drnpcortex · 23 hours
Part 1 of Cortex Family History.
"My Family is History rather grand and Faulting.. its a long story"
"I put up all over my Cortex Castle frames of family.. well truth is they are fakes images of my family. I'm not partially proud of my family but it still worth some talking about."
"Lets start with my mother, her side the family always had traditions and linages of evil doer's, mostly ran by female side family like my Aunt Veera who top of her evil game and her son, my cousin Victor Cortex who a billionaire CEO for Black markets, casinos, hotels." "My mother Nadalie Cortex grew up into this family but she never took to being bad so she was the white sheep of family, so she left and ran away to a circus where she there meet my father who was a.. circus clown. there my mother had three kids."
"My older sister Naty Cortex who has long passed now, may she rest in peace and is mother to my beloved niece."
"Then there's was me.. the middle child, smartest and oldest male child in family."
"Then there's my brother the youngest Nealious Cortex, unlike me he born with talent that came from mother side for magic."
"Well long story when came to me my father wanted me be a clown like him, I disappointed him and wanted to take my own path to being a scientist, caused bad argument. same night all things went up in flames I honestly don't recall much memory as I was 12 then."
"Unfortune family of my father and him perished in circus fire but least my mother and siblings were safe from all this.. its still mystery what happen.. arson? or a accident?."
"My mother had go back to the family for support and so my sibling where placed into madam evil academy, where had my years education into science and where I meet my colleagues brio and ngin."
"My brother Green Bean took into more what u call.. dark arts and become a warlock and Occult Specialist"
"My sister dropped out and ran away from academy when she was 17 … it took some years before she made contact again with us. that's another story involves finding out later i have a niece."
"My mother on other hand which i only found out later down track had pay off debts to the family, so my mother took up into being a .. adult entertainer. but she made her way up into her own club eventually you may know as the "Moulin Cortex" these days its called, she put us kids through school with it.. so there some gratefulness I suppose to my mother help out where i am today."
"There so much more to this story and I'll tell more of it later. So for now I'll eave you with some mystery but it puts in whole connection to my family and to wumpa islands as my inheritance."
"i'll write up part 2 later.. so for now toodeloo everyone."
((see ref images of OCS here ))
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drnpcortex · 1 day
"Dr cortex again, i know you all are fascinated by me and want know some my history, regular question i get is the N on my head. don't worry it is removable metal plate. make sure i polish it now and then"
"its is my Signature after all on all my property. I suppose I can spill the beans about it."
"When I was young lad starting the academy. they had this ritual for all school kids to get have there emblem on your head... I suppose I'm being smartest of them all so I debated in the value wasn't necessarily and protested against it, but.. my school chums have had other ideas and had the tattoo forced on onto my head, lower 'n' was on my head all way to end my school days till i got old enough afford its removal... sadly lift some scaring on my head so decided stick with it and got myself 'N' you see today, it hides some that scar and I do look rather good with it."
"'Now Nina follows in the tradition now, so got her nice lower case n metal emblems with all sorts arrange colours she adorn to wear anytime with safe and easy remove when she not in school, hopefully the school don't need to tattoo on for her."
*he honestly didn't want Nina go through same ordeal he did in school, lot policy's have changed since 80s when he went to school. it left permeant scar for him the lower case n since he forced down and tattoo on in pain as a child*
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drnpcortex · 14 days
*very inspired to build a trap like this for crash bandicoot, evilly snickering to himself*
"Bug Trap"
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drnpcortex · 15 days
*proceed hold in a snicker at 'insectoid legs dangling from his chin.' use as insult at his tropy*
"well at least i see your not a fan of nefarious tropy.. least gives you some credit and one up plus tolerance in my books, but still" *he looks at his gloves uninterested in conversation like a smug he is " still a tropy."
*raises eyebrow try act coy but his expression said it all he was interested see what else pull info from this Odious tropy* "your not into like time travel like he is are you?" *seeing he pull anything interesting out that be that he keep idea for later*
Just when I thought my day couldn't get any worse, another one of you happens to show up. Wonderful. As if I didn't have enough of a migraine already. Here's hoping you're not as arrogant as your counterpart and you'll stay out of my way.
- Odious
"Excuse me!!.. HOW DARE YOU!.. YOU HAVE GALL SPEAK TO ME LIKE We.... wait....Why you look familiar???."
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*tall.. blue.. handsome as fuQ and has clockish armour outfit on.*
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*realizes the blue tall man who he looks familiar too*
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"Wait... you...your not him but.. you look like a TROPY! But more Hairy and OLD!, please tell me your not related to that pompous Smurf or are you just another Dimension version of him... bad enough had deal with his skanky female version already."
*whispers under his breath* "and has a thing for clocks too by looks of it"
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drnpcortex · 23 days
😘 - flirting
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He rolled a natural 20 and seduced a dragon 😜
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drnpcortex · 24 days
"✨If ever curious of my fashion style of my look in lab wear, i changed my choice from tights to jodhpur pants... best thing i ever did on fashion choice, so Airy and spacious for my.. um.. raygun?" "(゜ω゜') ".......... yes my raygun thats it."
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"i highly recommend it to any of my other imposters of myself out there."
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drnpcortex · 24 days
Just when I thought my day couldn't get any worse, another one of you happens to show up. Wonderful. As if I didn't have enough of a migraine already. Here's hoping you're not as arrogant as your counterpart and you'll stay out of my way.
- Odious
"Excuse me!!.. HOW DARE YOU!.. YOU HAVE GALL SPEAK TO ME LIKE We.... wait....Why you look familiar???."
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*tall.. blue.. handsome as fuQ and has clockish armour outfit on.*
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*realizes the blue tall man who he looks familiar too*
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"Wait... you...your not him but.. you look like a TROPY! But more Hairy and OLD!, please tell me your not related to that pompous Smurf or are you just another Dimension version of him... bad enough had deal with his skanky female version already."
*whispers under his breath* "and has a thing for clocks too by looks of it"
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drnpcortex · 25 days
*call from the 12th dimension*
Oh hi! Looks like I found another Cortex! How's your day doing 😊
"hello... strange lil.. child?, another cortex?" *ponders on thought stroking his beard* "tho i suppose there are other dimensions of myself. But likely imposters compared to real moi *snickers* and hows my day... well other then meeting strange children from another dimension. its been bandicoot free day so far...its been .. pleasant enough."
"now run along lil.. child, back to where you came from and who ever you belong to."
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drnpcortex · 26 days
✨CB: Belt Dance
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(i cannot stop giggling at the thought of him dancing remove his belt ... but he would. XD)
From this music video
©ToyForBob©Beenox©Activision© Crash Bandicoot Doctor Neo Cortex ©ART©StephDragonness© Tools~ClipStudioPaint|X-Do Not Steal/Trace/Repost my Art-X| https://stephdragonness.carrd.co/ Links to my Other Medias
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drnpcortex · 26 days
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I had to.
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drnpcortex · 26 days
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🏝 CB: Happy Ending - Peace at Last 🏝
©ToyForBob©Beenox©Activision© Crash Bandicoot Doctor Neo Cortex ©ART©StephDragonness© Tools~ClipStudioPaint|X-Do Not Steal/Trace/Repost my Art-X|
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drnpcortex · 26 days
wanna be fweends with woomy? woomy do draw cortex too -w-
Well Maybe in time we can be friends Sure 😀👍
always great see more Dr. Cortex Fans ✨💖
((Wanted draw Dr Cortex ))
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drnpcortex · 26 days
CB: Short Comic - Love of Dr cortex life.
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©ToyForBob©Beenox©Activision© Crash Bandicoot Doctor Neo Cortex ©ART©StephDragonness© Tools~ClipStudioPaint|X-Do Not Steal/Trace/Repost my Art-X| https://stephdragonness.carrd.co/ Links to my Other Medias
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drnpcortex · 26 days
"I naturally look fantastic in anything as always."😉
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CB: Dr Cortex in Ordinary Clothes
😤 i can't help myself Drawing Dr cortex like this, with soft expressions and ordinary clothes. ❤🥰 the man look soo good outside his lab clothes. 🕶 he looks nice in tinge coloured glasses.
©ToyForBob©Beenox©Activision© Crash Bandicoot Doctor Neo Cortex ©ART©StephDragonness© Tools~ClipStudioPaint|X-Do Not Steal/Trace/Repost my Art-X| https://stephdragonness.carrd.co/ Links to my Other Medias
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drnpcortex · 26 days
"Nina certainly Inherited the Family buck teeth problem, i did to had this problem as a child, but due to some the severe adoration from my school chums...had help me put through some dental surgery when i needed it get it fixed.
still have my front buckish teeth but not as bad as it used to be."
(*Academy of Evil school bullying had gave some severely broken teeth so had alot of dental surgery to fix it... emotional scar from it makes him block out the horrible memory and only fictional memory of it all his school chums adore him like fans in his school past.*)
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drnpcortex · 27 days
About moi 👑Your Future Ruler of Earth.
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((Drawn to this style my own Dr cortex. OOC More Flamboyant and gentleman manner. try keep to canon but i do have lot my own headcanon on the doc for fun and Backstory. ))
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((Headcanon- dragon Dr cortex for my OC had bit time experiment on him.))
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