dutybound-haze · 2 years
HEY just so y’all know I’m moving all my BnHA muses to a multi, since I wanted to write Nezu but had;;; way too many blogs. If you want to keep writing with me please give me a follow over there!
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A BnHA Multimuse corralled by Lauren King~
Features Canons and OCs
Non-selective, open to all
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dutybound-haze · 2 years
    Hisato took his drink with a little curt nod in thanks. While his partner in crime went to change, he himself sipped idly on his wine, humming at the taste. When his right hand returned, he swiveled in his seat with a playful clap. 
“Oh my~ Why don’t you look quite the absolutely terrifying~” He teased. Standing, with his wine in hand, he moved his free hand up to feel one of the horns upon his companions head, muffling a soft laugh.
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“Adorable darling. Even have a prop, I’m impressed~”
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Kurogiri huffed a little, although since it was Hisato teasing him that was alright. “Now, since we are both dressed up, I believe it’s traditional to demand treats from those simply trying to rest in their own homes, under threat of tricks for noncompliance.” At least, that was how he remembered it.
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dutybound-haze · 2 years
“Oh? You would stoop so low for me? You spoil me, old sport~” 
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All For One chuckled softly, giving him a soft smile. “I your demonlord and you my loyal demon at my side. I’d like that and you always did look dashing in red.”
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Kurogiri grinned slightly. “I’ll go get my red tie, then. And perhaps a little pitchfork,” he said, putting the glass in front of Hisato before heading off.
He returned quickly with the promised red tie, and wearing little horns (though they were mostly covered by his fog).
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dutybound-haze · 2 years
“I look ridiculous.”
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 The ancient grumbled as he pointed to the pair of devil horns on his head. “Don’t encourage them darling. But thank you all the same.” He sighed, tugging on the tail in quiet annoyance.
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“Perhaps I could dress as an imp, we could look ridiculous together,” Kurogiri chuckled, pouring a glass of the good wine.
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dutybound-haze · 2 years
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“Kurogiri fetch me the good wine! Ignore the demon tail.”
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“Hm, of course. Though if I were not ignoring the tail, then I might say it looks quite fetching on you.”
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dutybound-haze · 2 years
"Sometimes creating is far more sinister than killing."
Verlaine, Stormbringer, pg 199
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dutybound-haze · 2 years
   “See? I told you. You are you. You are Kurogiri. The man I love…” Sato smiled, brushing his wet knuckles against his lover face, his ruby eyes twinkling happily. “And you are truly beautiful.”  Leaning forwards would, would he kiss his lips, lingering for a moment before pulling away to playfully splash him in his newfound face.
“Daft fool. Of course I love it. I love you no matter what you look like. Not just for the stubble though I must say, darling, you look quite handsome with it~”
Kurogiri laughed softly at the ‘scolding’, nodding. “Truly foolish of me to imply otherwise,” he agreed, grinning. He wondered what it said about him that his smile naturally formed a smirk of all things. “But dear, if you make me blush now it will be quite obvious, I’m not sure I can handle such kind words.”
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dutybound-haze · 2 years
      “Your soul is distinct. A violet that swirls in a very sentient pattern. I should know. I’ve connected with it many times. It’s nothing like the one time I met the other.” Sato’s red eyes glowed faintly between the hot mist in the room. “Every soul has a color and every soul takes it’s own shape. That shape in physicals form will always map out to the core of that soul.”
‘’I suppose because you truly are a created life, you chose this form to have some similarities to the boy who was your foundation,, but is also unique enough to hold your name. Your soul embodied.” He gave Kurogiri a playful wink. “I had no say in the way you look~” Sato confessed. “I was going to tell you eventually of course. But if you ever needed proof you were alive? Your reflection now is it.”
So that was truly him? He wondered how many times that fact could shock him as he looked down at his reflection in the water. His reflection, his face, him. “It’s going to take some time to adjust, but... I’m glad. Knowing I have a face of my own... I believe it will help separate me further from him. It’s... a physical reminder of my self.”
He looked back up at Hisato, taking his hand and pressing it against his cheek. “And I do like that you so enjoy my stubble. I’m quite glad my soul chose to have it.”
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dutybound-haze · 2 years
    “Call me a sucker for facial hair. I think it’s a nice touch. Fits you well.” He mused with a shrug. “And you have yet to complain either so I suppose you like it as well.” He mused as he lent back against the rim of the tub, humming at the heat. “You know, I can’t help but wonder if this molding took response to what I wanted crafted or what your soul did. Mayhap this is what you, your soul believes you look like. Not I. Makes you wonder, hmm~”
Kurogiri sat back at that, considering it. He supposed, looking in the mirror when he realized that face would remain, it felt... correct for him to look that way.
“Perhaps... you’re right? I had thought you had chosen this appearance for me.” But considering the many similarities to Oboro, he supposed that didn’t make sense. Hisato wouldn’t have chosen for him to look like that, would he? Still, he was slowly starting to become comfortable with it, so he didn’t regret those similarities.
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dutybound-haze · 2 years
@dad-for-one asked:
Cuddles against his human faced lover in a nice hot bathtub, idly feeling over his stubble with a low purr of delight.
The bath had been a good idea. He would have to thank Hisato (again) later for bringing it up, giving him a chance to get more used to his current appearance.
“You’re quite taken by this- by my stubble, hm?” He had alrady guessed as much, considering he didn’t have any before Hisato helped him look more like himself.
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dutybound-haze · 2 years
   “It’s alright. Hopefully with this new face under your mist, if you shall ever be without your smoke, it will bring a subtle comfort from now on. It won’t dissipate even when you return to your normal fog.” He nodded. “I will always be right here to assure you who you are. To turn away dark thoughts of the opposite. You can rely on me, darling.”
The new face wouldn’t fade? Kurogiri’s eyes widened in surprise, and he turned back towards the mirror to examine it properly. He would be keeping that face, it was truly his.
“I- Thank you. I don’t- This is- Thank you.” He wouldn’t have to face that corpse again. The last of his tension drained, and he pulled Hisato in for a grateful kiss.
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dutybound-haze · 2 years
   And Hisato would simply take his hand with his own, a calming presence by his side, smiling up to his lover if only to ease his worry.
“My darling Kurogiri indeed. The man I belong to. This I will happily remind you over and over until you believe it yourself.”
Kurogiri closed his eyes with a shaky sigh, leaning against Hisato. “... I do believe it... usually.” Progress was, infuriatingly, not linear. Sometimes he slid back to old doubts, old wounds, old worries. It was... frustrating. “I am sorry that we need to keep having this conversation. But I am glad you are always here to reassure me. Thank you.”
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dutybound-haze · 2 years
   The ivory haired man blinked in confusion before giving a hesitant nod and stepping away. “That face was not you. This is you, dear.” Hisato watched him with a faint frown. “That was just your old foundation. A base to the new man created. Think of it as but your skeleton. Do the bones make a person? Of course not. Simply what helps us get around.”
“Yes. Of course. You’re right, of course.” It would be so much easier to just let himself believe that wholeheartedly. So why couldn’t he? Something about the whole thing still unsettled him. Could he really reject what he used to be so completely, when he had just seen it right in front of him?
He shook his head, taking a deep breath. “Yes. I am Kurogiri. Not that corpse.” But still, his hands trembled ever so slightly.
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dutybound-haze · 2 years
“Sorry about the tap there, dear. It take a bit of physical action to get the power working. Could’ve slapped your backside but I was being nice~” He teased with a mischievous wink.
 Glad with his solution he came up to his mate, thumbing over his stubble with a hum of approval. “Well I must admit you are quite handsome like this. Misty or not, I love you.” Hisato assured. “You look dashing, darling.”
Kurogiri reached up and gently moved Hisato’s hand away. “I love you,” he assured him, “but I need... a few moments. This was all quite a shock.” Despite the new face All for One had given him, he was still shaken by the appearance of his true form.
He just really didn’t feel very attractive, at that point, despite Hisato’s gift. He would have to process what he had seen, first.
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dutybound-haze · 2 years
    “Ooooh I love when you curse, darling. Quite fetching. One moment. I need to imagine a good face to fit you. I’ve always had this quirk but rare get to use it! This should be fun~” He clapped his hands in delight as he looked his lover over.
 “Hmm…I got it! Stand still~” With a playful wink he promptly slapped the corpse in the face. Light at it was, when Kurogiri turned back around, he would take on more handsome features, hair aglow and moving in a black misty smoke now, eyes a glowing amber. “There we go! Much better.” He gestured to a nearby mirror. “Sooo? What do you think?”
Well, the slap was clearly the activation requirement, so Kurogiri brushed right by that and looked to the mirror. Seeing the face there, he relaxed. It... looked like him. Yes, there were still notably features from his actual physical form, but smoothed over and made his.
He smiled in relief, though it looked closer to a smirk with how one corner of his lips raised higher than the other. “Yes. Yes, I quite like this. Thank you, sir.”
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dutybound-haze · 2 years
“What in the world.” 
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Hisato made a face at the sight before him. Oh. “You um…you’re missing your smoke dear.” Saying the obvious out loud. “I can give you a temporary fix, make you less….dead looking.”
Well, at leat being by Hisato took the edge off of Kurogiri’s panic. Especially knowing that there was a fix, of sorts. For the time being.
“Yes, please,” he huffed, straightening his already-immaculate waistcoat as if that would help his appearance at all. “This is, excuse the language, fucking vexing.”
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dutybound-haze · 2 years
   “I feel your devotion. But here I am still wondering when you’ll show the ‘depths’ of it~” Hisato teased with a mischief making smirk, peppering little kisses over a dark face. He was teasing of course, he just like teasing his beloved~
“Will you make me yours tonight, my love~”
With a grin, Kurogiri pulled himself on top of Hisato again, looking down at him and admiring everything he saw. “Well then... it’s such a good thing we don’t need to be quiet anymore, Sir~” he teased, before moving in to show Hisato as much love as possible.
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