dresbers · 29 days
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The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) announced an initiative yesterday proposing major changes to various State Parks throughout Florida.
Today, with only one week's notice, FDEP announced public meetings throughout the state scheduled for 3 p.m. on Tuesday, August 27th. The meetings will consist of a presentation and an opportunity for public comment, but with only an hour allotted, they do not appear to include a question-and-answer period.
To voice your concerns about these proposals and the lack of public participation, send your customizable email to the Governor, the Secretary of FDEP, and your state representatives. Adding your connection to Florida's State Parks in the email can help them understand how important this issue is to you, their constituent.
if you are able to make it to one of these, i strongly recommend you do. otherwise please send a message. we dont need fucking golf and pickleball in our already threatened natural areas
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dresbers · 3 months
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this meme has been making me laugh a lot so here's my version lol
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dresbers · 9 months
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dresbers · 1 year
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Do you dream about her?
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dresbers · 1 year
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AvianAugust 02 + 03 - Flame-breasted Fruit Dove + Guadalupe Junco
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dresbers · 1 year
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AvianAugust 01 - Red Siskin
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dresbers · 1 year
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Dove Santos / a MOTW PC I’ve been playing for the last couple of years 
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dresbers · 1 year
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If you're an artist and are having trouble building followers, especially if you're new on tumblr or back after leaving, reblog this with some of your art. It will be visible to everyone checking the notes. Everyone keep checking the notes and follow whoever puts their cool art in them. People keep telling me I'm Tumblr famous so maybe this helps!
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dresbers · 1 year
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Hey guys, I’m opening commissions. cheers
dm me or email [email protected]
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dresbers · 1 year
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-trying to learn woodburning-
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dresbers · 1 year
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(npc from my MOTW game, a PC's twin brother, after being held captive for three years)
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dresbers · 1 year
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Cohen / Special Agent Peterson He’s a NPC from a MOTW tabletop game I run, FBI agent and former lover(?) of one of the player characters who happens to be a (retired) contract killer.
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dresbers · 2 years
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Hey guys, I’m opening commissions. cheers
dm me or email [email protected]
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dresbers · 2 years
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Then I woke up to no prison guards. Split for the train It turns out you can run from god and it ends up the same Some NPCs from a MOTW tabletop game I run, set on the shore of Lake Okeechobee :) 
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dresbers · 2 years
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A little fan art of @ellis-main / @kinkshame-the-courier’s courier Chaye
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dresbers · 2 years
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Renamed Goodnight to Sunday for a new Shadowrun campaign. He’s a sniper with some missing years just trying to keep up.
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dresbers · 2 years
got a lot of WIPs t-t I’ll post some soon 
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