’d gained weight? Remember how you felt when you lost weight? Remember how nice it was when the smallest size clothes were still too big? Remember your calorie limit? Remember your do-not touch foods?
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dreamingofskiinny · 7 years
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dreamingofskiinny · 7 years
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dreamingofskiinny · 7 years
haaaaaahahahahah i thought i was over hating my body. SIKE!!
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dreamingofskiinny · 7 years
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dreamingofskiinny · 7 years
"yOu'Re NOt fAT!" I'm not skinny either but thnx
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dreamingofskiinny · 7 years
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dreamingofskiinny · 7 years
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leg goals
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dreamingofskiinny · 7 years
They don’t care about you because you’re fat.
ana, the mean one. (via giveupforskinny)
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dreamingofskiinny · 7 years
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