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Downtown Las Vegas
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To my depressed girl.
You feel so lost, but you don't realize you're getting to know who you are.
You feel sad, because these thoughts make you feel worthless, but they're training you to be strong.
You feel angry, because you can't control what you think or feel. But eventually, you learn how to deal with them.
You feel unhappy, because you might be this way forever. But you won't, because you have love in you.
You feel lazy, because what's the point in anything. But doing good things make you feel better, so why not try a little?
You feel like giving up, because you think everyone is sick of you. But you have people who love you and will break if you ever left them.
You feel ugly, because you don't look a certain way. But as silly as it sounds, God makes no mistakes. And you're beautiful with a heart of a million colors you can blend and make a unique hue. Nothing compares.
You feel like nobody understands you, and they probably don't because they're afraid to know you. But there will always be that one that does. And you'll never be too much for them.
Depression is for everyone, but not everyone is for depression. Depression is a symptom and it's introducing itself to you. It's saying, Hey! Life is too much, what should we do? What should we do!?
1. Understand it. 2. Accept it. 3. Let it go
And all you need to do is make your voice bigger and louder. Train it to be the main dominator in your mind, And not those incoming thoughts.
Learn to say to them, "It's not cool to invade my space like that. I'm having a good time, don't bother me now."
Rinse and repeat.
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“Women must destroy in themselves, the desire to be loved– The feeling that it is a personal insult when a man transfers his attentions from her to another woman The desire for comfortable protection instead of an intelligent curiosity & courage in meeting & resisting the pressure of life sex or so called love must be reduced to its initial element, honour, grief, sentimentality, pride & consequently jealousy must be detached from it.”
— Mina Loy, from “Feminist Manifesto” 1914
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I'm the one, I'm everything you need, I'm everything you'll always be 🖤
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People like to say they care, but when the time comes...we gravitate towards what we know...our fears. Unwilling to disentangle ourselves and see ourselves through the pain we cause others...to those we love. We give up on ourselves when we give up on them. Don't give up your consciousness so easily.
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"Despite what people might think, I'm not interested in being dark all the time. I'm actually searching for some kind of light, and I'm always very happy when I can achieve that."
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