drx3-imagines Ā· 6 years
Hi! I really love this blog and it's been a while since anything's been posted. Are you guys still active?
Hi there anon! I was going to make an official announcement but this is a good way to do it -
We are still active, but have had a break the last couple of months due to personal issues. Also Mod Pasya has taken a step down from the blog to sort with real life for a while. The rest of us thank them for their awesome work.
I'm hoping to get things sorted by the end of the month but rest assured we are still here! I'll keep you all updated either way.
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drx3-imagines Ā· 6 years
matchup pls? I'm 5'7, fit, Brazilian, and long straight brunette hair. I like to sing, read, and draw whatever I'm really into at the time. I'm loud, crazy, and funny when I'm around my friends, but when I'm in a place where I don't know anyone, I'm very shy and quiet. I'm the person who my friends come to when they're having trouble with something emotionally or just want to talk to about random things. if I get angry about things, I'm known for yelling and seeming scary. Thanks!
I match you withā€¦
Walker Yumasaki
- Having multiple interests and being creative areĀ things Walker finds really cool about you! Whatever youā€™re into at the time, heā€™ll look into and try to be right alongside you.
- Heā€™s on board when it comes to crazy interactions with friends and heĀ is always willing to slow down and keep pace with you in new places. Heā€™s pretty versatile and understands you really well.
- While heā€™s not everyoneā€™s confidant, heā€™s on standby whenever you have trouble with a friend or an issue of a friend. His advice occasionally involves acts akin to arson or attempted murder but you understand heā€™s jokingā€¦ hopefully.
- Heā€™s typicallyĀ a quieter, scarier type of angry so he makes a good counter-weight for you when you get upset. On the other hand, if youā€™re both angry, you make a lethal pair.
- Pasya
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drx3-imagines Ā· 6 years
Hi hi! Could I get some hcs for izaya with a tough and confident s/o that gets super shy and nervous as soon as she is shown any physical affection? some nsfw or not either is fine
- Izaya loves nothing more than to get you all weak and squirmy when youā€™re trying to be tough. It makes his day knowing how you really are when in his hands.
- His favorite thing to do is catch you being proud or excitable on the phone, coming up behind you and kissing yourĀ cheek while wrapping his arms around your shoulders. Your flustered face makes his day and heĀ always leaves feeling a little prouder than usual.
- He makes sureĀ to save all of his surpriseĀ attacks for good moments since he canā€™t afford to have it lose its effect. In all honesty, though, he just loves seeing your bashful face and feeling you hide your head in his chest to avoid eye contact, flustering you further.
- While he does know your limits, he isnā€™t afraid to push them on occasion, always looking for a chance to make you a mess. When he gets you in the mood for more... risque acts, be concerned for your pride and dignity.
- It really gets to him when he can make you flustered to the point of dizziness and then pins your arms to the bed, looking over you and appreciating the view. All the while youā€™re trying to twist your neck and hide your face in the sheets.
- Needless to say, he takes advantage of your flustered state constantly.
- Pasya
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drx3-imagines Ā· 6 years
Aaaaa can we have fluffy relationship headcanons for Namie and a female reader???
-Honestly Namie thinks the world of her s/o
-will talk about her for hours
-everyone knows not to ask about her girlfriend if they have plans that day
-maybe she even gets a little blushy sometimes oh ho ho
-prefers more intimate and private dates
-would much rather cook for s/o rather than go out to eat or something or stay at home and watch movies rather than going out and seeing one
-also if s/o has like an important event or something she will absolutely help decide what her s/o should wear
-for business related events Namie will be a genuine help but if itā€™s for dates she isnā€™t above suggesting something low cut or with a short skirt
- even though she prefers staying at home Namie will definitely plan dates that require her s/o to wear a little black dress
-if s/o gets something like an award or promotion Namie will definitely be the Super Proud Girlfriendā„¢
-will let her s/o play with/braid/style her hair
-similar to how girls like to steal their boyfriendā€™s sweatshirts, Namie will wear her girlā€™s clothes
-sometimes her s/o orders clothes a size up because her shirts are a little tight around Namieā€™s chest
- Namie isnā€™t likely to tease s/o unless you consider ruthless sarcasm teasing
- has a tendency to go too far with her snarky remarks but will do her absolute best to make it up to her s/o
-Namie will unintentionally flirt up a storm with her s/o and leave her all flustered
-okay itā€™s not ALL unintentional but it happens
-mildly possessive tbh
- Not as in ā€œher s/o canā€™t do anything without her permissionā€ more like ā€œnobody should dare to try anything with her s/o sheā€™ll kill someone and get away with it.Ā nobodyā€
-so I guess sheā€™s more protective than possessive
-her obsessive love with Seiji might lessen a little bit?
-keyword MIGHT
-once she has her s/o sheā€™ll probably let him go a little bit
-will probably still be fiercely protective over him and will still do anything for him
-creeps s/o out a bit but the love Namie has for her brother and the love she has for her s/o is very separate and one will not get in the way of the other
- but s/o would have to understand Namieā€™s love for her brother and accept it
-its something she canā€™t really change and honestly doesnā€™t really want to/see the need to
-does her best to keep s/o out of her work life, both when she worked at the pharmaceutical company and when she worked for Izaya
-doesn't really want her girl involved with the shady stuff
-will probably be forced by Izaya to do something weird and potentially dangerous a few times in return for her s/oā€˜s immunity to his antics
- is totally down for cuddles but will not initiate cuddles
-s/o is really the affectionate one in the relationship
-normally doesnā€™t engage in much public affection aside from hand holding or having an arm around s/o
-however she will show affection sheā€™s not just a robot
-s/o wants a new book? Got it preordered
-s/o likes a certain tea or their coffee a certain way? Makes it often
-will cook s/oā€™s favorite food when theyā€™re having a bad day
-If s/o is the one doing the cooking, can they expect a hug from behind? Yes
-if s/o is working hard will she want to stop them and kiss them? Yes
-Namieā€™s more comfortable with initiating the Hot and Heavy Lovinā€™ā„¢ if you know what I mean ;)
-Namie is especially fond of surprise kisses from her s/o even if they donā€™t really surprise her anymore
- s/o has attempted to jump on her and have her catch them and it ended in a concussion so Namie is now Always Preparedā„¢
-overall she is really dedicated to the relationship
-more of a domestic thing than an adventurous romance
-the relationship does get interrupted because of her affiliation with criminals but she can handle it and will make sure they donā€™t hurt her s/o
-love her sheā€™s a babe
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drx3-imagines Ā· 6 years
May I have a match up? I'm 4'1 with brown hair and blue grey eyes. I'm bisexual, love anime,musicals,drawing, and listening to music. I love drinking coffee way too much. I'm also very fond of Audrey Hepburn movies and graphic novels.
Hope you enjoy my matchup decision love!
Congratulations! I match you up with Ā Masaomi Kida!
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Your sarcasm would for sure appeal you to him at first since he can really let his snappy comebacks shine and he can bounce his jokes off of you as well. This boy also totally made fun of your Audrey Hepburn obsessionā€¦until you showed him a few movies and got him into them as well. Oops. Heā€™d love to look over your shoulder while youā€™re drawing, and heā€™d always run to Starbucks and get you your coffee fix.
Your height is also something he loves. He can pick you up and spin you around with ease constantly, and give you piggyback rides as well. Of course, he likes to put things up on the top shelf to mess with you often, because thatā€™s just how he is. He also loves how cute you look when youā€™re angry.
Anime is definitely something that you two bond over when youā€™re getting to know each other at first. He loves all genres but is a super-fan of shounen and action/adventure anime. Heā€™s not very knowledgeable about musicals, but he does love how passionate you get when talking about them, and will definitely buy your tickets to see your favorites as gifts.
- Sheridan
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drx3-imagines Ā· 6 years
Hello! I had a pretty bad days so could I request a scenarion with Izay's female s/o where she learnt she failed exam and now her university is making her leave school unless she passes exam on one last try? And how Izaya would comfort his s/o? She is pretty stressed amd has zero cinfidence aboyt herself Thank you and have a nice day
Izaya wasnā€™t surprised at all, to say the least.
Itā€™s not that he thought you were an idiot- far from it, actually. After all, the university you were attending took their studentsā€™ academic achievement very seriously. Ā But when you decided to spend more time with him rather than studying with a big test around the corner, he figured that things wouldnā€™t end well with your grades. Besides, before he even received confirmation from you, he noticed you suddenly withdrew yourself from everything around the time you should have gotten your exam results back, which was very telling.
So, when you finally came around to his apartment to tell him that you failed the big test, a strange mix of defeat and humiliation on your face, Izaya didnā€™t bother to pretend he was shocked.
ā€œWhatā€™s with the smug face?ā€ You demanded indignantly. After coming to his apartment with your tail tucked between your legs, you half expected some sort of pity from Izaya. However, Izayaā€™s face remained blank after hearing your tale of woe. ā€œYou canā€™t even pretend to be surprised?ā€
Izaya lifted his eyes from the computer screen for just a moment before deciding his work was more important than your misery. ā€œWell, y/n, what did you expect would happen if you stopped studying?ā€
ā€œOh, excuse me for wanting to spend time with my boyfriend,ā€ you spat, turning away from him with a huff. Of course Izaya wouldnā€™t help you out. You knew he wasnā€™t really the affectionate type, but part of you hoped he would at least give you a few sarcastic words of encouragement.
Admittedly, you didnā€™t expect much from him. But you normally got pretty good grades and you thought you understood the material really well. Your professor and the school board both made sure you were aware of how disappointing your grade was. The only reason you were able to get a second chance was your good standing with the staff in the school. Your professor insisted that you could do better and that everybody has a rough test, resulting in your narrow escape from expulsion. But now that so much was resting on your success, it was hard to be confident in your abilities. Besides, Izaya was almost always right, so if he thought you were destined to fail, it must be true. Izaya was aware of this, of course. He knew how much your grades meant to you and how easy it was for you to cut yourself down.
As if to reaffirm this belief, you looked back at Izaya dejectedly and asked in a small voice, ā€œSo did you just expect me to fail, or what?ā€
Normally, heā€™d let you figure out your problems on your own, but sometimes he needed to step up and be the supportive boyfriend you needed.
ā€œWhat makes you think Iā€™d so willingly stick with somebody as dumb as you think you are?ā€ He asked. ā€œForgive me for answering a question with a question, but I thought you knew me better than that, y/n-chan.ā€
Giving him your full attention, you crossed your arms. ā€œSo I donā€™t know anything that was on the test, and apparently I donā€™t know anything about you. Is that it? Real inspiring.ā€
ā€œYou misread the situation, dear,ā€ he returned, fingers dancing swiftly across the keyboard. ā€œWith a little more focus, Iā€™m sure things will start to play in your favor.ā€
There was silence, aside from the clicking of keys and the occasional mouse click. Part of you wanted to be angry at Izaya, but he was giving you what you wanted now. Before you could figure out how to respond, Izayaā€™s typing faltered and he looked at you out of the corner of his eye. ā€œY/n, you were given a second chance. How many people can say they get another shot at such important things? You and I both know youā€™re capable of so much more than your previous performance, so I suggest you set out to convince everyone else.ā€
A warm feeling started to spread throughout your chest as you realized that this was the most direct Izaya has ever been with his affection. You didnā€™t expect it to happen often, but it felt nice to know he cared enough to try and make you feel better.
ā€œIā€™m not sure why youā€™re still standing there. You have work to do, and Iā€™ve proved to be quite the distraction.ā€
Snapping out of your thoughts, you smiled, nodded, and headed towards the door. ā€œWell, if youā€™re so eager to get rid of me, I guess Iā€™ll head home.ā€ Pausing as you reached for your jacket by the door, you added, ā€œThanks, Izaya.ā€
Izaya didnā€™t lift his gaze from his work. ā€œJust donā€™t come back unless youā€™ve got good news.ā€
The door shut with a click, and Izaya was alone again. He did feel mildly uncomfortable as he was trying to encourage you, as if one wrong move would make him entirely too vulnerable. However, he didnā€™t have to deal with a moping girlfriend trying to get back on her feet, so he supposed it was for a good cause.
ā€¦and he did prefer you to be happy over insecure or stressed, though heā€™d never say it out loud.
Remember my buddies, my friendos, my pals,
Cs get degrees
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drx3-imagines Ā· 6 years
Hey y'all! I'm not sure if you'd be comfortable with handling minor characters? But if you are, I'd like a high school scenario where the (preferably female?) reader used to have a secret crush on Izaya but is starting to feel things for her friend, Mikage... who just so happens to be in a relationship with Izaya at that point? And Izaya being Izaya, he can sense the shift in her emotions... If it's too complicated, I'd understand if you decide not to write this!
I struggled with writer's block for this one so Iā€™m sorry if the length isnā€™t my best, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless!
Being friends with Izaya Orihara wasnā€™t what you would call a cakewalk. In fact, you werenā€™t the most popular person in school because of it. See, most of the school population was terrified of him, and with good reason. Somehow, anyone that wronged him would have something happen to them. Whether that was gossip that ended up being an insecurity, or something more serious depended on the transgression. Therefore, everyone stayed far away from you. You were always a special case to Izaya, as unlike the other girls he manipulated for his own benefit to do whatever he wanted, he could never fully do that with you. Sure, he could with some things, but other things, where your stance was steadfast, he just couldnā€™t make you budge, no matter what he threatened, even with your attraction towards him.
This created quite an interesting dynamic for the two of you.
You were always his #2, along with Shinra so when another girl came onto the scene you shouldnā€™t have been so surprised at the jealousy that bubbled up in you. Especially once you realized she was his girlfriend. But, the thing was, it was Izaya that she was jealous of, not the other way around. She fawned over every move he made and you couldnā€™t help but wish that it were you in that position.
Izaya knew what the deal was the second he saw your face go red with an intense blush as he introduced Mikage as his girlfriend. He couldnā€™t help feeling slightly surprised, however. Heā€™d always thought that the jealousy would be about him being with a girl, not towards him for having Mikageā€¦and then it fully clicked. You had feelings for both of them. Wow, and here he was just trying to see what your reaction would be to your former crush ā€œtakingā€ your friend away from you. This was so much better.
Izaya then proceeds to concoct a new plan, this one more based around your newfound feelings for Mikage. He has you two spend more and more time alone together and watches as you fall more in love with Mikageā€¦until he has Mikage fall for a scheme that gets her kicked out of school for good.
He didnā€™t expect you to get so angry, but you actually ended up cutting off the friendship, because you were that infuriated. He always regretted it, even as he got older, but he never truly admitted it to himself.
As for you? You actually searched out Mikage. How could you not, after everything Izaya had put her through? A part of you always blamed yourself for Izayaā€™s actions, but even so you forced herself to confess how you felt.
To your surprise, she felt the same!
Apparently, after finally being free of Izaya, sheā€™d come to her senses and realized both what a manipulative douche he was to her, and how you were actually the one who was always there when she needed it.
Even still thoughā€¦you couldnā€™t help but have your suspicions that, in the end, Izaya had planned for it to end just like it had.
- Sheridan
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drx3-imagines Ā· 6 years
Hello! :) would it be alright to request how Izumii would react to having genuine feelings for a woman? ^^
Iā€™ve only seen the anime so forgive me if Izumii seems a bit ooc please! It was a bit hard, but I hope you like them anyways!! I went with headcanons since you didnā€™t specify!
As a tough guy all of his life, I feel like Izumii would realize it suddenly, out of nowhere.
I imagine it would hit him after he gets a little too close to your face one day since he tends to do that to intimidate.
His love interest would definitely have to see through his tough exterior and really try hard to find the good parts of him that he keeps hidden from the world.
Heā€™s also very controlling, so donā€™t be surprised when he becomes very possessive of you.
Heā€™d also get jealous very easily, so donā€™t expect to have many guy friends that donā€™t get the rundown from him pretty bad.
Overall though he really does just want to protect you and keep you safe. Heā€™s felt like people who threatened him were around every corner all his life, so the one person who makes him feel safe heā€™s intent on protecting her.
- Sheridan
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drx3-imagines Ā· 6 years
Could I get a scenario where Shizoā€™s s/o comes home after studying abroad for a few years and she hadnā€™t actually told him she was coming home so when he walked into his apartment that afternoon, there she was, dressed up all pretty with a nice dinner set out on the table.
It had been a long day, but really they all seemed to be long days for Shizuo. The amount of excuses, that flea, the other bugs of the city. He sighs heavily as he trudges up the stairs to his apartment building. The one thing he could always look forward to, no matter how long the day was, was getting a moment to talk to you on the phone, video chat, or even just texting. It was the one thing that made the days feel better and the one thing that kept him from missing you.
Youā€™d gone to study abroad what felt like years ago, though it had only been a few odd months. He missed you terribly, he missed the way you smelled, the things you cooked, the way your body felt against his, your hand in his. He just missed you, your smile and your laugh. Sure he could see and hear you still, but it was never quite the same.
He unlocks the door and kicks the door open, perhaps a bit harder than intended as it bangs noisily against the wall and bounces away and back towards himself. He moves in and taps his foot against it so it shuts behind him, he doesnā€™t turn around, just puts his hand back and turns the lock as he takes his shoes off, setting them down to the side. Heading for the kitchen he decides before he texts or calls you heā€™s going to eat, so he doesnā€™t need to eat in the middle of your call.
He stops dead in his tracks, staring into the kitchen, looking at the dinner set on the table, wine glasses and candles, your favorite meal to have together hot on the plates set out. It was a beautiful spread, oneā€¦ Only you could come up with. He turns his head slowly, to look at you standing by the table, smiling brightly at him. Heā€™s sure heā€™s hallucinating, someone slipped him a drug and heā€™s imagined all this. How didnā€™t he notice the smell when he came in? The smell of you and the smell of the things you cooked.
He shakes his head and takes two large steps across the kitchen and wraps his arms around you in a bear hug, turning around in a circle as you laugh. ā€œSurprise!ā€ You squeal as he finally sets you down. He stares down at you, then leans down slowly and presses his lips to yours in a gentle and passionate kiss.
ā€œYouā€™re really hereā€¦ You made all thisā€¦ God youā€™re dressed so niceā€¦ Youā€™re here.ā€ He says, shaking his head and staring down at you disbelievingly as you giggle a bit at his reaction, you figured it would be something like this.
ā€œI didnā€™t want to ruin the surprise, Shizuo.ā€ You say, kissing his nose softly, having to lean up on your toes just a bit to be able to do so. ā€œCome on, letā€™s sit down and eat, this took me a while to make and Iā€™ve been waiting to see you for so long.ā€
Shizuo smiles and goes to the table with you, pulling out your chair for you and sliding it up to the table once youā€™d sat down. He then goes around and sits down himself, ā€œI missed you so much.ā€ He says, softly, reaching across the table to take your hand in his, entwining your fingers together.
ā€œI missed you too.ā€ You say, smiling softly across the table at him. ā€œI missed you so much.ā€
You two spend the dinner discussing your days, you're studying abroad, plans for your visit, and every other small and seemingly unimportant detail in between.
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drx3-imagines Ā· 6 years
Can I get a scenario where one of Shizuo's new friend (and huge crush!) visits him at Shinra's apartment and N/A is being all cuddly and sweet and Shizuo starts to get really fed up (not in a bad way tho) and reveals how he loves her and has been crushing on her ever since they met and how he's tired of hiding his feelings for her But he's afraid that he might hurt her due to his actions but N/A doesn't mind and understand! Then they make some lil lovin ;-))
Shizuo had been at Shinraā€™s for some kind of thing they had decided to host, he wasnā€™t exactly sure what it was. It wasnā€™t quite a party, but yet still not small enough to just be considered a small get together. Though, he supposes to them it might have been. They knew entirely too many people.
He was glad he came, none the less, because there you were. You had come at the invite and promise of Shizuo being there too, though he was unaware of such a promise. He was glad to see you, though he tried to not let it on too much, afraid he might let slip how he felt, or worse, hurt you and ruin absolutely everything you already had going. He could live with this and having you at arms length if it meant having you in his life.
However, the moment he sat down with food, you sat directly next to him with a giggle and a smile. ā€œHey Shizuo.ā€ You said, almost singing it in his ear. He shakes his head a bit, trying not to concentrate too much on the way his name sounded on your lips.
ā€œHey.ā€ He says, looking down at you, keeping the plate in his hand steady as you moved to lean into his shoulder. Immediately, a heat filled the pit of his stomach and he tried desperately to shake it off. Had he known this was only the beginning he might have very well stood up and left right then and there.
As the time marched on and he found you at his side the entire night, he began to get fed up with the entire situation. You pressed to his side, the feeling in the pit of his stomach, the guilt that accompanied that feeling, the fear, your warmth, your voice, laugh, eyes, smile. It was all too much and he stood abruptly.
ā€œI need a smoke.ā€ He says, going for the balcony and leaving you confused and a bit frazzled from how quickly heā€™d stood, leaving you falling and flailing slightly for purchase. After a bit you decided to stand up and follow him out to the balcony, at least he was actually smoking.
ā€œShizuoā€¦ Didā€¦ Did I do something wrong?ā€ You ask, softly as you come to stand next to him. You were a bit worried that youā€™d pushed too far or maybe youā€™d come on to strong. He shakes his head a bit and you feel relief flood your chest, like weight off it allowing you to breathe again.
ā€œYou didnā€™t do anything.ā€ He says, a bit gruffly, you knew he didnā€™t intend it, it was just how it had come out. He feels guilty, looking down at you, that innocent face. That damn innocent face looking up at him as if youā€™d hurt him! He shakes his head again. ā€œItā€™s me, Iā€™m the problem.ā€ He should stop, but he doesnā€™t. ā€œIā€¦ I canā€™t stand being around you, and not for the reasons you might think. Youā€™re so soft and innocent. You make me feel likeā€¦ like I could be gentle and loving. But I could never hurt you, couldnā€™t live with myself if I did.ā€ Heā€™s going too far, saying too much, but now that heā€™s started thereā€™s just no stopping it. ā€œI justā€¦ I just want you to be here with me. I want toā€¦ I love you.ā€ He hears you gasp, but refuses out right to look down at you again.
You look up at him for a long time, then take his hand in yours, slowly. ā€œShizuo Iā€¦ I love you too.ā€ You say, softly. He finally looks down at you, searching your eyes. In that moment he leans down and presses his lips to yours. Itā€™s not gentle, you didnā€™t expect it to be, it was firm and a bit rough, but it didnā€™t hurt, it wasnā€™t teeth and desperation. It was careful and measured in a way only Shizuo could be. Then he pulls away and you two just smile at each other.
He offers to walk you home when you decide to leave and you happily take him up on his offer. You donā€™t talk about anything particularly interesting on the walk, plans for tomorrow, how he liked the get together. About halfway there you take his hand in yours, for a moment he doesnā€™t return the gesture, but finally his hand twines with yours carefully. Much like his kiss, it isnā€™t gentle, but it doesnā€™t hurt. Like a firm and comforting hug after crying for hours.
When you stop at the door to your apartment he leans down to give you a goodnight kiss, lips pressed to yours just like before, firmly. This time, however, itā€™s a deep and lasting kiss, one that has you wrapping your arms around his neck as he carefully places his hands on your hips. You didnā€™t expect to get so heavy in your doorway and itā€™s a bit surprising to you when you pull him into your apartment.
The two of you place desperate kisses to each other, hands all over the place, clothes finding their way to the floor in a path to the bedroom. Youā€™re both a bit caught off guard when you fall onto the bed, you looking down at Shizuo, skin to skin and nothing between the two of you.
ā€œIā€¦ Areā€¦ You sure about this?ā€ He asks, eyes wide and a bit scared. He was always so scared of hurting you, you found it endearing as you smiled down at him.
ā€œLet me take the leadā€¦ You wonā€™t hurt me like this.ā€ You say as you move yourself to straddle his hips. He seems like heā€™s going to protest, but then shuts his mouth and nods slowly.
Heā€™s never done this before, you can tell, sensitive to your touch along his chest, down his sides, over his thighs. You take delight in the gasp and moan that leaves his throat as you take his length into your hand, slowly stroking it. Heā€™s big, perhaps too big, you think, it makes you a bit nervous. However, you donā€™t let it deter you as you stroke a bit more quickly, moving his hand to your sex and telling him how to move his fingers.
Once youā€™re sure youā€™re wet and ready enough to take him, you tell him to stop and lift yourself up on your knees. ā€œWait, wait.ā€ He says, suddenly. He turns to his night stand, opening the drawer and fishing out a condom. They were a gag gift from Tom, now he was glad he didnā€™t throw them away as he rolled it on.
You smile a bit and lean down to kiss his lips, swallowing his groan and muffling your moan as you slowly sink yourself onto his length. He fills you up so wonderfully you swear you could cry. You lean back up slowly and move your hips experimentally until you find a pace and angle that feels good to both of you.
Heā€™s a mess beneath you and youā€™d be lying if you said it wasnā€™t turning you on. Heā€™s panting and moaning, your name falling from his lips like a prayer as you move your hips at a quicker pace. Your moaning absolutely driving him crazy and making him fight hard to keep from thrusting up into you, still scared to hurt you.
His hands fly to your hips, ā€œIā€™m gonnaā€¦ Iā€™m so close!ā€ He gasps, it only spurs you on. Moving your hips quicker, fingers finding their way to your clit and rubbing quick circles, you wanted to finish with him.
He gasps and grips your hips much harder than he would ever intend, to the point you think he might actually be about to break the bones and definitely to the point of leaving bruises. He cums, hard, still inside you, into the condom. You arenā€™t far behind, crying out his name, tossing your head back.
His hands move from your hips as you collapse onto his chest, panting heavily along with him. ā€œIā€¦ Fuck I love you.ā€ He says, softly. You smile and kiss his chest gently, ā€œI love you too, Shizuo.ā€
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drx3-imagines Ā· 6 years
ur all..... blessings..... thank u for writing.. and putting ur talents to such benevolent and nice use................. i wish u the best šŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œ
This is too sweet, thank you! I also wish you the best and hope you continue to enjoy the work we put on this blog!
- Pasya
Thank you anon for the love! You are all loved and appreciated and I hope we can continue to write for you!
- Mel
Aww thank you! Youā€™re the blessing for sending this ask sweets, youā€™re so welcome! Encouragement is such a big motivation for my writing so it means a lot! I wish you the best too, have an amazing day hun! šŸ’œ
- Sheridan
Aww! Thatā€™s super sweet of you, thank you! Iā€™m super glad that I can share things with this community! Everyone Iā€™ve met is so great lol. Sending love and goodwill back your way! šŸ’œ
- Mackenna
Thanks so much! It makes me incredibly happy to hear that!! Especially considering the month Iā€™ve had lmao. šŸ’œšŸ’œ
- Nakura
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drx3-imagines Ā· 6 years
Newly Renovated!
Thanks to the helpful suggestions from @albino-otaku, weā€™ve got a very nice theme set up that I feel fits the blog far better than the last. Feel free to take a look, we hope you like it!
- Pasya
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drx3-imagines Ā· 6 years
Hello, everyone! Weā€™re looking to revamp the blog page today and havenā€™t picked a theme yet. Over the next hour or two, until we find one that really fits, send in asks or submissions with links to different themes youā€™d like us to see! Send as many as you want but keep in mind: weā€™d prefer fansite themes (or similar) and themes with a members option. Keep in mind these specifications arenā€™t required as long as it fits the overall purpose. Thank you in advance to those who send us suggestions and happy hunting!
- Pasya
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drx3-imagines Ā· 6 years
Can I get an Izaya scenario where his fiancƩe, who happens to be a famous model, ends up in an accident caused by people who were out to get Izaya. This causes her to have scars over her body and even one of her limbs having to be removed. Idk, thought it would be interesting.
Hey! So Iā€™m not sure if anybody needs a trigger warning for this but thereā€™s talk of burns and mentioned torture? Also the first little scene might make you feel trapped/tied up so just a warning. Obviously not in grotesque detail but enough to get the point across. Just warning ya ā¤
You were stuck in a void as dark as ink, the only sound your laboured breathing. With every breath, your chest strained against the tight rope binding your arms to your side. Your wrists were red and raw from trying desperately to untie yourself. There was nothing but a thin blanket separating you and the cold stone floor. A different noise sliced through the darkness; a whimper. Hopelessness and primal fear flowed through your veins as you may there, wondering what kind of gruesome demise youā€™d inevitably meet.
A slim sliver of light suddenly snaked down the stairs and you heard a few gruff voices. You did your best to contains your despairing noises as the stream of light widened with the squeaking of a door hinge. Heavy footsteps thundered on each step as your captor slowly made his way to you. Squeezing your eyes shut, you let out a silent plea. No moreā€¦pleaseā€¦just make it stopā€¦
You woke with a start, covered in a cold sweat. The sudden movements sent a rush of pain through your abdomen from the stitches in your stab wounds. Carefully placing your hand on the wound, you glanced around the hospital room and breathed a sigh of relief. You were safe. You lowered yourself back down with caution, wincing slightly. Your breaths were still unstable, and you kept feeling phantom pains. Most of them were quick, like when a fly lands on your arm before instantly realizing that it was unsafe to be there and flying away. They were tolerable. Jarring, but tolerable. The worst phantom pains were the ones attacking the leg that was no longer there.
Sometimes, thinking about your missing limb was too much, and you started to panic. The familiar feeling started bubbling up your chest and threatened to escape as a scream, but you simply closed your eyes. Keeping your panic to a minimum required a lot of concentration, and you felt your eyebrows furrowing. By the time you managed to calm yourself down, the burning sensation had stopped. It was still in the room again.
All this time in the hospital was making you rather restless. Part of you was still paranoid. After all, you had no idea how well protected you were from the men who hurt you the first time. Additionally, being constrained to a bed gave you a lot of time to think, and it didnā€™t take long for your mind to wander to more unpleasant ideas. Your career was certainly lost. Even if you couldnā€™t tell by the pitiful expressions on your colleagueā€™s faces when they came to visit you, you could guess there wasnā€™t a very promising market for models who couldnā€™t walk down a runway. Of course, you could get a prosthetic leg, but it was a choice you felt uneasy about making without Izaya.
Unfortunately, Izaya hadnā€™t shown up yet.
After the first few days, your hopes that he was finishing up some business regarding your captors diminished and a smothering sense of despair replaced them. You tried to think of things that could be keeping him, but the longer you went without a visit from him, the grimmer your thoughts became. What if he was kidnapped too? What if he left town to protect himself? What if your captors got to him and killed him? Scenario after gruesome scenario filled your mind until it was teeming with nightmares. However, none of these thoughts could bring you more fear than the thought that Izaya had stopped loving you.
The more you thought about it, the more you believed it was possible. After all, you were scarred and disfigured now. Izaya and his fascination with humans often left you feeling like nothing more than a favorite toy. Heā€™s told you in his own way that you were fooling yourself with those thoughts, but now it was hard to tell. Why would he want you now that youā€™re just a broken doll?
So there you were, lying still on the hospital mattress and scaring yourself half to death with unpleasant thoughts. The hospital was silent, and an isolated feeling gripped you ad you realized you were probably one of the only people awake in the building. The weight of the world seemed to sit on your chest as you continued to imagine your life as the person Izaya abandoned.
It was a horrible, smothering feeling you couldnā€™t escape.
Izaya stared at the dark living room, the only sign of his welling anxiety the intense drumming of his fingers on his desk.
At this point, he had no excuses left to trick himself. He was wasting time, a fact he knew and hated.
Izaya knew you were waiting for him. He knew exactly how long itā€™s been since the last time he saw you, and he knew what to expect when he finally walked into that hospital. Your captors made sure he was aware of exactly what they were doing to you while they had you in their clutches. He saw every cut, every blow they dealt on you. When he saw the burns on your leg, there was no question that it would need to be amputated.
Shaking his head, Izaya shifted his focus to his keyboard as if he were going to start typing, but his hands never moved. What was he waiting on? There were so many other things he could be doing right now. He could be actively making the lives of the monsters who kidnapped you a living hell. He had no pity for them. They proved themselves less than human the moment they dared to lay a finger on you.
Or he could be in a hospital chair next to you where you needed him. No doubt you were making up bizarre scenarios in your mind. After all, you always had quite the imagination. But something was stopping him, and he hated to admit exactly what it was.
The only thing your kidnappers couldnā€™t show him was how much damage they had done to you emotionally. There was no telling if you would ever feel safe again, and it was his fault. Izaya couldnā€™t fool himself anymore. He almost killed you.
Resolve crumbling more with every quiet tick of the clock, Izaya slowly stood up from the desk. He could promise to you and to himself to keep a closer eye on you. He could pay the best professionals in the world to help you feel at ease again. But he wasnā€™t sure if he could earn your trust back.
What did you think of him now? Of the man who threw you to the dogs by allowing you to love him? The man who told you he was ready to devote his life to you but hasnā€™t even visited you when you needed him the most?
Everything seemed to be falling in a downward spiral that Izaya couldnā€™t stop. No matter how hard he tried to convince himself otherwise, Izaya knew he lost control of the situation, and there was no more pretending he could do anything to fix it.
- Mackenna
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drx3-imagines Ā· 6 years
Just wanted to say that I really respect you as a writer! You are so in tuned with the characters that it's unbelievable. I really love reading what you write even if I dont particularly like the character. You make it enjoyable!
Iā€™m not sure which of us youā€™re talking about but we all thank you and appreciate the kind words none-the-less!
- Pasya
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drx3-imagines Ā· 6 years
Box is closed, everyone!
Thanks for sending in your requests!
- Pasya
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drx3-imagines Ā· 6 years
Woah- okay. I guess I accidentally sent a request with the ask box closed. XD Do you delete the asks that get sent after closing time? If so, I'll shoot mine in again
We do, sorry v(=āˆ©_āˆ©=)ļ¾Œ Feel free to send one in while there are still spots left. - Pasya
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