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Adéla: “Most recently? When Jaroslav and Nezha needed to be picked up from some party, piss drunk, only for me and Yi to find that they’d somehow lost Marick. Naturally it took all of us until about 4 in the morning to find him.”
tags: @ask-hetaaca-chiwanan @ask-hetaaca-germany @ask-hetaaca-nyobelgium
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hoes mad on god
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[hey, i’m remembering now that i never said bye before i archived. kal did a funny haha exit and naturally i will do everything kal does bc i love u @arcvd—ask-hetaaca-nyobelgium but yeah lol hate it here bye yall! if you want to see more of my characters pls kno i will be rbing stuff abt aus as i join them <3 peace!]
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We get it, like seriously, we get it. You’re leaving the au. No need to continue to reblog your Magnus archives au blog.
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"I'm not leaving," Ludwig snapped back, "Anyway, what's Magnus archives? What is he archiving?"
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(thanks @arcvd---ask-hetaaca-nyobelgium)
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Hi everyone! This is my last post on this blog. Nezha was going on an adventure to a Big Forest in China and then he died. Thank you so much for supporting this blog 💖 Bye! [ credits to kal @arcvd—ask-hetaaca-nyobelgium​ for the outro post! ]
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Hello! This is Kal, the mun of the blog. I would like to announce that from now on, I will no longer be affiliated with the hetaaca AU, and therefore I will be leaving. It’s been a fun like, 4 months? I don’t remember. But I just dont feel the need to continue being in an AU I no longer wish to be active in. There are a lot of reasons for this, but I honestly don't feel the need to state them. Thank you so much for supporting this blog until now! I will now be archiving this blog.
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[legend noises,,, playfully snarky fusion hours @ask-hetaaca-nyobelgium]
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🔮? :)
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@ask-hetaaca-nyobelgium there they are!!!! they’re p normal looking compared to other fusions
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Is there anyone you wanna try and befriend at camp?
Lottie: "Of course there is!"
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“There are some friends of mine that I want to get closer to- i-if they feel like it as well, that is- like Arthur, Henri and Alki! For now, Henri ( @ask-hetaaca-nyobelgium) and I have been chatting about how are we even functioning after we ran out of our chocolate and sweets stock. It might seem funny, but it’s terrifying.”
“Another thing is that Alki ( @ask-hetaaca-2pgreece) and I found a bunch of tiny frogs next to a river the other day. They were so cuuuute! We wanted to keep them, but...some people in the cabins weren’t so happy with it, plus we shouldn’t take the wild life from their home.”
“Now for Arthur ( @ask-hetaaca-england), I’ve asked him to train with me! He isn’t much of a talker, so I figured that training and using our quirks freely would be a better idea and it’s been fun!”
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“Now for new friends, I want to get to talk to Monika ( @ask-hetaaca-nyogermany). We crossed paths a couple of times and I feel like we could be friends! I-I’m not sure if she wants to talk to me though, I have the feeling we’re kind of awkward around one another, but that won’t stop me from trying!”
“Another one is Nikolai!( @ask-hetaaca-nyobelarus) I know he seems kind of cold- no pun intented- but I have the feeling he’s nice! Plus, I’ve heard him humming some Disney songs, and anyone who likes Disney is worth being friends with!”
“And at last but not least, there’s Abri!( @ask-hetaaca-2pnyoromano​) I spoke with her a little the other day and, even though she has a...different energy, if I can call it like that, I feel like she needs a friend. She wears some cute outfits too, so I think we have that in common!”
“I’m trying my best to be a little more open and less shy for friendship. It’s still a little difficult, but I’m managing.”
[Asks about the event are still open, so ask away! :D]
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whats popping henri
“The sun! Haha… Nothing much! I’m currently just hanging out with Yilin right now.  The weather is really nice! I really like the summer here.”
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🖍️!! :D
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((I could not resist ówò))
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whats popping henri
“The sun! Haha... Nothing much! I’m currently just hanging out with Yilin right now.  The weather is really nice! I really like the summer here.”
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🖍️ 🙈....
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🖍️ :D
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whats up summer? henri (and mun) is back in action!
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It’s that time! Come, have lunch, you’ll be shown to your cabins afterwards! You’ll have the rest of the evening to settle in and get ready for tomorrow’s activities.
Remember to follow the rules and don’t try to kill anyone. And have fun!
-art done by Wonder-
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Can you hear that? It’s the sound of birds chirping and water flowing and…. oh my! Do I hear laughing?
That’s right! It’s time for the annual summer training camp for all years and classes! The usually quiet forest will be bustling with student activity as they all train to be stronger, better, and, well, cooler! Cabins will be filled with chaos and the mess hall will be loud with laughter. Night time fire pit gatherings will be a must and throwing the first years into the river will be a pleasant introduction to the summer camp lifestyle. Get your gear ready for a month away behind the curtain of trees and wildlife!
This month’s training events will include:
-Capture the flag
-Water gun fight
-First year vs Second year vs Third year hiking trip/scavenger hunt
-Obstacle/Wipe Out course
Oh! And of course you can’t have a summer camp without at least one night around the firepit! Bring your stories: scary, true, dramatic, or silly. Marshmallows will be provided. And stay tuned for a concert held by the one and only Crescendo!
Don’t forget your sunscreen or hiking shoes! And we’ll see you soon!
-Event Starts 1st of July through 31st of July! Stay tuned with all the blogs!-
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