duskydawnsblog · 2 years
Stumbles out of google docs covered in blood
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duskydawnsblog · 3 years
There's nothing more accurate than this
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Yoohankim in a nutshell
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duskydawnsblog · 3 years
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Random ORV wallpapers because why not
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duskydawnsblog · 3 years
It was around the 20th scenario - or August 3rd for those who still used the calendar and kept track of date - when it happened for the first time.
[Constellation "Demon King of Salvation" would like to congratulate Incarnation "Yoo Joonghyuk"]
"Hm? Why?"
It was midnight and everyone was already sleeping. Yoo Joonghyuk had the first watch.
[Constellation "Demon King of Salvation" wishes Incarnation "Yoo Joonghyuk" Happy Birthday]
[Constellation "Demon-like Judge of Fire" is surprised]
[Constellation "Demon-like Judge of Fire" would also like to wish you Happy Birthday]
A lot of constellations joined in.
[300 000 coins have been sponsored]
"How did you know... Ah, you know everything, right. Thank you, I guess."
[Constellation "Demon King of Salvation" would like to know what you want for your birthday]
"To reach the end of scenarios is all I want. Just continue helping me with that, I don't need anything else."
[Constellation "Demon King of Salvation" nods]
In the morning, thanks to nudging from the constellations, the rest of the party learned of his birthday and insisted on celebrating it. He indulged them but didn't understand. Why would this day matter? Did he even exist 29 years ago? Or did he come into existence just a few years ago? He didn't have the memories of ever celebrating it. It was just another day. The date of birth was printed on his ID when he woke up, yes, but it could be just some random date someone generated for him. It probably was.
"Master! Make a wish already! I want to eat that cake!"
Will he ever learn about his origins? Maybe at the end of it all?
He made a wish and blew out the candles. He didn't have the memories of ever celebrating this day but he can make them now.
It happened again a year later. Right at midnight a message appeared.
[Constellation "Demon King of Salvation" wishes you Happy Birthday]
"Thank you."
[Constellation "Demon King of Salvation" would like to know if you want anything for your birthday]
"My answer hasn't changed from last year."
[Constellation "Demon King of Salvation" nods]
[You have been sponsored an item "Small Revelation"]
A piece of paper with familiar handwriting appeared in his hands.
"I said I don't want anything."
[Constellation "Demon King of Salvation" says that you told you wanted to reach the end of scenarios]
[Constellation "Demon King of Salvation" says that this should help a little bit]
[Constellation "Demon King of Salvation" thinks that some rude bastards should thank those who gift them things]
"Right. Thank you."
Yoo Joonghyuk truly wanted to thank this constellation. All this time he helped him and his companions to safely clear the scenarios. Without his priceless guidance, they wouldn't be able to reach this far with everyone alive and healthy. They would have died a dozen times.
He wanted to talk to him. Not through these silly messages but to hear his voice and see what he looks like. What does he look like actually? He can ask that. It's his birthday, he has the right to ask for things.
"I know what I want for my birthday, Demon King of Salvation."
[Constellation "Demon King of Salvation" is listening]
"What do you look like? Can you describe it through messages?"
[Constellation "Demon King of Salvation" is confused]
"It's what I want to know. I can't hear your voice but I want to at least imagine you when I talk to you."
The constellation didn't answer. Yoo Joonghyuk sighed and continued to prepare for sleep.
He already laid down and almost closed his eyes when another message appeared.
[You have been sponsored an item "Drawing"]
Yoo Joonghyuk sat up. A familiar folded piece of paper was on his knees. He reached for it and opened it. In the dim moonlight he could make out the features of a man. He appeared to be korean with dark hair and dark eyes. There was a hint of a smile on his lips. He wore a white coat. He was standing in an empty subway car.
"Is that you?"
He looked... average. He looked...
"Human. You look human."
[Constellation "Demon King of Salvation" says that he was a human once]
[Constellation "Demon King of Salvation" says that he might still be]
Constellations seemed so unreachable high on the sky. He mostly didn't care about them. They will fall. They will pay for what they inflicted and continue to inflict on them. How dare they enjoy their suffering?
And yet...
Standing in an empty subway car was just a man. Yoo Joonghyuk could have seen him on the subway before the scenarios and not pay attention. Just an average human around his age. Was it a trick? Yoo Joonghyuk wouldn't have survived this far if he had trusted his eyes.
"Is that your real appearance?"
[Constellation "Demon King of Salvation nods]
"Then what about the "demon king" part, Demon King of Salvation?"
[Constellation "Demon King of Salvation" admits that he can grow wings and horns at will]
"I see. And what about the subway?"
The constellation doesn't answer him right away. Several minutes pass. He lays back down and closes his eyes. In his mind, the stranger (an acquaintance? a friend? a companion?) smiles. It's not a happy smile. The subway car is empty, soulless, lonely. It feels like...
"You don't have to answer."
No messages appear. Maybe the strange man in the subway fell asleep. He tries one last time.
"What is the view outside like?"
A short pause.
[Constellation "Demon King of Salvation" says there is nothing outside]
The subway car feels like prison.
[Constellation "Demon King of Salvation" wishes you Happy Birthday]
"Thank you."
The end of scenarios is near.
"It's been almost three years. Quite possible, my next birthday will be in a world without scenarios."
[Constellation "Demon King of Salvation" is sure of it]
[Constellation "Demon King of Salvation" asks what you want to do after the end of scenarios]
"I don't know. Open an orphanage maybe. Travel a bit without seeing monsters everywhere. Propose to Lee Seolhwa. Take the party on a vacation."
Those are nice dreams and a nice life without danger. He likes the sound of it but will he be able to adapt to this peaceful life?
[Constellation "Demon King of Salvation" wishes for you to be happy]
"Thank you. I'll try. You... Will you still be here after the end?"
[Constellation "Demon King of Salvation" says that he will always be here]
Yoo Joonghyuk stares at the message for some time. A smile is spreading on his lips for just one person.
"I see. Then I don't have to say goodbye. Watch me. I will bring the end to scenarios."
Yoo Joonhyuk walks out of the house at 11:59 PM and sits on the stairs. As usual, the message appears right on time.
[Constellation "Demon King of Salvation" wishes you Happy Birthday]
"Thank you."
It seems to become a tradition. Yoo Joonghyuk now likes those. It is a tradition to gather together for lunch on Sundays. It is a tradition to wake up every morning and see Lee Seolhwa still sleeping next to him. It is a tradition to look up at the sky every now and then and find the only star remaining there.
It is a tradition to celebrate his birthday on August 3.
He's nowhere close to the truth of his origins though. He still knows as much as he knew before the first scenario. It eats at him sometimes - not knowing where he came from. Is he real? Is he human?
[Constellation "Demon King of Salvation" wishes to know what you want for your birthday]
He almost says it. He opens his mouth but nothing comes out. It would be so easy to ask.
The constellation's messages are not frequent these days. He's still there, still watching him. But the end of scenarios and weakened System affect his ability to send messages or his remaining Probability or whatever. For now, it is one message every few days. It seems he prepared for today to be able to send several messages.
He doesn't know how much Probability it cost to send just one Revelation. He just knows it was a lot, it must have took an insane amount of it to send so many details and plans for the future. And that crazy guy sent a lot of Revelations making sure they were fully prepared for everything.
What would it cost to give a straight detailed answer to Yoo Joonghyuk's questions? Does he really want it?
No. All these years he followed Demon King of Salvation's lead. He willingly walked the path someone else prepared for him.
It would be so easy to ask once again for an answer, to let him solve yet another of his problems.
No. This is something he must do himself. Instead...
"The scenarios are over. I no longer need your help."
Indeed, there is nothing the constellation could give him. There's no use for hidden pieces, new armor, Stories or coins.
"You promised to always be here. I ask you to keep that promise."
Yoo Joonhyuk doesn't see how a lone tear falls to the floor of a subway car, then another one. He doesn't see the message [Story "Life and Death Companions" cries]. He doesn't hear the whisper "I'm sorry, I've broken it so many times..."
What he sees is just a message devoid of anguish, sorrow and longing.
[Constellation "Demon King of Salvation" asks if you want to become companions]
[Constellation "Demon King of Salvation" greets his companion]
[Constellation "Demon King of Salvation" wants you to talk about your day or your life or anything]
Yoo Joonghyuk smiles at the sky. What a strange pair they are.
"For today, I thought about making a carrot cake..."
He returns to the bed a couple of hours later, sleepy but satisfied with their conversation. He worms his way under the warmth of the blanket and nuzzles to Lee Seolhwa. She wakes up for a bit, murmurs "happy birthday" and falls asleep again.
Tomorrow will be a nice day.
Years pass. He lives a happy life.
That's what he says to Demon King of Salvation, nearing his end.
"I'm happy."
He failed at finding the truth about his origins. Finally, after all these years he asks for it.
"It's not my birthday but can I have this final gift?"
He searches the log for an ancient sponsor selection notification and agrees to it. However, this answer he cannot have this easily.
Regress time and time again to find the truth and meet Demon King of Salvation. He never shied away from the challenge.
"This stigma then... is a final gift from you."
[You dumb bastard,] Demon King of Salvation's true voice is filled with pain. [It's not a gift. It's a curse. It'll bring you so much pain. You will want to die. You will die. You won't even remember this life and this happiness. You won't remember why you keep regressing! It's not a gift at all!]
"But you will watch me?.. You will keep... your promise?" Yoo Joonghyuk's voice is quieter and quieter. He clings to life waiting for an answer.
[Yes. I will always be here, by your side. We are companions.]
Yoo Joonghyuk gathers all of his remaining strength.
"Then I won't be alone. Thank you for your greatest gift, for this happy life. When I see you again-" he coughs.
[Stigma "Regression Lv.1" is activating!]
[Your sponsor has agreed to the activation of the stigma]
"When I see you again, I wish for you to celebrate my birthday with me."
[Of course.] Kim Dokja lied through his teeth.
The figure of Yoo Joonghyuk disappeared in golden sparks.
[Your Incarnation has forgotten your Modifier.]
[Your Incarnation has forgotten all memories related to you.]
[All information related to you are now marked as '???']
Kim Dokja stared at the flickering light for a very long time.
It was some twenty thousand years later when Kim Dokja realized that he didn't lie at all on that day he bid a farewell to the 0th turn Yoo Joonghyuk.
He returned to his friends just in time for Yoo Joonghyuk's birthday. He can't leave his room yet so the celebration takes place right there. Everyone's smiling and cheering. The cake holds thirty-something candles (no one bothered to count exactly how old he is - the number would be too big to be comfortable).
"Master! Make a wish already! The cake must be delicious!"
Yoo Joonghyuk stares not at the cake but at the smiling man sitting on the bed.
"Kim Dokja."
"You fulfilled your promise."
"Oh... I guess I did. Alright then, what do you want for your birthday?"
Yoo Joonghyuk keeps silent for a little while. Then he smiles with just a corner of his mouth. Words of a distant past, of a time just as happy as now, come clearly to him.
"You promised to always be here. I ask of you to keep that promise."
("Hey, when did that happen?" "Such a shameless liar" "Shh!! Quiet!")
Kim Dokja is surprised by this wish. Then his gaze softens, a small smile on his lips.
"I promise. Happy Birthday."
Satisfied, Yoo Joonghyuk blows out the candles.
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duskydawnsblog · 3 years
Theory: Baizhu is...?
Disclaimer: this is a theory, it doesn't have to be true, if its false, don't blame me, I warned you beforehand
Also, take this with humor and not to seriously
And spoilers of Liyue's or Xiao's lore
Ok let's begin with this
It seems that Baizhu is an outlander like Albedo or Amber's grandfather (just examples, they had nothing to do with this) but he does have a vision, a Liyuan one, but Zhongli didn't seem to know about him... So he is probably of Liyue or he has more than he looks like
So either Baizhu is a snake like creature (like a lamia), or is he an Adeptus?
Exhibit 1: let's take a look to his face
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Author, more close
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His face seems familiar... Were did I see it? Oh wait-
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They had the same make up, and believe me when I said that almost all the Adepti use the same make up (only Madame Ping and Mountain Shaper (I think)) use that type
Also, Xiao and Baizhu have the same pupils
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Ok, maybe I'm wrong but as I said before, don't take this seriously, but if it's true I f-ing called it
Exhibit 2: Baizhu's sickness
If you have Qiqi or talk with Herbalist Gui, you'll know that Baizhu has a sickness that made him frail, Qiqi mentions that even tho she's a zombie, she's much better than Baizhu
So why this is important?
I don't know what sickness he has but if this is true, I may know were he got his sickness
'Some of the archons' souls were filled with bitterness at their fate, and refused to suffer it any longer. Their bitterness materialized and became evil monsters. The monsters' rage manifested itself in the form of diseases, monster infestations, and all kinds of other strange occurrences' is a little extract of the book Yakshas: The Vigilant Adepti, you can see were this is going
So, I think Baizhu was a Yaksha, to be more precise, Bosacius
If you did the Yaksha's wish, you'll know that Bosacius was the missing Yaksha, and is presumably dead
In this quest you encounter his statement, were he leaves his wealth to the one that's fated to it, in simple terms, you
So, this is my theory, Bosacius was contaminated by the corruption and disease, so once his duties were done, he would end his suffering, but he might failed and/or was saved by Changsheng
If this is true, Changsheng might be like Qiqi, someone who has Adeptal energy or because an Adepti, but my only exhibits with this are that she can speak, that she's been with Baizhu for a very long time and that she's diurnal
But hey, before you said 'BuT oZ iS-!' Oz is probably a manifestation of Fischl's vision's powers
Either way, at some point, Bosacius changed his name to Baizhu and at some point meet Changsheng, later open (or began to work at) the Bubu Pharmacy, he took Qiqi in, while trying to cure his disease, hint why Herbalist Gui tell us that he's ill since they first met til today and hasn't gone better
And if you look at Baizhu for the very first time, would you tell me that he's sick? Because for me, he isn't
Now this could apply to Rouran but we 'haven't' met him nor have a model of him, neither more information about him other than he's male, the owner of Pearl Galley, we meet him without noticing, and that he is physically frail
So that it, that's the theory
I'm going to admit that I was planning on taking about his medicines because they mentioned that they are traditional, and I thought 'oh! Maybe Guizong showed him how to made them?'
Anyways, sorry for not posting here (I decided to work on many oneshots and never finished them), many things happened but I got a Diluc (in Zhongli's banner (yay!)) a Jean, Wolf's gravestone and another Mona (got one earlier) on the Wanderlust Invocation while trying to get the Primordial Jade-wingded Spear for Xiao and thanking Paimon that I don't need any 4 star of Ganyu's banner nor their constellations, and I don't want Ganyu honestly (for now) I waited since the beginning for Xiao and I will get him
Have a great day/night, stay safe, take care of your self and good luck with your pulls
And for the Xiao's simps or stans, keep going! We only need to suffer for like 20 days before his banner (if he goes first (which I hope so))
Edit 1 (18/1/2021) (don't know how many edits this will have):
Thanks for the likes, this literally blew up, and I really wanted to say that I appreciate it
Anyways, this edit is short because I just saw Baizhu's vision and a little thought I had so
Exhibit 3: Baizhu's vision
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That vision chain thing and Xiao's shoulder pad (?) look so similar (for me) that I actually suffer through an Mandela effect (I thought that Baizhu's vision chain was identical to Xiao's shoulder pad)
This doesn't add to much but I kinda find it curious (if you want, picture me with the clown wig and make up, I don't blame you)
By the way, the daughter that Huixin mentions she has is Yaoyao? Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me, someone tasked Ganyu to take care of her, and that someone is working in the Ministry of civil affairs, and the first thing that comes in my mind if you ask me of someone who's Ganyu's underling, the first thing that comes to my mind is Yaoyao, if it's true tho... I called it!
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duskydawnsblog · 4 years
Haikyuu!! Edits
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duskydawnsblog · 4 years
Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All that blood was never once beautiful. It was always just red.
Kait Rokowski (via bnmxfld)
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duskydawnsblog · 4 years
“I had no idea what I wanted, only that I wanted something, which is the worst kind of wanting.”
— David Levithan
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duskydawnsblog · 6 years
Perhaps now you will find your happy ending.
“And suddenly you know: It’s time to start something new and trust the magic of new beginnings.”
— Meister Eckhart (via qvotable)
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duskydawnsblog · 6 years
And that is why truth hurts
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Lemony Snicket / The Carnivorous Carnival
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duskydawnsblog · 6 years
Isn't it? Isn't it? Isn't it so fucking true?
“whatever you say, it is not right. whatever you do, it is not enough. your kindness is fake. your pain is manipulative.” i felt that
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duskydawnsblog · 6 years
I will forever love you.
“If you forget everything else about me, please remember this. I walked down that street and I never looked back and I love you. I love you. I love you so much that I shall hate you for ever for today.”
— John Fowles // The Magus (via qvotable)
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duskydawnsblog · 6 years
And better things will always come to those who wait.
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You Me At Six / Liquid Confidence
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duskydawnsblog · 6 years
These days a guy treating a girl right, respecting her wishes, trusting her, promising his loyalty to her and believing in her has become a luxury when it is supposed to be a right. Learn to respect a woman and treat her right. She deserves it. And if you do so, you will receive the same because you deserve it too.
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duskydawnsblog · 6 years
And that's when I knew I was in love.
The sound of his voice makes waves crash against the walls of my heart
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duskydawnsblog · 6 years
We are strong. Stronger than we think. Stronger than they will ever know.
“My girl, she is fierce. She pulled out the tongue of a man with her dragon teeth, when he stuck it down where it doesn’t belong. My girl, she is the princess. She is also the dragon. Whoever wrote down that she has to be one or the other, obviously, got it wrong. My girl, she’s delicate. I wiped her tears away, my lips on her cheekbones, whispering prayer upon prayer, wishing justice upon a girl that the world done wrong. My girl, she is beautiful. Her skin like charcoal, her eyes like fire when she told me to run, and her trembling body that night when I stayed. My girl, she is beautiful. Her voice like Jasmine tea, her mind like the rivers, when she told me of dreams about far away places and nightmares about demons with their reptilian skin. My girl, she is precious. She took me to the blue ocean and held me as the sun set and the sun rose out of the ember seas like a ball of fire. Taught me about the sacred and holy things, like how a human body is meant to be touched softly and about how it craves the harshness when it is hurting. My girl, she is mine, as I am hers. We are spun out of our women birthed out of a sea of blood, how is it a surprise how strong we are while we bleed, while our bodies break and our eyes lose their color. We are blood, we are hard work, we are determination, we are women.”
— oscarsins
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duskydawnsblog · 6 years
Love her, for she doesn't know what it feels like to be truly loved.
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