dsimsdecades · 8 days
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City Girl, Amari Millar she was inspired by the new Urban Homage kit
default skin by @llumisims
everything else is from the game
Gallery ID: DSims515
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dsimsdecades · 1 month
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On a warm spring day in the year of our Watcher, 1737, Magdalena felt the onset of labor. Francisco stayed close, his gentle words helping to calm her as they waited for Laura, the midwife. Having been through this four times before, he was an expert at comforting his wife. Magdalena, however, was always fearful. Having gone through the pain of losing a child, she was terrified of it happening again. Francisco was so reassuring and encouraging.
“I am truly blessed to have such a kind and caring husband,” Magdalena said through clenched teeth, gratitude and fear mingling in her voice.
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When Laura finally arrived, Magdalena was swiftly taken to the bedroom, her body wracked with agonizing contractions. Each wave of pain seemed to eclipse the last, leaving her trembling and exhausted.
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As the time came for Magdalena to push, she dropped onto the floor, hands and knees, seeking relief from the intense pressure. Francisco, overcome with concern, found himself unable to maintain his composure.
“Why on the floor, Laura? Is this normal? Are you certain of what you’re doing?” His anxious questions spilled out, his worry palpable.
A seasoned midwife, Laura felt her patience wane at Francisco’s questioning. “Oh, for The Watcher’s sake, calm yourself, Francisco,” she replied firmly, her tone brooking no argument. “I have delivered countless babies in my time. This is perfectly normal. Perhaps it would be best if you waited outside for now so I can focus on what needs to be done.”
With a nod of understanding, Francisco reluctantly stepped out, leaving Laura to attend to Magdalena. “Now, Magdalena, bear down and give me a push!” Laura instructed, her voice firm and steady.
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Moments later, amidst the cries of labor and the intense effort, Magdalena brought forth a beautiful baby boy. Exhausted but elated, she sat on the floor, cradling her newborn son in her arms, savoring the sweet scent of his head. He was so tiny, but the most important thing was that he was healthy. They named him Santiago José.
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Ana Lucia came bustling in, her face alight with excitement at her new brother. She was eager to play and shower him with love.
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dsimsdecades · 1 month
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Lately, Sebastián had been grappling with a deep sense of hopelessness. The news of Caroline's pregnancy only seemed to compound his sorrow, leading him down a path of seeking solace in alcohol. Antonio and Isabel, concerned for their son, stayed up late into the night, anxiously awaiting his safe return. Antonio tirelessly attempted to support and encourage Sebastián to change his ways, but it felt like an uphill battle. He was reaching his breaking point with his son.
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Amid Sebastián's turmoil, Mr. Beaufort carried out his threat, successfully persuading many affluent families to boycott Sánchez's wine and farmed goods. This blow significantly impacted their finances, as they heavily relied on these customers. However, Antonio refused to be deterred. Despite the setback, a loyal group of patrons continued to stand by them. Antonio remained resolute in expanding the business to other towns and regions more urgently than ever.
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To offer Sebastián a new purpose and hopefully a distraction from his troubles, Antonio entrusted him with a significant responsibility: to journey to Saint-Domingue and negotiate agreements with the innkeeper and various households. Antonio hoped that the distance would provide some clarity for Sebastián, focusing his mind on the task at hand rather than allowing him to dwell on his troubles. Despite his inner turmoil, Sebastián succeeded in his business negotiations. He secured valuable contracts with the tavern proprietor and returned home with a promising array of orders.
Antonio couldn't contain his joy and pride at his son's accomplishment. However, despite his business success, Sebastián's demeanor remained indifferent, his heart still burdened by his struggles.
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dsimsdecades · 2 months
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Sul-sul! The Functional Spinning Wheel is available now.
Get it here (Free).
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dsimsdecades · 2 months
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Mr. Beaufort hastened his daughter’s wedding. Unlike initially planned, it was to happen in a matter of days rather than months. Don Pedro immediately and without hesitation agreed to it.
Upon hearing the news, Sebastián fell into deeper despair. He had held onto a flicker of hope that Caroline might reconsider, especially after their unforgettable night together. Memories of that tender evening both soothed his soul and tore at his heart. All he desired was to once again be enveloped in her warm embrace, longing to reclaim her as his own.
On the day of the wedding, driven by an indescribable force, Sebastián made his way to the church. His heart raced with a tumultuous mix of hope and despair. Could there still be a chance? Perhaps her resolve might waver at the sight of him, and they would finally escape together. These thoughts raced through his mind as he hurried along the familiar path.
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When he arrived at the church, he was met with silence and the crushing weight of finality. The marriage ceremony had concluded, and Caroline Beaufort was now Mrs. Beltran, forever out of his reach.
From a distance, he saw her come out of the church. She was radiant, the most beautiful bride he’d ever seen.
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Sebastián lingered for a moment longer, etching her image into his memory. With a heart heavy with the weight of a love lost, he turned away, his steps weighted by sorrow, and began his journey home, vowing silently to never pursue her again.
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dsimsdecades · 2 months
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Shortly after Manuel Francisco's birthday, he fell ill with a high fever, much to Magdalena's distress. She blamed herself, lamenting, "I should have cared for him better. There have been rumors of an outbreak on the island, and the evenings have been so chilly. I should have dressed him more warmly."
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"Magdalena, please don't be too hard on yourself. Children often fall sick; it is simply a part of growing up. I will prepare my special remedy for him, and you will see that he will recover soon," Isabel tried to reassure her. However, Magdalena remained anxious as the fever persisted. She stayed by her son's side day and night, praying for his recovery. Eventually, the fever broke, and Francisco and Magdalena could finally breathe a sigh of relief."
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The end-of-year harvest brought much to be thankful for. The news of Magdalena's pregnancy brought the household a renewed sense of joy. And with Manuel Francisco's complete recovery, the house was alive with the sweet sounds of his laughter and energetic footsteps.
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Little Ana Lucia was not so little anymore, now adorned in her big girl's apparel—a gorgeous yellow dress tailored especially for her by Isabel. Daniela, too, was flourishing beautifully. Like Diego, she had the same sweet demeanor that could melt anyone's heart.
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When Andrea wrote to María Isabel, she included a copy of the portrait Diego had commissioned for them. Though it had cost him a month's salary, its worth was immeasurable.
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dsimsdecades · 2 months
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After Caroline broke the news of her impending marriage to Don Pedro, Sebastián was inconsolable. Throughout the day, he wandered around the house in a state of dejection, resistant to any words of comfort. Antonio, trying to be understanding, attempted to console him, but Sebastián withdrew further into himself. The sight of her son suffering caused Isabel immense heartache. Antonio tried his best to comfort her. "Don't worry, mi amor, he will be okay. This will pass."
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One night, overwhelmed with despair, Sebastián descended into the cellar, seeking solace in alcohol to drown his sorrows. Despite his efforts, his suffering persisted. He took a walk, hoping to clear his head. He followed his instincts for hours and found himself in Caroline’s yard. Looking up at her window, he shouted, his voice echoing in the night air. “Caroline! Caroline, my love, I’ve come for you.” Silence followed. “CAROLINE!” he shouted with all his might. She came out to the balcony, imploring him to keep quiet. “Please, stop. You are going to wake up my father, please.” Undeterred, he made his way up to her balcony. “Caroline, my precious love,” he whispered, his voice caressing her name.
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“Sebastián, keep it down,” she implored, glancing around nervously. “If my father finds you here, he will kill you. Please, keep your voice down.”
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“Let him kill me. I would rather perish than endure another day without your presence.”
“You do not truly mean that. Consider your family. Your dear mother would be heartbroken.”
“Would you be heartbroken if I were no longer here?”
As she looked at him, her eyes revealed both love and despair. “Yes, I would be brokenhearted. My heart belongs to you, Sebastián. I cannot imagine a reality where you do not exist.” She could no longer ignore the truth she felt in her heart.
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“Oh, my dearest Caroline, I love you so much,” he said passionately, cradling her face and kissing her.
She pulled away and declared, “But that changes nothing. I must wed Don Pedro.”
“Why?” Sebastián let out an exasperated sigh. “I don’t understand.”
“Sebastián, please.”
“NO!” His face was red with rage. “Enlighten me so I can make sense of it. What compels you to marry that man when your heart belongs to another?”
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“Because I must!” Caroline raised her voice, then quickly lowered it, remembering her parent’s bedroom was not far away. Seeing that Sebastián would not back down, she hesitantly revealed the reason she had been forced to marry: her father had gambled away their fortune, and he had arranged her marriage to Don Pedro for his wealth.
“Caroline, you do not have to go through with this. Let’s escape together—we can travel so far away that your father won’t be able to reach us.”
She sighed. “That place doesn’t exist.”
“Caroline, we could go to Spain. I am certain that my sister will help us.”
“Sebastián, please stop. You’re only making this harder. It’s done!”
“So you would sacrifice yourself for a man who would barter you away like…” He quickly stopped himself before he uttered something he would later regret.
“I sacrifice myself for my mother and sister. I will not leave them destitute.” She retorted in an acid tone. “I have no choice. I must push aside my desires and fulfill my obligations.”
He embraced her in his arms and whispered in her ear. “Caroline, there must be a way.”
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“I have accepted my fate, Sebastian; please understand.” She spoke in a gentler tone and looked into his eyes. “I have one request of you. I want you to be my first.” She pressed her lips to his, lingering softly before she kissed him with intense desire.
Caroline had little say in most of her life, but she could choose for herself. If she was going to give up her happiness, she wanted her first time to be special and feel the love of the man who meant the world to her. She would keep this night in her heart forever.
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dsimsdecades · 4 months
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On the other side of the church, as Antonio headed to relieve himself, Mr. Beaufort's distinct voice called out his name. "Antonio! It has been several weeks since I received my order. Is everything running smoothly at the farm? Are you struggling with your finances?"
Antonio turned and locked eyes with him, his gaze unwavering. "No troubles at all. I am simply not interested in continuing our business relations," he said, his tone cold and final.
Mr. Beaufort stood there, mouth agape, completely astonished. He wasn’t used to being addressed like that. Let alone have anything denied to him. “Are you out of your senses? Surely, your income will significantly drop without my business, as I am your premier customer.”
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Antonio did his utmost to maintain his composure, yet Mr. Beaufort made it laborious. He felt an overwhelming compulsion to strike him in the face. "No need to fret about my financial status. I can assure you with great confidence that we will do well. I am fortunate to have the business of many other customers."
"Do you believe anyone will conduct business with you if you refuse my request? I will ensure that no one purchases your wine. I will finish you. Do you hear me?" Mr. Beaufort spoke with clear contempt.
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Antonio could no longer maintain his composure. He seized him by the shoulders and shook him violently. "Now you hear me!" he commanded. "If you ever come near or threaten my family again, I will finish you! Do you follow me?"
"Is that a threat?"
"No, that is a promise," Antonio said firmly, his tone leaving no room for doubt. He forcefully shoved a shocked Mr. Beaufort aside and quickly headed back to the church to gather his family and make their leave. Mr. Beaufort stood there, mouth open, and whispered, "We'll see about that."
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dsimsdecades · 4 months
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The townspeople gathered at the church for mass to honor their Watcher. The pews were filled with conversation as they awaited Father Soledad. As the Beauforts entered, a hush fell over the room. Sebastián’s heart raced as he noticed Caroline’s presence, evoking a mix of emotions. The desire to embrace her tightly overwhelmed him, but joy turned to sorrow when he saw her accompanied by Don Pedro Beltran. Attempting to make eye contact, Sebastián was met with a bowed head and averted eyes. “I must find a way to talk to her,” he whispered, filled with desperation. Yet, he had to wait as Father Soledad finally arrived, and the mass began.
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After the service, guests gathered to eat, converse, and gossip. Caroline eventually looked directly at Sebastián, signaling him to join her outside. Finding her sitting with a frown, lost in thought, he sat beside her. “Hola, Preciosa, I’m so happy to see you. The emptiness without you was unbearable. I feared I’d go mad if I had to endure one more day without you.”
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“Sebastián, please don’t…” Her barely audible voice left him bewildered. Did you not think of me? He wondered, “Do you not feel the same way I do?”
Sorrow consumed Caroline. “My feelings are of no consequence.” She paused, trying to find the right words. “I don’t know how to say this.”
“Caroline, what is the matter? You can confide in me. No matter what it is, I’m here for you.”
“We can’t…” she said, her voice trembling, unable to meet his gaze. “I can’t see you ever again.”
“I’m not sure I comprehend what you are trying to say?” His brow furrowed in confusion as he surveyed her.
She released a deep breath, finally confessing what she had been avoiding for months. It turned out that Caroline’s father had arranged a marriage between her and Don Pedro Beltran, the twice-widowed plantation owner who had now found a third wife. That’s why her father had abruptly ended her stay in France before she could complete her studies. The wedding was scheduled to take place in six months.
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Sebastián felt a crushing sensation in his chest. “And you agreed to this?”
“I have no say in the matter! The marriage contract has been finalized. There’s no going back.”
His words were laden with love as he declared, “Caroline, I love you with all my being. You have a choice - marry me. While I may not possess the riches of Don Pedro, I can make you happy.”
“Sebastián, please don’t make this any more difficult,” she pleaded, her voice shaking.
“Is there no love in your heart for me, Caroline? Do you not have the same feelings as I do?”
“It is not enough.”
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Hearing those words broke his heart. “I am not enough for you?” He uttered with profound sadness. How could I have been so oblivious?
“I did not say that. I only meant…”
“No, you’ve said enough. Well, Miss Beaufort, I wish you two a lifetime of bliss.”
With a heavy heart, he walked away from her.
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dsimsdecades · 4 months
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Seeking a reprieve from their arduous day, Antonio and Isabel sought sanctuary at the nearby waterfall, immersing themselves in the tranquil haven for some much-needed privacy. The melodic symphony of the cascading water created a soothing backdrop, enhancing the ambiance of their intimate moments. Although the surrounding environment constantly shifts, their love remains a steady and unshakeable force. They share a profound connection, like two pieces of a puzzle that fit seamlessly together.
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(I just queued up the give her a rose interaction and they just went for it. 😁jejejeje I just love them🥰)
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dsimsdecades · 4 months
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Magdalena's labor began on a crisp winter morning. She brought forth a baby boy without difficulty. Francisco introduced Andrés and Ana Lucia to their brand-new brother. They were eager to meet him. "Say hello to Manuel Francisco, your baby brother."
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"Papá, may I hold him? Please," asked Andres. "Sure, but you must be very careful." Said Francisco as he placed Manuel on his lap. Ana Lucia hopped onto the bed, wanting to get a better view."She was amazed and filled with wonder."
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Three months later, Andrea Beatriz also had a healthy baby, a girl whom they named Daniela Samani (Sa-ma-ni). Jorge and Miguel observed their younger sister with interest. Following some time, they decided that having a baby sister wasn't so bad, for they still had each other.
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dsimsdecades · 4 months
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The news that Magdalena was expecting another baby brought a positive atmosphere to the house. Francisco's happiness was palpable, and the children, particularly the rapidly blossoming Ana Lucia, eagerly anticipated the arrival of a new sibling.
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To celebrate, the family engaged in their usual activities: singing, dancing, and feasting. Andrea Beatriz joined them, and to their surprise and delight, she, too, revealed that she was expecting another child. "It seems we made plans to conceive together," Andrea joked with Magdalena.
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In the ensuing weeks, Francisco and Sebastián celebrated their birthdays. When Antonio gave Sebastián a gift for his birthday, it caught him off guard. For weeks, they hardly said two words to each other. "Being angry with you does not mean I have ceased to care," said Antonio.
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Isabel's patience had worn thin as her boys refused to talk to each other, causing her tremendous stress. So, watching them take the first steps to mend their relationship brought her immense joy.
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dsimsdecades · 4 months
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“What in the world were you thinking?!” Antonio shouted, his frustration evident in his tone. He was furious.
“I beg you, Papá,” Sebastián implored, his voice cracking. “Please let me explain.”
Antonio would not hear it. “Explain? What reasons can you provide for your actions? I explicitly requested that you wait until tomorrow! Despite the unfavorable odds, I was willing to do everything in my power to persuade Mr. Beaufort to agree to the marriage, but your recklessness has only made things worse. To make matters worse, you have also dragged your sister into this mess.”
“I know,” Seb said, with a hint of sadness. “I just had to see her.”
“And you couldn’t resist the urge for a few hours! You put your sister into a dangerous situation; you both could have been killed! Do you understand that? How could you be so reckless?”
“Papá, I am so sorry. I never intended to…”
“Save it. I do not care to hear it. Go! I can’t even look at you right now.”
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Sebastián rushed out of the house. He knew better than to keep pushing the issue. Antonio, too, decided to leave the house and go for a walk. Isabel wanted to go after them but believed it best to give them both a chance to cool off before she followed. Antonio was angrier than she had ever seen him.
… The atmosphere at the Sánchez farm was quite somber in the following weeks. Antonio’s anger still lingered, so he barely spoke to Sebastián. Isabel tried to make him see reason, but he was usually stubborn.
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Sebastián was most often in a sorrowful and dejected mood. He deeply regretted the events that had transpired, yet he still had a strong desire for his beloved Caroline. However, after what had happened, he didn’t dare attempt to see her. Instead, he kept writing to her, but the weeks passed without a response.
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Yamarex tried to comfort him, but his only concern was Caroline. “Have you been giving her my letters? Why is she not responding?”
“I assure you I have given your letters to her, Seb. She offers no replies in return.” She hesitated momentarily before quietly murmuring, “Maybe this is for the best.”
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Sebastián lashed out at her. “How dare you say that? How could you possibly understand what it feels like to love someone as deeply as I love her?” Little did he know Yamarex burned for him.
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dsimsdecades · 5 months
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With the gentle melody of Ángela's composition in the background, Sebastián serenaded his beloved. When Caroline appeared in the window, a surge of joy coursed through him, causing his voice to soar with heightened emotion. As she came down for a better view, her face lit up with delight at the sound of his angelic voice.
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"What in the hell is the meaning of this?!" Mr. Beaufort stood behind them with a revolver in hand.
"Mr. Beaufort, I…I meant no disrespect. I intended to ask you this tomorrow, but "… He paused before continuing; there was no turning back now. "I love your daughter and want to make her my wife, sir."
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"Have you lost your mind, boy? You! The son of a farmer believes he can wed my daughter. Never!" Mr. Beaufort said with disdain.
"I am indeed a farmer's son, and I'm proud of it. I can assure you, no one will take better care of her, sir; no one will love her as I do. Give me an opportunity to—"
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"Enough! It will never happen, boy, you hear me? I will kill you first." He pointed his revolver at Sebastian.
"Father, please no!" Caroline ran toward him, placing herself between them. "Please, father, don't hurt him! I will do as you ask, but please don't do this." She turned toward Sebastián and pleaded, "Please go, please just go, for god's sake."
"Seb, we have to go," Ángela said, desperately pulling on her brother's arm. Sebastián walked away, even though every fiber of his being didn't want to, if only for his sister's sake.
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dsimsdecades · 5 months
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Ever since meeting Caroline, all Sebastián could think about was being in her presence, and the idea of spending one more day without her became unbearable. Seeking guidance, he turned to Antonio.
“Papá, I want to ask for Caroline’s hand in marriage formally.”
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“Marriage? Surely you want to court her before jumping into such a commitment?”
“The love I have for her, Papá, is profound, and I yearn to make her my bride.”
“But you’ve just met the girl. Take the time to get to know her first.”
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Antonio’s response bewildered Sebastián. “I expected you, of all people, to comprehend my feelings! You, who sacrificed everything for the chance to be with Mamá.”
“That was different, mijo.”
"How is it different? All my life, you and Mamá have said, 'Find someone you love and hold on to them.' Now that I have, you refuse to help." Exasperated, he let out a deep sigh, his frustration evident. "I adore her! I'm sure she feels the same way about me.
Antonio could see his son cared deeply for the girl, which stirred up a tempest of emotions from his past. Knowing Mr. Beaufort would likely not agree to the match due to their lack of wealth, he still felt compelled to try for his son’s sake. “We will go speak with Mr. Beaufort tomorrow,” he said with resignation.
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Later that night...
Sebastián's thoughts were so consuming that he could not sleep. The overwhelming need to see Caroline again and kiss her soft lips made him leap out of bed with unshakeable determination. He roused Ángela from her slumber, asking for help. But she would not be readily persuaded.
"Seb, I'm not sure about this. I don't believe this is a good idea. Perhaps it's best to wait until tomorrow, like Papá said.
Sebastián begged, his voice full of desperation, "Please, little sister, if you help me, I'll do all your chores for a month."
Ángela thought about it for a moment; no chores meant she could devote herself to her music lessons without interruptions, and that was an offer she couldn't pass up. "Make it two months, and I will do it."
"Fine!" Seb groaned in frustration. They sealed the agreement with a firm handshake before silently sneaking out of the house and heading towards the Beaufort estate.
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dsimsdecades · 5 months
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My dearest Mamá,
I am overjoyed that you and Papá are doing so well. I wish I could have been there to witness it firsthand. Please accept my sincere apologies for the lapse in communication. The demands of Alejandro’s duties in the Royal Navy and my commitments at the Hospital de la Santa Creu have kept me engulfed in a whirlwind of activities. Engaging in the noble court’s affairs has been challenging, and I find greater joy in dedicating myself to helping others.
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Martín and Sofía inquire about you and Papá frequently, reminiscing about the bedtime tales Papá used to enchant them with. I miss those stories dearly, as they have always brought me immense joy.
Sofía has recently started taking piano lessons, and her progress is remarkable. Apart from this musical pursuit, she also enjoys combining her love for stitching intricate patterns with the enchanting melodies she holds dear. During our leisurely afternoon walks, Sofía’s singing transforms the surroundings, filling the air with a delightful tune that is sure to captivate anyone who hears it. Her natural talent is remarkable, and it’s always a pleasure to listen to her sing.
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Martín is quite the chess player; Alejandro has finally encountered a formidable opponent in him. Those two are inseparable. When they are not engaged in a chess game, I can find them riding around the estate. Martín has grown so much in the last few months; his sweet disposition shines through. Alejandro wishes to have him join the Naval Academy soon, just like he did when he came of age. I must confess, the idea doesn’t sit well with me. Despite his growth spurt, he is still so young, and the house will feel so empty without my boy. Am I being overbearing with my caution? I long for your comforting presence, mamá, to guide me in these matters.
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As soon as Alejandro completes his royal tasks, we intend to visit. The children eagerly anticipate meeting their cousins, and I cannot wait to come home and embrace you all. Please extend my heartfelt regards to everyone.
With all my love, your daughter,
María Isabel
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dsimsdecades · 5 months
Did you know you can make sims look in a specific direction whilst they're posed?
Hit shift+tab to enter first person mode
Aim the camera where you want your sim to look (make sure your game isn't paused otherwise the sim won't move - you can press 1 in first person mode to set time running)
Hit pause (by pressing P)
Hit shift+tab again to exit first person mode
Voila! Your sim is now looking in the direction you pointed 'em!
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A neat little cheat to get multiple uses from the same pose! 🤸‍♀️
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