ducksandknights · 2 months
Could you do C3 for Shining Armour and Cadence pleaseeeeeee???????????
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ducksandknights · 4 months
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ducksandknights · 4 months
aksjdjdjf if you’re still taking requests for these maybe a D4 cheesepie?
the sillies :] 🩷🤎🩷🤎
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ducksandknights · 4 months
ooh ty! Can we request 4e for a LunaxAmira (the saddle arabian delegate lady) nextgen kiddo? :D
I feel like she just look like a fusion buuut what's a next gen if not a fusion of their parents lol 🤷
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also all the next gen ones you guys request, I make on the spot, so they aren't perfect by any means buut these are great design exercises!! 💜
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ducksandknights · 5 months
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☁️ Preorders OPEN!! ☁️
Finally, the Hero of Hyrule wakes and preorders are officially OPEN through May 5th!
Join the fight to protect Hyrule and preorder NOW!
💛 Shop here! https://totkzine.bigcartel.com
More info of our bundles right below!!
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💛 Sacred Tears: Full Bundle 💛
This bundle ($65) includes:
Zine Book & PDF
Die Cut Sticker
Sticker Sheet (x2)
Acrylic Charm (x2)
Recipe Card
Button Cadge (x3)
Wooden Pin
All our Digital Merch (including icons, emotes, and more!)
This bundle is eligible for ALL stretch goals!
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💛 Light of Hyrule: Paper Bundle 💛
This bundle ($50) includes:
Zine Book (B5 size)
Die Cut Sticker
Sticker Sheet (x2)
Recipe Card
Zine PDF
Digital add-on option is available for this bundle!
This bundle is eligible for some stretch goals!
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💛 Falling Sky: Zine Bundle 💛
This bundle ($30) includes:
Zine Book (B5 size)
Zine PDF
Digital add-on option is available for this bundle!
This bundle is NOT eligible stretch goals
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💛 Great Sky Island: Digital Bundle 💛
This bundle ($25) includes:
Zine PDF
Set of 4 Profile Pictures / Icons
Set of 7 Emotes / Discord Stickers
Set of 3 Printable Coloring Sheets
Set of 4 Twitter / Tumblr Banners
Desktop and Mobile Wallpaper Sets
Original TotK-inspired Songs (MP3)
This bundle is NOT eligible stretch goals
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💙 Stretch Goals! 💙
Just like the Secret Stones, our contributors have been working to bring these Secret Stretch Goals to you!
Help us unlock them all and support the hard work of our contributors!
Looking forward to celebrate TotK with you!! 💛
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ducksandknights · 6 months
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ducksandknights · 9 months
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Happy Holidays! This is my gift to @ducksandknights for the 2023 Eyeshield 21 Winter Gift Exchange! Many thanks to @eyeshields for regularly organizing this event!
One of their requests was a Pokemon AU with either Hiruma or Habashira, and I was more than happy to give rendering that a try! I haven’t drawn Pokemon since I was a kid, but I enjoyed looking for ones that fit some of Hiruma’s hallmarks: devilish themed Dark types, money/good fortune, and—in the case of Octillery—projectile weapons!
I’m still a beginner with digital art/coloring, but this is definitely one of my better efforts even though I haven’t drawn much this year!
I hope you enjoy it as much as I loved drawing it!
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ducksandknights · 9 months
Eyeshield 21: Winter 2023 Gift Exchange
This is my piece for @eyeshields! I was working with the prompts winter vacation + getting cozy, and to me there’s nothing more warm and close during winter break than baking together.
I really hope that you like it! 🎄🏈
The door to the kitchen bursts open with a force that rattles the walls, and Kurita drops the scoop of flour he’s been measuring. A cloud of white rises into the air before settling on his face and shirt like a layer of dust.
“Hiruma!” Kurita swipes at his eyes with the back of his hand, which only pushes the flour further into his eyelashes, eyebrows, and even his hairline. “Are you here to help with the cookies?”
Hiruma stares at him, then glances at the mass of dough on the countertop that’s nearly twice the size of Kurita’s head. With a snort, he jabs the barrel of his machine gun into it. “They not feeding you enough over vacation, fucking fatty?”
Actually, Kurita could go for a light snack about now. It had been almost two hours since breakfast.
He shrugs and begins counting on his fingers. “I just want to say thank you to Sena-kun, and Monta-kun, and Yukimitsu-kun, and Mamori-chan, and everyone who joined the Devil Bats.”
Kurita pauses, weighing everything he’s feeling and everything he wishes he could tell Hiruma. That he’s so grateful. That he’s so happy. That he wants to win, and more than anything, he wants to win with this team and these friends.
But Hiruma likely won’t put up with all that mushy feelings talk, and so finally Kurita just says, “I want to say thank you to them for making our dream… possible.”
Hiruma narrows his eyes and plants a strong, solidly aimed kick into Kurita’s backside. “We haven’t achieved anything yet, idiot. And you can say thank you by winning our next game.”
But unasked, he slings his machine gun off his shoulder and begins rolling up his sleeves.
Kurita’s smile is so wide his cheeks hurt. Turning to the recipe, he double-checks it to make sure the oven is preheating at the right temperature, and then pulls out a second cookie sheet for Hiruma to use.
“So what are we making?” Hiruma rips off a hunk of dough and starts to shape it between his long fingers. “Fat fucking beardies in suits? Little toy-making slaves? AK-47s that say ‘Win, Devil Bats!’ on them?”
Kurita is not about to give out cookies with icing threats as a way to say thank-you to his friends, but it is a very Hiruma-like idea.
“We have to roll the dough out first,” Kurita reads. “After that we can cut it into shapes. I thought we could make everyone’s faces as a way to cheer them on?”
As Kurita reaches for a rolling pin, Hiruma pulls out another gun—from where, Kurita can’t begin to imagine—and rests the cylindrical barrel on top of the dough. They both roll out their respective halves back and forth, back and forth until two thin and more or less even sheets of dough have taken up the entire counter.
Kurita begins humming a cheery and festive tune that he can’t quite remember the name of, and the two get to work cutting and lining up dozens of raw cookies onto the baking sheets. While Kurita finds it easier for his large hands to work with cookie cutters, Hiruma has enough skill and dexterity to carve shapes out of the dough with a knife. Every so often a nasty-sounding kekeke cuts through Kurita’s song, and he smiles thinking his very best friend is having just as much fun as he is.
Though his progress is slower than Hiruma’s—about one in four raw cookies end up in Kurita’s mouth before they can make it onto the tray—eventually everything is ready to bake.
Kurita sits on the floor in front of the oven, silently cheering the cookies on as they cook. Maybe it’s because they’re shaped like his friends, but in a silly way he feels like if they turn out well then so will the team. So as he waits, he wills them not to burn, and Hiruma comes over to rest his gun-slash-rolling-pin atop his friend’s head and begin cleaning it.
“There’s a tradition in some countries,” Hiruma begins casually, which is enough of a red flag for Kurita to know that what’s coming out of his mouth isn’t about to be casual at all. “It’s called a king cake. They hide a coin or a plastic baby inside for good luck.”
He cackles and leans against Kurita’s back, popping a stick of gum into his mouth. “Fucking stupid tradition, if you ask me. Devil Bats don’t rely on luck. So I put something else in a few of the cookies instead.”
Kurita glances at the butt of the gun jutting out beside his head, then looks up. “Hiruma!”
“It’s a reminder from their captain—they better be ready to work their asses off!”
The laugh from his body is raucous, and Kurita can feel the vibrations of it. It’s enough to end his protests before they really start.
A bullet isn’t enough to crack anyone’s teeth, is it? It will probably be fine—after all, Hiruma wouldn’t do anything to seriously get in the way of their teammates’ playing.
Kurita makes one more wish for his friends’ safety and good health.
Once the cookies have come out of the oven and cooled, the icing can begin. Kurita looks at their blank forms, trying to imagine iced hair and eyes, but something is missing.
“We should draw Santa hats on everyone, too!” he exclaims suddenly. Why didn’t it occur to him before? “I want everyone to think of the Christmas Bowl when they see their cookies.”
Hiruma snaps a piece off one and pops it into his mouth. “Tastes disgustingly sweet,” he says, wrinkling his nose up in distaste. “Last thing they need is extra icing.”
Hiruma watches over Kurita’s shoulder as the lineman clumsily begins outlining faces and hats. His hand isn’t steady, and the icing tube is hard to control—it comes out in a thin line at first, and then all at once, and Kurita has to scrape some of it off into the sink. By the time he’s done with Eyeshield’s mask, it’s nothing but a green smear with a few wobbly white lines running across the bottom.
Mamori’s turns out particularly rough, one eye practically off the cookie entirely and a crooked, toothy smile that could rival Hiruma’s. Her hat looks more like a horn has sprouted from her head rather than any sort of Christmas accessory.
Hiruma snatches the cookie off the counter and howls with laughter, twisting and turning it under the light.
“This,” he says between breaths, “this is some real blackmail material. She pulls that fucking ogre face exactly when someone steals the last cream puff!”
Kurita scrambles to take the cookie back, knowing Hiruma is near impossible to steal from both on the field and off it—and knowing that somehow, magically, it’s already been immortalized in Hiruma’s book.
“Please put Mamori-chan down,” Kurita begs, making a dive as Hiruma dances nimbly out of the way. He looks up from the floor. “She’s supposed to feel like giving her all when she receives it!”
Hiruma squats down in front of him and dangles the cookie over his head. “You offering a deal?”
Kurita nods so vigorously that his head brushes against the floor. “Anything!”
Dropping Mamori’s face into Kurita’s outstretched hands, Hiruma stands and brushes his hands off on his pants. “Then you’re icing my cookie next, and when I see it, it has better make me feel like we made it to the Christmas Bowl.”
Kurita blinks, caught off-guard. For as long as he can remember, Hiruma had set his jaw over winter vacation and simply run their practices harder and longer. It made Kurita sad to see his friend like that, determined but a little bit ragged, pushing himself harder and harder while watching his goal stay just out of reach.
But this year—this year was different. Wasn’t this the first time Hiruma had participated in something really feeling like winter spirit?
And Kurita has been waiting for this joy, this spark, for a long time.
Trying not to feel too embarrassed, he shuffles around to the other side of the counter. “Actually… I made yours already. Though I know you don’t like sweets.”
Now it’s Hiruma’s turn to be surprised. Kurita is pulling out a celophane gift bag with a snowflake ribbon tied around it, inside which is a stack of messy cookies that have something resembling his own face iced on.
They’re all smiling, eyes drawn arching upward as little crescent moons, and it’s quite possibly the least malicious Hiruma has ever looked in his life.
He laughs again, realizing how easy it’s been to do tonight, and takes the bag from Kurita’s hand.
“I’ll eat them,” Hiruma declares, stomach turning a little at the thought. “No matter how fucking disgusting they are, I’ll eat them all. No fucking cookie is going to get in the way of giving my all for the Christmas Bowl.”
Kurita beams at him. True, he’s not 100% sure what that means, but it’s definitely good.
It’s definitely how Hiruma should feel over winter vacation.
“Actually…” Kurita starts, and when Hiruma looks up the fucking fatty’s arms are full to the brim with bags and bags of holiday cookies. “I made a few test batches of you, too…?”
Hiruma reaches for his machine gun.
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ducksandknights · 1 year
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Book your tickets now for the 2023 Eyeshield 21 Winter Gift Exchange!
The ES21 Winter Gift Exchange is a Secret-Santa style fandom event where you make art/fic/etc. for another fan, remaining anonymous until you post your gifts on December 21st. If that sounds like a good time, read on!
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✈ 01: Sign-up by completing the Google Form linked above. Make sure to answer any/all questions relevant to you, but otherwise include as much or as little detail as you'd like. ✉ 02: Optionally, reblog this post so more people see it. ✈ 03: Sign-ups end at the end of the day Oct 28th. After that, watch for a message telling you who you're making a gift for. Make sure to stay anonymous until the end: if you have questions for your giftee ask on anon or tell me and I'll relay your questions. ✉ 04: Work on your gift! Fics should be ~1k words minimum (feel free to make something longer if you wish!). There's no size minimum for art, but art should similarly be completed to whatever completed is for you, allowing for stylistic differences. ✈ 05: Keep an eye out on Dec 16th for a check-in message - you don’t need to be done with your gift at this point, but please respond to this message within a day or so so I know you’re still good to go and I don’t need to fill-in for your gift! ✉ 06: On that note: please let me know ahead of time (e.g. before the deadline) if you need to drop out or if you don’t think you can complete your gift. I don’t have to know specifics and there will be absolutely no judgment; I fully understand that life can throw all sorts of stuff at you, but prior notice will allow me or another pinch-hitter to complete the gift for you. ✈ 07: Post your gift on December 21st! Make sure to tag the event (#ES2023WGE or any upper/lower case derivatives of this) so we have everything in one spot. ✉ 08: Optional but nice: reblog your gift and add some nice comments or tags :-)
Feel free to send me any questions/comments you might have anytime! Sorry for my characteristically on-brand super long post. (Thanks for reading til the end!)
I hope you decide to join us; this event is my favorite!! ✉✈✉
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ducksandknights · 1 year
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ducksandknights · 1 year
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Eyeshield 21 (2002) 21st anniversary one-shot teaser made by Yusuke Murata
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ducksandknights · 1 year
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Commission for @ducksandknights
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ducksandknights · 1 year
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A compilation of Sidon and Mipha sketches I’ve posted on my twitter in the last few months.
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ducksandknights · 2 years
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Just in case you forget this exists.
It exists.
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ducksandknights · 2 years
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frame portrait commish for @maryroses of chika from kono oto tomare - tysm!
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ducksandknights · 2 years
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A new player has joined the field!
TOUCHDOWN has successfully surpassed 100 orders! As such, all physical orders will now include this Panther sticker created by @manaohu
You have just 1 day left to order your own bundle — don't delay!
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ducksandknights · 2 years
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so excited for the gorgeous @es21fanzine!!!  I had so much fun writing this fic and I loved making rui suffer :D
please consider checking the shop out, this zine is going to be amazing!!
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