dreamingsushi 8 months
The Longest Promise - Episode 12
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I'm starting to enjoy a little more this drama. It took time, but the female lead is starting to be a little less annoying. Or she gives me hope that she won't be like this forever. It's not over yet and it still has a lot of work to do for me to fully like this drama, but let's say that last episode made me think that I don't regret starting this one.
During class they use the bangles they made to show wether they can be disturbed or not. Nobody manages to make Shi Ying's bracelet move. Xuelu tries it out on Qing Gang and he leaves, a little ashamed that she disturbed him. People are gossiping that he must like her. Zhu Yan decides to have a try to disturb Shi Ying and when she asks him if he likes her, thunder starts grumbling and class is over because of the weather.
Later on, Zhu Yan tries to practice in her free time and she's joined by Shi Ying. But having him there makes her even less able to concentrate. So he takes her for an exercice out in the rain. When she manages to succeed, in her happiness, she hugs Shi Ying who then transforms into a cute white fluffy ball (aka some sort of animal, like a hamster). Zhu Yan tries to catch him, but he runs away, back to his place, where Chongming tries to kill him. He suspects Chongming has something to do with him transforming into an animal. He admits that he cursed him to help him avoid Zhu Yan and all the trouble. So whenever he gets intimate with a woman, he'll transform into an animal. Zhu Yan happens to hear all of that. She then thinks that Shi Ying is an animal that cultivated to take a human form. Lol. Poor Shi Ying. He ends up kicking her out of his place.
Zuh Yan thinks that Qing Gang likes Xuelu. He says that she's not the mean person she thinks she is. Zhu Yan doesn't really believe him and right then she passes out from eating the cake Xuelu gave to Qing Gang. Because of that, they don't make it to the midterm exam. Xuelu admits to everything that she's done, but Zhu Yan's the one who ends up punished.
While drinking with her friends, she decides that she wants to become the disciple of Shi Ying, because she can't let someone as crooked as Xuelu to take that spot. Nobody really believes that she can make it though. Very drunk, she decides to go study magic. Right then Shi Ying notices her and ends up being played tricks on. I thought Zhu Yan was annoying at natural. She's way worse when she's drunk. She ends up passing out.
Also Shi Ying overhears a conversation between Xuelu and Da Shiming where he says he expects her and Shi Ying to become the emperor and empress of the world.
And that's all for now. I would say that the last part of the episode wasn't really... When I thought it was getting better, it fell down right on the face.
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dreamingsushi 8 months
The Longest Promise - Episode 11
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Well hello and welcome back to this drama. We have already been through a quarter of all of this story, so I guess it's about time things start moving right? Hopefully, it won't go too bad from now on, but I expect still a lot of drama. After all, this is a Chinese one, it's bound to happen sometime.
Zhu Yan uses her wish to brush Shi Ying's hair. While doing so, she plucks a strand of his, to fulfill her promise to Qing Gang. Obviously, Shi Ying noticed and tells her to hand back the hair. However, for once, she's rather smart and tricks him into giving back a different comb than the one she used to brush his hair, so it's probably a strand of hers. Then Qing Gang comes to ask for the hair and she gives it to him. And THEN she realizes that a dude unfamiliar with poison, asking for a strand of hair to increase his power is definitely sus. Was kind of about time you doubted him. She sneaks upon him and notices that he's comparing the hair with a paint brush, meant for calligraphy. She confronts him for using her and takes the brush away to tell Shi Ying. Upon learning that she was acting like this only to get his hair for Qing Gang, Shi Ying gets mad. He almost slips and let her know that he cares for her, but smoothly passes it as since it's his first becoming a master, he wants to do well and cares for all of his disciples. He reassures her that this won't harm him. Yeah no. It's too late. The Qing will know he's still alive.
Shi Ying confronts Qing Gang and they fight. He's definitely not a match for him though and is defeated. Then we learn that he bears the bad poison from the Qing clan and if he doesn't fulfill his mission to transfer it to Shi Ying, he'll die. Shi Ying takes it on himself willfully. He pretends that he's fine and can suppress the poison with his cultivation. Qing Gang thanks him for his mercy and promise not to leak away his real identity.
However, Shi Ying isn't faring well. Zhu Yan comes back and sees how bad of a state he's in. Shi Ying lies that Qing Gang didn't have any ill intentions and that he took the poison from him, but he's not aware that he's not doing well. Zhu Yan has an idea to suppress the poison and save Shi Ying. She has him grab onto the lamp like she did a while ago and the butterflies attacking solve the problem. And I see you, Xuelu, lurking around. This is going to be again the tragic story of a too ambitious lady. She reminds me of Zuo Qingluan in Dance of the Phoenix.
Xuelu manages to figure out Shi Ying's real identity and she reports to Da Siming that everything's alright with Qing Gang now and that Shi Ying vanquished the poison. She doesn't mention that Zhu Yan was there to help. I don't know if she wants to help her or not... I don't think she's evil, it's more that she's not the official daughter so she might have had a lot of resentment.
In class, they have to make bracelets with some spiritual flowers. The next day, Shi Ying will elect which one's the best, to give them a reward. He decides to go along with Zhu Yan's one, because even though he was so cold and mean towards her, she still kept believing in him. Chongming fears she has too much power over him, even though he says he won't keep her in Jiuyi mountain once the month is over. So he feeds him a fruit that is supposed to prevent him to be attracted to women. There was a warning on the spell, but I couldn't completely read it, it went too fast. I guess we'll know soon enough. The next morning, everybody is extremely shocked to see that Shi Ying's wearing Zhu Yan's bracelet.
And that completes this episode. I guess the main lead is slowly getting a little smarter. She's still dumb, but it's better. I can't believe how naive she is though. Hopefully the trope of the naive female lead is going to die someday soon.
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dreamingsushi 8 months
The King: Eternal Monarch - Episode 8
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I'm seriously trying. The story isn't so bad. I feel the pace is kind of off, but that's probably just me. I remember when I started this, I was skeptical, because I'm really not in Lee Minho's fandom. But everyone said that this was great. I should have known that it would be like Heirs. Overhyped. But we're still not even halfway through and the main actress isn't so bad. So it might get better? We'll see.
I'm already halfway through the episode and there's nothing of consequence to say. Eunsup went out with Lee Gon for food, pretending to be Yeong. Then they met some gang that Lee Gon humiliate a few episodes ago. They try to fight against Lee Gon, so Yeong comes around and kicks ass. Some of the police officers recognize Yeong as Eunsup and he does his best imitation of Eunsup, to the point that everyone is fooled. Even Lee Gon, who draws a mole on his face to be able to recognize them. Seriously, so far, Eunsup and Yeong are the main good thing about this drama.
The police is making progress on the murder investigation. The main suspect isn't the girl's boyfriend anymore, but the roommate. Then they receive a call from her saying that she wants to turn herself in. Talking to the boyfriend, Tae-eul learns that the culprit had two phones. Or was it the deceased? I don't know. Whatever. Anyways, she wants to find the phone, because it might be linked to Lee Rim.
Meanwhile, Lee Gon and Yeong are recognized by one of the people that crossed over the other world. Yeong captures him, as ordered by Lee Gon. The guy won't say anything, but they deduce that he was one of the people murdering Lee Gon's father. He takes his phone and orders him to take his life.
Oh now I remember. Vaguely. I mean, there are so many characters in this drama and everything is just so confusing, since every scene only lasts like two seconds. The murderer was working for Lee Rim. She killed her roommate because she overheard her conversation on the phone with him. She uses the burner phone as an excuse to pressure him into taking her to the other world. But that man doesn't like to be played, so she's probably not going to have it her way.
Eunsup gets caught by Sinjae looking at Yeong's phone. He gets from him the location where Lee Gon is residing at the moment. He infiltrates the room, goes through his phone (why doesn't he have his phone with him) and finds the autopsy paper of the other Lee Rim. And turns out Sinjae comes from the otherworld. Then he gets caught by Yeong, they fight, Lee Gon comes, they blabla. They guess that he's from their world and end.
I don't know who thought of writing this drama like this? It's super annoying and hard to follow. We keep bouncing between plot lines ALL THE TIME. It's like... can I get a moment to let all that information sink in? Thank you. Well, I wasn't expecting Sinjae to be coming from the other world, so that was a good punch. For now. I don't know if it's going to bring anything interesting to the story.
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dreamingsushi 8 months
Mystic Pop-up Bar - Episode 2
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I should probably getting ready for work, I know too well, but these days I've been dragging my feet to work. My job doesn't bring as much pleasure as it used to when I first started. Hopefully, things will get better. Anyways, I won't finish this episode in one sit, I'm fine with this, I'm just really curious about what's going to happen.
Weol-ju has Kanghae experience her powers in a dream, letting him going on a date with a cute girl. Then she brutally wakes him up and shows him the contract she wrote for the two of them. However, one of the clause stipulates that partaking in the dreams of other might enhance his ability, which he wants to actually get rid of. So he backs out of the deal, in fear of being stuck with much worse than what he has now. She won't give up that easily, so she goes to see him at work, bringing food to his coworkers saying that she wants to hire him. He takes her apart and says that his answer is still no. So she traps him by having a whole lot of old ladies pour their heart to him and he concedes victory to her and agrees to the contract.
Kangbae's landlord and her daughter come to the street bar to have some mackerel. Weol-ju wants Kanghae to touch the lady, once her daughter's gone so they would know of her troubles. Turns out that she's not the real mom of her daughter. Her jealousy caused the death of her real mother. Weol-ju kicks her out, because it reminds her of how people were gossiping about her and how her mom died unfairly. She refuses to help a murderer, no matter what Kangbae says.
To help his landlady, Kangbae decides to steal the magical alcohol and do it himself. However, when he gets home, the lady collapsed and he takes her to the hospital. He gets scolded pretty bad for stealing the alcohol and they warn him not to use any of it. Unfortunately, as he put it in a water bottle, the lady's daughter drank some and he ends up in her dream. They see how good of a mother the lady was. It doesn't really change Weol-ju's mind about helping her, and Kangbae only convinces her by promising to sign fully the contract if she does help. So she agrees. But it's too late, because the lady died. She makes a bargain with Death to have her one day to fulfill her wish. So they find the father, but unfortunately, he forgot everything about his past wife. They don't really have time to drag him to Seoul, so it's not going to work... But lifesaver, Kangbae still has a little bit of the alcohol in the water bottle.
Thanks to that, they manage to unlock the dad's memories and have him meet with his daughter, fulfilling miss Andong's wish. She can then leave without any regrets. Also she has been forgotten by Suhwa and can rest in peace.
While they throw a welcome party for Kangbae as a new official employee, we learn that Weol-ju has been punished to save 100 000 humans from their grudges because by hanging herself at the Sacred Tree, she brought bad luck to the Tree which was protecting the country. It has been invaded and 100 000 people died. At first she refused the punishment, but then the lady showed her a scroll, which changed her appearance and made her accept to undergo that punishment. Unfortunately, they didn't translate into subs any part of the scroll, I recognize the Chinese characters meaning life after life, but that's it. Is it related to the prince she liked? We'll probably discover that sooner or later.
And that will be all for episode two. So far, this is a really great show. It shows very well human nature to me, while it talks about stuff that are sometimes hard to approach. It's only the beginning, but we can already see some character growth, hence I'm really looking forward what is to happen to each of them.
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dreamingsushi 8 months
Mystic Pop-up Bar - Episode 1
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Hello there! Yes, I'm starting something else, because as of now, nothing that I'm currently watching is really a treat for me. I know this drama aired a few years ago, but I have been wanting to watch it for quite some time already and there we go. I have high hopes for it, I heard it's really good, so hopefully... this is going to be my reward for those two others that aren't all that interesting to me!
Weol-ju is the kind daughter of a shaman and she possesses the power to help people through their dreams. She happily helps anyone in need and gets a reputation for it which reaches the ears of the Queen. As her son, the Crown Prince is sickly and nothing will heal him, she summons Weol-ju to the palace and have her treat the prince. Doing so, they fall in love, which spreads a lot of rumours in town about Weol-ju and leads to her mom's death as she pretended to be Weol-ju and sent her away to protect her. However, Weol-ju, filled with hatred, curses everyone before hanging herself on the branches of the sacred tree. The pin her mom gave her falls down and something magic seems to be happening, but what? Who knows?
So, for having hung up herself at the sacred tree, Weol-ju was punished to help 1000 or was it 10,000 souls through dreams. It's also a 500 years sentence. As of now, she needs to help 10 more people and runs a street bar to lure customers in and reveal their worries to her so she can help. However, as of lately, business hasn't been doing as well as in the past, since delivery services cause customers to be lesser and lesser and people are more open about their feelings on the internet instead of in person. For the last 6 months, she wasn't able to help anyone.
Han Kangbae is a young worker in a store. Whenever he touches someone else, these people pour out their heart to him and say whatever they're really thinking. So he tries to avoid contact as much as possible. One day, at the store, a client treats badly her colleague, who has a great reputation since she won the best employee award five months in a row. Weol-ju also happened to be there and she went on a rampage to punish that arrogant man, which puts Mi Ran (best employee) in trouble at work. Kangbae tries to speak up for her, but the manager goes by the customer is king rule.
Later that night, Kangbae sees Mi Ran jumping in front of a car and he jumps in to protect her from the impact. Fortunately, the drivers stops in time and they're both safe. Kangbae suggests that they go to the street bar across the street to have some food. There, when Mi Ran touches his hand by accident, she reveals that the manager at the store has been harassing her, which is why she wanted to die. Weol-ju sends Kangbae away and serves the sleeping alcohol to Mi Ran so she can fulfill her wish in her dream. When Kangbae comes back, he can see the bar that no one else sees and ends up joining the dream. They punish the manager and convince Mi Ran to stand up for herself in real life too.
The next day, Kangbae thinks it was all a dream until he finds Weol-ju's hairpin on the rooftop at work. He remembers she promised that she could help someone change their personality, so he goes to find her. Meanwhile, she gets a warning that she's having only one month left to finish her task, else she's going to hell. So she remembers of Kangbae's abilities and decides to have him help her to complete her punishment in time. She agrees to help him on the condition that he gives his body to her. Meaning she'll possess him or that she wants him to use his empathy abilities for her? We'll see next episode.
So far, I'm very happy with this. The main lead is a powerful woman with a lot of personality. I adore her. She funny and feisty, it's a nice change from who she was when she was alive too. Really loved it. I'm waiting a little bit more to see who Kangbae really is, but so far it's nice to have a guy that is a little bit softer than domineering. And there's also Gwi something something, that I haven't mentioned in the summary, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to love this guy too. Really looking forward the next episode! I will have to restrain myself, because I can't wait to watch another and yet I've got other stuff to do today.
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dreamingsushi 8 months
The Longest Promise - Episode 10
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There it is, the goal I set myself to reach! I'm still not so into the story of this drama, it's a little too slow paced for me somehow. The female lead is a little less annoying than she was during the previous episodes, but she's still really far from being the type of character I enjoy. So we'll see.
Da Siming came to Shi Ying's room to discuss both Zhu Yan and Bai Xuelu. As she's hidden in his sleeves and made a hole in his clothes, she hears the poor criticism he makes about her capacity. It angers her to be given such a bad reputation, so she uses her fire magic to write it on his sleeve. When she gets out of hiding, he transfers the words on her hand and they will only disappear once she proves that those traits aren't accurate about her. She gets made fun of for being punished by the rest of the cultivators, but she still manages to annoy Bai Xuelu.
Zhu Yan's late for her first day of class and thus loses some points. While the teacher is explaining stuff, she falls asleep and gets called out for it. It's not that she thinks it's uninteresting, it's because she couldn't understand it. She was already laughed at for coming from a smaller town, so she doesn't want to admit it and asks to be taught impressive magic instead. She ends up being humiliated again and Shi Ying punishes her to copy scrolls thrice in three days. Qing Gang offers to help her copy the scrolls if she gets for him a strand of her from Shi Ying. She agrees, but asks him to explain to her what the scrolls are about instead of helping her copying them.
When she goes to hand back the copies, Shi Ying starts correcting it for her, as she left a lot of mistakes. She almost forgot to get a strand of hair for Qing Gang. I'm not sure if she manages to grab it, because he takes her to learn a spell to improve her reading pace. Once she manages to do it, in les than a few hours, he cooks her some rice and a fish. However, Chongming eats the fish.
Something happens to Zhi Yuan, which is related to some sort of dragon god. He thinks it's going to awaken soon and that it might hide somewhere close to Jiuyi mountain.
I guess she didn't manage to grab some hair as she asks Shi Ying if she can brush his hair. She says she wants to do it to prove her goodwill as his disciple and to pay her respects to him as her master. He says that they don't do that anymore. She argues that he still owes her a wish and she wants it to be brushing his hair. Not sure he will agree, but that will be something to discover next time.
I'm still waiting for the pace to pick up a little bit. So far, nothing much has been happening and I feel we're still in the setting the character and mood phase, which is starting to get a little too long. Especially since there are about only 40 episodes. I'm already at a quarter of the story and nothing of consequence really happened yet.
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dreamingsushi 8 months
The Longest Promise - Episode 9
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I have almost reached the goal I set myself, even though it took a little more time than expected. I've been so busy with work lately and with school beginning next month, I'm considering slowing down the pace of my postings. We'll see how that turns out. It doesn't seem like a lot, but two posts a day makes the queue shorter and shorter real fast. Anyways. Let's get on with this series while I enjoy some of my mom's cooking!
So, last episode, they ended up in front of a house, which is inhabited by an old lady. She takes them in as they are her first guests in years, ever since her husband passed away, eaten by the demon. She wants them to stay there together. Zhu Yan isn't keen on that idea. Then Shi Ying acts all lovey dovey towards her and wants her to have a bite of cake. So my first guest, looking how that granny is anticipating Zhu Yan eating the cake, is that he's been bewitched and that that lady isn't a really nice person. And I'm half right about it. The granny is actually some sort of evil spirits, trying to trap them, but by pretending to give in, Shi Ying could destroy the illusion once she revealed her true colours. He finds a way to completely escape the illusion and they reach the gate to exit this hellish place. However, to use that exit, one must be filled with hatred, so he pretends that he was going to use her to acquire the powers of the demon. As she jumps down towards the hole, she curses him. For now, he's stuck in there with the demon.
But then, it turns that she still believed in him, so she wasn't filled with hatred, because she second guessed that he did that to save her. Obviously. So he manages to escape. And she's willing to do anything to find him and bring him back, because she thinks he's still stuck in there.
Meanwhile, Da Siming is pretty upset that Shi Ying went out of his way to save Zhu Yan. He says that if it's to watch people die, then he won't take in a disciple. Da Siming isn't so happy with that answer, but gives in since it's going to go against his plans if Shi Ying doesn't take a disciple. I mean, Xuelu as his disciple. He suspects that maybe he met Zhu Yan before that she's his life trial, but Shi Ying says that no and anyways she won't be able to stay on the mountain, as she's not skilled enough.
So both groups, Qing Gang-Zhu Yan and Xuelu-Xueying, arrive at the top of the mountain around the same time. While Xuelu can get across the barrier without any problems, Qing Gang and Zhu Yan can't reach the small peak where the jade pin lies. Once Xuelu grabs the pin, the ground starts falling down and she ends up falling into a lava pit. Qing Gang jumps in to save her and sends her back away. Zhu Yan figures out that she has to give up on the pin to save everyone. Xuelu won't because of her greed. Xueying jumps in to save her sister, but as they both fall, Zhu Yan decides to take matters into her own hands. She jumps to grab the pin and throws it down the lava, thus saving everyone. That's a little LOTR feels, right? Anyways, it solves it all, everyone's safe and the jade pin choses her. Which makes Xuelu really unhappy. She wants it back, but Zhu Yan thinks Qing Gang deserves it. They end up fighting for it, Xueying tries to stop them, she falls down the cliff, Zhu Yan lets go of the pin to save her dear friend, while her sister takes the pin instead and Qing Gang as to jump to save her from dying. That girl is dumb or what? I thought she was supposed to be smart? Anyways, turns out that she still get chosen as the disciple, but since Da Siming has doubts over Zhu Yan, he makes her a choice and have her stay, then they can decide which of the girls is going to stay.
Zhu Yan is still set though on not staying in Jiuyi Mountain since Shi Ying looks down on her so much. She gets back to thank him for saving her from the demon, and tries to ask for a leave. But Shi Ying fears that Da Siming is going to get even more suspicious if she leaves right away and tells she can't leave before one month is over, because of the rules. She tries to argue back, but then Da Siming comes over, so Shi Ying hides her again and... Well we'll know the rest in the next episode.
See you then!
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dreamingsushi 8 months
The Longest Promise - Episode 8
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I'm giving myself a goal to reach episode 10 before I watch something else (probably The King so I can get rid of Lee Minho on my screen, but I could decide to start something else too who knows). Plus it seems we finally reached the point where things are coming closer to the plot? I don't know, 7 episodes in, I still don't know the major stake of this drama. Still a lot to go.
So last episode, we left when Chongming was trying to harm Zhu Yan during the disciple selection. She's not opposing much, because she doesn't want to remain on Jiuyi mountain to become Shi Ying (Shao Siming)'s disciple. Last that we know, Chongming was throwing a huge ass rock to Zhu Yan's face. She doesn't avoid, nor does she gets hit. General Qing came to the rescue and saves her. She complains a little bit, blablabla. Then he asks her to be his partner and seals the deal before she can say no.
Okay so I was not wrong. Da Siming wants Shi Ying to take the throne back and have him marry Bai Xuelu. So he's rigging the competition, so that the Bai sisters would win. And he sends the beast to Qing Gang. If Zhu Yan dies along with him, because they teamed up, than that's just her unfortunate fate. That Da Siming person is really scary.
The Qiongqi (mean bad beast) follows Zhuyan and Qing Gang under Da Siming's orders. They really are powerless to defeat it. The Qing clan is supposed to be really good at using poison, but Qing Gang finds it disloyal so he never studied and couldn't use any poison to weaken the beast, he only manages to make it sneeze. They still take that opportunity to flee, but that monster runs fast and they end up at the end of a cliff. Fortunately, Zhu Yan remembers some stuff about such a beast and she manages to drive it away by letting it think they both are bad people, thus enticing the beast to like them, since it dislikes righteous people. However, getting rid of it isn't the end of their problems. Some sort of smoky demons is now after them and to protect Qing Gang, Zhu Yan gets grabbed by the demon, taking her to some place filled with resentment. It plays mind games with her, until it manages to use her hatred and resentment to control her. She's lucky enough, because Shi Ying comes to save her from the enchantment. And this drama really needs to cut it out with the modified voices. It sounds just sooooo cheap. But that's my opinion.
The Qiongqi attacks Xueying and Xuelu too. Qing Gang finds them around that time and tries to help them the same way Zhu Yan pushed it away, though it doesn't really work. He's definitely not a good liar. Finally, the beast is driven away by Da Siming's people, who are in charge of protecting Xuelu. She notices someone else was involved, but she doesn't disclose that information to the two others. And she doesn't want to let Xueying help finding Zhu Yan.
Zhu Yan finally recognizes Shi Ying. I mean not as the prince she longs for, just as the dude annoying her and looking down on her. She doesn't want to keep going with him, but that doesn't turn out so well. She almost falls down a broken bridge. Actually, it's breaking as she's on top of it, but she just looks at it go down instead of running. Thank god, Shi Ying saves her again. Then they manage to build a new bridge by sharing happy moments. Shi Ying only has one, so it's mostly on Zhu Yan. They fight a bit more and than arrive to the house of an old lady. No idea who that is, but that's to be discovered next episode.
I really wonder how those are ever going to become friends, because it's really not looking good as of now to go in that direction.
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dreamingsushi 8 months
The Longest Promise - Episode 7
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Let's try a little bit more of this one, even though so far, I'm so confused. I guess it will make sense eventually. I think that Da Siming is a bad guy. I wonder if Zhu Yan is really supposed to cause Shi Ying's death at all and if all of this isn't just a lie. But it's hard to take any guesses at this rate. I have no idea where we are going with this one.
Zhi Yuan gives Zhu Yan the clothe he got for her. When her maid packs it to send it to Jiuji mountain, she accidentally includes Zhu Yan's embroidery of Shi Ying.
Consort Qing and her brother are worried about Da Siming hiding away Shi Ying, that he might have faked his death. Rumour is that he was very much in love with Bai Yan (Shi Ying's mom) back then. So Consort Qing summons Xuelu to her palace and asks her about Diwang grotto. She says that she couldn't really go, as soon as she got in, she fainted, as if someone didn't want her to go in there. It confirms a little more the suspicions. Bailu knows that she's being used, but she doesn't care, as long as she gets what she wants.
Shi Ying just turned 18 years old. Da Siming gives him a new palace to live in. Also, he'll have take in a disciple. There's a few challenges to undergo for one to be taken in. He says boys and girls are accepted. Da Siming though has already decided to have him take the Bai daughter (which one?) as his disciple. Seems like the Bai are pretty important. However, it would be weird to have them married, because they're cousins. I mean, I'm really not into incest and such. Anyways.
At first Zhu Yan didn't want to go to the selection, but Zhi Yuan convinces her to go, she won't need to care for the opinion of that perso who hurt her. Also, seems like this Zhi Yuan guy liked her great-grandmother and people from his tribe ever fall once in love in life. When she died though, she erased his memory of her, until they meet again once she's reborn. Her face was hidden by a veil, so no idea who could she be now. Because she's most likely reborn already. Anyways, she ends up going to the selection. There, Xuelu tries to provoke her by mentioning the fact that present general Qing Gang beat her father. She manages not to get into a fight, but promise the general to fight later on.
When Shi Ying comes in for the ceremony, she's a little in a daze, that he's Shao Siming. I thought wrong earlier that maybe Da Siming wanted him to marry one of the Bai girls. As he takes his vows, he promises to never get married in this life. Harsh. But also it's weird because he also promises to never covet the crown, but I'm pretty sure Da Siming wants him back on the throne... Zhu Yan says that she doesn't want to partake in the test to remain as a disciple. Shi Ying doesn't hold on to her and tells that she can leave by her own means, failing the exam.
Xueying and Xuelu teamed up together for the examination. Xueying seems clumsy and useless. She falls down a hole. At first I thought maybe Xuelu would just abandon her down there, but she actually saves her. I guess maybe she doesn't hate so much her sister, more that the circumstances make her unable to fully open to her. I mean, Xueying is a cinnamon roll, after all.
Zhu Yan decides to sit down and wait to be eliminated. But then someone is attacking her. She notices a feather on the ground and she tells Chongming to come out. She says that she won't stay on that mountain and that she won't resist if he attacks her: she wants to leave. However, she's probably not expecting him to send a big rock her way. Will she dodge? Will she get hit? We'll only know for sure in the next episode.
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dreamingsushi 8 months
The Longest Promise - Episode 6
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There, let's move on a little bit on this series, now that I'm completely done with Eternal Love. I'm still waiting for stuff to happen yet in this drama, I think it might take a while, according to the rythm so far.
Chongming pays a visit to Zhu Yan. He tells her to go grab a some lamp if she really wants to learn the reviving spell. I'm not sure if that's a trap. Probably right? Because he's adamant that she's going to cause Shi Ying's death.
Xue Lu takes away the little wooden bird Shi Yu gave to Xue Ying. She says she's having a relationship with a man. Xueying doesn't dare saying that she received this from the prince, since they have to hide their relationship.
Zhu Yan tries to grab the lamp. As soon as she touches it, a swarm of magic butterflies come to attack her. Even so, she keeps holding on to the lamp. She has a vision of Shi Ying as a child and she runs after him to try and save him. Chongming tries to drug Shi Ying to sleep, but he's acting weird and Shi Ying notices he's hiding something from him. Then he discovers that Zhu Yan's there, almost dying. He saves her, which allows her to grab the lamp. She brings it to Shi Ying and he tells her that he duped her on purpose, so she would never come back. He's not her friend. She swears that she will never come back, even if she dies.
When Zhu Yan gets back to her room, her maid tells her that Xueying is in trouble. She rushes over to help her friend. She blames the man for not deserving her friend when he's not stepping up to protect her. She says that then they'll just remain single the two of them together. She's about to take Xueying away when Shi Yu confesses that he's the one who gave her the bird. Things turn out differently than Xuelu expected, as the father is pretty happy to have his daughter married to the prince. However, once the meeting's over, Da Siming tells him not to be in a rush to marry off his daughter, since Shi Yu might not inherit the throne, implying that the man cultivating in his cave is the legitimate heir.
Also, I really hate when they do that to voices. I can't understand a word. It also feels really cheap too, when they're modified to that point. Anyways. The masked people all looking for the blood of a king. Something like that.
Back hom, Zhu Yan is too upset and she doesn't want to eat anything. They send Zhi Yuan in (the dude that bought her a gift) last episode). He convinces her to talk about what happened and takes her out to have dinner and change her mind. It works pretty well.
And that is all for this episode! I feel like nothing really happened. When is the story going to truly begin? So far, I still have no idea what's the whole plot line. I read the summary of this series, but I have learnt the hard way that they are most of the time inaccurate. So I don't know what to think anymore. Please improve.
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dreamingsushi 8 months
Eternal Love - Overall Review
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It took a few years in the making, but there we are and finally I finished my recaps of this series. It was somewhat challenging since I knew all of the major events to happen, yet I had to make sure not to include them in any of my recaps before it actually happened. My fingers might have slipped here and there, but I truly did my best.
It鈥檚 quite the feat to manage summarizing the story of this drama in a few lines without revealing everything. Let鈥檚 just say that this about a love story between two immortals, spanning on three different lives. There is a lot of trials, a lot of pain, but also a lot of magic, in any kind of way you can give to this word. Since elaborating on the plot line itself would risk giving away spoilers, which is not the point of this review, I will focus on the characters and their relationship.
We can all agree that Bai Qian/Si Yin/Susu is the main character of this story. She's there from the beginning to the end. I would like to mention the complexity of this character. At times she's quirky, at others she's an elder that no one would dare confront. What I liked about her is that she's very consistent in her character. She's a proud lady and she won't take being insulted, although she's actually a softy deep down inside and can't really hold a grudge for real, it's only to keep face. She's also extremely loyal. I loved that we got to have a strong lady as a main lead. A strong lady that hates to depend even on her partner, even though she relied maybe a little too much on her master, but that's a different story. She made sense, from A to Z. She wasn't perfect, no she had plenty of flaws, but that's what made her even more relatable and actually admirable. Her relationship with Yehua sometimes evolved weirdly, it felt maybe like we could have used a little more development, but at the same time... it wasn't illogical at all.
And I can't talk about Bai Qian without mentioning Yehua, right? Seriously, that character is everything. I loved how we portrayed his struggles, why he strives so much to please everyone and do the right thing, all the time. It was painful, yet blissful to see his growth, seeing him discover love and happiness along the hardships. The guy was obviously a little too powerful, but I liked the openness he had about his feelings towards Bai Qian, how he was set on one thing and wouldn't change his mind. He needs still to learn about communication, because that would have solved many issues and saved a lot of tears on my part, but he's still young. 70 000 something years old, that ain't that old right?
The one part of the storyline that I really didn't like is the one between Donghua and Fengjiu. My problem isn't that their love isn't fated to be fulfilled, but rather that it's pathetic. To me, Fengjiu liking Donghua doesn't make sense. It feels more like a fan who is mistaken between feelings of love and feelings of admiration. I'm also not a fan of people hanging on to others, even though it's not meant to be, it's just annoying. She kept clinging onto him and I just don't appreciate seeing women portrayed that way.
But let's talk about one my favourite pair of characters: Zhe Yan and Bai Zhen. Those two. Seriously. Who wouldn't like them? It's obvious that they are a little bit more than friends, even though it is never openly said in the drama. But they just fight like an old married couple all the time. I think one of my favourite moment is when Zheyan makes a new arm for Yehua, arguing that it would look bad on his wedding day with Bai Qian if he only had one, and that just totally made sense as an explanation to Bai Zhen, who also agrees. It's just lovely how they always think of each other, in every circumstances. Plus, even though most of the time they are rather carefree, they both are really powerful characters and I think without their help, our main characters would never have found each other.
Li Jing is also a character that has shown a lot of growth during the drama. Perhaps under the influence of Bai Qian. He really broke my heart, because he did try his best, even though that wasn't enough.
Now let's mention the two ladies antagonizing Bai Qian: Xuan N眉 and Sujin. Whereas Xuan N眉 is pitiful, Sujin is despicable. Both ladies got to grow up next to people who were important, but the first one was always remembered of her low status, while the other one felt entitled to everything. They both tried to take away the men from Bai Qian and both failed. And I must say, I really liked Xuan N眉's character. To be more correct I guess, I must say that I liked disliking her. She's ready to do anything to get whatever she wants and gets delusional in the end. Basically, she created her own hell herself, crafted it one piece at a time. Her downfall was slow, painful and led her to lose her mind. That was actually fabulous in way. On the other hand, Sujin character's didn't impress me as much. She's just a spoiled lying brat who's used to get what she wants, on the pretext that her family died for the celestial group. She has always coveted what doesn't belong to her so yeah. They just made her into an ugly character that didn't have much depth. I don't like female characters like that, because I think it puts woman in a bad light.
Over all, the plot was pretty decent. I remember though when I tried to explain it to my sisters, they thought I was crazy for watching something like this haha. I mean, stuff happens in Chinese dramas sometimes, it's okay. It wasn't perfect and some stuff were very frustrating, but it's an overall 8/10 for me.
Here, I would say I'm biased. I'm a huge Yang Mi's fan. She's just great. So to me, she did an awesome job, with all the little habits the character has. She keeps pushing them forward and it looks natural. I loved the subtle differences between Susu and Bai Qian, coming from her memory loss. Loved also when she was acting as Xuan N眉 stealing Bai Qian's face. You can see that she's talented and polyvalent. There's not a time I didn't believe that what happened. was real.
And I can't say one thing wrong about Zhao Youting's acting either. He was beyond expectations, as Moyuan and Yehua. How much his gaze would mean a lot, you could know what he felt just through his eyes. Both Yehua and Moyuan weren't very expressive characters, mostly cold to anyone but Bai Qian (as they should), but it didn't feel like the usual "I'm trying to look like I'm cold so I'm just not acting". There were nuances all along, making it alive instead of zombie like. You could feel all the warmth those two characters had to offer once they started liking someone. Especially as Yehua, who was a character that grew up with so much pressure on him.
I'm not going to spend too much time on the other characters, because otherwise this review is going to be overly long. However, I still have a few actors to praise. Both Sujin and Xuan N眉 did an amazing job, especially Xuan N眉 towards the end, when she was on her downfall and getting crazier by the day. Those two ladies, albeit having a not so nice personna did a very good job. They made me feel exactly how I should towards them. Pity, hatred, resentment... All of that. The actor for Siming was also hilarious, while very good at the more serious occasions. Loved loved Alan Yu as Bai Zhen, but this guy is just so precious, I always want to pinch his cheeks in general, but even more so in this character. Do I have to mention baby Ali? That child is soooo adorable. Obviously, they were pretty young back then so it wasn't perfect, but it felt so naive and real, I loved it. Even though I am not a fan of Fengjiu, Dilraba Dilmurat did an awesome job. She's a master at pouting while still looking adorable. We could feel all the melancholy of her character from her unfulfilled romance. She did great also looking all feisty for her aunt when she felt she was being bullied.
The only character I wasn't so fond of his acting was... Gao Weiguang as Donghua. Whereas Zhao Youting portrays beautifully a cold character, it didn't make the cut for me in Donghua's case. It felt very awkward for me. Not to say he didn't do a good job, it's just that compared to Zhao Youting, it didn't stand a chance.
Overall, this drama gets a lot of point for the acting. I didn't even mention all of the wonderful characters, because there are just too many to talk about each of them. However I would say a majority did a stellar job. So this gets a 9/10, losing points for some of the side characters that were a little less enticing.
I think it is no secret that I just looooove Eternal Love's soundtrack. Both the opening and the ending of the drama are on my playlist, I almost never skip it when it comes along and they both figure on my KTV must sing list. It's just beautiful, it pairs well with the drama and the story. What else can I say?
But it's not all about the opening and the ending. Whenever there was music in this drama, I couldn't help but be delighted. It always was most fitting to the actual action right at that moment. It was perfection. Whenever I heard the notes starting to play, I was right into the feels, it set the tone for whatever was happening. They did an awesome job in my opinion.
Overall, this is a 10/10, it was just perfect. I couldn't ask for anything better than that.
Aesthetic and costumes
So this being an older drama, it's going to lose a little bit of points here. Not because it's bad, it's just... old. If I did my review right when it first aired, the score might have been different, but how well.
Let's first talk about costumes. I would say I loved most of them? It wasn't all perfect, but the costumes really fitted each of the characters personality, and very well at that. I especially enjoyed Yehua's costume and his head pieces. Lexu and Sujin were also beautifully dressed all the time. I think they had the most intricate costumes of the drama. Perhaps alongside with Xuan N眉 as she was queen of Yi. I wasn't such a fan of Bai Qian's clothes half of the time. I liked her monocolour clothing more than the multicolour ones. Sometimes the colours kind of didn't fit together and it bothered my eyes. I also couldn't help but think that her headpieces must have been very uncomfortable. But one thing I really liked was the consistency of the hairstyles for the Fox tribe people. Their hair were pulled back in a similar manner for all of them, except Fengjiu and Bai Zhen, for some mysterious reason. I also liked the general simplicity of the costumes for most characters. As much as I like beautiful clothing, I enjoyed that instead of focusing on what they were wearing, I would focus more on their facial expressions and their body language.
About the visuals... There were beautiful scenes (especially in Kunlunxu, Qingqiu and the Peach Blossom forest), but the unfortunate thing was that most of it were painting or pictures and we could see quite clearly the cut around the actors. It wasn't very seamless and kind of ruined part of the thing for me. Also, the beasts and creatures looked really cheap. Probably because they weren't as advanced in that field. But if I look back, it wasn't that much better in Till the End of the Moon which is much more recent. So overall, they really didn't do too bad, right?
So overall, this would be a 7/10, but mostly because it didn't age that well. It's pretty impressive for back then and this is actually a pretty good rating in my opinion.
Should you watch this drama?
I 100% recommend to watch Eternal Love. I think it belongs to the classics in terms of drama, even though it's not that old. It has everything a good story needs. The character development is super interesting. The acting is superior. The story is enticing and of course, there are some toxicity as to be expected of something a little older, but it's not overly present compared to other dramas. Actually, toxic traits during the relationship was something to work on. Seriously, this is a solid 9/10, I watched it twice and if I ever have some more time, I would rewatch without hesitation.
List of full recaps
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dreamingsushi 8 months
Eternal Love - Episode 58 Final Episode
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This is it. The last episode of this drama. Can you believe it? I made it. It's been a long time since I started reviewing this series and finally after a long hiatus I'm completing it. And I'm so glad I did.
Bai Qian guesses that Bai Zhen took her to see Sujin on purpose. She has it worse. Then she doesn't want to walk anymore, so they go to a tea house. Owned by Yanzhi. They talk about the past. Ali comes over because he felt the energy of a spiritual and wanted to know who it was. He's pretty happy to see his mom. Bai Qian wonders where he's headed too. The guards are feeling uneasy and don't really want to tell her. Ali tells her he's going to pay his respects to his dad. He wants her to come along.
The Emperor wants to compensate Yuanzhen for wrongly punishing him. At first, he declines. But since he insists, he says that he wish to go see Bai Qian and that he doesn't dare to go because his status is so low. She used to be his master when he was in the mortal realm and he wants to pay his respects to her. The Emperor isn't ready yet to let him go see her.
Poor Ali, he just got to see his father's grave for the first time and they take him away already to let Bai Qian alone. She dreams of Yehua once more. Then she leaves. Ali needs to go back to study. She tells him not to overdo it and to rest if he doesn't want to read, but he's really Yehua's son.
Something weird is happening around Yehua's coffin. Zilan reports to the Emperor. Sangji suggests that maybe Yehua isn't dead. The Emperor asks to fetch Moyuan to check it out. Moyuan does cool magic tricks and Yehua opens up his eyes. He's aliiiiive! Moyuan tells him to go to Bai Qian, she has been waiting for him. So Yehua barely greets his family and runs away to his lady.
Bai Qian meets again with Yehua's cousin. She tells her that something happened to Yehua's coffin and that he might not be dead, which would be good, because then Ali wouldn't be crying all the time. She rushes to his palace, but nobody is aware yet. She's about to collapse again. But fortunately, Moyuan guessed she would have gone to Xiwu Palace, so he tells her everything.
They finally reunite again. Thank god, Bai Zhen thought of bringing over Ali, otherwise nobody would have gone for him. It's just that Yehua told Zheyan to play chess with him at least seven games before he can go see his mom and dad. Zheyan and Bai Zhen decides not to torment poor Ali and instead of playing chess, they tell him about Bai Qian when she was young. I love how they're like 'there's enough to tell for them to get you a sibling'. Bai Zhen and Zheyan are probably one of my favourite characters of this story to be honest.
Also. I WAS RIGHT LEXU! Yehua tells Bai Qian that when they were living in the mortal realm was the first time he ever experienced happiness. So she did do a lot for him. She brought feelings out of him. She brought him happiness. You know, the most important thing in the world? They're both happy. Together.
And this is the end. Already. It went by so fast since I picked it back up. Seriously. This drama. I have so much to say, but I'm going to keep for my overall review, which will be written tomorrow only, because it's late and I'm tired. See you around!
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dreamingsushi 8 months
Eternal Love - Episode 57
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Since we're already that close to the end, just might as well go straight to the finish line right? Nothing can be more painful now than last episode anyways.
Bai Qian finally agrees to let go of Yehua, because of his rank. It would make both tribe look bad if she didn't. She just asks that she can be the one getting him ready to enter his coffin. She takes that time to say her goodbyes and promises that she'll never forget their time together. I wish she promised to take care of Ali too. I miss my Riceball.
When they are about to leave, she asks if she can come with them, but since they were never married and she's from the fox tribe, they won't allow her. Fengjiu tries to negotiate, but Bai Qian tells her to stop it. Once they're gone, Bai Qian is destroyed and overwhelmed by sadness.
Bai Qian dreams of Yehua coming to see her. When she wakes up, she looks for him everywhere, but can't find him. Bai Zhen scolds her for being in such a state. She tells him that she can only think of everything good he did for her. That she's just like how she described Li Jing, always pursuing things she can't have and once she has it, she doesn't treasure it. She keeps dreaming about Yehua.
Fengjiu takes over Bai Qian's position as Queen of Qing Qiu. Donghua sends her a very precious gift for the occasion. Bai Qian and Bai Zhen do not attend, these past three years they have been traveling around the world. They currently are in the mortal realm. They bump into Yehua's cousin, who likes Donghua. Then they see a human Sujin running after her husband. But what does that mean? I don't know and the episode already ended.
I thought this would be easier than the previous episode, but I kept crying on and off. Bai Qian just breaks my heart. She's more alive in her dreams than when she's awake. What a sad fate.
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dreamingsushi 8 months
Eternal Love - Episode 56
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Can you believe it? There's only 3 episodes left already. Qing Cang is still a threat. Bai Qian and Yehua are still fighting. Well, Bai Qian's mostly the one initiating the fight, Yehua is more like a victim of her temper. But still. He somehow deserves it, unfortunately. Li Jing is going to die any time soon, which will increase his father's strength. This plan is a total failure, I can guarantee it is.
It's almost unfair how fast Li Jing gets beaten up by his father. Who also kills all of his soldiers. From the beginning, he didn't even stand a chance during that fight. To the point that as soon as his dad took his weapon out, he couldn't even land at least one blow. So now Qing Cang's back earlier than anticipated. And Li Jing's dead, so he's more powerful. Bad news right?
Donghua sends someone to go get Moyuan, then changes his mind and ask for Bai Qian, since Qing Qiu's closer than Kunlunxu and she also knows the spell to seal the bell. She finally exits her hole when Siming says that Qing Cang is about to break off his seal and that Donghua sent him to get her. She tells Migu to go get Bai Zhen and Zheyan's help. Yehua tries to talk to Bai Qian, but she ignores him. I think it's more that she's in a hurry than because she's mad at him. I mean, she's still mad at him, but she probably kind of forgot as it's not the most important thing as of now.
Bai Qian's getting ready to fight to seal Qing Cang again, but Yehua has other plans. He takes her back to the shore, saying she's not strong enough to defeat him. She argues back he also isn't since he gave all of his spiritual power to Moyuan. He still does whatever he wants. Qing Cang comes out of his trap. Some Yi people come over. Fortunately Bai Zhen comes just in time to defeat them. He's always so calm and poised, you'd forget that he's actually very powerful too.
The fight between Yehua and Qing Cang is super epic. I was stressing out so much. But in the end, Yehua defeats Qing Cang, even though he lost that much spiritual energy. Also is fake arm is working. The only bad news is... Qing Cang did something to Moyuan's bell and as soon as he dies, the thing is going to destroy everything. Bai Qian's the first one to panic when Yehua jumps in, while Bai Zhen holds her back from chasing him. She begs him to come back.
He enters the bell and then everything's over. Bai Qian jumps to catch him falling. Anybody as a feeling of d茅j脿 vu? He tries to pretend that he's fine, but Bai Qian's not dumb. She begs him to stay with her, that he can't die. He tells her that he only ever loved her since the beginning. He begs her not to forget him, now she can be together with Moyuan and he'll take good care of her. She threatens him to drink the potion to erase all her memories of him if he dares to die, but even so, he says it's fine too. And he dies, with a tear to his eyes. I knew this was going to happen, but I'm stilly crying so badly. It's as bad as when I watched episode 31 in the Untamed, I'm sure the neighbours heard me howling over Yehua's death. This guy. He wasn't perfect, but still. What a man.
Bai Qian won't let anyone get close to her and Yehua until Moyuan arrives. He manages to at least convince her that staying there to wait for Yehua to come back isn't the best. So she takes him back to the fox den and won't let anyone in. She's keeping his body and watches over him, she doesn't even to have Ali come. In the end, Lexu, Lian Song and Yehua's father (he must have a name, but I don't know it) alongside Donghua enters the fox den without permission to reclaim Yehua's body. Bai Qian won't let him go. Lexu starts blaming her for making Yehua unhappy. Calm down lady. I agree with you that Yehua did more for Bai Qian than she did for him, but she never asked for any of it. Bai Qian is a proud, strong woman. She hates owing anything to anyone. Yehua did everything behind Bai Qian's back, without ever telling her any of his hardships. Why? Because as a child, she would cry every time he was hurt. Because he grew up secluded, taken away from his mom to become the crown prince and undergo all of that training. Yehua has been taught from a young age that love is something you should deserve by accomplishing things, like a prize. So that's unfair to blame Bai Qian. Especially for when she was human and Sujin was manipulating her, that Yehua was hiding stuff from her, that everyone around didn't want her. She didn't jump down the platform to hurt Yehua, she did it because she thought he didn't want her. And that was none of her fault. Who would believe it if someone knew you were innocent but still never defended you, then pulled out your eyes out of their frame to give it to someone else, someone who claims to be his lover? Someone that even his mom wants him to marry? So Lexu, I understand your pain. But your hatred is misplaced. Was it not for Sujin, Yehua would have been very happy, thank you. Especially since his only happiness in life was when he was with Susu in the mortal realm. When he moved to Qing Qiu to follow her around, even though she wasn't honest with her feelings for him. That broke my heart. Poor Bai Qian. Yehua's father tell Lexu that it's enough, it is even too much in my opinion. His way of trying to bring her to reason is much more efficient in my opinion. Let the poor girl grieve a little.
And that is all for today. This episode was definitely heart breaking, even watching it a second time. So much pain, for everyone.
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dreamingsushi 8 months
Eternal Love - Episode 55
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I'm on a roll and I will keep reviewing for a little bit more. I should be doing stuff at home, but I don't care, I'm tired and have no energy. I only care about my dramas.
Yehua comes back to the palace just in time. Siming welcomes him back and tells him something big is happening: Bai Qian got her eyes back from Sujin and left without letting anyone know. Yehua wants to go find her, but Siming tells him Donghua says he's the only one who can shed light on this whole ordeal. So he asks Siming to summon his second and third uncles, as well as Yuanzhen and the Susu puppet. Everything Sujin did is finally revealed and she has nothing to say to defend herself. She begs to Yehua but he doesn't even look at her. The Emperor punishes her just as Bai Qian requested and sends her to watch Qing Cang.
Bai Qian doesn't want to see anyone. Yehua waits for her.
Li Jing is trying to do something to stop his father while a lot of the Yi clan revolts against him and hopes for the return of his father. This process seems dangerous and it needs 7 days to be completed.
Yehua has been waiting for Bai Qian 7 days already, but she still won't see him. She even wants to break off the engagement. Because she's scared. She worries that he likes her only because Sujin betrayed him. She's worried that his answer is yes all those things she's imagining herself and can't bring herself to meet him. Yehua asks Migu to ask Bai Qian if she'll still keep her word and lock him inside the fox den if he flirted in the mortal realm and if bringing a servant in to serve his mom counts. It makes Bai Qian super angry and she says she doesn't want to see him ever again. I think this part is really the part where Bai Qian isn't a cool bad ass. I get it that she was hurt, she truly was, but she's really not even giving Yehua a chance right now. I'm not saying she's wrong he's right. He did a lot of things the wrong way, he wasn't open enough towards her so I understand that she can't fully trust him. But trying would be better than this.
Yehua's underling tries to protect Yehua from the rain, but he won't let him. So he goes to ask Zheyan and Bai Zhen to persuade Bai Qian to meet with Yehua. They say no. Couples should deal with their fights within themselves. They like each other, so it won't be like this together. Bai Qian needs a little bit of time to upset, after all she went through.
Li Jing actually summoned his father's essence to kill him. He used all the blood in his body for that, so he's not going to live much longer. Unfortunately, his father can still summon his weapon to fight him back. He's no longer contained in the bell, which Fengjiu confirmed to Donghua. Li Jing's plan wasn't completely reliable... I don't think he can beat his father.
But that's something for us to discover later, as we already finished this episode. So close to the end. Thanks again for bearing with me and reading my recaps. See you in a bit!
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dreamingsushi 8 months
Eternal Love - Episode 54
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I'm feeling kind of meh right now, so I'm just going to treat myself to something I like, since I'm not into the two other dramas I'm currently watching. I know it means that this one will be soon over, but that's okay. It's not like there's not enough drama to watch in the world, so I can always add another one. I like having a choice, depending on my mood.
Bai Qian breaks the Jiepo lamp and as she does so, it releases everything it kept inside from Yehua keeping it lit for 300 years. She recovers her memories of her life as Susu. Meanwhile, human Yehua keeps waiting for her in the mortal realm. Fengjiu thinks that Bai Qian is drunk talking, but it's all true. Bai Qian then says it's about time she gets her eyes back now, since her trial is over. So she rushes to the celestial palace and forbids Fengjiu and Migu to follow her. Fengjiu still follows her, because that girl only ever does whatever she wants.
Bai Qian gets to Sujin's place and unleashes her fury. She's a little mean, but honestly, Sujin deserves it. She takes back her eyes from Sujin, who can't believe that Bai Qian and Susu are one person. She gives a choice to Sujin, either to jump from the zhuxian platform too or to keep watch of Qing Cang. She refuses, so Bai Qian is going to report all of this to the Emperor. Everything. MWHAHAHAHAHAHAAH. Finally.
Fengjiu manages to get inside the palace thanks to Siming and Donghua. She fights with Sujin who claims that Bai Qian took her eyes without reasons. The soldiers help her get to the Emperor. Lucky for Fengjiu, Donghua takes her along too.
Yehua from the mortal realm is very sick and on the verge of dying. He has been waiting for his fairy bride all along, but she never came. He dies, still holding on to the pearls she gave him. He's in for a surprise when he comes back to his real body. I wasn't thinking of that one, but it still works. He wakes up in Kulunxu and meets with Moyuan who tells him of his origins. Also that when he was still in his lotus form, Bai Qian like to take care of it the most.
Sujin begs the Emperor to help her. She says Bai Qian stole her eyes. The soldiers say that she shouldn't do it secretly if they owed it to her, Fengjiu argues that she did away from sight to let them keep face and not humiliate them. Donghua tells her to shut up when she's about to add more and he says that since it's about Qing Qiu and their court, which already has some sort of beef because of the second prince fleeing with a maid instead of Bai Qian, and that Sujin used to be the Emperor's concubine, people could think that there's a biased opinion. Hence, he offers judging this affair. The Emperor agrees, seeing that he can no longer protect Sujin and that she should reap what she sow. For once, we agree old man, for once we agree.
And on such an auspicious promise, it is the end of this episode. I'm feeling a lot better now. I was waiting for that moment for a while now. It was about time Sujin got exposed for her wrongdoings.
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dreamingsushi 8 months
Eternal Love - Episode 53
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Only a few few episodes left. Let me say, I'm not ready to say goodbye, which is kind of weird since I already know the ending. But still. It was so much fun to rewatch this drama, seeing stuff I never noticed before. It's crazy. I'm glad I did.
One thing I'm not super happy about is that this episode starts with more of the Donghua and Fengjiu romance, which is boring to me. It's time it ended. Plus she thinks that it's all a dream so bleh.
The wooden doll Sujin was shaping is now completed and she animates it alive. It won't last very long, but it's enough to stay by Yehua's side during his mortal trial. The goal? Make Bai Qian jealous of her who looks exactly like Susu. The problem? As soon as Yehua sees the fake Susu, looking exactly or almost like Bai Qian, he recognizes she's not her and doesn't really care much about her. Just enough though to take her in. Because Yehua's a nice person.
Moyuan leaves to isolate himself. Zilan leaves to fulfill his promise of protecting the mausoleum of the celestial, since he could finish the pill to revive Li Jing's child. Bai Qian also takes her leave, she wants to go visit Yehua. When she gets there, Yehua is drinking with the fake Susu. He's missing her. Then Sujin comes in to blabla how she made that doll so Yehua wouldn't be alone and that she made her to look like Susu. And just like that, she lets herself be troubled by Sujin's words. She thinks Yehua is liking the fake person because he still had an impression of her Susu. But it's only because she looks like you... Can't you see? Anyways. Miscommunication. Instead of going to see him as promised, she goes back to the peach blossoms.
She has a talk with her brother. She's worried that Yehua likes her only because she looks like Ali's mom. It doesn't make sense that he liked her for 300 years and suddenly changed his mind when he met with Bai Qian. Not having her memories won't make this easy, because his love just never changed to begin with. Bai Zhen tries to console her, and does it really work? I'm not so sure, we'll see.
Sujin's super proud of herself. She thinks she won and that Bai Qian will leave herself. In your dreams.
However, it still kind of works, because Bai Qian keeps drinking and being sad. She thinks Yehua doesn't like her.
And that's how it ends for now.
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